POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#8: Wang Clan Profound Origin Art

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...... …… In this waters, the Scarlet Scaled Eel first quantity scarcely is very ripe difficult to meet, even if second is in luck to bump into, the ordinary fishing net will be torn to pieces, can hold is the luck adds the strength. 在这种熟地水域之中,赤鳞鳝一来是数量稀少很难遇到,二来是即便走运撞见,普通渔网都会被撕破,能抓住都是运气加实力。 Naturally, if runs up to the marsh ominous water range, Scarlet Scaled Eel was not really unusual. That type without opening up wasteland the place of bad risk, god knows can hide many ominous thing, even if the strength achieves Spirit Platform Boundary to burst will also be in danger. 当然,如果跑到荒泽凶水范围内,赤鳞鳝就不甚稀奇了。只是那种未经开荒的凶险之地,天知道会藏着多少凶物,哪怕实力达到灵台境去乱闯也会有生命危险。 With the harvest of Wang Dinghai this Scarlet Scaled Eel, the atmosphere reached the peak all of a sudden, after the fishing industry workers made up the net rapidly, continued to toss about full of enthusiasm. 随着王定海这条赤鳞鳝的收获,气氛一下子达到了巅峰,渔工们迅速补好网后,继续兴致勃勃地折腾了起来。 But Wang Dinghai is leading Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui personally, harnessed the ship to return Dingpu Crossing, after several remaining Family Guard convergence returned to main house. 王定海则是亲自领着王守哲公孙蕙,驾船返航到了定蒲渡口,与几位留守的家将汇合后一路回到了主宅 The weather is late, after washing the hands and face, goes to bed the rest. 天色已晚,盥洗后就上床休息。 In the evening, Wang Shouzhe was trying to find out entered the profound warrior / black tortoise cultivation condition, because of the fusion of memory, but after slightly is familiar with one, he then entered the cultivation right track. 当晚,王守哲就摸索着进入了玄武修炼状态,因记忆的融合,只是略熟悉一番后,他便进入了修炼正轨。 Wang Shouzhe cultivation cultivation technique is named «Wang Clan Profound Origin Art» Qi Refining Chapter, it is said is cultivation technique that earliest Ancestor hands down from generation to generation. 王守哲修炼功法是名为《王氏玄元诀》的炼气篇,据说是最早的老祖宗传下来的功法 In the profound origin qi vigor that this cultivation technique cultivation comes out gentle and mild, without the splendid merit, did not have the fatal flaw, however was cultivation to late stage, profound strength was even more vigorous can discover its exquisite place. 功法修炼出来的玄元气劲中正平和,没有出色的优点,却也没有致命的缺陷,然而越是修炼后期,玄力愈发浑厚就能发现其精妙之处。 Qi Refining Boundary! 炼气境 Is profound warrior cultivation profound qi, and quenchings the body unceasingly powerful process by profound qi. Pure profound qi walks randomly warm support following vein aperture, stimulates one after another aperture at the same time, these aperture have the invisible fluctuation of energy by the marvelous rhythm, these fluctuations spread the whole body, driving the whole body vitality to vibrate. 玄武者修炼玄气,并以玄气淬炼己身不断强大的过程。精纯的玄气顺着筋络穴窍游走温养,刺激一个个穴窍的同时,那些穴窍以奇妙的韵律生出无形的能量波动,那些波动扩散到全身,带动周身气血震动。 As profound qi are more in aperture in within the body circulation, that vitality rhythm is then more intense, after 12 aperture profound qi one by one establishes contacts the closed loop, the consumption of profound qi also achieves the pinnacle, the rhythm of vitality reached the peak. 随着玄气在体内流转的穴窍越多,那种气血律动便越强烈,直至十二个穴窍玄气一一串连成闭环后,玄气的消耗也达到了极致,气血的律动达到了巅峰。 Unexpectedly! 蓦地! A cool feeling from the tailbone instantaneous spread to the whole body, Wang Shouzhe suddenly feels scalp numb, the soul seemed like must flutter, the top of the head was the dense air/Qi ascends. 一股清凉感从尾椎骨瞬间蔓延至全身,王守哲顿觉头皮一阵酥麻,灵魂都像是要飘了出来,头顶更是氤氲之气升腾而出。 The entire process maintained ten to come the breath time, the fierce rhythm in within the body vitality retreated like surging tides, changes to an invisible energy to go to the lower abdomen gathering. 整个过程足足维持了十来息时间,体内气血的剧烈律动如潮水般退去,化作一股无形的能量向小腹汇聚而去。 Foul air spouts from the mouth, in the empty sea of qi, new student/life profound qi such as park park the spring water emerges, filled up the sea of qi quickly. 一口浊气从嘴里喷出,空荡荡的气海内,一股新生的玄气如泊泊泉水般涌现而起,很快填满了气海。 At this moment, Wang Shouzhe has been able to feel in the sea of qi new student/life profound qi compared with expand one indistinctly, today the slightly exhausted energy as if also restores, seemed more powerful some. 此时此刻,王守哲已经能隐约感觉到气海内新生玄气比原本壮大了一丝,今日略显疲惫的精力似乎也恢复了许多,好似更加强大了些许。 This then completed sidereal revolution «Profound Origin Art» cultivation, profound warrior cultivation is one very long the process of accumulation, any powerhouse is the so tiny bit accumulation. 这便完成了一个周天的《玄元诀修炼,玄武者修炼是一个非常漫长而积累的过程,任何强者都是如此一丝一毫积累而成。 However, during this process the vitality consumption is huge, profound warrior must to supplement food, swallows medicinal pill and other ways to increase the vitality. Otherwise so cultivation, is not only useless to the body, will also make the vitality debt cause the body to give way. 不过,在此过程中气血消耗巨大,玄武者必须以补充食物,吞服丹药等方式来增加气血。否则如此修炼,非但对身体无益,还会令气血亏空而导致身体垮掉。 profound warrior is cultivation to the high deep place, to the demand of food and nutrition will be more exuberant, why this profound warrior will also establish one after another aristocratic family, will grab the wealth and rich resources by the aristocratic family situation supplies oneself body. 玄武者越是修炼到高深处,对食物和营养的需求就会越旺盛,这也是为何玄武者都会成立一个个世家,以世家的形势攫取财富与丰沛的资源来供给己身。 Was good was rich because of the Wang Shouzhe recent nutrition recently, the vitality did not have refining exuberantly. 好在最近王守哲最近营养丰富,气血旺盛而没有炼化 According to own condition, immediately, started the second sidereal revolution...... 根据自身状况,当即,就开始了第二个周天…… When, Wang Shouzhe completed four sidereal revolutions cultivation in the two double-hour about at dawn, sometimes to this time he felt that the spirit is exuberant, within the body also seems has the inexhaustible energy to be the same, obviously can feel that cultivation base boundary had some progress. 待到天亮时,王守哲两个时辰左右足足完成了四个周天的修炼,时至此时他感觉精神非常旺盛,体内也好似有无穷无尽的精力一般,明显能感觉到修为境界有了些许进步。 But the vitality in within the body full had consumed, he can feel that the body transmits sense of hunger, this sense of hunger is different from the ordinary belly hungry feeling , is very marvelous and clear. 只不过原本体内充盈的气血已消耗了许多,他能感觉到身体传来的一阵“饥饿感”,这种饥饿感不同于平常肚子饿的感觉,却又十分奇妙而清晰。 Meanwhile, he also felt that aperture and meridians some sour bulge and is uncomfortable, the experience tells him at present under this condition, even the vitality cannot cultivation get down again exuberantly, needs to let aperture and meridians that natural recovery extremely carries a heavy load. 同时,他也感觉到穴窍和经络有些“酸胀”和不舒服,经验告诉他目前这种状况下,就算气血再旺盛也不能修炼下去了,需要让不堪负重的穴窍和经络自然恢复一番。 However the progress is also gratifying, judges the present condition in light of the memory and experience of predecessor. Wang Shouzhe felt, if daily such progressive, three months have the opportunity to break through the shackles, achieved Qi Refining Boundary seven layers. 但是进步也是喜人的,结合前身的记忆与经验来判断现在的状况。王守哲感觉若是天天有这样进步的话,不出三个月就有机会突破桎梏,达到炼气境七层了。 If only pitifully wants to achieve the so perfect condition, in the normal condition is almost very difficult to be very difficult, after the mass consumptions of vitality, only by ordinary food supplemented that accumulates is slow, must have massive spirit rice and spirit food supplemented. 只可惜要想达到如此理想状态,正常情况下几乎很难很难,气血的大量消耗后,仅靠普通食物来补充积累非常缓慢,必须得有大量的灵米灵食来补充。 But the first sequence of Wang Shouzhe clan cultivation resources, can still assign to the White Jade Spirit Rice five jin (0.5 kg) and spirit fish meat five jin (0.5 kg) even at present every month, and Spirit Horned Yak meat five jin (0.5 kg)! 王守哲即便是家族修炼资源的第一序列,目前每个月也就是能分配到白玉灵米五斤、灵鱼肉五斤、以及灵角牦牛肉五斤! The high-end food that so many contain the energy, makes him eat at most five, can supplement one time the average to 67 days. In addition, trains the first sequence as clan with emphasis, he also has every month one Little Origin Cultivating Pill share. 这么多富含能量的高端食材,至多让他吃五顿,平均到六七天才能补充一次。此外,作为家族重点培养第一序列,他还有每个月一枚“小培元丹”的份额。 Little Origin Cultivating Pill compared with the spirit food higher level cultivation resources, but the price achieved ten Qian gold one, can say extremely expensively. Some training sequence clansmen near the bottom, when will soon break through to each cultivation level, can apply for an assistance breakthrough to clan. 小培元丹是比灵食更高级的修炼资源,但是价格达到了十乾金一枚,可以说极其昂贵。培养序列靠后的一些族人,也就是到每个修炼层次即将突破时,才能向家族申领一枚辅助突破。 If eats spirit food, daily has Little Origin Cultivating Pill, Wang Shouzhe estimated that the oneself cultivation speed can take off...... 若是顿顿都吃灵食,天天都有小培元丹的话,王守哲估计自己修炼速度能起飞…… Family Head, your breakfast came.” Young male servant Wang Gui knocks on a door outside. 家主,您的早膳来了。”小厮王贵在外面敲门。 Comes.” “进来。” Wang Shouzhe sets out from the bed, in the meantime, after Wang Gui comes, put the one side the breakfast, first after hitting the clear water to serve Family Head washed the hands and face to clean the teeth one, after the gift box opened, one by one places. 王守哲从床上起身,同时,王贵进来后,将早膳放到了一旁,先打了清水侍奉家主盥洗刷牙一番后,才将食盒打开后一一摆放好。 Well? Does big basin White Jade Spirit Rice gruel, steam the spirit gan salted fish block?” Wang Shouzhe looks at the dazzling breakfast strangely, besides two kinds precious spirit food, some cakes and pastries desserts, gets down the gruel side dish. “咦?一大盆白玉灵米粥,清蒸灵鳡腌鱼块?”王守哲略带奇怪地看着琳琅满目的早餐,除了两样珍贵灵食外,还有一些糕点点心,下粥小菜等。 He knows, this breakfast is not the conventional arrangement, eats spirit food no doubt to supplement the vitality rapidly, the maximization increases the cultivation progress. However in fact, in this principle of diminishing marginal utility. 他知道,这顿早膳并非常规配置,顿顿吃灵食固然能迅速补充气血,最大化增加修炼进度。但是事实上,这里面有一个边际效用递减的原理在内。 Especially eats, definitely will result in massive nutrition waste, decreases the cost and benefit proportion. 尤其是顿顿吃,必然会造成大量营养浪费,减低成本与效益的比例。 Wang Clan clan is too poor, cannot supply such luxurious cultivation way. Moreover clan has the clan custom, even Patriarch cannot attract the blood of other clansmen willfully. 王氏家族太穷,根本供不起这样奢侈的修炼方式。而且家族家族的规矩,就算是族长也不能恣意吸其它族人的血。 Family Head, this is Eldest Lady Gongsun side Miss Xia He sends.” Wang Gui replied honestly, said that after is Eldest Lady got up early, personally boils the system the breakfast. She also brought along a few words for Eldest Lady, said that is Family Head now just when the sprint Qi Refining Boundary late stage critical moment, is not artificial.” 家主,这是公孙大娘子身边的夏荷姑娘送来的。”王贵老实地回答道,“说是大娘子起早后,亲手熬制的早膳。她还替大娘子捎来了一句话,说是家主现在正值冲刺炼气境后期的关键时刻,莫要矫情。” Really! 果然! The Wang Gui words verified the guess of Wang Shouzhe, this is province of Aunt Gongsun Hui from the oneself grain ration comes out to give him. Especially wants artificial these words not, stopped up shirking of Wang Shouzhe. 王贵的话印证了王守哲的猜测,这是大娘公孙蕙自己口粮中省出来给他的。尤其是莫要矫情这句话,也堵住了王守哲的推脱。 forget it, forget it, do not disappoint a Aunt intention. 罢了罢了,不要辜负大娘的一片心意。 Moreover he believes that future clan will be getting better and better, at least in him under an effort, Wang Dinghai that side hunting and fishing brigade income, will rise dramatically one time to continue yesterday in the future, this will ease the clan resources tense aspect significantly. 而且他相信未来的家族会越来越好,至少在他昨天一番努力下,未来王定海那边的渔猎大队收益,会暴增一倍不止,这会大幅度缓解家族资源紧张的局面。 spirit food eats, slightly revealed the vitality of debt to supplement immediately some , the digestions and transformation of these food, the vitality will even more be full. 一顿灵食吃下去,略显亏空的气血顿时补充了些许,随之那些食物的消化和转化,气血会愈发充盈。 After being satiated with food and wine, Wang Shouzhe ponders over to prepare other clan industry inspection inspections. Regardless of he does want, already thoroughly with the Ping'an Wang Clan bundle in one. 吃饱喝足后,王守哲琢磨着准备去其它家族产业视察视察。无论他愿不愿意,都已经彻底和平安王氏捆绑在了一起。 But as the Patriarch helmsman, naturally must be familiar with clan each link. So can consider all-around, finding the way to stimulate this deterioration clan. 而身为族长掌舵人,自然要对家族每一个环节都了如指掌。如此才能通盘考虑,想办法盘活这个衰败的家族 ...... ……
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