……AudienceYounger BrotherYounger Sisterwere shocked.
全场弟弟妹妹们都惊呆了。EspeciallyWang Lici, blinks the eye, exclaims, but can also havesuchoperation?
尤其是王璃慈,眨巴眨巴着眼睛,惊叹不已,还能有这样的操作?Previousflickerswellfortunately, did next instantstartto begin?
前一瞬还好好的,下一瞬就开始动手了?HoweverWang Shouzhe is also admiresto the Luojingmentalitybut actuallyvery much, the average personis very difficultto think,afterwas just revealedconspires, the choiceat this timebegan. Is others cannot think, morehas the chance of success.
不过王守哲倒也是对珞静的思路很是佩服,一般人很难想到,在刚刚被揭穿密谋后,选择这时候动手。越是旁人想不到的时候,就越有成功机会。What a pity, shelooked down onWang Shouzheeventually.
可惜,她终究小瞧了王守哲。„Luojing, Fourth Elder Brotherteachesyouto studyclever.”Wang Shouzhesmilingly said that „next timewill sneak attackagaintime, mustpay attentionto control the breathto be steady, should not be anxious. Youperformedto have no issuea moment ago, is the breathties tight, the heartbeatwas too quick, lost the technique of centipede is also rougher. Howeverpurelylooksfrom the consciousness and ideaangle of tactic, isgood, is worthpraising.”
“珞静啊,四哥哥教你学个乖。”王守哲笑眯眯地说道,“下次再偷袭的时候,要注意控制呼吸平稳,不要紧张。你刚才的表演没什么问题,就是呼吸紧绷,心跳太快了,丢蜈蚣的手法也粗糙了些。不过单纯从战术的意识和想法角度看,还是不错的,值得表扬。”Thisfantasy worldis dangerous, often a fightwill branch out the life and death, evenmayaffect a clanrise and falldestiny. Wang Shouzhedoes not want the fight, onceif the fightis avoidless, thatside that hewantsto liveis the oneselfperson.
这个玄幻世界非常危险,往往一场战斗就会分出生死,甚至有可能影响到一个家族的兴衰命运。王守哲不希望发生战斗,若是一旦战斗无法避免,他希望活下来的那一方是自己人。„Smallred!” The Wang Luojingactuallytearswelled upall of a sudden, „wū wū, Fourth Elder Brotheryouwere too bad, smallred, butIcaughtwith great difficulty.”
呃……Probablyactedisa littleheavy, Luojingtamed a poisonous insectcentipede is not easy.
When Wang Shouzhejustwantsto comforthertwo,王守哲刚想安抚她两句时,Onrightarmsuddenpain, the numbfeelingraids the whole bodyfollowing the arm. Heimmediatelyinheart„thump”, fell into a trap! Shakesconveniently, only then the variegatedspider of thumbsizeflew.
右胳膊上突然一痛,酥麻感顺着手臂直袭全身。他顿时心中“咯噔”一声,中计了!随手一震,一只只有拇指般大小的斑斓蜘蛛飞了出去。„Luojing! You......”Wang Shouzheheld breath a cold air/Qi, hehas not thought that was only red a centipedeto be usedto attracthisattention.
“珞静!你……”王守哲倒吸了一口冷气,他万万没想到,原先那只红头蜈蚣不过是用来吸引他注意力的。„Fourth Elder Brother, Jing'eralsoteachesyouto studyclever.”Wang Luojingwill jumpin the future, comesto be farafter the Wang Shouzhetwozhang (3.33 m)saidgrinningly,„first, do not look down onanySpirit Insect Master, theirtacticswill be strangeandunexpected. Poisonous insectthing, is not biggeris more poisonous, it is saidsomepoisonous insecteyescould not have seen.”
“四哥哥,静儿也教你学个乖。”王珞静往后跳去,距离王守哲两丈来远后才笑嘻嘻地说,“第一,不要小瞧任何灵虫师,他们的战术会非常诡异和出乎预料。毒虫这东西,也并非越大越毒,据说还有一些毒虫眼睛都看不见。”„Second, do not look down onanylittle girl, the harmlessnaivesemblance, is only the bestprotection cover. LaterFourth Elder Brothergoes outwalks, mustbe carefuleveryone, particularlyseems likesmallMiss of little darling.”
“第二,不要小瞧任何小女孩,无害天真的外表,只是最好的保护壳而已。以后四哥哥出门行走,一定要小心所有人,尤其是看起来乖乖的小姑娘。”Thissayingresentmentresults inWang Shouzheshamelesslyonered, deeplyinspired saying: „YourFourth Elder Brotherlearned/studied, laterpays certainly attention. Well, whatspider are you? Toxicityalsoverybig...... firstgivesFourth Brother the antidote.”
这话怼得王守哲老脸一红,深吸一口气说:“你四哥哥学习了,以后一定注意。咦,你这是什么蜘蛛?毒性还挺大的……先把解毒药给四哥吧。”In the heartsighs with emotion, beforelistened toLuotongandShounuosaid that do not look down on the Luojinggirl, thisgirlstrange. Alsosomewhatthought little, nowreallytastesfiercely.
After thisgirlgrows up, absolutelyis not a goodstubble. No, nowwas not the goodstubble.
啧啧,这丫头长大后绝对不是个善茬。不,现在就不是什么善茬了。„Antidote? Whatthing is that?” A Wang Luojingfacesaidnaivelyinnocently.
The Wang Shouzheexpressionstagnates, almost an oldbloodblowout. Wang Luojing, are youteasingme? Antidotenopoisonous insect, do youcarryalong?王守哲表情一滞,差点一口老血喷出。王珞静,你这是在逗我吗?解毒药都没有的毒虫,你就这么随身携带?Did not fear that was nipped?
就不怕被咬了?The most important thing is, daresto putto nipyourelder brotherunexpectedly......
最重要的是,竟然还敢放出来咬你哥……„Luoqiu, Fifth Elder Brother, Sixth Elder Brother, the biggirlyou is also staringdoing, quicklybegins! Do not compel the poisonoustimetoFourth Elder Brotherwithprofound qi.”Wang Luojingshoutedclearlycalled out, „, otherwisesoakedon the little darlinginClan Schooloneyear.”
“珞秋,五哥哥,六哥哥,大丫头你们都还愣着干什么,赶快动手!不要给四哥哥用玄气逼出毒的时间。”王珞静清脆地喊叫道,“不然都就乖乖泡在族学一年吧。”Sheis certainly clear, the toxin of thisrank, at all is not possibleto do tocompletelyFourth Elder Brother.
她当然清楚,这种级别的毒素,根本不可能完全奈何的了四哥哥。„Great Demon KingFourth Brother, eatsmyfist.”Sixth Younger SisterWang Luoqiuresponded, sheis only11 years old, at this moment is actually the eyeexplodesbrightly, stretches acrossonestep, the Wang ClanfoundationFist Artscomestoward the Wang Shouzhebang, the stanceis full, refining upwellcompared withmanyadult males.
“大魔王四哥,吃我一拳。”六妹妹王珞秋反应了过来,她才十一岁,此刻却是眼睛爆亮,横跨一步,王氏基础拳法朝王守哲轰来,架势十足有模有样,比很多男丁都炼得好。So the basic skillsgoodmovement and Fist Arts, look atWang Shouzhe not startledcounter-happy, Fifth Younger SisterWang Luojingis not simple, finallyunexpectedlyevenhemove.
如此基本功不俗的身法与拳法,看得王守哲不惊反喜,五妹妹王珞静不简单,最终竟然连他都中了招。ButthisSixth Younger SisterWang Luoqiu is also not unexpectedly simple, fightcultivation technique is so unexpectedly adept. Is completely differentfromothergirls, cultivationgets uponlyto pay great attention to the promotion of boundarycultivation base, regardingmovement, battle skill, sword technique, evenis the bowhorsedoes not attach great importance.
而这六妹妹王珞秋竟然同样不简单,战斗功法竟然如此娴熟。完全不同于其它女孩子,修炼起来只注重境界修为的提升,对于身法,战技,剑术,甚至是弓马等都不重视。Looked down onWang Luoqiuseriously.
当真小瞧王珞秋了。Meanwhile, Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulianalsoto/clashestoWang Shouzhe: „Fourth Brother, forgivesus, wewere compelled.”
与此同时,王守勇,王守廉也向王守哲冲来:“四哥,原谅我们,我们都是被逼的。”ThenisevenWang Lici, calledto killtoWang Shouzhe: „OverthrowsGreat Demon King.”Onlypitifully, hercultivation baseis not bad, is the rackuniverse of movementandFist Arts, obviouslyhas not drilledwell.
便是连王璃慈,都嗷嗷叫着向王守哲杀来:“打倒大魔王。”只可惜,她修为不差,就是身法与拳法的架子太虚,显然没有好好操练过。„Okaygood, yourcourage, are really verynot as I expected.”Wang Shouzheinsteadsmiled, „was only a pity,youlooked down onmeeventually. Letyouexperience, anythingcalledtrueGreat Demon King.”
“轰!”Speechat the same time, Wang Shouzheturnsconveniently, profound qierupts, has achievedQi Refining Boundarytwo layershigh stageWang Shouyong, was rumbledto flydirectly.
说话的同时,王守哲随手一翻,一股玄气爆发而起,已经达到炼气境二层高段的王守勇,直接被轰飞了出去。Mustdiscuss the basic skillsto be solid, let aloneyoungonegeneration, in the older generationalsofewindividualscancomparewithhisWang Shouzhe.
要论起基本功扎实,别说年轻一代了,就连老一辈中也没几个人能和他王守哲比的。Heas the talentuncommonson of first wife, massiveresourcesinvestments, the trainingdirectionis the futureOld Ancestorlevelcharacter, howpossiblyismerely the boundaryhighfalse dignity?
他身为天赋不凡的嫡子,大量的资源投入,培养的方向就是未来的老祖级人物,怎么可能是仅仅境界高的虚架子?Inganging up to surround and beating up of Younger BrotherYounger Sister, hisbodymovesas one desires, looks likewillow catkin in wind, makingoneascertain the airtight, elegantnature.
在弟弟妹妹们的围殴中,他身随心动,就像是一片风中的柳絮,令人捉摸不透,飘逸自然。„intermediate gradeprofound warrior / black tortoisemovement——Willow Catkins Movement Technique of ourfamily/home.”Wang Luojing that the one sideobservesis startled, Fourth Elder Brotherhidesdeeply, evenWillow Catkins Movement Techniquecultivationtothisdegree.
“咱们家的中品玄武身法——柳絮身法。”一旁观战的王珞静吃惊不已,四哥哥藏得太深,连柳絮身法都修炼到这种程度了。Those whomakeherbe startledis the resistance of Wang Shouzhetotoxin, although her onlyvariegatedsmallspideris not the spirit insectrank, butbites, reversesincluding200-300jin (0.5 kg)swinemetropolis/canhemp.
更让她吃惊的是王守哲对毒素的抵抗能力,她的那只斑斓小蜘蛛虽然不是什么灵虫级别,可是一口咬下去,连200-300斤的猪猡都会麻翻倒地。Fourth Elder Brotheractuallydoes not seem affected, Fourth Elder Brotherwas too fearful, is really the Great Demon Kingrank, making one be incapable.四哥哥却好像没有受到影响,四哥哥太可怕了,果然是大魔王级别的,让人无力啊。Lost!
输了!Thisgroup of Younger BrotherYounger Sister, the in additionbigniece, defeatscompletely. Theyunstaily, lay downin the groundmoanlying this way and that. The girlmany, had not applied makeup.
这帮弟弟妹妹们,外加一个大侄女,全部战败。他们东倒西歪,横七竖八地躺在了地上呻吟。女孩子还好些,没被打脸。Wang ShouyongandWang Shoulian, becauseis the 14 or 15-year-oldclanadult male, Wang Shouzhenaturallyislooks aftertothemadditionally, was hitblack and blue.王守勇和王守廉因为是十四五岁的家族男丁,王守哲自然是对他们额外照顾,被打得鼻青脸肿。„Hehe~, sincewehave had the agreement, thatis willingto betto concede.”Wang Shouzheis shoulderingboth hands, smilinglysaid,„thisentire year, givesmeto do the schoolworkwell. Ibelieve that ourWang Clanheir, hasto pledgeto have the acting.”
“呵呵~既然咱们有过约定,那就愿赌服输。”王守哲背负着双手,笑眯眯地说道,“这一整年,都给我好好做功课。我相信咱们王氏的子嗣,都是有承诺有担当的。”Such remarks, eachturned into the bitter melonface, good, the followingdaywas unendurable.
此言一出,各个都变成了苦瓜脸,好吧,接下来的日子难熬了。„Snort.”Wang Luoqiuis youngest, the strength of spiritis full, „studiesstudies, butmycultivation, will certainly comethis yearwellnext yearagain.”
“哼。”王珞秋年纪最小,骨气却十足,“读书就读书,不过今年我一定会好好修炼,明年再来。”„Couragepraise worthy, welcomeyouto continuenext year. Luoqiu, Ithought that youwere most energetic, turn headurgeseveryonewell.”Smiling of Wang Shouzheserene, shouldersboth handsto departnatural.
After hewalks .
等他走后。How manyYounger BrotherYounger Sister, the in additionbigniece, thiscrawlsfrom the ground, look at each other in blank dismayrespectively, Wang Shouzhethat was Great Demon Kingtooalso formidabe?
几个弟弟妹妹们,外加一个大侄女,这才从地上爬起来,各自面面相觑,王守哲那个大魔王也太难对付了吧?„Youbuoy up.”Wang Luoqiusaid,„Fourth Elder Brotheragainfiercely is also a person, weareenoughfivepeople. Variousouroneyear of risefirst-level, will be differentnext year.”
“你们都振作起来。”王珞秋说道,“四哥哥再厉害也就是一个人,咱们可是足足五个人。咱们一年各升一级,明年就不一样了。”Variousrisefirst-level, yousaidactuallydexterous. Everyonelosesto a Wang Luoqiusupercilious look, youthink that everyonelike you are the smallevildoer/monstrous talent, was only11years old onQi Refining Boundarytwo layers.
各升一级,你说的倒是轻巧。所有人都丢给王珞秋一个白眼,你以为所有人都像你一样是小妖孽啊,才十一岁就炼气境二层了。„In briefI, no matter, anyone of youmusthold backIto punchyou.” The Wang Luoqiusay/way, „Igiveeveryoneto arrange the goalcompetitive, Wang Luojing, youmustrisetotwo layershigh stagenext yearat least, andstrives forto becometruefirst stageSpirit Insect Master, graspstwospirit insectincludingAmethyst Spirit Bee. When the time comesyourbattle efficiency, even ifbumps intofour layersto get the advantage.”
“总之我不管,你们谁要拖后腿我就揍你们。”王珞秋霸气十足道,“我给大家布置一下目标,王珞静,你明年起码要升到二层高段,并且争取成为真正的一阶灵虫师,掌握包括紫晶灵蜂在内的两种灵虫。到时候你的战斗力,就算碰到四层都占优势。”Wang Luojingeyeonebright, thisactuallytruth, if is really inthatsituation, evenhis20-year-oldElder BrotherWang Shounuocan hit, heard that hebroke throughQi Refining Boundaryfour layerscouple days agofinally, turn headaskshimto practice acquiring a skill.王珞静眼睛一亮,这倒是实话,如果真到那种地步,连他那个20岁的哥哥王守诺都打得动,听说他前几天总算突破到了炼气境四层,回头找他练练手。„Wang Shouyong, younowaretwo layershigh stage, 15years old this did boundarylose face? The basic skills are not very solid.” The Wang Luoqiudirectionlandscape the reviewwas saying,„Ido not requesthigh, next yearyourQi Refining Boundarythree layersintermediate stage, will also ram the basic skills. Otherwisedo not blamemeto seeyouronetimewhen the time comes, punchesonetime.”
Isn't thisrequesthigh? Wang Shouyongwas aboutto cry, heasElder Brother, was so been quite disgraced dirtybySixth Younger Sister. HoweverLuoqiureallyquitefierce, nowandshehitsdoes not get the advantage. Ifdiligently, did not fear that was punchedbySixth Younger Sisterdaily.
这还要求不高啊?王守勇都快哭了,他身为一个哥哥,被六妹妹这么埋汰好丢人啊。不过珞秋真的好厉害,现在和她打都不占优势。如果再不努力,怕是会天天被六妹妹揍了。„Wang Shoulian, whathead do youshrink? Where the bearing of myWang Clanson?”Wang Luoqiucarriesto be highWang Shoulian of herhead, „youaremyblood brother...... everyoneareparentslive, you are 14 years old, howQi Refining Boundarytwo layers? Oh, blames my to makeYounger Sister, usuallyurgestoyouinsufficiently.”
“王守廉,你缩什么头?我王氏男儿的气度哪里去了?”王珞秋一把拎起高她一个头的王守廉,“你可是我亲哥……大家都是一个爹妈生的,你都十四岁了,怎么才炼气境二层?唉,都怪我这个做妹妹的,平常对你督促不够。”Wang Shoulianwas aboutto cry, although14years old of Qi Refining Boundarytwo layerswas not quick, butwasn't slowis good? OwnYounger Sister, youhave not seenthatbignephewWang Zongwei is 20 years old, two layershigh stage.王守廉都快哭了,十四岁炼气境二层虽然不快,但是也不慢好不好?亲妹妹哟,你没看到那个大侄子王宗卫二十岁了,才二层高段。In the boothsuchsmallevildoer/monstrous talentownYounger Sister, the Wang Shoulianpressureis big.
摊上这么一个小妖孽般的亲妹妹,王守廉的压力好大。„I, no matter, at this time next year, youiftoQi Refining Boundarythree layers, looked how Itidy upyou.”Wang Luoqiugiveshimto appointmissionforcefully, „, remembers that every daylooks formycultivationmovementtactical rules.”
“我不管,明年这时候,你要是到不了炼气境三层,看我怎么收拾你。”王珞秋强行给他指派任务,“还有,记得每天都来找我修炼身法战法。”Qi Refining Boundarythree layers...... thispressure was too a little big! Howeverhedoes not comply is not good, whereprojected on unable to complainbyYounger Sister.炼气境三层……这压力有点太大了!不过他不答应也不行,被妹妹打到哪里都告不了状。„I, I.”Wang Licisaid,„Inext yearamalsostrategic placethree layersintermediate stage?”
“那我呢,我呢。”王璃慈说道,“我明年是不是也要冲三层中段?”„You?”Wang Luoqiuis taking a look atherup and down, good after long time, helplessshakes the head, „eatsmany, the fists and feetis incapable, evenwas still wastetoQi Refining Boundarythree layers. Considers as finished, next yearyouwill refuelin the , do the logistics.”
“你?”王珞秋上下打量着她,好半晌后才无奈摇头,“吃得太多,拳脚无力,就算到了炼气境三层也废。算了算了,明年你就在边上加油,搞搞后勤吧。”In a good mood.
The Wang Licismallmouthhonk, obviouslyIam the eldest sisterhead.王璃慈小嘴都嘟了起来,明明我才是大姐头。Snort, Wang Luoqiu, this Young Ladyrememberedyou! Thirty years the river goes east, thirty years the river goes west. Waits forthis Young Ladyturn headto look forOld Ancestorto give the private lesson, mustseize the position of eldest sisterhead.
哼,王珞秋,本小姐记住你了!三十年河东,三十年河西。等本小姐回头找老祖开开小灶去,一定要把大姐头的地位夺回来。Finally, Wang Luoqiuis shoulderingboth hands, studies the appearance that Wang Shouzheis walking saying: „As formyWang Luoqiu, as a hundredyears of rareyoung girltalent, the clanrisepressure that shoulders is also very heavyis very heavy. Like this, firstsets a small target, next yearcultivationtothree layershigh stage.”
啥?Wang Luoqiuyouwere insane, was this small target? Is thismustascend the sky? 12years old of three layershigh stage, can youwithotherGreat Demon KingFourth Brothersymptom?王珞秋你疯了吧,这还是小目标?这是要上天吗?十二岁三层高段,你这是要和大魔王四哥别苗头吗?„Hehe, Ihear the hearsay, the road of clansequencewill soon open.”Wang Luoqiuat the back of the small hand, the immaturefaceis looking up to the sky, „I, Wang Luoqiu, the lonelyyoung girltalent, shoulders the hope and destiny that clanis rising, in the futurewill be doomedto becomeOld Ancestor Longyansuchgoddess. When the time comesevenGreat Demon KingWang Shouzhe, stillpolitely callsmyoneobediently, Old Ancestor Luoqiu. Hahaha~”
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