POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#10: Fenggu Village

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...... …… This actually not, was Grandfather said Elder Sister could not need two years then to get married.” Wang Luojing honk the small mouth was saying, might as well helps Elder Brother promote some cultivation base.” “这倒不是,就是爷爷姐姐要不了两年便要嫁人了。”王珞静嘟着小嘴说,“还不如帮哥哥多提升些修为。” Fourth Elder Brother, is I gives Elder Brother voluntarily. You do not blame him.” Wang Luotong explained intensely anxiously. 四哥哥,是我自愿给哥哥的。您,您千万别责备他。”王若彤紧张不安地解释。 According to the clan regulations, invades others resources in the clan, will be heavily fined. However gives voluntarily, in not punishing range. 根据族规,在族内侵占他人资源者,会遭到重罚。不过自愿给出的,则不在责罚范围内。 Oh!” “唉!” In the Wang Shouzhe heart sighed layer on layer/heavily, it seems like it was Fourth Elderly Gentleman somewhat regarded men as superior to women, but this basically is the present Wang Clan clan universal phenomenon, said that was a poor character is noisy. 王守哲心中重重地一叹,看来是四老太爷有些重男轻女了,不过这基本是如今王氏家族普遍的现象,说起来都是一个穷字闹的。 Wang Shounuo compared with his Wang Shouzhe, is not direct descendant Young Patriarch, aptitude is also good to be treated as first sequence training, the resources that usually can assign were naturally well below. 王守诺不比他王守哲,即是嫡系少族长,天资又好被当作第一序列培养,平常能分配到的资源自然是远远不如。 But profound warrior cultivation, naturally is jumps over young to walk the higher the better, otherwise declined to an age body, cultivation base strives difficulty bigger and bigger. Fourth Elderly Gentleman estimated that does not have the means that persuaded Wang Luotong to help Wang Shounuo. 玄武者修炼,自然是越年轻能走得越高越好,否则到了一把年纪身体衰退,修为精进难度越来越大四老太爷估计也是没办法,才劝说王若彤帮助王守诺 All right, said that is my mistake.” The Wang Shouzhe sigh said, was I alone takes the too multi-resources, made Elder Brother Younger Brother, Elder Sister Younger Sister be short of many shares imperceptibly.” “没事,说起来都是我的错。”王守哲叹息说,“是我一个人占用太多资源了,无形中让哥哥弟弟,姐姐妹妹们都少了许多份额。” Fourth Elder Brother is orthodox lineage, aptitude is also high, is the clan backbone, should assign the resources.” In the Wang Luotong look reveals some worships and hope colors of actually, listened to Grandfather saying that Fourth Elder Brother aptitude also only missed compared with Old Ancestor Longyan a wee bit, in the future will have the hope to break through Spirit Platform Boundary very much. So long as Fourth Elder Brother became Spirit Platform Old Ancestor, our Wang Clan day felt better.” 四哥哥嫡脉,天资又高,又是家族的顶梁柱,理应多分配资源。”王珞彤倒是眼神中露出些崇拜和希冀之色,“听爷爷说,四哥哥天资比起珑烟老祖也仅差一丁点,未来有很大希望突破到灵台境。只要四哥哥成了灵台老祖,我们王氏的日子就好过了。” Right right, I also heard that Fourth Elder Brother you have tested into Purple Mansion Academy.” Wang Luojing is also the staring exciting say/way, „the this time Fifth Uncle has an accident, Fourth Elder Brother must stand, when Patriarch, Fourth Elder Brother you have wanted to go to Purple Mansion Academy now? I may hear, in Purple Mansion Academy everywhere is attractive Elder Sister, Fourth Elder Brother, if went, certainly can marry one to come back.” “对啊对啊,我还听说四哥哥你已经考上了紫府学宫。”王珞静也是瞪着眼睛兴奋道,“要不是这一次五叔出了事,四哥哥必须站出来当族长,四哥哥你现在已经要去紫府学宫了吧?我可听说,紫府学宫里到处都是漂亮的姐姐,四哥哥要是去了,一定能娶一个回来。” Purple Mansion Academy! 紫府学宫 This to youngster of entire Changning area is Holy Land in dream, an unattainable dream. 这对整个长宁地区的年轻人来说都是梦想中的圣地,一个遥不可及的梦想。 Do not talk nonsense, what in your yellow wool little girl brain installed?” Wang Shouzhe stared her one eyes with a smile, the stopper several dry fruit gave her, „my through has not inspected finally, was eliminated probably.” “别胡说,你这黄毛小丫头片子脑子里都装了些什么?”王守哲笑着瞪了她一眼,塞了几块蜜饯给她,“我这还没通过最终考核呢,保不齐就被刷下来了。” Among the merriments, Wang Shouzhe actually felt the serious pressure, that was an numerous entire clan hopes in his pressure. 笑闹之间,王守哲却感受到了沉重的压力,那是一众全族希望都在他身上的压力。 In brief, Fourth Elder Brother is strongest.” Wang Luojing clearly has a blind worship to him. “总之,四哥哥最强的。”王珞静显然对他有种盲目的崇拜。 Power of clan, not by a person on line.” Wang Shouzhe looks at Wang Luojing smilingly, you are also clan one, same must try hard. I thought your talent actually also good, small age already Qi Refining Boundary one layer high stage., Will be enrolled by Purple Mansion Academy perhaps well diligently in the future, and Old Ancestor Longyan is equally outstanding.” 家族的强盛,可不是靠一个人就行的。”王守哲笑盈盈地看着王珞静,“你也是家族一员,一样要努力。我看你天赋倒是还行,小小年纪就已经炼气境一层高阶了。好好努力一下,说不定将来被紫府学宫录取,和珑烟老祖一样优秀。” Un un, Jing'er will certainly try hard.” In the Wang Luojing look was full of the color of hope, at least cannot make Younger Sister Luoqiu surpass again.” “嗯嗯,静儿一定会努力的。”王珞静的眼神中充满了希冀之色,“至少不能再让珞秋妹妹再超过了。” Luoqiu? 珞秋 Is Wang Luoqiu of Third Uncle?” Wang Shouzhe slightly some said curiously, she a peak, will soon have broken through?” “是三伯家的王珞秋吧?”王守哲略有好奇地说,“难道她已经一层巅峰,即将突破了?” Has broken through.” The Wang Luojing small mouth honk, some unhappy say/way, some time past also came to show off with me.” “是已经突破了。”王珞静小嘴都嘟了起来,有些不开心道,“前些时候还来和我炫耀。” This talent but actually was also very good.” Wang Shouzhe somewhat said surprised, remembers she is only 11 years old?” This aptitude, a little did not lose in his Wang Shouzhe many probably. “这天赋倒也是很好了。”王守哲有些吃惊道,“记得她才十一岁吧?”这天资,好像有点不输于他王守哲多少了。 It seems like that Wang Clan young one generation not compared with the Liú Clan Zhao Clan difference, because the resources issue causes everyone's growth is not high. His brow wrinkles, is thinking unceasingly. 看来,王氏年轻一代并不比刘氏赵氏差,只是因为资源问题导致大家的成长都不高。他眉头皱起,不断地思索着。 With Liú Clan Liú Yongzhou, the 23 or 24-year-old time fifth layer high stage appearance, in young in one generation was quite outstanding. If gives the Wang Luotong quite abundant cultivation resources, her future achievement will not be necessarily worse than Liú Yongzhou. 就拿刘氏刘永州来说,二十三四岁时候第五层高阶的样子,在年轻一代中算是比较优秀了。如果给予王珞彤较为充沛的修炼资源,那她未来的成就不一定比刘永州差。 Only pitifully, first she is a female. Secondly, clan was too poor. 只可惜,一来她是女子。二来,家族太穷了。 Afterward, Wang Shouzhe tested the school unintentionally their cultural schoolwork, actually discovered that their aspects studied general, particularly calculates that after studied in a complete mess. 随后,王守哲又是有意无意地考校了一下她们的文化功课,却发现她们这方面都学得一般,尤其是算经更学得一塌糊涂。 Stirring up the Wang Shouzhe face somewhat is black, reproved directly: Your this also lost face too, in attractive head empty. Although profound warrior aristocratic family establishes a family by the military, but culture and knowledge background, is a foundation of clan inheritance.” 惹得王守哲脸都有些黑,直接训斥道:“你们这也太丢人了,漂亮的脑袋里空空荡荡的。玄武世家虽然以武立家,但是文化和知识底蕴,也是一个家族传承的根基。” Fourth Elder Brother, we do not dare, does not dare.” 四哥哥,我们再也不敢了,不敢了。” „After this time goes back, gives me to study well, three months later I test school one time again.” “这次回去后,都给我好好学习,三个月后我再考校一次。” „!” “哦!” Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing, the head drooped. 王珞彤王珞静,脑袋都耷拉了下来。 ...... …… From Wang Clan main house to Fenggu Village, only more than ten li (0.5 km), the road may for two horse-drawn vehicles staggered rams the hard unsurfaced road, by the unsurfaced road plants is becoming the wheat, walks very smoothly. 王氏主宅到到丰谷农庄,仅有十几里地,路都是可供两辆马车交错的夯实硬土路,土路两旁都是种植着成麦子,一路走得十分顺畅。 When midsummer beginning, the both sides vegetation is luxuriant, the vitality is exuberant. The large expanse of azure wheat flutters with the wind, such as sea ocean waves. When this season wheat ear is in the milk, the glorious weather, the sunlight is abundant, obviously is a good sign. 正值仲夏之初,两侧植被繁茂,生机旺盛。成片成片的青麦随风飘荡,如海碧波。此季正是麦穗灌浆之际,风和日丽,阳光充沛,显然是个好兆头。 When Wang Shouzhe and two Younger Sister spoke, but the most double-hour, arrived in Fenggu Village. 王守哲两个妹妹说话之际,不过大半个时辰,就抵达了丰谷农庄 As long as the village, is situated in the land quite fertile place mostly. This lands border on the An River mainstream 78 li (0.5 km), ten zhang (3.33 m) wide small branches wind, has shuttled back and forth the abundant valley farm. 但凡农庄,多半都是坐落在土地较为肥沃之处。这一片土地濒临安江主流七八里,有一条十来丈宽的小小支流蜿蜒而下,穿梭过了丰谷农场。 The ancestors interrupt the branch, opened several three zhang (3.33 m) to come the wide brook crosswise, making this waters look from the upper air, some probably large-scale abundant character, therefore the ancestor named as Fenggu Village it. 先人又截断支流,横向开辟出了数条三丈来宽的河沟,让这片水域从高空中看,有些像是大型的“丰”字,因此先祖将其命名为丰谷农庄 Is depending on the abundant font water source, is constructing rows of scattered and organized houses, although these houses are crude, around each one has yard, in the institute may plant some fruits and melons vegetables, raises some chickens, the backyard somewhat simple lithical stair to lead to the brook, may for washing clothes to prepare food. 依着丰字型水源,建造着一排排错落有致的屋舍,那些屋舍虽然简陋,却个个都有前后小院,院内可种植些瓜果蔬菜,养一些鸡,后院都有些简易石质台阶通向河沟,可供洗衣做菜。 In the big or small brook, the duck old goose in groups is kidding around to prey on groups, quack is high-spirited to call very lively. 大小河沟内,还有成群成群的鸭子老鹅在嬉闹捕食,嘎嘎昂昂叫得十分热闹。 Before the room, is to reclaim to maintain good good farmland ripe, the large expanse of wheat field sways in the wind, is exceptionally grand and beautiful. 屋前就是开垦养护好的良田熟地,成片成片的麦田在风中摇晃,异常壮阔而美丽。 Good rural scenery. 好一片田园风光。 Occupies Wang Shouzhe in city for a long time, instantaneously by this satisfied and comfortable picture attracting, just passed through, to fantasy world the understanding stays on killing. 长久居住在城市里的王守哲,瞬间就被这惬意而闲适的画面给吸引了,原本刚穿越之际,对玄幻世界的理解停留在打打杀杀上。 Has not actually thought that so attractive rural scenery. 却不曾想,还有如此漂亮的田园风光。 Previously has Family Guard to come to notify, but the bonus is so, Wang Shouzhe and two Younger Sister after the river bank boundary ridge between fields waited for two quarters, Wang Xiaozhi the farmland deep place of length and breadth walked. 先前已有家将前来通报,但饶是如此,王守哲两个妹妹在河畔田埂前等了两刻钟后,王宵志才广袤的农田深处走了出来。 He over 70 years old is, the skin had exposed to the sun dark, is actually in high spirits as before, picked backward Wang Shouzhe to welcome the straw hat, said with a smile: How does Shouzhe have free time today?” 他已经七十多岁了,皮肤晒得黝黑,却依旧精神矍铄,将草帽一摘后向王守哲迎了上来,笑道:“守哲今儿怎么有空过来了?” Fourth Grandfather.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands salutes politely. 四爷爷。”王守哲客气地拱手行礼。 Grandfather.” Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing two girl, salutes to Wang Xiaozhi cleverly. 爷爷。”王珞彤王珞静两个女孩,乖巧地对王宵志行礼。 What your two girls make, doesn't study at home well cultivation?” Fourth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaozhi, knits the brows slightly the blame, this fields snakeworm mouse ant are most, having anything is fun.” “你们这两个丫头来做什么,不在家里好好读书修炼?”四老太爷王宵志,微微皱眉责备,“这田间地头蛇虫鼠蚁最多,有什么好玩的。” The two doll was reproven the face to be white, lowers the head does not dare to speak weakly. 两个女娃被训斥地脸都白了,低着头弱弱地不敢说话。 Fourth Grandfather.” Wang Shouzhe backed up, Fourth Younger Sister Fifth Younger Sister thought you, I led them to visit you arbitrarily, this did not blame them.” 四爷爷。”王守哲帮腔说,“四妹五妹想您了,我就擅自带她们来探望探望您,这不怪她们。” Shouzhe, you must be used to their temper not. So as to avoid later gets married, often is wronged in the husband's household.” Attitude of Wang Xiaozhi to Wang Shouzhe was kinder, you come to be possible really fortunately, one flock of swine in the evening the wheat field to arch the food today yesterday, big that had been encircled and hunted by us shoots dead, cooked in a covered vessel the pot to burn from the morning, walked, Fourth Grandfather asked you to drink wine to eat the meat.” 守哲啊,你莫要太惯着她们性子。免得以后嫁了人,在夫家动不动就觉得委屈。”王宵志王守哲的态度却和蔼了许多,“你今天来得可真凑巧,昨天有一群猪猡晚间来麦田拱食,大的那头已被我们围猎射死,从早上起就焖锅在烧了,走,四爷爷请你吃酒吃肉。” I said that this morning gets up to be prompted by a sudden impulse wants to come to the village to have a look, originally is when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, smelled Fourth Grandfather here to have far away delicious.” Wang Shouzhe said grinningly, looks like me also really very to have the good fortune.” “我就说呢,今早起来心血来潮就想来农庄看看,原来是福至心灵,老远就嗅到了四爷爷这里有好吃的。”王守哲笑嘻嘻地说道,“看来我还真挺有福气的。” You are the backbone of our family/home, naturally had the good fortune.” Wang Xiaozhi led Wang Shouzhe to enter the village Lord institute with a smile, the two girl followed blindly. “你可是咱们家的顶梁柱,当然有福气了。”王宵志笑着领王守哲进了农庄主院,两个丫头亦步亦趋地跟着。 The village Lord institute is the bricks wooden composite structure, the modeling is quite crude and simple, mainly remaining the clansman, Family Guard, domestic servant and others lived, in institute corner to some farm tools, but also raised some powder to raise chickens, actually a school of peasant family style. 农庄主院是砖瓦木制混合结构,造型比较简陋和朴实,主要是给留守的族人、家将、家仆等居住,院内墙角对着一些农具,还养了些散养鸡,倒是一派农家风范。 Wang Xiaozhi greeted Wang Shouzhe in the institute, that was a lithical round table floor, surrounding one is laying aside 56 stone round stools, after several peasant women exhibited some fruits and melons and tea, after starting , the kitchen was busy at work. 王宵志就在院内招呼王守哲,那是一张石质圆桌台面,周围一圈放置着五六张石头圆凳,几个农妇摆出了一些瓜果和茶后,就开始去后厨忙活了起来。 During this, the two girl also hurried to the kitchen to help by Wang Xiaozhi, with his truth, the girl must contact the kitchen, in the future will be insufficient to suffer a loss in the husband's household. 这期间,两个丫头也被王宵志赶去厨房帮忙,用他的道理来讲,女孩子要多接触接触厨房,未来在夫家才不至于吃亏。 Wang Shouzhe knows actually this is the profound warrior / black tortoise world tradition, although profound warrior aristocratic family will have the special female cook kitchen helper, but some cooking food are representing the intention personally. 王守哲倒是知道这是玄武世界的传统,虽说玄武世家都会有专门的厨娘厨工,但是亲手烹饪一些食物代表着心意。 Like Aunt Gongsun Hui, she also goes to the kitchen frequently personally to Wang Dingyue and some Lane Wang Shouzhe delicacies, this on behalf is being each other intimate relations. 就像大娘公孙蕙,她也经常亲自下厨给王定岳王守哲些佳肴,这代表着是一种彼此亲近的关系。 ...... ……
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