POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#59: Great Demon King Wang Shouzhe

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...... …… This female has the enormous training value. 此女有极大的培养价值。 Moreover her young only 23 years old, actually already Qi Refining Boundary three layers. Such cultivation base compared with clan in bloodline disciple, although some were inferior, actually also differs is not very far. Therefore her talent not bad at the same time, is very diligently. 而且她的年龄不大仅二十三岁,却已经炼气境三层。此等修为比起家族中的血脉弟子虽有不如,却也相差不是很远。因此她天赋不差的同时,想必也是非常努力。 Nearby Wang Zhong, is good long time to recover, the forced smile said: Wang Mei, experienced you to use the face-painting before, where has today this scene, fierce fierce.” 一旁的王忠,也是好半晌才回过神来,苦笑不已道:“王梅,以前也见识过你使用化妆术,却哪有今天这番光景,厉害厉害。” Uncle Zhong, this is Meimei is average from the small look, then gradually likes putting on make-up, closes to entertain.” The Wang Mei sound is clear, the wonderful pupil also cancelled Wang Zhong animated, such small technique, cannot amount to something.” 忠叔,这不过是梅梅从小相貌平平,便逐渐喜欢化妆,关起门来自娱自乐罢了。”王梅的声音清脆婉转,妙眸还俏生生地勾了一眼王忠,“此等小术,上不得台面。” Wang Zhong the heartbeat like the drum, the breathing rapidly, turns around immediately: Wang Mei, you must speak not again thus and such and such, I have the wife and children.” 王忠登时心跳如鼓,呼吸急促,转过身去:“王梅,你莫要再如此这般说话了,我已有妻儿了。” His sansishi-year- old man, if not for is familiar with Wang Mei, at this moment feared wants the move. 他一个三四十岁的老男人,若不是对王梅非常熟悉,这一刻怕是要中招了。 Also looks at Wang Shouzhe is dark under funny, is gathering you , if no wife and children, prepares, since? 看得王守哲也是暗下好笑,合着你若是没有妻儿,就准备从了? Ok, that this mission gave Wang Mei.” Wang Shouzhe coughed the quantity body, the serious say/way, Wang Zhong, you temper was usually calm, is managed this information general situation by you. The manpower in clan you can apply to transfer, you come to coordinate, must record the Wang Mei security sincerely, can not to complete mission, but is excessively risky.” “好了,那这个任务就交给王梅了。”王守哲咳嗽了量身,郑重道,“王忠,你素来性子沉稳,由你主持这次情报大局。家族中的人手你可以申请调用,你居中策应,须得谨记王梅的安全,不得为了完成任务而过分冒险。” Wang Zhong receives an order.” Wang Zhong austere sound cups the hands, the stance is serious. 王忠领命。”王忠肃声拱手,姿态严肃无比。 Wang Mei.” Wang Shouzhe also said that your face-painting seemingly small technique, but if used, in the future must become the great talent. However, your modeling effeminacy is excessive, the deportment excessively is also partial easily gently and charmingly artificial. Copes young one generation that these have not experienced also good, perhaps if opposite party these old fox worldly-wise people, the strength has the non- danger.” 王梅。”王守哲又道,“你的化妆术看似小术,但若是用好了,未来必成大器。不过,你的造型脂粉气过重,仪态也容易过度偏向娇柔做作。对付那些没见识的年轻一辈还行,若是对方那些老狐狸老江湖,恐怕力有不殆。” Afterward, Wang Shouzhe some principles that the previous life hear comes to see on making the reorganization, spoke thoughtlessly with the Wang Mei hear. How to foster like what renowned young woman, how through the careless manner, to making the opposite party feel that you are immeasurably deep. 随后,王守哲上辈子听来看来的一些理论略作整理,随口说与王梅听。像什么名媛如何养成啊,如何通过漫不经心的行为举止,让对方觉得你深不可测。 What desire resists also to welcome, wants to welcome also resists, if anything to if, anything is neither friendly nor aloof!! 什么欲拒还迎,欲迎还拒,什么若离若即,什么若即若离!! In Wang Shouzhe previous life, these things were too many were too many, even there are special renowned young woman to foster the training class, more hateful also had various PUA training and practices. 王守哲上辈子,这些东西太多太多了,甚至有专门的名媛养成培训班,更可恶的还有各种PUA培训与实践。 Under he is influenced by what one sees and hears, understood that the theoretical knowledge is more advanced than and rich Wang Mei. 他耳濡目染下,懂得理论知识比王梅先进和丰富许多。 Wang Mei hears is the eye more and more shining, Family Head this was opened a leaf of new world front door to her, originally had so broad heaven and earth to wait for her to display. 王梅听得是眼睛越来越发亮,家主这是给她打开了一扇新世界的大门,原来有如此广阔的天地等着她去施展。 Wang Zhong and Wang Gui, actually more listen more to feel fearful, the whole body shivers. 王忠王贵,却是越听越觉得可怕,浑身颤抖。 If Wang Mei really can achieve Family Head to say like that on this world also has the means of livelihood of man? These by the goal that she stares , did one after another play in the stock palms? 若是王梅真的能做到家主说得那般,这世界上还有男人的活路吗?那些被她盯上的目标,岂不是一个个被玩弄在股掌之间? Records sincerely, cannot make the goal character go well finally.” Wang Shouzhe said, first you are my Wang Clan Family Guard, does not think that you sacrificed so the situation. Secondly, to is most beautiful, whether there is the imaginary space that completely the man cannot obtain, not necessarily cannot use in the future the second time.” “还有谨记一点,最终不能让目标人物得手。”王守哲说道,“一来你是我王氏家将,不想你牺牲到如此地步。二来,对男人来说得不到的才是最美的,才有无尽的想象空间,将来未必不能利用第二次。” Wang Mei respectfully follows the Family Head instruction.” Wang Mei was convinced, Family Head worthily is Family Head. So understands the human nature unexpectedly, is so farsighted. Moreover Family Head is protecting her thoughts, is quite warm. 王梅谨遵家主教诲。”王梅服气了,家主不愧是家主。竟然如此深谙人性,如此深谋远虑。而且家主护着她的心思,让人好暖。 After leading mission, Wang Zhong Wang Mei asks to be excused. 领了任务之后,王忠王梅告退。 Wang Gui, goes to look for Wang Yong Wang Wu Wang An.” Wang Shouzhe also told. 王贵,去把王勇王武王安找来。”王守哲又吩咐说。 Who would imagine, Wang Gui of dog-leg has not always responded, but is stands there stupidly, as if brain is the Wang Mei appearance. Stirs up the Wang Shouzhe handle he to trample turns: „Is your prospect a little good?” 岂料,向来狗腿的王贵没有回应,而是痴痴呆呆地站在那里,仿佛满脑子都是王梅的模样。惹得王守哲一脚把他踹翻:“你有点出息行不行?” Family Head, I was wrong.” The Wang Gui inducing resuscitation comes, quickly asked for mercy, immediately revealed some anticipations, Family Head, you said that I and Meimei, didn't have possible? Properly speaking our status also calculates quite......” 家主,我错了。”王贵醒神过来,急忙告饶,随即又露出了些许期待,“家主,您说我和梅梅,有没有戏?按理说我们身份也算相当……” Hehe ~ Wang Shouzhe stared his one eyes, you give me soberly, that Wang Mei I can look, she is not that type is resigned in the female who home helps support the family. Her ambition imagines compared with you big, you cannot control her. If you really want to get married, which turn head I give you to inquire collateral branch that had/left ancestor bloodline, hurries to give me to roll to work.” “呵呵~王守哲瞪了他一眼,“你给我清醒一点,那王梅我看得出来,她不是那种甘心在家相夫教子的女子。她的野心比你想象中的大,你驾驭不住她的。你若真想成家,回头我给你打探打探哪家出了先祖血脉的旁系,赶紧给我滚去做事。” Yes, Family Head.” Wang Gui quickly tumbled to run. “是,家主。”王贵急忙连滚带爬地跑了出去。 While this neutral gear, Wang Shouzhe boiled pot spirit tea to oneself, is drinking slowly calmly. In Family Guard, unexpectedly also a Wang Mei so evildoer/monstrous talent female. 趁此空档,王守哲自己煮了一壶灵茶,慢悠悠地喝着静气凝神。家将之中,竟然还出了王梅如此一个妖孽女子。 However, if his Wang Shouzhe does not have the high-rank, is character quite old-fashioned Wang Dingyue takes on the position of Family Head as before, Wang Mei that evildoer/monstrous talent perhaps not the day of raising one's head, her talent may not even be shown forever. 不过,若是他王守哲没有上位,依旧是性格比较古板的王定岳担当家主之位的话,王梅那种妖孽之才恐怕永无出头之日,甚至她的才华都不一定会被展现出来。 Since by Wang Shouzhe were discovered such Liangcai/good lumber beautiful jade, is not possible to waste in vain. Copes with Liú Clan and Wang Clan these young disciples, but is Wang Mei great talent tested in a small task, practices acquiring a skill. 但是既然被王守哲发现此等良材美玉,自是不可能白白浪费。对付刘氏王氏的那些年轻弟子,不过是王梅牛刀小试,练练手而已。 Has waited for this, must regarding Wang Mei this core. Builds to be under his Wang Shouzhe secret organization, a perfect intelligence agency. 等过了这一茬,须得围绕着王梅这个核心。打造出隶属于他王守哲的秘密机构,一个完善的情报机构。 However this matter is also too early saying that must looks at the performance of her this time. 不过此事还言之过早,须得看她这一次的表现。 For the time being puts down. 暂且放下。 Afterward, Wang Yong and other Family Guard come the treasured sword, after an injunction, receives an order in abundance, does them should the matter of doing. 随后,王勇等几位家将前来宝刀,一番嘱咐后纷纷领命,去做他们该做的事情。 But Wang Shouzhe, idled for a while. 王守哲,也是一时闲了下来。 He as the household head, is certainly impossible, does not need to go to everything to do it yourself. Everything personally takes care of things, will only wipe to destroy completely their management abilities, will make his oneself energy time insufficient. 他身为一家之主,当然不可能,也无需去事事亲力亲为。凡事事必躬亲,只会抹灭掉他们的办事能力,也会让他自己精力时间远不够用。 In this time. 正在此时。 Out of the door broadcasts a sound: Family Head in? I am maidservant Wang Xiaoyu in Young Lady Luoyi room.” 门外传来一个声音:“家主在吗?我是珞伊小姐房里的侍女王小玉。” Comes.” Wang Shouzhe said. “进来。”王守哲说道。 The side hall entrance, enters a 18 or 19 years old young maidservant, her appearance is quite good-looking, wants to be stronger than Wang Mei. However with displaying compared with evil technique the attraction after Wang Mei, is completely not a rank. 偏厅门口,走进一位十八九岁的年轻侍女,她模样颇为俊俏,远比王梅要强许多。但是和施展邪术后的王梅的吸引力相比,就完全不是一个等级了。 Has to acknowledge of face-paintings three big evil technique are very fearful. 不得不承认三大邪术之一的化妆术真的很可怕。 Wang Xiaoyu does not dare to look up Wang Shouzhe, collected the ritual saying: Xiaoyu paid a visit Family Head, Young Lady Luoyi said that many days have not seen Family Head. Ad hoc Xiaoyu inquired Family Head, had the time to eat a meal together.” 王小玉不敢抬头看王守哲,敛礼说:“小玉拜见家主,珞伊小姐说有好些日子没有见到家主了。特遣小玉过来询问一下家主,是否有时间一起用膳。” Wang Luoyi. 王珞伊 That is blood relative Elder Sister of Wang Shouzhe children of the same mother, in he remembers, because sister and brother two people young loses one's mother, relies on one another to snuggle up to the sentiment to be very deep. 那是王守哲一母同胞的嫡亲姐姐,在他记忆中,姐弟两人因为年幼丧母,彼此之间相依相偎感情十分深厚。 Immediately, a compassion well ups, the nod said: You go back to report report Elder Sister, after I slightly prepare, on the past.” 当即,一股思念之情涌上了心头,点头说:“你回去禀报姐姐,我略作准备后就过去。” Wang Xiaoyu receives an order to ask to be excused. 王小玉领命告退。 But Wang Shouzhe under taking care of young male servant Wang Gui, washes the face, put in order the clothes, was illuminating the photo to the large-scale bronze mirror. Un, the appearance as if is very uncommonly martial-looking, does not lose full of vigor and vitality reserved, the appearance is good. 王守哲在小厮王贵的服侍下,也是洗了把脸,整了整衣冠,对着大型铜镜照了照。嗯,模样似乎很是英武不凡,朝气蓬勃而不失内敛,卖相非常不错。 If also long this appearance makings on Earth, Wang Shouzhe estimated that oneself can eat meal by the face. 若是在地球上也长这模样气质,王守哲估计自己靠脸就能吃饭。 Wang Shouzhe took some spirit tea, seafood that Hundred Islands Garrison brings, several grains of gold/metal pearls that have some spirit qi. Prepares the gift to carry by Wang Gui, this paces to go easely. 王守哲拿了些许灵茶,百岛卫带回来的海珍,还有几粒带有些许灵气的金珍珠。准备好礼物由王贵拎着,这才悠悠然地踱步而去。 Old Ancestor Zhouxuan for the long-term perspective, main house of plan construction was very initially big. The boudoir institute that Elder Sister Wang Luoyi lives is quite lonesome and quiet, paces to require the near quarter of an hour multi- time. 当初宙轩老祖为了长远考虑,规划建造的主宅很大。姐姐王珞伊住的闺院比较幽静,踱步过去要近一刻钟多时间。 In this main house, various vegetation are perhaps many, is the chlorine is everywhere dense. Especially initially planted some old trees, now more than 100 years passed by, grew into the lofty tree, the crown continuous camouflage, walk under the sun, not only do not expose to the sun, instead the cool feeling is full. 主宅家中,各种植被也许多,到处都是绿气森森。尤其是当初种了一些古种古树,如今一百多年过去了,都长成了参天大树,树冠连绵遮蔽,走在日头下非但不晒,反而凉意十足。 Fully manifests the truth that the predecessor planting trees later generation enjoyed the cool air. 充分体现了前人栽树后人乘凉的道理。 main house more depends on the mountain range direction, is lonesome and quiet, here many in unmarried girl junior and others to family/home, except for too young can with the parents stay together, other will be independent the housing. 主宅越靠山脉方向,越是幽静,此处多是给家中闺女小辈等住的,除了年纪太小的会和父母住在一起,其余都会独立出来居住。 Also opened the one after another small pond besides the courtyard, the rockery, the flower garden and so on, the pavilion corridor wait/etc, the scenery is quite refined. 除了院子外还开辟了一个个小池塘,假山,花圃之类,凉亭走廊等等,风景颇为雅致。 When Wang Shouzhe is pacing, is enjoying this rare quietness. 王守哲正踱着步,享受着这一份难得的清静时。 Unexpectedly. 蓦地。 Front hears noise. 前面传来一阵嘈杂声。 Wang Shoulian, you, if lost me to want you to be attractive.” A sound somewhat aggressive little girl voice resounds. 王守廉,你要是打输了我要你好看。”一个声音有些霸气的小女孩声音响起。 Fifth Elder Brother refuels I to support you, losing to Sixth Elder Brother lost face too.” Another familiar girl voice, good, is the Wang Luojing sound. 五哥哥加油我支持你,输给六哥哥就太丢人了。”另外一个熟悉的女孩声音,好吧,是王珞静的声音。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Transmits, fists and feet junctions strike, sound that the qi energy collides. 传来啪啪啪,一声声拳脚交击,气劲碰撞的声音。 Old Fifth is Old Sixth in comparing notes? 老五老六在在切磋? The Ping'an Wang Clan shou generation adult male, from oldest Wang Shouxin to smallest Wang Shouye, altogether has seven. Wang Shouzhe placed fourth, behind also has three Younger Brother. 平安王氏守字辈男丁,从年龄最大的王守信到最小的王守业,一共有七个。王守哲不过是排在第四而已,后面还有三个弟弟 two that now compares notes, is Fifth Brother Wang Shouyong, Sixth Brother Wang Shoulian. 现在切磋的两位,是五弟王守勇,六弟王守廉 aristocratic family is so, age more remote aristocratic family, the age gap in rank will be bigger. 世家就是如此,年代越久远的世家,辈分之中的年龄差距就会越大。 Wang Shouzhe smiles, he did not join in the fun, so as to avoid their several cautious. 王守哲笑了笑,他就不去凑热闹了,免得他们几个拘谨。 Just when wants to flash the person quietly, actually heard the big girl Wang Lici sound suddenly: Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulian, haven't you eaten meal? one after another soft lenient foot, like what man?” 刚想悄悄闪人时,却忽而听得大丫头王璃慈的声音:“王守勇,王守廉,你们都没吃饭吗?一个个软手软脚,像什么男人?” Big girl, do not disturb in side.” Wang Shouyong called out, on your group of you.” “大丫头,你别在旁边捣乱啊。”王守勇叫道,“你行你上啊。” „Is, the big girl you must call our uncles!” Wang Shoulian hits while backed up, our rank was bigger than you.” “就是就是,大丫头你要叫我们叔!”王守廉边打边帮腔,“我们辈分比你大。” Oh, the rank is greatly useful. this Young Lady little dried fish gave for nothing you to eat, the least bit strength did not rise.” Wang Lici long sighs, „, does your, how punch wins Fourth Uncle that Great Demon King?” “唉,辈分大有什么用啊。本小姐小鱼干白给你们吃了,半点力气都不涨。”王璃慈长长地叹了一口气,“唉,就你们这样,怎么揍得赢四叔那个大魔王?” Fourth Uncle...... 四叔…… Great Demon King? 大魔王 The Wang Shouzhe whole face touches the nose stunned, when was he many this nickname? 王守哲满脸错愕地摸了摸鼻子,他什么时候多了这个绰号? ...... ……
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