POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#73: Shouzhe! Do not act sloppily

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...... …… two young is handsome, has the aristocratic family Young Master character man, various arrogant eyes are staring the small eye, has not thought that the opposite party will appear here. 两个年轻英俊,都颇有世家公子范儿的男人,各自大眼瞪着小眼,都是没想到对方会出现在这里。 Shouzhe, this mission planning stage, you did not say that you don't participate?” Some slightly old handsome men, are Chen Clan Young Patriarch Chen Fangjie, at this time somewhat awkward saying. 守哲,此任务计划阶段,你不是说你不参与吗?”略微年长些的英俊男子,正是陈氏少族长陈方杰,此时有些尴尬的说道。 I am in suspense, then comes to see, actually Brother Chen.” Wang Shouzhe touches the nose, suppresses to punch the impulsion of person, why will you appear here? Is it possible that......” “我放心不下,便来看看,倒是陈兄。”王守哲摸了摸鼻子,压制住要揍人的冲动,“你缘何会出现在此处?莫非……” Misunderstanding, is really the misunderstanding.” Chen Fangjie is sweating, waved the hand to say fast, first, in the Shouzhe plan needed some people to act powerful aristocratic family Elder Brother Young Master, I could not find the candidate for a while, also thought that this plan very had the challenging, then went forth to battle personally. Second, good, I told the facts. I listened to side magnificence saying that if the Miss Luoxian beautiful the angel, imitated if Banished Immortal descended to earth, said wonderfully. For a while is curious, then participated in this mission personally, grows in experience.” “误会,真是误会。”陈方杰急得满头大汗,摇手飞快地解释说,“第一,守哲计划中需要有人扮演强盛世家公子哥,我一时着实找不到人选,也觉得这个计划挺有挑战性,便亲自上阵了。第二,好吧,愚兄实话实说。我听方华说,落仙姑娘美若天仙,仿若谪仙下凡,说得神乎其神。一时好奇,便亲自参与了这任务,长长见识。” „After hehe ~ treats I asked that again with you distinguishes.” Wang Shouzhe observes his expression spoken language, letter/believed actually 89, immediately said to Wang Mei, Wang Mei, you told the facts, did this Elder Brother Young Master have the impolite action to you?” “呵呵~待我问过后,再与你分辨。”王守哲观他表情言语,倒是信了八九分,随即对王梅说,“王梅,你实话实说,这位公子哥对你有没有无礼举措?” reporting Family Head.” Wang Mei busy sincere said that „when this Young Master sees the subordinate initially, approximately blurred three breath times, later has then turned head not to dare to look, in addition actually and has no impolite action.” 启禀家主。”王梅忙正色说,“这位公子初见属下时,约迷离了三息功夫,随后便扭过头去不敢多看了,除此之外倒是并没有什么无礼举措。” Hears this word, Chen Fangjie is relaxes, the certificate was then pure. Otherwise, but also really does not know that Wang Shouzhe this future wife's younger brother, will make what action. 一听到此言,陈方杰才算松了一口气,这下证明清白了。否则的话,还真不知道王守哲这未来的小舅子,会做出点什么举动。 However he stares at once, somewhat said surprised: Wang Mei? Is it possible that this is the Miss Luoxian real name? She, unexpectedly is the Shouzhe subordinate, is it possible that is Wang Clan Family Guard?” 不过他旋即一愣,有些吃惊道:“王梅?莫非这是落仙姑娘的真名吗?她,竟然是守哲的属下,莫非是王氏家将?” Hehe, how is my Wang Clan Family Guard?” Wang Shouzhe faint smile resentment, how, is it possible that brother-in-law Sir, but also thinks that my Wang Clan dowry Family Guard does go?” “呵呵,是我王氏家将又如何?”王守哲似笑非笑地“怼”了一句,“怎么着,莫非‘姐夫’大人,还想我王氏陪嫁个家将去?” „It is not, cannot.” Chen Fangjie was frightened cold sweat, hurried cups the hands said again and again, Shouzhe must misunderstand not, my Chen Fangjie can pledge to the day, my heart to the Luoyi, heaven and earth may reflect. Will not be decidedly undecided, is fickle.” “万万不是,万万不能。”陈方杰被吓得一头冷汗,急忙连连拱手说,“守哲莫要误会,我陈方杰可以对天发誓发誓,我对珞伊之心,天地可鉴。断然不会三心二意,朝秦暮楚。” Solemn Young Patriarch pledged that is not the casual matter, was thus it can be seen he is really anxious. 堂堂少族长发誓,那可不是随随便便的事情,也是由此可见他真是急了。 Wang Shouzhe saw to take advantage of opportunity similarly striking, this gave up, cups the hands said smilingly: „The moral behavior of Brother Chen, I am naturally trustworthy. Brother Chen, please sit down, Wang Mei, serves tea.” 王守哲见顺势“敲打”得差不多了,这才作罢,笑盈盈地拱手说:“陈兄之人品,我自然是信得过的。陈兄,请坐,王梅,上茶。” Wang Shouzhe takes the lead to take a seat, has a master manner actually. 王守哲率先落座,倒是颇有一副主人派头。 The Chen Fangjie heart wiped a sweating, cups the hands returned salute, many thanks Shouzhe. 陈方杰心头抹了一把虚汗,拱手还礼,多谢守哲 Afterward, takes a seat opposite of Wang Shouzhe. At this time, his heart passed over gently and swiftly is not right, probably is he master of this ship? How to make that all of a sudden the hosts and visitors did invert? 随后,落座在王守哲对面。这时候,他心头才掠过一丝不对劲,好像他才是这艘船的主人吧?怎么一下子弄得主客倒置了? Luoxian, imitates lightly, if some Celestial aristocratic family expensive/noble female Wang Mei, steeps tea in the one side obediently, the movement is refined, as if has flavor. 一副翩然落仙,仿若某个天人世家贵女的王梅,乖乖地在一旁沏茶,动作雅致恬静,仿佛别有一番韵味。 Family Head, please have tea.” Young Master Chen please have tea.” 家主,请用茶。”“陈少爷请用茶。” The dialogue of two people has made her understand, this slightly old some Young Master, are Chen Clan Young Patriarch, will be Young Lady Luoyi future Husband. 两人的对话已经令她明白,这位略微年长些的公子,正是陈氏少族长,也是珞伊小姐未来的夫君 Pouring is also quite handsome, is impressive, was is only worse than much Family Head. When she pours tea, draws the conclusion secretly secretly. 倒也是颇为英俊,气度不凡,只是比家主差了不少。她斟茶之余,又是偷偷暗下定论。 Shouzhe, when did you receive so Family Guard?” After Chen Fangjie drank tea, calms down, cannot contain in the heart as before curious, „, not only the appearance bearing is outstanding, is cultivation base could not even completely understand. I am not other meaning, feels somewhat inconceivable.” 守哲,你何时收了如此一位家将?”陈方杰喝了一口茶后,才定下神来,依旧遏制不住心中好奇,“不但容貌气度卓绝,便是连修为都看不透。我不是别的意思,就是觉得有些不可思议。” cultivation base could not completely understand that is right, otherwise Wang Shouzhe that thousand Qian gold purchases small spirit treasure jade pendant Aura Restraining Pendant, white Mai? 修为看不透是对的,否则王守哲那一千乾金购买的小灵宝玉佩敛息佩,岂不是白买了? That treasure, is the Wang Shouzhe plan was used to hide oneself cultivation base. However at this time, with can display biggest role to Wang Mei. Other things can disguise as, but the cultivation base aura is not good to deceive. 宝物,原本是王守哲打算用来隐藏自己修为的。但是此时,给王梅用才能发挥出最大作用性。其它东西都能假扮,但是修为气息却是不好糊弄。 Considers a keeping aloof big clan expensive/noble female, cultivation base possibly only has Qi Refining Boundary three layers? 试想一个高高在上的大家族贵女,修为怎么可能仅有炼气境三层 Brother Chen.” Wang Shouzhe said, had heard the curiosity does kill the cat? Was inferior that you do ask my Elder Sister?” 陈兄。”王守哲笑着说,“听说过好奇心害死猫吗?不如你去问问我姐姐?” Does not dare, does not dare.” At this moment, Chen Fangjie is curious , can only depress in the heart the doubts to be curious. Gives him 10,000 courage, does not dare to ask Wang Luoyi. “不敢,万万不敢。”此时此刻,陈方杰再好奇,也只能压下心中疑惑好奇。给他一万个胆子,都是不敢去问王珞伊的。 Brother Chen this private car is actually good.” Wang Shouzhe looks all around about, said, this ship is luxurious, well, that side also has a bedroom. Brother Chen this day crosses Free and Unfettered.” “倒是陈兄这座驾不错嘛。”王守哲环顾左右,笑着说,“这船奢华高档,咦,那边还有一个卧房。啧啧,陈兄这日子过得逍遥。” Shouzhe must tease not again, if I dare to build the so luxurious large ship to enjoy for oneself, had been broken the both legs by the father.” Chen Fangjie feels for the first time, oneself this wife's younger brother the sharpness of expression, frequently then hidden murderous intention. Immediately smiled bitterly said, this was I borrows from Eastern Sea King Tantai Family Little Young Master there.” 守哲莫要再取笑了,我若敢打造如此奢华楼船供自己享用,早就被父亲打断双腿了。”陈方杰还是首次感受到,自己这个小舅子的言辞之锋利,动辄便暗藏杀机。当即苦笑不已说,“这是我从东海王澹台家小少爷那里借来的。” Eastern Sea Garrison that was known as that is Eastern Sea King Tantai Family?” Wang Shouzhe somewhat was actually curious, Brother Chen makes friends actually broadly, even Tantai Family Young Master can associate on.” 东海卫那个,号称是东海王澹台家?”王守哲倒是有些好奇了,“陈兄倒是交友广阔,连澹台家少爷都能交往上。” Compares in remote Hundred Islands Garrison, Eastern Sea Garrison this close neighbor and Changning Garrison has to do will be more. But one of the Eastern Sea Garrison most famous aristocratic family, is Eastern Sea King Tantai Family, it is said their fleets dominate Eastern Sea, the power and prestige do not have two. 相比于地处偏远的百岛卫,东海卫这个近邻和长宁卫打交道会更多一些。而东海卫最出名的世家之一,便是东海王澹台家,据说他们的舰队叱咤东海,威风无二。 Although Donggang Chen Clan the momentum is good, but by having mass and strength, is unable to place on a par with Eastern Sea King by far. 东港陈氏虽然势头不错,但是论起体量和实力,是远远无法和东海王相提并论的。 Chen Fangjie sat well the body, considered to say slightly: I also in one in combined military operation that exterminates a share of pirate, knows with that Little Young Master.” 陈方杰端坐了身子,略微斟酌了一下说:“我也是在一次剿灭一股海匪的联合作战中,与那位小少爷结识。” Tantai Family that Little Young Master, the aptitude is uncommon, very by the Ancestor love of Tantai Family. However, he eventually is orthodox second son in orthodox lineage. Shouzhe you also know, according to the profound warrior aristocratic family custom, is always set the elder as heir not the younger.” 澹台家那位小少爷,资质不凡,很受澹台家老祖宗宠爱。不过,他终究是嫡脉内的嫡次子守哲你也知道,按照玄武世家规矩,向来是立长不立幼。” But this Little Young Master aptitude is uncommon, supercilious, is not willing to defend some family property to live for a lifetime. Therefore, he is natural ties good karma broadly, lays down the personal connection, in the future will divide family property mostly. This ship, but is he in one of the Neijiang inland river private cars, idles uselessly, I then opened the mouth taking advantage.” “但是这位小少爷资质不凡,心高气傲,不愿一辈子守着某个族产过日子。因此,他为人大方广结善缘,铺设人脉,未来多半会分家出来。这艘船,不过是他在内江内河的座驾之一,闲来无用,我便开口借了过来。” With telling of Chen Fangjie, understood some long and short of the story actually. 随着陈方杰的娓娓道来,倒是明白了一些来龙去脉。 Donggang Chen Clan, the overall mass is worse than Eastern Sea Tantai Family. However the future three Spirit Platform pattern has appeared faintly, but Chen Fangjie as Chen Clan Young Patriarch, the itself moral behavior aptitude and ability pass through , the future prospect will also be limitless. 东港陈氏,总体体量比东海澹台家差很多。但是未来一门三灵台的格局已经隐隐显现,而陈方杰身为陈氏少族长,本身人品资质和能力都十分过关,未来前途亦是不可限量。 Has had the ally experience of joint operation, in addition both sides accord to his need. Naturally colludes, no, gangs up, no, was the intimate contact in one. 有过共同作战的战友经历,加上双方各取所需。自然就是勾结,不,勾搭,不,算是亲密交往在了一起。 „Did that Brother Chen this plan, act Young Master Tantai directly?” The Wang Shouzhe brow selects, said, can play such in a big way? I previously wrote a letter with Brother Chen, looks the seller that a clansman disguises as the Eastern Sea some influence then good. About sells a wave of grain, why must so weaponry?” “那陈兄此次的计划,是直接扮演澹台少爷了?”王守哲眉头一挑,笑着说,“要不要玩这么大?我先前不过是写信与陈兄,找个族人假扮一下东海某势力的卖家便行。左右不过就是卖一波粮而已,何须如此阵仗?” Shouzhe your so serious writing a letter makes me handle matters, how dare do I idle?” Chen Fangjie said that „, since the plan of this stage, you have entrusted to me, how to display, how to do is better I to have the consideration. Too do not thank me, only after the important matter becomes, you in front of Luoyi for my many fine talk several then good. When I get married, when pours liquor down the throat gives several points of face.” 守哲你如此郑重写信让我办事,我岂敢懈怠?”陈方杰笑着说,“既然这一阶段的计划,你都已经委托给了我,如何发挥,如何做的更好我自有考量。你也不要太感谢我,只要事成之后,你在珞伊面前替我多多美言几句便行。还有在我成亲之时,灌酒时多留几分情面。” Let alone, Luoxian acts should be Hundred Islands Garrison Zhong Clan Young Lady? Can have the qualifications and Zhong Clan conducts large amount of trade, mostly is also fierce aristocratic family. In addition, Eastern Sea King this status, will let plan to be smoother.” “更何况,落仙扮演的应该是百岛卫钟氏小姐吧?能有资格与钟氏进行大宗贸者,多半也是厉害世家。此外,东海王这个身份,会让计划更加顺利。” Wang Shouzhe feels the chin, the hesitation moment said: You pretend the Eastern Sea King juniors, can have the risk?” 王守哲摸着下巴,沉吟片刻道:“你假冒东海王子弟,会否有风险?” Is and two nouveau riche inferior aristocratic family, makes a transaction that conforms to the Great Qian regulation, what risk can also have?” The Chen Fangjie bearing is fearless, from channel, „, let alone Tantai Heyu does not know. Then knew, jokes it away. Difficult to be inadequate, Liú Clan and Zhao Clan, but also really dares to go to the Celestial aristocratic family proof? Shouzhe you can change using the situation actually, the arrange/cloth has the so exquisite bureau all of a sudden, digs a pit to bury Zhao Clan Liú Clan, I admire utmost.” “不过是和两个暴发户末流世家,做一笔符合大乾律法的交易而已,又能有什么风险?”陈方杰气度昂然,自信道,“别说澹台和玉不知道。便是知道了,也不过是一笑了之。难不成,刘氏赵氏,还真敢去天人世家求证?倒是守哲你能利用局势变化,一下子布出如此精妙之局,挖坑把赵氏刘氏一齐埋进去,愚兄佩服之至。” This is also Chen Fangjie after receiving the Wang Shouzhe letter, so one of the reasons attaching great importance to and working hard. Moreover he is also puzzling, where did Wang Shouzhe make so many grain? 这也是陈方杰在接到王守哲信件后,如此重视和下力气的缘由之一。而且他还百思不得其解,王守哲是从哪里弄来了那么多粮食? All sorts of signs showed, perhaps this future wife's younger brother is not in the pond the thing, Ping'an Wang Clan wants to be powerful in his hands mostly. 种种迹象表明,这个未来的小舅子恐怕不是池中之物,平安王氏在他手中多半要强盛起来。 Regarding the power of Wang Clan, Chen Fangjie naturally is glad him to see. At the both sides depth of marrying degree, inevitably is the natural ally. 对于王氏的强盛,陈方杰自然是乐得其见。以双方的联姻程度之深,必然是天然盟友。 That is because Liú Clan Zhao Clan are not positive, makes me have the opportunity is not missed. So, Shouzhe supported on many thanks Brother Chen personally.” Wang Shouzhe use tea in the place of wine respected. “那不过是因为刘氏赵氏自身不正,才让我有可趁之机。如此,守哲就多谢陈兄亲自支持了。”王守哲以茶代酒敬了一下。 Mutual support, mutual support.” Chen Fangjie also returns salute, said, at this time next year, you must change a statement, we are the whole family, Shouzhe are not polite.” “互相支持,互相支持。”陈方杰也是还礼,笑着说,“明年这时候,你就要改口了,咱们都是一家人,守哲莫要客气。” I am impolite, exhausted Brother Chen avoids, I and Family Guard Wang Mei, some secrets must discuss.” Wang Shouzhe lifts the hand to serve tea, a pointing to the door appearance. “那我就不客气了,劳烦陈兄回避一番,我与家将王梅,有些机密要商量一下。”王守哲抬手端茶,一副下逐客令的模样。 ? 啊? Really is so impolite, this is the ship that I borrow. 还真的这么不客气,这可是我借来的船。 However, as Young Patriarch that Chen Clan trains carefully, has the person of bearing patience eventually, helpless cups the hands said: My just right innermost feelings are somewhat worried, catches a chill, Shouzhe please as one likes.” 不过,身为陈氏精心培养出来的少族长,终究是有气度耐心之人,无奈拱手道:“愚兄正好内心有些烦闷,去吹吹风,守哲请自便。” Then, Chen Fangjie had/left the garret, to bow. 说罢,陈方杰出了阁楼,到了船头。 Even if in the summer, the An River night wind still somewhat is cold. 哪怕是在夏季,安江夜间的风依旧有些冷冽。 Chen Fangjie glances garret once for a while, the doubt gets up secretly, Shouzhe this greater part of the night runs and Wang Mei discusses the secret, but also catches up with especially him. 陈方杰时不时地瞟一眼阁楼处,不由暗自狐疑起来,守哲这大半夜地跑来和王梅商量机密,还特地把他赶出来。 Is it possible that?? 莫非?? The Chen Fangjie heart thump can't ? 陈方杰的心头“咯噔”一下,不会吧? In the heart also the villains said that Wang Mei so makings will not be how outstanding, just like Banished Immortal, a word frowns to make people feel unknowingly, her family background is extraordinary. 心中又有一个小人说,怎么不会,那王梅如此气质卓绝,宛若谪仙,一言一颦都让人不经意间感觉到,她的出身非凡。 So Fang magnificent peerless female, the aura deeply concealed, the ordinary household can train can it be that how possibly is Wang Clan Family Guard? 如此芳华绝代的女子,气息又深藏不露,岂是普通家庭能培养出来的,怎么可能是王氏家将 Fortunately that Wang Shouzhe, 亏得那王守哲, Also made up wild stories mediocre Family Guard name Wang Mei intentionally! What isn't this covering up intentionally is? 还故意胡诌了一个平庸的家将名字王梅!这不是在故意遮掩是什么? Their greater part of the night tryst? 那他们大半夜私会? Good. 好吧。 I understood. 我明白了。 The night wind, somewhat blows Chen Fangjie hairstyle to be disorderly. 夜风,吹得陈方杰发型有些凌乱。 Shouzhe Shouzhe, you must act sloppily not. 守哲守哲,你莫要胡来啊。 If this knew to the Liu Clan thousand gold (daughter), but was the huge matter. 这要是给柳氏千金知道了,可就是天大的事情了。 ...... ……
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