POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#71: The Old Ancestor injury is excellent

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...... …… Sixth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaohan somewhat is surprised uncertain, but respected the decision of Wang Shouzhe eventually. 六老太爷王宵翰有些惊疑不定,但终究还是尊重了王守哲的决定。 He now is Patriarch, solemn household head, if strongly opposes to sell out immature 500 year Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, that naturally is who does not dare to sell. 他现在才是族长,堂堂一家之主,若是强烈反对卖掉未成熟的五百年份九叶灵参,那自然是谁都不敢卖。 Also, Wang Shouzhe cared one remaining 67 intermediate grade spirit field. 随之,王守哲又关心了一下剩下六七分中品灵田 In that is also planter Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, similarly has from low to high, what is worst is ten-year, highest was 70 years impressively. 那里面也都是种植的九叶灵参,同样从低到高都有,最差的是十年期,最高的赫然达到了七十年份。 Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, we do not sell outward, but serves as is clan saves the background slowly.” Wang Xiaohan said that „, therefore, these two mu intermediate grade spirit field, although delivered the value to be many, but at least half of benefits, invested in planter that increased Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng.” 九叶灵参,咱们是不对外销售的,而是用作为家族缓慢积攒底蕴。”王宵翰解释说,“因此,这两亩中品灵田虽然产出价值不少,但是至少有一半的利益,还是投入到了加大九叶灵参的种植中。” Good.” The Wang Shouzhe nod said that clan , to extend prosperously, not sudden and huge profits in a short time dependence, but is some greatly long-line investments and outputs. Then, the clan background gradually will be vigorous, bumps into the year's harvest then to make use the rise, if comes across the famine, bumps into the crisis, can depend upon the background to support.” “不错。”王守哲点头赞道,“一个家族若想延绵昌盛,依靠的并非短时间内的暴利,而是一些大长线的投入与产出。如此一来,家族的底蕴才会逐渐浑厚,碰到好年景便能趁势崛起,若是遇到灾荒,撞见危机,也能依靠底蕴支撑下去。” These two mu intermediate grade spirit field, drift away the secret beside the family property operates alone, theoretically violated the profound warrior / black tortoise clan taboo. 这两亩中品灵田,游离在族产之外秘密独自经营,理论上来说是犯了玄武家族忌讳的。 But this is not some clansman in the operation private property, generalized, it as before is family property part, while saving this family property background, but also is clan gives a wave of blood once for a while. 但这并非是某个族人在经营私产,广义上来说,它依旧是族产的一部分,在积攒这份族产底蕴的同时,还时不时地为家族输一波血。 The clansmen operate the private property, seeking to obtain profit, is always one of the profound warrior / black tortoise clan biggest taboos. The atmosphere, definitely will so cause the clan person is not concerted, the civil strife continues, finally disintegrates. 族人经营私产,谋取私利,向来是玄武家族最大的忌讳之一。如此风气,必然会导致家族人心不齐,内乱不止,最终分崩离析。 If some clansman really wants to develop the oneself enterprise alone, after consulted condition and other agreements after clan, elsewhere can be separated from clan to go to develop oneself clan. 倘若某个族人真想单独发展自己的事业,在经过与家族协商条件等同意后,还是可以脱离家族去别处开拓自己家族 This is so-called branch family. 这就是所谓的分家。 When the time comes that will be recorded as Ping'an Wang Clan branch lineage collateral branch bloodline. 到时候那一支,会被记录为平安王氏支脉旁支血脉 For example Golden Sand Xu Clan, is the Changning Xu Clan collateral branch. Although is Xu Clan, but separated the two independent individual more than 100 years ago. 例如金沙徐氏,便是长宁徐氏的旁支。虽然都是徐氏,但是于一百多年前就分开成两个独立个体了。 Ping'an Wang Clan is also Longzuo Wang Clan collateral branch bloodline, in the Longzuo Wang Clan ancestral temple genealogy, will definitely have about Old Ancestor Zhouxuan hands down the record of this lineage. 平安王氏也算是陇左王氏的旁支血脉,在陇左王氏的祠堂族谱中,必然会有关于宙轩老祖传下这一脉的记载。 How many people but hands down, descendants who? These naturally cannot record into the genealogy, at most, will have some biography discipline records, here man of the hour. 只不过传下多少人,后代都有谁?这些自然不会记载入族谱,至多,会有一些传纪记载,记一下这边的出的风云人物。 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 After visiting the clan secret background, the Wang Shouzhe mood is also excellent, had these background, the confidence was then more sufficient. 在参观了家族隐秘底蕴后,王守哲心情也是大好,有了这些底蕴,信心便更加充足了。 Wang Xiaohan led Wang Shouzhe to transfer the revolutions in Prosperous Village, understood everywhere, in this enormous degree strengthened him the understanding Prosperous Village. 王宵翰又领着王守哲兴盛农庄转了转,到处了解了一番,这极大程度上加强了他对兴盛农庄的了解。 Achieves Wang Shouzhe after goal, after eating meal, then goes by boat to return to the house with Old Seventh Wang Shouye together. 达到目的后的王守哲,在吃过饭后,便与老七王守业一起乘船回住宅。 All the way, in boat covered with black matting. 一路上,乌篷船内。 Wang Shouzhe puts out the written records, from time to time ponders diligently, from time to time records. Nearby Wang Shouye looks around, seems somewhat curious: Fourth Brother, what that is your writes?” 王守哲拿出纸笔,时而冥思苦想,时而记录一下。一旁的王守业探头探脑,好似有些好奇:“四哥,您这是写的什么?” System panel.” “系统面板。” „.” What Wang Shouye does not understand from the start is the system panel, is thought that inexplicably Fourth Brother good fierce quite fierce, worships the respect to raise again. “哦。”王守业压根就不懂啥叫系统面板,却是莫名觉得四哥好厉害好厉害,崇拜敬仰之情再度拔高。 Right, Wang Shouzhe is will not give up gradually establishing absolutely, and upgrades his system panel. 没错,王守哲是绝对不会放弃逐渐建立,并更新他的系统面板的。 The boat covered with black matting swayed, returned to the house. 乌篷船一路晃晃荡荡,回了住宅。 Wang Shouzhe encouraged to exhort several Wang Shouye, later made young male servant Wang Gui deliver him to go back, he is then carrying cloth sack fresh fruits and melons, to Longyan House But ok. 王守哲鼓励嘱咐了几句王守业,随后让小厮王贵送他回去,他这才拎着一布袋新鲜瓜果,一路向【珑烟居】而行。 Arrived Longyan House outside, Wang Shouzhe discovered big girl Wang Lici is looking around. He immediately complexion one serious: „Does big girl, what your make stealthily?” 到了珑烟居外面,王守哲发现了大丫头王璃慈在探头探脑的。他当即脸色一严肃:“大丫头,你这鬼鬼祟祟地做什么呢?” „? Fourth Uncle......” “呀?四叔……” Wang Lici was frightened the leg to be soft, the honest confession said, I, I look for Old Ancestor.” 王璃慈被吓得腿都软了,老实交代说,“我,我找老祖。” Nonsense.” A Wang Shouzhe brow wrinkle shouts at saying that Longyan House is the restricted area, has not resulted in Old Ancestor to summon, how dare you disturb Old Ancestor quiet cultivation carelessly.” “胡闹。”王守哲眉头一皱叱呵道,“珑烟居是禁地,未得老祖召唤,你怎敢胡乱打扰老祖清修。” I, I......” Wang Lici frighten the moon-face to be pallid, eye tearful, four, Fourth Uncle. I am, look for the Old Ancestor direction, directs movement battle skill.” “我,我……”王璃慈吓得圆脸煞白,眼泪汪汪,“四,四叔。我就是,是找老祖指点,指点身法战技。” Movement battle skill?” The Wang Shouzhe doubt erratically is taking a look at her, you determined that you aren't look for Old Ancestor to beg for food?” “身法战技?”王守哲狐疑不定地打量着她,“你确定你不是来找老祖讨吃的?” Four, Fourth Uncle. You, how you can say me.” The Wang Lici air/Qi results in the whole face to be suffering, withstood/top the mouth weakly, „, you had the desire to do better on permits? The people, others also want to grow stronger.” “四,四叔。你,你怎么能这么说我。”王璃慈气得满脸委屈,弱弱地顶上了嘴,“就,就许你有上进心?人,人家也想变强的。” One hear so. 一听如此。 Wang Shouzhe that severe expression melted several points, the apology rubbed her head saying: Originally my family Lici has the desire to do better, was Fourth Uncle misunderstood, Fourth Uncle and you apologized.” 王守哲那严厉的表情融化了几分,歉意地揉了揉她脑袋说:“原来我家璃慈还是有上进心的,是四叔误会了,四叔和你道歉。” Snort, aerobic, does not want to manage you. 哼,好气哟,不想理你。 Wang Lici do not go excessively, honk the small mouth, the eye tearful, is very putting in great inconvenience pitifully. 王璃慈别过头去,嘟着小嘴,眼泪汪汪,甭提有多委屈可怜。 Right, I just went to Prosperous Village.” Wang Shouzhe said that fresh melon that presently picks, this year the weather is good, can the melon young and fresh-looking honey-sweet, come one?” “对了,我刚去了一趟兴盛农庄。”王守哲笑着说,“现摘的新鲜甜瓜,今年天气好,甜瓜水嫩蜜甜,要不要来一个?” Saying, pulled out a emerald green melon to come out from the cloth sack. 说着,从布袋里掏了个翠绿甜瓜出来。 Wants.” Wang Lici was the eyes shines, meets to scratch scratching, formed into a hard crust to stutter loudly, the eye narrowed seam satisfiedly, ate to praise, this melon good sweet quite delicious, thanked Fourth Uncle.” “要要要。”王璃慈顿即双眼放光,接过去擦了擦,嘎巴嘎巴大口吃了起来,满足地眼睛都眯成了一条缝儿,边吃边赞,“这瓜好甜好好吃,谢谢四叔。” Lici, having the desire to do better is the good deed. However Old Ancestor her is unhealthy, is all right cannot disturb as far as possible.” Wang Shouzhe happily said, at your present boundary level, Fourth Uncle directs is then enough. Starting tomorrow, you 5 to 7 a.m. in my martial training ground wait/etc. I, Fourth Uncle lead you to practice together. Eats slowly , gives you again a melon.” 璃慈啊,有上进心是好事。不过老祖她身体不好,没事尽量不能来打扰。”王守哲欣慰地说道,“以你现在的境界水准,四叔来指点便已足够。从明日起,你卯时在我的练武场等我,四叔带你一起练。吃慢点,喏,再给你一个瓜。” First half a word Wang Lici hears well fortunately, but, half a word hears her whole body to tremble, frightens does not eat the melon, the instinct received the melon at the same time, said weakly: Four, Fourth Uncle. Can the mao, 5 to 7 a.m. too early?” 前半句王璃慈听得还好好的,可后半句听得她浑身一颤,吓得连瓜都不吃了,本能接过瓜的同时,弱弱地说:“四,四叔。卯,卯时会不会太早了点?” Not early, has entered the summer now, 5 to 7 a.m. beginning weather already dawn.” Wang Shouzhe knits the brows to say slightly, that time cultivation battle skill movement just, what awkwardness you did have?” “不算早,如今已入夏,卯时初天色已蒙蒙亮了。”王守哲微微皱眉说道,“那时候修炼战技身法刚好,你是有什么为难?” I, I meant. Has one type not to use cultivation, so long as every day eats and drinks, can become very much fierce profound warrior / black tortoise battle skill.” Wang Lici is blinking the eye, asked curiously, „, Fourth Uncle do you ask Old Ancestor for me?” “我,我的意思是说。有没有一种不用修炼,每天只要吃吃喝喝,就能变得很厉害的玄武战技。”王璃慈眨巴着眼睛,好奇地问,“要不,四叔你替我问问老祖?” Eh hehe! 额呵呵! The face of Wang Shouzhe somewhat twitched, originally this was the desire to do better of big girl, he also really letter/believed fortunately! 王守哲的脸都有些抽搐不已了,原来这就是大丫头的上进心啊,亏得他还真信了! Wang Shouzhe Wang Shouzhe, your eventually young. 王守哲王守哲,你终究还是年轻了。 Immediately, he took her melon calmly, the stopper had returned to the cloth sack, then without turning the head went toward Longyan House. 当即,他不动声色地拿过她的瓜,塞回了布袋中,然后头也不回地往珑烟居而去。 Hey, Fourth Uncle, that is my melon, how can you snatch my melon?” Wang Lici pursued, Fourth Uncle Fourth Uncle, world is so big, perhaps does every possible strange thing, have that profound warrior / black tortoise battle skill?” “喂,四叔,那是我的瓜,你怎么能抢我瓜呢?”王璃慈追了上来,“四叔四叔,世界那么大,无奇不有,说不定就有那种玄武战技呢?” Wang Shouzhe sneered two, is your is blaming me to experience superficially? 王守哲冷笑了两声,你这还是在怪我见识浅薄咯? Comes, must clamor outside not.” “都进来吧,莫要在外面喧哗。” In the meantime, Longyan House In, the Old Ancestor Longyan sound passed on. 就在此时,【珑烟居】内,珑烟老祖的声音传了过来。 Wang Shouzhe complied with one, pushes the door to enter, but Wang Lici actually with, seeing the Fourth Uncle look was bad, the head shrank said: Old Ancestor said that comes.” That character, but also the special stress emphasized. 王守哲应了一声,推门进入,而王璃慈却屁颠屁颠地跟了进来,见得四叔眼神不善,脑袋一缩说:“老祖说的,都进来吧。”那个都字,还特别重音强调了一下。 „After hehe ~ Wang Shouzhe stared her one eyes, then walks to pay a visit Old Ancestor Longyan toward. “呵呵~王守哲瞪了她一眼后,便往里走去拜见珑烟老祖 At this time, Old Ancestor Longyan has taken the trouble in the pavilion, waits for their two. 此时,珑烟老祖已经移驾到了凉亭中,等他们两个 Shouzhe pays a visit Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe salutes at the same time, discovered that the Old Ancestor Longyan aura seems to be excellent, even on the white hair of that shawl, as if covered an invisible sleek/moist light/only, the great happiness said immediately, congratulated Old Ancestor your body to be excellent.” 守哲拜见老祖。”王守哲行礼的同时,发现珑烟老祖的气息似乎大好,连那一头披肩的白发上,都仿佛蒙上了一层无形的润光,当即大喜道,“恭喜老祖凤体大好。” The heart is also excited, Old Ancestor is healthier, Wang Clan is then safer, the heart heavy burden can also put down much. 心头也是为之激动,老祖的身体越好,王氏便越安全,心头的重担也能放下不少了。 Lici pays a visit Old Ancestor, congratulating Old Ancestor your body is excellent.” Wang Lici also throws to pay a visit, even the message copied Wang Shouzhe, stirs up the Wang Shouzhe corner of the eye to tic. 璃慈拜见老祖,恭喜老祖凤体大好。”王璃慈也扑上去拜见,连贺词都照搬了王守哲,惹得王守哲眼角直抽抽。 However, Old Ancestor Longyan listens to eat this set actually, in the body excellent situation, her is also happy, beckoning let Wang Lici in the past: „Didn't your child, how come to see Old Ancestor sometimes?” 不过,珑烟老祖倒是听吃她这一套的,身体大好的情况下,她心情也不错,招手让王璃慈过去:“你这孩子,怎么有些时候不来看老祖了?” So the scene, making Wang Shouzhe slightly stunned. Hundred Islands Garrison one line, what magic potion did this girl take to Old Ancestor? Old Ancestor also very favors probably her. 如此场面,让王守哲微微错愕。百岛卫一行,这丫头给老祖吃了什么迷魂药?老祖好像还挺宠她的。 Then, Wang Lici starts to revolve around Old Ancestor attentively, helping her pinch the shoulder thump thump arm, answered: Fourth Uncle said, Longyan House is the clan restricted area, making Lici should not be all right to disturb Old Ancestor quiet cultivation. Wū wū ~ Old Ancestor, Lici very thinks your, all day in the tea does not think of the food is not fragrant, you looked that I was thin.” 然后,王璃慈开始殷勤地围着老祖转,帮她捏捏肩膀捶捶手臂,回话说:“四叔说,珑烟居家族禁地,让璃慈不要没事来打扰老祖清修。呜呜~老祖,璃慈挺想你的,整日里茶不思饭不香,您看我都瘦了。” Eh hehe. 额呵呵。 Wang Shouzhe look bad, does this broken girl, dare to consider Diao Zhuang to incur reproach for somebody unexpectedly face to face? 王守哲眼神不善了起来,这破丫头,竟然还敢当面告刁状上眼药了? Probably thin.” Old Ancestor Longyan looked at her one eyes, immediately said to Wang Shouzhe, Shouzhe, later the big girl wants to come, you make her come.” “好像是瘦了点。”珑烟老祖看了她一眼,随即对王守哲说,“守哲啊,以后大丫头想来,你就让她来吧。” One hear of this words, hide in Old Ancestor back Wang Lici, showed the self-satisfied expression to Wang Shouzhe. 一听此言,躲在老祖背后的王璃慈,对王守哲露出了得意的表情。 Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe said, I am feared she is extremely boisterous, affects Old Ancestor cultivation.” 老祖。”王守哲说道,“我就是怕她太过聒噪,影响老祖修炼。” Might as well.” Old Ancestor Longyan does not know that because whether the body is excellent, but the state of mind also became widened, Lici this child gentle clever was very intimate, has her to accompany, the injury will also be much better.” “无妨。”珑烟老祖不知是否因为身体大好,而心境也变得开阔了起来,“璃慈这孩子温柔乖巧很是贴心,有她陪着,伤势也会好得快些。” Good. 好吧。 Wang Shouzhe acknowledged that Wang Lici this holds the skill of thigh to be big, immediately said: Old Ancestor likes then well, these fruits and melons, were just picked from the village, asking Old Ancestor to taste foods newly in season.” 王守哲承认王璃慈这抱大腿的本事不小,当即说道:“老祖喜欢便好,这些瓜果,是刚从农庄摘来,请老祖尝尝鲜。” Fourth Uncle was laborious, this minor matter is I comes.” Wang Lici threw, has taken the cloth sack, washed the two melon very much after attentively, very naturally and Old Ancestor person, Ancestor please eat the melon, this melon I have eaten, good brittle quite sweet.” 四叔辛苦了,这种小事还是我来吧。”王璃慈扑了上来,拿过布袋,很殷勤地洗了两个甜瓜后,很自然而然地和老祖一人一个,“老祖宗您请吃甜瓜,这瓜我吃过,好脆好甜。” Then she formed into a hard crust, eats cheerfully. 然后她嘎巴嘎巴,吃得欢快极了。 Thick of Wang Shouzhe facial skin to this big niece, may really admire. 王守哲对这大侄女的脸皮之厚,可真是佩服至极。 Sees her to eat that sweetly, Old Ancestor Longyan slightly turns around, tucks up a veil corner/horn, ate two oral accounts: This year enters summer to come, the rainwater are few, the melon wanted to be sweeter than the old times.” 见她吃得那么甜,珑烟老祖略转过身去,撩开面纱一角,也是吃了两口说:“今岁入夏来,雨水较少,甜瓜比往年都要甜些。” Seeing the Old Ancestor mentality is so suitable, in the Wang Shouzhe heart is also quite comfortable. Recently Old Ancestor to therapy, supplied in the spirit food aspect abundantly, somewhat thin body rich and smooth, the aura also swept ice-cold is depressed. 见得老祖心态如此适宜,王守哲心中也是颇为宽慰。最近老祖为了疗伤,在灵食方面也充沛供应,原本有些消瘦的身子骨都丰润了些,气息也是一扫冰冷暮气。 Obviously under the state changes for the better, she will be full of the hope to oneself and clan in the future. 显然伤情好转下,她对自己家族未来充满了希望。 This is also representing, Wang Clan for 50 years misfortune, will soon arrive. Then is this/should settlement settlement, this/should rise. 这也代表着,王氏五十年来的霉运,即将走到头了。接下来便是该清算清算,该崛起崛起了。 The Wang Shouzhe mood also becomes excellent. 王守哲的心情也变得大好。 However before then, must first consider a Wang Clan advanced younger generation Wang Lici future. 不过在此之前,还是得先照顾一番王氏先进晚辈王璃慈的前程。 This child has the desire to do better, likes the good food, to life soulful with happy imagination, but also understands to ask for the elder favor. 这孩子有上进心,喜欢美食,对生活充满热情与美好想象力,还懂讨长辈欢心。 So outstanding child. 如此优秀的孩子。 Arranging her to accompany Sixth Grandfather to plant spirit field, is suitable. 想必,安排她去陪六爷爷种植灵田,最是适宜不过。 Also, this child loves studying intelligent, some new masterpiece old books cannot owe she, Wang Clan is poor, but cannot again poorly the poor children's education. 还有,这孩子爱读书有灵性,一些新名篇古籍万万不能亏了她,王氏是穷,可再穷也不能穷孩子们的教育。 Wang Shouzhe remembers, the big girl sways such as the rain industrious practical training in the field during the daytime, at night works night and day to raise the lampwick a night of reading scene in the thatched house, showed the gratified and satisfied smile. 王守哲一想起,大丫头白天在田间挥洒如雨地辛勤劳作,夜间在草庐内披星戴月挑灯夜读的场景,不由露出了欣慰而满足的笑容。 The hope that clan rises, must depend on these outstanding later generations eventually. 家族崛起的希望,终究还得靠这些优秀的后辈啊。 Our these elders, at the critical moment that they grow, should assist also to assist. 我们这些长辈,在他们成长的关键时刻,该帮扶还得帮扶。 „?” “?” Is eating Wang Lici of third melon very happily, felt that seems is not quite a little right, the back is cool. 正在美滋滋地吃着第三个甜瓜的王璃慈,感觉好似有点不太对劲,后背凉飕飕的。 ...... ……
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