POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#67: Hundred years plan

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...... …… Wang Shouzhe as Patriarch, most times only needs to come between the operation, naturally does not need to participate in each step of plan. 王守哲作为族长,多数时候只需要居中运筹,自然无需参与到计划的每一个步骤中去。 Therefore this period of time, was the dwelling in main house, every day cultivated/repaired cultivation, or bullied some Younger Brother Younger Sister. 因此这段时间来,都是宅在了主宅中,每天修修炼,或是“欺负一下”某个弟弟妹妹 In the resource-rich situation, his cultivation progress fast, has achieved in peak condition of six layers. Only needs to polish several days, then can attempt to break through Qi Refining Boundary seven layers. 资源充沛的情况下,他的修炼进度飞快,已经达到了六层的巅峰状态。仅需要打磨数日,便能尝试突破炼气境七层了。 However today, he needs to move. 不过今日,他需要动一下了。 After letting Wang Gui arranged one, first a child in clan summoning. 王贵安排了一番后,先把家族里的一个孩子给召了过来。 Not many moments. 不多片刻。 30 over, the facial features beautiful gentle female, led one about ten -year-old boy to arrive in Wang Shouzhe side hall. 一位三十出头,面容姣好的温婉女子,领着一个十岁左右的男孩到了王守哲偏厅中。 Chen Clan has seen Family Head.” The female collects to salute. But the boy as if somewhat dreaded, hides in mother behind. 陈氏见过家主。”那女子敛敛行礼。而男孩则似乎有些畏惧,躲在了母亲身后。 Sixth Aunt is overly courteous, calls me Shouzhe is.” Wang Shouzhe returns salute, inviting her to take a seat saying that please sit down in a big hurry.” 六婶无需多礼,叫我守哲便是。”王守哲还礼,邀请她落座道,“快快请坐。” This Chen Clan, is the Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai wife, the family background from the Donggang Chen Clan parallel veins female. 这位陈氏,便是六叔王定海的妻子,出身自东港陈氏直脉女子。 Wang Clan and Chen Clan in the sixth generation of parallel veins, are related through marriage very frequently. Has two ding generation, married the Donggang Chen Clan female. Also there is two liu generation Aunt, married Donggang Chen Clan. 王氏陈氏在第六代的直脉中,通婚非常频繁。有两位定字辈的,娶了东港陈氏女子。也有两位琉字辈姑姑,嫁到了东港陈氏 Now two start orthodox lineage to be related through marriage, can say that the bilateral relations are close. 如今两家更是开始了嫡脉通婚,可以说双方关系非常亲密。 After young male servant Wang Gui steeps tea fruits and melons dry fruit and other entertainments, then fell back on the one side. 小厮王贵沏茶上瓜果蜜饯等招待后,便退到了一旁。 But Wang Shouzhe actually and Chen Clan exchanged greetings, after inquiring after the well being of one, fell on the vision that boy, said: Shouye, recently schoolwork how?” 王守哲却和陈氏寒暄起来,嘘寒问暖了一番后,才将目光落到了那个男孩子身上,笑着说:“守业,最近功课怎么样?” This boy, is seventh generation of shou generation at present a youngest adult male, called Wang Shouye, this year is only ten years old, rank Old Seventh. 这个男孩,便是第七代守字辈目前最小的一个男丁,叫王守业,今年才十岁,排行老七 Why said that is at present, naturally is the sixth generation of ding generation elders also has the young strength to be strong. For example Third Uncle Wang Dingzu, Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai, will regenerate probably slightly comes. 为何说是目前呢,当然是第六代定字辈的长辈们还有年青力壮的。例如三伯王定族,六叔王定海,保不齐还会再生出更小的来。 This does not have the precedent, said uncle Wang Dingchuan, at age 50 was left over shou generation Old Fifth Wang Shouyong, seriously was hale and hearty. 这并非没有先例,就说大伯王定川,50岁时才剩下守字辈老五王守勇,当真是老当益壮。 Naturally this matter must give credit to the aunt, when forty years old can also live kid ~ ~, moreover she can also give birth specially. 当然此事也要归功于大婶,四十几岁时还能生娃~~而且她还特别能生养。 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 Wang Shouye somewhat is obviously shy, awes to Wang Shouzhe, this hear frightens immediately closely is pale, grabs the Chen Clan clothes: Four, Fourth Brother. But also, ok.” 王守业明显有些腼腆,对王守哲也十分敬畏,这一听下当即吓得脸色发白,紧紧抓着陈氏的衣服:“四,四哥。还,还行。” Shouzhe no wonder, this child from small shy.” Chen Clan said slightly awkwardly, „was actually very recently studious......” 守哲莫怪,这孩子从小腼腆。”陈氏略微尴尬地解释说,“不过最近倒是挺用功……” During speeches, but also casts a sidelong glance secretly Wang Shouzhe. 说话间,还偷偷瞟了一眼王守哲 Wang Shouzhe understood, Old Seventh this was hears recently about testing the school Great Demon King reputation, feared when stared to test school by Fourth Brother, then started to study hard early. 王守哲明白了,老七这是听到了最近关于考校大魔王的名声,就怕什么时候被四哥盯上考校一番,便早早地开始用功了。 This is actually meddlesome. 这倒是好事。 Wang Shouzhe is drinking tea, to testing school Demon King the reputation was getting more and more satisfied, this looks like sword of the Damocles, frequently hangs in Younger Brother head of Younger Sister and juniors. 王守哲喝着茶,对考校魔王的名声越来越满意了,这就像是一支达摩克利斯之剑,时时刻刻悬在弟弟妹妹以及小辈们的头上。 Ok, that takes advantage of opportunity to test school. 行,那就顺势考校一番。 Wang Shouzhe started to test the school to Wang Shouye, from the foundation literature, calculated to the foundation, again to movement, battle skill on wait/etc understanding. 王守哲开始对王守业考校了起来,从基础文学,到基础算经,再到身法,战技等等上的理解。 From the beginning Wang Shouye fears awfully, replied the stutter clash, when with encouragement of Wang Shouzhe, not to start to explain fluently, could look at the basic skills to be solid, indeed was recently studious. 一开始王守业怕得要命,回答结结巴巴磕磕碰碰,不多会儿在王守哲的鼓励下,开始流利解答了起来,看得出来基本功还算扎实,最近也的确用功了。 Good good.” Wang Shouzhe reveals the smile appreciation, Shouye very makes every effort to succeed, this is your reward.” Wang Shouzhe gave the reward of entire ten Qian gold directly, to commend first smoothly to test the kid in school through him. “不错不错。”王守哲露出笑容赞赏不已,“守业还是挺争气的,这是你的奖励。”王守哲直接给出了整整十乾金的奖赏,以表彰第一位顺利通过他考校的娃。 Thanks Fourth Brother.” The Wang Shouye small cheek also became flushed excitedly, look and speech also self-confident many. “谢谢四哥。”王守业激动地小脸蛋也涨红了,眼神与说话也自信了不少。 Recently the Great Demon King pressure, had let young one generation with juniors everybody feels insecure, but at this time gave the reward outstanding candidate, definitely will initiate greedyly some. 最近大魔王的威压,已经让年轻一代和小辈们人人自危了,而这个时候给出奖励其中优秀者,必然会引发一些眼馋。 Wang Shouzhe believes, the carrot in addition big stick policy, will make the clan young children more and more outstanding. 王守哲相信,胡萝卜加大棒政策,会让家族年轻孩子们越来越优秀起来。 The Wang Shouye good performance, making Chen Clan also happily like very much, which mother doesn't hope that a son will grow up to be successful? 王守业挺好的表现,让陈氏也很是欣慰欢喜,哪个母亲不是望子成龙? After testing the school completes, Wang Shouzhe changes over to the subject saying: Sixth Aunt, meets me to make Shouye accompany me to go to Prosperous Village, pays a visit Sixth Grandfather.” Simply put, naturally was you. 考校完成之后,王守哲转入正题道:“六婶,一会我让守业陪我去一趟兴盛农庄,拜见一下六爷爷。”言下之意,当然是你就别去了。 Wang Shouzhe did not oppose that Chen Clan goes together, but thought that Shouye takes in the family/home the adult male, probably some relied on mother. 王守哲并非反对陈氏一起去,只是觉得守业作为家中男丁,好像有些过于依赖母亲了。 Has a look at others Wang Luoqiu, but compared with Shouye one year old, has then started the resentment day resentment resentment air greatly, daily clamored is wanting the slaughter god to extinguish Buddha, must shoulder the clan rise heavy responsibility to come lonely. 看看人家王珞秋,不过比守业大一岁,便已经开始怼天怼地怼空气,天天叫嚣着要屠神灭佛,要孤独地肩负家族崛起重任来了。 Although Wang Shouzhe is unable to understand, the clan rise and slaughter god extinguish Buddha to have anything necessarily to relate...... in addition, she so-called Lonely young girl Shoulders the clan destiny......, that type of thick chuuni young girl aura, makes him unable to bear somewhat wants to pull out the person, was this all works as the pig teammate with a big clan person? 虽然王守哲无法理解,家族崛起和屠神灭佛有啥必然联系……此外,她所谓的【孤独少女】背负家族命运……之中,那种浓浓的中二少女气息,也让他忍不住有些想要抽人,这是拿一大家族的人全当猪队友了吗? However does not hinder Wang Shouzhe very to appreciate Wang Luoqiu to be full with the vitality, gone all out spirit. 但是并不妨碍王守哲挺欣赏王珞秋拿元气满满,锐意进取的精神。 Therefore, Wang Shouzhe must make Old Seventh leave mother to embrace earlier, the rapid growth is a young man. 因此,王守哲还是要多让老七早点离开母亲怀抱,迅速成长为一个小男子汉。 All listen to Shouzhe.” Sixth Aunt Chen Clan, although somewhat loves dearly Old Seventh, actually depends on the word the line. “一切都听守哲的。”六婶陈氏,虽然有些心疼老七,却还是依言而行。 Afterward. 随后。 Wang Shouzhe brings Wang Shouye, walks from the backyard waterway, toward Prosperous Village But goes. He likes travelling by water now more and more, the tranquil nature, is open, with the nature trail connection, can have enough time to plan the clan general situation. 王守哲带着王守业,从后院水路走,往【兴盛农庄】而去。他现在是越来越喜欢走水路了,恬静自然,视野开阔,和自然接轨,可以有充分的时间去规划家族大局。 For example, is leading to Prosperous Village this waterway, the left and right are the low-lying rivers and lakes, this season was covered with the reed. Nearby village's some peasant households, is stepping on the mud, seizes the chance the harvesting reed. 例如说,在通往兴盛农庄这条水路,左右两侧都是低洼水泽,这季节长满了芦苇。附近村庄的一些农户,则是踩着泥泞,趁机过来收割芦苇。 Although the reed is not valuable, has the quite a lot use. For example after seasoning, gives some adobe house coping, or weaves some reed reed mats, can make the following summer cooler, seasons after again badly, can work as fuel/thin Shao. 芦苇虽不值钱,却有颇多用处。例如晒干后给一些土房子盖顶,或是编织一些芦苇席,可以让接下来的夏天清凉一些,再不济晒干后可以当柴烧。 The reed cotton wool does little, seemingly looks like the cotton, has not actually maintained warmth the function. If on Earth, the reed can also be used for papermaking anything. 只是芦苇絮作用不大,看似像棉花,却没有保暖作用。若是在地球上,芦苇还可以用来造纸什么的。 The information that in some brains precipitates, touches those images and scenes, appears indistinctly. 一些大脑中沉淀的信息,触碰此情此景,隐约显现。 Wait? 等等? Cotton, papermaking? 棉花,造纸? Cotton type of thing, has the planter in Great Qian Country early, some aristocratic family are depends on massive planter cotton to take the industry. Words that Wang Shouzhe wants to meddle, is not an easy matter, after all these aristocratic family to the method that the guarding cotton plants first-class. 棉花这种东西,在大乾国早有种植,有部分世家便是靠着大量种植棉花作为产业。王守哲想插手的话,也不是件容易的事情,毕竟那些世家对看守棉花种的手段一流。 However the words of papermaking? 但是造纸的话? On this world has certainly the paper, the books, the letter, will use the paper everywhere. The quality of paper has from high to low, price many are quite expensive. The reason is very simple, the papermaking was monopolized in some minority influences. 世界上当然有纸,书籍,信件,处处都会用到纸张。纸张的质量由高到低都有,价格多数都比较昂贵。原因很简单,造纸术被垄断在了一些少数势力之中。 He leafs through remembers, which aristocratic family at least without hearing Changning Garrison has to have the papermaking. 他翻遍记忆,至少没有听说长宁卫有哪个世家拥有造纸术。 Paper that everyone uses, is Qian Clan Trading Company ships from the distant place. 大家所用的纸张,都是钱氏商行从远处运来的。 The principle of papermaking is simple, compared with doing what monosodium glutamate, Spinning Jenny was easier. Even if even Wang Shouzhe, to the step of papermaking, has 78 concept. 造纸的原理非常简单,比搞什么谷氨酸钠,珍妮纺织机容易多了。哪怕连王守哲,对造纸的步骤,大致也有个七八分概念。 This thing has the worth doing. 此物有搞头。 Wang Shouzhe records secretly this idea, during will integrate will plan in the future. Meanwhile, Wang Shouzhe to about both banks swampy ground, is some quite ideas. 王守哲暗暗将此想法记录下来,纳入未来计划之中。与此同时,王守哲对左右两岸大片大片的沼泽地,也是颇有些想法。 Ancestor the opening up wasteland village, naturally was the choice quite the section that was good to open up wasteland opened up wasteland in the past. For example the water source is abundant, is topographically flat, the geology is fertile, extendibility strong wait/etc factors, so can lower the opening up wasteland cost to the quite low degree. 老祖宗当年开荒农庄,自然是选择比较好开荒的地段开荒。例如水源充沛,地势平坦,地质肥沃,可扩展性强等等因素,如此可以将开荒成本降到比较低的程度。 As one generation and continually expands for ancestors seizure to superior section, remaining without land of opening up wasteland, some all sorts of unfavorable factors. 随着一代代先人们对优势地段的占领并不断扩充,剩下未经开荒的土地,都是有种种不利因素在内。 For example cross-strait these swamp regions, the topography is somewhat low. Once rains, will then form the large-scale swamp. Even if to the dry season, is bumpy, everywhere is the rotten bog. 例如两岸这些沼泽地带,地势偏低。一旦下雨,便会形成大规模的沼泽。哪怕到了旱季,也是坑坑洼洼,到处是烂泥塘。 To change to the farmland it, must conduct the large-scale earth fill, its entire topography barrier height. Even if places the mechanized time, this is also a mammoth project, idle talk in this productive forces not developed world. 想要将其化作农田,就得进行大规模的填土,将其整个地势垫高。哪怕是放在机械化时代,这也是一个浩大的工程,更遑论在这种生产力不发达的世界中。 However now Ping'an Town quite safe, has discovered ripe very much difficultly again, was quite easy to open up wasteland the good farmland large surface area land. Either annexes the land of land-holding peasant, either extrudes the enemy clan existing space. 但是现在平安镇比较安全的熟地中,已经很难再找出,比较容易开荒成良田的大面积土地了。要么去兼并自耕农的土地,要么就去挤压对头家族的生存空间。 Therefore, when Wang Shouzhe passed by these two big stretch of open land again and again, can always think how to develop this place. 因此,王守哲几次三番路过这两大片荒地时,总是会想着如何去开拓这片地方。 If implements to fill in the plan of Ze, earth where? How to transport? 若是实行填泽之策的话,土从哪里来?如何运输? In addition, if two big swamp barrier heights, once to the rainy season, the water holding capacity of these two swamps will vanish. Under the total quantity invariable premise of water, this water diversion will enter the river course, Zhuwei Lake and other waters. 此外,若是将两大片沼泽垫高,一旦到了雨季,这两块沼泽的蓄水能力就会消失。在水的总量不变的前提下,这部分水会进入河道,珠薇湖等水域。 If the rainfall is bigger, is very likely to create the river course, Zhuwei Lake and other water levels overflowed, triggers the flood. 若是雨量再大一些,便极有可能造成河道,珠薇湖等水位溢出,引发水患。 The best way, is conducts the large-scale desilting to Zhuwei Lake, stuffs the swampy ground the silt. Then, can increase Zhuwei Lake in the water-holding capacity of rainy season time, can gradually change to good farmland the swampy ground. 最佳的办法,便是对珠薇湖进行大规模清淤,将淤泥填进沼泽地。如此一来,既能增加珠薇湖在雨季时候的蓄水量,也能逐渐将沼泽地化作良田 In addition, Zhuwei Lake after water level variable depth, can conduct the artificial aquaculture of large-scale fish, kills several birds with one stone seriously, wonderful. 此外,水位变深后的珠薇湖,也能进行大型鱼类的人工养殖,当真是一举数得,妙不可言。 But only issue! 可唯一的问题! This project greatly was too too big, the manpower and resources time that requires to use, developed the Fenggu Village resilience to be huger than Ancestor in the past. 这个工程太大太大了,需要动用的人力物力时间,比老祖宗当年开拓丰谷农庄的工程量还要巨大。 ...... ……
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