POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#11: Family's hope

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...... …… Wang Shouzhe has the goal today, is still not irritable, speaks thoughtlessly chats some fantastic story different matters with Wang Xiaozhi, when speaking of last night and Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai same place, caught 150 jin (0.5 kg) Scarlet Scaled Eel fortunately, Wang Xiaozhi also excitedly vertical position thigh: Dinghai that young brat two years are also not necessarily able to get so far as one, this time decided were benefitted from association with you lucky light.” 王守哲今天带着目的来的,却依旧不急不躁,随口和王宵志聊些奇闻异事,当说到昨夜和六叔王定海一起,凑巧捕获了一条一百五十斤的赤鳞鳝时,王宵志也是兴奋地直拍大腿:“定海那小兔崽子两年也未必能弄到一条,这次定是沾了你的福光。” Although Scarlet Scaled Eel was inferior that scarlet tail spirit gan is good, actually is also the thing of big making up, is the spirit food ranks. 赤鳞鳝虽不如赤尾灵鳡好,却也算是大补之物,位列灵食行列。 spirit food supplemented rapidly profound warrior vitality good thing, is the essential item of each profound warrior survival, even if over 70 years old of cultivation base like Wang Xiaozhi has bogged down, old person who even gradually backs up, needs to supplement some spirit food once for a while. 灵食是迅速补充玄武者气血的好东西,是每个玄武者生存的必需品,哪怕像王宵志这样七十多岁修为已经停滞不前,甚至逐渐倒退的老人,也需要时不时补充一些灵食 Otherwise the vitality will be then insufficient, the body deterioration and cultivation base extinguish will accelerate. 否则的话气血便会不足,身体衰败和修为消弭会加速。 But young one generation, then needs spirit food to supplement the vitality, can let young one generation of quickly better growth. 年轻一代,则更加需要灵食来补充气血,可以让年轻一代更快更好的成长。 Among two people chatting and laughing, half double-hour, the kitchen woman and two Younger Sister exhibited some peasant family good food, fresh chicken duck fish goose, as well as a big stone Pen stewing in soy sauce swine meat. 两人说说笑笑间,不出半个时辰,厨妇和两个妹妹就摆出了一些农家美食,新鲜的鸡鸭鱼鹅,以及一大石盆的红焖猪猡肉。 Shouzhe, you, but comes rarely one time, Fourth Grandfather does not have other is good to entertain you.” After Wang Xiaozhi ran in the bedroom, a while carried a plain wine pot, smilingly said, tastes me to collect for a long time nice wine, this pot can drink many to drink many, could not drink up you to bring to go back.” 守哲,你可是难得来一次,四爷爷没别的好招待你。”王宵志跑进了卧房后,一会儿就拎出了一个古朴的酒壶,笑眯眯地说,“尝尝我珍藏已久的好酒,这一壶能喝多少喝多少,喝不完你带回去。” Is speaking. 正说话间。 Skin is dark, the youth of whole body mud walked, sound frank say/way: Grandfather, your is the bias. Your this White Jade Spirit Wine, I usually sought one is not willing. Today Fourth Brother one, you put in order the pot to take.” 一个皮肤黝黑,浑身泥浆的青年走了进来,声音爽朗道:“爷爷,你这可是偏心啊。你这白玉灵酒,我平常求一口都不肯。今天四弟一来,你整壶都拿了出来。” Your this young brat, you calculate several jin (0.5 kg) several two, can compare with Shouzhe?” Wang Xiaozhi sees this youth, ridicules saying that thanks to you also really can pinch the meals and snacks to come back, goes to wash, calculates your one cup.” “你这小兔崽子,你算几斤几两,能和守哲比吗?”王宵志一见这个青年,就笑骂道,“亏你还真能掐着饭点回来,快滚去洗洗,算你一杯。” Third Elder Brother.” Wang Shouzhe smilingly cups the hands. He knows, this is Wang Shounuo, Wang Clan seventh generation of shou generation rank Old Third. 三哥。”王守哲笑盈盈地拱手。他知道,这是王守诺,王氏第七代守字辈排行老三 Fourth Brother.” Wang Shounuo quickly returns salute seriously, later said with a smile, „my first washed, one can call Fourth Brother.” Saying, asks to be excused rapidly. 四弟。”王守诺急忙郑重地还礼,随后笑道,“我这先洗洗,一会来招呼四弟。”说着,就迅速告退。 Waits for on the table to suspend the tableware winecup isochronism, Wang Shounuo has taken a bath fast, sits under Wang Shouzhe the head, smells the vegetable/dish fragrant, is staring at that pot White Jade Spirit Rice liquor to say with a smile greedyly: Today may occupy Fourth Brother up, your my brother had not eaten a meal for a long time together, meets me to respect your several cups.” 等桌上都摆好碗筷酒盅等时,王守诺已经飞快地洗过澡,一屁股坐在王守哲下首,嗅着菜香,眼馋地盯着那壶白玉灵米酒笑道:“今天可占四弟光了,你我兄弟好久没有一起用膳了,一会我多敬你几杯。” Third Elder Brother is also laborious for clan enough, a meeting should be I respects your several cups.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile. 三哥为了家族也够辛苦的,一会该是我敬你几杯。”王守哲笑道。 Tong'er, has not given you Fourth Elder Brother to pour out wine quickly.” The Wang Xiaozhi mood is excellent, on the dark face face glowing with health, spoke thoughtlessly the instruction to say. 彤儿,还不快给你四哥哥斟酒。”王宵志心情极好,黝黑的脸上容光焕发,随口吩咐道。 Yes, Grandfather.” Wang Luotong takes up the wine pot, to Wang Shouzhe, Wang Xiaozhi, again to Wang Shounuo pouring out. “是,爷爷。”王珞彤拿起酒壶,先后给王守哲,王宵志,再给王守诺给斟上。 This liquor luster pure white, is sending out pure wine, heard that feels full of energy. 这酒色泽纯白,散发着一股清醇的酒香,闻一下都觉得精神抖擞。 When Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing two girl, prepares returns to the kitchen small table to eat, Wang Shouzhe actually takes the lead one step to open the mouth saying: Fourth Grandfather, I am not the bystander, Fourth Younger Sister Fifth Younger Sister sit down to eat together.” 就在王珞彤王珞静两个女孩,准备回厨房小桌上吃去时,王守哲却率先一步开口道:“四爷爷,我又不是外人,四妹五妹一起坐下吃吧。” Wang Xiaozhi stares, has not actually refuted the Wang Shouzhe face, said with a smile: Since your Fourth Elder Brother opened the mouth, that eats a meal together.” 王宵志一愣,却也没有驳斥王守哲的面子,就笑道:“既然你们四哥哥开口了,那就一起用膳吧。” Many thanks Grandfather, many thanks Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing sat in most under the first position cleverly. “多谢爷爷,多谢四哥哥。”王珞彤王珞静都是乖巧地坐在了最下首位置。 Afterward, naturally is a lively banquet scene. 随后,自然又是一番觥筹交错。 The two girl, is eating actually cleverly silently, once for a while pouring out drinks. 两个女孩,倒是乖巧地默默吃着,时不时地给斟一下酒。 Nice wine.” Half cup gets into the stomach, Wang Shouzhe had thought that in the lower abdomen started to burn, the vitality in within the body surged, the energy was gradually exuberant. “好酒。”半杯下肚,王守哲已经觉得小腹内开始燃烧了起来,体内的气血涌动不已,精力逐渐旺盛起来。 This White Jade Spirit Rice liquor, but assists with White Jade Spirit Rice by many precious medicinal herb brewing, restores vital energy the effect of profit blood to feel better by far pure spirit food. 白玉灵米酒,可是用白玉灵米佐以不少珍贵药材酿造而成,补气益血的效果远远好过单纯的灵食 But its price also very touching, pot several jin (0.5 kg) White Jade Spirit Rice liquor frequently takes several Qian gold, even Wang Shouzhe still can only enjoy rarely one time. 只不过它的价格也非常“感人”,一壶数斤重的白玉灵米酒动辄要好几枚乾金,就算王守哲也只能难得享用一次。 Moreover spirit wine this type of thing, can only treat as to assist spirit food, occasionally drinks 1 points. Otherwise once becomes addicted, all day in drunken is not the good deed. 而且灵酒这种东西,只能当作辅助灵食,偶尔喝上一点。否则一旦上瘾,整日里醉醺醺的可不是好事。 At this time, small girl Wang Luojing that is eating meal silently, the small look childhood often glanced a wine pot, sipped the lip to seem the somewhat greedy appearance. 这时,正在默默吃饭的小丫头王珞静,小眼神儿时不时瞟了一下酒壶,抿着嘴唇好似有些嘴馋的模样。 Luotong can drink half cup, Luojing is too young, can only come the cup bottom.” Wang Shouzhe takes up the wine pot, poured out to two Younger Sister respectively. 珞彤可以喝半杯,珞静年龄太小,只能来个杯底。”王守哲拿起酒壶,给两个妹妹各斟了一些。 Thanks Fourth Elder Brother.” The two girls expressed gratitude delightedly, obviously they also drooled to spirit wine for a long time. “谢谢四哥哥。”两个女孩都欢喜地道谢,显然她们对灵酒也垂涎已久了。 At this time, the face of Wang Xiaozhi hid to shake, as if felt some anxiety, in a low voice dirty say/way: Shouzhe, this spirit wine drinks to the two female baby, doesn't spoil?” 这时候,王宵志的脸皮子抖了一下,仿佛觉得有些肉疼,低声埋汰道:“守哲,这灵酒两个女娃娃喝,不糟蹋了吗?” Wang Shouzhe is also the eye hides shakes, thought that this Fourth Elderly Gentleman regards men as superior to women, but also really not minces matter. 王守哲也是眼皮子一抖,这四老太爷重男轻女的思想,还真是丝毫不掩饰。 Fourth Grandfather, our own child, is the same.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile. 四爷爷,咱自家的孩子,都一样。”王守哲笑道。 Different different, the girl must get married sooner or later.” Wang Xiaozhi is loving dearly as before verbosely, Shouzhe you just when impacting the Qi Refining Boundary seven layers important pass, you should drink, Shounuo you also little sting two, remains to Shouzhe.” “不一样不一样,女孩子迟早要嫁人的。”王宵志依旧在心疼地絮絮叨叨,“守哲你正值冲击炼气境七层的关口,你才应该多喝一点,守诺你也少嘬两口,给守哲多留点。” Wang Shounuo quickly puts down the wine glass awkwardly, laughed foolishly two. 王守诺急忙尴尬地放下酒杯,憨笑了两下。 In the eye of Wang Xiaozhi this Clan Elder, Wang Shouzhe is orthodox lineage Patriarch, will be the hope and future backbone of clan, even if being intimate with grandson Wang Shounuo will be higher, not to mention two losing money granddaughter. 王宵志这种族老的眼里,王守哲嫡脉族长,更是家族的希望和未来的顶梁柱,哪怕比亲孙子王守诺都高许多,更别提两个“赔钱”的孙女了。 Was good is used to it because of his granddaughter grandsons, food ate also to calculate the harmony happiness. However in Wang Xiaozhi leadership, spirit wine also had the most pot eventually, the preparation was only picking out the good swine net meat to deliver to the Wang Shouzhe institute most probably, was monopolized by him. 好在他的孙女孙子都习惯了,一顿饭吃下来也算其乐融融。不过在王宵志的“主导”下,灵酒终究还剩下了大半壶,准备连带着大半只剔好的猪猡净肉都送到王守哲院里,回头由他一人独享。 Regarding Wang Xiaozhi this type flagrant bias, Wang Shouzhe is also quite helpless, has to for the time being by him. 对于王宵志这种明目张胆的“偏心”,王守哲也是颇为无奈,只得暂且由着他去了。 After eating to the heart's content, Wang Shouzhe proposed: Fourth Grandfather, this time I come Fenggu Village, mainly wants to study the agronomy with Fourth Grandfather well.” 酒足饭饱之后,王守哲才提议道:“四爷爷,这一次我来丰谷农庄,主要是想和四爷爷好好学习一下农学。” Agronomy?” The Wang Xiaozhi brow straight wrinkle, Shouzhe, you are head of a clan, immediately the most critical matter is diligently cultivation, will soon promote Spirit Platform Boundary. Must divert attention because of agronomy and other odd jobs ten million/countless not, Fourth Grandfather and your Third Elder Brother will process.” “农学?”王宵志的眉头直皱,“守哲,你可是一族之长,当下最紧要的事情就是努力修炼,早日晋升灵台境。千万莫要因农学等杂务分心,四爷爷和你三哥会处理好的。” Wang Shouzhe comes this goal, naturally is thought too much solves Fenggu Village. If possible, he also wants to develop with the modern thought that has a look to develop the means of industrial effectiveness. 王守哲来此目的,自然是想多了解一下丰谷农庄。如果可以的话,他也想用现代思维去开拓一下,看看有没有能开拓产业效能的办法。 However after Wang Xiaozhi first has to do, actually discovered that Wang Xiaozhi this old person is loyal and devoted to clan, actually causes the thought to solidify because of old eventually. 不过和王宵志初次打交道后,却发现王宵志这个老人对家族忠心耿耿没得说,却终究因为年纪大而导致思维固化。 He may not like Sixth Uncle Zhao Dinghai always follow like that if oneself spoke thoughtlessly to make several tentative plans, feared that will provoke anger in him. Immediately, the shift direction said: Fourth Grandfather you misunderstood, I as Family Head, many must in the industry to the clan know something. Is inferior to this, exhausted Third Elder Brother accompanies me to transfer the revolutions everywhere, enjoys the rural scenery.” 他可不像六叔定海那般言听计从,如果自己随口提出几个设想,怕是会惹怒于他。当即,转移方向道:“四爷爷您误会了,我只是身为家主,多少要对族内产业略知一二。不如这样,劳烦三哥陪我到处转转,领略一下田园风光。” You, forget it, forget it, makes Shounuo accompany you quite a while. Recently the date and time wheat had arrived at the milking phase, the field miscellaneous matters many, Fourth Grandfather did not accompany you.” Saying, Wang Xiaozhi takes the farm tool under to hurry away. “你呀,罢了罢了,就让守诺陪你半天吧。最近些时日麦子已到了灌浆期,田间杂事诸多,四爷爷就不陪你了。”说着,王宵志就拿上农具匆匆下地去了。 Hehe ~ 呵呵~ Although he as Patriarch, but in the family/home these Clan Elder take him to treat as the child to regard, what are more is expected that he can display talent cultivation to Spirit Platform Boundary. 虽然他已经身为族长,但是家里这些族老还是拿他当作小孩看待,更多的是期望他能发挥天赋修炼灵台境 Does this sentiment seem like must regard the mascot to regard his Patriarch? 这感情像是要把他这个族长当成吉祥物看待啊? Actually, if can pass easy and comfortable the day, Wang Shouzhe also close to inappropriate mascot and meter/rice insect. Pitifully the Wang Clan clansman ability is only insufficient, the short for dozens years the clan influence is on the wane day after day. This way, Ping'an Wang Clan was eaten not long wipes dry/does completely, vanishes in the river of history thoroughly. 其实,如果能把日子过得安安逸逸的,王守哲还巴不得当个吉祥物和米虫呢。只可惜王氏族人能耐不够,短短几十年来家族势力日渐凋零。照这样下去,平安王氏不用多久被人吃干抹尽,彻底消失在历史长河中。 Must while some Wang Clan also foundations, probably make Wang Clan rise rapidly, even if there is most basic self-preservation ability. 必须趁着王氏还有一些根基,必须迅速让王氏崛起,哪怕是拥有最基本的自保能力。 Fourth Brother, I lead you to transfer the revolutions everywhere, you have anything not clearly asked me momentarily.” Wang Shounuo sets out cups the hands, he is polite to Wang Shouzhe, even some awes. 四弟,我带你到处转转,你有什么不明白的随时问我。”王守诺起身拱手,他对王守哲非常客气,甚至有些敬畏。 First Wang Shouzhe is orthodox lineage Patriarch, secondly individual strength also strong his many times. 一来王守哲嫡脉族长,二来个人实力也强过他许多倍。 Had work Third Elder Brother.” Wang Shouzhe returns salute politely. “有劳三哥了。”王守哲客气还礼。 We also go.” Wang Luotong and Wang Luojing, follows. Behind also following young male servant Wang Gui, helping Wang Shouzhe take the sword and bow arrow, again behind, is follows four fully-armed Family Guard. “我们也去。”王珞彤王珞静,也是屁颠屁颠跟上。后面还跟着小厮王贵,帮王守哲拿着剑和弓矢,再后面,则是跟着四个全副武装的家将 Brothers and sisters several are strolling in the village. At this time already value first month of summer, some day heat. The hot blast mixes with the moisture to blow on the face, slightly reveals the air viscous. 兄弟姐妹们几个一路在农庄里闲逛着。此时已值初夏,天有些热了。热风夹杂着湿气吹在脸上,略显空气粘稠。 Our Fenggu Village, is Old Ancestor Zhouxuan the industry that hundred years ago open personally.” Some Wang Shounuo expression proud say/way, „the past Old Ancestor organization developed the branch river course, the desilting earth fill, consolidated stream bank, but also in the abundant valley branch upstream construction water conservation floodgate, formed the Fenggu Village embryonic form. Again later, the clansman opens up the maintenance open land unceasingly, turned into fertile good farmland this piece of subarid half wet marsh. One generation for the clansman operation, has the superior good farmland 3567 mu devotedly now, the tenant farmer 200 households!” “咱们丰谷农庄,是宙轩老祖在百年前亲自开辟的产业。”王守诺表情有些骄傲道,“当年老祖组织开拓支流河道,清淤填土,巩固河堤,还在丰谷支流上游修建水利闸口,形成了丰谷农庄的雏形。再随后,族人不断开垦养护荒地,将这一片半干半湿的荒泽变成了肥沃良田。一代代族人悉心经营下,如今已有上等良田三千五百六十七亩,佃农两百户!” ...... ……
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