POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#68: Rise! Salt fish elder

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...... …… Calculates then to be clear slightly, Zhuwei Lake is not considered as what great lake, roughly has over ten thousand mu waters area. On average desilting one meter, is 67 million cubic silt...... 略微计算一下便能清楚,珠薇湖不算是什么大湖,却也约莫有上万亩水域面积。平均清淤一米,便是六七百万立方的淤泥…… The this world dredger, Wang Shouzhe has seen actually. 这方世界的清淤船,王守哲倒是见过。 Is the manpower with the desilting rake, digs the silt embarks. A dredger, can install about ten cubic silt. 都是人工用清淤耙,将淤泥挖上船。一艘清淤船,也就是能装十个立方左右的淤泥。 But the silt that usually cleans up, itself has the good organic matter, after other manure mix heap fermentations, is a good farming fertilizer, can supplement the farmland the fertility. 而平常清理出来的淤泥,本身就拥有不错的有机物质,与其它肥料混合堆积发酵后,是一种较好的农肥,可以补充农田的肥力。 After all the river course lake bottom silt of this time, does not have any heavy metal pollution saved. 毕竟这个时代的河道湖底淤泥,没有什么重金属污染等积攒。 But the issue is, 67 million cubic, that is 600,000-700,000 ships! If ten dredgers the practical training, each ship to clean up three ships year to year every day, fills three ship computations, is almost more than 20,000 days of projects, the whole year not does not do to do for 60-70 years! 但问题在于,六七百万立方,那就是600,000-700,000船!若是十艘清淤船常年劳作,每天每艘船以清理三船,填土三船计算,差不多就是两万多天的工程,全年无休要干60-70年! But these silt shrink after the dryness are very big, the swampy ground is the mud is also in the majority, it is estimated that also can only fill in 2,000-3,000 mu good farmland at most. The entire project, it is expected that must consume over ten thousand Qian gold to be many. 而那些淤泥在干燥之后缩水很大,沼泽地本身也是烂泥居多,估计至多也仅能填出个2,000-3,000亩的良田。整个工程,预计得耗费上万乾金还多。 After the consumption lots of manpower and resources energy time, about can open up wasteland one mu place to 34 Qian gold, some are not then cost-effective. 在耗费大量的人力物力精力时间后,合到三四个乾金才能开荒一亩地,便有些不划算了。 If cleans up two meters depth Zhuwei Lake, the cost multiplies continues, more digs downward is more difficult to clean up. Even if purchases good farmland, is 2-3 Qian gold then can buy one mu ripe. 若是将珠薇湖多清理两米深,成本倍增都是不止,越往下挖越难清理。哪怕去购买良田,也就是2-3个乾金便能买上一亩熟地。 However the tent/account is not such simple arithmetic, with the Zhuwei Lake large surface area desilting, after the water-holding capacity increases, can breed the big fish, even can put in spirit fish. From the family/home Patriarch long consideration, light/only fishes by the open country is not always the long-term plan, the source of income is not stable. 然而帐并非这么简单计算,随着珠薇湖大面积清淤,蓄水量增加后就能养殖大鱼,甚至是能投放灵鱼。从家族长久考虑,光靠野外捕鱼总不是长久之计,收入来源不算稳定。 If can formalize the cultivation economical fingerling, even is the spirit fish type, this is the clan foundation industry correct opening way. The investment scale is huge, time-consuming long, once successfully constructs, is the clan continuous financial resource origin. 若是能规模化养殖经济鱼种,甚至是灵鱼种,这才是家族根基式产业正确的打开方式。投资规模巨大,耗时漫长,然而一旦成功建设,便是家族源源不断的财力来源。 Moreover government authorities to encourage profound warrior aristocratic family opens up wasteland, regarding land that opens up wasteland newly, the first ten years are to exempt pay grain, this is one big saves. 而且官府为了鼓励玄武世家开荒,对于新开荒的土地,头十年是免纳粮的,这算起来又是一笔不小的节约。 Naturally, by the Wang Shouzhe individuality, even if must make the mammoth project of this desilting land reclamation, is impossible to use for 60-70 years to do. Really must by that time, even the great-grandsons come out...... 当然,以王守哲的个性,即便是要做这个清淤填土造田的浩大工程,也不可能用60-70年去做。真要到那时候,连重孙子都出来了…… This plan project in his mind, had fermented to be very long. 这个计划工程原本在他脑海中,已经酝酿了很久。 Originally is thinking starts the small scale implementation next year, later gradually increases the project size, strives to sump in ten years two meters Zhuwei Lake, fills in 4,000-5,000 mu good farmland the swamp, builds clan next large-scale village gradually, namely ten thousand mu cultivation waters, there is several thousand mu good farmland. 本来想着在明年开始小规模实施,随后逐渐加大工程规模,争取在十年内将珠薇湖挖深两米,将沼泽填出4,000-5,000亩良田,逐步打造成家族的下一个大型农庄,即有万亩养殖水域,又有数千亩良田 A year of output value cannot lower absolutely, but always spends to be able to control in three ten thousand Qian gold. 一年的产值绝对低不了,而总耗资应当能控制住三万乾金以内。 However now, the plan a little changes! 不过现在嘛,计划有点变动! Stands on the boat covered with black matting, Wang Shouzhe is shouldering both hands, is watching the cross-strait wilderness. Quite overlooks the territory, ferments the stance of clan millennium base industry. 站在乌篷船上,王守哲背负着双手,观看着两岸荒野。颇有一副俯瞰领地,酝酿家族千年基业的架势。 shou generation adult male Old Seventh, Wang Shouye sits in the cabin, the uneasy heart gradually was tranquil, looks at Fourth Brother to cross the hands behind the back the vertical appearance, is like that big palatial, in the heart worships the respect the mood to arise spontaneously. 守字辈男丁老七,王守业坐在船舱内,原本惴惴不安的心渐渐平静,看着四哥负手而立的模样,是那般的高大巍峨,心中崇拜敬仰的情绪油然而生。 I, Wang Shouye. 我,王守业 In the future must become with Fourth Brother is the same, man of being indomitable spirit. 未来一定要成为和四哥一样,顶天立地的男人。 ...... …… The boat covered with black matting anchored in Prosperous Village In small pier, under village Wang Clan collateral branch chancellor's leadership in reverential awe, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Shouye sought Wang Xiaohan. 乌篷船停靠在了【兴盛农庄】的小码头上,在农庄王氏旁系主事诚惶诚恐的带领下,王守哲王守业一路去寻到了王宵翰 This time Wang Xiaohan, is looking after that 20 mu precious spirit field, cautiously in weed except spirit field. These weeds, just jumped out the seedling to come then to be captured, does not make them have the unnecessary opportunity absorption nutrition and spirit qi. 此时的王宵翰,正在侍弄着那二十亩宝贵的灵田,小心翼翼地除去灵田内的杂草。那些杂草,都是刚刚窜出苗来便被拔掉,不让它们有多余机会吸收营养与灵气 Same one mu spirit field, if careful and intensive cultivation, even if prolific partly becomes is also big resources. 同样一亩灵田,若是精耕细作的话,哪怕多产出半成也是一笔不小的资源。 Wang Shouzhe has not gone to disturb him, but is waiting for patiently. 王守哲没去打扰他,而是耐心地等待着。 This Prosperous Village, Is the second village that Old Ancestor Zhouxuan opens. Has the good farmland 2000 mu , the small-scale stock farms, as well as a flake plants the fruits and melons vegetables specially the countryside. In addition is most important, was Prosperous Village opened 20 mu spirit field. 这【兴盛农庄】,乃是宙轩老祖开辟的第二个农庄。坐拥良田两千亩,也有一个小型的畜牧场,以及一小片专门种植瓜果蔬菜的田园。此外最重要的,便是兴盛农庄开辟了二十亩灵田 Here terrain, was surrounded by Liuping Mountain mountains in small branch lineage, in the original land has many broken stone riprap, theoretically is not place of very suitable opening up wasteland. 此处地形,被六平山余脉中的一条小小支脉环抱其中,原本的土地中有不少碎乱石块,理论上来说并非是一片非常适宜开荒之地。 However Old Ancestor Zhouxuan choice here opens up wasteland, and does not hesitate to dig up the rivers and creeks to bring in the water source also to open the village. Then because of here mountain stream crevice place, there is woof Bobo spirit spring. 然而宙轩老祖选择此处开荒,且不惜挖通河渠引来水源也要开辟农庄。便是因为此处山涧夹缝处,有一汪泊泊灵泉 Has spirit spring, then represents here to have small spirit vein. 灵泉,便代表着此处有一条小小的灵脉 So long as constructs Spirit Gathering Array regarding spirit vein, then can make spirit qi in spirit vein concentrate is not loose, the gathering moistens in the land, directs spirit spring to irrigate the land, coordinates all sorts of agronomy methods weight gain the land again, can gradually open to suit plants various types of magical things spirit field. 只要围绕灵脉建造聚灵阵,便能让灵脉中的灵气凝而不散,汇聚滋润于土地之中,随之引灵泉灌溉土地,再配合种种农学手段增肥土地,就能逐渐开辟出适合种植各种灵物的灵田 Had oneself spirit field, then had oneself spirit rice to deliver, profound warrior / black tortoise clan then truly had the oneself foundation. 有了自己灵田,便有了自己灵米产出,一个玄武家族便算是真正有了自己根基。 Therefore, Old Ancestor Zhouxuan this village names as Prosperous Village, The implication is to naturally hope clan is prosperous. 因此,宙轩老祖将此农庄命名为【兴盛农庄】,寓意自然是希望家族兴盛起来。 This woof spirit spring, as well as that small spirit vein, the maximized degree approximately can support 60 mu spirit field appearance. In the past technology of Wang Clan clan to planting spirit rice was quite strange, to avoid consuming spirit vein for no reason. Therefore temporarily only constructed Spirit Gathering Array, opened 20 mu spirit field. 这一汪灵泉,以及那条小小的灵脉,最大化程度约能支撑六十亩灵田的样子。只是当年王氏家族对种植灵米的技术比较陌生,为了避免凭白消耗灵脉。因此暂时只建造了一个聚灵阵,开辟了二十亩灵田 Is thinking after and other Wang Clan planted the spirit rice technology is quite mature, again other 40 mu spirit field opens. Actually does not think, the plan has not been implemented with enough time, Wang Clan encountered the disaster. 本想着等王氏种植灵米技术比较成熟后,再将其余四十亩灵田开辟出来。却不想,计划还没来得及实施,王氏就遭到了大难。 Then, clan is flustered , the resources are scarce. 尔后,家族人心惶惶,又资源紧缺。 Investing spirit field that similarly is a big investment, project of slow return. full Naozi are thinking first trains Spirit Platform Old Ancestor to come, then contributes money to develop spirit field slowly, saves the clan background. 投资灵田那同样是一桩大投入,慢回报的项目。满脑子都想着先培养出一个灵台老祖来,再慢慢攒钱开拓灵田,积攒家族底蕴。 Actually does not think, clan first wife's eldest son Second Uncle Wang Dingtian of first achievement potential leader, does not know that is when he five years old experienced the giant disaster, caused the psychological trauma, because behind clan senior force too tightly, or was his oneself was also too anxious, actually overstated to pass away in 20 years old. 却不想,第一个作为培养对象的家族嫡长子二伯王定天,也不知道是不是因为他五岁时经历了巨大灾祸,导致了心理创伤,还是因为后面家族长辈们逼迫太紧,亦或者是他自己太焦虑了,在二十岁竟然走火入魔一命呜呼。 Wang Clan «Profound Origin Art», usually by gentle and mild and being famous, even if millennium ago Longzuo Wang Clan, cultivation cultivation deviation is also few. 要知道,王氏玄元诀》,素来以中正平和著称,哪怕是从千年前的陇左王氏算起,修炼走火入魔者也是寥寥无几。 When clan is sorrowful, will focus on Wang Clan orthodox second son Wang Dingyue and on Old Sixth Wang Xiaohan. Absorbed the elders of lesson, not to the Wang Dingyue too tremendous pressure, but trains methodically. 家族悲恸之余,将注意力放在了王氏嫡次子王定岳老六王宵翰身上。吸取了教训的长辈们,并没有给王定岳太大压力,而是有条不紊地培养。 Many pressures, in fact focused on talent uncommon parallel veins juniors Wang Xiaohan. When makes he takes the road of Spirit Platform quite late, about 20 years ago, Wang Xiaohan by the condition of security, swallows the clan secret to sell out permits Duocai post-natal, received exchange Heavenly Spirit Pill. 更多的压力,实际上聚焦在了天赋不凡的直脉子弟王宵翰身上。只是让他走灵台之路时已经比较晚,直至将近二十年前,王宵翰才以保密的状态下,吞服家族秘密卖掉许多财产后,换取来的【天灵丹】。 Promotion failure! 晋升失败! Afterward, was Wang Dingyue died in Outer Territory. 随后,又是王定岳外域死掉。 This matter said that is also the fishy, Wang Shouzhe thinks, is clan the real end of hills and rivers, is unable to give Wang Dingyue to purchase Heavenly Spirit Pill. However Wang Shouzhe thinks recently carefully, is not quite indistinctly right. 此事说起来也是蹊跷,原本王守哲以为,是家族已经真的山穷水尽,无法给王定岳购买天灵丹了。但是王守哲最近仔细想想,其中隐约还是不太对劲。 Old Ancestor Longyan can for his Wang Shouzhe, sell out along spirit treasure Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, Raises resources, why doesn't give my deceased father Wang Dingyue to buy? 珑烟老祖可以为了他王守哲,卖掉随身灵宝龟鳞宝盾】,去筹措资源,为何偏偏不给先父王定岳买? In addition, first after Family Head died, the Old Ancestor Longyan surface does not have the reveal continually, feared was seen is not right? Has the big possibility, she began during this period forcefully. 此外,先家主死了之后,珑烟老祖连面都没有露,是不是怕被人看出不对劲来?有较大的可能性,她在此期间强行动手了。 If Old Ancestor begins, is the hand that and who moves? Goes to Outer Territory, is not my deceased father Wang Dingyue person, but has Old Ancestor to accompany? 如果老祖动手,那么是和谁动的手?难道去外域的,并非是先父王定岳一个人,而是有老祖相陪? If speculated that suits in the actual situation, Old Ancestor and my deceased father Wang Dingyue, why can go to Outer Territory at the so critical moment? Really is only the foreign propaganda like that because can raise the resources to seek the chance? 若是推测符合实际情况下,老祖与先父王定岳,为何要在如此关键时刻去外域?难道真的只是对外宣传的那般,因为要筹措资源去寻求机缘吗? Inevitably is not. 必然不是。 Wang Shouzhe has the reason to believe, Old Ancestor and Clan Elder, very big secrets are hiding the truth from him. Moreover that secret should be important to Wang Clan! Perhaps, Outer Territory also has to promote the Spirit Platform Boundary opportunity, because of my deceased father Wang Dingyue failure? 王守哲有理由相信,老祖族老们,有一个很大的秘密瞒着他。而且那个秘密应该对王氏非常重要!也许,外域也有晋升灵台境的机会,只不过是因为先父王定岳失败了? He more wants more to feel supposed so, otherwise Old Ancestor Longyan definitely will choose to sell out Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, Wang Dingyue trades Heavenly Spirit Pill to my deceased father. Rather than the Shuangshuang/pair adventure goes to Outer Territory to seek any broken chance together. 他越想越是觉得应该如此,否则珑烟老祖必然会选择卖掉龟鳞宝盾,给先父王定岳天灵丹。而不是双双冒险一起去外域寻求什么破机缘。 If possible, can look skid a news to come out from the Old Ancestor mouth. 有机会的话,看看能不能从老祖嘴里撬点消息出来。 In the Wang Shouzhe consideration, Sixth Elderly Gentleman processes the weed, walked from Haida, after seeing Wang Shouzhe and Wang Shouye that waits for outside, the clear brow smiles to draw: Shouzhe, will you come? Waited for the long time, how to call me earlier?” 就在王守哲思虑之间,六老太爷处理完杂草,从林田间走了出来,见到在外守候的王守哲王守业后,不由舒展眉头笑拉起来:“守哲,你怎么会来了?等久了吧,怎么不早点叫我?” Although Wang Shouzhe cannot see through his cultivation base, can actually feel one under his state of mind to be depressed depressed. Obviously, he has not attacked in the Spirit Platform Boundary failure to walk from the past consumption large amount of money. He is only 65 years old, actually the feeling also wants compared with Fourth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaozhi old, looks like a true old farmer. 王守哲虽然看不穿他修为,却能感受到他精神状态下的一股消沉暮气。十分显然,他还未从当年耗费巨资冲击灵台境失败中走出来。他才六十五岁,却感觉比四老太爷王宵志还要老相,就像是一个真正的老农。 Sixth Grandfather is good.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands. 六爷爷好。”王守哲拱手 Grandfather.” Wang Shouye actually threw. 爷爷。”王守业却是扑了上去。 Yo, does your infant, follow Fourth Brother to come to see Grandfather together?” Wang Xiao han holds Wang Shouye, after teasing several, making the collateral branch chancellor lead on the side of him to play. “哟哟,你这小毛头,怎么也跟着四哥一起来看爷爷?”王霄翰抱起王守业,逗弄了几句后,让旁系主事带他一边去玩。 Afterward, Wang Xiaohan invited Wang Shouzhe before the small thatched house that he lived in seclusion, drank one cup of ordinary tea to drink: Shouzhe this time comes, is it possible that urged me to take the road of Spirit Platform again?” 随后,王宵翰才请王守哲在他隐居的小草庐前,喝上一杯普通的茶饮:“守哲此番前来,莫非还是劝我重走灵台之路?” Wang Shouzhe had previously sent Family Guard to send Origin Cultivating Pill With spirit stone, and wrote a letter to say the plan with him. However Wang Xiao han actually rejected this matter, said that is the great ambition is old, is only willing to tie the thatched house before spirit field, protection life. 先前王守哲已经派家将送来了【培元丹】与灵石,并写信与他说了打算。然而王霄翰却是拒绝了此事,说是雄心已老,只愿结草庐于灵田前,守护一生。 This salt fish mentality, Wang Shouzhe has not blamed him but actually. 这种咸鱼心态,王守哲倒也没有怪他。 He every tea, looked all around about, took a look at his crude thatched house, smiles saying: „It is not, Shouzhe is only comes and Sixth Grandfather says goodbye, finally comes to see spirit field that Old Ancestor Zhouxuan leaves behind. After all, Shouzhe the person of dying.” 他品了一口凡茶,环顾左右,瞅了一眼他的简陋草庐,笑了笑说道:“不是,守哲只是来和六爷爷道个别,最后再来看一眼宙轩老祖留下的灵田。毕竟,守哲不过是将死之人。” What?” “什么?” Wang Xiaohan almost pinches to explode the cup, the startled anger happened simultaneously saying that Wang Shouzhe, what you did talk nonsense?” 王宵翰差点把杯子捏爆,惊怒交加道,“王守哲,你胡说八道什么?” Astonishing aura, erupted from him. 一股惊人的气息,从他身上爆发了出来。 ...... ……
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