POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#62: Really steel male Wang Shouzhe

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...... …… ...... 呃…… Wang Shouzhe has not actually walked away, looks to listen in the distant place secretly. He in this crowd of Younger Brother Younger Sister to clan, is concerned very much. 王守哲其实并没有走远,偷偷在远处看着听着呢。他对家族里这群弟弟妹妹们,还是很挂在心上的。 From the beginning hears frequently to nod, has Wang Luoqiu, this group of Younger Brother Younger Sister one after another felt the tremendous pressure. This pressure, transforms as the power words is also the good deed. 一开始还是听得频频点头,有王珞秋在,这帮弟弟妹妹一个个都感受到了巨大压力。这种压力,转化为动力的话也是好事。 May hear the following that broken girl actually to spout rhetoric, even his Wang Shouzhe must suppress. 可一听到后面那破丫头竟然大放厥词,连他王守哲都要镇压。 Hehe ~ ~ Wang Luoqiu Wang Luoqiu, turn head Fourth Brother certainly on well on the pressure on you, what making you feel the concern from elder brother. 呵呵~~王珞秋王珞秋,回头四哥一定会给你好好上上压力,让你感受到什么叫来自兄长的关怀。 However on the other hand, some Wang Shouzhe many pressures, must cultivation, not lose to them to lose face well next year. 不过话又说回来,王守哲多少还是有些压力的,得好好修炼,明年别输给她们才丢人了。 Invested to the clan new generation resources massively, in addition Wang Luoqiu this Sheatfish essence In mixing, the growth speeds of this group of kids slow not. 家族新生代资源大量投入,加上王珞秋这条【鲶鱼精】在搅和,这帮小破孩们的成长速度慢不了。 However Wang Shouzhe eventually is very gratified, if clan is powerful, how could it not be light/only dead of exhaustion by him? Extends the unceasing outstanding clan juniors, is a clan genuine foundation. 然而王守哲终究还是很欣慰,一个家族若想强盛,光靠他一个人岂非累死?延绵不绝的优秀家族子弟,才是一个家族真正的根基。 Wang Clan clan young one generation, is at the best growth period. 王氏家族年轻一代,正是处在最佳成长期。 Beforehand clan was too poor, for his one direct descendant to Qi Refining Boundary nine layers, is the buckle the suo suo is reluctant. About 30-year sprint process, always consumes the cultivation commodity to about one ten thousand Qian gold, moreover cultivation arrives at the more high place, more must eat the resources. 只是以前家族太穷了,供他一个嫡系冲炼气境九层,已经是扣扣索索非常勉强了。长达30年左右的冲刺过程,其中总耗费修炼物资要将近一万乾金,而且修炼到越高处,越要吃资源。 Other Younger Brother Younger Sister, even is the eighth generation of children, even if the aptitude is unable so to train like him again outstandingly, clan could not have supplied second Wang Shouzhe. 其余弟弟妹妹,甚至是第八代的孩子,哪怕资质再优秀也无法像他这般培养,家族已经供不起第二个王守哲了。 Therefore, young one generation before age 12, the resources can also many, the resources be getting fewer and fewer later. The adult males are more than the girl, but also many limited. 因此,年轻一代在12岁前,资源还能多一点,随后资源就会越来越少。男丁比女孩要多一些,但是也多的有限。 Now these children, are depend on the elders nurse resources in reluctantly cultivation. With Third Elder Brother Wang Shounuo, 20 years old of great difficulty cultivation to the Qi Refining three layers peak, but must depend on extrudes Younger Sister Little Origin Cultivating Pill to sprint. 现在这些孩子,都是靠着长辈们节约资源在勉强修炼。拿三哥王守诺来说,二十岁好不容易修炼炼气三层巅峰,还得靠着挤压妹妹小培元丹来冲刺。 Second Elder Brother Wang Shouyi, 33 years old, Qi Refining Boundary five layers. Why? And no doubt has the aptitude average reason, but the resources insufficient are the biggest original sin. 二哥王守义,都已经三十三岁了,才炼气境五层。为什么?其中固然有资质平平的原因,但是资源不足是最大的原罪。 Wang Shouzhe remembers Manager Zhong Zhong Xingwang, his aptitude naturally is far less than Wang Shouzhe, even puts Wang Clan to come, mostly is the level of middle and lower level. But others now are solemn Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator! 王守哲记得钟执事钟兴旺,他的资质自然是远不如王守哲,甚至放到王氏来,也多半是中下层的水准。可人家现在已经是堂堂灵台境修士 Why is this? 这是为何? Because others are Celestial clan orthodox lineage, so long as is not the no bloodline waste material, can pile with the resources pile to your Spirit Platform Boundary. 因为人家是天人家族嫡脉,只要不是无血脉的废材,用资源堆也能堆到你灵台境 In other words, if Wang Shouzhe has the extremely huge inexhaustible resources. These Younger Brother Younger Sister, each one can make them rush to Spirit Platform Boundary. 换句话来说,如果王守哲有极其庞大无穷无尽的资源。这些弟弟妹妹们,个个都能让他们冲上灵台境 Resources that if they enjoy before his Wang Shouzhe is the same, by this year his age, does not dare to say can about Qi Refining Boundary seven layers, but at least five layers or six layers will have reluctantly. 若是他们享用的资源和他王守哲之前一样,到了他这年龄,不敢说能将近炼气境七层,但是起码五层或是勉强六层还是会有的。 The Wang Shouzhe life, was arranged clearly, approximately to attack Spirit Platform Boundary in 38 to 40 years old. Aptitude bad Younger Brother was Younger Sister, 50 years old, 60 years old always similar? 王守哲的人生,原本被安排得明明白白,大约会在38岁至40岁冲击灵台境。资质差的弟弟妹妹,五十岁,六十岁总差不多了吧? Naturally, because the aptitude is bad overall cultivation to be slow, the sprint period drags longer more, the resources that always consumes will also turn time to walk upward. Therefore overwhelming majority clan, always the optimal aptitude good heir conducts training of road of Spirit Platform. 当然,因为资质较差总体修炼慢,冲刺期拖得越长,总消耗的资源也会翻着倍往上走。因此绝大部分家族,总是优选资质好的子嗣进行灵台之路的培养。 The idle talk stops for the time being. 闲话暂且打住。 Wang Shouzhe after giving Wang Luoqiu got down secretly special accommodation label, walked dozens zhang (3.33 m), turned several curved, to a pond near, this called Wang Gui. 王守哲在给王珞秋暗暗下了个“特殊照顾”的标签后,走出去了数十丈,拐了几个弯儿,到了一处池塘边,这才把王贵唤过来。 Takes off the coat, ripped open on the arm an underwear corner/horn, on the arm flank obviously was swollen a bulk. 脱掉外衣,撕开了胳膊上内衣一角,胳膊外侧上面明显肿了一大块。 That small variegated spider, the toxicity is really not weak. It is estimated that Qi Refining Boundary two three layers profound warrior, this feared that will unable to get up for a while. 那小小的斑斓蜘蛛,毒性还真是不弱。估计那种只有炼气境三层玄武者,中了这一口怕是会一时起不来。 Family Head!” 家主!” Wang Gui had a scare, I asked the doctor to come.” 王贵被吓了一跳,“我去请医师过来。” Does not use, this toxin, has controlled.” Wang Shouzhe is calm as usual, cut open the little wound, the toxin that luck profound qi will control all compelled. “不用,这点点毒素,早就控住了。”王守哲淡定如常,割开了一点点伤口,运气玄气将控制住的毒素全逼了出来。 Luckily a moment ago rapidness of fight solution, if falls into the drawn contest, will unable to control the toxin probably. 幸好刚才战斗解决的快,若是陷入胶着战的话,保不齐就会控制不住毒素了。 This also merely is the toxin of ordinary poisonous insect, is not what ferocious insect kind. Otherwise, even Wang Shouzhe may be unable to control. 这还仅仅是普通毒虫的毒素,并非是什么凶虫类。否则的话,即便王守哲也不一定能控制得住。 This matter also makes him be taught secretly, cannot look down on anybody absolutely. Moreover later on against toxin, must work hard, on this world various strange poisonous insects were many. 此事也让他暗受教训,绝对不能小瞧任何人。而且以后在防毒素上面,也得下下功夫,这世界上各种诡异的毒虫多了去。 After Wang Gui helps he cleans the bloodstain, wears the clothes. 王贵帮他洗净血渍后,重新穿回衣服。 Then to the courtyard entrance that Wang Luoyi lived. 这才到了王珞伊住的院子门口。 Wang Xiaoyu has waited for in this, welcomes Wang Shouzhe to go. 王小玉早就在此守候,迎了王守哲进去。 At this time, Wang Luoyi also goes out from the main hall, sees Younger Brother, immediately is all smiles: Shouzhe, you may calculate, Younger Sister Luomiao waited for the belly to starve to death.” 此时,王珞伊也从正厅中走出,一见到弟弟,顿时笑容满面:“守哲,你可算来了,珞淼妹妹都等得肚子饿死了。” Wang Luoyi this year 20 years old, with Wang Shouzhe with the father's sister and brother with mother, looks naturally is an attractive goddess appearance. Moreover her makings tranquil nature, the manner has, has orthodox lineage eldest daughter's noble air. 王珞伊今年二十岁,与王守哲同父同母的姐弟,长得自然是一副漂亮的女神模样。而且她气质恬静自然,举止有度,自有一番嫡脉长女的贵气。 Is on cultivation is not too earnest, in the resources not bad situation, merely is the Qi Refining Boundary four layers peak appearance. 就是修炼上不算太认真,资源不差的情况下,仅仅是炼气境四层巅峰的模样。 However also she, girl cultivation in aristocratic family gets up no wonder most this, only if must walk the path of Spirit Platform girl, otherwise is the daughter of first wife basically achievement is not even if high. 不过也难怪她,世家中的女孩子修炼起来多数这样,除非是要走灵台之路的女孩,否则哪怕是嫡女基本上也成就不高。 When like Aunt Gongsun Hui 19 -year-old marry father Wang Dingyue, is the Qi Refining Boundary four layers intermediate stage appearance, now 30 years old also Qi Refining Boundary six layers, moreover battle efficiency not to mention! 就像大娘公孙蕙十九岁嫁给父亲王定岳时,也就是炼气境四层中段模样,如今三十岁也才炼气境六层,而且战斗力就别提了! Gongsun Clan or Wang Clan, are incapable of providing for Gongsun Hui impact Spirit Platform Boundary anything. Similarly according to normally, Wang Clan and Donggang Chen Clan does not have that resources to supply Wang Luoyi to clash Spirit Platform. 无论是公孙氏还是王氏,都无力去供养公孙蕙冲击个灵台境什么的。同样按照正常情况下,王氏东港陈氏也没那资源去供王珞伊灵台 Only if the Wang Luoyi aptitude is outstanding, clan meets does not count price training, but such was walks is similar to Old Ancestor Longyan the road of Spirit Platform. 除非王珞伊的资质非常优秀,家族才会不计代价地培养,但是那样就是走得类似于珑烟老祖灵台之路了。 Shouzhe has seen Elder Sister. On the road bumped into Shouyong, Luojing and Luoqiu a moment ago they, accompanied them to speak the little while idle talk.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands salutes, says with a smile, tired Elder Sister waited for a long time, walks, sees Younger Sister Luomiao.” 守哲见过姐姐。刚才路上碰到了守勇珞静珞秋他们,陪他们说了会儿闲话。”王守哲拱手行礼,笑道,“累姐姐久等了,走,去见见珞淼妹妹。” Meanwhile, Wang Gui gave Wang Xiaoyu the gift, later accompanies her to go to side hall to eat meal to wait. 与此同时,王贵将礼物交给了王小玉,随后陪着她去偏厅吃饭守候。 You, coming to Elder Sister here also to bring what gift.” Wang Luoyi dirtied one in a soft voice, might as well a province money, your cultivation also lacks the resources. This is I accumulates next five ten Qian gold, you first take using.” She too does not contact in the family/home the finance, injection of not clear present Wang Clan big fund and resources. “你呀,来姐姐这里还带什么礼物。”王珞伊轻声埋汰了一句,“还不如省点钱,你修炼也缺资源。给,这是我攒下五十乾金,你先拿着用。”她不太接触家里财务等,不清楚现在王氏大笔资金与资源的注入。 Elder Sister, this money you keep oneself to use.” Wang Shouzhe said earnestly, „, Elder Sister you must try hard to select cultivation. By momentum that Chen Clan rises, Chen Fangjie the achievement Spirit Platform Boundary probability will not be low in the future.” 姐姐,这钱你留着自己用。”王守哲认真地说道,“还有,姐姐你也要努力点修炼。以陈氏崛起的势头,陈方杰未来成就灵台境的概率不低。” Hears Chen Fangjie, the Wang Luoyi slightly face one red, quenches to say lightly: You said what for no reason he does make?” paused, she also said reluctantly, my again diligently cultivation, cannot get away the road of Spirit Platform.” 一听到陈方杰,王珞伊微微脸一红,轻淬道:“你凭白说他做啥?”顿了一下,她也无奈地说,“我再努力修炼,也走不了灵台之路。” That is uncertain, the future day, Elder Sister you first are also grasping steadily immediately.” Wang Shouzhe said, perhaps which day, the form changed.” “那可不一定,未来的日子还长着呢,姐姐你先把握好当下。”王守哲说道,“也许哪一天,形式就变了。” Ok, I listen your.” Wang Luoyi hear of he said earnestly, then accepted, immediately pulled the Wang Shouzhe arm saying that walked, eats a meal, must let Aunt and Younger Sister not waits for a long time.” “行,我听你的。”王珞伊听他说得认真,便应承了下来,随即挽起了王守哲胳膊说,“走,用膳去,莫要让大娘妹妹久等了。” Un.” The Wang Shouzhe many words, along with her has not gone to the sitting room again together, he knows in the Wang Luoyi temper surface gentle like the jade, but the innermost feelings are very actually strong. “嗯。”王守哲没有再多话,随她一同去往内厅,他知道王珞伊的性子表面上温婉如玉,但实则内心十分坚强。 If she accepts you, must find the way to achieve. 她若应承你,必会想办法做到。 Enters the sitting room, is combing the vulnerable point, dresses up the cute 8 or 9-year-old young doll, runs over vivaciously: Elder Brother, Elder Brother. How you come, the Miaomiao belly hungrily was shrivelled.” Saying, but also puts in great inconvenience is rubbing the small belly anxiously. 进得内厅,一个梳着小辫子,打扮可爱的八九岁小女娃,蹦蹦跳跳地跑了过来:“哥哥,哥哥。你怎么才来啊,淼淼肚子都饿瘪了。”说着,还委屈巴巴地揉着小肚皮。 Yo, my family Little Princess Miaomiao belly was shrivelled, that may the misdemeanor.” Wang Shouzhe hugs her with a smile single-handed, Elder Brother changes a trick to you, is apologizes, you may favor, do not blink.” “哟,我家淼淼小公主肚子都瘪了,那可坏事了。”王守哲笑着单手抱起她,“哥哥给你变个戏法,算是赔罪,你可看好了,不要眨眼。” During the speeches, the Wang Shouzhe right hand flutters, came out one package of seafood fish to do suddenly, this type of small between-meal snack flavor was good, in the family/home that several dolls seemed like very like, Luomiao will also be involved. 说话间,王守哲右手翻飞,突然之间就多出来了一包海珍鱼干,这种小零嘴风味不错,家里那几个女娃看起来都挺喜欢,想必珞淼也会深陷其中。 „, little dried fish.” Wang Luomiao the big feeling is disappointed immediately, this I had a big pile.” “哇,小鱼干啊。”王珞淼却顿时大感失望,“这个我有一大堆了。” Nearby Wang Luoyi also covers the mouth chuckle: Shouzhe your set does not work, this little dried fish Lici has delivered to be many, my also has.” 一旁的王珞伊也是掩嘴轻笑:“守哲你这一套可不灵,这小鱼干璃慈早就送过来不少了,我这也有呢。” Hehe ~ 呃呵呵~ Wang Shouzhe touches the nose, is slightly awkward, Wang Lici was not embezzlement the little dried fish resources, does strategic maneuvering? Also was right, she does not dare to offend Luomiao and Luoyi, after all this was Great Demon King Fourth Uncle own Elder Sister own Younger Sister. 王守哲摸了摸鼻子,微微尴尬,王璃慈不是“贪污”了小鱼干资源,去搞合纵连横了么?也是对了,她可不敢得罪珞淼珞伊,毕竟这可是大魔王四叔的亲姐姐妹妹 Good, that big girl...... very has the survival philosophy. 好吧,那大丫头还是……挺有生存哲学的。 Un un, has not wasted to her inculcation this period of time, turn head must make persistent efforts. 嗯嗯,这段时间对她的谆谆教诲没有白费,回头得再接再厉。 You, coaxed Younger Sister also to use the dessert, Luomiao eight years old.” Wang Luoyi looks at him to be awkward, finds it interesting, the chuckle continues. “你呀,哄妹妹也要用点心了,珞淼已经八岁了。”王珞伊看他尴尬,也觉得有趣,轻笑不止。 Yes, Miaomiao eight years old, is not the 4 or 5-year-old weak little girl.” Wang Luomiao winked the sparking eye saying that said dirty, elder brother, can you long dessert.” “是啊是啊,淼淼都八岁了,又不是四五岁的幼稚小女孩。”王珞淼眨着闪亮闪亮的眼睛说,埋汰说,“哥,你能不能长点心。” „, That Elder Brother gives you to perform one set of Fist Arts.” Wang Shouzhe said reluctantly, „your small girl, but was really is getting more and more difficult to serve.” “得,那哥哥给你表演一套拳法吧。”王守哲无奈地说道,“你这小丫头,可真是越来越难伺候了。” „” “啪” The Wang Luomiao small hand pats the forehead, showed the live without hope expression, shut out looks at Wang Shouzhe saying: Elder Brother, which girl will like looking at the performance Fist Arts? Your like this will not coax the girl, later after Sister-in-law Ruolan passes through the gate, the day does not feel better. Ancestor decided a marriage to you luckily early, oh ~ ~ 王珞淼小手一拍额头,露出了生无可恋的表情,嫌弃地看着王守哲说:“哥,哪个女孩子会喜欢看表演拳法啊?你这样子不会哄女孩,以后若蓝嫂嫂进门后,日子可不好过哟。幸好老祖宗早早地给你定了门亲事,唉~~ Saying, her also self-effacingly deep sigh one breath, an appearance that got angry him not to struggle. 说着,她还摇头晃脑地长叹一口气,一副怒其不争的模样。 The Wang Shouzhe corners of the mouth twitch, this young broken girl tone said that is gathering the words of clan non- arranged marriage, his couldn't Wang Shouzhe marry the wife? 王守哲嘴角抽搐,这小破丫头口气说的,合着家族不包办婚姻的话,他王守哲就娶不到老婆了? ...... ……
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