POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#58: ordinary Family Guard Wang Mei

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...... …… This insect plague, must say that is damaged most seriously, naturally is these does not have inferior profound warrior aristocratic family that the means resist natural calamities. 此次虫灾,要说受损最严重的,自然是那些没有办法抗灾的末流玄武世家 For example Zhao Clan and Liú Clan. 例如赵氏刘氏 Calculates to understand sketchily, calculates by the beforehand model, 20 mu place reduces production 70%, then only then 90 big copper incomes, the tenant farmer must divide 30 big copper to guarantee a minimum, then the taxes of 40 big copper, the farm cattle farm tool seed amortizations of 10 big copper, 20 big copper Insect Exterminating Powder. Only these, let Zhao Clan Liú Clan this season, not only has no harvest at all, every 20 mu must paste 10 big copper. 粗略计算一下就能明白,还是以之前的典型来计算,二十亩地减产70%,便只有90大铜收益,佃农要分走30大铜保底,然后还有40大铜的税,十大铜的耕牛农具种子摊销,20大铜的灭虫散。仅这些,就让赵氏刘氏这一季非但颗粒无收,每二十亩还得贴出去十大铜。 By Liú Clan, their several villages add about 10,000 mu over good farmland, therefore they, not only 1 silver coin cannot gain, but must give instead of taking 50 Qian gold. 刘氏来说,他们几个农庄加起来大约有一万亩出头的良田,因此他们非但一个角子赚不到,还得倒贴出去50乾金 This Qian gold, but also and others paid wages excluding Chancellor agriculture and sericulture, in addition always gives instead of taking one hundred Qian gold over. 这笔乾金,还不包括农桑主事等开支,加起来总倒贴得超过一百乾金 Sounding like gives instead of taking hundred Qian gold is not many, but in fact, their wave must owe to spitting blood. Because the normal year's harvest, these 10,000 mu good farmland this seasons can take to them to gain purely 800-900 Qian gold, this goes, owed over a thousand Qian gold net profits. 听起来好像倒贴一百乾金不是很多,可实际上,他们这一波要亏到吐血了。因为原本正常年景,这一万亩良田这一季可以带给他们纯盈利800-900乾金,这一来一去,就是亏了上千乾金纯利。 Normally, like Liú Clan this aristocratic family, one year of expenses is also very huge, one year can accumulate next 500-600 Qian gold to calculate their skill additionally. Only is the loss of this thousand Qian gold, then has folded their two years of savings. 正常情况下,像刘氏这种世家,一年的开销也是非常庞大的,一年能额外攒下500-600乾金算他们本事了。光是这一千乾金的亏损,便已经将他们两年积蓄折进去了。 Perhaps a fatal news, Shouzhe you do not know.” Gongsun Hui also said, „the Changning Garrison government authorities have ordered to various aristocratic family, this land tax can not be tax-deductible with Qian gold, must pay grain.” “还有一个致命消息,守哲你恐怕不知道。”公孙蕙又说道,“长宁卫官府已经向各世家下了命令,此次夏税不得用乾金抵税,要实打实的纳粮。” So the news, Wang Shouzhe also held breath a cold air/Qi, this was toward dying compelled floor profound warrior aristocratic family. In the past, pay grain or money, paid in full the equivalent amount on the line. 如此消息,王守哲也是倒吸了一口冷气,这是把底层玄武世家往死了逼啊。往年光景,纳粮或是纳钱都可以,交足等值数额就行了。 However this year various aristocratic family lack the grain, if pay grain, will create to have one misfortune after another to floor profound warrior aristocratic family. However this and excluding Wang Clan, as well as Wang Clan some relations by marriage allies, because everyone this time preserves the output, pay grain can accept. 但是今年各世家本身就缺粮,若是实打实纳粮的话,会对底层玄武世家造成雪上加霜。但是这并不包括王氏,以及王氏的一些姻亲盟友,因为大家这次保住产量,纳粮还是纳得起的。 Attacks truly, is Ping'an Liú Clan Zhao Clan this aristocratic family. Their grain-ration book are not many, pay grain pays taxes again, will pull out to empty their stocks. What to do compelled anxiously, naturally was can only pass the burden the pressure on the floor civilians, even was the tenant farmer. 真正打击到的,便是平安刘氏赵氏这种世家。他们粮本就不多,再一纳粮交税,会掏空他们的库存。逼急了怎么办呢,当然是只能将压力转嫁给底层平民,甚至是佃农了。 „The order of government authorities, pours also understood.” The Wang Shouzhe dignified say/way, is the overall lacks the grain by the Changning Garrison area inevitably, if the government authorities do not need this order to assemble the grain to aristocratic family, is only in garrison seat is very likely the eruption chaos.” “官府的命令,倒也是理解。”王守哲凝重道,“以长宁卫地区来说必然是总体缺粮,如果官府不用此命令向世家调集粮食,光是卫城内就极有可能爆发混乱局面。” Shouzhe was this time, has a mind to watch the Zhao Clan Liú Clan good play?” Gongsun Hui asked that land annexation inevitable disorder rose together simultaneously, in the Zhao Clan Liú Clan fire took chestnut/trembling not necessarily not to have the risk.” 守哲这一次,是有心看赵氏刘氏好戏了?”公孙蕙问道,“土地兼并必然乱象并起,赵氏刘氏火中取栗未必没有风险。” No!” “不!” The Wang Shouzhe pupil light solemnly, Ping'an/safe place, is Old Ancestor Zhouxuan cuts the place of ferocious beast opening up wasteland, and consumes the base industry that hundred years construct, how I look was spoiled helplessly by two wolves? Wants while to play the land annexation randomly, asked my Wang Shouzhe not to have! this time, I must make a move to ambush Zhao Clan Liú Clan, making them take a good look my Wang Shouzhe method.” 王守哲眸光冷峻不已,“平安一地,是宙轩老祖凶兽开荒之地,并耗费百年建下的基业,我岂会眼睁睁地看着被两条豺狼糟蹋?想趁乱玩土地兼并,问过我王守哲没有!这一次,我要出手狙击赵氏刘氏,让他们好好看看我王守哲的手段。” „The Shouzhe really good breadth of spirit, I not to have misread you.” The Gongsun Hui pupil light flash moves, how this time regardless of your decision, supports you for the mothers. The this time critical moment, is mother will certainly find the way to ask Old Ancestor Mang to come our Wang Clan to be a guest.” 守哲果然好气魄,我没有看错你。”公孙蕙眸光闪动,“这一次无论你的决定如何,为娘都支持你。这一次关键时刻,为娘一定会想办法请漭老祖来咱们王氏作客。” Old Ancestor Mang?” 漭老祖?” Wang Shouzhe complexion one happy, „can Aunt please move Old Ancestor Mang unexpectedly?” 王守哲脸色一喜,“大娘竟然能请的动漭老祖?” Among aristocratic family, the character of Old Ancestor level will not always meddle the battle between others aristocratic family at will, otherwise is quite easy to trigger large-scale relations by marriage faction battle. 世家之间,老祖级的人物向来是不会随意插手别人世家之间的争斗,否则极为容易引发更大规模的姻亲派系争斗。 Gongsun Hui said with a smile: You forgot, our Wang Clan fourth generation orthodox lineage eldest daughter Wang Lingdie Great Grandaunt, was marries Gongsun Clan to become the mistress, Old Ancestor Mang was her one's own son of first wife, half of blood relationships from our Wang Clan, the nature were intimate with our Wang Clan. Moreover you must forget not, Old Ancestor Mang that is my own Grandfather, some time past when returned to the maternal home, I also paid a visit him. He also regretted that very in the past Old Ancestor Longyan that war, only hated at that time him Qi Refining Boundary nine layers, and heard the news also late.” 公孙蕙笑道:“你难道忘记了,咱们王氏第四代嫡长女王玲蝶祖姑奶奶,便是嫁到了公孙氏当主母,漭老祖可是她老人家的亲生嫡子,有一半血缘来自咱们王氏,自然与咱王氏亲近。而且你莫要忘记,漭老祖那可是我的亲爷爷,前些时候回娘家时,我也拜见了他老人家。他也十分惋惜当年珑烟老祖那一战,只恨当时他才炼气境九层,且听到消息也晚了。” paused, Gongsun Hui also said: Old Ancestor Mang also listened to your maternal grandfather to say your matter, he was full of praise to you, wants to find the opportunity to see you. Believes that this time makes him be a guest, his temper, must not reject.” 顿了一下,公孙蕙又说:“漭老祖也听你外祖父说了你的事情,他对你可是赞不绝口,也想找机会见见你。相信这一次只是让他来作客,他老人家的性子,应当不会拒绝。” Okay good, was steadier.” Wang Shouzhe joyful looking, is also thinking the Old Ancestor Longyan body is not excellent, does not know whether to deter the opposite party. “好好好,如此一来就更稳了。”王守哲欣喜过望,原本还想着珑烟老祖身体还未大好,不知能否震慑住对方呢。 If Old Ancestor Mang is willing to come to assume some days, how dare Liú Clan also Zhao Clan that two Old Ancestor does move heedlessly? 漭老祖愿意前来坐镇些日子,刘氏赵氏两位老祖岂敢乱动? Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui said again the little while words, then said goodbye to depart. 王守哲公孙蕙再说了会儿话,便告辞离去。 Simultaneously ambushes Zhao Clan and Liú Clan, is a huge matter, must calculates to plan well, otherwise not careful don't by wild goose pecking blind eye. 同时狙击赵氏刘氏,是一件天大的事情,须得好好盘算谋划,否则一个不小心别被雁啄瞎了眼睛。 Information! 情报! Always is the basis that both armies battle. 向来是两军交战的根本。 Wang Shouzhe called Wang Zhong, the Wang Zhong strength is not strong, only Qi Refining Boundary four layers high stage. However recently gradually discovered, this person of character quite calm management is appropriate, the brain is also very flexible. 王守哲王忠叫了过来,王忠的实力不强,仅炼气境四层高阶。但是最近逐渐发现,此人性格比较沉稳办事妥当,脑子也很灵活。 Pays a visit Family Head.” After Wang Zhong passing through the gate, salutes to say. “拜见家主。”王忠进门后行礼道。 Dispense with ceremony.” Wang Shouzhe said, has not waited for you and family member reunites well, then wants you to handle matters, good work.” “免礼。”王守哲道,“还没等你与家人好好团聚,便要你去办事,辛苦了。” Is the Family Head management, isn't laborious.” The Wang Zhong vigor is soaring, hears the management eye to shine. “为家主办事,不辛苦不辛苦。”王忠精气神非常高昂,一听到办事眼睛都发亮。 Not only this is Family Head acts the natural issue, but thought Family Head often acts, turns the hand for the cloud turning over the palm is the rain, Wang Clan has the big Xingwang/prosper indication in the Family Head hand. Family Guard and main family, that is the relations of one prospers then all prosper one suffers then all suffer. 这不单是家主出手大方的问题,而是觉得家主每每出手,都是翻手为云覆手为雨,王氏家主手中有大兴旺的征兆。家将与主家,那是一荣俱荣一损俱损的关系。 Wang Shouzhe smiles, the matter that needs him to handle will say. 王守哲笑了笑,将需要他办的事情说了一下。 Wang Zhong pondered seriously the little while said: Family Head, intelligence non- subordinate manager. The subordinates recommend Family Guard Wang Mei to Family Head, she is 23 years old, cultivation base actually achieves Qi Refining Boundary three layers. However her thoughts exquisite observation in every way possible, moreover is good at putting on makeup to submerge, collects the clue.” 王忠郑重地思考了会儿说:“家主,情报工作非属下所长。属下向家主推荐一位家将王梅,她年仅二十三岁,修为却达到炼气境三层。但是她心思细腻观察入微,而且非常善于化装潜入,收集线索。” Wang Shouzhe shows neither approval nor disapproval, sends people to draw on Wang Mei, wants to inspect personally. 王守哲不置可否,派人将王梅招来,想亲自考核一番。 The non- moment, Family Guard Wang Mei rushes, she salutes in reverential awe: Pays a visit Family Head.” 不片刻,家将王梅赶至,她诚惶诚恐地行礼:“拜见家主。” Wang Shouzhe sized up, this female look is average, seems has turned the head, will then forget that what she is long. However her stature is actually good, concave-convex exquisite, the thigh is slender, obviously the explosive force is good. 王守哲打量了一番,此女相貌平平毫不起眼,好似一转过头去,便会忘记她长啥样子。不过她身材倒是不错,凹凸玲珑,腿部修长结实,显然爆发力不错。 Immediately is interested saying: Dispense with ceremony, Wang Zhong said that you are good at putting on makeup to submerge, the thoughts are fine, can you asking for leniency situation?” 当即感兴趣道:“免礼,王忠说你擅长化装潜入,心思细巧,你能说说情况吗?” Returns to Family Head.” Wang Mei said calm, subordinate indeed is good at putting on makeup to submerge.” “回家主。”王梅沉稳地说道,“属下的确擅长化装潜入。” ~ you are very actually self-confident.” Wang Shouzhe said, you whether to show me to have a look.” “哦~你倒是挺自信。”王守哲笑着说,“你能否展现一下我看看。” Wang Mei expressed that but she needs to do some preparatory work. 王梅表示可以,但是她需要去做一些准备工作。 Wang Shouzhe came the interest actually, making her prepare to be fuller. After she retreats, Wang Shouzhe sets one's mind at ease, starts to plan this time to plan. 王守哲倒是来了兴致,让她准备充分一些。等她退去后,王守哲又沉下心来,开始谋划起此次计划来。 This plan said that is not the matter of being as deep as a well, is only a small commercial ambush. This matter, is performing on Earth frequently. 这次计划说起来也不是什么高深莫测之事,只是一场小小的商业狙击而已。这种事情,在地球上时时刻刻都在上演。 However Wang Shouzhe actually plans to be careful, this heaven-sent opportunity, does not allow to miss. 但是王守哲却谋划起来非常仔细,此次天赐良机,不容错失。 The step of one after another plan gradually takes shape...... 一个个计划的步骤逐渐成型…… Pays a visit Family Head.” A vigorous male voice resounds. “拜见家主。”一个浑厚的男子声音响起。 Exempts......” Wang Shouzhe to turn head unexpectedly, actually sees strange male Family Guard cups the hands to stand, his figure is not tall impressive appearance, the surface net skin white/in vain is quite handsome, some Confucians aura. “免……”王守哲蓦地回头,却见一位陌生的男子家将拱手而立,他身材不高却器宇轩昂,面净肤白颇为英俊,有些儒将的气息。 „Are you?” Wang Shouzhe does not remember that Wang Clan also has such Family Guard, immediately the brow wrinkles. “你是?”王守哲不记得王氏还有这样一位家将,当即眉头皱起。 Family Head, subordinate Wang Mei.” Male Family Guard traded the female voice, immediately made Wang Shouzhe feel the style big change, the goosebumps braved, said surprisedly, „your also was really, unique, interesting interesting.” 家主,属下王梅。”男子家将换了女声,顿时让王守哲觉得画风大变,鸡皮疙瘩都冒了出来,惊奇不已道,“你这一手还真是,独特啊,有意思有意思。” Hears Family Head to praise, in the Wang Mei heart liked and said: Asked Family Head to wait a bit, the subordinate changed one again.” 听得家主夸赞,王梅心中欢喜又道:“请家主稍待,属下再去变一个。” A crossed double-hour. 过的一个时辰。 When Wang Mei appears again, Wang Shouzhe was shocked, Wang Zhong and Wang Gui were also shocked. 王梅再次出现时,王守哲被惊呆了,王忠王贵也被惊呆了。 At this time appears before them, is a graceful beautiful young female, she wears the tissue, treads the lotus women's shoes fully, in the hand is holding a ancient color flower umbrella, every time walks one step elegant and charming, raids secretly fragrant. 此时出现在他们面前的,是一位娉婷婀娜的妙龄女子,她身披薄纱,足踏荷花女鞋,手中撑着一把古色花伞,每走一步都摇曳生姿,暗香袭来。 What is most surprised, her face changed attractive, the deep red lip powder cheek, the long hair pulled, just like a big beautiful woman. 最为惊奇的是,她的脸变漂亮了,绛唇粉腮,长发挽起,活脱脱地就是一个大美女。 Her stance does obeisance gracefully, sound gentle like spring: Meimei pays a visit Family Head.” 她姿态盈盈一拜,声音轻柔如泉:“梅梅拜见家主。” Gurgle.” Nearby young male servant Wang Gui, swallowed saliva directly, the eye looked straight. “咕嘟。”一旁的小厮王贵,直接吞咽了一下口水,眼睛都看得直了。 Wang Shouzhe is actually experienced, recovers quickly. Simultaneously in heart surprised, this female face-painting had been in the reach a high degree of proficiency situation. Compared with previous life in these evildoer/monstrous talent face-paintings on some sound APP seeing, unexpectedly is not inferior. 王守哲倒是见多识广,很快回过神来。同时心中惊奇不已,此女的化妆术已经到了炉火纯青的地步。比起上辈子在某音APP上看到的那些妖孽般的化妆术,竟是毫不逊色。 This Wang Mei endures compared with the face-paintings of some sound these evildoer/monstrous talent, lets the Wang Shouzhe energetic big quake, this Ping'an Town to put it bluntly is the countryside in countryside, Liú Clan Zhao Clan these clan juniors, which has experienced so the scene? 王梅堪比某音那些妖孽的化妆术,让王守哲精神大震,这平安镇说穿了就是乡下中的乡下,刘氏赵氏那些家族子弟,哪个见识过如此场面? Perhaps Wang Mei slightly executes the sub-total, the information will then follow on somebody's heels. 恐怕王梅略施小计,情报便会接踵而至。 ...... ……
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