POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#74: Eastern Sea King Tantai Family

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...... …… As long as inherits very long profound warrior aristocratic family bloodline juniors, works must have the discretion. 但凡传承很久的玄武世家血脉子弟,做事都得有分寸的。 Especially before getting married, must pay great attention to the measuring appliance ten million/countless, prestige wait/etc factors. Otherwise, will then sell at a discount in the marriage greatly, in most serious situation degradation marriage also not necessarily not possibly. 尤其是在成亲之前,是千万要注重仪表,声誉等等因素。否则的话,便会在婚配上会大打折扣,最严重的情况下降级婚配也未必没有可能。 No profound warrior aristocratic family, will marry discredited second generation ancestor own girl. Especially the son of first wife daughter of first wife, must pay great attention to these details, this often concerns the two aristocratic family face and prestige. 没有哪个玄武世家,会将自家的女孩嫁给一个声名狼藉的二世祖。尤其是嫡子嫡女,更是要注重这一些细节,这往往关乎到两个世家的脸面与声誉。 Therefore, the aristocratic family son of first wife from infancy to maturity, the side serves can only be the young male servant, but is impossible to cause one group of maidservants. 因此,世家嫡子从小到大,身边伺候的只能是小厮,而不可能弄出一堆侍女来。 Matter that unmarried first takes a concubine and so on, will be is almost impossible to happen. Which aristocratic family wants the face, how possibly to make the daughter of first wife marry one to have the person in concubine room? 未婚先纳妾之类的事情,更是几乎不可能会发生。哪个世家都要脸面的,怎么可能让嫡女嫁给一个已有妾室的人? Let alone, like Spirit Platform aristocratic family this clan, mostly is resources deficient, harboring intentions to be thinking is clan a level higher. 更何况,像灵台世家这种家族,多半都是资源紧缺,心心念念想着都是家族更上一层楼。 The matter that Patriarch takes a concubine and so on is also rarely seen, this bloodline high female, is impossible to be the concubine. Has a child with the bloodline low concubine room, doesn't this lose face to the descendant? 族长纳妾之类的事情也不多见,这血脉高的女子,不可能做妾。与血脉低的妾室生孩子,这不是给后代跌份吗? Furthermore, the child who the concubine room gives birth to is concubine's son, the position is awkward. By the Spirit Platform aristocratic family financial resource physical resource, how the possible flowered big strength to train concubine's son? 再者说,妾室生出的孩子是庶子,身份地位非常尴尬。以灵台世家的财力物力,又怎么可能花大力气去培养一个庶子 Actually to Celestial aristocratic family, the resources that because has are more, the family property are more, need more talents operate various clan industries. Therefore, the wind of taking a concubine gradually will be abundant. 倒是到了天人世家,因为掌握的资源更多,族产更多,也需要更多的人才去经营家族各种产业。因此,纳妾之风才会渐渐盛起。 Stands in the bow, was blown disorderly Chen Fangjie by the cold wind. 站在船头,被冷风吹得凌乱不已的陈方杰 Somewhat envies the good fortune in romance of Wang Shouzhe faintly, for its worries. This Zhong Clan Luoxian, is it possible that really does not pretend, but is the true Zhong Clan daughter of first wife? 即是隐隐有些羡慕王守哲的艳福,又是为其担忧不已。这钟氏落仙,莫非真的不是假冒,而是真正的钟氏嫡女? Right, this matter is not necessarily impossible. 对了,此事未必不可能。 Some time past the Shouzhe secret went to Hundred Islands Garrison one line, person who finally really also had Zhong Clan came to give the thing personally, later he also asked Zhong Clan Spirit Platform Boundary to eat meal. 前些时候守哲秘密去了百岛卫一行,最终竟然还有钟氏的人亲自上门送东西,随后他还请钟氏灵台境吃了饭。 Is it possible that what Shouzhe really and Celestial aristocratic family does Zhong Clan have to involve the unclear relations? 莫非,守哲真的和天人世家钟氏有什么牵连不清的关系? But by the Shouzhe status, is very difficult to seek friendships on the Zhong Clan daughter of first wife, is this preparation...... you can't unscramble an egg first? 只不过以守哲的身份,恐怕很难高攀上钟氏嫡女,难道这是准备……生米煮成熟饭先? But Liu Clan Young Lady what to do? 柳氏小姐怎么办? So shames the matter of lintel, how could powerful Liu Clan gives up. 如此羞辱门楣之事,强大的柳氏岂能善罢甘休。 Difficult to be inadequate, by the Shouzhe wisdom, has levelled Liu Clan Young Lady in secret in advance? 难不成,以守哲的智慧,已经暗中将柳氏小姐先行摆平了? Shouzhe Shouzhe, your, played was too big. 守哲守哲,你这一出,玩的太大了。 My body is frail, Chen Clan is humble family, this time could not help, you strove for fortunately. 愚兄身子骨单薄,陈氏又是小门小户,此番帮不上忙了,你自求多福吧。 This Chen Fangjie stands in the bow, is thinking that Zhong Clan Young Lady and Wang Shouzhe at large ship sitting room secret tryst, but he can only blow the cold wind in this, but must worry for him in every possible way, seriously is miserable incomparable. 陈方杰站在船头,想着那钟氏小姐王守哲在楼船内厅秘密私会,而他只能在此吹冷风,还得替他百般担忧,当真是凄苦无比。 Oh! 唉! Perhaps this future wife's younger brother, is not free from worry. 这未来小舅子,恐怕不省心啊。 Is good does not know because of Wang Shouzhe, in the future the brother-in-law has been blowing the cold wind, thinks that for him all depending on the triangle love big play that the brain made up. Otherwise, handle future brother-in-law, will trample to the river in mostly the sobering brain. 好在王守哲并不知道,未来姐夫已经吹着冷风,替他想好了一出全凭脑补的三角恋大剧。否则,多半会一脚把这个未来姐夫,踹到江里清醒清醒脑子。 ...... …… Wang Mei, was the follow-up huge plan clear?” Wang Shouzhe is drinking the hot tea, said calmly, „, if has anything unclear, you can ask. this time, needed you to take some risks.” 王梅,后续更加庞大的计划清楚了吗?”王守哲喝着热茶,平静地说道,“若有什么不明白的,你可以问。只是这一次,需要你冒些风险了。” Runs risks, depends on the income to have many. Related to some huge incomes, can attack in the situation of enemy in addition, running risks is the necessity. 冒不冒风险,取决于收益有多少。涉及到一些天大的收益,加上还能打击敌人的情况下,冒风险是必然之事。 Family Head.” 家主。” Wang Mei that to star pupil, flashes slightly the ray, the gentle voice was saying, for Family Head, even the sacrifice life did not hesitate again.” 王梅那对“星眸”之中,微微闪动着光芒,柔声说道,“为了家主,即便牺牲性命也再所不惜。” That sound is gentle and elusive, is quite of pleasant to hear, making the person heart unable to bear a round of cake. 那声音柔媚又空灵,极为好听,让人心头都忍不住发酥。 !” “噗!” Wang Shouzhe almost tea spouted, stares saying that you gave me to speak well.” 王守哲差点一口茶喷出,瞪眼说,“你给我好好说话。” This...... Family Head forgives, for several days was used to this tune. I mean, copes with Liú Clan Zhao Clan, the subordinate sacrificed the life also to refuse to balk.” Wang Mei smiles awkwardly, the rapid return slightly mediocre timbre said that in the sound is passing some hatreds. “这个……家主恕罪,这些天习惯了这腔调。我的意思是,对付刘氏赵氏,属下牺牲性命也在所不惜。”王梅尴尬一笑,迅速回归本来略显平庸的音色说,声音之中透着些恨意。 She was Family Guard that clan inherited, Great Grandfather dies in initially that fierce battle, how could to hate? 她是家族传承下来的家将,曾爷爷就是死在了当初那一场恶战之中,岂能不恨? This hear of this sounds, Wang Shouzhe thought that was insipidly tasteless, knit the brows saying: With false sound.” 这一听她本音,王守哲又觉得寡淡无味了,皱眉说:“还是用假音吧。” Yes, Family Head, others listen your.” Wang Mei changed into the sound of charming weak, straight trembling person atrium obediently, after entering the condition, but also while convenient horizontal under wonderful pupil. “是,家主,人家都听您的。”王梅又是乖乖地换成了娇媚酥软,直颤人心房的声音,进入状态后,还顺便横了下妙眸。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Wang Shouzhe holds the forehead, this sound remote antiquity, sincerity. Immediately, beckons with the hand to say reluctantly, forget it, forget it, is with this sound.” 王守哲扶额,这声音太上头了,真心遭不住。当即,又无奈地摆手道,“罢了罢了,还是用本音吧。” „......” Wang Mei winks the innocent eye, Family Head you one can want others like this, one will want others such. “……”王梅眨着无辜的眼睛,家主您一会要人家这样子,一会又要人家那样子。 This taste really made one ascertain airtight. 这口味真令人捉摸不透。 ...... …… Before dawn. 凌晨。 The weather is not bright. 天色还未亮。 Ships drive out of Dingpu Crossing, above besides Liú Clan Family Head Liú Shengye, clan young one generation of pillar of the state Liú Yongzhou, as well as his complement famous backbone clansman. 一艘船只从定蒲渡口驶出,上面除了刘氏家主刘胜业外,还有家族年轻一代的栋梁刘永州,以及其余数名骨干族人。 Family Head.” A middle-aged clansman exciting say/way, really has not thought, this does not check does not know, has a scare. In our surrounding several garrison seat, aristocratic family surnamed Zhong has three, most agrees with the Zhong Clan Young Lady Luoxian status, must be Hundred Islands Garrison Celestial aristocratic family Zhong Clan.” 家主。”一名中年族人兴奋道,“真是没想到,这不查不知道,一查吓一跳。我们周围几个卫城中,姓钟的世家有三个,其中最契合钟氏落仙小姐身份的,应当是百岛卫天人世家钟氏。” The Liú Shengye expression is also serious, simultaneously is passing chuckling that indistinctly is hard to restrain: „The Zhong Clan Young Lady status is honored, she meets misfortune does not want to expose the status hence is also in the reason. Exhausted everyone maintains calm free, must lose my Liú Clan face not.” 刘胜业表情也非常严肃,同时隐约透着一丝难以扼制的窃喜:“钟氏小姐身份尊贵,她落难至此不想暴露身份也是情理之中。劳烦诸位都保持淡定自若,莫要丢了我刘氏脸面。” Yes, Family Head.” The people responded. “是,家主。”众人纷纷响应。 Only has Liú Yongzhou, the body stands straightly, looks like a javelin stands erect generally in the bow, in the vision once for a while flashes through scalding hot. 唯有刘永州,身体站得笔直,就像是一根标枪一般矗立在船首,目光中时不时的闪过一丝灼热。 Celestial aristocratic family. 天人世家 Luoxian unexpectedly is, no, is really Celestial aristocratic family Young Lady. 落仙竟然是,不,果然是天人世家小姐 No wonder, she will avoid the clan family background repeatedly the issue. Was, only had Celestial aristocratic family, can train the so extraordinary immortal expensive/noble female, a word frowned, is passing the unattainable aura indistinctly. 难怪,她会屡屡回避家族出身的问题。是了,也只有天人世家,才能培养地出如此气质非凡的仙家贵女,一言一颦中,都隐约透着高不可攀的气息。 The one who most makes his heart blazingly incomparable is, Luoxian as if to he indistinctly somewhat different attitudes, resembling to be more intimate with him, seems has the scruples of deep level. 最让他内心炽热无比的是,落仙似乎对他隐约有些不一样的态度,似想与他更加亲近,却又好似有着深层次的顾忌。 Saw that she frowns once for a while, as if the somewhat sad expression, the heart of Liú Yongzhou broke to pieces. 看到她时不时蹙眉,仿佛有些忧愁的表情,刘永州的心都碎了。 Was, put horizontally before them, was the two aristocratic family vast gap. 是了,横搁在他们面前的,是两个世家巨大的差距。 thoughts reach here, Liú Yongzhou boiling hot heart cool several points. 一念至此,刘永州滚烫的心凉了几分。 However he changes mind thinks, uncle Liú Shenghao will soon promote Spirit Platform Old Ancestor, clan will enter a growth period inevitably, the resources income will rise dramatically a big truncation. But his Liú Yongzhou, is decided but not yet announced that road of successor next Spirit Platform. 然而他又转念一想,大伯刘胜豪即将晋升灵台老祖,家族势必会进入一个扩展期,资源收入会暴增一大截。而他刘永州,正是已经内定,下一任灵台之路接班人。 Depending on his status, even if there is big disparity with Luoxian as before, natural moat that is actually not able to cross. If uses the strength of entire clan to support him to sprint the road of Spirit Platform, but Luoxian has the family member to his heart, two people not necessarily cannot succeed. 凭他这个身份,即便与落仙依旧有较大差距,却也并非就是无法横渡的天堑了。若是举全族之力支持他冲刺灵台之路,而落仙对他心有眷属的话,两人未必不能成功。 His heart even more boiling hot boiling hot, seemed full of the hope to the future. 他的心愈发滚烫滚烫,仿佛对未来充满了希望。 Shipping agency non- moment. 船行不片刻。 Liú Clan, then sees a luxurious medium large ship to heave in sight. 刘氏一家,便见得一艘奢华的中型楼船映入眼帘。 That is......” the Liú Clan people are startled, today this matter is a go-between by Zhong Clan Young Lady with the grain seller met with. Actually does not think, unexpectedly is a semblance luxurious fine large ship. “那是……”刘氏众人都吃了一惊,今日此事由钟氏小姐牵线与粮食卖家会面。却不想,竟是一艘外表奢华精美的楼船。 Well?” The Liú Shengye eyesight is good, the pupil shrinks, „ this ship, although has not hung up the clan flag, but from the symbol of bow, must be the Eastern Sea King Tantai Clan ship. “咦?”刘胜业目力不错,瞳孔一缩,“此船虽然没有挂上家族旗帜,但从船头的标志来看,应当是东海王澹台家族的船。 Tantai Clan? 澹台家族 Eastern Sea Garrison is different from Hundred Islands Garrison is remote, it near Changning Garrison. But Eastern Sea King is fame very big Celestial clan, various peripheral health/guard have hearing. 东海卫不同于百岛卫偏远,它毗邻长宁卫。而东海王又是名气很大的天人家族,周边各卫都有耳闻。 This large ship is magnificent and expensive, its master mostly is the Tantai Clan important personage.” The Liú Shengye tone dreaded seriously, we go round it, so as to avoid does not provoke the disaster carefully.” “此楼船华贵不凡,其主人多半是澹台家族的重要人物。”刘胜业语气郑重而忌惮,“我们绕开它,免得不小心招惹灾祸。” Liú Yongzhou is actually the intention moves, is it possible that this is...... 刘永州却是心念一动,这莫非是…… Sure enough, together Immortal Skirt floating beautiful figure, from large ship lightly. 果不其然,一道仙裙飘飘的倩影,从楼船中翩然而出。 Is Zhong Clan Young Lady Luoxian.” Liú Yongzhou said inspired, seller that originally she seeks, unexpectedly is Eastern Sea King Tantai Clan, really worthily is the Zhong Clan daughter of first wife.” “是钟氏落仙小姐。”刘永州振奋道,“原来她寻来的卖家,竟是东海王澹台家族,真不愧是钟氏嫡女。” A Liú Clan numerous, rouses respectively, can have the opportunity and Eastern Sea King clan establishes the relations, wishes for earnestly. 刘氏一众,也都各自振奋不已,能有机会与东海王家族搭上关系,自是求之不得。 The ships happen to obtain somebody's favor. 船舶靠上。 The Liú Clan people according to the opposite party boatman director, board the large ship, seeing make them luxuriously especially cautious. The construction cost of this large ship, fears not under 3,000-4,000 Qian gold. 刘氏众人依照对方船工指挥,纷纷登上楼船,入目之奢华让他们都变得格外小心翼翼。此艘楼船的造价,怕是不下于3,000-4,000乾金 Big Liú Clan various income, can achieve this digit. However the big enterprise has lots of assets, the expenses are also very huge, all year round can accumulate also on 500-600 Qian gold. 偌大的刘氏的各项收入,也能达到这个数字。但是家大业大,开销也是非常庞大,一年到头能攒下的也就500-600乾金 Young Master Liú.” Zhong Luoxian takes the lead to fall the vision to Liú Yongzhou on, sees him, seems somewhat delighted, but restrained in a flash tranquilly, is collecting the ritual to the Liú Clan people slightly, the immortal sound curls saying that Luoxian has seen the Liú Clan everyone elder.” 刘公子。”钟落仙率先将目光落到刘永州身上,见到他,仿佛有些欢喜,但是转瞬又克制平静了下来,对着刘氏众人微微敛礼,仙音袅袅道,“落仙见过刘氏诸位长辈。” Family Head Liú Shengye, quickly leads the numerous to return salute again and again. Although this Zhong Clan Young Lady salutes upon meeting by the younger generation status, how could but do they pull rank? Really worthily is the daughter of first wife who Celestial aristocratic family educates, is amiable. 家主刘胜业,急忙率众连连还礼。这钟氏小姐虽以晚辈身份见礼,但他们岂能托大?真不愧是天人世家教养出来的嫡女,多么平易近人呐。 Liú Shengye to the ultimate goal of trip, has been full of confidence. 刘胜业对此行的最终目的,已充满了信心。 Slightly after doing exchanged greetings, Zhong Luoxian makes them enter the large ship, meeting this time grain seller. 略作寒暄后,钟落仙引他们入楼船内部,会见此番粮食卖家。 The Liú Clan people enter, by internal decoration and layout wasteful being startled. Underestimated eventually the construction cost of this ship, the light is these types of ornaments, feared not under over a thousand Qian gold. 刘氏众人一走进,更是被内部的装饰与布局之奢靡给惊到了。终究还是低估了此船的造价,光是那些各种装饰品,怕是不下于上千乾金了。 In the hall pavilion, wears the silk robe, wears the handsome young man of jade crown, partly is lying down on the cot lazy. His whole body, what is annotating is being the status is honored. 厅阁内,一位身穿丝袍,头戴玉冠的俊朗年轻男子,正慵懒地半躺在榻上。他全身上下,都在诠释着什么叫身份尊贵。 The brocade/bright robe makes with the Ice Spirit Silkworm silk silk, the slight ice white dazzling light passes slightly, appears outstanding uncommon. Ice Spirit Silk, is always very luxurious expensive thing. 锦袍是用冰灵蚕丝丝绸所制,些微冰白色的炫光微微流转,显得卓绝不凡。冰灵丝绸,向来是非常奢华昂贵之物。 Puts on it, passes in the summer neatly coolly does not have/leave the least bit sweat, puts on for a long time in can also have to nourish the skin, whitening improving the complexion and other effects. 穿上它,在炎炎夏日里清爽透凉不出半点汗水,长期穿在身上还能有滋养皮肤,美白养颜等功效。 The most important thing is, Ice Spirit Silk is compact the tenacious, common sword is not easy broken, has certain defense effect and evades the hot effectiveness. 最为重要的是,冰灵丝绸非常致密坚韧,寻常刀剑不易切破,具有一定的防御效果和避火效用。 The common aristocratic family juniors, treat as the long-awaited luxury goods Ice Spirit Silk. It is said the Changning Xu Clan Spirit Insect Master secret raised some Ice Spirit Silkworm, made a lot of money, is only even, Xu Clan still rarely has the person to wear the Ice Spirit Silkworm clothes. 寻常世家子弟,都将冰灵丝绸当作梦寐以求的奢侈品。据说长宁徐氏灵虫师秘密豢养了一些冰灵蚕,从中赚了不少钱,只是即便如此,徐氏也鲜有人能穿得起冰灵蚕衣。 The price was too expensive. 价格太贵了。 Even if an underwear, over a hundred Qian gold. This young Young Master this cuts screw the robe, feared that takes several hundred Qian gold. That jade crown that he wears, is the brilliance circulation, obviously is also value not poor spirit treasure. 哪怕是一身亵衣,也得上百乾金。这位年轻公子这一套丝袍,怕是要数百乾金。他头戴的那顶玉冠,也是光彩流转,显然也是一件价值不菲的灵宝 Then stands erect continually in his behind Family Guard, as if impressive bearing, is also impressive. 便是连矗立在他身后的一位家将,似乎也气宇轩昂,气度不凡。 Zhong Luoxian.” That Young Master Gui/noble young master, the eye hid partly lifts was sweeping Liú Clan people one eyes, the brow slightly wrinkle lazy and contemptuous say/way, you wrote a letter to our Tantai Family, was and this inferior aristocratic family transaction?” 钟落仙。”那名贵公子,眼皮子半抬着扫了刘氏众人一眼,眉头微皱慵懒而轻蔑道,“你写信给我们澹台家,便是与这末流世家交易吗?” „?” “?” An anger, rubs to burn in the Liú Yongzhou heart, who this is bastard thing? Dares by this attitude and Young Lady Luoxian speech. 一股怒气,蹭蹭蹭地在刘永州心中燃烧起来,这混账东西是谁?竟敢以这种态度和落仙小姐说话。 ...... ……
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