POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#9: I! golden finger

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...... …… Regarding other transmigrator, has the golden finger system. So long as meditates the system, can transfer various types of data panels to be clear. 对于其它穿越者而言,都有金手指系统。只要默念一下系统,就能调用各种数据面板一目了然。 However does not have the golden finger system to be auxiliary, Wang Shouzhe does not fear that now, had the experience of Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai, he gradually discovered oneself and this world indigenous, in the vision, thought and other aspects has the huge difference. 不过没有金手指系统辅助,王守哲现在已经不怕了,有了六叔王定海的经历,他逐渐发现自己和这个世界的“土著”,在眼界,思维等方面有着巨大的差别。 For example cultural knowledge, before he passes through, is ordinary two university students graduates, on several years of ordinary class. Places on Earth, but is in the boundless huge crowd common member. 譬如文化知识方面,他穿越前不过就是个普普通通的二本大学生毕业,上了几年普普通通的班。放在地球上,不过是茫茫人海中不起眼的一员 Did not discuss regardless the kindergarten. Elementary school six years, initially high school six years, university four years! The time of specialized systematic learn/study knowledge was for 16 years, from the literary music, the language philosophy and astronomical geography, the historical politics, has the maths, physics and chemistry computer again wait/etc. 抛开幼儿园不谈。小学六年,初高中六年,大学四年!专业系统性学习知识的时间就达到了十六年,从文学音乐、语言哲学、天文地理,历史政治,再有数理化计算机等等。 Perhaps most knowledge, have precipitated in the brain floor memory, but is these massively and cannot think the knowledge that for a while, formed the Wang Shouzhe relatively indigenous more outstanding unique vision, the logic. 大部分的知识,也许都已经沉淀进了大脑底层记忆之中,但就是这些大量而一时想不起来的知识,形成了王守哲相对土著更加优秀的独特眼界,思维逻辑。 In addition, before he passes through, various types of net articles, the short videos and information have multiplied the pinnacle, the cell phone brush the day to be black, brushed the day to shine again. 此外,他穿越前各种网文、短视频、资讯已经繁衍到极致,手机一刷天就黑了,再一刷天就亮了。 Every day will have some strange knowledge nodes to increase quietly. 每天都会有一些奇奇怪怪的知识点在悄无声息地增加。 Perhaps these, are my golden finger.” Wang Shouzhe muttered one, in the eye is shining the ray, as for the system panel, solving is not difficult, oneself establishes one to need frequently to renew the maintenance at most the earth panel on the line.” “也许这些,就是我的金手指吧。”王守哲喃喃了一句,眼中放着光芒,“至于系统面板,解决起来也不难,至多自己建立一个需要经常更新维护的土面板就行。” The panel pattern on the reference has played the third-class construction class web panel on the line. 面板模式就参考一些玩过的三流建设类网游面板就行。 However before establishing panel, but must penetrate to understand the entire clan structure personally, as well as specific detail. Although he fused the memory of predecessor, but the predecessor is about 18 years old. 不过在建立面板之前,还得亲自深入去了解一下整个家族的结构,以及具体细节。虽说他融合了前身的记忆,但是前身不过十八岁。 Lots of time are studying and cultivation, know about the clan business extremely shallowly. 大量的时间就是在学习和修炼,对家族事务了解极浅。 Knows, the clan most important pillar industry is three villages, respectively is Fenggu Village, Prosperous Village, as well as Xinmao Silkworm Village, the development levels of these three big villages to clan is to go far beyond fishing brigade industry. 只是知道,家族最重要的支柱产业是三个农庄,分别是“丰谷农庄”,“兴盛农庄”,以及“欣茂蚕庄”,这三大农庄对家族的重要程度,是要远远超过捕鱼大队这种产业的。 The crop of each village, is extremely important to clan, therefore three big villages, are currently being managed by clan three experienced xiao generation Clan Elder. 每一个农庄的收成,对家族都极其重要,因此三大农庄,目前都是由家族三位经验丰富的宵字辈族老在管理。 Today, Wang Shouzhe decides first to visit quite near Fenggu Village, that is xiao generation Wang Xiaozhi Elder is guarding to handle. 今天,王守哲决定先走访一下比较近的丰谷农庄,那是宵字辈王宵志长老在镇守打理。 Wang Gui, saddling a horse car(riage).” Wang Shouzhe set the idea, then told one. 王贵,备马车。”王守哲定下了主意,便吩咐了一句。 Wang Gui, quickly drew back to prepare. 王贵喏了一声,急忙退下准备去了。 Wang Shouzhe walks toward the entrance at a moderate pace, simultaneously the brain does not stand still, is considering the matter about Fenggu Village. Just when arrived at the quadrangle, actually heard an animated female to call the sound: Fourth Elder Brother is good.” 王守哲则是不紧不慢地向正门口走去,同时脑子不停歇,思量着一些关于丰谷农庄的事情。刚走到中庭时,却听到一声俏生生的女子招呼声音:“四哥哥好。” Wang Shouzhe looks askance to look, actually sees the one big one small two girl to stand in not far away. Big that just when the years of youth and beauty, put on pale blue sturdy clothes, looks very well looked. 王守哲侧目望去,却见一大一小两个女孩正站在不远处。大的那个正值妙龄,穿了一身淡蓝色劲装,长得挺好看。 Small that the 11 or 12-year-old appearance, is combing the sheep's horn braid, attractiveness of very appearance. Hides because of the timidness behind the big girl, actually cannot stop peeps curiously Wang Shouzhe. 小的那个才十一二岁的模样,梳着羊角辫子,也打扮的挺漂亮。只是因为胆小而躲在大女孩后面,却又止不住好奇地偷看王守哲 What is quite unusual, two females carry an oddly shaped big box respectively, looks somewhat heavy. In the hand is also raising a sword respectively, appearance that must go out. 比较奇特的是,两女各自背着一个形状古怪的大箱子,看上去有些沉甸甸的。手中也各自提着一柄剑,一副要出门的样子。 Originally is Fourth Younger Sister Luotong and Fifth Younger Sister Luojing.” Wang Shouzhe recognized them, greeted with a smile, looked at you to dress up very nicely, was the preparation goes out?” “原来是珞彤四妹珞静五妹啊。”王守哲一眼就认出了她们,笑着招呼说,“看你们打扮得挺漂亮,是准备出门吗?” Big that named Wang Luotong, currently 17 years old. Small that named Wang Luojing, is only 12 years old. They are like Wang Shouzhe, are the seventh generation of heir who Old Ancestor Zhouxuan hands down from generation to generation. 大的那个叫王珞彤,现年十七岁。小的那个叫王珞静,只有十二岁。她们都是和王守哲一样,属于宙轩老祖传下来的第七代子嗣。 The profound warrior / black tortoise clan female family members and Huaxia were different in the ancient times, although the final destiny marries, before Yunying has not married has a big autonomy. They and man are the same, have the high-quality education, cultivation, even can participate in the family property operation. 玄武家族的女眷和华夏古代不一样,虽然最终的命运还是联姻,但是在云英未嫁前是拥有不小自主权的。她们和男子一样,接受优质的教育,修炼,甚至可以参与到族产经营中去。 Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luotong is collects a ritual, in the look the color of being astonished flashes to pass, recent village near crop, Grandfather has had no free time busily, I bring Luojing to visit him.” 四哥哥。”王珞彤又是敛敛一礼,眼神中讶异之色一闪而逝,“最近农庄已近收成,爷爷比较忙没空回来,我带珞静去探望探望他。” In the impression of Wang Luotong, Fourth Brother Wang Shouzhe is always quite serious, among the brother and sister meets, after greeted one, at most mutually departed in a hurry, where has to look like so bathes in fresh air now praises them. 王珞彤的印象中,四哥王守哲向来是比较严肃的,兄妹之间碰面,至多就是互相招呼一声后就匆匆离去,哪有像现在这般如沐春风地夸赞她们。 Wang Shouzhe remembers, Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing are the Clan Elder Fourth Grandfather Wang Xiaozhi granddaughters, their fathers are ding generation Old Fourth Wang Dingbang, but Fourth Uncle Wang Dingbang had then passed away five years ago. 王守哲想起,王珞彤王珞静都是族老四爷爷王宵志的孙女,她们的父亲是定字辈老四王定邦,不过四叔王定邦在五年前便已经逝世。 Wang Clan adult male's character generation of sorting defers, yu, chen, qiong, xiao and ding, shou, zong, shi, do not divide direct descendant direct line unification sorting. Wang Shouzhe father Wang Dingyue, is clan sixth generation of ding generation Old Fifth, but Wang Shouzhe is Old Fourth in seventh generation of shou generation adult males. However Wang Dingyue and Wang Shouzhe, are clan direct descendant bloodline, other are only direct line bloodline. 王氏男丁的字辈排序按照,宇宸穹宵定守宗室、不分嫡系直系统一排序。王守哲的父亲王定岳,是家族第六代定字辈老五,而王守哲是第七代守字辈男丁中的老四。不过王定岳王守哲,都是家族嫡系血脉,其它只是直系血脉 But the Wang Clan female sorts defers, zhu, long, ling, zhen and liu, luo, li, ying sort, in backbone Old Ancestor Longyan Wang Longyan like at present family/home, is in the family/home only also living third-generation Ancestor. 王氏女子排序则是按照,珠珑玲珍琉珞璃璎来排序,就像目前家中的顶梁柱珑烟老祖王珑烟,便是家中唯一一位还活着的第三代老祖宗 Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing, is Old Fourth and Old Fifth in seventh generation of female character generations. Aunt Gongsun Hui daughter Wang Luomiao, then sorts Old Seventh. However similarly, Wang Luomiao is the daughter of first wife, in clan position, or is the same. 王珞彤王珞静,则是第七代女字辈中的老四老五大娘公孙蕙的女儿王珞淼,则是排序老七。但是同样,王珞淼属于嫡女,在家族中身份地位要不一样些。 The clan development more arrives at behind, the age gap between character generations will be bigger. 家族发展越到后面,字辈之间的年龄差距就会越大。 It looks like Wang Shouzhe this seventh generation of shou character or luo generation, oldest adult male Wang Shouxin was 43 years old, is bigger than the Wang Dingyue age. But youngest seventh generation of Wang Luolan, at present are only five years old. 就像是王守哲这个第七代守字珞字辈,年龄最大的男丁王守信已经四十三岁,比王定岳年龄还大。而年龄最小的第七代王珞岚,目前才五岁。 In addition, eighth generation of zong generation and li generation also had much, by Wang Zongwei oldest 20 years old, but he saw Wang Luojing and Wang Luolan and other young dolls, must call Aunt. 此外,第八代宗字辈璃字辈也有不少了,其中以王宗卫年龄最大已经二十岁,但是他见到王珞静王珞岚等小女娃,也得叫一声姑姑 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 A Wang Shouzhe slightly consideration then said: „Are you preparation walk? I also happen to must go to Fenggu Village to have a look, so, you and my carriage.” 王守哲略一思量便说:“你们是准备走过去吗?我也正好要去丰谷农庄看看,如此,你们和我一辆马车吧。” He knows, clan now the day is even more difficult, is not possible to provide the journey carriage to the two little girl specially, is more impossible to provide Family Guard. 他知道,家族现在日子愈发艰难,是不可能给两个小女孩专门配备出行马车的,更不可能配备家将 Here arrives at Fenggu Village to take more than ten li (0.5 km), they at least need to walk a two double-hour. However area this is the Wang Clan domains, with development, will pour to be insufficient to have what danger ripe. 这里到丰谷农庄要十几里地,她们至少要走一两个时辰。不过这一带都是王氏的地盘,也是久经开发的熟地,倒不至于会有什么危险。 Moreover as the Wang Clan female family members, is not that lacking the strength to truss up a chicken woman. 而且身为王氏女眷,也不是那种手无缚鸡之力的弱女子。 Thanks Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luotong somewhat feels extremely flattered, hurried expression of gratitude. Wang Luojing also appears somewhat happily, said crisp, Fourth Elder Brother is really good.” “谢谢四哥哥。”王珞彤有些受宠若惊,急忙道谢。王珞静也显得有些高兴,脆生生地说,“四哥哥真好。” Do not cheer too soon, Fourth Brother must test the school all the way your studies cultivation base.” Wang Shouzhe hehe smiles. “别高兴得太早,四哥一路上可是要考校你们学业修为的。”王守哲呵呵一笑。 ~ Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing sisters two, somewhat is immediately startled, particularly Wang Luojing, the attractive small cheek somewhat broke down, suffering, thought that might as well walked the past appearance. “啊~王珞彤王珞静姐妹两个,顿时有些惊慌,尤其是王珞静,漂亮的小脸蛋都有些垮了,一副委委屈屈,觉得还不如走过去的样子。 Not many moments. 不多片刻。 In four Family Guard are riding around the chestnut horse under protection, the Wang Shouzhe carriage left main house slowly. Wang Luojing is young, awes to Wang Shouzhe, is somewhat restless on the carriage, the small look glances once for a while to between -meal snack on small table board. 在四个家将骑着黄骠马前后守护下,王守哲的马车缓缓驶离了主宅王珞静年龄还小,又对王守哲十分敬畏,在马车上有些坐立不安,小眼神时不时地瞟向小桌板上的零食。 Wang Shouzhe because of must with the two Younger Sister peer, just make Wang Gui take some dry fruit fruits and melons, places on the small square table horse-drawn vehicles. 王守哲因为要和两位妹妹同行,刚刚让王贵去拿了些蜜饯瓜果,就这么摆放在马车中间的小方桌上。 Luotong, I thought that your aura is probably stable in the Qi Refining Boundary two layers peak, how long is this, the preparation breaks through?” Wang Shouzhe handed over the melon of cleaning in the past, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. profound warrior can study some view air/Qi methods, particularly in the both sides boundary disparity big situation, usually can distinguish approximate cultivation base of opposite party with ease. 珞彤,我看你气息好像稳定在炼气境二层巅峰,这已经多久了,是准备突破了吧?”王守哲递了个洗净的甜瓜过去,随口问道。玄武者都会学些观气法门,尤其是在双方境界差距较大的情况下,通常能轻松辨别出对方的大致修为 Wang Luotong as the female, can about 17 years old on cultivation to this level, obviously aptitude not bad also very diligently. 王珞彤身为女子,能在十七岁左右就修炼到这种层次,可见资质不差的同时也挺努力了。 Thanks Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luotong received the melon, is somewhat replying cautious, has the two many months, was making some patient and persistent work, Grandfather said so long as probably three months can break through.” “谢谢四哥哥。”王珞彤接过甜瓜,有些拘谨地回答着,“已经有两个多月了,正在做些水磨工夫,爷爷说大概只要三个月就能突破了。” hearing this, the brow of Wang Shouzhe wrinkled all of a sudden: Delayed the time, why didn't need Little Origin Cultivating Pill to break through auxiliary? According to the clan regulations, you have the right to apply for one.” 闻言,王守哲的眉头一下子皱了起来:“太耽搁时机了,为何不用‘小培元丹’辅助突破?按照族规,你有权申领一枚。” This......” Wang Luotong lowers the head, some nervous say/way, Grandfather said, now the clan resources are too limited, wants some times to have Little Origin Cultivating Pill.” “这个……”王珞彤低着头,有些紧张道,“爷爷说,现在家族资源太紧张了,要过些时候才能有小培元丹。” Not.” Wang Luojing honk drew out the small mouth, Grandfather said, Elder Brother now is the three layers peak, needs Little Origin Cultivating Pill compared with Elder Sister.” “才不是呢。”王珞静嘟起了小嘴,“爷爷说,哥哥现在已经是三层巅峰,比姐姐更需要小培元丹。” Luojing, does not permit to talk nonsense.” Some Wang Luotong anxious say/way. 珞静,不准胡说。”王珞彤有些焦急道。 Luojing, you said.” The Wang Shouzhe expression is somewhat dignified, was Wang Shounuo bullies you? Must really be so, Fourth Elder Brother teaches him to go.” 珞静,你说。”王守哲表情有些凝重,“是不是王守诺欺负你们了?要真是如此,四哥哥教训他去。” He knows, Wang Shounuo is their blood relative Elder Brother, now almost 20-year-old appearance. 他知道,王守诺是她们的嫡亲哥哥,现在差不多20岁的样子。 ...... ……
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