POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#66: Guatemalan thunder Anfu

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...... …… In the Liú Yongzhou eye, that Zhong Clan Young Lady is he has seen, most perfect Eldest Young Lady. She is gentle, but a word frowns, has the vague elusive immortal slender aura. 刘永州眼里,那个钟氏小姐是他见过的,最为完美的大小姐。她温婉动人,但是一言一颦中,都带着若有若无的空灵仙袅气息。 Which profound warrior aristocratic family although she never reveals oneself from, but from very noble clan, looked surely the makings looked. 尽管她从不吐露自己来自哪个玄武世家,但必定是来自十分高贵的家族,看气质就看出来了。 Their Liú Clan that daughter of first wife Young Lady, usually seems like but actually also uncommon, has good two aristocratic family to discuss marriage. But she and Young Lady Zhong Luoxian, look like in the tenant farmer family/home to feed the chicken to feed the duck the earth younger sister. 他们刘氏的那位嫡女小姐,平常看上去倒也不凡,已有好两个世家过来提亲了。可她与钟落仙小姐比起来,就像是佃农家里喂鸡喂鸭的土妹子。 Luoxian. 落仙 Beautiful, has the name of immortal rhyme, she really seems is in the heavenly immortal palace does not drop human world female celestial carefully. 多美,多有仙韵的名字,她真的好似是天上仙宫中不小心跌落人间的仙女儿。 She eats spirit fish, only eats the stomach intestinal fat unknowingly, the fish cheek and other soft delicate parts, and often stops after getting a smattering, eats a fresh taste. 她连吃灵鱼,都不经意间只吃肚腩,鱼颊等柔软细嫩的部分,且往往只是浅尝辄止,吃个新鲜滋味而已。 Usually regards as the treasure like what him the White Jade Spirit Rice liquor, now does not dare to take. In others eye pupils shuts out and disdains lightly, he had a vivid memory until now. 像什么他平常视作珍宝的白玉灵米酒,现在根本不敢拿出来。人家眼眸中淡淡地嫌弃和不屑,他迄今记忆犹新。 Makes him be angry only, but the regrettable matter is, why on that day can he with Zhao Clan that the damn Zhao Dingtian boy drink on the ship together? Mistakenly not so, he is Zhong Clan Young Lady only person that rescues to meet misfortune. 唯一让他十分生气而遗憾的事情是,那天他为何会与赵氏那个,该死的赵鼎天小子一起在船上喝酒?错非如此,他就是救下落难的钟氏小姐唯一一人 That damn Zhao Dingtian, Luoxian does not like you, dares to pester every day flatters. 那该死的赵鼎天,落仙根本就不喜欢你,偏偏还敢每日来纠缠讨好。 Perhaps he and Luoxian, gathered a few days after well. Zhong Luoxian family's Family Guard has sought, the preparation leads her to go back. 只是他与落仙,恐怕也没几日好聚了。钟落仙家里的家将已经寻来,准备带她回去。 However, happen to made him obtain a news, Young Lady Zhong clan as if also lacked the grain, just lay in some Eastern Sea Garrison big clan purchase grain, seeming the bilateral relations was very intimate, the supplemental condition of opposite party was not high. 不过,也正好让他得到了一个消息,钟小姐家族似乎也缺粮,正在于某个东海卫的大家族采购粮食,好似双方关系还很亲密,对方的附加条件并不高。 Yongzhou, you said the situation.” The Liú Shengye brow slightly wrinkle, broke his indulging in flights of fancy. 永州,你把情况说说。”刘胜业眉头微皱,打断了他的胡思乱想。 Liú Yongzhou is pacifying the mood, an approximate situation saying. 刘永州平息着情绪,将大致的情况一说。 Can be the swindler?” Has the old clansman to propose the doubts, on this world where has so many meeting misfortune Young Lady.” “会不会是骗子?”有年纪较大的族人提出疑惑,“这世界上哪有那么多落难的小姐。” Third Uncle!” Some Liú Yongzhou angry say/way, you leave slander others Young Lady for no reason, this matter I hear by chance, others Young Lady Zhong has not raised this matter from the start on own initiative. I am thinking the Sun Clan heart is black, was inferior I asked Zhong Clan Young Lady, had a look whether also to take along the help to purchase one batch while convenient.” “三叔!”刘永州有些恼怒道,“你别凭白污蔑人家小姐,此事我只是恰巧听到而已,人家钟小姐压根就没主动提过此事。我就是想着孙氏心黑,不如我去求一下钟氏小姐,看看能否顺便也捎带着帮忙采购一批。” Zhong Clan? Nearby this Changning Garrison, where has what aristocratic family surnamed Zhong? Is it possible that is elsewhere...... 钟氏?这长宁卫附近,哪有什么姓钟的世家?莫非是别处来的…… Yongzhou, even if others are willing to sell, we do not have so many Qian gold to buy.” Liú Shengye some are, does not know whether to give credit, when results in the fall harvest, we double present.” 永州,就算人家肯卖,我们也没有那么多乾金买。”刘胜业有些为难道,“不知能否赊账,待得秋收时,咱们双倍奉还。” Family Head, why 1,000-2,000 Qian gold, can't our family/home take? This matter I may be unable to accomplish.” Then was one's turn Liú Yongzhou to feel embarrassed, he somewhat shamed bashfully. He to flatter Luoxian, usually acts is also the worth not poor aristocratic family juniors, this opens the mouth the buy on credit, the centripetal goddess goes to the buy on credit particularly, how to open opens the mouth. 家主,为何1,000-2,000乾金,咱们家都拿不出来?此事我可办不到。”这下轮到刘永州为难了,他有些羞臊不已。他为了讨好落仙,平常扮演的也是身价不菲的世家子弟,这开口去赊欠,尤其是向心中女神去赊欠,怎么张得开口。 This......” Liú Shengye slightly does to hesitate, is not willing to open the mouth. “这……”刘胜业略作沉吟,不肯开口。 A Liú Yongzhou slightly thinking, said not pleasantly surprised: Is it possible that uncle he......” 刘永州略一思索,莫得惊喜道:“莫非大伯他……” His uncle Liú Shenghao, is Liú Clan clan until now, the first sequence of road of Spirit Platform vigorously cultivating, the financial resource physical resource that clan pays for this reason is very big. 他大伯刘胜豪,便是刘氏家族一直以来,都在大力栽培的灵台之路的第一序列,家族为此付出的财力物力很大。 Is good because of the Liú Clan comprehensive condition strong Wang Clan, trains the Spirit Platform Boundary sequence time, has not extruded the resources of other clansmen. Therefore, his Liú Yongzhou can display so uncommonly, young in one generation was outstanding. 好在刘氏的综合条件强过王氏,培养灵台境序列的时候,并没有怎么挤压其他族人的资源。因此,他刘永州才能表现如此不凡,年轻一代中算是优秀了。 If the uncle promoted Spirit Platform Boundary, clan will expand the domain inevitably, did he as the yong generation outstanding junior, how could it not be...... have the opportunity? 若是大伯晋升到了灵台境,家族势必会扩充地盘,那他作为永字辈的优秀小辈,岂非……也有机会了? He happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised. 他惊喜交加不已。 The Liú Shengye complexion said seriously: Since you have guessed correctly the general idea, you after all are also the yong generation core, I then was also open about the facts you, but you must strictly adhere to the secret. Right, your uncle has been doing prepared finally, most essential Heavenly Spirit Pill Has purchased, but to guarantee absolutely safe, but also lacks the difference/two kinds to assist spirit pill. If you make the great merit...... you naturally to understand.” 刘胜业脸色严肃道:“既然你已猜出大概,你毕竟也是永字辈核心,我便也不瞒你了,只是你须得谨守秘密。没错,你大伯已经在做最后准备了,最关键的【天灵丹】已经采购到了,只是为了确保万无一失,还缺两样辅助灵丹。你若立下大功……你自然懂的。” Okay good.” Liú Yongzhou all of a sudden full of energy, even this matter is somewhat awkward, I am still willing to attempt.” “好好好。”刘永州一下子精神抖擞了起来,“即便此事有些为难,我也愿意去尝试一下。” Because clan must have Old Ancestor, the resources are slightly more limited, this matter but actually is also very normal, will not drop the face. 家族因为要出一个老祖,资源略紧张一些,此事倒也是十分正常,不会太落下脸面。 Moreover clan, once many Spirit Platform Old Ancestor, then meet momentum greatly hold, the clan resources more than one, listen to the Family Head tone, the object who then trains then might be his Liú Yongzhou. 而且家族一旦多个灵台老祖,便会势头大盛,家族资源一多,听家主的口气,接下来培养的对象便有可能是他刘永州了。 If clan is prosperous, then has the possibility such as the interest on interest in be ordinary, unceasingly accelerating development. But if clan deteriorates, even more will be naturally hapless, does not impede everywhere smooth. 一个家族若是昌盛起来,便有可能如利滚利一般,不断加速发展。而一个家族若是衰败下去,自然也会越发倒霉,处处掣肘不顺。 In the Liú Yongzhou eye, Liú Clan is that momentum better and better clan. But Wang Clan is that type, gets sucked into mire individually uncorrectable clan more and more. 刘永州眼里,刘氏就是那个势头越来越好的家族。而王氏便是那种,越来越深陷泥潭不可自拔的家族 After this time he is confident, makes the great merit, his future achievement is limitless. 他信心满满,此番立下大功后,他未来的成就不可限量。 ...... …… After two days . 两日后。 Wang Clan main house, in Wang Shouzhe side hall, the Wang Shouzhe hear some news, could not bear the chuckle immediately two, put down the confidential letter in hand. Immediately, he said to person cups the hands: Brother Chen, this matter was laborious you.” 王氏主宅,王守哲偏厅内,王守哲听完一些消息,当即忍不住轻笑了两声,放下了手中的密信。随即,他对来人拱手说道:“陈兄,此事辛苦你了。” Patriarch Wang.” That person hurried returns salute again and again, the expression slightly apology said, previous Hundred Islands Garrison one line, below does not know your status, has to neglect much also please excuse me.” 王族长。”那人急忙连连还礼,表情略歉意道,“上次百岛卫一行,在下不知您的身份,多有怠慢还请见谅。” When this person previous time goes to Hundred Islands Garrison, is responsible for entertaining with Chen Clan elite clansman Chen Fanghua of guide. He goes to sea the running ship, is well-experienced, behavior and conduct is smooth and exquisite, is a very outstanding talent. 此人正是上次去百岛卫时,负责招待与向导的陈氏精英族人陈方华。他出海跑船,阅历丰富,为人处世圆滑而细腻,是个非常优秀的人才。 this time to ambush Liú Clan Zhao Clan, besides Family Guard Wang Mei, other Family Guard is naturally unuseful. 这一次为了狙击刘氏赵氏,除了家将王梅外,其余家将自然不能使用。 Is good during the plan, needs to borrow Chen Clan that side strength, he thinks it over, then writes a letter to Chen Fangjie, making him support the oneself management, after the matter becomes, naturally must have the share of benefit. 好在计划之中,本就需要借用到陈氏那边的力量,他思来想去,便写信给陈方杰,让他支援自己办事,事成之后,当然也少不了利益的分享。 By the Chen Fangjie individuality, will not naturally reject and Wang Shouzhe cooperation. 陈方杰的个性,自然是不会拒绝和王守哲合作。 Even if the matter exposes finally also indifferently, by the Donggang Chen Clan momentum, compares the far geographical position in addition uniquely, he did not fear from the start offends what Zhao Clan Liú Clan. 哪怕最终事情败露也无所谓,以东港陈氏的势头,加上独特而比较远地理位置,他压根就不怕得罪什么赵氏刘氏 This Chen Fanghua one, was then arranged during the plan by Wang Zhong. He with the Chen Clan clansman who another does not make an appearance, disguised as Zhong Luoxian Family Guard, comes Eldest Young Lady that sought to meet misfortune. 陈方华一来,便由王忠安排进了计划之中。他与另外一个不甚露面的陈氏族人,假扮成了钟落仙家将,前来寻找落难的大小姐 The plan implements very successfully, originally Liú Clan Liú Yongzhou and Zhao Clan Zhao Dingtian this to best friend, has swallowed the bait respectively. Ambush plan, enters second stage. 计划实施得很成功,原本刘氏刘永州赵氏赵鼎天这对“至交好友”,已经各自上钩。狙击计划,也是进入到了第二阶段 Brother Chen does not need politely.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, in the previous Hundred Islands Garrison traveling schedule, all relies upon Brother Chen follow closely and wait upon to take care. I should say the sound to be sorry actually, hid the identity to you, did not raise this matter. Only said this time plans, Brother Chen must the attention security, if there are right, would rather stop planning, do not present any security problem.” 陈兄勿须客气。”王守哲笑着说道,“上次百岛卫行程中,全仰仗陈兄鞍前马后照应。倒是我才该说声抱歉,向你隐瞒了身份,不提此事了。只说此番计划中,陈兄须得注意安全,若有不对,情愿中止计划,也别出现任何安全问题。” This idea is really wonderful, the plan part that we participate in is also very simple, mistakenly.” A Chen Fanghua face admiration said, Patriarch Wang is actually very fierce, does not know where looks for the so female celestial ally. I have gotten married luckily, knows that she is your person, so also almost falls to the enemy.” “此计甚妙,我们参与的计划部分也十分简单,错不了。”陈方华一脸钦佩道,“倒是王族长十分厉害,也不知从哪里找来如此仙女般的盟友。幸好我已经成亲,又知道她是你的人,如此也差点沦陷进去。” Female celestial? Hehe ~ 仙女?呵呵~ Wang Shouzhe laughs in one's heart, if your Chen Fanghua saw her true colors, that called to shock. 王守哲暗笑不已,若是你陈方华见到了她的真面目,那才叫震撼呢。 Well? 咦? It is not right, Wang Shouzhe thinks what diligently Wang Mei is long, could not remember unexpectedly for a short time. The corners of the mouth pull out slightly, is really ordinary Family Guard Wang Mei, that real face, too has not had the feeling, compared with passer-by armor also passer-by armor. 不对,王守哲努力地去想王梅长啥样,竟然一时半会想不起了。嘴角不由微微一抽,果然是平平无奇家将王梅,那张真实的脸庞,太没存在感了,比路人甲还路人甲。 After Chen Fanghua walks . 陈方华走后。 Wang Shouzhe opens again, Wang Mei to the confidential letter that he writes, the above baking varnish seal had been turned on by him, the news that but saw a moment ago is extremely astonishing, puts down temporarily. 王守哲才再度打开,王梅给他写的密信,上面的烤漆封条已经被他打开,只是刚才看到的消息太过惊人,以至于暂时放下。 Now carefully looks again, his brow closely wrinkles, the secretly thought/passage situation is not wonderful. 如今再度仔细看了一遍,他的眉头紧紧皱起,暗道情况不妙啊。 The Liú Clan Liú Shenghao road of sequence Spirit Platform, is not the secret. This person is always low-key, every so often will neglect his existence. In addition, soon before he revealed, just cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary nine layers boundary. 刘氏刘胜豪灵台之路序列,本就不是什么秘密。只是此人向来低调,很多时候都会忽略他的存在。此外,不久之前他才表露出来,刚刚修炼炼气境九层境界 This in an instant, has traced to the nine layers peak unexpectedly quietly, and has been doing secretly prepares finally, and has gotten so far as one Heavenly Spirit Pill. 这一转眼,竟然已经悄悄摸摸地到了九层巅峰,而且已在暗暗作最后准备,并已经弄到了一枚【天灵丹】。 Wang Clan to the estimate of Liú Shenghao, at least is five years later, the opposite party will start the last step. 王氏原本对刘胜豪的预估,至少是五年后,对方才会开始走最后一步。 This Liú Clan was independent for merely 50 years, the strength even more was until now powerful. Satisfies the clan development at the same time, can accumulate Heavenly Spirit Pill unexpectedly quickly, really cannot be underestimated. 刘氏独立出来迄今仅仅五十年,实力愈发强盛。满足家族发展的同时,竟然还能那么快攒出一枚天灵丹,果然不容小觑。 The Wang Clan Family Head Liú Shengye talent strength is average, the skill that but this makes money is really big. 王氏家主刘胜业天赋实力平平,但是这赚钱的本事真不小。 The Wang Mei information should not be wrong, after that is the Liú Yongzhou liquor, spat the true words. 王梅的情报应该不会错,那是刘永州酒后吐了真言。 This is the common problems of many man, in oneself likes, but in front of some goddesses of feeling inferior, to embolden and promote value of oneself in goddess eye, will always find the way from raising the worth. 这是不少男人的通病,在自己喜欢而有些自惭形秽的女神面前,为了壮胆和提升自己在女神眼中的价值,总是会想办法自抬身价。 Liú Clan has the possibility to be many anytime Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, then Zhao Clan? 刘氏随时有可能多出一个灵台境老祖,那么赵氏呢? Zhao Clan is always lower-key than Liú Clan, perhaps at this time, road of sequence their Spirit Platform, has entered the final moment. 赵氏向来比刘氏更加低调,说不定此时,他们的灵台之路序列,也已经进入到了最后关头。 Wang Shouzhe is serious, is knocking the table consideration, good after long time, wrote a confidential letter to order, after the sealing wax roasted, sends people the secret to give Wang Mei. 王守哲面色凝重,敲着桌子思虑不已,好半晌后,才写下了一份密信命令,用火漆烤好后,派人秘密交给王梅 This matter cannot be underestimated, once deals improper, will be very likely to welcome the Wang Clan destruction. If operated, instead will have the fatal blow to the enemy. 此事不容小觑,一旦应对不当,极有可能会迎来王氏的覆灭。但是倘若运作好了,反而会对敌人有致命打击。 ...... ……
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