POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#55: Casualties and harvest

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Chapter 55 casualties and harvest 第55章伤亡与收获 ...... …… Wang Shouzhe takes up the strong bow and sword immediately, flushed rapidly. 王守哲当即拿起强弓与剑,飞速冲了出去。 Arrived deck. 到了甲板上。 Wang Dinghai grasps has the belt/bring to puncture with the hunting and fishing short lance of string, directs the boatmen to whip the water surface with the long bamboo pole rapidly. Wang Zhong Wang Yong two Family Guard is also pulls the strong bow, the preparation fires momentarily. 王定海手持着带有带刺和绳子的渔猎短矛,指挥着船工们用长竹竿迅速拍打水面。王忠王勇两位家将也是掣起强弓,准备随时射击。 Shouzhe you come just right.” Wang Dinghai expression dignified at the same time, cannot contain the happy color, is a leaving behind Eastern Sea arrow flag, should crash in the fresh water by the tide, is not too difficult to deal with. When you pays attention to surface, with the arrow shoots its strategic point.” 守哲你来得正好。”王定海表情凝重的同时,遏制不住喜色道,“是一头落单的东海箭旗,应该是被潮水冲进了淡水里,不是太难对付。你注意它露出水面时,用箭射它要害。” Generally speaking, the aquatic ferocious beast difficult to deal with degree, does not come compared with terrestrial ferocious beast badly. They in underwater, the strength greatly is often fierce, knocking to crack-up the ships is frequently something. 总体来说,水生凶兽的难对付程度,并不比陆生凶兽来得差。它们在水下的时候,往往都力大凶猛,撞翻撞碎船只是经常有的事情。 Wang Dinghai is more than ten years senior fisherman, coped with aquatic ferocious beast naturally to have his one set, the bamboo pole whips the water surface the sound, can alarm to the judgment of aquatic ferocious beast, making him not dare easily to attack the ships, will also arouse the anger of opposite party. 王定海是十几年的“老渔民”了,对付水生凶兽自然有他的一套,竹竿拍打水面的声音,可以惊扰到水生凶兽的判断,让其不敢轻易冲击船只,同时也会激起对方的怒气。 Besides a small number of fish, most fish, even if the ferocious beast kind, the overall wisdom also compares terrestrial ferocious beast to miss plans. 除了少数鱼类外,大部分鱼类,哪怕是凶兽类,总体智慧也比陆生的凶兽要差一筹。 The Wang Dinghai voice just fell, from the left side broad side 45 ten feets away, explodes a large-scale water splash towering. About two zhang (3.33 m) aquatic monster, leaps the water surface fiercely, overshoots aggressively to the ship. 王定海的话音刚一落下,距离左侧船舷45丈外,突兀地炸起一个大型水花。一头将近两丈长的水生怪物,猛地跃出水面,凶悍地向船上冲来。 By the Wang Shouzhe dynamic vision , can only see that aquatic ferocious beast has such as the sharp sword long before punctures, as well as like triangle flag common dorsal fin, appearance slightly somewhat on sailfish like Earth 王守哲的动态视力,也仅能看出那水生凶兽拥有长如利剑的前刺,以及如同三角旗帜一般的背鳍,模样略有些像地球上的旗鱼 However the build aggressive degree, is far from the sailfish can compare. 但是无论是体型还是凶悍程度,都远非旗鱼能比。 Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!” “铮!铮!铮!” Three startled twangs almost also resound, the sharp arrow minute/share hit a target ferocious beast. Stated differently, sharp arrow that Wang Zhong Wang Yong sends out spike its body 34 cuns (2.5 cm). But Wang Shouzhe that arrow, submerged one foot directly. 三道惊弦声几乎同时响起,利箭分先后射中了凶兽。不同的是,王忠王勇发出的利箭就钉入它身体三四寸。而王守哲那一箭,直接没入了一尺有余。 The disparity does not come from the bow and arrow to be different, but is Wang Shouzhe uses to adhere to stick cohere the profound qi quality on arrow to be higher plans. 差距并非来自弓箭不同,而是王守哲用以附着在箭矢上的玄气质量更高一筹。 Domestic animal, good guts.” “畜生,好胆。” Wang Dinghai is fiercest as the senior fisherman, his whole body ballooning, profound qi erupted the pinnacle, specifically was used to capture and kill the large-scale fish the hunting and fishing short lance to project fiercely, , spike the ferocious beast side abdomen more than two chi (0.33 m). 王定海作为老渔民最为凶猛,他全身鼓胀,玄气爆发到了极致,专门用于捕杀大型鱼类的渔猎短矛猛地投出,“噗”地一声,钉入了凶兽侧腹两尺多。 However before this time the ferocious beast, thorn stabbed a boatman, castrates not to reduce to the water to decline, simultaneously the tail flings, there is a two boatman to be swept launches. 然而此时凶兽的前刺刺中了一个船工,去势不减向水中落去,同时尾巴一甩,又有两个船工被扫下了水。 Bang!” “轰隆!” With the giant water splash sound, ferocious beast leads the boatman to fall in the water. 伴随着巨大水花声,凶兽带着船工落入水中。 However on it brings the Wang Dinghai hunting and fishing short lance, rear the short lance is tying up the specially-made thick string. 但是它身上带着王定海的渔猎短矛,短矛尾部绑着特制的粗绳子。 Also without it swam ten zhang (3.33 m), the string put the pinnacle to tighten fiercely, squeak quack. This medium merchant ship was drawn to lean one side by it, the bow receives the strong pulling force to suspend. 还没等它游出十来丈,绳子就放到了极致猛地绷紧,“吱嘎嘎”。这艘中型商船都被它拉得侧了一侧,船头受到强大拉力摆了过去。 This was human copes with the large-scale aquatic ferocious beast experience and skill on the ship, this Eastern Sea arrow flag made the wrong decision obviously. This erroneous decision, will naturally also cause it to lose the life. 这就是人类在船上对付大型水生凶兽的经验技巧了,这头东海箭旗显然作出了错误的决定。这个错误决定,自然也会导致它丧失性命。 Fishes and hunts the pulling of short lance and hangnail, lets its painful surges, wants to go all out to work loose actually cannot withdraw the body, the struggling injury is more serious, the specially-made rope also more twines on it are more. 渔猎短矛和倒刺的拉扯,让它痛苦翻腾,想拼命挣脱却是脱不开身,越挣扎伤势越重,特制的绳索也在它身上越缠绕越多。 Also greets it, is Wang Shouzhe and the others the long-distance attack of strong bow. 随之迎接它的,是王守哲等人强弓的远程打击。 Even so, Wang Shouzhe and the others were shoot to empty a pot arrow, that Eastern Sea arrow flag stopped struggling gradually, turned the belly. Boatmen on simultaneous/uniform, towed it slowly. 即便如此,王守哲等人都是射空了一壶箭,那头东海箭旗才渐渐停止了挣扎,翻了肚皮。众船工齐上,将它慢慢地拖了回来。 At this time, before by it , the boatman who the barbed nail dies, the corpse had been flung, by disappearing without a trace that the tide to/clashes. Boatman of falling in the water, was only rescued, another feared that was whirled away by the underwater undercurrent, cannot look. 此时,被它前刺钉死的船工,尸首早就被甩走,被潮水冲的不知去向。落水的船工,也仅有一个被救了上来,另外一个怕是被水下暗潮卷走了,找不回来。 Although killed second stage aquatic ferocious beast, actually filled in two human lives, this made on the face of Wang Shouzhe cast shadow. 虽然弄死了一头二阶水生凶兽,却填进去了两条人命,这让王守哲的脸上都蒙上了一层阴霾。 The morale of boatman is also very low, after all died is the partner of being constantly together. 船工的士气也很低落,毕竟死掉的都是朝夕相处的伙伴。 Shouzhe, battles with second stage aquatic ferocious beast, today is very smooth, this is one win.” The Wang Dinghai coming racket the Wang Shouzhe shoulder, after comforting one said that „, even if the bloodline clansman and Family Guard die to fight, not necessarily is impossible.” 守哲,与二阶水生凶兽作战,今天已经算是很顺利了,这是一场大胜。”王定海过来拍拍王守哲肩膀,安慰了一句后说,“就算是血脉族人与家将死在战斗中,也未必不可能的。” Wang Shouzhe understands, although second stage ferocious beast in rank and Qi Refining Boundary high stage with belonging first-level, but the ferocious beast overall be stronger than same boundary. 王守哲明白,二阶凶兽虽然级别上和炼气境高阶同属于一级,但是凶兽总体要比同境界强不少。 Moreover this world is eventually different from Earth, human is ferocious beast is always competing for the survival the domain. Because the mankind exist on the land, in the habitat of human, terrestrial ferocious beast had therefore been exterminated, relative comparison security. 而且这世界终究和地球不同,人类一直以来都是和凶兽在争夺生存的地盘。因为人类生存在陆地上,因此在人类的栖息地中,陆生的凶兽早就被清剿一空,相对比较安全。 However this extermination with opening up wasteland, will die many people are who is unable to estimate. 然而这种清剿与开荒,会死掉多少人是谁都无法预估的。 However in water some different situations. 但是水中又有不同情况。 Human in the water, like An River this great river, it has the wilderness sources and many branches, some branches are lead to without ominous water Daisawa of opening up wasteland, there is the aquatic ferocious beast heaven. 人类并不住在水里,像安江这种大江,它有着荒野源头和诸多支流,有些支流都是通往一些未经开荒的凶水大泽,在那里才是水生凶兽的天堂。 Because of this extending in all directions Water Department, aquatic ferocious beast will appear in the human habitat category continuously. Otherwise the human year to year capturing and killing behavior, has exterminated aquatic ferocious beast in habitat. 正是因为这种四通八达的水系,水生凶兽才会络绎不绝出现在人类栖息地范畴内。否则人类常年的捕杀行为,早就将栖息地内的水生凶兽清剿一空了。 This Eastern Sea arrow flag, obviously is in the sea ferocious beast, in the luck not good situation, crashed in the fresh water river by the tide. Moreover it has not coped with the experience of human. The sea is broad, is hiding many fearful fierce species, human touched until now airtight. 这条东海箭旗,明显就是海中凶兽,运气不好的情况下,被潮水冲进了淡水江中。而且它也没有对付人类的经验。大海宽阔无比,其中隐藏着多少可怕的凶猛物种,人类迄今都是摸不透的。 Therefore sea merchant ship not only usually must make in a big way, but must be firm, and must load some attacking a city instruments and other weapons. But the city wall on Golden Sand Island, naturally also is not only prevents the ornaments that human oneself bursts in...... 因此海商船通常不但要造得大,还得非常坚固,并且要装载一些攻城器械等武器。而金沙岛上的城墙,自然也不仅仅是防止人类自己乱闯的摆设…… ferocious beast in sea, is not a vegetarian similarly. 大海之内的凶兽,同样不是吃素的。 Calms down slightly, Wang Shouzhe said: Sixth Uncle, this/should comforting and aiding a bereaved family of comforting and aiding a bereaved family, reward of this/should reward.” 略微定了定神,王守哲说道:“六叔,该抚恤的抚恤,该奖励的奖励吧。” That is natural, defers to the traditional high standard, pension 30 Qian gold of each dead boatman, that was 60 Qian gold, these I will process personally.” Wang Dinghai saw this kind of matter, the mood also had no too big fluctuation, other 20 boatmen, everyone seal fee/spent and rewarded 2 Qian gold, that was 40 Qian gold, we need to disburse 100 Qian gold.” “那是自然,就按照传统高标准来,每位死去船工的抚恤金30乾金,那就是60乾金,这些我会亲自处理。”王定海见惯了此类事情,情绪也没有什么太大波动,“其余二十位船工,每人封口费与奖励二个乾金,那就是40乾金,咱们需要支出100乾金。” 100 Qian gold, the disbursement is not small, the pension of boatman also is quite usually high. 100乾金,支出不算小,船工的抚恤金通常也比较高。 However Wang Shouzhe this money actually pulled out happily, gives Wang Dinghai 100 Qian gold to make him manage very much directly. 但是王守哲这钱却掏得很痛快,直接给了王定海100乾金让他操持去。 These living as soon as the boatman listens to everyone 2 Qian gold, immediately what mood did not have, the morale surged upward much. The boatmen because of the work adventure, the overall income are not bad, but 2 Qian gold net-incomes were a great sum of money. 那些活着的船工一听每人二个乾金,顿时什么情绪都没了,士气高涨了不少。船工因为工作冒险,整体收益并不差,但是二个乾金的纯收益算是一笔巨款了。 Their mood like spiritedly, is helping Wang Zhong Wang Yong, drew in the ferocious beast corpse the deck little. 他们的情绪欢喜激昂,帮着王忠王勇,将凶兽尸体一点点拉到了甲板上。 We must set sail rapidly, Wang Zhong Wang Yong, you drag the prey to the cabin. And speeds up cleaning up the deck, this place is not suitable stays for a long time.” Wang Dinghai issued immediately the next order, and said with Wang Shouzhe, this waters were not the hunting for waters of our family/home, but belonged to the Donggang Zuo Clan domain, left as soon as possible, so as to avoid caused complications.” “我们要迅速开船,王忠王勇,你们将猎物拖到船舱内。并加快清理甲板,此地不宜久留。”王定海立即发布了下一道命令,并与王守哲解释说,“这一片水域并非是咱们家的捕猎水域,而是属于东港左氏的地盘,尽早离开免得节外生枝。” Without a doubt, Wang Dinghai is for a long time in the man who aquatic seeks a livelihood, his decision is wise. 毫无疑问,王定海是个长期在水上讨生活的男人,他的决定非常英明。 After the ships operate a moment multi- bell, bumped into the Zuo Clan fishing fleet by far, at this time the tide rose, happen to was this waters best fishing for time. 船只开出去一刻多钟后,就远远地碰到了左氏的捕鱼船队,这时候潮水上涨,正好是这一片水域最佳捕捞时机。 They saw a passing by medium merchant ship, moreover was busy robbing the prime time to fish, poured has not asked the intention. The merchant ship passenger steamer that in An River, comes and goes is not rare. 他们看到一艘路过的中型商船,而且忙着抢夺黄金时间捕鱼,倒也是没有上前询问的意图。安江之中,来来去去的商船客船并不罕见。 Then, not startled did not have the strategic place to cross the Zuo Clan waters domain. 接下来,一路无惊无险地过了左氏水域地盘。 Congratulates Family Head.” Wang Zhong Wang Yong, processes the Eastern Sea arrow flag temporarily, report/give report said joyfully, that arrow flag estimated more than 1000 jin (0.5 kg), removed the part that cannot eat, at least also more than 700 jin (0.5 kg), gained greatly.” “恭喜家主。”王忠王勇,也是临时将东海箭旗处理了一番,欣喜地禀报说,“那头箭旗预计有一千多斤重,去掉不能食用的部分,至少也有七百多斤,大赚了。” The second stage ferocious beast fish meat, wants the expensive/noble about several tenths compared with first stage ferocious beast, supplemented that the vitality the effect will be better. Only is these pure fish meat parts, on value several hundred Qian gold. 二阶凶兽的鱼肉,比一阶凶兽要贵数成左右,补充气血的效果会更好一些。光是这些纯鱼肉部分,就值数百乾金 The skin of arrow flag also has the use value, after the special technique tans, can manufacture some high-end water to depend, can increase profound warrior to flee from within the water technique and defense. 箭旗的皮也非常有利用价值,特殊手法鞣制后,可以制作一些高端的水靠,可以增加玄武者水遁之术和防御。 Part that all can eat, even if the fish intestines fish liver, will be eaten. 所有能食用的部分,哪怕是鱼肠鱼肝等,都会被吃掉。 Skeleton spur that other cannot eat, then after can season , the mill becomes the spirit fish bonedust, with applies fertilizer by spirit field. 其余不能食用的骨骼骨刺等,则可以晒干后碾磨成灵鱼骨粉,用以灵田施肥。 In brief, so expensive and rare spirit fish, will not have any place to waste. 总之,一条如此昂贵而难得的灵鱼,是不会有任何地方浪费的。 spirit fish maw, is very expensive thing, after the special handling dries in the shade, is the famous spirit fish flower rubber. 还有灵鱼的鱼鰾,也是非常昂贵之物,特殊处理阴干后就是大名鼎鼎的灵鱼花胶。 This is on spirit fish the most expensive part, eats to prevent the postpartum hemorrhage to the post-natal female, supplements the function of vitality physical ability mildly. 这是灵鱼身上最贵的部分,给产后女子食用有防止产后出血,温润补充气血体能的作用。 Naturally , when only then the profound warrior aristocratic family bloodline female produces, will have such precious thing edible, ordinary household's females misses. 当然,也只有玄武世家血脉女子生产之时,才会有此等珍贵之物食用,普通家庭的女子是无缘的。 „After remembering fish glue processing, when puts in the clan storehouse in account book note, when my elder sister gets married takes one of the dowries.” The Wang Shouzhe intention moves, exhorts was saying. “记得鱼胶处理后,放入族库之时账本上备注一下,等我姐出嫁时作为陪嫁之一。”王守哲心念一动,嘱咐着说道。 That is natural.” Wang Zhong accepts to say with a smile, that Red Tailed Spirit Yellowcheek spirit fish flower rubber that first Family Head hunts and kills is also saving, definitely as Young Lady Luoyi dowry.” “那是自然。”王忠笑着应承道,“先家主猎杀的那条红尾灵鳡灵鱼花胶也存着呢,肯定都是作为珞伊小姐的陪嫁品。” Wang Luoyi is the Wang Clan daughter of first wife, when gets married naturally can have the best spirit fish flower rubber to take the dowry. 王珞伊王氏嫡女,出嫁时自然会有最好的灵鱼花胶作为陪嫁。 Meanwhile, in the normal condition Wang Shouzhe does not need to consider this for the Liu Clan thousand gold (daughter). 同时,正常情况下王守哲无需替柳氏千金考虑这个。 Because the Liu Clan daughter of first wife marries his Wang Shouzhe time, naturally must have the high grade qualitative spirit fish flower rubber dowry, that is the wife's relatives' intention to getting married daughter, hopes that she in post-natal recovers the health. 因为柳氏嫡女嫁给他王守哲的时候,自然也少不了高品质的灵鱼花胶陪嫁,那是娘家人对出嫁女儿的一份心意,希望她在产后恢复健康。 The profound warrior aristocratic family custom and tradition, penetrated each of life. 玄武世家的风俗与传统,深入到了生活的每一处。 ...... ……
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