POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#7: Catches Scarlet Scaled Eel

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...... …… Sixth Uncle, these are the secrets that clan rises, all are primarily keeping secret.” Wang Shouzhe temporarily gave up and him popularizes the plan of lure, treats a matter seriously to say. 六叔,这些都是家族崛起的机密,一切都以保密为主。”王守哲暂时放弃了和他普及路亚的打算,郑重其事道。 I understand. Being all these me especially will be careful, when the time comes also asked clan to assign two Family Guard to give me.” Wang Dinghai shivers to the whole body excitedly, in addition, about that banzheng, my some ideas. With casting a net to transform banzheng to come out rapidly, we first try the effect. If can......” “我明白。做这一切我都会格外小心,到时候还请家族分配两个家将给我。”王定海激动到浑身颤抖,“此外,关于那个搬筝,我有一些想法。用撒网可以迅速改造一口搬筝出来,咱们先试试效果。如果可以……” His eye shone, must experiment impatiently. 他的眼睛都放光了,已经迫不及待地要去实验。 Dingpu Crossing to Rocky Shoal is the Wang Clan domain, the average person does not dare to be close to the river bank. After all river bank without development, but has exterminated simply, has all sorts of nonchalant dangers. 定蒲渡口乱石滩都是王氏地盘,普通人是不会也不敢接近河岸的。毕竟河岸都未经开发,只是简单地清剿过,有着种种不经意的危险。 Moreover this/should section nine curves winds, the remote hiding place does not know many, after Wang Shouzhe inspires, Wang Dinghai of familiar fishing industry has burst out many plans and ideas. 而且该河段九曲蜿蜒,偏僻隐蔽处不知多少,受到王守哲的启发后,熟悉捕鱼业的王定海已经迸发出了好多个方案与想法。 After Wang Shouzhe agrees, Wang Dinghai goes to this section covert small pier the ship, here each small pier is the secret small foothold, can have the multiple functions, the crafty rabbit also has the crafty preparedness for any emergency, let alone Wang Clan fishing fleet. 待得王守哲同意后,王定海将船一路向该江段一个隐蔽的小码头而去,这里每一个小码头都是秘密小据点,可以有多种用途,狡兔还有三窟呢,何况乎王氏的捕鱼船队。 By small pier also constructs the hiding wooden hut, is avoids in storm and other situations the place of resting. Wang Dinghai places Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui in this crude place, after staying behind that Wang Goudan serves two people, he is then hurried to go. 小码头旁还建有隐蔽的木制小屋,是躲避风浪等情况下休憩之地。王定海王守哲公孙蕙安置在这简陋之处,留下那个王狗蛋侍奉两人后,他便匆匆忙忙而去。 Sees Sixth Uncle for the first time so hurriedly.” Gongsun Hui says with emotion, fishing approach that Zhe'er you provide evidently, the effect will be good.” “还是第一次见到六叔如此风风火火。”公孙蕙感慨道,“看样子哲儿你提供的捕鱼思路,效果会非常不错。” „In the old book looks like, cannot do without the actual combat, hopes that is useful to clan.” Wang Shouzhe gives a calm smile, to say to Wang Goudan later, Goudan, does meet the grilled fish?” “都是古籍上看来的,未经实战做不得准,希望对家族有用。”王守哲淡然一笑,随后对王狗蛋道,“狗蛋,会烤鱼吗?” Meeting.” Wang Goudan nods smartly, family/home, Family Head, villain this goes to the grilled fish.” Then, ran speedily. “会。”王狗蛋机灵地点了点头,“家,家主,小人这就去烤鱼。”说罢,就一溜烟地跑了出去。 When is only left over Gongsun Hui and Wang Shouzhe two people, Gongsun Hui is taking a look at Wang Shouzhe carefully, somewhat looks at the innermost feelings to be scared after him, sighs with emotion sighed: Zhe'er, you changed, becomes seems free and easy uninhibited very self-confident. Beforehand you, shoulder the heavy burden only to know to go all out cultivation, other things do not manage totally. If not Aunt looks at you to grow up, but also really suspected that you made a fraudulent switch.” 等只剩下公孙蕙王守哲两人时,公孙蕙仔细地瞅着王守哲,直把他看得内心有些发毛后才感慨叹道:“哲儿,你变了,变得好似洒脱不羁十分自信。以前的你,肩负重担只知道拼命修炼,其余事情一概不管。若非大娘看着你长大,还真怀疑你被掉包了。” Aunt chatted, before had the father to withstand/top, I naturally can everything, no matter did not ask.” The Wang Shouzhe expression is calm, sighs, „, but the present father passed away, clan situation already badly to so degree, I, if doesn't buoy up Wang Clan what course to follow? Aunt, first did not say this matter, your Fatigue of travel, first rest little while, anticipates the Sixth Uncle pleasant surprise later.” 大娘说笑了,以前有父亲顶着,我自然可以凡事不管不问。”王守哲表情平静,叹了一口气道,“但是如今父亲过世,家族局势已恶劣到如此程度了,我若再不振作王氏何去何从?大娘,先不说这事,你一路舟车劳顿,先休息会儿,待会儿期待六叔的惊喜。” Wang Shouzhe control, ended the topic on own initiative, takes the lead in closing eyes to rest. 王守哲掌控局面,主动结束话题,带头闭目休憩。 After less than half double-hour, Wang Goudan put back into several shining grilled fish, was hearing fragrant, Wang Shouzhe pulls out the two big copper to discard: Enjoys your, outside is waiting.” 小半个时辰后,王狗蛋弄回了几条金灿灿的烤鱼,闻着都香,王守哲掏出两个大铜丢去:“赏你的,外面候着去。” Thanked Family Head, thanked Family Head.” Wang Goudan ran overjoyed. “谢家主,谢家主。”王狗蛋欢天喜地地跑了出去。 Grilled fish and Gongsun Hui minute/share, but eats it, although Goudan the craftsmanship is ordinary, scattered a coarse salt, may win freshly in the food high-quality, eats the Wang Shouzhe enunciation unrefined resin to praise without cease. 烤鱼与公孙蕙分而食之,狗蛋虽然手艺普普通通,就撒了点粗盐,可胜在食材新鲜优质,吃得王守哲口齿生香赞叹不已。 Gongsun Hui also eats so rough food for the first time, several stuttered the beautiful pupil to flash again and again, seemed ten analysis and synthesis tastes. 公孙蕙也是首次吃到如此粗犷的食物,几口吃下来美眸连连闪动,好似十分合口味。 Several grilled fish finished eating, outside heard the Wang Dinghai exciting yawp: Shouzhe, Fifth Sister-in-law, you come out to have a look quickly.” 几条烤鱼吃完,外面传来了王定海兴奋的叫喊声:“守哲,五嫂,你们快出来看看。” Wang Shouzhe two people hears sound, to small pier near, actually saw Wang Dinghai to defer to the tentative plan to put up simple banzheng. My goodness, that banzheng looks at the Wang Shouzhe brow to jump, four struts are the arm thick or thin log, the master rod are thicker than the thigh. 王守哲两人闻声而出,到了小码头边上,却见王定海已经按照设想架好了一口简易搬筝。好家伙,那口搬筝看得王守哲眉头直跳,四根支杆都是胳膊粗细的圆木,主杆更是比大腿还粗。 Is extremely unwieldy on this thing, feared that had 200-300 jin (0.5 kg), the earthman played inevitably motionless. 就这东西太过笨重,怕是有200-300斤了吧,地球人必然耍不动。 Sees only Wang Dinghai to stand in the wooden wharf, but the waist horse unites, slightly does to catch up to entrain the cable, unwieldy banzheng was picked up the water surface by him easily. 只见王定海站在木制码头上,只是腰马合一,略作发力拽动缆绳,笨重的搬筝就被他轻而易举地撬出了水面。 Hehe, forgot that fellow was Qi Refining Boundary five layers profound warrior, a strength ten times continued compared with the ordinary Earth people. 呵呵,忘记那家伙是个炼气境五层玄武者了,一身力气比普通地球人大了十倍不止。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In the banzheng net wrapped up a big fish, the big fish exploded water one wave actually net to be blocked the way fiercely, but also without and other second wave responded, was entrained to the water surface, lay down allows to be oppressed in the net center. In addition, several one to 2-3 jin (0.5 kg) small fish lie down side it quietly. 搬筝网中兜住了一条大鱼,大鱼猛地炸水一波却被网片挡住了去路,还没等它第二波反应,就被拽离了水面,躺在网片中央任人宰割。除此之外,还有几条一到2-3斤的小鱼悄无声息地躺在它身旁。 Good!” “好!” The surrounding fishing industry worker applauds excitedly, with simple copies the pole to attain to copy the fishing helter-skelter. Although that is not a valuable scarlet carp, however 67 jin (0.5 kg) it can also sell dozens silver coins, proved the banzheng effect. 周围渔工都兴奋地叫好,用简易抄杆七手八脚地把渔获抄上。虽然那是一条不值钱的赤鲤,但是六七斤重的它也能卖数十个角子了,同时也证明了搬筝的效果。 Afterward, under the Wang Shouzhe direction, Wang Dinghai further improved to banzheng personally, installed but actually the pole, counterweight and other thing. 随后,又在王守哲亲自指点下,王定海搬筝进一步改进,装上了倒杆,配重等物。 The principle is very simple, is the seesaw on Earth. However this seesaw is a triangle, the two peak gets up with the cable even/including, disposes the good appropriate counterweight in another of seesaw, so long as brings the pressure gently, can net proposes the water surface another banzheng in the form of seesaw. 原理十分简单,就是地球上的跷跷板。不过这个跷跷板是个三角形,两个顶端用缆绳连起,在跷跷板的另外一头配置好合适的配重,只要轻轻施加压力,就能将另外一头的搬筝和网片以跷跷板的形式提出水面。 This lane, was the two double-hour passed, the day dusk all tossed about, however everyone's enthusiasm actually surged upward. So long as the small hemiprism fragrant time, can hauling one time, and is not strenuous. 这一弄,又是两个时辰过去了,天都擦黑了才全部折腾好,但是大家伙儿的热情却是十分高涨。只要小半柱香时间,就能起网一次,而且还不费力。 Naturally, the spatial net is not possible to avoid the spatial net. However this point day the dusk, many fish have started by starlight to approach shore quietly, searches food along the shore, food of shore are by far more than river center. 当然,空网是不可能避免空网的。然而这个点儿天已擦黑,不少鱼类开始趁着夜色悄悄靠岸,沿着岸边寻觅食物,岸边的食物远远比大河中心要多。 Bang!” Crash-bang!” “轰隆!”“哗啦!” After several spatial nets, would an explosive, in in a big fish anything. Occasionally also meets one net two, three anything. This was excitedly bad these fishing industry workers and Wang Dinghai. 几次空网后,总会有一次爆响,中上一条大鱼什么的。偶尔还会一网两条,三条什么的。这把那些渔工和王定海兴奋坏了。 Shouzhe, got rich got rich.” Lifts Wang Dinghai of flare to report wild with joy, „ since a double-hour 30 nets, ran a moment ago five, nine big thing, the middle-and-small fishing attained incalculably. 守哲,发财了发财了。”举着火把的王定海狂喜地汇报,“刚才一个时辰起了三十网,跑了五条,中了九条大物,中小型渔获无算。 Only is a double-hour, then more than hundred jin (0.5 kg) fishing attains, the total price is worth ten big copper. ” 光是一个时辰,便百多斤渔获,总价值得有十来个大铜。” So harvests fearfully, making Wang Shouzhe also somewhat dumbstruck, is profound warrior / black tortoise world, the resources are better compared with Earth too. However Wang Dinghai also indicated later, now when fishing season busy season, but in the evening is the best time of fishing, having this harvest is also reasonable. 如此可怕收获,让王守哲也有些发懵,到底是玄武世界啊,资源比起地球要好太多。不过王定海随后也表示,现在时值鱼汛旺季,而晚上又是捕鱼的最佳时间,有此收获也算合理。 This thing ratio cast a net more powerful.” The fishing that the Wang Dinghai exciting say/way, casts a net attains also much, but a fit fishing industry worker, a day got down can cast over a hundred nets not to have the physical strength at most. However this type of new tools do not need to consume too the manybody force, does not use the technology, can arrange the two fishing industry worker 24 hours one after another work, moreover compared with the security, after all near the river bank arriving at the river center danger is little.” “这东西比撒网强大多了。”王定海兴奋道,“撒网的渔获也不少,但是一个体力充沛的渔工,一天下来至多能撒上百网就没体力了。但是这种新式工具不用耗费太多体力,也不用技术,可以安排两个渔工十二时辰轮番作业,而且还比较安全,毕竟河岸边比到江中心危险少许多。” Good, but you also neglected an advantage, that is the replicability.” Wang Shouzhe is also the mood extremely good say/way, Sixth Uncle, you will look for some skilled craftsmen from clan tomorrow, carves again well this type of crude thing, then promotes gradually, during this year's fishing season fishes one again.” “不错,不过你还忽略了一点优势,那就是可复制性。”王守哲也是心情极佳道,“六叔,你明天从家族里找一些能工巧匠,将这种简陋的东西再好好雕琢雕琢,然后就逐步推展开来,趁着今年鱼汛期间再多捞一笔。” The most important thing is keeps secret.” Gongsun Hui added in the one side, Sixth Uncle, the manpower cannot expand blindly, looked for some reliable helpers from the collateral branch clansman as far as possible.” “最重要的是保密。”公孙蕙在一旁补充道,“六叔,人手不能盲目扩充,尽量从旁系族人内找些可靠的帮手。” Everyone you said a I supplement. 大家你一言我一句的补充着。 Unexpectedly! 蓦地! Bang giant exploding sound of water. “轰隆”一声巨大的炸水声。 Wang Goudan shouts in that side: Master Hai, quickly, comes quickly.” 王狗蛋在那边嘶吼起来:“海爷,快,快来。” Three people of simultaneously look, saw only in banzheng to wrap up a conditions long snake-shaped monster, its explosive force was extremely fierce, even if were suppressed the banzheng support to lift the water surface by the two grown fishing industry worker hardly, it that has left the water struggled in the net bag as before crazily, the vibration entire support rocked. 三人齐齐望去,只见搬筝中兜住了一条体型硕长的蛇形巨物,它的爆发力极其凶猛,即便被两个成年渔工压住搬筝支架硬抬出水面,已经离水的它依旧在网兜中疯狂挣扎,震动地整个支架都晃动起来。 Is Scarlet Scaled Eel!” Wang Dinghai looks wild with joy, but he also the complexion emergency, is not in an instant good, it must reach the goal.” “是赤鳞鳝!”王定海面露狂喜,但转眼间他又脸色急变,“不好,它要破网。” Saw only the Scarlet Scaled Eel sharp advantage tooth to bite mesh, the body swayed from side to side revolving crazily, ripped the strip big opening the fishing net instantaneously, it swayed from side to side to push following the crack. 只见赤鳞鳝尖锐的利齿咬住了网孔,身躯疯狂扭动旋转,瞬间就将渔网撕出了条大口子,它顺着破口扭动着要挤出去。 Wang Dinghai without delay, direct sneaks into the water fiercely, the speed swims away to the fishing net extremely quickly. In Scarlet Scaled Eel will soon get out of trouble, he extended the big hand to seize its neck, the right hand pulled the waist water diversion thorn, went into its head ruthlessly, about mixed. 王定海二话不说,直接猛窜入水中,速度极快向渔网游去。就在赤鳞鳝即将脱困时,他伸出大手掐住了它脖子,右手掣出腰间分水刺,狠狠地扎进了它的脑袋,左右搅动起来。 But so, Scarlet Scaled Eel tied down him even as before, goes all out to mix, obviously is the vitality is extremely exuberant , after is enough one column fragrance, that thing suffocated dead. 可即便如此,赤鳞鳝依旧缠住了他,拼命搅动,显然是生命力极其旺盛,又是足足一柱香后,那东西才奄奄一息死去。 Wang Dinghai drags to come ashore it, the shop in the simple wharf, that thing body length two zhang (3.33 m), the initial place is thicker than the thigh, the whole body was covered with the red scale. 王定海将它拖上了岸,铺在简易码头上,那东西身躯长余两丈,最初的地方比大腿还粗,全身长满了赤色鳞片。 first stage aquatic ferocious beast Scarlet Scaled Eel, Sixth Uncle, this should be grown Scarlet Scaled Eel, can have 100 jin (0.5 kg)?” Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui are also surrounding curiously. 一阶水生凶兽赤鳞鳝,六叔,这条应该是成年赤鳞鳝吧,得有一百斤吗?”王守哲公孙蕙也在好奇地围观。 Ha , to continue, this has more than 150 jin (0.5 kg) at least, at least value 35 ten Qian gold.” Wang Dinghai sits in the ground respite, the eyes is putting exciting none, this ominous thing, if makes it launch, your Sixth Uncle not has also really necessarily made it. However this Scarlet Scaled Eel whole body is the treasure, Family Head, today the full-time childcare your great fortune, ha haha ~ will attain Dingpu Crossing to show off tomorrow.” “哈哈哈,不止,这条起码有一百五十多斤,至少值三五十乾金。”王定海一屁股坐在地上喘息,双眼放着激动的精光,“这凶物要是让它下了水,你六叔还真不一定弄得过它。不过这赤鳞鳝浑身都是宝贝,家主,今天全托你鸿福了,哈哈哈~明天拿到定蒲渡口去炫耀一下。” ...... ……
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