RITF :: Volume #15

#1463: Our family

PS. PS. Offers today's renewal, gives beginning 515 bean noodles festivals to draw the ticket while convenient, everyone 8 tickets, the voting also delivers the beginning coin, kneels to ask everybody to support the appreciation! 奉上今天的更新,顺便给『起点』515粉丝节拉一下票,每个人都有8张票,投票还送起点币,跪求大家支持赞赏! Sees with one's own eyes this, brave such as Ye Xiao has sucked unexpectedly also in an cold air/Qi. 亲眼看到这一幕,胆大如叶笑竟也不禁倒抽了一口冷气。 „The present fact was very obvious, this evil organization, the primary purpose only feared that no longer is the pure control person...... But uses some mysterious sinister and ruthless strength, steals Soul Force of these people...... Can use extremely weird cultivation technique, in instance that this person dies, the energy excellent part of dead, will pull out, shifts to the bodies of other person of things, the method of such evil spirits, is the calamity world offspring!” “现在的事实很明显了,这个邪恶组织,根本目的只怕已经不再是单纯控制人……而是采用某种神秘的阴毒力量,来窃取这些人的神魂之力……更能够用一种极为邪门的功法,在这人身死的瞬间,死者的能量精华部分,会被抽离、转移到其他人事物的身上,这样邪祟的法门,直是祸世根苗!” The Ye Xiao sound is especially serious, in the eye overflows the angry god light. 叶笑声音格外沉重,眼中更流溢出愤怒至极的神光。 If this mysterious organization is only murder, uses all sorts of method control people, pours, after all, through the ages all, but this type of organization, such does, insufficient for different. 这个神秘组织若只是杀人,利用种种手段控制人,倒也罢了,毕竟,古往今来所有的而这种组织,都是这么做的,不足为异。 All these that but now sees, completely were not Blue Clouds Heaven Territory this world to understand the cognition the evil spirits! 但现在看到的这一切,却已经是全然不属于青云天域这个世界所能够理解认知的邪祟! Surmounts all person lower limits the pinnacle! 超越所有人底限的极致! Looked up, these dead remains that we killed couple days ago.” Ye Xiao said one. “等下去查一查,咱们前几天杀死的那些死者遗骸。”叶笑说了一句。 After the murder, Ye Xiao and the others naturally must make flawlessly, already completely properly buried these corpses. 在杀人之后,叶笑等人自然要做得天衣无缝,早已将这些尸体全部妥善掩埋。 However, returned to dig out several graves, Ye Xiao and the others regarding saw completely is surprised. 然而之后返回去掘开了几个坟墓,叶笑等人对于所见尽都是大吃一惊。 Corpse that because, in the eye sees, completely turned into the dry corpse. 因为,眼中所看到的尸体,一具具尽都已经变成了干尸。 As if again does not have existence of least bit moisture content from top to bottom. 浑身上下仿佛再没有半点水分的存在。 Not a person of exception! 并无一人例外! Regarding such strange change, people look at each other in dismay. 对于这样奇诡的变化,众人面面相觑 Until now, short less than night of time. 迄今为止,才不过短短的不到一夜时间。 May see at present, even if the common dozens years of time only feared the decayed degree of not can be! 可眼前所见,就算是寻常数十年光阴只怕都达不到的腐朽程度吧! Except for extremely weird special Demonic Art, believes that does not have no cultivation technique again, can create the bad result.” The Jun Yinglian elegant face is pale, there is a pinnacle anger! “除了极其邪门的特异魔功,相信再也没有什么功法,能够造成恶劣的结果。”君应怜俏脸铁青,有一种极致的愤怒! This and other evil matters, exists in Blue Clouds Heaven Territory, is simply intolerant! 这等邪恶的事情,存在于青云天域,简直不可容忍! Continues to search!” In the Ye Xiao vision flashes through a firmness. “继续查找!”叶笑目光中闪过一丝坚定。 In his heart at this moment, performing is one anger that is hard to speak. 他此刻的心中,尽是一股难以言说的愤怒。 Ye Xiao this occasion remembers Cold Sun Continent Young Master Bai, that natural elegant, leaves the dust refined graceful bearing \; In heart a sigh: Young Master Bai, you may know, House of the Chaotic Storm that you established in the past, unexpectedly does degenerate now this situation of not being able to withstand?” 叶笑此际不禁想起寒阳大陆白公子,那份潇洒飘逸,出尘脱俗的风姿\;心中一阵叹息:“白公子,你可知道,你当年一手创立的翻云覆雨楼,现在竟然堕落到了这等不堪的地步?” Does not know that you do have to think, expert that you take great pains to train, now has become the Demon Race accomplice?” “不知道你有没有想过,你煞费苦心培养出来的高手,如今一个个的都成了魔族的帮凶?” You whether knows, your proficiently built formidable organization, wreaking havoc entire world?” “你又是否知道,你一手创建的强大组织,正在肆虐整个人间界?” If you know...... Believes that you aren't able to endure?” “若是你知道……相信你也无法忍受吧?” Ye Xiao breathed a sigh of relief gently. 叶笑轻轻舒了一口气。 He has not suspected Young Master Bai. 他从来没有怀疑过白公子 Although Young Master Bai has been hostile with, but, this person without doubt is the match who a rare making one respects. His disposition or residual poison, but definitely will not have such inhumanly. 白公子虽然一直与自己敌对,但,这个人无疑是一个难得的令人尊重的对手。他的心性或者残毒,但却绝对不会有这么的灭绝人性。 Also is a little: If this matter, is personally acts to lead by Young Master Bai, then, at this moment and the others, perhaps...... Early was killed. 还有一点就是:若是这件事情,乃是由白公子亲自出面主导的话,那么,此刻自己等人,恐怕……早已经丧命了。 So long as after setting out a strength restores Wan Of The Clouds, sufficiently slaughters entire Blue Clouds Heaven Territory! 只要出动一个实力恢复之后的云端之婉,就足以屠戮整个青云天域 Easy, easy as pie! 轻而易举,易如反掌! If Young Master Bai has a mind to do this grade of matter, really cannot need such big fee to be flustered. 白公子若是有心想要干这等事,实在用不到这么大费周章。 Read in us was once clearheaded to pity, takes as the friend......” Ye Xiao to smile, looks at the sky, said lightly: Lets me, cleans up the gateway for you.” “念在我们曾经惺惺相惜,引为知己……”叶笑微笑着,看着天空,淡淡道:“就让我,替你清理门户吧。” A night slaughters! 一夜杀戮! Even if Rou'er has the air/Qi of profound ice sustained input Pure Yin to be auxiliary, was still tired the Divine Soul Yin Soul loss completely \; Has to eat up high-quality Divine Pill, went back to recuperate the Yuan. 柔儿纵然有玄冰持续输入至阴之气辅助,仍旧累得神魂阴魄亏损殆尽\;不得不吃下一颗精品神丹,回去调养回元去了。 Ye Xiao and the others that night are weary cannot be popular. 叶笑等人这一夜也是疲不能兴。 Because the Rou'er status is secret, cannot make the bystander know inevitably, therefore the entire motion, has Ye Xiao, Jun Yinglian, acts to implement with the profound ice three people. 由于柔儿身份机密,势必不能让外人知道,所以整个行动,就只有叶笑,君应怜,和玄冰三个人出面实施。 This regarding currently speaking, most is worth the lineup of believing. 这对于目前来说,是最值得相信的阵容。 As for Li Wuliang and Han Bingxue Shuang and Han and the others, is the arrangement in surrounding You Zhuai, is paying attention silently, defends the peace of spot. 至于厉无量寒冰雪霜寒等人,则是安排在外围游拽,在默默关注,守住事发地点的安宁。 Everybody performs its own functions. 大家各司其职。 The second night, slaughters continues to carry on. 第二夜,杀戮持续进行。 During a piece is tranquil, the innumerable human lives, were harvested quietly. 在一片宁静之中,无数的人命,被悄然收割。 ...... …… Total how many people?” “共计有多少人?” Consecutively for three days, Rou'er, even if not abandon, still had consumed two Medicine Pill, actually also because of there is no construction without destruction, the broken then vertical reason, besides making up for consumption Divine Soul Yin Soul, causes the itself strength to strive, is a pleasant surprise. 连续三天,柔儿纵然不舍,仍旧是消耗了两颗丹药,却也因为不破不立,破而后立的缘故,除了弥补消耗的神魂阴魄,亦令到本身实力又有精进,算是一份意外的惊喜吧。 However hereafter Rou'er searched for the entire mountain valley surrounding area thousand li(500 km) boundary, again had not actually discovered that organized the trace of member mystically. 不过此后柔儿搜遍了整个山谷方圆千里地界,却再也没有发现神秘组织成员的痕迹。 Hence, this time dark night slaughters, announced comes to the end. 至此,这一次的暗夜杀戮,宣告告一段落。 Rou'er was tired to return to side Zhao Pingtian to rest. 柔儿已经累得回到赵平天身边休息去了。 Ye Xiao starts to count kills the head figures of opposite party specifically. 叶笑才开始统计具体杀伤对方的人头数目字。 Equals 9998 people.” Jun Yinglian these days get down to kill people to kill seriously leniently \; A elegant face pallidness. Although her cultivation level outstanding, but throughout is young woman. “合计9998人。”君应怜这几天下来当真杀人杀到手软\;俏脸一片煞白。虽然她修为高强,但始终还是个女人 When walk rivers and lakes, as a result of circumstance slaughters murder, but, such unilateral slaughtering human life, is makes her feel that somewhat cannot withstand. 行走江湖之时,因缘际会厮杀杀人也就罢了,但,这么单方面的屠戮人命,却是让她感觉有些承受不了。 Even if clearly knows these people could not be the person, even can say that these people completely degenerated into the demon trouble \; But, throughout had ended these many lives by oneself personally! 纵然明知道这些人已经不能算是人,甚至可以说,这些人已经完全沦为了魔患\;但,始终是由自己亲手结束了这么多的生命! In other words...... If adds on Zhao Pingtian and Ning Biluo they, this enemy sends the person who does an inside job, seriously is enough 10,000 people!” Ye Xiao was vibrated by this figure. “也就是说……若是加上赵平天宁碧落两人的话,此次敌人派来卧底的人,当真是足足的10000人!”叶笑被这个数字震动了一下。 Entire 10,000 undercovers! 整整10000个卧底! Seriously is the huge writing skill, single is the undercover, sent 10,000. 当真是天大的手笔,单只是卧底,就派过来了10000个。 Ye Xiao is completely conceivable, if no this dark night to slaughter, once fight formal outbreak time, disturbance that these undercovers can make, this how vast. 叶笑完全可以想象,若是没有这次暗夜杀戮,一旦战斗正式爆发的时候,这些卧底所能够制造的骚乱,该是多么的浩大。 After these many rivers and lakes men mixed ripe, who when fierce battle, but can also guard against oneself ally? 与这么多江湖汉子混熟了之后,又有谁会在激烈战斗的时候,还要防备自己身边的战友? The allies, cannot feel relieved that battlefield friend who the back entrusts?! 战友,不就是可以放心将后背予以托付的战地朋友么?! Really by that time, these people, once launches an attack, most conservative estimate, several thousand people, must be killed in their hands! 真到那时候,这些人一旦发难,最保守估计,也得有数万人,要丧命在他们手中! Even are more. 甚至更多。 Even possibly causes the total collapse of front! 甚至可能导致战线的全面崩溃! Ye Xiao self-examined, if has such condition seriously, oneself do not have idea similarly, the manpower is sometimes poor, the tyrannical military force no doubt is the Heaven Realm first essential factor, actually non- is the absolute essential factor, is tyrannical, the unequalled strength, places several thousand people and above ten several thousand people of battlefields, is always tiny! 叶笑自问,若是当真出现这样的状况,自己同样没辙,人力有时穷,强横的武力固然是天域第一要素,却非是绝对要素,再强横、再无与伦比的实力,放在数万人、十数万人的战阵之上,总是渺小的! Therefore Ye Xiao of this meeting, relaxed subconsciously., 所以这会的叶笑,下意识地松了一口气。、 He has discovered then a strange matter. 然后他就发现了一件奇怪的事情。 In the Ye Xiao heart, absolutely is the Blue Clouds Heaven Territory worldly-wise person, the Jun Yinglian elegant face of ultra powerhouse is pallid, performs to reveal mind both exhausted exhausted, even also had that murder to kill...... Facial color of that mentally burden. 叶笑心中,绝对是青云天域老江湖,超强者君应怜俏脸煞白,尽显心神交瘁的疲惫,甚至还有那种杀人杀多了……那种心理负担的面色。 On the contrary is...... Is had not seen on the contrary reign of terror, is similar to Bing'er of tender and delicate floret, unexpectedly is without turning a hair! 反倒是……反倒是一直没怎么见过腥风血雨,如同一朵娇嫩的小花的冰儿,居然面不改色! This matter, was really too strange. 这件事,实在是太奇怪了。 Ye Xiao had felt that should first disgustingly vomit, cannot bear slaughters bloody, raises to withdraw...... Absolutely is Bing'er this tender and delicate, both hands exceptionally clean small girl...... Even though Bing'er, because needs to assist Rou'er, seemingly has not killed too many enemies, the head number that but it kills in this several days was quite still considerable, but has not thought that now looks like instead is Jun Yinglian that first cannot bear. 叶笑一直感觉,应该首先恶心呕吐,受不了血腥杀戮,率先提出来退出的……绝对是冰儿这个娇娇嫩嫩、双手异常干净的小丫头……纵使冰儿因为需要辅助柔儿,貌似没有杀死太多敌人,但其在这数日里干掉的人头数仍旧相当可观,只是没有想到的是,现在看起来首先受不了的反而是君应怜 How? Did the murder kill? Felt uncomfortable?” The Ye Xiao gentle voice asked Jun Yinglian. “怎么了?杀人杀多了?感到不舒服了么?”叶笑柔声问君应怜 Jun Yinglian nods, hears this killing character, the complexion is a blanch. 君应怜点点头,听到这个“杀”字,脸色又是一阵发白。 Ha Ha......” Ye Xiao smiled, ridicules saying: Thanks to you famous town Heaven Realm super powerhouse, how carrying capacity unexpectedly might as well Bing'er this tender and delicate tender small girl? This is not our old Ye Family principal wife's style!” “哈哈……”叶笑笑了笑,揶揄道:“亏你还是名镇天域的超级强者,怎么承受力竟然还不如冰儿这个娇嫩嫩的小丫头?这可不是我们老叶家当家主母的风范啊!” Jun Yinglian stared in a big way beautiful pupil immediately, looks at the insolent big face of Ye Xiao this smiling, wanted to fight with the fists this laughing to reveal the mouth of tongue. 君应怜登时瞪大了美眸,看着叶笑这张笑的张狂大脸,非常非常想要一拳打进这张正哈哈大笑露着舌头的嘴里去。 Tender and delicate tender small girl? 娇嫩嫩的小丫头 If I compared with this small girl, I am that tender and delicate tender small girl am good! 要是我与这个小丫头相比的话,我才是那个‘娇嫩嫩的小丫头’好不好! When you Blue Clouds Heaven Territory first female fiendish person, present profound ice have not been promoted into the female demon god good! 你当青云天域第一女魔王,不现在玄冰已经晋级成为女魔神了好不好! Ye Xiao, your this pig, you is a pig...... 叶笑,你这头猪,你就是一头猪…… Own what cannot look, knows that opens is opening mouth to speak irresponsibly, added became addicted not?! 自己什么都看不出来,就知道张着一张嘴乱说,还说得上瘾了是不?! Coughs......” one side profound ice hears this tender and delicate tender small girl the appraisal, cannot help but elegant face one red, extremely has coughed awkwardly several...... “咳咳咳……”一边的玄冰听到这个‘娇嫩嫩的小丫头’的评价,不由得俏脸一红,尴尬万分地咳嗽了几声…… If there is Ye Xiao and two people, such appraises one, most is also shames blushes. 若是只得叶笑和自己两个人,这么评价一句,也就罢了,最多也就是羞得脸红一下。 But now, but also is becoming Jun Yinglian this mistress...... 但现在,还当着君应怜这位当家主母呢…… Even though profound ice the facial skin is thick, will feel that is embarrassed, has, has really! 玄冰纵使脸皮再厚,也会感觉到非常不好意思,有没有,真的有! Jun Yinglian has collected, is looking at the profound ice big red painted-face, saying with a smile: „Really tender and delicate? I have a look, in the end where tender? Oh, but also is really tender, unexpectedly red......” 君应怜凑了过来,望着玄冰的大红脸,笑吟吟的说道:“真的很娇嫩么?我看看,到底哪里嫩?哎呀,还真是嫩,竟然红了……” The profound ice anger is not, shames is not, roared is not, blushes snort|hum, turned around to run away. 玄冰怒也不是,羞也不是,咆哮更不是,红着脸哼了一声,一转身逃了出去。 Really tender, ran...... Jun Yinglian to laugh bashfully. “真嫩啊,羞跑了……”君应怜哈哈大笑。 Ning Biluo and Zhao Pingtian Liu Changjun three people, had just promoted own cultivation level, this occasion outside patrol \; By their status, was sent to do an inside job, now actually changes, turns here has sent the undercover who that side goes to...... 宁碧落赵平天柳长君三人,刚刚提升了自身修为,此际正在外面巡逻\;以他们的身份,本是被派来卧底的,现在却是摇身一变,变成了这边派到那边去的卧底…… Moreover, other demon spirit undercovers died completely. 而且,其他的魔灵卧底已经全部都死了。 This point, already knows. 这一点,早就知道。 But, why haven't you died? 但,为何你俩没死? Moreover does cultivation level also promote such quickly? These many?! 而且修为还提升得这么快?这么多?! In this does the reason also need to say? 这个中因由还需要说吗? Now so long as these two people walk, the hatred value of attraction is without doubt full, fills to exploding that type \; Liu Changjun purely with exiting to profit at someone's expense, with this them, definitely has the frame to hit. 现在这两个人只要走出去,吸引的仇恨值无疑是满满的,满到爆那种\;柳长君纯粹就是跟着出去沾光的,跟着这俩人,肯定有架打。 Three people exited in high spirits. 三人兴冲冲的出去了。 Three people by helping of Reincarnation Fruit, promote own cultivation level to the boundary of Dao Origin Stage peak at one fell swoop, even though their mental state levels compared with average man for high, but is still not able completely agreeing with current cultivation level, to further promote mental state, disciplines Martial Skill, agrees with the cultivation level utilization, placed oneself under the shadow of death truly, was actually Assassin enters the step the only way, ran away unexpectedly secretly by these three bravos. 三人借由轮回果之助,将自身修为一举提升到道元境巅峰之境,他们的心境层次纵使远比常人为高,但仍旧无法完全契合当前修为,为了进一步提升心境,磨练武技,契合修为运用,将自己真正置身于死亡阴影之下,却是杀手进阶的不二法门,是以这三个亡命徒竟然是偷偷跑出去的。 Had not told anyone. 跟谁也没说。 Does not know that should say they of this occasion are die to urge, urges! 就不知道该说此际的他们是死催的,还是催死的呢! ...... …… In tent. 帐篷里。 Tired night of three people have been controlling one's breathing, long time after long time, three people of opening eyes as if by prior agreement, looked at one mutually. In the pupil of Ye Xiao was a tranquility, the Jun Yinglian look has glittered unexpectedly, profound ice was the elegant face is red. 劳累了一夜的三人都在调息,良久良久之后,三人不约而同的睁开眼睛,相互看了一眼。叶笑的眸子中竟是一片平静,君应怜眼神闪烁了一下,玄冰却是俏脸通红。 The Ye Xiao look is profound, is similar to a late autumn deep deep pool, feels the chin, said: Undercover eliminated cleanly, following only then......” 叶笑的眼神深邃平静,如同一口深秋的深潭,摸着下巴,道:“卧底已经清除干净,接下来的就只有……” Jun Yinglian gentle goes forward one step, has gripped his big hand, said: We understand...... These important matters, you decide well, does not need to tell both of us, regardless of you make anything to decide that we are support.” 君应怜温柔的上前一步,握住了他的大手,道:“我们都明白的……这些大事,你自行决定就好,不需要跟我们俩说,无论你做什么决定,我们都是支持的。” Ye Xiao hearing this was shocked. 叶笑闻言不禁愣住了。 Jun Yinglian then said: „In today is our family is busy loafs, reunion in together day...... Only said words that the whole family should speak, this grade of world affair, remains to discuss with the people simply tomorrow together.” 君应怜接着说道:“今天是我们一家人忙里偷闲,聚首在一起的日子……只说一家人该说的话,这等天下大事,索性就留到明天跟众人一道讨论吧。” profound ice blushes, said: Yes, our family in the same place, why said matter that these kill, end dull......” 玄冰红着脸,道:“是啊,我们一家人在一起,何必说那些打打杀杀的事情,端的没趣……” Actually according to the truth, generally should say at this time by the profound ice present status: Madame said right......” 其实按照道理来说,以玄冰现在的身份在这时候大抵应该说:“夫人说的没错……” But, how even if profound ice approves again own waits on concubine status, even if her status has not exposed, but wanted her to say madame these words to speak right these words personally, actually absolutely could not achieve...... 但,纵然玄冰再怎么认可自己的‘侍妾’身份,纵然她身份还没暴露,但要她亲口说出‘夫人这句话说得没错’这句话来,却仍是万万也做不到的…… Therefore simply has not added various names. 所以干脆没有加诸称呼。 Ye Xiao of this occasion completely has not actually cared about these minor details, heard whole family suddenly these three characters, the vision immediately the inexplicable twinkle, said: Lian Lian, what your did in the end want to say? You such spoke, I was a little not familiar with!” 此际的叶笑却是完全没在意那些细枝末节,乍然听到‘一家人’这三个字,眼光登时莫名的闪烁了一下,道:“怜怜,你到底想要说什么?你这么说话,我有点不习惯!” The Jun Yinglian tender body leans on him, said: How to be used to it? I wanted to say...... No matter you have experienced any matter...... No matter you changed any appearance, no matter you...... But you, are you, is our men, is Ye Xiao! That is all!” 君应怜娇躯斜倚在他身上,道:“怎么就不习惯了?我只是想要说……不管你遇到了什么事……不管你改变了什么样子,不管你……但你,就是你,就是我们的男人,就是叶笑!仅此而已!” Because you are Ye Xiao, our men, therefore we will trust you unconditionally, supports you, likes you, is willing to do all matters for you!” “就因为你是叶笑,我们的男人,所以我们会无条件的信任你,拥戴你,喜欢你,愿意为你做一切事情!” Saying of Jun Yinglian character character: Therefore...... If you have any matter, any matter, we are willing to share and share with you.” 君应怜一字字的说道:“所以……如果你心里有什么事情,无论是什么事情,我们都愿意与你分享、分担。” We are the whole families!” “我们才是一家人!” Jun Yinglian supple sound track. 君应怜柔声道。 On the Ye Xiao face muscle pain twitched subconsciously, mute sound track: Since you knew, what I also do need to say?” 叶笑脸上肌肉下意识地痛楚抽搐了一下,哑声道:“既然你们都知道了,那我还需要说什么?” This is not your mistake, senseless excessive suffers itself.” Jun Yinglian grasps his head, take pity on saying. “这不是你的错,无谓过度的折磨自己。”君应怜抱住他的头,怜惜的说道。 Truly is not my mistake.” Ye Xiao forced smile: All are only because...... Mistake arising out of chance circumstances.” “确实不是我的错。”叶笑苦笑:“一切就只是因为……阴差阳错而已。” Yes, is really only the mistake arising out of chance circumstances. 是的,真的就只是阴差阳错而已。 One side, profound ice clenches teeth, said in a soft voice: Actually, I am also an orphan......” 一侧,玄冰咬咬牙,轻声道:“其实,我也是个孤儿……” Jun Yinglian and Ye Xiao turn the head to look at profound ice. 君应怜叶笑转头看着玄冰 Obviously they regarding this sudden language, are surprised. 显然两人对于这个突如其来的一语,感到惊讶。 What Ye Xiao is surprised, Bing'er so was when brave in front of oneself \; Starts talking on own initiative, said such secret topic. But what Jun Yinglian is surprised, profound ice has concealed the present, how present actually...... What as if can say? 叶笑惊讶的是,冰儿什么时候在自己面前这么勇敢了\;主动开口说话,还是说出这么隐秘的话题。而君应怜惊讶的是,玄冰一直隐瞒到了现在,怎地现在却又……似乎要说什么? Wanted 515 immediately, hopes that continued to attack 515 red package lists, the same day red package rain can the back coupling reader propagandize the work by May 15 in addition. Together is also the love, definitely well!】 【马上就要515了,希望继续能冲击515红包榜,到5月15日当天红包雨能回馈读者外加宣传作品。一块也是爱,肯定好好更!】
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