POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#64: clan cultivation technique inheritance( sought recommendation)

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...... …… Aunt Gongsun Hui is the aristocratic family daughter of first wife family background, naturally will not be used to Wang Luomiao unprincipled. 大娘公孙蕙世家嫡女出身,当然不会无原则惯着王珞淼 Loses to make her be angry to the one side her. 把她丢到一旁让她自个儿生气去。 Then with Wang Luoyi, Wang Shouzhe sister and brother two eats a meal happily, each other talked and laughed merrily quite harmoniously happy. 然后和王珞伊,王守哲姐弟两个开开心心地用膳,彼此谈笑风生颇为融洽开心。 Aunt, this is the Iron Backed Savage Pig abdomen intestinal fat, and boils out exactly arrives at the crucial moment, fat and tender is not greasy, the soft glutinous not broom corn millet, the entrance, you tastes.” Wang Shouzhe clamped the block good meat to give Gongsun Hui with the Duke chopsticks, but also is introducing the taste vividly. 大娘,这是铁背蛮猪的腹腩,且熬煮得恰到火候,肥嫩不腻,软糯不糜,入口即化,您尝尝。”王守哲用公筷夹了块好肉给了公孙蕙,还绘声绘色地介绍着滋味。 Gurgle.” Gurgle swallowed under the saliva in Wang Luomiao that the one side goes flat. “咕嘟。”在一旁撒气的王珞淼咕嘟咽了下口水。 „In Elder Sister, this does stir-fry the fillet is your personally cooking?” Wang Shouzhe eats while said that this crucial moment grasped seriously is reach a high degree of proficiency, fresh and tender tasty, imitated , if tasting the deity delicacy.” 姐姐,这道爆炒內里脊是您亲手烹饪的?”王守哲边吃边赞道,“这火候掌握当真是炉火纯青,鲜嫩爽口,仿若在品尝神仙美味。” You eat your, where comes that many words?” Wang Luoyi ill-humoredly white his eyes, then sympathizes is glancing Wang Luomiao, that small Miss saliva dripped quickly. “你就吃你的吧,哪来那么多话?”王珞伊没好气地白了他一眼,然后很同情地瞟着王珞淼,那小姑娘口水都快淌下来了。 Elder Brother, Miaomiao must eat.” Wang Luomiao cannot boil finally, called to plunge the table. 哥哥,淼淼也要吃。”王珞淼终于熬不住了,嗷嗷叫着扑向餐桌。 What a pity, her small head lived by a Wang Shouzhe finger point, smilingly said: Applauds Elder Brother, otherwise has not resulted in eats.” 可惜,她的小脑袋被王守哲一根手指头点住,笑眯眯地说:“叫好哥哥,不然没得吃。” Good Elder Brother.” Wang Luomiao cannot resist the gourmet seduction finally, thorough surrender. “好哥哥。”王珞淼终于抵挡不住美食诱惑,彻底投降了。 Wang Shouzhe then hehe smiles, hugs her to put on the chair, clamps the meat to clamp the vegetable/dish to her. Small Miss was hungrily miserable, is eating greedily, this food eats very fragrant. 王守哲这才呵呵一笑,抱起她放到椅子上,给她夹肉夹菜。小姑娘饿惨了,狼吞虎咽地吃着,这顿饭吃得别提有多香。 After eating to the heart's content, the whole family drinks tea to speak the little while words. 酒足饭饱之后,一家人喝喝茶说了会儿话。 By the evening, Wang Shouzhe went back, young male servant Wang Gui shouldered big bunch of things, was the meat, the clothing, shoes and socks wait/etc things. 到了晚间,王守哲回去之时,小厮王贵扛了一大堆东西,都是肉食,衣物,鞋袜等等东西。 Wang Luoyi is quite usually leisurely and carefree, recently was the front door two does not step, idles the safe/without matter to sew many clothing to him. Wang Shouzhe kindly accepts at the same time, requests Wang Luoyi well cultivation again. 王珞伊平常颇为悠闲,最近又是大门不出二门不迈,闲来无事给他缝制了不少衣物。王守哲笑纳的同时,再次要求王珞伊好好修炼 Even, he also lets Gongsun Hui well cultivation, do not delay cultivation base. 甚至,他还让公孙蕙好好修炼,不要耽搁了修为 Is the night. 是夜。 Wang Shouzhe sat cross-legged to sit in the room, entered the cultivation pattern. 王守哲在房内盘腿而坐,进入了修炼模式。 Every day cultivation «Profound Origin Art», is the essential schoolwork, the road of Spirit Platform always walks carefully, not being able to allow the least bit to idle. 每日修炼玄元诀》,是必不可少的功课,灵台之路向来是一步一个脚印走出来的,容不得有半点懈怠。 Today's cultivation and was different in the past. 只是,今日的修炼与往常不同。 In the past by the Profound Origin Art revolution sidereal revolution, the refining within the body vitality, the strong body and spirit and profound qi, at most one month took Little Origin Cultivating Pill to assist cultivation. However this time, in the Wang Shouzhe hand is grasping spirit stone. 往常都是靠玄元诀运转周天,炼化体内气血,强壮体魄和玄气,至多一个月服用一枚小培元丹来辅助修炼。但是这次,王守哲手中握着一枚灵石 spirit stone in palm, slightly somewhat ice-cold, he can feel contains some mysterious and mysterious energies. 灵石在掌心中,微微有些冰冷,他能感受到其中蕴含着一些神秘而玄妙的能量。 He revolves profound qi, with spirit stone contact impact. 他运转玄气,与灵石接触碰撞。 Unexpectedly. 蓦地。 The energy in spirit stone was activated, sent out the weak light. The Wang Shouzhe being too busy palm attracts, energy inspiration within the body. 灵石中的能量被激活了,散发出了微弱的光。王守哲忙不迭掌心一吸,将其中能量吸入体内。 Hiss! Above!” “嘶!上头!” The irritating quality of that energy to body was very strong, making his whole body tremble to palpitate counted breaths the time. Cannot waste, he is suppressing the marvelous feeling, coerces that energy to start the revolution sidereal revolution. 那股能量对身体的刺激性很强,让他全身都颤悸了数息功夫。不能浪费,他强忍着奇妙的感觉,裹挟着那股能量开始运转周天。 Each sidereal revolution gets down, within the body vitality tumbling surges, seemed washes the marrow to cut down the wool, profound qi that in the sea of qi park park gushed out, expands pure a point. 每一个周天下来,体内气血翻滚涌动,好似洗髓伐毛了一遍,气海内泊泊涌出的玄气,又是壮大精纯了一分。 two multi- double-hour, after four sidereal revolutions . 两个多时辰,四个周天后。 The Wang Shouzhe within the body meridians and aperture painfully swollen, he receives cultivation technique not to dare slowly again cultivation. within the body aperture meridians have this painfully swollen, then has reached the limit. 王守哲体内经络和穴窍胀痛不已,他缓缓收起功法不敢再修炼。体内穴窍经络出现这种胀痛,便是已经达到了极限。 If cultivation gets down again forcefully, not only useless is instead harmful to the body. Must rests, after letting the body function gradually restores, can conduct next cultivation. 若再强行修炼下去,非但无益反而对身体有害。须得休息一番,让身体机能逐渐恢复后,才能进行下一次修炼 Therefore, in cultivates this matter , can only defer to a time for day rhythm. Is the body needs to cool with the understanding of Wang Shouzhe transmigrator restores, needs to supplement that the meat expands the vitality, cannot mine excessively. 因此,内修这种事情,也只能按照一天一次的节奏来。用王守哲穿越者的理解就是身体需要冷却恢复,需要补充肉食壮大气血,不能开采过度。 However the this time cultivation result, is to make Wang Shouzhe very satisfied, vitality majority in within the body was consumed, in the sea of qi new student/life profound qi becomes even more vigorous pure. 但是这一次修炼结果,却是让王守哲十分满意,体内的气血大部分都被消耗,气海内新生的玄气变得愈发浑厚精纯。 His recent meals is good, within the body vitality has been full very exuberantly. Even if wind and rain cultivation, is unable to consume the vitality every day ceaselessly as before completely. 要知道,他最近伙食太好,体内气血一直都是十分旺盛充盈。哪怕每天风雨不辍地修炼,依旧无法将气血完全消耗。 But this time cultivation, makes him have the feeling of vitality debt today faintly. 可今天这一次修炼,却让他隐隐有种气血亏空的感觉。 This should be the function of spirit stone energy subsidy cultivation, Wang Shouzhe looked at one, slightly dim spirit stone, in the heart have had endless emotion, the spirit stone energy is very huge to his help, can make up for some vitalities, can be in conspiracy with profound qi to strengthen the stimulation in within the body aperture, achieves to strengthen own goal. 这应该是灵石能量辅助修炼的作用了,王守哲看了一眼,已经略有一丝黯淡的灵石,心中感慨不已,灵石的能量对他的帮助十分巨大,即能弥补部分气血,也能伙同玄气加强对体内穴窍的刺激,达到强化自身的目的。 This way, how long could not want to reach the Qi Refining Boundary six layers peak, can attempt to attack seven layers. 照这样下去,要不了多久就能达到炼气境六层巅峰,可以尝试冲击七层了。 Only pitifully, although progresses is very big, but this cultivation way is luxurious. 只可惜,虽然进步很大,但是这种修炼方式非常奢侈。 spirit stone value over a hundred Qian gold, how long does this enough he use? At present for the time being cannot estimate, but believes that uses spirit stone cultivation for a long time, inevitably is a huge expenditure. 一枚灵石价值上百乾金,这够他用多久啊?目前暂且估算不出,但是相信长期使用灵石修炼,必然是一笔巨大的开支。 However...... 不过…… Wang Shouzhe remembered big niece Wang Lici, recently in his diligent encouragement, not only started to have the desire to do better, but also awakened unusual glutton talent. 王守哲想起了大侄女王璃慈,最近在他孜孜不倦的“鼓励”下,不但开始有上进心了,还觉醒出了奇特的吃货天赋 thoughts reach here, he showed the gratified smile. 一念至此,他不由露出了欣慰的笑容。 Takes a bath to sleep. 洗澡睡觉。 Next day day slightly bright, Wang Shouzhe then gets out of bed the cultivation movement, battle skill, sword technique, draws a bow and other techniques. He before was Young Patriarch, in courtyard not far away then small-scale martial training ground, here, he went through the entire young period. 翌日天微亮,王守哲便起床修炼身法,战技,剑术,控弦等技艺。他之前身为少族长,在院子不远处便有一个小型的练武场,在这里,他度过了整个年幼时期。 He can have this achievement young, but not only with the bloodline aptitude, or Young Patriarch status. The movement of foundation, battle skill, sword technique, drawing a bow is practices reach a high degree of proficiency. Even, Wang Clan the secret of not passing on, intermediate grade movement «Willow Catkins Movement Technique», as well as intermediate grade sword technique «Wang Clan Profound Origin Sword», has achieved slightly had the small accomplishment situation. 他年纪轻轻能有此成就,可不仅仅是凭着血脉资质,或是少族长的身份。基础的身法,战技,剑术,控弦都是练得炉火纯青。甚至,王氏的不传之秘,中品身法《柳絮身法》,以及中品剑术王氏玄元剑》,都已经达到了略有小成的地步。 This is from urges on urging of father Wang Dingyue, as well as tries hard his. 这是来自于严父王定岳的督促鞭策,以及他自身的努力。 clan these cultivation technique, movement, battle skill wait/etc. When is Old Ancestor Zhouxuan holds Development Command goes south, after Longzuo Wang Clan agreed that clan inheritance. 家族的这些功法,身法,战技等等。都是宙轩老祖开拓令南下时,经过陇左王氏同意,带出来的家族传承。 cultivation technique battle skill and other inheritance, to clan, similarly very important background capital. Said Wang Clan majors in cultivation technique «Profound Origin Art», then has «Qi Refining Chapter» and «Spirit Platform Chapter», this enough clan member has arrived at the end the road of Spirit Platform, stepped into Celestial Road. 功法战技等传承,对一个家族来说,同样非常非常重要的底蕴资本。就说王氏的主修功法玄元诀》,便有《炼气篇》与《灵台篇》,这已经足够家族成员将灵台之路走到尽头,踏入天人之路了。 However cultivation technique this inheritance is quite always severe, first is the clan member can not disseminate outward, second, once discovers to be truant inheritor, inevitably is an important matter. 但是功法这种传承向来极为严苛,首先便是家族成员不得对外传播,第二,一旦发现偷学传承者,必然是一桩大事。 The female family members of marrying, were also not allowed to teach cultivation technique to the husband's household, the intelligence quotient online husband's household will not make this request slightly absolutely, will certainly prevent similar matter from happening. 嫁出去的女眷,同样是不被允许将功法传授给夫家,稍微智商在线的夫家也绝对不会去做此要求,甚至一定会阻止类似的事情发生。 Otherwise, two light , will then have the person homicide case of officials involved to appear. Heavy, relations by marriage well relate will burst thoroughly, both sides become the mortal enemy. 否则的话,两家轻则会有涉案人员的人命案出现。重则,好好的姻亲关系会彻底破裂,双方成为死敌。 But is stealing the study others cultivation technique battle skill that also meets the prestige to lose, can have the foothold again. This type clan of custom, who dares to marry with you? Which clan, does not think that the own secret of not passing on, because of marrying to turn into others family/home. 而偷学人家功法战技的那一家,也会信誉丧失,很能再有立足之地。这种不懂规矩的家族,谁敢和你联姻?哪个家族,都不想自家的不传之秘,因为联姻而变成了别人家的。 Old Ancestor Zhouxuan came from Longzuo Wang Clan, but ancestors of Longzuo Wang Clan millennium ago, branch lineage that divides from Great Qian Wang Clan. Therefore, Wang Clan Profound Origin Art, although is only intermediate grade cultivation technique, but takes a broad view at the Changning Garrison area, is good cultivation technique. 宙轩老祖是出身于陇左王氏,而陇左王氏在千年之前的先祖,更是从大乾王氏分出来的支脉。因此,王氏玄元诀虽然只是中品功法,但是放眼长宁卫地区,已经算是不错的功法了。 Is 1/3 clan, the core inherits cultivation technique to achieve intermediate grade at most. 至多就是三分之一的家族,核心传承功法达到中品 Also Old Ancestor Longyan, she previously cultivation is «Wang Clan Profound Origin Art», after she arrives Purple Mansion Academy promoted Spirit Platform finally, then by Superior Master Ice Wave is punished the disciple, starts the revolutions to cultivate/repair high grade cultivation technique «Profound Ice Art». Because Wang Clan Profound Origin Art cultivation profound qi gentle positive, the revolutions cultivates other cultivation technique difficulty relatively small. 再说珑烟老祖,她早先修炼的便是《王氏玄元诀》,等她到了紫府学宫最终晋升成灵台后,便被冰澜上人收作弟子,开始转修上品功法玄冰诀》。因王氏玄元诀修炼玄气平和中正,转修其它功法难度较小 However similarly, by the person of Old Ancestor Longyan that willful domineering, does not dare teaches «Profound Ice Art» to clan. Such does, is not only useless to clan, instead will fall into the deathtrap clan. 但是同样,以珑烟老祖那种任性强势之人,也是万万不敢将《玄冰诀》传授给家族。那样做,非但对家族无益,反而会将家族陷入死地。 In the Purple Mansion Academy method, divides minute to be able Ping'an Wang Clan to destroy completely, but also no one dares to speak half a word words. 紫府学宫的手段,分分钟就能将平安王氏灭掉,还没有人敢多说半句话。 Presses down about the cultivation technique inheritance for the time being does not show. 关于功法传承暂且按下不表。 Wang Shouzhe was busy with the clan service recently, sits in meditation cultivation not to lag behind actually, is only movement battle skill wait/etc., truly fell. Only cultivates boundary not practicing moral culture/slim fit law battle skill wait/etc., at best is also a mere show. 王守哲最近忙于族务,打坐修炼倒是没有拉下,只是身法战技等,确实落下了很多。光修境界不修身法战技等,充其量也就是个空架子。 Let alone Wang Shouzhe this type must walk the clan pillar/backbone of road of Spirit Platform, is even clan any bloodline adult male, must studying diligently and practicing hard movement battle skill. 别说王守哲这种要走灵台之路的家族支柱了,便是连家族任何一个血脉男丁,都是必须勤学苦练身法战技等。 Before requested to clan girl aspect little, was therefore weary glutton like Wang Lici. Has Qi Refining Boundary two layers high stage cultivation base, is actually a mere show, can only bully the civilians. 之前对家族女孩子这方面要求会少一点,也是因此像王璃慈这样惫懒的吃货。有着炼气境二层高段修为,却是个空架子,只能欺负欺负平民。 However, Wang Luoqiu gave him very tremendous pressure and power. The chuuni aura of girl is very fearful, every day spent massive times inevitably on cultivation. 不过,王珞秋给了他很大的压力与动力。那丫头的中二气息还是很可怕的,每天必然是花了大量功夫在修炼上。 This in the future, if were not really overturned by her carefully against the wind, his Wang Shouzhe face where? Looked how she is dirty oneself own Elder Brother Wang Shoulian, knows that the result was not quite wonderful. 这未来,万一真的不小心被她逆风翻盘了,他王守哲的脸面何在?看她怎么样埋汰自己哥哥王守廉,就知道结果不太妙了。 Spells! 拼吧! Wang Shouzhe dripping with sweat cultivation. 王守哲挥汗如雨般地修炼了起来。 Personal young male servant Wang Gui, follows together cultivation. How does not know, his cultivation power also compared was stronger, was competitive. 贴身小厮王贵,也跟着一起修炼。不知怎么的,他修炼的动力也比原来更强了,拼劲十足。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 On biggest martial training ground in main house, one group of teenage boys and girls, are also swaying the youth and sweat. 主宅中最大的练武场上,一群少男少女,也在挥洒着青春和汗水。 Wang Luoqiu is immature, but the somewhat aggressive sound resounds: Wang Luojing, what laziness do you steal prettily? Is Spirit Insect Master very great? If you do not amend the battle skill movement well, when the this Young Lady unparalleled Tyrant Tijin body, divides minute to suppress you.” 王珞秋稚嫩而有些霸气的声音响起:“王珞静,你娇滴滴地偷什么懒?灵虫师很了不起吗?你若不好好修战技身法,待得本小姐无双霸体近身,分分钟将你镇压。” Wang Shouyong Wang Shoulian, the clan sequence will soon open, in the future emperor the road will appear faintly, if you do not spell, how can compete for that Yixiantian machine with various group of Heaven's Chosen!” 王守勇王守廉,家族序列即将开启,未来帝路隐隐显现,你们若不拼,如何能与各路天骄争夺那一线天机!” I, Wang Luoqiu, will certainly push horizontally with the generation, bleeds Heaven's Chosen, the forcing present age.” “我,王珞秋,必将横推同代,喋血天骄,力压当世。” Younger sister! 妹啊! The Wang Shoulian tears crash-bang, in the heart full are the regret, really should not the legend hand-written copy that among these boys spreads, looks to Wang Luoqiu. 王守廉眼泪哗啦啦的,心中满是懊悔,真不该把那些男孩子之间流传的传奇故事手抄本,给王珞秋看的。 What appearance this did chuuni become? Suppresses Heaven's Chosen, the word must call dominate the present age. 这都中二成什么模样了?一口一个“镇压天骄”,言必称“横推当世”。 Our family/home is ninth grade inferior aristocratic family of countryside. 咱们家就是一个乡下的九品末流世家啊。 The lifelong goal must suppose is so big? 人生目标要不要设的这么大? ...... ……
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