POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#53: Glutton talent

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...... …… Following two days. 接下来两日。 Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan planned where does not go, stays in the restaurant courtyard cultivation. 王守哲珑烟老祖打算哪里都不去,就留在酒楼院子里修炼 Old Ancestor Longyan was suffered 50 years by Yin Fiend Poison, the condition has abhorred. That method is very simple, ordinary wandering cultivator can understand continually, she slightly comprehends, then starts to attempt to transform. 珑烟老祖阴煞之毒折磨了五十年,早就对此状态深恶痛绝。那篇法门十分简单,连普通的散修都能看得懂,她略一参悟,便开始尝试转化。 Wang Shouzhe is fears accidentally/surprisingly, is accompanying simply, but can also make Old Ancestor direct puzzled place on the cultivation. Old Ancestor Longyan in Purple Mansion Academy promotes Spirit Platform Boundary, then studies under Superior Master Ice Wave, young then cultivation to Spirit Platform Boundary intermediate stage. aptitude experiences, is not Lu Family Old Ancestor Mingsheng can compare. 王守哲则是怕出意外,索性就陪着,还能让老祖指点一下修炼上的不解之处。珑烟老祖紫府学宫中晋升灵台境后,便师从冰澜上人,年纪轻轻便修炼到了灵台境中期。无论是天资还是见识,都不是卢家明升老祖可以比拟。 Indicated at will, then makes Wang Shouzhe universality of contradictions, the train of thought such as well up. 随意一点拨,便让王守哲茅塞顿开,思绪如涌。 Family's big girl Wang Lici age is too actually young, some dwellings continuously, Wang Shouzhe arranged Family Guard to accompany her to go out simply to stroll, gave back to her ten Qian gold incidental expenses, to reward her recent studying hard and served the care of Old Ancestor. 倒是家里的大丫头王璃慈年纪太轻,有些宅不住,王守哲索性安排了家将陪她出去逛逛,还给了她十乾金的零花,以奖励她最近的用功和侍奉老祖的仔细。 At noon. 中午时分。 Wang Lici is crying room that ran in Wang Shouzhe, on the puffy moon-face is suffering: Fourth Uncle Fourth Uncle, I was deceived by hateful wandering cultivator. Wū wū, ten Qian gold bought this broken stone, inside at all is not delicious.” 王璃慈哭着跑进了王守哲的房间,肥嘟嘟的圆脸上都是委屈:“四叔四叔,我被可恶的散修骗了。呜呜呜,十乾金就买了这块破石头,里面根本不是什么好吃的。” Saying, she put out a stone of fist size, had been found the way to cut open by her, inside revealed white Huahua one piece. 说着,她拿出了一块拳头大小的石头,已被她想办法切开,里面露出了白花花的一片。 Under the Wang Shouzhe heart pulls out, ten Qian gold are not the small numbers. However since gave her, that is her oneself money. Spoiled, the heart of Wang Shouzhe somewhat is also tired. 王守哲心下一抽,十乾金不是小数目。不过既然给了她,那便是她自己的钱。只是就这么糟蹋了,王守哲的心也有些累。 Is it possible that is Big Brother Shouxin good at having some black sheep of the family ruined family females? Likes to gamble, delicious! 莫非,守信大哥就擅长生一些败家子败家女吗?一个好赌,一个好吃! Delicious what in the stone can have? This intelligence quotient was too worrying. 石头里能有啥好吃的?这智商太让人担心了。 Well, is not right.” The Wang Shouzhe eye hid to jump jumping unexpectedly, took that to be slivered two split bamboo by her the stones. “咦,不对。”王守哲蓦地眼皮子跳了跳,拿过了那块被她切成两爿的石头。 That stone cover is verdant, the appearance is really attractive. Obviously, this is in the wandering cultivator stall the most common gambling stone! Some very powerful clan, for example Celestial clan, again or the big influence, might grasp some spirit stone ores. 那石头外皮青翠,模样煞是好看。十分显然,这就是散修摊位上最为常见的赌石!一些非常强大的家族,例如天人家族,再或者大势力等,有可能会掌握一些灵石矿。 In the spirit stone ore will present many bits and pieces, in these bits and pieces can also extract spirit stone occasionally. To pursue a bigger benefit, these bits and pieces were treated as to bet the stone to trade. 灵石矿中会出现很多边角料,那些边角料中偶尔也能起出灵石来。但是为了追求更大的利益,那些边角料都是被当作赌石贩卖。 From the beginning is also wandering cultivator participation in which that some wrestles, this thing became an industry chain afterward. wandering cultivator betting stone transport/fortune sets up a stall to each region, making one try one's luck. 一开始还都是一些搏一搏的散修参与其中,再后来这东西就成了一种产业链。散修把赌石运到各地摆摊,让人碰碰运气。 everyone knows, ten bet nine to lose. 谁都知道,十赌九输。 However cannot support some people to transport the potential to go against heaven's will, for example spent ten Qian gold, bets value several hundred over a thousand Qian gold spirit stone, thus gets huge windfall wealth. 但是架不住有人运势逆天,例如花了十乾金,赌出来一块价值几百上千乾金灵石,从而一夜暴富。 All sorts of legends let bet stone industry Xingwang/prosper to be developed, these have spirit ore clan, is glad the maximum benefit. 种种传说都让赌石业兴旺发达起来,那些拥有灵矿的家族,也乐得利益最大化。 However this type of gambling stone, Wang Shouzhe usually takes a look does not take a look at one, he also does not have yellow golden pupils perspective/see through eye anything. The probability of betting goes far beyond the gambling to rise. Might as well farms honestly, makes money carefully. 但是这种赌石,王守哲平常是瞅都不瞅一眼的,他又没有黄金瞳透视眼什么的。赌垮的概率远远超过赌涨。还不如老老实实种田,一步一个脚印赚钱。 But big girl a piece that bets the stone...... inside white Huahua, even Wang Shouzhe can feel spirit qi is abundant, grasps in the hand, then has in the faint trace cool feeling straight drill body. 可大丫头这块赌石……里面白花花的一片,连王守哲都能感受到其中灵气充沛,一握在手中,便有丝丝凉意直钻体内。 He knows certainly that this was spirit stone, but somewhat was not sure the spirit stone content to have many, after all Wang Shouzhe has also seen 1-2 spirit stone from infancy to maturity. 他当然知道这是灵石了,只是有些吃不准灵石含量有多少,毕竟从小到大王守哲也就见过1-2灵石 From this. 由此。 Wang Shouzhe held on was still crying to sell miserable Wang Lici, looks Old Ancestor Longyan palm palm eye. 王守哲一把拉住了还在哭哭啼啼卖惨的王璃慈,去找珑烟老祖掌掌眼。 Bountiful by the experience of Old Ancestor Longyan, takes the stone clue the little while, is somewhat is slightly surprised, slightly after making the judgment, said: Really is spirit stone, approximately can cut to polish three to four spirit stone appearances.” 饶是以珑烟老祖的见多识广,拿着石头端倪了会儿,也是微微有些惊讶,略作判断后说:“果然是灵石,大约能切割打磨出三到四块灵石的样子。” Three to four? 三到四块? The Wang Shouzhe look stagnates, in the this time purchase list, he was cruel-hearted ten spirit stone in inside, value enough over a thousand Qian gold. He prepared to try cultivation with one to two, has a look at the effect. 王守哲神色一滞,这一次采购清单中,他狠狠心加了十枚灵石在里面,价值足足上千乾金。原本他是准备用一到两块来尝试修炼一番,看看效果。 Other can spirit stone, will use Prosperous Village to go mostly, unifies Spirit Gathering Array, look open some spirit field to come out again. As far as he knows, in Prosperous Village has woof spirit spring, approximately suffices to support 60 mu spirit field appearance. 其余的灵石,多半都会用到兴盛农庄去,结合聚灵阵,看看能不能再开辟一些灵田出来。据他所知,兴盛农庄中有一汪灵泉,大约够支撑六十亩灵田的模样。 Now Prosperous Village Only 20 mu spirit field, this is because after clan brought forth the disaster, continuously economic strain. After wants waits for Sixth Grandfather Wang Xiaohan to rush to Spirit Platform Boundary, stabilizes the clan aspect, again slowly development surplus spirit field. 只是现在【兴盛农庄】中仅有二十亩灵田,这是因为家族逢了大难后,一直经济紧张。原本是想等六爷爷王宵翰冲上灵台境后,稳住家族局面,再慢慢开拓剩余的灵田 Finally Wang Xiaohan attacks the Spirit Platform failure, caused to develop spirit field to plan to reach a deadlock. 结果王宵翰冲击灵台失败,也导致了开拓灵田计划搁浅。 However at this time, Wang Shouzhe must develop spirit field, will otherwise restrict the cultivation progress and development of clan juniors, can't purchase spirit rice outward? 但是此时,王守哲则是必须将灵田开拓起来,否则将制约家族子弟们的修炼进度与发展,总不能一直对外去采购灵米吧? Ten spirit stone, are Wang Shouzhe clenches teeth to buy. 十块灵石,都是王守哲咬牙买下的。 Actually does not think, Wang Lici this broken girl bet 34 with ten Qian gold unexpectedly! 却不想,王璃慈这破丫头竟然用十乾金赌出了三四块! Girl, you know that bets the stone is not right?” The Wang Shouzhe sound is somewhat severe. The gambling won, although profits for a while, but this wind cannot be long. Otherwise after if the big girl gets to know the benefits, wallows in betting the stone, much money will also waste all one's money. “丫头,你知道赌石不对吗?”王守哲的声音有些严厉。赌赢了虽然是一时得利,但是此风不能长。否则若是大丫头尝到了甜头后,沉迷于赌石的话,再多的钱也会败光。 Frightens?” “吓?” Wang Lici was frightened is pale, trembles, wū wū said: Fourth Uncle, what bets the stone? I feel in that stone to have delicious, the appearance of probably good delicious thing, that hateful wandering cultivator also said that in definitely has the high-quality goods. Who thinks, he deceives my ~ wū wū, my money did not have, originally can buy many many little dried fish, eight claw fish do, squid strip......” 王璃慈被吓得脸色发白,瑟瑟发抖,呜呜说:“四叔,什么叫赌石啊?我就是觉得那石头里面有好吃的,好像好好吃的东西的样子,那个可恶的散修也说里面肯定有好货。谁想到,他骗我~呜呜呜,我的钱没了,原来可以买好多好多小鱼干,八爪鱼干,鱿鱼条……” Since coming Hundred Islands Garrison, Wang Lici was infatuated with little dried fish and other delicacies all of a sudden, thought that is more delicious than the dry fruit. spirit stone anything, she has not seen, has not listened. 自从来了百岛卫后,王璃慈一下子迷上了小鱼干等美味,觉得比蜜饯还好吃。灵石什么的,她没见过,也没听过。 Glutton! Delicious what in the stone can have!? What in your brain is thinking day in day out?” Wang Shouzhe holds the forehead, is really funny and aerobic. “吃货!石头中能有什么好吃的!?你脑子里一天到晚都是在想些什么?”王守哲一扶额头,真是又好笑又好气。 Good, first does not cry.” Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou quickly comes out to mediate, is hugging the Wang Lici comfort, persuaded to Wang Shouzhe, Shouzhe, the big girl was small. Usually has not gone far, does not understand to these.” “好了好了,先不哭了。”四婶徐芷柔急忙出来打圆场,搂着王璃慈安慰,对王守哲劝说,“守哲,大丫头还小呢。平常也没出过远门,对这些不懂。” Wū wū ~ four paternal grandmothers, that hateful wandering cultivator, does not know that what hands and feet, making others really feel inside has delicious, but, but all come out, is the unedible trash.” Wang Lici heart pain to breaking to pieces, aerobic. “呜呜呜~四奶奶,那可恶的散修,也不知道动了什么手脚,让人家真觉得里面有好吃的,可,可一切出来,全都是不能吃的垃圾。”王璃慈心痛到碎了,好气哟。 Trash? 垃圾? Wang Shouzhe holds the forehead, somewhat creakies. If spirit stone is the trash, on that world also has treasure? However Wang Lici should really not know that what is spirit stone, she grows up in clan from infancy to maturity. Wang Clan is too poor, spirit stone were too few. 王守哲扶着额头,有些摇摇欲坠。如果灵石都是垃圾的话,那世界上还有宝物吗?不过王璃慈应该真不知道什么叫灵石,她从小到大都是在家族里长大。王氏太穷,灵石太少了。 When to this time, Wang Shouzhe believes firmly actually the big girl has not been making out of whole cloth to deceive oneself. 时至此时,王守哲倒是确信了大丫头没有在瞎编骗自己 She does not have that intelligence quotient! 她没那智商! Shouzhe, if the big girl really can feel that in leaves has delicious.” The Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou look hopes for said, this is representing......” 守哲,若是大丫头真能感觉出里面有好吃的。”四婶徐芷柔眼神希冀地说道,“这岂不是代表着……” Wang Shouzhe also thought certainly of this point, but, he is some are unable to understand eventually, then looked to Old Ancestor Longyan. 王守哲当然也想到了这一点,不过,他终究是有些无法理解,便看向了珑烟老祖 Old Ancestor Longyan brow slightly pressed, is the anxiety said: „ As far as I know, even if Celestial Boundary cultivator wants to see through to bet the stone, must display secret technique to be good, consumption and sound absolutely small not. However before heard actually has had the outstandingly able person of special pupil technique, can see through to bet the stone. This kind of person is extremely scarce, moreover displays the pupil technique eye to have the obvious change to be easy to reveal the secret....... I have not heard like Lici this type. 珑烟老祖眉头微蹙,也是疑虑不已道:“据我所知,即便是天人境修士想要看穿赌石,也得施展秘法才行,耗费与动静绝对小不了。不过以前倒是听闻过一些拥有特殊瞳术之奇人,也能看穿赌石。只是这类人太过稀少,而且施展瞳术眼睛会发生明显变化容易露馅。像璃慈这种……我没听说过。 paused, Old Ancestor also said: Shouzhe, big of world far exceeds you to imagine. My experience, but is insignificant. Perhaps, Lici this girl has talent in the spirit sense aspect.” 顿了一下,老祖又说:“守哲,世界之大远超你想象。我的所见所闻,不过是沧海一粟而已。兴许,璃慈这丫头在灵觉方面颇有天赋。” What spirit sense talent? Wang Shouzhe some do not believe. Even this girl some talent, it is estimated that are still glutton talent. 什么灵觉天赋王守哲有些不信。就算这丫头有些天赋,估计也是吃货天赋 Tries to know. 试一试就知道了。 Wang Shouzhe puts out three ten Qian gold, gave Wang Lici saying: Buys Sankuai to come back again, remember, must feel that in has the delicious that stone.” 王守哲拿出三十乾金,交给王璃慈说:“去再买三块石头回来,记住,一定要感觉里面有好吃的那种石头。” Then Wang Lici does not cry, with the naive look, the concern mental handicap took a look at Wang Shouzhe, can it be that Fourth Uncle you air/Qi stupidly? Was deceived also insufficiently to teach one time? 然后王璃慈也不哭了,用天真的眼神,关爱智障般地瞅着王守哲,四叔你莫不是被气傻了吗?被骗一次还不够教训吗? Hehe.” “呵呵。” The Wang Shouzhe cheeks were twitching, sneers, big girl. Forgot and you said that Fourth Uncle just bought two......” 王守哲脸颊都在抽动了,冷笑,“大丫头啊。忘了和你说了,四叔刚买了两本……” The words have not said. 话还没说完。 Wang Lici closely entrained three ten Qian gold gold banknotes, the wind is running generally. 王璃慈紧紧拽着三十乾金金票,风一般地跑了。 That speed and response rapidness, Wang Shouzhe somewhat is even stunned, he does not dare to believe firmly that the big girl has what spirit sense talent, but is certain she has certainly velocity profile talent. 那速度和反应之快,连王守哲都有些错愕,他不敢确信大丫头是不是有什么灵觉天赋,但是可以肯定她一定有速度型天赋 However to fear her suffers a loss, quickly makes Wang Zhong Wang Yong follow. 不过为了怕她吃亏,急忙又让王忠王勇跟上。 Shouzhe you also are really......” nearby Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou smile. 守哲你还真是……”一旁的四婶徐芷柔莞尔一笑。 ...... ……
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