POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#60: Younger Brother Younger Sister are very energetic

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...... …… Big girl, or ok.” The Wang Shouyong sound resounds, obviously somewhat feels weak, Fourth Brother is very fierce, even the big brother not necessarily is victorious he.” “大丫头,要不算了吧。”王守勇的声音响起,明显有些发虚,“四哥很厉害的,就算是大哥也不一定打得过他。” Ok? Wang Shouyong, you eat this Young Lady little dried fish time, how not saying that considers as finished?” A Wang Lici self-important appearance said, you ate my thing, was my person. I warned you, if you were not obedient, I told Fourth Uncle our treaties of alliance.” “算了?王守勇,你吃本小姐小鱼干儿的时候,怎么不说算了?”王璃慈一副老气横秋的模样说,“你吃了我的东西,就是我的人了。我警告你,你若不听话,我就把咱们的盟约告诉四叔。” Wang Lici, you went too far. You give little dried fish time, had not said that must tidy up Fourth Brother.” Another adult male Wang Shoulian, the sound brings the weeping voice, Fourth Brother almost entered the Purple Mansion Academy person, who can win.” 王璃慈,你太过份了。你给小鱼干的时候,也没说是要收拾四哥啊。”另外一个男丁王守廉,声音都带着哭腔了,“四哥可是差点进了紫府学宫的人,谁打得赢啊。” Fool, does not let your duel.” Wang Lici despises said, we use the idea to surround Great Demon King, closes in puts on the gunnysack to him, who taking care punches him to hit does not know.” “笨蛋,又不是让你们单挑。”王璃慈鄙夷地说道,“咱们用计困住大魔王,一拥而上给他套上麻袋,保管揍得他谁打得都不知道。” Wang Shouzhe is good and aerobic, this group of young rabbit child young seem are conspiring to punch him. 王守哲是又好又好气,这群小兔崽仔们好似在密谋要揍他。 Especially big girl Wang Lici, before him clever looks like only the small rabbit. Finally this turns the head, then intertwined one group of kids instead to kill oneself. 尤其是大丫头王璃慈,在他面前么乖巧的就像是只小兔子。结果这一转头,便纠结了一群小屁孩来反杀自己 This style transfers such rapidness, making one be caught off guard. The given name of this big girl, but also really has not called white/in vain. 这画风转得如此之快,让人措手不及啊。这大丫头的名号,还真是没有白叫。 Wang Luojing, isn't your stealthy appearance, the preparation will betray us?” Another sound overbearing little girl voice resounds, big girl said that Fourth Elder Brother prepared big pile of books to read to us, will not read off also getting angry ominous person, you liked studying I not to like.” 王珞静,你鬼鬼祟祟的样子,不会是准备出卖我们吧?”另外一个声音霸道的小女孩声音响起,“大丫头可是说了,四哥哥准备了一大堆书给我们读,读不完还会黑着脸凶人,你喜欢读书我可不喜欢。” Wang Shouzhe hear, this is Wang Luoqiu of Third Uncle, this year is only 11 years old. Before listened to Luojing to raise this doll already Qi Refining Boundary two layers, the aptitude was uncommon. The Wang Shouzhe itself/Ben waits to find the time to see her to encourage, did not have the opportunity. 王守哲听出来了,这是三伯家的王珞秋,今年才十一岁。之前听珞静提起这女娃已经炼气境二层了,资质非常不凡。王守哲本待抽时间见见她鼓励一番,却一直没机会。 Wang Luoqiu, I do not want to study, but I do not think that your can cope with Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luojing said that Fourth Elder Brother compared with your fierce much.” 王珞秋,我也不想读书,不过我不认为你们这样能对付得了四哥哥。”王珞静说道,“四哥哥比你的厉害得多。” Luojing, didn't you raise the insect?” Wang Luoqiu also said, you can put the insect hibernation of insects he.” 珞静,你不是养了虫子吗?”王珞秋又说,“你可以放虫子蛰他啊。” „It is not good.” Wang Luojing quickly shakes the head. “不行不行。”王珞静急忙摇头。 The face of Wang Shouzhe started to be somewhat black, this was one crowd of what Younger Brother Younger Sister, for did not study, is thinking unexpectedly plotted to murder the elder brother. 王守哲的脸开始有些黑了,这是一群什么弟弟妹妹们啊,为了不读书,竟想着谋害兄长啊。 Fortunately, Wang Luojing is a little sane, respects and loves Fourth Elder Brother very much, Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings many are somewhat gratified. 还好,王珞静还是有点理智,很是敬爱四哥哥,王守哲内心多少有些欣慰。 If must cope with Fourth Elder Brother, must hatch the second batch to be good Amethyst Spirit Bee.” Wang Luojing calculated in that side was saying, „. Moreover the frontal attack did not have the odds of success, Luoqiu, you can pretend to wriggle the foot in front of Fourth Elder Brother, then I seized the chance to emit Amethyst Spirit Bee, you were so young, Fourth Elder Brother first will certainly protect you...... then Fifth Elder Brother Sixth Elder Brother while to bring the gunnysack to rush randomly......” “如果要对付四哥哥,得把紫晶灵蜂孵化出第二批来才行。”王珞静在那边盘算着说,“而且正面进攻毫无胜算,珞秋,你可以在四哥哥面前假装崴脚,然后我趁机放出紫晶灵蜂,你还那么小,四哥哥一定会先护着你……然后五哥哥六哥哥趁乱带着麻袋冲上去……” Cold sweat! 冷汗! Falls from the Wang Shouzhe temple. 王守哲鬓角滑落。 What ghost thoughts this is, too sly savage? I am your elder brother...... particularly Wang Luojing! Your that Amethyst Spirit Bee nest is I buys for buying? 这是什么鬼心思,也太狡猾凶残了吧?我可是你们的哥……尤其是王珞静!你那紫晶灵蜂巢还是我买给买的呢? Wait, her did Amethyst Spirit Bee support? Really is small evildoer/monstrous talent. 等等,她紫晶灵蜂养活了?真是个小妖孽。 However this group of Younger Brother Younger Sister big nieces are dishonest, before him, one after another is the clever obedient good babies. This turns the head, but also really looked down on them. 不过这群弟弟妹妹大侄女们不老实啊,在他面前嘛,一个个都是乖巧听话的好宝宝。这一转头,还真是小瞧了她们。 However Luotong said right, cannot look down on Wang Luojing. Girl from small strange, how also possibly is really a harmless obedient female. 不过若彤说得对,不能小瞧王珞静。那丫头从小古灵精怪得很,又怎么可能真的是个无害乖乖女。 Luojing, your wicked scheme are many.” The big girl Wang Lici praise said, comes back I to reward your one package of eight claw fish to do, speaks the mammoth sea to you again, the palatial majestic Golden Sand Island city, how this Young Lady is in the story that the Golden Sand Island city flees vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered.” 珞静,还是你的鬼主意多。”大丫头王璃慈夸赞道,“回头我多奖励你一包八爪鱼干,再给你讲讲波澜壮阔的大海,巍峨雄壮的金沙岛城,还有本小姐是怎么样在金沙岛城纵横披靡的故事。” The corners of the mouth of Wang Shouzhe tic, is good your Wang Lici, making you go to the equal distribution between-meal snacks. You are booing, uses this between-meal snack resources strategic maneuvering unexpectedly, coped with me to come. 王守哲的嘴角直抽抽,好你个王璃慈,让你去平均分配零嘴。你倒好,竟然利用这笔零嘴资源合纵连横,对付起我来了。 Also flees vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, what ability does your broken girl have? Your this intelligence quotient estimated that will be pressed by Wang Luojing on the ground rubs. 还纵横披靡呢,就你这破丫头有啥能耐?你这智商估计会被王珞静摁在地上摩擦。 Some words saying in front.” Wang Luojing said, we made the hand imprint that Fourth Elder Brother pressed not to compel us to study good, did not permit the dozen of Fourth Elder Brother faces. Fourth Elder Brother looks is so handsome, the face hits to be swollen is unattractive.” “不过有些话说在前面。”王珞静说道,“我们让四哥哥摁下不逼我们读书的手印就行了,还有千万不准打四哥哥脸。四哥哥长得那么俊,脸打肿了就不好看了。” Could not listen. 着实听不下去了。 Wang Shouzhe smilingly walked: Luojing, never expected that you also very treasure your Fourth Elder Brother, my innermost feelings good warm quite warm.” 王守哲笑眯眯地走了出去:“珞静啊,没想到你还真是挺爱惜你四哥哥的,我这内心好温暖好温暖。” Frightens?” “吓?” How one crowd is conspiring to cope with the Great Demon King kids, immediately was all scared at the scene, this this, was this is teasing me? Everyone conspires well, actually all listened by Great Demon King, was stressed become visible unexpectedly. 一群正在密谋如何对付大魔王的小破孩们,顿时全吓傻在了当场,这这这,这是在逗我吗?大家密谋得好好的,却全被大魔王听了去,竟被抓了个现形。 Ended. 完了完了。 And frightens fiercely, was Wang Luojing and Wang Lici. 其中吓得最厉害的,要数王珞静王璃慈了。 Their one is a chief instigator, one is to plan the maker, is not the good thing. 她们一个是主谋,一个是计划制定者,都不是什么好东西。 Fourth Uncle hello/you good, Fourth Uncle said goodbye.” Wang Lici leg one soft, the neck shrinks, prepares to take to one's heels to travel. 四叔你好,四叔再见。”王璃慈腿一软,脖子一缩,准备撒丫子跑路。 Wang Luojing is the small face is pale, shrank behind Wang Shouyong quietly. In three girls, only has that is only 11 years old of place Wang Luoqiu, is staring to take a look at Wang Shouzhe, is startled Wang Shouzhe presents at the same time, seems some is not convinced. 王珞静则是小脸惨白,悄悄地缩到了王守勇后面。三个女孩中,唯有那个才十一岁地王珞秋,则是瞪着眼睛瞅着王守哲,吃惊王守哲出现的同时,好似有些不服气。 As for Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian two Younger Brother, seeming the courage is most insufficient, lowers the head to tremble. In the Wang Clan family education, will be quite strict to the boy, Wang Shouzhe is their elder brother, is orthodox lineage head of a clan, if dares to disrespect, was taught also got what one deserves. 至于王守勇王守廉两个弟弟,好似胆气最为不足,低着头瑟瑟发抖。王氏的家教中,对男孩子会比较严格,王守哲即是他们兄长,还是嫡脉一族之长,若敢不敬的话,被教训了也活该。 Halts.” “站住。” Wang Shouzhe smilingly said one, Wang Lici, Wang Luojing. You may , to be clear, this can be inescapable and can unable to be inescapable the temple.” 王守哲笑眯眯地说了一句,“王璃慈,王珞静。你们可要想清楚,这跑得了和尚可跑不了庙啊。” one big one small two Miss, took a look at one after mutually, looked grief-stricken the little darling to return to front of Wang Shouzhe, looked like the small quail cleverly. 一大一小两个姑娘,互相瞅了一眼后,如丧考妣地乖乖回到了王守哲面前,乖巧地就像是小鹌鹑。 Fourth Elder Brother, others do not dare.” 四哥哥,人家再也不敢了。” Fourth Uncle ~ wū wū, others are you crack a joke.” 四叔~呜呜,人家就是和你开开玩笑嘛。” Wang Shouzhe has not responded them, but fell on the vision Wang Shouyong Wang Shoulian, the faint smile said: Shouyong, Shoulian. Your two, is very big to the Fourth Brother opinion.” 王守哲没搭理她们,而是将目光落到了王守勇王守廉身上,似笑非笑说:“守勇,守廉。你们两个,对四哥意见很大嘛。” two Younger Brother was frightened, quickly beckons with the hand again and again: Without, we usually most worshipped Fourth Brother.” Their this truth, in shou generation, Wang Shouzhe looks like a star to be dazzling actually, the ordinary heart also awes very much. 两个弟弟都被吓到了,急忙连连摆手:“没有没有,我们平常都是最崇拜四哥了。”他们这倒是实话,守字辈中,王守哲就像是一颗明星般耀眼,平常心底也是很敬畏的。 That why can this time wrap/sets the Fourth Brother gunnysack? Did some people pull strings?” When Wang Shouzhe spoke this saying, the heart somewhat is also drunk, wraps the gunnysack, owes this group of people to think. “那为什么这一次要套四哥麻袋?是不是有人指使了?”王守哲说这话时,心头也是有些醉的,套麻袋,亏这帮人想得出来。 No, no one pulls strings.” Their two shakes the head again and again, although fears extremely, said, „, is the ideas of our oneself. If Fourth Brother wants to punish, we recognized.” “没,没人指使。”他们两个连连摇头,虽然怕极,却还是说道,“都,都是我们自己的想法。四哥要想惩罚,我们都认了。” This also makes sense, at least when taking on some Wang Family sons, he just wants to speak, the one side took to stare his Wang Luoqiu hands on hips saying: Fourth Elder Brother you bully the person.” 这还像话,至少有些王家男儿的担待,他刚想说话时,一旁拿眼一直瞪他的王珞秋叉着腰说:“四哥哥你欺负人。” The girl of tinies, the imposing manner is actually full. 小不点儿的女孩子,气势倒是十足。 Luoqiu.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, said to look how Fourth Elder Brother did bully the person?” 珞秋啊。”王守哲笑道,“说说看,四哥哥怎么欺负人了?” I do not want to read these books, is reading well bothersome quite bothersome.” An appearance of Wang Luoqiu headache said, Fourth Elder Brother you can do not make me study again?” “我不想读那些书,看着书就好烦好烦。”王珞秋一副头疼的模样说,“四哥哥你能不能不要让我再读书了?” Does not want to study also good.” The Wang Shouzhe nod said. “不想读书也行。”王守哲点头说。 Really?” Wang Luoqiu happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised said, Fourth Elder Brother was good.” “真的?”王珞秋惊喜交加地说,“四哥哥太好了。” First leaves is too happily early, does not want to study has a condition.” Wang Shouzhe smilingly looks at scene four Younger Brother Younger Sister, in addition big niece, I, if pure by elder brother or Patriarch status, insisting on you doing the schoolwork well, perhaps your one after another gives lip-service. Was inferior that we come an agreement, every year you can challenge my one time jointly, good. If you won, I go as you like. Must lose, in this year the schoolwork does not permit to lag behind.” “先别高兴地太早,不想读书得有个条件。”王守哲笑眯眯地看着现场四个弟弟妹妹,外加一个大侄女,“我若单纯以兄长或族长的身份,硬要你们好好做功课,恐怕你们一个个都是口服心不服。不如咱们来个约定,每年你们都可以联手挑战我一次,明里暗里都行。你们若是赢了,我就随你们去。要输了,这一年功课不准拉下。” Good, said it and meant it.” The Wang Luoqiu eye illumination, I represented everyone to comply.” “好,一言为定。”王珞秋眼睛发光,“我代表大家答应了。” Then, the visions of others visit her spookily, which wanted you to represent to comply? If Fourth Brother has not guarded, plans to plan well, that is a little hopes. But he currently has to guard obviously, how does this challenge? 然后,其余人的眼光幽幽地看着她,哪个要你代表答应了?如果四哥没有防备,好好算计谋划一番,那还是有点希望的。可他现在明明有防备了,这怎么挑战啊? Your prospect, leaving is so dejected.” Wang Luoqiu said, lost did not do the schoolwork well, well cultivation? The next year wins on the line.” “你们出息一点,别这么垂头丧气嘛。”王珞秋说道,“输了不就是好好做功课,好好修炼吗?下一年赢过来就行。” So the breadth of spirit, makes Wang Shouzhe somewhat look askance actually. 如此气魄,倒是让王守哲有些侧目。 This little girl, has the share fierce brave air/Qi actually, no wonder young already Qi Refining Boundary two layers. 这小丫头片子,倒是有股子悍勇之气,难怪年纪轻轻就已经炼气境二层了。 Maintains the momentum words, by clan present financial resource. Can let her, even if inferior to Old Ancestor Longyan, must be a hero. 保持住势头的话,以家族现在的财力资源。可以让她即便不如珑烟老祖,也必是一个女中豪杰。 This bitter experience, although lets Wang Shouzhe slightly somewhat surprised, thought that this group of Younger Sister are very energetic. 这一趟的遭遇,尽管让王守哲有些意外,却也觉得这帮妹妹们还是挺有活力的。 two Younger Brother, the state of mind will is not very actually powerful, moreover is somewhat stereotypical, must whet one to be good well. 倒是两个弟弟,心境意志都不够强大,而且还有些呆板,得好好磨砺磨砺一番才行。 If clan wants to develop, cannot light/only depend on his Wang Shouzhe person. More outstanding talents, the continuous promising youth, can make clan powerful truly. 一个家族要想发展,可不能光靠他王守哲一个人。越多优秀的人才,源源不断的后起之秀,才能真正让家族强盛起来。 Hehe, first teaches you clever.” Wang Shouzhe said, later must conspire anything, must look for a secluded security the place.” “呵呵,先教你们个乖。”王守哲笑着说,“以后要密谋些什么,一定要找个僻静安全的地方。” Fourth Elder Brother, I was wrong.” The Wang Luojing eye tearful, collected suffering, you are good to me so, for others actually do not like studying...... wū wū ~ 四哥哥,我错了。”王珞静眼泪汪汪,委屈地凑了过来,“你对我这么好,人家却为了不喜欢读书……呜呜~ Good, I have not blamed you.” Wang Shouzhe also very loves dearly Luojing, the morning that Fourth Uncle dies, threw down the orphan widowed mother, even has the clan attendance foster, always lacked the father love. “好了好了,我没怪你。”王守哲也挺心疼珞静的,四伯死的早,丢下了孤儿寡母,即便有家族照顾抚养,总是缺乏了父爱。 That can Fourth Elder Brother forgive me?” Wang Luojing is eager, in the small look was full of the hope. “那四哥哥能原谅我吗?”王珞静眼巴巴的,小眼神中充满了希冀。 What does this have? I have not blamed you from the start.” Wang Shouzhe rubbed her head, comforted saying that actually you can be so energetic, had the oneself original thought that some rebels, Fourth Brother instead felt very normal, you were not the sincerity must plot to murder Fourth Brother.” “这有什么?我压根就没怪过你。”王守哲揉了揉她的脑袋,安慰说,“其实你能这么有活力,有自己的独到思想,有些叛逆,四哥反而觉得很正常,你又不是真心要谋害四哥。” Is this also good? Wang Lici was shocked, she quickly collected, on the baby fat cheek of pulls the apology of being contrary to convictions: Fourth Uncle Fourth Uncle, some of my rebels, haven't you definitely blamed me?” 这样也行?王璃慈被震惊到了,她急忙屁颠屁颠地凑了过来,婴儿肥的脸蛋上扯出违心的歉意:“四叔四叔,我也有些叛逆,你肯定也没怪过我吧?” Go away!” “滚!” Wang Shouzhe stares ill-humoredly, frightens to rub to back up several steps Wang Lici, covers heart that was being frightened kicks, full is annoying, why Wang Luojing acts like a spoiled brat on the line...... 王守哲没好气地一瞪眼,把王璃慈吓得蹭蹭蹭倒退几步,捂着被吓得扑腾扑腾的心,满是懊恼,凭什么王珞静撒撒娇就行…… Fourth Elder Brother, thank you.” Wang Luojing partly closed one's eyes, throws the Wang Shouzhe bosom, in brief, Luojing pledged, certainly, will certainly protect Fourth Elder Brother for a lifetime.” 四哥哥,谢谢你。”王珞静半闭着眼睛,扑到了王守哲怀里,“总之,珞静发誓,一定,一定会守护四哥哥一辈子。” Hehe ~ Luojing Luojing, your words touch Fourth Elder Brother, also believes your words.” Wang Shouzhe smiled, is rubs turns over to rub, can the strange insect, not throw toward my arms. Your this small honey trap, to me may, no matter uses.” “呵呵~珞静珞静,你的话让四哥哥挺感动的,也相信你的话。”王守哲笑了起来,“就是蹭归蹭,能不能别把奇奇怪怪的虫子,往我怀里丢啊。你这小小美人计,对我可不管用。” Saying, he counts on the fingers a ball, one foot long red big centipede has not rendered meritorious service, was shaken to fly by him, after the ground swayed from side to side several next was killed. 说着,他屈指一弹,一条一尺多长的红头大蜈蚣还未立功,便被他震飞出去,在地上扭动了几下后丧了命。 ...... ……
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