POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#70: Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng

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...... …… However, four thousand Qian gold sound many, however that is the entire ten years has the output that. 不过,四千乾金听起来很多,然而那是整整十年才有的产量。 Moreover the consumption of is also very huge. 而且其中的消耗也是非常巨大。 Only is that Spirit Gathering Array, must replace spirit stone every five years time, every must five spirit stone, share every year to one time consume spirit stone. 光是那一个聚灵阵,每隔五年就得更换一次灵石,每一次都得五枚灵石,分摊到每年都得消耗一颗灵石 In addition, the spirit field fertility is also the tremendous problem. Without spirit field of fertility, looked like the human body to lack various types of Vitamins, was very easy to make spirit medicine long, even was the necrosis. 此外,灵田的肥力也是巨大问题。没有肥力的灵田,就像是人体缺乏了各种维生素,很容易让灵药长残,甚至是坏死。 The best fertility origin, is these has fermentation of thing of intelligence. For example the straw after spirit rice harvesting seed extraction, Purple Leafed Knotweed remaining purple leaves, spirit fish spirit meat residual. 最好的肥力来源,是那些带有灵性之物的发酵物。例如灵米收割脱粒后的稻草,紫叶何首剩下的紫叶,灵鱼灵肉的残渣。 Naturally main fertility origin, spirit beast excrement that raises. 当然最主要的肥力来源,还是豢养的灵兽粪便。 For example Huangfu Clan raised many Spirit Horned Yak, the excrement that yearly produces are many. Besides the spirit field use of their oneself, surplus on foreign sales, to reduce breeds the spirit beast cost. 例如皇甫家族就豢养了不少灵角牦牛,一年产出的粪便不少。除了他们自己灵田使用外,剩余地就对外出售,以减轻养殖灵兽的成本。 The Spirit Horned Yak meat is expensive, naturally is expensive/noble reasonable, the cultivation cost was too high. Must plants massive spirit grass with spirit field, occasionally after must purchase to press out to fry in oil the spirit bean oil residual, or after spirit rice extracts seeds rice bran wait/etc! 灵角牦牛肉贵,自然是贵的有道理的,养殖成本太高昂了。须得用灵田种植大量的灵草,偶尔还得购买榨过油后的灵豆油残渣,或是灵米脱粒后的米糠等等! Even Celestial aristocratic family, must plan carefully well, can have the continuous benefit to deliver. 即便是天人世家,也得好好精打细算,才能有源源不断的利益产出。 Similarly, maintaining spirit field is also exceptionally troublesome, the spirit qi accumulation, Spirit Gathering Array replaces the spirit stone maintenance, the spirit spring irrigation system builds the maintenance, the spirit field fertility supplemented, and governance of plant disease insect pest wait/etc, the cost is high. 同样,养护灵田也是异常麻烦,灵气聚集,聚灵阵更换灵石维护,灵泉的灌溉系统打造维护,灵田的肥力补充,以及病害虫害的治理等等,成本非常高昂。 However, if spirit field type. Not only the output value is very high, is a clan background. 不过,灵田若是种好了。非但产值很高,还是一个家族的底蕴。 Wang Shouzhe puts down the distracting thoughts, said: „Haven't the business of these Purple Leafed Knotweed, in the clan account book manifested?” 王守哲放下杂念,说道:“这些紫叶何首的买卖,家族账本中也没有体现吧?” He has carefully looked at the clan account book structure, outputs and disbursements of not these two mu spirit field. 他是仔细看过家族账本构造的,其中并无这两亩灵田的产出与支出。 Shouzhe your , although felt relieved.” The Wang Xiaohan hurried explanation said, these two mu intermediate grade spirit field revenue and expenditures, are the accounts that are made by me personally, several other Elder and Patriarch can audit momentarily. A while returns to the thatched house, I then take with you look.” 守哲你这点尽管放心。”王宵翰急忙解释说道,“这两亩中品灵田的收支,都是由我亲手做的帐,其余几位长老族长都能随时查账。一会儿回草庐,我便拿与你看。” Part of outputs, are use to offset two mu intermediate grade spirit field cost. Part changed into Little Origin Cultivating Pill, And some spirit beast flesh, in the ways of other clan also old debts, gradually belonged to the clan account book and stock, changed to the family/home Patriarch long consumption.” “其中一部分的产出,都是用以抵消两亩中品灵田的成本。一部分换成了【小培元丹】,以及部分灵兽血肉,以其它家族还老账的方式,逐渐归入了家族账本和库存,化作了家族长久的消耗。” Wang Shouzhe then remembered actually, in the clan account book will indeed present the description obscure income, is some what clan dozens years ago owed the Wang Clan money, divides the raid to repay a debt wait/etc. 王守哲这下倒是想起了,家族账本上的确会出现一些描述晦涩的收入,都是什么某家族数十年前欠了王氏的钱,分批次还账等等。 Somewhat was at that time bewildered, now wants to come, was output of this secret spirit field. The goal, should be makes that two mu intermediate grade spirit field more covert. 当时还有些莫名奇妙,现在想来,便是这个隐秘灵田的产出了。目的,应该是让那两亩中品灵田更加隐蔽。 I naturally believe Sixth Grandfather.” Wang Shouzhe waves to say with a smile, successor, but, Sixth Grandfather must train spirit field planter nursing as soon as possible. Otherwise, your future Spirit Platform Old Ancestor farms in this daily, is not a matter.” “我自然是相信六爷爷的。”王守哲挥挥手笑道,“不过,六爷爷还得尽早培养灵田种植看护的接班人。否则,你未来一位灵台老祖天天在此种田,不是个事情。” Successor naturally must soon train, but......” the Wang Xiaohan brow wrinkles slightly, in present clan just grew up, only has Zongwei!” “接班人自然是要早日培养,只是……”王宵翰眉头微微皱起,“现在家族中刚刚成年的,也就只有宗卫!” Wang Zongwei! 王宗卫 With the Wang Clan clan glory and to adult male strict, also had/left such a fellow unexpectedly. Recently after coming under attack, seemed is still healing from a wound, although must be more honest. 王氏家族的荣耀和对男丁的严格,竟然也出了这么一个家伙。最近挨打之后好似还在养伤,虽说应当老实了许多。 But with the Wang Xiaohan character, how can be willing to believe a gambler? 可是以王宵翰性格,岂会肯去相信一个赌棍? Even if seemingly starts with a clean slate also uselessly, spirit field in clan is the important base industry, what to do if were taken away to sell by that son of a bitch? 哪怕看起来改过自新也没用,家族中的灵田是何等重要的基业,万一被那狗东西拿去卖了怎么办? That is also not anxious, first in one generation chooses several to try from young, whom having a look at to compare talent.” Wang Shouzhe said, Shouyong Shoulian, Shouye can also try, spirit field this type of thing, does not have ten years eight years is not good.” “那也是不急,先从年轻一代中挑选几个试试,看看谁比较有天赋。”王守哲说道,“守勇守廉,守业也可以试试,灵田这种东西,不带个十年八年可不行。” Must make Wang Zongwei manage spirit field, let alone Wang Xiaohan cannot, then Wang Shouzhe unable to be willing. 要让王宗卫来管理灵田,别说王宵翰不许了,便是连王守哲都不会肯。 Wang Xiaohan opens mouth, this treats wants to ask what to do, if he doesn't rush to Spirit Platform Boundary? 王宵翰张了张嘴,本待想问问若是他冲不上灵台境怎么办? However changes mind thinks, if he does not rush to Spirit Platform Boundary again, perhaps clan was in imminent danger...... 但是转念一想,他若是再冲不上灵台境,恐怕家族岌岌可危了…… When the time comes then can only think again other means preserve clan, preserves Wang Shouzhe. Perhaps however many family properties, could not preserve including this spirit field, at present wants also to be useless. 到时候便只能再想其他办法保住家族,保住王守哲。但是许多族产,包括这灵田恐怕保不住了,目前多想也是无益。 Shouzhe, the Purple Leafed Knotweed output benefit, many invested in this mu intermediate grade spirit field.” Wang Xiaohan is pointing in another mu intermediate grade spirit field. 守哲,紫叶何首的产出利益,多数还是投入到了这一亩中品灵田之中了。”王宵翰指着另外一亩中品灵田之中了。 Another mu spirit field, is divided into the check that many sizes varied. Smallest that check, only about more than ten square meters, biggest occupied 1/3 standards, more than 200 about square meters. 另外一亩灵田,同样分成了多个大小不一的格子。最小的那个格子,仅有十几平米左右,最大的却占据了三分之一格,两百多平米左右。 And only planted spirit medicine, looks at that piece by piece giant leaf, is absorbing the spirit qi in sunlight and spirit field greedily. 其中仅种植了一棵灵药,看那一片片巨大的叶子,正在贪婪地吸收着阳光与灵田内的灵气 Had previously also said that Wang Shouzhe must carry the ferocious beast atlas since childhood, as well as spirit medicine atlas and other schoolworks. Immediately then recognized this is Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, looked at its leaf blade so huge appearance, this Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng already some quite years. 先前也说过,王守哲从小也是要背凶兽图谱,以及灵药图谱等功课的。当即便认出了这是一株九叶灵参,看它叶片如此巨大的模样,这株九叶灵参的已经颇有些年头了。 Common hundred years of old ginseng/partake, then value dozens Qian gold. 寻常一株百年老参,便价值数十乾金 But Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng is in the ginseng/partake spirit, even if hundred years of Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, value also over a thousand Qian gold, because that is many third stage spirit medicine material. 九叶灵参是乃参中灵品,哪怕是一株百年的九叶灵参,价值也得上千乾金,因为那是多种三阶灵药的材料。 Like therapy wondrous medicines that Old Ancestor Longyan takes Creation Pill, Needs to use 200 years of year Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, therefore the price is extremely expensive, but therapy with the effect of supplement physical ability is also very powerful! 珑烟老祖服用的疗伤圣药【造化丹】,更是需要使用两百年年份的九叶灵参,因此价格极其昂贵,但是疗伤与补充体能的效果也是非常强大! Even if the average people are critically-ill, Creation Pill can hang his life. The rich and powerful people in average person, are very difficult to afford Creation Pill. 普通人哪怕是生命垂危,一颗造化丹都能将他性命吊回来。只是普通人中的富豪,很难买得起造化丹 Wang Shouzhe more looks at the heart startled, this Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng is not a little right. 王守哲越看越心惊,这株九叶灵参有点不对劲啊。 This Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng, initially Old Ancestor when Outer Territory discovers it, then already about 500 years of year.” Wang Xiaohan explained said that „, therefore the Old Ancestor decision planted to raise in spirit field it.” “这株九叶灵参,当初老祖外域发现它时,便已经将近五百年年份了。”王宵翰解释说道,“因此老祖决定将其栽种在灵田中养起来。” 500 years of year? 五百年年份? Wang Shouzhe was really is arrived by the clan background panic-strickenly, was really the clan heavy treasure. He has understood probably, in legend Heavenly Spirit Pill Principal one, is Nine Leafed Spirit Ginseng of 500 years of year. 王守哲真是被家族的底蕴惊骇到了,果然是家族重宝。他大概了解过,传说中的【天灵丹】的主材之一,便是五百年年份的九叶灵参 Perhaps can the value of this thing, over five ten thousand Qian gold? Really, if Ancestor fierce Old Ancestor, the background of clan inheritance also is really not ordinary clan can compare. 此物的价值,恐怕要超过五万乾金吧?果然,祖上如果出一个厉害的老祖,家族传承的底蕴还真不是普通家族可以比拟。 Pitifully, intermediate grade spirit field was too only small to its help.” Helpless Wang Xiaohan said, it grows to be slow now, this was for long here 70 years, has not had the transformation, changed into 500 years of year spirit medicine.” “只可惜,中品灵田对它的助益太小了。”王宵翰无奈道,“它现在成长起来非常缓慢,这都长在这里七十年了,还未发生蜕变,化为五百年年份灵药。” ...... 呃…… 70 years ago about 500 years, 70 years later has not transformed, is enough slow. The Wang Shouzhe heart is also quite speechless, the high stage spirit medicine value is extraordinary, actually is really not the ordinary families can raise. 七十年前将近五百年,七十年后还没蜕变,是够慢的。王守哲心头也颇为无语,高阶灵药价值非凡,却真不是普通人家能养得起。 Visited it to occupy more than three points the places, if these 70 years were all used to plant Purple Leafed Knotweed, the produced net profit at least must have several thousand Qian gold, but it grew merely a small section. 看它占据了三分多地,若是这七十年全用来种植紫叶何首的话,产生的纯利润至少都得有数千乾金了,可它仅仅是成长了一小段。 The spirit medicine year, is not plants many years fixedly, many years are so then simple. low grade can spirit field with high grade spirit field same spirit medicine, be the same? 灵药年份,并不是固定种植多少年,便有多少年份这么简单。下品灵田上品灵田种同样的灵药,能一样吗? So-called hundred years of spirit medicine, that is because spirit medicine has transformed in that stage, the life essence or the property progressed by leaps and bounds under the first stage section. 所谓百年灵药,那是因为灵药在那个阶段已经进行蜕变,无论是生命本质还是药性都突飞猛进到了下一阶段。 Is a bit like to human transforms from Qi Refining Boundary to a Spirit Platform Boundary meaning. 有点类似于人类从炼气境蜕变到灵台境一个意思。 The value turns the big multiple to come up. 价值都是翻着大倍数上去的。 spirit medicine of higher year, planting the difficulty is bigger, because it will become to spirit qi and nutrition demand greatly. Barren spirit field, is incapable of providing for it to grow radically abundantly. 只是越高年份的灵药,种植起来难度就越大,因为它对灵气与营养需求会变得更大。贫瘠的灵田,根本无力充沛供养它成长。 In some good spirit field, spirit medicine growth also on quick many. The planter of spirit medicine, layout cultivation, should better not excessively to make it grow the speed to exceed the normal year speed. 一些上好的灵田中,灵药的成长速度也会快上不少。只是灵药的种植,布局培植方面,最好不要过度让它成长速度超过正常年份速度。 For example strengthens the spirit qi density and fertility wait/etc, with 50 years, expedites hundred year spirit medicine. 例如加强灵气浓度和肥力等等,用五十年的时间,催生出百年份灵药 This spirit medicine is called in the market Fast-growing spirit medicine, Actual medicinal and value, will sell at a discount greatly. 这种灵药在市场上叫做【速生灵药】,实际药用性和价值,都会大打折扣。 The growth of spirit medicine besides spirit qi and fertility wait/etc factors, the year of real growth is as important. Some experienced spirit medicine merchants, Chancellor Pill Shop and others, Pill Refiner and other occupations, can look to take a look whether is fast-growing spirit medicine. 灵药的成长除了灵气和肥力等等因素之外,真正成长的年份同样重要。一些有经验的灵药商人,丹坊主事等,炼丹师等职业,一眼就能看瞅出是否为速生灵药 According to me estimated, 70 years of planter, its year must add for about seven years. However it was quick, I estimated that in 20 years its exuviate will turn into 500 years of year spirit medicine.” Wang Xiaohan is excited, is regrets said, was only a pity our family/home does not have high grade spirit field, otherwise it must be able to grow normally.” “根据我估计,七十年的种植,它年份应当加了七年左右。但是它快了,我预计再过二十年它就会蜕变成五百年年份灵药。”王宵翰即是兴奋,又是惋惜地说道,“只可惜咱们家没有上品灵田,否则它应当能正常成长。” high grade spirit field? 上品灵田 Wang Shouzhe took a look at Wang Xiaohan, Sixth Elderly Gentleman you can also think compared with me. 王守哲瞅了一眼王宵翰,六老太爷你比我还敢想啊。 Our family/home intermediate grade spirit field plays is so strenuous, but can also think high grade spirit field? 咱们家中品灵田都玩的那么吃力,还敢想上品灵田 Shouzhe, after this thing is it was mature, to you remains is providing against contingencies.” Wang Xiaohan said awkwardly, „, moreover clan invested the too multi-resources and painstaking care on it, now has not transformed sells out, some losses. If not clan besets with a crisis, I will be will not sell out it absolutely, received exchange Heavenly Spirit Pill. This matter, was Sixth Grandfather does not do right by you eventually.” 守哲,此物原本是等它成熟后,给你留着以防万一的。”王宵翰为难地说道,“而且家族在它身上投入太多资源和心血了,现在还未蜕变就卖掉,有些亏损了。若非家族陷入危机,我是绝对不会卖掉它,来换取天灵丹的。此事,终究是六爷爷对不住你了。” Now sold out indeed owes.” Wang Shouzhe said that „, but, Sixth Grandfather temporarily do not use it. I try to find the solution, solves Heavenly Spirit Pill.” “现在卖掉的确太亏了。”王守哲笑着说,“不过,六爷爷暂时不要动用它。我来想想办法,解决天灵丹。” What?” “什么?” The Wang Xiaohan shock, „does Shouzhe, your what come so much money to buy Heavenly Spirit Pill?” 王宵翰震惊不已,“守哲,你何来如此多钱去买天灵丹?” ninth grade inferior clan, with dozens years the wealth, gradually saving received exchange Heavenly Spirit Pill, is for is not extremely easy. 一个九品末流家族,用数十年的时间,逐渐积攒的财富换回一枚天灵丹,已经算是殊为不易了。 Can achieve this degree of clan, can for a long time extend mostly family/home Patriarch, however. 能做到这种程度的家族,多半都是可以将家族长久延绵下去,生生而不息。 wandering cultivator anything, only if comes across the huge chance, otherwise the poor its life is impossible to afford Heavenly Spirit Pill. Moreover generally Academy, sect and other influences, to not having wandering cultivator of no base also quite have scruples 散修什么的,除非遇到天大的机缘,否则穷其一生也不可能买得起天灵丹。而且一般学宫,宗门等势力,对无根无基的散修也颇为顾忌 Even if the opposite party aptitude is good, will go far beyond Wang Shouzhe this evildoer/monstrous talent aptitude wandering cultivator, Academy will also give careful consideration and investigate, will have the anxiety rather not to want slightly. 哪怕对方资质非常好,远远超过王守哲这种的妖孽资质散修,学宫也会慎重考虑和调查,稍有疑虑宁愿不要。 Has not come, meant that can make out of whole cloth the family background, in the future may have some fatal problems, god knows can be the spy who the hostile forces send? Perhaps shoulders the too big hatred to involve the unclear thing. 没有出身,意味可以瞎编出身,未来可能会出现一些致命问题,天知道会不会是敌对势力派来的间谍?或是身上背负着太大的仇恨等牵扯不清的东西。 Also is because the resources are difficult to gain, Wang Xiaohan will be shocking. 也是因为资源难赚,王宵翰才会如此震惊。 Sixth Grandfather, you first take care with Origin Cultivating Pill well, rapidly regains the condition to prepare sprint Spirit Platform Boundary.” Wang Shouzhe had not directly replied, insurance holds fast to moral principles, me, attempts. If the luck is good, hehe ~ 六爷爷,您先用培元丹好好调理身体,快速恢复状态准备冲刺灵台境。”王守哲并没有正面回答,保守道,“我这边呢,也就是尝试尝试。若是运气好,呵呵~ It looks like in Wang Shouzhe, Liú Clan Zhao Clan can have today, usurped the Wang Clan ancestor with the victory that the life trades, since knows in their hands has dozens years of wealth accumulation Fruit. 王守哲看来,刘氏赵氏能有今日,都是篡夺了王氏先祖用性命换来的战果,既然知道了他们手中有数十年财富积累下来的【果实】。 With his personality, how can not find the way to wrestle? 以他性格,岂会不想办法搏一搏? Even if not wrestle, Wang Shouzhe is not willing to make them easily digest the wealth fruit. 就算搏不中,王守哲也不愿意让他们轻易消化财富果实。 ...... ……
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