POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#12: The indication of insect plague

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...... …… Only is Fenggu Village has so many good farmland, 200 households of tenant farmers? 光是丰谷农庄就有这么多良田,还有两百户佃农? Wang Shouzhe looks at field crisscrossing paths between fields, there is a drainage ditch that the size varies interlocks, the innermost feelings are also somewhat sigh with emotion, this is the clan base industry of hundred years of inheritance. 王守哲看着田间阡陌纵横,又有大小不一的沟渠在其中交错,内心也是有些感慨,这就是百年传承的家族基业啊。 What our Fenggu Village uses is the traditional winter wheat summer valley crop rotation, now the winter wheat soon will be mature, peak season of summer valley rice seedling cultivation.” On the Wang Shounuo face slightly sees the joyful say/way, „in the spring of this year the rainwater is not in flood abundantly, the sunlight does not burn the ghost exuberantly, is favorable for the growth of winter wheat, can be a harvest season evidently.” “咱们丰谷农庄采用的是传统的冬麦夏谷轮作,现在正是冬麦即将成熟,夏谷秧苗培植的繁忙季节。”王守诺脸上略见欣喜道,“今年春季雨水充沛又不泛滥,阳光旺盛又不灼煞,对冬麦的成长非常有利,看样子会是一个丰收季。” This, even some Wang Shouzhe also happy expression, the bumper crop and poor harvest difference of grain were very big, have many grain crops to mean that clan had more development funds. 这一下,连王守哲也有些喜色了,粮食的丰产与歉收差别很大,有更多的粮食收成意味着家族有更多的发展资金。 Not is right.” Looked like small tagalong general Wang Luojing honk the mouth saying that Third Elder Brother you spoke incorrectly, this year the winter wheat does not do well to want the poor harvest.” “不对不对。”就像是小跟屁虫一般的王珞静却嘟着嘴说,“三哥哥你说错了,今年冬麦弄不好要歉收。” What? 啥? The smile of Wang Shounuo somewhat is all of a sudden stiff, said sternly: Luojing, your little girl cannot talk nonsense. Even Grandfather and some veteran tenant farmers said, this year wants the harvest most likely. Your small age, what also understands? You so cursed the poor harvest, if listened by Grandfather, feared that must blame you.” 王守诺的笑脸一下子有些僵硬,厉声说:“珞静,你这小丫头片子可不能胡说。连爷爷和一些老经验佃农们都说,今年十之八九要丰收。你小小年纪,又懂什么?你这般诅咒歉收要是被爷爷听了去,怕是又要责备你了。” His such a was frightened, Wang Luojing hid Wang Shouzhe immediately behind. 被他这么一吓,王珞静登时躲到了王守哲身后。 Third Elder Brother, Fifth Younger Sister is small, children's words carry no harm, what do you and she haggle over?” Wang Shouzhe touches her head to comfort with a smile two. 三哥,五妹还小呢,童言无忌,你和她计较什么?”王守哲笑着摸了摸她脑袋安抚了两下。 Fourth Brother, you have not to know.” Helpless Wang Shounuo smiles bitterly, you do not know, our Fifth Younger Sister turn over to be small young, is actually strange. Day in day out likes playing various insects, at age liangsan, squatted in the courtyard looked that the ant can look for several days. Some time past, but also Yang I helped her seize what grass anything Insect King, did not go to make a tearful scene to sway back and forth, harmed me to look for 45 talents to grasp two ~ all over by the whole body that the mosquito bit is the package.” 四弟,你是有所不知。”王守诺无奈苦笑,“你是不知道,咱们这五妹年龄小归小,却是古灵精怪得很。一天到晚就喜欢玩各种虫子,两三岁的时候,蹲在院子里看蚂蚁都能看几天。前些时候,还央我去帮她捉什么草什么虫王,不去就哭闹打滚儿,害我漫山遍野找了四五天才抓了两只~被蚊虫咬的满身是包。” Is Lacewing Insect King, on old book Insect Classic recorded.” Wang Luojing finds out half head from Wang Shouzhe behind, meticulously is correcting Wang Shounuo, Elder Brother, your also lost face too, in handsome head empty. Although profound warrior aristocratic family establishes a family by the military, but culture and knowledge background, is a foundation of clan inheritance.” “是草蛉虫王,古籍虫经上有记载的。”王珞静又从王守哲身后探出半个脑袋,认真地纠正着王守诺,“哥哥,你这也太丢人了,英俊的脑袋里空空荡荡的。玄武世家虽然以武立家,但是文化和知识底蕴,也是一个家族传承的根基。” Especially latter half a word, that is studies Wang Shouzhe to blame their words, comes dirty Wang Shounuo. 尤其是后半句,那是学着王守哲责备她们的话,来埋汰王守诺呢。 Look the face of Wang Shounuo was black, has to say dispiritedly: „Is is, I have not experienced. Next time you asked me again, I did not help you seize the insect.” 这不,王守诺的脸都黑了,只得怏怏道:“是是是,我没见识。下次你再求我,我也不去帮你捉虫子了。” My Yang Fourth Elder Brother help, Fourth Elder Brother is fiercer than 10,000 times you.” Wang Luojing is drawing the Wang Shouzhe front piece, seemed found a backer, was sporty. “我央四哥哥帮忙,四哥哥比你厉害一万倍。”王珞静拉着王守哲的衣襟,好似找到了个靠山,底气十足。 This makes Wang Shouzhe smile, evidently also is really some strange, is only before him cautious, looked that was mad Wang Shounuo is about to faint. 这让王守哲不由莞尔,看样子还真是有些古灵精怪,只是在他面前拘谨而已,看把王守诺气得都快晕倒了。 Good, Luojing you said how this year the good crop weather does want the poor harvest?” Wang Shouzhe spoke thoughtlessly to ask, do not fear, even if spoke incorrectly had not related.” “好了好了,珞静你说说,今年风调雨顺怎么着就要歉收了?”王守哲随口问道,“你别怕,就算是说错了也没关系。” Had Wang Shouzhe to support, Wang Luojing courage strong many: Last year the winter was too warm, only got down Little Xue.” 有了王守哲撑腰,王珞静的胆气壮了不少:“去岁冬天太暖,仅下了一场小雪。” Wang Shounuo turned a supercilious look immediately: Although auspicious snow trillion good harvest year, but also merely is a view. Didn't snow this year on certain poor harvest?” 王守诺当即翻了一下白眼:“虽说瑞雪兆丰年,但也仅仅是个说法而已。不下雪今年就一定歉收了?” Different.” The Wang Luojing very earnest say/way, last year mild winter, the rainwater is indeed good in the spring of this year. But more than ten days have not rained recently, weather dry heat.” “不一样。”王珞静非常认真道,“去年暖冬,今年春季雨水的确不错。可最近已经十多天没有下雨了,天气干热。” Luojing.” Wang Shounuo thinks little saying that we have opened the sluice gates to turn on the water in the abundant valley branch, the winter wheat cannot water shortage. Moreover the sunlight is good, helping the grain of wheat growth be full.” 珞静。”王守诺不以为意道,“我们已在丰谷支流开闸放水,冬麦不会缺水。而且阳光好,有助于麦粒成长饱满。” May also help the honey insect growth.” Wang Luojing turned a supercilious look. “可也有助于蜜虫成长。”王珞静翻了一下白眼。 Honey insect? 蜜虫? Wang Shounuo startled hits to tremble spirit, somewhat said hesitant: Honey insect cannot avoid, every year will have the honey insect to appear, causes some production cut normally also...... let alone, in the winter of last year the year, we also put in Insect Exterminating Powder in the farmland.” 王守诺激灵灵地打了个寒颤,有些犹豫道:“蜜虫是免不了的,每年都会有蜜虫出现,造成一些减产也正常……更何况,去年冬岁,我们也是在农田中投放了灭虫散。” However when spoke this saying, his energy is somewhat insufficient, the honey insect is the natural enemy of winter wheat. The small scale erupts good, at most is the grain production cut, if erupts that massively is a disaster. 不过说这话时,他的底气有些不足,蜜虫是冬麦的天敌。小规模爆发还好,至多就是粮食减产,若是大规模爆发那就是一场灾祸。 During Wang Clan records, most serious one time is the 73 years ago honey insect disasters, the disaster situation proliferates entire Longzuo Commandery, sometimes the years winter wheat reduces production most likely (80%), the grain price soars in a short time, some aristocratic family can also depend on the grain in storage to maintain. But many asset weak freemen were miserable, selling sons and daughters were many. 王氏记载之中,最严重的一次是七十三年前的蜜虫灾祸,灾情遍布整个陇左郡,时年冬麦减产八成,粮价短时间内飞涨,一些世家还能靠着存粮维持。可很多资产薄弱的自由民就惨了,卖儿卖女的多了去。 What is more fearful was that insect plague extends the third year, was some aristocratic family cannot even shoulder. If not Purple Mansion Academy acts, calls in a lot of grain to Longzuo Commandery, and refines massive ancient recipe Insect Exterminating Powder. Perhaps the entire Longzuo Commandery bodies of those who starved to death thousand li (500 km), will be desolate and uninhabited. 更可怕的是那一场虫灾延绵到了第三年,便是连一些世家都扛不下去了。若非紫府学宫出手,向陇左郡调入大量粮食,并炼制出大量的古方灭虫散。恐怕整个陇左郡就会饿殍千里,荒无人烟了。 Suddenly, Wang Shouzhe knits the brows: Luojing, do you have the means to prove words that you spoke?” 一时间,王守哲皱眉起来:“珞静,你有没有办法证明一下你说的话?” Fenggu Village and Prosperous Village are the Wang Clan two big grain production bases, if the real ophid eruption, that had one misfortune after another to present Wang Clan. 丰谷农庄兴盛农庄王氏的两大产粮基地,若是真的蚜虫爆发,对如今的王氏来说那就是雪上加霜了。 Elder Brother, you inspect several grouting wheat ears to try.” The Wang Luojing expression somewhat is also dignified. 哥哥,你多检查几个灌浆麦穗试试。”王珞静的表情也有些凝重。 Wang Shounuo was somewhat said under the heart to be disturbed, moves toward the field, grasped a wheat ear to turn casually, sees only on the wheat ear that just started to be in the milk, there are some green fancy snacks. 王守诺被说得心下有些忐忑,走向田间,随便抓了棵麦穗一翻,只见刚刚开始灌浆的麦穗上,有些许的绿色细点。 Turned several wheat ears one after another, somewhat many some have a little, but without a doubt that is the honey insect. 接连翻了几个麦穗,有些多一些有些少一些,但是毫无疑问那都是蜜虫。 Wang Shouzhe is Qi Refining Boundary six layers high stage, the physical quality and eyesight is far from the average person can compare, one goes shortly, discovered that these green fancy snacks are the puffy small insects, he is slightly stunned, does this seem like the ophid? 王守哲炼气境六层高段,身体素质和目力远非普通人能比,一眼瞅去,发现那些绿色细点都是肥嘟嘟的小虫子,他微微错愕,这好像是蚜虫吧? Regarding the knowledge in this aspect, Wang Shouzhe accumulates few, can only guess correctly this reluctantly is some ophid. He is not interested in the agriculture, these algorithm fierce APP, will not naturally push this content. 对于这方面的知识,王守哲积累很少,仅能勉强猜出这是某种蚜虫。他对农业不感兴趣,那些算法厉害的APP,自然也不会推送这一块的内容。 This year the honey insect indeed is more than the old times.” The Wang Shounuo anxiety said, will actually also not necessarily have the insect plague? Mixes to select Insect Exterminating Powder with the vegetation lixivium to govern. At most, slightly reduced production some compared with last year.” “今年蜜虫的确比往年要多些。”王守诺疑虑不已道,“却也不见得会发生虫灾吧?用草木灰汁掺点灭虫散就能治。至多,就是比去岁略减产些。” Elder Brother!” Wang Luojing stamps the foot saying that I said the climate had very major problem, in the soil left behind too many last year ovums, short, then in the next two days, then late, massive honey insects will emerge as the times require on the 34 th, to 78 will be very likely to erupt the second wave in the future.” 哥哥!”王珞静顿足道,“我都说了气候有很大问题,土壤里留下了太多去岁的虫卵,短则明后天,迟则三四日,大量的蜜虫就会破土而出,到了七八日后就极有可能爆发第二波。” Your several come.” Wang Shouzhe is recruiting to say in several tenant farmers of practical training to not far away, draws out this flake wheat, the soil opens.” “你们几个过来。”王守哲对不远处正在劳作的几个佃农招收说,“把这一小片麦子拔出,土壤都翻开。” This...... Young Master Shounuo......” that several tenant farmers shrink the head, the anxiety are looking at Wang Shounuo, does not dare, some do not hate to begin. These wheat can harvest about ten days, that is the white Huahua grain. “这……守诺少爷……”那几个佃农缩着脑袋,疑虑地看着王守诺,不敢,也有些不舍得动手。这些麦子再过十来天就可以收割了,那都是白花花的粮食。 Listens to Patriarch.” Wang Shounuo does not dare to offend Wang Shouzhe, goes forward to draw out the wheat personally. “听族长的。”王守诺可不敢得罪王守哲,亲自上前将麦子拔出。 Several tenant farmers also carry the hoe, starts to turn the soil. 几个佃农也是扛着锄头,开始翻土。 Not many moments, that scrap wheat pulled out, the land was turned. 不多片刻,那一小块麦子都拔了出来,土地被翻了一遍。 This......” Wang Shounuo inspects these drawn out wheat root carefully, the complexion is gradually dignified to the shock, how so, how can so?” “这……”王守诺仔细地检查那些被拔出的麦子根部,脸色逐渐凝重到震惊不已,“怎么会如此,怎么会如此?” On these root hair, has many white fancy snacks, making people shocking. Moreover on most wheat root hair has, is only how much the quantity. 那些根须上,有着许多白色细点,让人触目惊心。而且多数麦子根须上都有,只是数量多寡而已。 In earth that these open, if reads carefully, will discover that the white fancy snacks quantity are many. 还有那些翻开的土里,如果仔细翻看,会发现白色细点数量很多。 In Wang Shounuo heart thump, ominous premonition spontaneously: Quickly, called Grandfather to come quickly.” 王守诺心中“咯噔”一下,不祥的预感油然而起:“快,快去叫爷爷过来。” Quickly, informs Grandfather, and informs all tenant farmers, plant ash immersion that will accumulate rapidly.” Wang Shounuo followed Grandfather to study two years of agronomy, many also had some basic skills. “快,通知爷爷,并且通知所有佃农,迅速将积存的草木灰浸泡。”王守诺跟着爷爷学了两年农学,多少也有了些基本功。 The tenant farmers start to bustle about. 佃农们开始忙碌起来。 Not many moments, Fourth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaozhi has come to converge, his complexion embarrassed to pinnacle: How, in the land to have so many honey ovums long to come out? Last year after the fall harvest, obviously already as usual, after the heaven and earth deep plowing, scattered Insect Exterminating Powder, these did Insect Exterminating Powder have the issue?” 不多片刻,四老太爷王宵志已经前来汇合,他的脸色难堪到了极致:“怎么会如此,土地里怎么会有那么多蜜虫卵长出来?去年秋收之后,明明已经和往常一样,将天地深耕后撒了灭虫散,难道那些灭虫散有问题?” Grandfather, last year was the mild winter......” Wang Luojing reminds in the one side cautiously. 爷爷,去年是暖冬……”王珞静在一旁小心翼翼地提醒。 Little girl, Grandfather worked at farming for a lifetime, can be inferior that you did understand?” Wang Xiaozhi seemed stepped on the tail to be the same, the angry sound reprimanded, ten years ago is the mild winter, the climate and this year is also exactly the same, finally Longzuo bumper crop, grain full Cang! In my opinion, the issue is on Insect Exterminating Powder, damn Qian Clan Trading Company, deciding however sells false Insect Exterminating Powder, I also took advantage of the low price grain bin fortunately large quantities of Insect Exterminating Powder!” “小丫头片子,爷爷务农一辈子了,能不如你懂吗?”王宵志仿佛被踩中了尾巴一样,怒声斥责,“十年前也是暖冬,气候与今年一模一样,结果陇左丰产,粮食满仓!依我看,问题是出在灭虫散上,该死的钱氏商行,定然是卖假的灭虫散,亏得我还趁低价囤了一大批灭虫散!” As their you said my one, Wang Shouzhe also remembered some scattered knowledge, knit the brows: Qian Clan Trading Company proliferates across Longzuo, always pays great attention to the goodwill, such as sells false Insect Exterminating Powder to cause Longzuo to have the insect plague, perhaps cannot withstand so the consequence. Can have this possibility, the aphis, no, the honey insect in times and in the resistance of Insect Exterminating Powder, some drug resistance strong honey insects lived, gradually gradually forms a large area of drug resistance?” 随着他们你一言我一句,王守哲倒也是想起了一些零散的知识,不由皱眉道:“钱氏商行遍布陇左各地,向来注重商誉,如售卖假灭虫散而导致陇左发生虫灾,恐怕承受不起如此后果。会不会有这种可能性,蚜,不,蜜虫在一次次和灭虫散的对抗中,一些耐药性强的蜜虫活了下来,逐步逐步形成大面积的耐药性?” Although previous life Wang Shouzhe does not contact the agriculture, actually also knows that the bacterial virus or the lifeform, continuously will conduct the gene mutation to evolve, this evolved almost disorder, but majority by natural selection. 上辈子王守哲虽不接触农业,却也知道不论是细菌病毒还是生物,都会不断地进行基因突变演化,这种演化几乎无规律可言,但是大部分都会被自然淘汰。 But in the drug resistance the direction to the honey insect that evolves, in lived with Insect Exterminating Powder resistances, and gradually multiplies is also reasonable. 而一些向耐药性上方向演化的蜜虫,在和灭虫散一次次的对抗中活了下来,并且逐渐繁衍开来也是合理的。 But Wang Xiaozhi is unable to understand that from the start what is the organic evolution, but knits the brows: Shouzhe, here nonsense, beforehand Insect Exterminating Powder do not use good good, how this year no matter used?” 王宵志压根就无法理解什么叫生物演化,只是皱眉道:“守哲,你别在此处胡言乱语,之前的灭虫散用的还好好的,怎么今年就不管用了?” Grandfather, I felt actually Fourth Elder Brother said reasonable.” Wang Luojing said, Grandfather you forgot, for these years always listens to you to complain, probably Insect Exterminating Powder no matter more and more used, how to have the honey insect every year?” 爷爷,我倒是觉得四哥哥说的有道理。”王珞静说道,“爷爷你忘记了,这几年来总是听您抱怨,好像灭虫散越来越不管用了,怎么每年都有蜜虫?” Wang Xiaozhi complexion one stiff, the complexion was getting more and more ugly. In recent years, after particularly since ten years ago bumper crop, that time starts, has the honey insect gradually the rising trend, because the overall still in may the tolerance range, therefore also feels the worry. 王宵志脸色一僵,脸色越来越难看了起来。近些年,尤其是自从十年前丰产后那次开始,就有蜜虫逐渐增多趋势,但是因为总体还在可承受范围内,因此也不过是觉得烦恼而已。 Wang Shouzhe has almost been able to determine, this was the antibiotic strong ophid has multiplied to proliferate. But previous quarter mild winter, made most ovums live, in addition this year's climate suits the ophid to grow, had at present this scene. 王守哲几乎已经可以确定,这是抗药性强的蚜虫已经繁衍扩散开来了。而上一季的暖冬,也让大部分虫卵活了下来,再加上今年的气候适合蚜虫生长,才发生了眼前这一幕 This wave troubled in a big way, the bonus was Wang Shouzhe cannot bear scalp tingles, he may not have the skill mixed newly agricultural chemicals...... 这一波麻烦大了,饶是王守哲也是忍不住头皮发麻,他可没本事调配出新的“农药”…… The room leaks meets continually the night rain! Under this disaster, will the Wang Clan day even more be difficult? 正是屋漏偏逢连夜雨!这一场灾难下,王氏的日子会愈发艰难吧? Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luojing is drawing Wang Shouzhe to the one side, she said in a low voice, I have the means solution honey insect, but I fear Grandfather, does not dare to say!” 四哥哥。”王珞静拉着王守哲到了一旁,她低声说,“我有办法解决蜜虫,可我怕爷爷,不敢说!” What? 什么? Wang Shouzhe stares, looks at her unbelievable. 王守哲一愣,难以置信地看着她。 ...... ……
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