POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#57: Acceleration sprint Spirit Platform Boundary( Monday sought recommendation)

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...... …… At heart such fantasize, but the expression was a weeping appearance said: Fourth Uncle, you wait me to be really good.” 心里这么YY着,可表情却是一副喜极而泣的模样说:“四叔,你待我可真好。” Our family/home Lici is very clever, so long as you study hard well, Fourth Uncle also has other reward.” Wang Shouzhe rubbed her head to say with a smile, for example these delicious little dried fish and so on.” “咱们家璃慈还是很乖的,你只要好好用功的话,四叔还有别的奖励。”王守哲笑着揉了揉她的头说,“例如那些好吃的小鱼干之类。” Snort! My Wang Lici even young girl, but the young girl still has the dignity, do not think that some little dried fish can buy...... 哼!我王璃慈就算是一只少女,可少女也是有尊严的,别以为一些小鱼干就能收买…… May have words on the tip of the tongue, actually turned into eyes to shine, in the mouth promoted saliva or body fluids saying: Fourth Uncle can Fourth Uncle, how many reward?” 可话到嘴边,却变成了两眼放光,口中生津道:“四叔四叔,能奖励多少啊?” „The seafood between-meal snack that the trip brings, is processed by you.” Wang Shouzhe said naturally. “此行带回来的海珍零嘴,由你来处理。”王守哲大方地说道。 Wū wū ~ Fourth Uncle, you are really good to me.” The Wang Lici tears fall excitedly, the eye tearful is taking a look at Wang Shouzhe, felt that oneself thousand should not ten thousand not whisper to slander Fourth Uncle in the heart, should not hit his whole face to blossom, where such good does Fourth Uncle look? “呜呜呜~四叔,你对我真好。”王璃慈激动地眼泪都掉了下来,眼泪汪汪地瞅着王守哲,感觉自己千不该万不该在心中嘀咕诋毁四叔,更不该打得他满脸开花,这么好的四叔哪里找啊? Un, Fourth Uncle believes that you can process, must assign to everyone fairly.” Wang Shouzhe supplements saying that these between-meal snacks, in our family/home average per person under 20 years old, your nine chapters of arithmetics and keep accounts to study? Remembers that who led, must sign in the book.” “嗯,四叔相信你能处理好,一定要公平分配给大家。”王守哲补充说道,“这些零嘴,咱们家里20岁以下的人均一份,你九章算术和记账学过的吧?记得谁领了,都要在账簿上签个名。” Draw!! Difference! With! 平!均!分!配! Also must she precious between-meal snack, provide from house to house personally, this is how cruel, brutal! 还得她把珍贵的零食,挨家挨户地亲手送上,这是何其残忍,残酷! Fourth Uncle, you go too far, I and you spelled...... 四叔,你欺人太甚,我和你拼了…… Only pitifully, after Wang Shouzhe told, has vanished before her. 只可惜,王守哲吩咐完之后,已经消失在她面前了。 Stays behind with the young girls of several books alone, in wind disorderly. 独留下拿着几本书的少女,在风中凌乱不已。 ...... …… Wang Shouzhe returned to the oneself institute, has not handled anything, but slightly takes a rest. this time goes to rushing about of back and forth Hundred Islands Garrison, and spiritually somewhat is tired. 王守哲回到了自己院里,也没处理什么事情,而是略作休息。这一次百岛卫的来回奔波,身体和精神上都有些疲惫。 Was good passed because of the danger, so long as Old Ancestor Longyan can be healthy, Ping'an Wang Clan truly had based fundamentally. 好在危险都过去了,只要珑烟老祖身体能好起来,平安王氏才有真正的立足根本。 A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next day, Wang Shouzhe and Aunt Gongsun Hui bumped surface, this/should rendering an account of rendering an account, warehousing of this/should warehousing. In brief, big clan, the account cannot be chaotic, will otherwise have all sorts of bad problems. 翌日,王守哲大娘公孙蕙碰了一次面,该报账的报账,该入库的入库。总之,偌大的家族,账目可不能混乱,否则会出现种种不良问题。 So all sorts of surprised things and harvests, Gongsun Hui while making account, was frightened. Why Shouzhe goes out each time, will bring the unexpected pleasant surprise. 如此种种惊奇的事情与收获,公孙蕙在做账的同时,也是被惊吓到了。为何守哲每次出门回来,都会带来出乎预料的惊喜。 Aunt, the words of first sequence I deserve.” Wang Shouzhe said, resources, I prepare to oneself luxuriously. Every month the spirit food supply, compared with original many two times, Little Origin Cultivating Pill from each month 1, promote to each month 3, every month I also need 1 Origin Cultivating Pill, as well as first uses spirit stone temporarily.” 大娘,第一序列的话我当之无愧。”王守哲笑着说,“资源方面,我准备给自己奢侈一点。每月灵食供应,要比原来多两倍,小培元丹从每月一枚,提升到每月三枚,每月我还需要一枚培元丹,以及暂时先用一块灵石。” Then, Wang Shouzhe in the resources take on, went to the extremely luxurious exaggerating situation. Only is spirit rice every month is 15 jin (0.5 kg), spirit fish spirit meat respectively 15 jin (0.5 kg). 如此一来,王守哲在资源占用上,已经达到了极为奢侈夸张的地步。光是灵米每月就是十五斤,灵鱼灵肉各十五斤。 In addition medicinal pill and other consumptions, are not the spirit stone words, one year gets down to achieve 800-900 Qian gold cultivation resources. 加上丹药等消耗,不算灵石的话,一年下来要达到800-900乾金修炼资源。 Normally, after he promotes to Qi Refining Boundary seven layers, one year of cultivation resources budget at most more than 200 Qian gold, are equal to now directly is four times toward on! 45 times of resources, will not make the Wang Shouzhe cultivation speed achieve 45 times. 正常情况下,他晋升到炼气境七层后,一年的修炼资源预算才至多两百多乾金,现在等于直接就是四倍朝上了!四五倍资源,并不会让王守哲修炼速度达到四五倍。 Principle that in this edge effect decreases progressively in inside, can be more serious than original quick more than one time at most, in addition spirit stone auxiliary words, is plans at most again quickly, definitely cannot achieve the original three times of appearances. 这里面有一个边际效应递减的原理在里面,至多能比原来快一倍多就不得了了,加上灵石辅助的话,也顶多就是再快一筹,肯定达不到原来三倍的样子。 Ordinary profound warrior / black tortoise clan, son of first wife who even trains the first sequence, even goes to Spirit Platform Boundary, absolutely is impossible so luxuriously. 普通玄武家族,即便培养第一序列的嫡子,即便是冲着灵台境去的,也绝对不可能如此奢侈。 So requirement, is even Gongsun Hui stares the big eye to be somewhat surprised: Properly speaking, by Shouzhe your meritorious service, applying for so many cultivation resources is not improper. I feared these were used to thriftily Clan Elder, can some opinions. However is not important, has Old Ancestor Longyan to support you in the back, no one will gossip.” 如此要求,便是连公孙蕙都瞪大眼睛有些吃惊:“按理说,以守哲你的功勋,申领那么多修炼资源并无不妥。只是我怕那些节俭惯了的族老们,会有些意见。不过也不打紧,有珑烟老祖在背后支持你,谁也不会说闲话。” clan clan, is everyone's clan, is not his Wang Shouzhe this Patriarch person of all, other clan Elder naturally can express the opinion. 家族家族,是所有人的家族,并非是他王守哲族长一人所有,其余家族长老自然可以发表意见。 However Wang Shouzhe actually does not care, depending on his ability, this clan will gradually be in the transformation stage. Also, if starts to carry out the contribution system, by getting up to contribute, inevitably is Old Ancestor Longyan first, his second. 不过王守哲却不在乎,凭他的能力,这个家族会逐渐进入蜕变阶段。再说了,若开始执行贡献制度的话,论起贡献来,必然是珑烟老祖第一,他第二。 Even, he believes the oneself future contribution, but must surpass Old Ancestor Longyan. 甚至,他相信自己未来的贡献,还要超过珑烟老祖 Taking so many resources is not his heart is black, but really does not want to reach middle-age to have the opportunity to attack Spirit Platform. The most important thing is, this fantasy world is too dangerous, this cultivation base runs around depending on him now, sooner or later will have problems. 占用那么多资源并非是他心黑,而是实在不想人到中年才有机会冲击灵台。最重要的是,这玄幻世界太危险,凭他现在这种修为到处乱跑,迟早会出问题。 Therefore, is careless is safer in clan, speeds up progress cultivation to Spirit Platform Boundary some self-preservation abilities. 因此,还是苟在家族里安全一些,加快进度修炼灵台境才有些自保能力。 After this matter decides, Wang Shouzhe also said: Aunt, the matter of insect plague how?” 此事商定后,王守哲又道:“大娘,虫灾的事情如何了?” He left Changning Garrison on the 10 th, information has fallen behind. Hundred Islands Garrison that side situation is different, the opened paddies are extremely few, perhaps is the reason of geographical environment isolation, that side has not suffered a natural disaster actually. 他离开长宁卫十日,情报方面已经落后。百岛卫那边情况不一样,开辟的田地极少,兴许是地理环境隔绝的缘故,那边倒是没遭灾。 However then the grain scarcely has become inevitably, even if that side Hundred Islands Garrison will also receive to lack the grain impact. 不过接下来粮食紧缺已成必然,哪怕百岛卫那边也会受到缺粮冲击。 Situation is very bad.” Gongsun Hui seriously said, besides limited part of clan, other clan many have the grain production cut. However hardest-hit, is the land-holding peasants within various city various town/subdues various clan spheres of influence. Their resistance to the disaster situation is too bad, generally reduces production about 70%.” “情况很糟糕。”公孙蕙表情严肃地说道,“除了有限的一部分家族外,其余家族多少都有粮食减产。但是受灾最严重的,还是各城各镇各家族势力范围内的自耕农。他们对灾情的抵抗能力太差,普遍减产70%左右。” A Wang Shouzhe brow slightly wrinkle: Reduces production 70% words, although loses seriously, but the grain in storage adds the new grain, the land-holding peasant insisted that the next quarter rough rice mature won't be difficult? Is always insufficient also to miss compared with the tenant farmer.” 王守哲眉头微微一皱:“减产70%的话虽然损失惨重,但是存粮加新粮,自耕农坚持到下一季稻谷成熟不难吧?总不至于比佃农还差吧。” Shouzhe you have not to know.” Gongsun Hui said that first I and you said the tenant farmer, the tenant farmer families were one to 67 people. We by ordinary tenant farmer one household of three, the couple two labor force computation, they must be able to cultivate 20 mu place, normal year's harvest paddy rice wheat total value approximately 600 big copper. And Insect Exterminating Powder approximately needs 40 big copper, the farm cattle, farm tool and grain seed booth cancel an agreement 20 big copper, aristocratic family have good farmland to use the mu field 4 tax systems, namely town, garrison, commandery, country respectively 1 tax, 20 mu good farmland needs 80 big copper tax revenues. The so surplus approximately 460 big copper, need 37 to divide up money with the main family, namely this household of tenant farmer can divide to the benefits of 138 big copper.” 守哲你有所不知。”公孙蕙解释说,“首先我与你说说佃农,佃农家庭都是一至六七口人。咱们以普通的佃农一户三口,夫妻两个劳动力计算,他们应当能够耕种二十亩地,正常年景稻米麦子总价值约600大铜。其中灭虫散约需40大铜,耕牛、农具、粮种摊销约20大铜,世家自有良田采用亩田四税制,即镇卫郡国各一税,20亩良田需80大铜税收。如此剩余约460大铜,需要与主家三七分账,即这户佃农能分到138大铜的利益。” Three tenant farmer families, one year are Qian gold are more, remove the daily expenses like this, could not have anything.” Wang Shouzhe touches the nose, in the calculation is somewhat surprised. Before has also calculated the paddies income, did not have to calculate the income of tenant farmer carefully. “一户三口的佃农家庭,一年就是一个乾金多一些,这样除掉日用开销,也剩不下什么了。”王守哲摸了摸鼻子,内心略有些吃惊。之前也算过田地收入,却没有仔细去算佃农的收益。 Tenant farmer wind resistant important is stronger , because above is also going against profound warrior aristocratic family after all.” Gongsun Hui said that „, for the stable tenant farmer work, the main family will guarantee a minimum to the tenant farmer, even if has no harvest at all , the incomes of 60 big copper, so can make them cultivate safely.” “佃农之所以抗风险要强一些,是因为毕竟上面还顶着玄武世家。”公孙蕙道,“为了稳定佃农作业,主家都会对佃农有保底,哪怕颗粒无收,也会有60大铜的收益,如此能让他们安心耕作。” Naturally, these incomes refer to not purely Qian gold. But is the commodity and Qian gold of assignment, the book value of synthesizing. 当然,这些收益指的是并非纯粹乾金。而是分配的物资与乾金,综合出来的账面价值。 In addition, the tenant farmer will usually also raise some chicken duck geese few, the house plants some fruits and melons vegetables, these will supply to our aristocratic family, net-income of one year of getting down can also have 20-30 big copper.” Gongsun Hui answered patiently, „when slack farming season, we will also organize the tenant farmer to reclaim wasteland, the river course desilting, the construction house, reinforced stream bank wait/etc work, these will have about 20 big copper. Therefore ordinary three tenant farmer families, one year can also have 180-190 big copper, even if famine year can also hundred big copper.” “此外,佃农平常也会少量养一些鸡鸭鹅等,屋前屋后种一些瓜果蔬菜等,这些都会供应给咱们世家,一年下来的纯收益也能有20-30大铜。”公孙蕙耐心地解释道,“农闲之时,咱们也会组织佃农进行垦荒,河道清淤,修建屋舍,加固河堤等等工作,这些也会有二十大铜左右。因此一户普通三口佃农家庭,一年也能有180-190大铜,哪怕灾年也能过百大铜。” Wang Shouzhe hears the secret nod , the day of tenant farmer also calculates that has stably, has the main family to cover after all, even if famine year makes a great effort can also. If bumps into the good harvest year, the day is excessively thriftier, many can also accumulate the next big copper. 王守哲听得暗暗点头,如此说来,佃农的日子还算过得稳定,毕竟有主家罩着,哪怕灾年勒紧裤腰带也能过。若是碰到丰年,日子过节俭一些,多少还能攒下一笔大铜。 But the land-holding peasant was different.” Gongsun Hui said, such as the tenant farmer family was common a moment ago, has the land-holding peasant of 20 mu place, if this season reduces production 70%, this season then only then the incomes of 90 big copper, season farm cattle rent with the seed must remove 10 big copper, Insect Exterminating Powder invests 20 big copper, the tax money is 5 tax systems, aristocratic family town, garrison, commandery, country respectively 1 tax, now when collects the land tax, 20 mu place needs to pay the tax money of 50 big copper. How many can they also the remaining?” “但是自耕农就不一样了。”公孙蕙说道,“如刚才佃农家庭一般,拥有二十亩地的自耕农,此季若是减产70%的话,这一季便只有90大铜的收益,一季耕牛租借与种子要去掉十大铜,灭虫散投入20大铜,税金是五税制,世家镇卫郡国各一税,现在正是收夏税之时,二十亩地需要缴纳50大铜的税金。他们还能剩下多少?” Before had also said that local profound warrior aristocratic family had the responsibility of An Min defending one's country, presented bandit ferocious beast, the evil incident wanted aristocratic family to exterminate processing, must assist local Guard Residence to collect taxes. Therefore, good farmland tax money within the sphere of influence, aristocratic family must tax 1 tax. 之前也说过,当地玄武世家有安民守土之责,出现匪盗凶兽,恶性事件都要世家去清剿处理,同时也要协助当地镇守府收税。因此,势力范围内的良田税金,世家也要抽一税。 However Wang Clan now the sphere of influence is very small, except for having the village roughly amounts to about 600 households tenant farmers, the sphere of influence also on the remaining more than 1000 households of appearances, manages the good farmland total of civilians also less than 20,000 mu, the tax money of every year pulling out about to 100 dozens Qian gold, consumes much, can only say the better than nothing. 不过王氏现在势力范围很小,除了自有农庄约莫总计六百户左右佃农,势力范围也就剩下一千多户的样子,下辖平民的良田总数还远不到两万亩,每年抽到的税金合到一百几十乾金,其中还有不少消耗,只能说聊胜于无。 „, Were these land-holding peasants basically equivalent in this season have no harvest at all?” Wang Shouzhe knits the brows to say slightly, so situation, but can also collect taxes?” “如此说来,那些自耕农在这一季基本相当于颗粒无收了?”王守哲微微皱眉道,“如此情况,还要收税?” Tax is the basis of country, town, garrison, commandery, country, is depends on the tax revenue to support. But field tax is the biggest categories of taxes, was short of this organization at all levels to be unsustainable.” Gongsun Hui explained said, perhaps this summer harvest, the Longzuo Commandery national tax may relieve. However eventually, the part will not have operated the good land-holding peasant family to have very major difficulty, but at this time, will often have some profound warrior aristocratic family to start plan of the land annexation.” “税是国之根本,镇、卫、郡、国,都是靠着税收在支撑。而田税是最大的税种,少了这一块各级机构难以维持。”公孙蕙解释说道,“此次夏收,陇左郡的国税也许有可能会免掉。但是终究,还是会有一部分本身没经营好的自耕农家庭会出现很大困难,而这种时候,往往会有一些玄武世家开始土地兼并之策。” For example Zhao Clan and Liú Clan, this time they hit by disaster and lose are very fierce, the eye probably was red. All sorts of signs showed, they must while annex some lands randomly.” Gongsun Hui sneered saying that wolf was the wolf, even put on the aristocratic family skin, was eventually difficult the natural disposition that escaped to be insatiably greedy.” “例如赵氏刘氏,这一次他们受灾和损失很厉害,眼睛都好像红了。种种迹象表明,他们要趁乱兼并些土地。”公孙蕙冷笑说,“豺狼就是豺狼,就算披上了世家的皮,终究还是难逃贪得无厌的本性。” ...... ……
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