POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#54: Wang Shouzhe is very gratified

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...... …… Actually Wang Shouzhe also holds the mentality that gives a try to operate this matter. 其实王守哲也是抱着试试看的心态操作此事。 Wallowing to bet the stone is not certainly right, but if Wang Lici really has what strange inexplicable talent, that takes advantage of a mistake using talent, this not necessarily is not an accidental/surprised source of income that supplements the clan resources. 沉迷赌石当然不对,但倘若王璃慈真的拥有什么诡异莫名的天赋,那就是利用天赋去捡漏,这未必不是一条补充家族资源的意外财路。 Actually like previous life had looked at these yellow golden pupils and so on novel. 倒是像极了上辈子看过的那些黄金瞳之类的小说。 Wang Clan was too poor, sold out along spirit item Turtle Scaled Precious Shield to Old Ancestor Longyan poorly, raised resources. Especially that third stage spirit pill Creation Pill, Really was too expensive/noble, enough one thousand Qian gold. 王氏太穷了,穷到珑烟老祖卖掉了随身灵器龟鳞宝盾,才筹措出了一笔资源。尤其是那三阶灵丹造化丹】,真的是太贵了,足足一千乾金一枚。 Evidently, Pill Refiner is the occupation that on this world most makes money. 看样子,炼丹师才是这世界上最赚钱的职业。 However if Pill Refiner wants to have an achievement, that requests to be high to talent. Moreover trains Pill Refiner, the earlier investment absolutely is the sky-high price, loses everything incautiously fortunately also has the possibility. 不过炼丹师若想有所成就,那就对天赋要求非常高。而且培养一个炼丹师,前期的投入绝对是天价,一不小心亏得倾家荡产也有可能。 However if clan wants to have very big development, training of Pill Refiner cannot avoid. 但是一个家族若是想有很大的发展,炼丹师的培养是免不了的。 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan entered the cultivation pattern again. 王守哲珑烟老祖再度进入了修炼模式。 At dusk, when Wang Shouzhe sits in meditation to set out. Wang Lici and Family Guard had come back, this time has not brought back to three gambling stones, but brought back to a stone of soccer size. 到了傍晚时分,等王守哲入定起身时。王璃慈家将已经回来了,这一次没带回三颗赌石,而是带回了一颗足球大小的石头。 Fourth Uncle Fourth Uncle, in other small stones does not have delicious, this big has delicious.” Wang Lici take undeserved credit hands over a big stone. 四叔四叔,其它小石头里都没有好吃的了,就这颗大的有好吃的。”王璃慈邀功般地递过来一块大石头。 This saying said really enough at sixes and sevens. 这话说得真够乱七八糟的。 Family Head.” Wang Zhong said in the one side says, we accompanied Young Lady Lici to stroll for quite a while, Young Lady Lici selected this, after bargaining back and forth, spent 45 Qian gold, I and Wang Yong collected 15 Qian gold.” 家主。”王忠在一旁说解释说,“我们陪着璃慈小姐逛了半天,璃慈小姐就挑了这一块,讨价还价后花了45乾金,我与王勇凑了15乾金。” Laborious everyone.” Wang Shouzhe also falls Qian gold of Family Guard subsidy, and makes Wang Zhong cut open. “辛苦诸位了。”王守哲家将补贴的乾金还掉,并让王忠切开。 this time, Lane Wang Zhong a file, was frustrating following the external skin slowly, avoids wasting least bit spirit stone. 这一次,王忠了一把锉刀,顺着表皮慢慢挫着,避免浪费半点灵石 Wang Shouzhe looks in the one side, in heart also anxious, this common broken stone, spent 45 Qian gold. This must bet, all threw away carelessly. 王守哲在一旁看着,心中也不由紧张了起来,这块不起眼的破石头,足足花了45乾金。这要赌垮了,就全打水漂了。 Quick, Wang Zhong frustrated 2-3 centimeters thick external skin, inside revealed the white crystal jade material quality, he was overjoyed immediately: Congratulates Family Head, congratulates Family Head, rose, rises sharply.” 很快,王忠就挫开了2-3厘米厚的表皮,里面露出了白色水晶玉般的材质,他当即大喜过望:“恭喜家主,贺喜家主,涨了,大涨。” Unexpectedly real...... 竟然真的…… Bountiful by the Wang Shouzhe state of mind, cannot bear feel excited, thought that the whole body is light. Has to acknowledge, gambling this type of thing, is very big to the stimulation of person, no wonder after being easy to become addicted, is very difficult to swear off. 饶是以王守哲的心境,也忍不住觉得兴奋,觉得浑身轻飘飘的。不得不承认,赌博这种东西,对人的刺激很大,难怪容易上瘾后很难戒掉。 It seems like after this time goes back, must intensify the family discipline effort again, clan young one generation cannot stain the problem of gambling absolutely. 看来这一次回去后,一定要再度加大家法力度,家族年轻一代绝对不能沾上赌博的毛病。 However big girl talent is very fearful, she had been aloof gambling completely this character, with inexplicable talent of glutton, assured in this stone had spirit stone purely. 不过大丫头这种天赋很可怕啊,她已经完全超脱了“赌”这个字,纯粹就是凭着吃货的莫名天赋,笃定了这颗石头里有灵石 This and gambling is completely the two concept, from the start is picks money. 这和赌博完全是两个概念,压根就是去捡钱。 Wang Shouzhe has to say one really fragrant...... 就连王守哲都不得不说一句……真香。 After half quarter . 半刻钟后。 Wang Zhong frustrated all stone epidermises, in the hand were many entire large size spirit stone, if cut appropriately, it is estimated that must have ten standard spirit stone appearances. 王忠挫掉了所有的石头表皮,手中多了一整块大号灵石,若是切割妥当的话,估计得有十来块标准灵石的模样。 Everyone was shocked, Old Ancestor Longyan is also very surprised. 所有人都被惊呆了,珑烟老祖也很吃惊。 Wang Lici through the explanation of Family Guard, understood spirit stone, although is unedible, is actually the good thing, moreover can trade many many delicious. She is all of a sudden happy, is taking a look at Wang Shouzhe eagerly, seems was anticipating Fourth Uncle rewards anything to the point. 王璃慈通过家将的解释,也明白了灵石虽然不能吃,却是好东西,而且可以换很多很多好吃的。她一下子开心不已,眼巴巴地瞅着王守哲,好似是在期待四叔给点奖励什么的。 This flash, Wang Shouzhe was also drunk, looked that also became to the Wang Lici look strange. 这一瞬间,王守哲也是醉了,看向王璃慈的眼神也变得奇奇怪怪了起来。 Can achieve this step regarding the big niece of this mindless and glutton, he is also very strange, is it possible that is because compels her to study, stimulated her some unusual potential to awaken? 对于这个没心没肺兼吃货的大侄女能做到这一步,他也是非常奇怪,莫非,是因为逼着她读书,刺激到了她的某种奇特潜能觉醒了? Cannot completely rule out this possibility. 不能完全排除这个可能性啊。 Considers for the development of clan, Wang Shouzhe looked that was even more kind to the Wang Lici look. 为了家族的发展着想,王守哲看向王璃慈的眼神愈发和蔼了。 Familiar look, familiar smile. 熟悉的眼神,熟悉的笑容。 Wang Lici suddenly feels to like a sudden thunderclap general, felt the end approached, thus and such and such living, what significance the person returning alive to have? 王璃慈顿觉五雷轰顶一般,感觉到了末日来临,如此这般活着,人生还有什么意义? The tears, could not stop to drip. 眼泪,止不住地淌了下来。 Good, teases you to play.” Wang Shouzhe pinched her baby fat cheeks of a smile, „your time rendered meritorious service for clan, said that what wants to eat? Fourth Uncle treats.” “好了好了,逗你玩呢。”王守哲笑着捏了捏她婴儿肥的脸颊,“你这次是为家族立功了,说吧,想吃什么?四叔请客。” Really!? 真的!? Wang Lici lived all of a sudden, is winking the eye of shining, drooled with envy: Fourth Uncle Fourth Uncle. I must eat to steam the big lobster, ten jin (0.5 kg) that. The abalone, large bowl big that I must eat five. Shark fin......” 王璃慈一下子又活过来了,眨着放光的眼睛,垂涎欲滴:“四叔四叔。我要吃清蒸大龙虾,一只十斤重的那种。还有鲍鱼,海碗大的那种,我要一口气吃五个。还有鱼翅……” Originally like this, we first chatted the matter that studied.” Wang Shouzhe smiled kindly. “原来这样啊,咱们还是先来谈谈读书的事情吧。”王守哲笑得更亲切了。 Does not want Fourth Uncle, the big lobster does not have the small lobster is also good, five jin (0.5 kg) not, two jin (0.5 kg). Abalone, on fist size......” “不要啊四叔,大龙虾没有小龙虾也行,五斤不,两斤重的就可以。鲍鱼就,就拳头大小……” Naturally, finally Wang Shouzhe led her to have feast very happily, completely according to the standard that she expected. 当然,最终王守哲还是带她去美滋滋地吃了一顿大餐,全部是按照她期望的标准来。 In this world, many zoology and botany want looks to be bigger, the non- intelligence species price is inexpensive, Hundred Islands Garrison other lacks, seafood does not lack, still at eating in category. 这一方世界里,很多动植物都要长得更大一些,非灵性的物种价格也不贵,百岛卫别的都缺,海珍可不缺,尚在吃得起的范畴内。 Wang Lici naturally is eats well satisfied, gets down after the carriage, held the wall to go to the room, in the heart full was to the Wang Shouzhe sense of gratitude. 王璃慈自然是吃得心满意足,从马车下来后,一路扶着墙回了房间,心中满是对王守哲感激之情。 Hehe ~ is really pure to fearful. 呵呵~真是单纯到可怕。 The afterward matter is also quite smooth, Manager Zhong sent the resources on list as agreed that total value 31300 Qian gold, are big because of the one-off quantity purchased, Manager Zhong cancelled 300 Qian gold odd changes with the jurisdiction especially, Wang Shouzhe gross charge 31000 Qian gold. 随后的事情也颇为顺利,钟执事依约送来了清单上的资源,总价值31300乾金,因一次性采购量较大,钟执事特地用权限抹去了300乾金的零头,王守哲总支出31000乾金 In this resources, the biggest big end was 20 Creation Pill, consumed 24000 Qian gold. Thus it can be seen, the consumption of clan Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator wants broad Qi Refining Boundary, poor point clan, Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator is injured unable to receive continually. 这笔资源中,最大的大头要数20枚造化丹了,足足耗费了24000乾金。由此可见,家族灵台境修士的耗费是要远大过于炼气境的,穷一点的家族,灵台境修士连受伤也受不起。 However, regarding profound warrior aristocratic family, if no Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator to assume personal command, is a dish in others eyes. 不过,对于一个玄武世家而言,若无灵台境修士坐镇的话,就是旁人眼里的一盘菜。 In order to express to thanks of Zhong Xingwang Manager Zhong, Wang Shouzhe treated especially one time. Old Ancestor Longyan has not gone, many disappoints Manager Zhong somewhat, but he was used to the Senior Sister goddess aloof actually, quick full of enthusiasm chats with Wang Shouzhe. 为了表示对钟兴旺钟执事的感谢,王守哲特地请客了一次。只是珑烟老祖没去,多少让钟执事有些失望,不过他倒是习惯了学姐女神的高冷,很快就兴致勃勃与王守哲聊起天来。 Wang Shouzhe does not lose the name of transmigrator eventually, the open vision and entirely different consciousness, often are also make Manager Zhong thump the table and shout praise, after several cups of spirit wine bellies, started to be on intimate terms with Wang Shouzhe. 王守哲终究也不负穿越者之名,开阔的眼界和迥然不同的意识,往往也是令钟执事拍案叫绝,几杯灵酒一下肚皮后,就开始和王守哲称兄道弟了起来。 This lets Wang Shouzhe drop of cold sweat, this Manager Zhong really did not have the Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor style and bearing. Let alone with Old Ancestor Zhouxuan, Old Ancestor Longyan ratio. Then was continually and Old Ancestor Mingsheng bearing misses there are numerous similar cases. 这让王守哲一滴冷汗,这钟执事还真是没有灵台境老祖的风范与气度。别说与宙轩老祖,珑烟老祖比了。便是连与明升老祖的气度都差了不知凡几。 However pondered thin but actually also normal, this Zhong Xingwang family background in Celestial aristocratic family, family/home inside Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator quantity will not be inevitably few, not the burden/shoulder pole that uses him to shoulder the burden/shoulder pole clan rise and fall. 不过细细想来倒也正常,这钟兴旺出身在天人世家,家里面的灵台境修士数量必然不会少,又不用他去挑起担子家族兴衰存亡的担子。 Moreover he is not aptitude vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the person of self-confident domineering, otherwise does not need to go through the motions to enter Purple Mansion Academy. 而且他本身也不是什么天资纵横,自信强势之人,否则也不用走后门才能进紫府学宫 So does the character, how could make proud self-confident a little willful Old Ancestor Longyan be have a liking for? 如此人物,岂能让骄傲自信又有点任性的珑烟老祖看得上? However even cannot have a liking, with the Old Ancestor Longyan Senior Sister Junior Brother status, Wang Shouzhe if wants the means and Manager Zhong is on good terms. Celestial aristocratic family was too huge, all -round strength is not Wang Clan this small clan can compare, has such a personal connection, later handles matters also conveniently. 但是即便看不上,有一层与珑烟老祖学姐学弟的身份在,王守哲还是要想办法与钟执事交好的。天人世家太庞大了,综合实力远不是王氏这种小家族可以比拟,有这样一个人脉在,以后办事也方便。 Afterward several days, calm. 随后数日,波澜不惊。 After the big girl plundered all gambling stones in wandering cultivator market again, is takes carry back two, started out six spirit stone, then also being able to find let the gambling stone that she was interested in again. 大丫头再度搜刮了散修市场上的所有赌石后,也就是拿回来两个,开出了六块灵石,便再也找不到让她感兴趣的赌石了。 Thus it can be seen, the true gambling stone market cheats. To depend on this getting rich, has almost a dream. 由此可见,真正的赌石市场是何等坑人。想靠这个发大财,几乎就是做梦。 Wang Shouzhe one group, travelled by low-key The Junyao The sea merchant ship, returned to Donggang. At this time, Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai has harnessed the ship to wait for in this as agreed. 王守哲一行人,非常低调地搭乘了【君耀号】海商船,回到了东港。此时,六叔王定海已经依约驾船在此守候。 Because Chen Fangjie goes out the management, after Wang Shouzhe does obeisance thanked Chen Clan Patriarch Chen Dewei simply, then said goodbye to depart. 陈方杰出门办事,王守哲简单地拜谢过陈氏族长陈德威后,便告辞离去。 Some personal baggage, transported on the Wang Dinghai ship, from some seafood kind of local products of Hundred Islands Garrison purchase, one bag of Wang Shouzhe placed the great expectations Oyster ash, Has saying that the whetstone dust price is really high, one bucket of prices compared with grain small advantage many. 一些随身行李,都搬运到了王定海的船上,都是从百岛卫购买的一些海珍类土特产,其中还有一袋王守哲寄予厚望的【蛎灰】,不得不说砺灰的价格真高,一担的价格比粮食便宜不了多少。 Naturally, really loves big niece's Wang Shouzhe, has not forgotten the famous standard old book that purchased some Hundred Islands Garrison to be in sole possession, he has been able to foresee the cute expression that Wang Lici that jumped for joy delightedly. 当然,真疼爱大侄女的王守哲,并没有忘记购买了一些百岛卫独有的名典古籍,他已经可以预见到王璃慈那欢喜雀跃的可爱表情了。 This line of biggest harvests, were to the Old Ancestor Longyan injury solution. These days came, Old Ancestor Longyan had completely grasped the refining fiendish qi method, started gradually fine single refining within the body fiendish qi. 这一行最大的收获,便是对珑烟老祖伤势的解决之道了。这些日子来,珑烟老祖已经完全掌握了炼化煞气的法门,开始逐渐一丝一缕地炼化体内煞气 Wang Shouzhe even in the look that can be depressed from Old Ancestor Longyan that saw scalding hot and impatient aura. He thought, Old Ancestor will surely give Zhao Clan Liú Clan two old opponent Old Ancestor, a huge pleasant surprise. 王守哲甚至能从珑烟老祖原本那暮气的眼神中,看到了一丝灼热与迫不及待的气息。他心想,老祖一定会给赵氏刘氏两位老对手老祖,一个天大的惊喜。 thoughts reach here, the Wang Shouzhe mood became is also critically different. 一念至此,王守哲的心情也变得大为不同了起来。 Returns to Ping'an Town from Donggang, must pinches certainly the tide trend. In this world sky is also hanging a big sputnik, similarly has the tide to have the ebb tide. When the tide gradually rises, the appearance of the water that An River flows off will be steadier. 东港平安镇,须得掐准潮水走向。这世界天空中也挂着一个大卫星,同样有潮起潮落。当潮水逐渐上涨时,安江流下的水势就会平稳许多。 At this time, needed sail increase manpower to row. 这时候,需要风帆加上人力划桨。 When boatmen rowing worker's chant sounds get up, Wang Shouzhe is also impatient to get back. 当船工们一声声划桨的号子声响起,王守哲也是归心似箭。 However this time goes back, had/left some accidental/surprised mighty waves actually. 不过这一次回去,倒是出了一些意外波澜。 Wang Shouzhe sits in meditation in the cabin calmly cultivates, the ship walked more than half double-hour, unexpectedly, hull dang, seemed ran upon anything, the entire ships somewhat rocked. 王守哲在船舱内打坐静修,船才走了半个多时辰,蓦地,船身“咣当”一下,好似撞上了什么东西,整个船只都有些晃动。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Outside transmits calling out that a Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai happy anger happened simultaneously: Shouzhe comes out to support quickly, has ferocious beast, is second stage aquatic ferocious beast!” 外面传来一声六叔王定海喜怒交加的暴喝:“守哲快出来支援,有凶兽,是二阶水生凶兽!” second stage aquatic ferocious beast!? 二阶水生凶兽!? Wang Shouzhe dazed, not startled counter- happy, this is spirit food that delivers. In the family/home both olds and youngs, No. dozens clansman cried for food. 王守哲愣神,不惊反喜,这可是送上门来的灵食。家里老老少少,几十号族人都嗷嗷待哺呢。 ...... ……
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