POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#69: clan background that Old Ancestor hands down

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...... …… The imposing manner that he erupts is good, compared with some time past the imposing manner of Manager Qian seeing, must burn the fierce several points. 他爆发起来的气势非常不俗,比起前些时候从钱主事身上见到的气势,犹要灼烈数分。 Obviously, the Wang Xiaohan body has the background accumulation. 十分显然,王宵翰的身子骨是颇有底蕴积累的。 Because had been defeated, the will is extremely depressed, was thinking completely defends 20 mu spirit field until passing away. 只不过因为曾经失败过,意志太过消沉,满心想着守着二十亩灵田直至老死。 Hehe ~ Wang Shouzhe disregarded his imposing manner and violent anger, calm free say/way, Liú Clan Liú Shenghao, Zhao Clan Zhao Daoyuan. This two name, isn't Sixth Grandfather strange?” “呵呵~王守哲无视了他的气势与暴怒,淡定自若道,“刘氏刘胜豪,赵氏赵道元。这两个名字,六爷爷不陌生吧?” When Wang Xiaohan shock, gradually restrained the imposing manner, restored an appearance of old farmer, the expression said dignifiedly: „ This two people is the road of Spirit Platform takes, has the rumor less than about five years, they will attempt to attack Spirit Platform Boundary, is our clan biggest trouble. 王宵翰震惊之余,逐渐收敛起了气势,恢复到了一副老农的模样,表情凝重道:“此两人均是走的灵台之路,有传言不到五年左右,他们都会尝试冲击灵台境,乃是我们家族最大的麻烦。 Shouzhe you do not need too to worry, when you and Liu Clan thousand gold (daughter) get married, under after birth heir . Now three Spirit Platform Liu Clan, will find the way to shelter us decisively. clan only needs you to endure Spirit Platform, then can the standing firm heel.” “不过守哲你也无需太担心,待你与柳氏千金成亲,诞下子嗣后。如今一门三灵台柳氏,断然会想办法庇护我们。家族只需要你熬到灵台,便能立稳脚跟了。” Liu Clan that three Spirit Platform Old Ancestor, are very deep with the blood relationship of Wang Clan, perhaps particularly developed many years of Liu Xuanfu in Purple Mansion Academy, the strength had been in the immeasurably deep situation. 柳氏那三个灵台老祖,和王氏的血缘关系都很深,尤其是在紫府学宫发展多年的柳萱芙,实力恐怕已到了深不可测的地步。 Moreover she and Old Ancestor Longyan, the elder female cousins relate. 而且她与珑烟老祖,还是表姐妹关系。 Hehe, was pointing at this. No wonder is the salt fish satisfiedly. 呵呵,原来是指着这一茬啊。难怪心安理得地当咸鱼。 The Wang Shouzhe analysis, after Sixth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaohan is tries to force through the checkpoint the failure, the typical remorse type ostrich evades the mentality, does not dare to bear any responsibility again. In the Earth modern society, this person is also very common, for example the undertaking failure confidence was greatly attacked, henceforth is unable to recover wait/etc. 王守哲分析,六老太爷王宵翰是冲关失败后,典型的自责式鸵鸟逃避心态,不敢再扛起任何责任。地球现代社会中,这种人也很常见,例如创业失败信心遭受巨大打击,从此一蹶不振等等。 Deals with this person, the best way is to cut off his all hopes, cuts off his psychologically last depending on the consolation straw. 对付这种人,最好的办法就是断绝他所有希望,斩断他心理上最后一根赖以慰藉的稻草。 The Wang Shouzhe corners of the mouth showed the happy expression of pondering, is holding appreciatively the plain teacup: Pitifully was a pity, I have the positive news. Zhao Clan and Liú Clan, secret reserve Heavenly Spirit Pill, Liú Shenghao and Zhao Daoyuan, have been making the final moment polish, will launch the impact on Spirit Platform Boundary momentarily. So long as two have a success, then did not have our Wang Clan foothold.” 王守哲嘴角露出了玩味的笑意,把玩着质朴的茶杯:“可惜啊可惜,我已有确切消息。赵氏刘氏,都已经秘密准备好了【天灵丹】,刘胜豪赵道元,均已经在做最后关头打磨,随时都会向灵台境发起冲击。两家只要有一个成功,便没有了我们王氏的立足之地。” If I am Liú Clan Zhao Clan Family Head, once clan had two Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor. Definitely will first conceal this matter, and looks for the opportunity adventure to act secretly, cuts to kill Wang Shouzhe within the observing one's mourning period.” The Wang Shouzhe indifferent say/way, I and Liu Clan thousand gold (daughter) only have the engagement in the body. Liu Clan feels the shame to be angry even, but will not help me revenge mostly.” “若我是刘氏赵氏家主,一旦家族有了两个灵台境老祖。必然会先隐瞒此事,并寻找机会偷偷冒险出手,将王守哲斩杀于守孝期之内。”王守哲淡然道,“我与柳氏千金不过是仅有婚约在身而已。柳氏即便觉得羞辱愤怒,但多半是不会帮我报仇的。” He is very clear, Liú Clan or Zhao Clan, are regard his Wang Shouzhe are eye-sore. Now does not dare to begin, but is the time has not arrived, or cannot withstand Old Ancestor Longyan to backlash. 他十分清楚,无论是刘氏还是赵氏,都是视他王守哲为眼中钉。现在不敢动手,不过是时机未到,或是承受不起珑烟老祖反噬而已。 If two Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor work as one, what fears half leg to step into coffin the crazy retaliation of Old Ancestor Longyan? 若一家有两名灵台境老祖齐心协力,又何惧半条腿踏进棺材的珑烟老祖的疯狂报复? Naturally, they are willing to wait for Old Ancestor Longyan oneself unable to support to hang, such risk is smaller. 当然,他们更愿意等珑烟老祖自己支持不住而挂掉,这样风险性更小。 Can their patience wait till which day? Everyone cannot know. 只是他们的耐心能等到哪一天?谁也未可知。 Once clan presents second Old Ancestor, the morale inspires greatly at the same time, the ambition will definitely be ready to make trouble. 一旦家族出现第二个老祖,士气大振的同时,野心必然会蠢蠢欲动。 How possibly, how possibly! Are they possibly so how quick?” The Wang Xiaohan over the face alarmed and afraid desperate color, in his opinion, Wang Shouzhe is the clan last hope. “怎么可能,怎么可能!他们怎么可能这么快?”王宵翰满面惊惧绝望之色,在他看来,王守哲已是家族最后一个希望。 If he died, Wang Clan was then true. 若是他死了,王氏便真正完了。 So long as gives up the resource, accelerating the cultivation progress is also normal.” Wang Shouzhe serene is drinking tea saying that „, if I am Liú Clan Zhao Clan Family Head, similarly will do so chooses. Confuses the opponent with the smoke shell, goes all out in secret the catching up itself/Ben is the conventional tactical approach.” “只要舍得投入资源,加速一下修炼进度也是正常的。”王守哲风淡云轻地喝着茶说道,“若我是刘氏赵氏家主,同样会做如此选择。用烟雾弹迷惑对手,暗中拼命发力本就是常规战术手段而已。” Quite ruthless, is quite ruthless.” The Wang Xiaohan whole body trembles saying that but the look also strengthened gradually, he stands up fiercely, has a plan for the present, then only then the handed down in the family heavy treasure will sell out, trades one again Heavenly Spirit Pill, Your Sixth Grandfather is at cost of a life to clash Spirit Platform again time, hopes that the Old Ancestor Zhouxuan sect blesses my Wang Clan. My Wang Xiaohan this time takes the road of Spirit Platform again, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause!” “好狠,好狠呐。”王宵翰全身发颤道,但是眼神也渐渐坚定了起来,他猛地站起身来,“为今之计,便只有将家传重宝卖掉,再换一枚【天灵丹】,你六爷爷拼一把老命再冲一次灵台,希望宙轩老祖宗庇佑我王氏。我王宵翰此番重走灵台之路,不成功便成仁!” His physique is straight, such as at the most such as vertical, is depressed with dissipate dispiritedly, fearless success and failure. This lived the 65-year- old person, finally stood again, like that time, lifted up all shoulder poles. 他的身姿笔挺,如顶天如立地,暮气与颓废消散一空,无惧成功与失败。这个活了65岁的老人,终于再度站了起来,就像那时候一样,扛起了所有担子。 Heavy treasure? 重宝? Wang Shouzhe has doubts to say slightly: Is it possible that the meaning of Sixth Grandfather must sell out Zhouxuan Sword? That is the Old Ancestor Zhouxuan only relic, now Consecrate in ancestral temple. If this thing sells out, regardless of the success or failure, the clan soul will pull out.” 王守哲微微疑惑道:“莫非,六爷爷的意思是要卖掉【宙轩剑】吗?那是宙轩老祖的唯一遗物,现在供奉在祠堂内呢。此物若是卖掉,无论成败,家族的魂都会被抽了。” Naturally is not, Zhouxuan Sword bases the symbol, how could to sell out?” This time Wang Xiaohan, whole body is sending out a sharp qi, a about under 20 years of lamentation and bears patiently, this sharp qi has been suppressed. “自然不是,宙轩剑乃是立足之象征,岂能卖掉?”此时的王宵翰,全身上下散发着一股锐气,将近二十年的悔恨和隐忍下,这股锐气一直被压制住了。 However when the clan life and death, his once thinks that the obliterated sharp qi comes out of the sheath again, making Wang Shouzhe feel the palpitation faintly. Really worthily is Sixth Elderly Gentleman, had attacked existence of Spirit Platform Boundary. 但是在家族生死存亡之际,他这股曾经以为被磨灭的锐气再度出鞘,让王守哲都隐隐觉得心悸。真不愧是六老太爷,曾经冲击过灵台境的存在。 Our Ping'an Wang Clan, eventually is a Old Ancestor Zhouxuan fist foot, the base industry of personally setting the record.” Wang Xiaohan shoulders both hands, in the spoken language filled self-confidently, present, although the deterioration is dormant, but the background deep as before is not Liú Clan Zhao Clan that type, revolting thief clan that the house slave comes can compare.” “咱们平安王氏,终究是宙轩老祖一拳一脚,亲自创下的基业。”王宵翰背负双手,言语中充满了自信,“如今虽然衰败蛰伏,但底蕴之深厚依旧不是刘氏赵氏那种,家奴出身的叛贼家族可以比拟。” Wang Xiaohan experienced the past years to rebel against the event, naturally hated to the marrow of the bones about Liú Clan Zhao Clan, although others were only dependency clan rather than the house slave. 王宵翰经历过当年反叛事件,对刘氏赵氏自然是恨之入骨,尽管人家只是附庸家族而不是家奴。 Originally is our family/home also hiding the background? 原来咱们家还藏着底蕴? This makes Wang Shouzhe even more firm, my deceased father Wang Dingyue goes to Outer Territory to seek the chance to perish, inevitably is only the excuse of foreign propaganda. Even, even his sons are concealing the truth, Aunt was also concealed the truth mostly. 这让王守哲愈发坚定,先父王定岳外域寻求机缘而亡,必然只是对外宣传的说辞。甚至,连他这个儿子都瞒着,大娘多半也是被瞒住了。 Shouzhe you no wonder, which day this matter then want to wait for your to come Prosperous Village After then leads you to have a look with own eyes.” The Wang Xiaohan apologetic say/way, was only you was too recently busy, without this opportunity.” 守哲你莫怪,此事原本便想等你哪天来了【兴盛农庄】后,再带你亲眼去看看的。”王宵翰歉然道,“只是你最近太忙,都没这个机会。” Wang Shouzhe has not cared actually, before he was the clan junior, not possible everything to make him know. Moreover clan secret background type of thing, naturally the more better, he card in a hand that wishes one could ten eight types to be concealed. 王守哲对此倒是没放在心上,以前他就是个家族小辈,自不可能事事都让他知道。而且家族秘密底蕴这种东西,当然是越多越好,他恨不得有个十件八样被隐瞒住的底牌呢。 Then, his Patriarch pressure can reduce, is a salt fish comfortably not necessarily is not the misdemeanor. 如此一来,他这个族长压力就能减轻很多,舒舒服服当一条咸鱼未必不是坏事。 Wang Xiaohan gets him to bypass 20 mu spirit field, across limpid spirit spring that park park flows, by that mountain stream, he opened a secret door that camouflages the rock. 王宵翰领着他绕过二十亩灵田,穿过泊泊流淌的清澈灵泉,就在那山涧旁,他打开了一道伪装成岩石的密门。 Enters, discovered that two sides is the blade dike, only has road of the long and narrow narrowing to lead to the end, 进入其中后,发现两边都是刀刃般岩壁,仅有一条狭长逼仄之路通向尽头, Followed Wang Xiaohan across the lacet road, the field of vision then suddenly saw the light. This seems to be Cave Heaven Blessed Land secret places, the sunlight of big piece, the cavern by top of the head, shone in this covert in cavern. 跟随王宵翰穿过狭路,视野便豁然开朗了起来。这是一片仿佛洞天福地般的隐秘之地,大片的阳光,透过头顶的洞穴,照射在了这一片隐蔽的内洞穴之中。 The internal environment is not very big, only has 1000 several square meters, the appearance of approximately two mu place. However clan actually constructed Spirit Gathering Array for this reason alone, in Spirit Gathering Array, is two mu spirit field that is sending out the dense mist. 内部环境不算很大,仅有一千几平米,约两亩地的样子。但是家族却为此单独建了一个聚灵阵,聚灵阵中,是两亩散发着氤氲雾气的灵田 These two mu spirit field, from the rich degree of its spirit qi accumulation, is to go far beyond outside that 20 mu spirit field. Moreover above plants, is not traditional White Jade Spirit Rice. 这两亩灵田,从其灵气聚集的浓郁程度来看,是要远远超过外面那二十亩灵田。而且上面栽种的,也并非是传统的白玉灵米 But is precious spirit medicine!!! 而是一株株珍贵的灵药!!! These two mu are spirit field, unexpectedly intermediate grade spirit field?” The bonus is Wang Shouzhe cannot bear is startled slightly. “这两亩灵田,竟然都是中品灵田?”饶是王守哲也忍不住微微吃惊。 Right.” On the face of Wang Xiaohan showed some proud expressions slightly, past Old Ancestor Zhouxuan opened Prosperous Village When then discovered this hiding independent mountain stream space, moreover is that small-scale spirit vein beginning, gathered a small spirit hole. Afterward excavates here expansion with several clansmen personally, consumes large amount of money pad construction, extradites spirit spring, took many efforts to ward off two mu spirit field, after long-term nourishing of Spirit Gathering Array, the operation, gradually turned into two mu intermediate grade spirit field alone devotedly.” “没错。”王宵翰的脸上微微露出了些自豪的表情,“当年宙轩老祖开辟【兴盛农庄】时,便发现了这个隐蔽独立的山涧空间,而且正好是那条小型灵脉的起点,其中又汇聚出了一个小小的灵穴。随后亲自与几个族人将此处扩展开凿,耗费巨资垫土建阵,引渡灵泉,费了不少力气才辟出了两亩灵田,经过单独聚灵阵的长期滋养,悉心经营,逐渐变成了两亩中品灵田。” spirit medicine, many are long in the place of spirit vein spirit hole, nourishes after long spirit qi, gradually forms the effect of vegetation essence. Is the spirit qi abundant place, the spirit medicine growth probability is higher. 灵药,多数都是长在灵脉灵穴之处,经过漫长的灵气滋养,逐渐形成草木精华之功效。越是灵气充沛之地,灵药的成长几率就越高。 In brief, Wang Shouzhe lives is so big, has not bumped into spirit medicine in the open country. 总之,王守哲活到那么大,还没在野外碰到过灵药呢。 Shouzhe you look, this piece is ten-year Purple Leafed Knotweed, is ten years ago plants. This piece is 20-year, 30-year, 50-year.” Sixth Grandfather Wang Xiaohan points at one mu spirit field that is planning, was divided five checks from infancy to maturity, each standard plants is Purple Leafed Knotweed of different year. 守哲你看,这一片都是十年期的紫叶何首,乃是十年前种下的。这一片是20年期,30年期,50年期。”六爷爷王宵翰指着那规划出来的一亩灵田,其中被分割成了由小到大的五个格子,每一格栽种的都是不同年份的紫叶何首 Year bigger Purple Leafed Knotweed, the occupied check area is bigger. 年份越大的紫叶何首,占据的格子面积越大。 Wang Shouzhe knows, Purple Leafed Knotweed is one type common conventional, quite easy cultivation rootstalk-like spirit medicine. Once grew 50 years of year, then can be used as medicine pill refining. 王守哲知道,紫叶何首是一种常见常规,比较容易培植的根茎类灵药。一旦成长到了五十年年份,便能入药炼丹了。 Famous most popular Little Origin Cultivating Pill Principal, is Purple Leafed Knotweed of 50 years. 大名鼎鼎最受欢迎的【小培元丹】的主材,便是五十年份的紫叶何首 Purple Leafed Knotweed of 50 years of year, roughly one jin (0.5 kg), performs other auxiliary materials to refine five to ten Little Origin Cultivating Pill, is lower than five, is not mature Pill Refiner. Over ten, that often is Pill Refining Great Master. 一株五十年年份的紫叶何首,约莫有一斤重,加以其它辅材可以炼制出五到十枚小培元丹,低于五枚者,是不成熟的炼丹师。超过十枚者,那往往都是炼丹大师 Refines the Little Origin Cultivating Pill profit to be thin, rarely has Pill Refining Great Master to be extremely bored to refine Little Origin Cultivating Pill. 只是炼制小培元丹利润较薄,很少有炼丹大师穷极无聊去炼制小培元丹 Therefore, if sells 50 year Purple Leafed Knotweed, the value usually is 50 Qian gold. Pill Refiner is refining up six to calculate to suffer no loss of capital generally, started then to make money from seventh. 因此,若是出售五十年份紫叶何首,价值通常是五十枚乾金炼丹师一般是炼出六枚算保本,从第七枚开始便是赚钱了。 This mu place crop rotation, every ten years, our clan will then have Purple Leafed Knotweed of a number of 50 years to be mature every ten years.” Wang Xiaohan said proudly, every ten years, can harvest 80 mature Purple Leafed Knotweed on average.” “这一亩地如此轮作,每隔十年,咱们家族每隔十年便会有一批五十年份的紫叶何首成熟。”王宵翰自豪地说道,“每十年,平均能收获八十支成熟的紫叶何首。” 80? 八十支? Wang Shouzhe is startled secretly, can't that sell four thousand Qian gold about? This was also a huge income. 王守哲暗暗吃惊不已,那不是能卖四千乾金左右?这也是一笔巨大收入了。 Moreover this is also only one mu intermediate grade spirit field output value. 而且这还只是一亩中品灵田的产值。 ...... ……
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