随后。Looked for a excuseto openWang Licitemporarily, the plan that needsto carry outrecently, as well asneeded the part of Old Ancestorcoordination, one by onepoint(s).
The Old Ancestor Longyansnowwhitelong hairwavesslightlywith the wind, such asin a pair of starspupil, appears the ray that wipedto absorb the personheart and soul, the spoken languageis actually passingmurderinglightly: „The idea of Shouzheis good, but why onlyarrangesmeto act as the subsequent hand? When Yin Fiend Poison of mywithin the bodyrefining the larger part, had begunin a short timehas not neededto take into considerationto backlash.”珑烟老祖雪白色的长发微微随风舞动,如一双星辰般的眸中,浮现出了一抹摄人心魄的光芒,言语平淡却透着杀伐:“守哲之计甚好,只是为何仅安排我充当后手?我体内的阴煞之毒已经炼化了一大半,动手时短时间内已无需顾及反噬。”„Thenwasthisideaattracted an oldghost, myWang Longyanpaidsomepricesalsoto be ableitto cutto kill. Attracts the twooldghost, does not needto fear.”
“便是此计引来了一个老鬼,我王珑烟付出些代价也能将其斩杀。引来两个老鬼,也是无需惧怕。”Wang Shouzheholds the forehead, oneselfOld Ancestor Longyananythingis good, isthistemper is too fierce.王守哲一扶额,自家珑烟老祖什么都挺好的,就是这性子太烈。Thesetwogo to warto be just like playing cards, where does onecome upthento losejoker bomb?
这两家打仗好比是在打牌,哪有一上来便丢王炸的?HearrangesduringOld Ancestor Longyan the plan, buttoprovide against contingencies, acts as the subsequent handcard in a handto use. Nowherinjurychanges for the betterrapidly, how couldto makeherpay the priceagainat will.
他将珑烟老祖安排进计划之中,只是为了以防万一,充当后手底牌用的。如今她伤势飞速好转,岂能让她再随意付出代价。Thisthoughtis intolerable.
这种思想要不得。Immediately, Wang Shouzhecups the handssaidseriously: „Old Ancestor, resistance between thisprofound warrior aristocratic family, notcompared withindividualhostile aggressive, is differentfrommarchingto go to war. Becauseparticipates in the action, eachis the oneselffamily member, Family Guard, orrelatives and friendsbest friend. In the event of the mistake, is then very likelyto cause the irretrievablelosses.”
The Old Ancestor Longyantenderbodyinspires, slightlycalm, saidapologetically: „Shouzheyousaidright, myWang Longyanspoiled the half one's lifewillfully, has violatedis more wrong, has createdunredeemablepassing. Must calm the mind, consideredonewellowninsufficiency.”珑烟老祖娇躯一振,微微冷静了下来,歉然道:“守哲你说得对,我王珑烟任性娇惯了半世,犯过的错很多,也造成过很多不可弥补的过往。是必须得静下心来,好好思虑一番自身的不足了。”„Old Ancestor.”Wang Shouzhewas busy atsaying,„youfor the contributionandsacrificebig of clanmade, does not needto question,ouryounger generationbore in mind. Now the timechanged, ourWang Clanindark, Liú ClanZhao Claninsteadinclear(ly). Wemustdo, isprotectsgoodoneselfat the same time, bites a nextbulkmeaton the opposite party. Also before iscollects debts, first takessomeinterest.”
“老祖。”王守哲忙说,“您为家族作的贡献和牺牲之大,毋须质疑,我们晚辈都记在心里。只是现在时代变了,我们王氏在暗,刘氏赵氏反而在明。我们要做的,就是保护好自己的同时,在对方身上咬下一大块肉来。也算是收债之前,先取些利息。”„In the scheme, Iare more than to be inferiorShouzhe.” The Old Ancestor Longyanpupillight flashmoves, „allarrangesdepending onyou is.”
After obtainingagreeing of Old Ancestor Longyan, the heavy burden in Wang Shouzheheartalsoputs down. This timeplans, in facthedoes not needOld Ancestor Longyanto participate. As he said that whatmostfearshas the situation outside plan.
得到了珑烟老祖的首肯后,王守哲心中的重担也是放下。此番计划,实际上他并不需要珑烟老祖参与进去。只是如他所说,最怕的是出现计划之外的情况。Old Ancestor Longyanthis, is usedto act as the finalcard in a hand, cannot use, thendoes not use, after allherbodyjustshowed improvement after illness.珑烟老祖这一手,正是用来充作最后底牌,能不用则不用,毕竟她的身体不过才刚刚有起色。„In view of this.”Wang Shouzhecups the handsasks to be excused, „alsoinvited the Old Ancestorwelltrainingbody, when action, Iwill informOld Ancestoragain.”
“既如此。”王守哲拱手告退,“还请老祖好好修养身体,行动之时,我会再来通知老祖。”Then, Wang Shouzheasks to be excused.
说罢,王守哲告退。Just before leavingbefore, has not forgottento opento eat the thingWang Licito entraintogether, so as to avoidshedisturbs the Old Ancestortraining.
After more than double-hour .
一个多时辰后。In the backyardwharf, a boat covered with black mattingdrives out ofslowly, Wang Liciraisesis wrappingin the winddisorderly, inthatpackagebesidesherspare clothes, the old bookmasterpiece that bigpile of Fourth Uncleare selective.
Was thisarranged?
这就被安排了?„Biggirl.”Wang Shouzhewipes away tearsto say goodbyewithherin the shore, „whileProsperous Villageisclanmakes the contribution, mustlisten to the Sixth Elderly Gentlemanwords. In the family/homenumerousYounger BrotherYounger Sister and junior, Fourth Unclemostlovedto think highly ofyou. Thistype the assignment, yourelder brotherWang Zongweinext generationcannot fish.”
“大丫头啊。”王守哲在岸边与她挥泪告别,“在兴盛农庄为家族作贡献的同时,一定要听六老太爷的话。家中一众弟弟妹妹和小辈,四叔最疼爱器重你了。这种好差事,你哥王宗卫下辈子都捞不着。”„Many, many thanksthinking highly of Fourth Uncle.” The Wang Liciinstantaneoustearswell uplike the spring, „I was really thankyou.”
“多,多谢四叔的器重。”王璃慈瞬间泪涌如泉,“我真是太感谢你了。”„Does not needmany thanks, allperformindo not call the turn.”Wang Shouzheis also filled with emotion, seemssends outto marry off a daughtergeneral, somewhatwipes the impulsion of tears, „Wang Ju, Wang Zhu. Yourtwomustlook aftergoodYoung Lady Licialong the way, can not have the least bitto idleten million/countless.”
“无需多谢,一切尽在不言中。”王守哲也是感慨万千,好似送出嫁女儿一般,有些抹眼泪的冲动,“王菊,王竹。你们两个沿途一定要照顾好璃慈小姐,千万不得有半点懈怠。”„Yes, Family Head.”
“是,家主。”twofemaleFamily Guard, simultaneouslyaccordingly, then, theyobserved closelyWang Liciseriouslyneatly. Obviously, theirtruemissionare not the attendances, butis„sending under custody”.两位女性家将,齐齐郑重应声,然后,她们齐刷刷地盯住了王璃慈。很显然,她们真正的任务不是照顾,而是“押送”。Ship, increasingly estranged.
船,渐行渐远。Wang Shouzhethenstoppedwieldedotherhand, is treading the livelyjoyfulfootstepsreturn trip.王守哲这才停下了挥别的手,踏着轻快愉悦的脚步回程。However the arrangementturns over to the arrangement, Wang Shouzhein fact, losesto polish the polishtemperher. So as to avoidthisbrokenchildis gluttonous and lazyall day, presumptuously thinksto wantsomenot to usecultivationunexpectedly, all dayineats and drinks, thencanbecomeveryverystrongprofound warrior / black tortoisebattle skill?
不过安排归安排,王守哲实际上,也就是把她丢过去打磨打磨性子。免得这破孩子整天好吃懒做,竟然还妄想着要一些不用修炼,整日里吃吃喝喝,便能变得很强很强的玄武战技?Wherehasthisprofound warrior / black tortoisebattle skillorcultivationcultivation technique, giveshimWang Shouzheto comeonedozen?
哪有这种玄武战技或修炼功法,给他王守哲来一打?Yourthisbrainhole, is how bigger than my transmigrator.
不切实际!How longrubsher? Threemonthsare too long, for half a monthare too short. Thatonemonth, whetedat the appointed timesimilarly. Thenbringsto instruct earnestlyin the side, taughtwell.
到底磨她多久呢?三个月太长,半个月太短。那就一个月吧,届时磨砺得差不多了。然后再带在身边耳提面命,好好教导一番。LiciLici, no wonderyourFourth Uncleis stingy.璃慈啊璃慈,莫怪你四叔心狠。precious swordfrontfromtempering, plum blossomfragrancefrombitter cold. Diligently, howto have the return?
正所谓宝剑锋自磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。不努力,怎么会有回报呢?Wang Gui that the one sidefollows, wascautiousseveralpoints. Hereallyfeared after did not offendFamily Headcarefully, was arrangedto mine.
一旁跟随的王贵,更是小心翼翼了几分。他是真怕不小心得罪了家主后,被安排去挖矿了。Wang Shouzhewas also thinking, bringingWang Licito go togarrison seatto take a stroll, pickssomespirit stoneto come backwith. NowChangning Garrison is too chaotic, rathertemporarilydoes not takethisrisk.
原本王守哲还想着,带王璃慈去卫城溜达一圈,捡些灵石回来用用。只是如今长宁卫着实太乱,宁愿暂时不去冒这个风险。Wang Shouzhejustreturned to the courtyard.王守哲刚回到院子中。Thenhears the gatekeeperrunningyour letterreport, said that isGongsun ClanGongsun Zhong, as well asliu generationWang Liuyureturned to the maternal hometo visit relatives. Moreoversaid after receiving the Family Headletter, comes.
便听得门房跑来禀报,说是公孙氏的公孙钟,以及琉字辈的王琉玉回娘家探亲了。而且说是收到家主的信件后,才过来的。Heardthemto come.
The Wang Shouzhemoodinspires, thatwasentrusts the matter that Gongsun Zhongcheckedto have the whereabouts. Immediatelymade the gatekeeperguide, went to the courtyard of entertainmenthonored guest.王守哲心情一振,那就是委托公孙钟查的事情有着落了。当即让门房带路,去了招待贵客的院子。Nownear evening, peopleare enjoying the cool air.
如今正是旁晚时分,一众人正在纳凉。„Third Aunt, Third Uncle.” After Wang Shouzhegoes, oncups the handsgreeting.
“三姑姑,三姑父。”王守哲一进去后,就拱手招呼。Gongsun ZhongandWang Liuyu, isquicklyreturns a courtesy. Although the rankis high, butWang ShouzhebutWang ClanPatriarch.公孙钟与王琉玉,也是急忙回礼。他们虽然辈分高,但是王守哲可是王氏族长。„LuotongandLuojingalsocame.”Wang Shouzhegreetedwith a smiletotwoYounger Sister, latersalutestoFourth AuntXu Zhirouseriously, „Shouzhehas seenFourth Aunt.”
The Fourth AuntXu Zhiroufosterafter a period of timeheandWang Luoyi, thisbenevolencealwaysalways remembers.四婶徐芷柔抚养过一段时间他与王珞伊,这份恩情是始终铭记的。„Shouzhewas polite.”Xu Zhirou is also hurriedreturns a courtesyseriously.
“守哲客气了。”徐芷柔也是急忙郑重回礼。Theyappearhere are also verynormal, Wang LiuyuandLuojingmy late fatherWang Dingbangis the blood relativebrother and sister, the bilateral relationsare not naturally ordinary.
The followingentertainment, dines.
接下来一番招待,用餐。In the evening.
晚间。Wang ShouzheandGongsun Zhongmeet withalone, Gongsun Zhongdispatches the male servant, delivered to something hiscourtyard.王守哲与公孙钟单独会面,公孙钟遣家丁,将一些东西送到了他院子里。
A stone of wicker basketwicker basket, as well assomeiron orepowders, somewhitegypsums, as well asvariousassortedtypes of things.
一箩筐一箩筐的石头,以及一些铁矿粉,还有一些白色的石膏,以及杂七杂八各种东西。„When Shouzhe, youwritetome, something that abovedescribed, Ibroughttoyou, becausedoes not knowwas right, thereforebroughtassorted.”Dark-skinnedGongsun Zhong, is a veryoverly cautious and prudentman.
“守哲,你写信给我时,上面描述的一些东西,我都给你带来了,因为不知道对不对,所以杂七杂八带了许多。”皮肤黝黑的公孙钟,是个非常老实巴交的汉子。He since is 18 years old, thenworksin the Gongsun Clanminerals, is quite familiarwithvarioustypes of mineralsstones. IfWang Shouzhedoes the cement, cannot go roundGongsun Clanthis.
他自从十八岁起,便在公孙氏的矿产中工作,对各种矿产石头极为熟悉。王守哲若要搞水泥,着实绕不开公孙氏这一块。Moreoverto be honest, does not needto bypass. Relied on the Ping'an Wang Clanstrength, wantsto have sole possession of the cementbenefitrisk is too big. Inhisplan, cementindustry , if successful, at leastmustdraws inGongsun Clan, as well asDonggangChen Clandoestogether.
而且说实话,也无须去绕过。凭平安王氏的实力,想独吞水泥的利益风险太大。在他的计划中,水泥这一项产业若是做成功,至少须得拉上公孙氏,以及东港陈氏一起做。Naturally, the premiseisresearches and developssuccessfully.
当然,前提是研发成功。„Many thanksThird Uncle, altogetherhow muchmoney.” The Wang Shouzhegratitudesaid,„Igoodto settle accountswithyou.”
“多谢三姑父,一共多少钱。”王守哲感激道,“我好与您结算。”„Issome not valuablewaste materials, altogetherdoes not have the things of tenincoming vehicles,”Gongsun Zhongquicklywaved the hand saying that „mySecond Unclealso confessed that did not permitto receive money.”
“都是些不值钱的废料,一共也没十来车的东西,”公孙钟急忙摇手说,“我二伯也交代,不准收钱。”„Thatmany thanksThird Uncle, many thanksmaternal grandfather.”Wang Shouzhecups the handsexpressed gratitude, notinthis matterartificial.
“那就多谢三姑父,多谢外祖父了。”王守哲拱手道谢,也没在此事上矫情。Chatted not manymeetings, Gongsun Zhong of badexpressionthensaid goodbye.
The cementresearched and developedthis, Wang Shouzhealsobasicallyhad the mentality, recentlyrecalleddiligently, selectedsomedirectionsprobably. Thisthing and oystergreyphase differenceare not big, adds onsomeat sixes and sevensthingcalcinesthrough the limestone, then and gypsummixes, millto becomepink/powder.
水泥研发这一块,王守哲也是基本有了思路,最近努力回想了一下,大概圈定了些方向。这东西和蛎灰相差不大,就是通过石灰石加上一些乱七八糟的东西煅烧,然后再和石膏混合一下,碾磨成粉。Mostraw materialsareveryinexpensive, onlyslightlyvaluemoney was the powdered iron, butthisthingcontentshouldbe very low.
这其中大多数原材料都是非常廉价,唯一稍微值点钱的便是铁粉了,可这东西含量应该很低。Wang Shouzhenaturallycannotresearch and develop the cementpersonally, butpreviouslyfrom the Wang Clancollateral branch, looked for a potter of household of specialkiln, thathousehold of pottersmall familyconstructskilnbaking bricks.王守哲自然不会亲自去研发水泥,而是先前就从王氏旁系中,找了一户专门烧窑的窑工,那户窑工小家庭是很多代人都建窑烧砖。It is saidtheirAncestoralsokilnspecially, followsOld Ancestor Zhouxuanto go southbecause ofthisskill. Ownthismain housemanybricks, are thathousehold of collateral branchburn.
据说他们的老祖宗也是专门烧窑,因为这项技能而跟着宙轩老祖南下的。自家这主宅的很多砖,便是那户旁系烧制的。„Wang Gui.”Wang Shouzhewill writewell„research and developmentcementguide”, gaveWang Guiprocessing, „thesereorganizefrom the old book, about【Ironmud】 The clue, the characteristicsare similarto the oysterash, unnecessaryIdo not understand. Youearly tomorrow morning, thenthismaterial, withthattenincoming vehicleresearch and developmentmaterials, give the king, right, Wang Jingyuan.”
“王贵。”王守哲将书写好的“研发水泥指南”,交给了王贵处理,“这些都是从古籍上整理出来,关于【铁泥】的线索,特性类似于蛎灰,多余的我也不懂了。你明日一早,便将此资料,与那十来车研发材料,都交给王,对,王景元。”„Yes, Family Head.”Wang Guiaccording to the word the line, received the material.
“是,家主。”王贵依言而行,收起了资料。Wang Shouzhenaturallytakes seriouslycementone, alsowantsto research and developsuccessfully, butheeventuallyis a layman. Might as wellprovides the mentalityto the professional, the potterfor a lifetime and brickshas to do, tooysterash, evenissomenative manufacturebondis not strange.王守哲自然是十分重视水泥一项,也希望研发成功,但他终究是个外行。还不如提供思路给专业人士,窑工一辈子和砖瓦打交道,对蛎灰,甚至是一些土制粘合剂都不陌生。Theseprofessionalsexperiencerichly, similarlyalsohasperson of the intelligence and abilitymany. Every so often, lacks a spirit lightpresentdirectionmerely.
这些专业人士经验丰富,同样也不乏有聪明才智之人。很多时候,仅仅是缺乏一个灵光一现的方向而已。Cannot research and developnot to relateas fora short time, takes your time, one daywill make.
至于一时半会研发不出来也没关系,慢慢来,总有一天会弄出来的。Similarly, papermaking, Wang Shouzhenaturallyalsowrites„paperresearch and developmentguide”, thenlookedfrom the collateral branchintelligentlysomereliable, mentalityopencollateral branchclansmancarpenter, after to a research and developmentexpense, makingthemprocessvoluntarily.
The collateral branchpopulation basehasthisadvantage, the talents in various trades and occupations, can always lookcomes out.
旁系人口基数就有这点好处,各行各业中的人才,总能找些出来。But the Wang Shouzhecurrentbiggerenergy, needsto placeto ambush the bigplan of Liú ClanZhao Clan.
已经深了。Onsurface of the river that outsideAn RiverDingpu Crossing, the waverises from all directions, is fluttering a modelingmagnificent and expensivemediumlarge ship. Thisship, obviouslyis not the transport ship, butwithusesby the statusnoblejourneyspecially.安江定蒲渡口外,波浪四起的江面上,飘荡着一艘造型华贵的中型楼船。这艘船,明显不是什么运输船,而是专门用以身份高贵者出行所用。Thisshipgarretbuildsfine, isuses the expensivelumber and coloreverywhere, filled with the magnificent and expensiveupscaleaura.
此船阁楼打造精致,处处都是采用昂贵的木料与色彩,充满了华贵高档的气息。In the garretmain hall, the repairisluxurious, someas ifbigclanaristocratic familyjuniors, the expensiveliving roombedroomwill move to the ship. Theseseem likeverypreciousantiquevase, did not fear that stormraids, falls a smashing?
可见是何等奢华。Howeverat this time, the twoyoungmartial-lookingman, is looking at each other in blank diamayinthishall. One sidebeauty„local products”, have not had the dustLuoxianfemale, is relaxing the handsto standin reverential awe.
A wonderfulpupil of double actionperson, onewill look atonethissecretly, a whilelooks atonethatquietly.
一双动人的妙眸,一会偷偷瞄一眼这个,一会儿悄悄看一眼那个。Family Headlooksis good-looking. Underherheartsecretly, somewhatvery happyundergroundconclusion.
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