POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#65: Rescued the position to meet misfortune Eldest Young Lady

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...... …… Several days later. 数日之后。 Only said the Changning Garrison area, had had many chaotic aspects. 只说长宁卫地区,已经出现了不少混乱的局面。 Wang Shouzhe every 1-2 days, will receive the letter that Wang Shouyi sends, told in Changning Garrison to him the matter. City Guard Residence already with two Celestial aristocratic family, as well as several top Spirit Platform aristocratic family including Changning Xu Clan, as well as Qian Clan Trading Company and other influences reached the agreement, starts to open the warehouse to relief disaster in the city. 王守哲每隔一两天,都会收到王守义发来的信件,给他讲述长宁卫中发生的事情。城卫府已与两个天人世家,以及包括长宁徐氏在内的几个顶级灵台世家,以及钱氏商行等势力达成了协议,开始在城内开仓赈灾。 However in garrison seat is populous, is the big city of 100,000 population, the grain that every day consumes is the astronomical figures. 不过卫城内人口众多,是个十万人口的大城,每天耗费的粮食都是天文数字。 Several groups of bold merchants, hoard unexpectedly jointly, the grain by 56 times of prices, in the common people to the city sells in secret. Finally was stressed by City Guard Residence, was not only beheaded to expose to the public, finding the way to store up the grain that also to be confiscated by the City Guard Residence confiscation. 有几伙胆大包天的商人,竟然联手囤积居奇,将粮食以五六倍的价格,暗中对城内百姓售卖。结果被城卫府抓了个正着,非但被斩首示众,想办法囤积的粮食也被城卫府没收充公。 Has the track rumor, because the this time disaster situation proliferated outside Longzuo Commandery. Therefore in a short time, the grain outside county is very difficult to dispatch to suppress the grain shortage, in big commandery seat, produced the grain shortage. 更有小道谣言,因为这一次的灾情扩散到了陇左郡外。因此短时间内,郡外的粮食很难调度过来压制住粮荒,以至于偌大郡城之中,也产生了粮荒。 Hands down Longzuo province commandery seat, is a population surpasses 1 million big cities. This city presents the grain shortage, inevitably is a huge matter. Also is thus it can be seen, Longzuo Commandery overall situation already erosion to what degree. 相传陇左郡城,是一座人口超过百万的大城。此城出现粮荒,必然是件天大的事情。也是由此可见,陇左郡的整体局势已经糜烂到了何种程度。 Now the rumor and wind sound/rumor rose from all directions, have saying that Purple Mansion Academy could not raise the grain outside. Also some said, commandery seat ordered to capture the grain to the subordinate city health/guard, to safeguard the food supply of commandery seat. 如今谣言和风声四起,有说紫府学宫在外面筹措不到粮食。也有说,郡城下令向麾下城卫收缴粮食,以保障郡城的粮食供应。 The biggest rumor, actually also spoke of Changlong Emperor The life is near, Great Qian Empire must end, this insect plague indication. Let Wang Shouzhe cold sweat, is really the current political situation one chaotic, what ox Guishe Divine Capital will run. 最大的谣言,竟然还说到【昌隆帝】寿元将近,大乾帝国要完了,此次虫灾正是征兆。让王守哲一头冷汗,果然是时局一乱,什么牛鬼蛇神都会跑出来。 However dared saying that Changlong Emperor was about to hang, had been clutched by City Guard Residence rapidly, hung puts to death by dismemberment the execution in the city gate. 不过胆敢说昌隆帝快挂了的,已经迅速被城卫府揪了出来,挂在城门上凌迟处死了。 In Wang Shouyi letter, only dares to express vaguely, Wang Shouzhe listens to deliver a letter Family Guard to mention covertly. 王守义的信件中,也只敢隐晦地表达了一番,王守哲还是听送信家将偷偷摸摸说起。 In brief a character. 总之一个字。 Randomly! 乱! But Ping'an Wang Clan in this chaotic situation , can only in the surface honest. Should collect taxes, this/should pay grain pay grain, one bucket of many Guard Residence. In fact, even if Wang Clan wants little to accept one bucket of grains, cannot achieve. 平安王氏处在这乱局之中,也只能表面上老老实实。该收税收税,该纳粮纳粮,一担都不少镇守府的。事实上,就算王氏想少纳一担粮,都是做不到。 Even if Third Uncle Wang Dingzu holds the post of Vice Guard in Guard Residence, in this crucial point, does not dare to have any heart of practicing favoritism absolutely. Because of City Guard Residence, has only sent people to urge the pay grain advancement, who dares to practice favoritism at this moment? 哪怕三伯王定族镇守府中担任副镇守使,在这种节骨眼儿上,也绝对不敢有任何徇私之心。只因城卫府中,早就派人下来督促纳粮进程,此时此刻谁敢徇私? This time the land tax, the Wang Clan pay grain number are many. 此番夏税,王氏纳粮数目不少。 One bucket of one bucket of grain hit the carriage, transported Dingpu Crossing, by the City Guard Residence Envoy supervision, Guard Residence person one by one weighed, finally installed the grain ship. 一担一担的粮食撞上马车,运到了定蒲渡口,由城卫府使者监督下,镇守府的人一一过秤,最终装上了粮船。 Three big villages add, has 7650 mu good farmland in the book grand total, each mu field receives by 4 tax systems, the single season total needs to accept field tax 3060 buckets of wheat. Is good is good because of the this time total crop, is in flood this issue except the honey insect, this year is the earlier rainwater is in fact rich, a late stage sunlight good season , helping the wheat be in the milk very maturely. 三大农庄加起来,在册总计有7650亩良田,每亩田以四税制收,单季共计需要纳田税3060担麦子。好在这一次总收成不错,除开蜜虫泛滥这个问题,今年实际上是个前期雨水丰沛,中后期阳光不错的一季,十分有利于小麦灌浆成熟。 Therefore, the wheat crop ultimate output that three big villages add, was more than 26,000 buckets actually, average one yield per mu approximately three -and-a-half buckets of appearances, reluctantly was the harvest. 因此,三大农庄加起来的小麦收成总产量,实际达到了两万六千多担,平均一亩产量约三担半的样子,勉强算是丰收了。 Digs the land tax, before invested Insect Exterminating Powder tax, The seed farm cattle amortization, the tenant farmer is divided outside, is left over 10,000 4,000-5,000 buckets of net-incomes additionally. Naturally, the grain in fact compares this number more much. 刨开夏税,之前投入的【灭虫散税】,种子耕牛摊销,佃农分成外,额外还剩下一万4,000-5,000担的纯收益。当然,粮食实际上比这个数字更多不少。 Because of former Insect Exterminating Powder and other disbursements, paid with Qian gold before, then continued will not buy that nuisance Insect Exterminating Powder again. This also merely is an income of season. 因为之前灭虫散等支出,之前都是用乾金支付的,而后续也不会再去买那劳什子灭虫散了。这还仅仅是一季的收入。 By the way, Fourth Elderly Gentleman previously under a number of Insect Exterminating Powder by flickering grain bin. In before while the high price, sold out by three times of prices, gained one ruthlessly. 顺便说一句,四老太爷先前被忽悠囤下的一批灭虫散。也在之前趁着高价时,以三倍价格卖掉了,狠狠地赚了一笔。 This makes Fourth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaozhi happily, boast whoever, he with the outstanding vision, was clan gained one good money, performed the big merit. 这让四老太爷王宵志得意不已,逢人就吹嘘,他凭着卓绝的眼光,为家族赚了一笔“大钱”,立下了大功劳。 Except for the land tax of their village wheat field, other industrial tax payments in village, accept the year ago. Because is not the grain crops of production, therefore does not need to subscribe with the grain. 除了自家农庄麦田的夏税,农庄内的其余产业纳税,都是在年前纳。而且因为并非生产的粮食作物,因此不需要用粮食去认缴。 In addition, was the jurisdiction area generation within Wang Clan sphere of influence collects taxes. 此外,便是王氏势力范围内的辖地代收税了。 Because the Wang Clan sphere of influence is small, in jurisdiction area the civilians in book good farmland are only 16,000 mu, these are five tax systems of execution, but Wang Clan worries about the land-holding peasant in jurisdiction area, although loses few compared with the outside world, is actually damaged is also very big. 因为王氏势力范围小,辖地内平民在册良田仅为一万六千亩,这些都是执行的五税制,但是王氏顾念到辖地内的自耕农,虽然比外界损失少,却也受损也很大。 Therefore the decision only collects four tax grains, is aristocratic family that tax, child deducts with the big angle copper then good. This time, Wang Clan received on another's behalf 6400 buckets of grain laboriously, the complete load transported Dingpu Crossing, was moved away by the steamship one after another. 因此决定只收四税粮,属于世家那一税,用大铜角子抵扣便行。此番,王氏辛辛苦苦代收了6400担粮食,全部装车运到了定蒲渡口,然后由大船一艘一艘运走。 Wang Shouzhe under the protection of Family Guard, stands in the busy, bustling Dingpu Crossing place, is filled with emotion. Nowadays, profound warrior aristocratic family and freeman farm laboriously, in which income also is really cannot compare levies taxes by far. 王守哲家将的守护下,站在忙忙碌碌,热火朝天的定蒲渡口处,也是不由感慨万千。这年头,玄武世家和自由民辛辛苦苦种田,其中的收益还真是远远比不上抽税。 These grain, it is estimated that meet such as the rumor to be common, part transports/fortunes to garrison seat goes, part of estimates can go to relief the province county person of higher level. That side person living condition feels better by far the Ping'an Town person. 这些粮食,估计会如谣言一般,一部分运到卫城去,一部分估计会去“救济”更高层次的州郡人。要知道,那边的人生活条件远远好过平安镇的人。 Then, is a satire. 说起来,也算是一种讽刺。 Let alone, so grain one after another moves away, will let lack the grain Ping'an Town to have one misfortune after another. Especially will save, invests in the purchase farmland, or consumes discharges with severance pay the heir to study greatly, again or had just experienced the weddings and funerals and other consumption giant land-holding peasant families, the this time crisis especially will be sad. 更何况,如此一船一船的粮食运走,会让本就缺粮的平安镇雪上加霜。尤其是很多将积蓄,都投资在购买农田,或是耗费巨资送子嗣去读书,再或是刚刚经历过婚丧嫁娶等耗费巨大的自耕农家庭,这一次的危机会格外难过。 The land-holding peasant family condition is not theoretically bad, however their consumption levels also want to be higher than the tenant farmer, the basic kitchen necessities, the basic necessities of life, the cost of weddings and funerals will also be higher. 自耕农家庭条件理论上都不差,但是他们的消费水准也比佃农要高许多,油盐酱醋,衣食住行,婚丧嫁娶的成本也会更高。 Moreover most land-holding peasants, a little save slightly can think the means expansion paddies, builds the house, the trained heir studies, scholarship. Consumes money very much, many not too many deposits. 而且大部分自耕农,略微有点积蓄都会想办法扩充田地,打造屋舍,培养子嗣读书,学艺等。很消耗金钱,多数都没有太多存款。 The normal scene does not have the issue, the this time insect plague comes who would imagine so fierce and suddenly. 正常光景都没问题,岂料这一次虫灾来得如此凶猛和突然。 However, even so. 不过,即便如此。 Besides some land-holding peasants, most land-holding peasants find the way to boil, endure the grain to deliver in the next quarter, even if over boiling. However these, cannot support some people to make the monster. 除了少部分自耕农外,大部分自耕农想办法熬一熬,熬到下一季粮食产出,就算熬出头了。但是这其中,架不住有人作妖。 On the nature and man-made disaster, would some greedy powerful officials. Here does on large scale the annexation, swallows the flesh and blood of the people to expand itself. 每逢天灾人祸,总会有一些贪心不足的权贵。借此机会大搞兼并,吞噬民脂民膏壮大自身。 Wang Shouzhe looked at one from afar, Liú Clan and Zhao Clan that the motorcade that comes to pay taxes, the eye narrowed the eyes continuously slightly. Previously also with the Liú Clan Zhao Clan two wolf clan attitude, some rumors that as well as spread, estimates their actions. 王守哲远远地看了一眼,刘氏赵氏那源源不断前来纳税的车队,眼睛都微微眯了起来。先前还只是以刘氏赵氏两个豺狼家族的作风,以及传出的一些风声,来估测他们的行动。 However with expansion of intelligence, some concrete information gradually passes to front of Wang Shouzhe. He has almost been able to determine, the opposite party indeed will have the big movement. 但是随着情报工作的展开,一些确凿的情报逐渐传到王守哲面前。他几乎已经可以确定,对方的确会有大动作。 ...... …… Ping'an Liú Clan. 平安刘氏 In the Liú Clan main house main hall, Liú Clan Family Head Liú Shengye, is listening to several waves of clansmen to report the report event, included young one generation of quite outstanding Liú Yongzhou. 刘氏主宅正厅之中,刘氏家主刘胜业,正在听几波族人禀报事件,其中也包括了年轻一代比较优秀的刘永州 His brow wrinkles: „ How Changning Sun Clan does, complies to borrow us obviously 15,000 buckets of wheat, after the fall harvest , haven't our 30,000 buckets of paddy rice, why cashed in now? This goes, gains one time is not dissatisfied baseless? 他的眉头皱起:“长宁孙氏怎么搞的,明明答应借我们一万五千担麦子,秋收后咱们还三万担稻米,现在为何不兑现了?这一来一去,凭空赚一倍也不满足吗? Changning Sun Clan said, they rush to purchase Insect Exterminating Powder, preserved some output reluctantly.” A 50-year-old clansman returns said, they said the loss of Sun Clan was too big.” 长宁孙氏说,他们都是抢购灭虫散,才勉强保住了些许产量。”一位50多岁的族人回道,“他们说孙氏的损失太大了。” That need how many?” Some Liú Shengye complexion haze, this time Liú Clan lost greatly was too too big, if cannot look to make up, damaged the vitality. “那需要多少?”刘胜业脸色有些阴霾,这一次刘氏损失太大太大了,若不能找补回来,太损元气。 The clansman complexion is also very ugly/difficult to look at: Sun Clan said that does not want us to double returns the grain, added that the hype grain price violates the law. barter comes well, must replace 1500 mu good farmland with us.” 那族人脸色也很难看:“孙氏说不要我们加倍还粮,还说炒作粮价是犯法的。还是以物易物来得好,要和我们置换一千五百亩良田。” 1500 mu good farmland? 一千五百亩良田 Liú Shengye complexion azure white, is good to hang is not air/Qi to faint: They insane inadequate, do 15,000 buckets of grain trade 1500 mu place?” Their Liú Clan clan, starts to save from Ancestor today, many years scenes, 10,000 mu over good farmland. 刘胜业脸色一阵青一阵白,好悬没气晕过去:“他们疯了不成,一万五千担粮食换一千五百亩地?”他们刘氏家族,从老祖宗开始积攒到今天,多少年的光景了,也不过一万亩出头的良田 This opens the mouth is 1/7 landed property, is so flagitious, this is the sudden and huge profits of several times. 这一开口就是七分之一的田产,何等之凶残,这是数倍之暴利啊。 Family Head, ok?” The clansman said reluctantly, planned according to us, can annex about 2000 mu good farmland, by a Sun Clan lane, how could it not be we is so shouldered the infamy to give back to the person to do to marry the clothes?” 家主,要不,算了?”那族人无奈地说,“按照咱们原本计划,也就能兼并个两千亩左右的良田,被孙氏如此一弄,我们岂非背负骂名还给人做嫁衣裳?” Cannot consider as finished, this time my Liú Clan loses is too big.” The Liú Shengye look is ferocious saying that that this time for a penny and for a pound, that annexes toward 3000 mu this number simply. Even if mortgages lending when the time comes, or replaces, we also gain greatly.” “不能算了,此番我刘氏损失太大。”刘胜业眼神凶相毕露道,“那这一次索性一不做二不休,那就往三千亩这个数字去兼并。哪怕到时候抵押借贷,或是与人置换,咱们也是大赚。” His big brother Liú Shenghao is attacking the Spirit Platform critical moment, still the gaps on some resources. Once rushes to Spirit Platform Boundary, is double Spirit Platform, then can break off the wrist with that Sun Clan. 他大哥刘胜豪正在冲击灵台的关键时刻,尚有一些资源上的缺口。一旦冲上灵台境,便是一门双灵台,便是与那孙氏都能掰掰腕子。 Liú Shengye this person, is always good at the seeking personal gain economy, and haggles over every penny, is never willing to suffer a loss. Moreover clan painstakingly plans to save the wealth in the 50 years, while powerful clan doesn't, want to train second Spirit Platform Old Ancestor? 刘胜业此人,向来善于钻营经济,且锱铢必较,从不肯吃亏。而且家族这五十年来苦心经营积攒财富,在强大家族的同时,不就是想培养出第二个灵台老祖吗? Family Head, the so big movement, feared that will cause the popular resentment?” The clansmen somewhat worry saying that „, let alone, Wang Clan because this time had/left Spirit Insect Master, finally not suffers a natural disaster, this time in the hand is left over many surplus grains inevitably. Can seize the chance......” 家主,如此大动作,怕是会引起民怨吧?”族人有些担忧道,“何况,王氏此番因为出了个灵虫师,结果并无遭灾,此番手中必然剩下不少余粮。会否趁机……” They do not dare!” Liú Shengye from the channel, our Liú Clan and Zhao Clan handles matters jointly, how emaciated does Wang Clan dare to move half claw? Let alone I had heard, Wang Clan has transported to Donggang the unnecessary grain, the high return received exchange for cultivation resources. The actually when wise action, the surplus grain keeps in the hand to the next quarter, so will not be inevitably marketable.” “他们不敢!”刘胜业自信道,“我们刘氏赵氏联手办事,孱弱的王氏如何敢动半根爪子?何况我已经听说了,王氏已将多余粮食运往东港,高回报换取一笔修炼资源。倒是明智之举,余粮留在手中到下一季时,必然不会如此抢手。” How can Family Head the assured this point?” Clansman strange say/way, according to this trend, is not Insect Exterminating Powder of each useful doubling dose.” 家主如何能笃定此点?”族人奇怪道,“按照此趋势,也不是每一家都用得上加倍剂量的灭虫散。” this Family Head obtains the news, Purple Mansion Academy has started improvement next generation Insect Exterminating Powder. Moreover to show the apology, next quarter Insect Exterminating Powder only loses money to assign by 10% prices to loss various clan.” 本家主已经得到消息,紫府学宫已经开始改良下一代灭虫散。而且为表歉意,下一季的灭虫散仅以10%的价格亏本分配给各损失的家族。” This news also calculates that was quite secret, but in this meeting hall, is the Liú Clan core, naturally does not fear divulging. 这个消息也算比较秘密了,但是这议事厅内,都是刘氏的核心,自然不怕泄露。 In view of this, that this time opportunity not fault-tolerant.” The clansmen said, was Sun Clan was too black.” “既如此,那此番机会不容错过。”族人们纷纷表示,“就是孙氏太黑了些。” Had not spoken, is suppressing Liú Yongzhou, cups the hands said at this time suddenly: Family Head, fellow uncle, Yongzhou has means actually, can not need to cooperate with Sun Clan. The words saying some time past, my fishing boat in the waterfront, rescued meeting misfortune thousand gold (daughter) Eldest Young Lady......” 一直没说话,憋着的刘永州,此时突然拱手说:“家主,各位叔伯,永州倒是有个办法,可以不用与孙氏合作。话说前些时候,我的渔船在江边,救了一位落难的千金大小姐……” Mentioned this thousand gold (daughter) Eldest Young Lady, in the Liú Yongzhou look, unchecked passed over gently and swiftly scalding hot, infatuated, even was frantic...... 一提起这个千金大小姐,刘永州的眼神中,不可遏制的掠过灼热,痴迷,甚至是狂热…… ...... ……
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