POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#52: 【Heavenly Spirit Pill】

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...... …… The dialogue between two people, Wang Shouzhe could not have listened. Immediately stretched across one step to keep off in front of Old Ancestor, said to Manager Zhong cups the hands: Senior Zhong, we are do business, but also asked Senior to work according to the custom.” 两人之间的对话,王守哲已经听不下去了。当即横跨一步挡在了老祖面前,对钟执事拱手道:“钟前辈,我们是来做生意的,还请前辈按照规矩做事。” Then, Wang Shouzhe has taken Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, gave the Manager Zhong appraisal. 说罢,王守哲拿过龟鳞宝盾,交给了钟执事鉴定。 Yes, yes. Does business, speaks the custom.” Manager Zhong somewhat is obviously absent-minded, is appraising Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, said to the Wang Shouzhe inquiry, young fellow, what person you are Senior Sister Longyan?” “是,是。做生意,讲规矩。”钟执事明显有些心不在焉,边是鉴定着龟鳞宝盾,边是向王守哲打探道,“小伙子,你是珑烟学姐什么人啊?” Returns to Senior, I called Wang Shouzhe, was Changning Garrison Ping'an Town small clan Patriarch, Old Ancestor Longyan is Great Grandaunt of younger generation.” Wang Shouzhe has not concealed, but is says politely. Old Ancestor can not be impolite to him, Wang Shouzhe as the later generation cannot so. “回前辈,我叫王守哲,是长宁卫平安镇的小家族族长,珑烟老祖是晚辈的祖姑奶奶。”王守哲对此没有隐瞒,而是客气地说出。老祖可以对他不客气,王守哲身为后辈可不能如此。 Moreover now that Manager Zhong has obviously recognized Old Ancestor Longyan, before does not dare to inquire concerned about the custom in Academy carelessly, afterward thinks Old Ancestor Longyan died, is naturally impossible to inquire everywhere. 而且现在那钟执事明显已经认出了珑烟老祖,以前在学宫中碍于规矩不敢胡乱打听,后来以为珑烟老祖死了,自然也不可能到处去打探。 If now so, by the Zhong Clan position and influence, wants to inquire that is not difficult. Even Old Ancestor Longyan already very low-key, now fame and influence outside are quite small. 如现在这般,以钟氏的地位与影响力,想打听出来自是不难。即便珑烟老祖已经十分低调,如今在外的名气与影响力比较小。 One hear of surnamed Wang, were Great Grandaunt, Manager Zhong hehe smiled unexpectedly, the smile rippled very much strangely, seeming is having what fond dream to be the same. 一听都姓王,还是祖姑奶奶,钟执事蓦地呵呵笑了起来,笑容很是诡异荡漾,好似在做什么美梦一般。 What do you smile?” In the eye pupil above Old Ancestor Longyan veil, cold glow glitters. “你笑什么?”珑烟老祖面纱之上的眼眸中,冷芒闪烁。 Smiling of Manager Zhong stops suddenly, quickly lowers the head to put on airs to continue to reflect the treasure: This defends spirit item Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, is Purple Mansion Academy Superior Master Ice Wave refines personally, the quality naturally belongs excellent. This spirit item seems has had damage, does not have prompt patching, needs to subtract at least 10%......” 钟执事的笑戛然而止,急忙低着头装模作样继续鉴宝:“此防御灵器龟鳞宝盾,乃是紫府学宫冰澜上人亲手炼制,品质自然属于上乘。只是此灵器好似有过受损,没有及时修补,需要减掉至少10%……” The words have not said, he suddenly feels a back chill in the air to live, originally is the Old Ancestor Longyan vision stares at him to sneer, he does not have quickly grasping the meaning of something of reason, was busy at correcting: Some so scars, Zhong looks for Item Refining Great Master to patch one is, does not need to reduce does not need to reduce. This spirit treasure estimates finally, should in 31,000, no, 32,000 thousand Qian gold about. The honored guest thinks the sale on commission, is gathered by us directly directly?” 话还未说完,他顿觉后背一阵寒意生起,原来是珑烟老祖的目光盯着他在冷笑,他没来由的一激灵,忙改口说:“如此些许伤痕,钟某找个炼器大师修补一番便是,不用减不用减。此灵宝最终估价,应在三万一,不,三万两千乾金左右。贵客是想寄卖,还是直接由我们直接收取?” Listens his, Wang Shouzhe was also estimates the price to come, because Old Ancestor Longyan this Turtle Scaled Precious Shield has had damage, the real estimate must in 20,000 7,000-8,000 Qian gold about, the words of taking away sale on commission, the price very be over difficult three ten thousand Qian gold. 听他的话里话外,王守哲也是估出价格来了,珑烟老祖这件龟鳞宝盾因为有过受损,真实估价应当在两万7,000-8,000乾金左右,拿去寄卖的话,价格很难超过三万乾金 Moreover as the black market market side, needs to extract the fee/spent of partly becoming, is 1500 hundred Qian gold expenses. 而且作为黑市市场方,需要抽取半成的场地费,也就是一千五百乾金的费用。 When he just wants to speak, Old Ancestor Longyan then cold say/way: Gathers by 30,000 prices, after the Item Refining Great Master restore of your Zhong Clan, many can gain. Then is my Wang Longyan owes you a favor.” 他刚想说话时,珑烟老祖便冷然道:“以三万价格收取,凭你们钟氏炼器大师修复后,多少还是能赚一点。便算是我王珑烟欠你一个人情。” Senior Sister Longyan, I can......” Manager Zhong one hear the goddess favor be possible to owe, just wants to further take a stand again. 珑烟学姐,我可以……”钟执事一听有女神的人情可欠,刚想再进一步表态。 Does not need!” Old Ancestor Longyan breaks him cold, my Wang Longyan, if is not really helpless, will owe anybody absolutely not the favor. If you shell out to make up the loss, this Turtle Scaled Precious Shield does not sell.” “不必了!”珑烟老祖冷然打断他,“我王珑烟若非着实无奈,断不会欠任何人人情。你若自掏腰包补足亏损,这龟鳞宝盾就不卖了。” „Is is, Senior Sister Longyan you decide.” Manager Zhong does not have the strength of spirit to nod again and again, in the heart is regrets. Then although does, will let his private subsidizing, but can Senior Sister Longyan owe more favors, that has a dream thinks. “是是是,珑烟学姐你说了算。”钟执事毫无骨气地连连点头,心中直是惋惜不已。虽然那么做,会让他私人贴补,但是能珑烟学姐欠更多人情,那是做梦都想的。 The both sides agreement, the Golden Sand black market gathers Turtle Scaled Precious Shield by three ten thousand Qian gold. 双方协定,金沙黑市以三万乾金收取龟鳞宝盾 Manager Zhong has the goddess management of opportunity for the heart in rarely, immediately ran to go through the formalities. By his Zhong Clan direct descendant status, the Spirit Platform Boundary cultivation base deacon, this matter has been settled in addition. 钟执事难得有机会为心中女神办事,当即屁颠屁颠跑去办理手续去了。以他钟氏嫡系身份,加上灵台境修为的执事,此事已是板上钉钉了。 While this neutral gear, Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan start to discuss where this sum of money uses. 趁此空档,王守哲珑烟老祖开始商议,这笔钱用在什么地方。 Originally by the meaning of Old Ancestor Longyan is, must give Wang Shouzhe to purchase fifth stage spirit pill Heavenly Spirit Pill, Then preserves carefully, this pill is marketable rare spirit pill, the Qi Refining Boundary peak attacks Spirit Platform Boundary assists spirit pill best, but dramatically increases the success ratio. 本来以珑烟老祖的意思是,要给王守哲购买一枚五阶灵丹天灵丹】,然后仔细保存起来,此丹乃是抢手的稀有灵丹,正是炼气境巅峰冲击灵台境的最佳辅助灵丹,可大幅度增加成功率。 This spirit pill, is one of the major profound warrior / black tortoise clan long-awaited spirit pill, had it, then may give clan to increase Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor. 灵丹,也是各大玄武家族梦寐以求的灵丹之一,有了它,便有可能给家族增添一位灵台境老祖 However it belongs to fifth stage medicinal pill, refining is not easy, and needs many expensive heavenly materials and earthly treasures, every appears one time can auction the situation to sell, the price will usually pat to 32,000 to 30,000 five Qian gold, the price also wants on expensively compared with general spirit item many, 但是它属于五阶丹药,炼制起来非常不易,且需要很多昂贵的天材地宝,每一次出现都会以拍卖形势售卖,价格通常会拍到三万二至三万五乾金之间,价格比起一般的灵器还要贵上不少, This number to most clan, is astronomical figures. Even if some industries makes good clan likely, does not have dozens years of saving , is also very difficult to afford. 这个数字对绝大多数家族来说,都是一个天文数字。哪怕是像一些产业做得不错的家族,没有数十年的积攒,也很难买得起。 Moreover did not have Heavenly Spirit Pill, clan can certainly have Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor. 而且并非是有了天灵丹,家族就一定能出一个灵台境老祖 Was once placed the great expectations like Wang Clan Sixth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaohan, once attacked the Spirit Platform Boundary failure with Heavenly Spirit Pill, causing Sixth Elderly Gentleman to be until now depressed, thought that oneself was unfair to clan. 就像王氏曾经被寄予厚望的六老太爷王宵翰,就曾经用天灵丹冲击灵台境失败,导致六老太爷迄今都是郁郁寡欢,觉得自己对不起家族 Also Wang Xiaohan has this idea no wonder, his cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary peak resources, as well as that Heavenly Spirit Pill, Was clan sells out in Changning Garrison many family properties to raise to come, words clan of impact failure lost is serious. 也是难怪王宵翰有此想法,他修炼炼气境巅峰的资源,以及那枚【天灵丹】,都是家族卖掉了长宁卫中许多族产才筹措而来,冲击失败的话家族损失非常惨重。 However Wang Shouzhe rejected the proposition of Old Ancestor Longyan, he in a short time has no need, so the fund accumulates the silt to be really disadvantageous. Might as well purchase third stage spirit pill Creation Pill, Treats her is damaged the serious five main internal organs (entrails). 不过王守哲拒绝了珑烟老祖的提议,他短期内根本用不着,如此资金积淤着实不利。不如购买三阶灵丹造化丹】,来治疗她的受损严重的五脏六腑。 Her injury towed is too long, every time towed for a year to be easy to cause the irretrievable consequence. Now she could refining Yin Fiend Poison, be the treatment injury best time. 她的伤势拖太久了,每拖一年都容易造成不可挽回的后果。如今她已经可以炼化阴煞之毒,正是治疗伤势的最佳时机。 Old Ancestor.” The Wang Shouzhe serious say/way, regardless other, words that at present your injury restores as soon as possible, most is favorable for clan. Without your asylum, my Wang Clan development is good, is a dish in others eyes.” 老祖。”王守哲郑重道,“撇开其它都不谈,目前您伤势尽快恢复的话,对家族最为有利。若是没有您的庇护,我王氏发展再好,也是旁人眼里的一盘菜。” After a Old Ancestor Longyan slightly thinking, finally accepted, the suggestion of Shouzhe conforms to the present situation. Before wants to purchase Heavenly Spirit Pill, Is because after fearing oneself dies, Wang Clan clan is incapable of getting so far as Heavenly Spirit Pill, now perhaps does not use, the situation naturally also changed. 珑烟老祖略一思索后,最终还是应承了下来,守哲的建议才是最为符合现状。之前想购买【天灵丹】,是因为怕自己死后,王氏家族无力弄到天灵丹,现在恐怕不用死了,形势自然也变了。 Quick, words paper inkstone of Wang Shouzhe in theater box, considers to discuss with Old Ancestor Longyan arranged in order a list. 很快,王守哲用包厢内的笔墨纸砚,与珑烟老祖斟酌商量着列好了一份清单。 Little Origin Cultivating Pill 300, second stage medicinal pill Origin Cultivating Pill 100, third stage medicinal pill Creation Pill 20, spirit stone 10, Little Five Phases Array array flag one set. 小培元丹】300枚,二阶丹药培元丹】100枚,三阶丹药造化丹】20枚,灵石十枚,小五行阵阵旗一套。 Total price approximately in three ten thousand Qian gold. 总价大约在三万乾金 And Little Origin Cultivating Pill, after goes into storage specially, coordinates the clan contribution points use. Especially clan young one generation, is the cultivation best period, if missed this age, late stage more resources are hard to make up. 其中小培元丹,是专门入库后,配合家族贡献值使用的。尤其是家族年轻一代,正是修炼的最佳时期,若是错失了这个年龄,后期更多的资源都难以弥补。 Wang Shouzhe does not want to see these Younger Brother Younger Sister, because lacks Little Origin Cultivating Pill, wants to spend for several months to polish boundary additionally, finally cultivation base falls behind others. 王守哲再也不想见到那些弟弟妹妹们,因为缺乏一枚小培元丹,要额外多花几个月的时间去打磨境界,最终修为落后于旁人。 But Origin Cultivating Pill, Then to Wang Shouzhe, Old Ancestor Longyan, as well as Sixth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaohan preparation. Especially after Wang Xiaohan since attacks Spirit Platform Boundary is defeated, is demoralized, is depressed in the clan industry Prosperous Village On, this without doubt is a huge waste. 而【培元丹】,则是给王守哲,珑烟老祖,以及六老太爷王宵翰准备的。尤其是王宵翰自从冲击灵台境失败后,意志消沉,一心闷在了家族产业【兴盛农庄】上,这无疑是一种天大的浪费。 Now also with enough time, depends on Origin Cultivating Pill wait/etc resources, can make him gradually return to the Qi Refining Boundary peak, prepares to attack Spirit Platform Boundary momentarily. In clan Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, often Gu head cannot only attend to the tail, without doubt suffered a loss. 现在还来得及,靠着培元丹等等资源,可以让他逐渐回归炼气境巅峰,准备好随时冲击灵台境家族中仅有一位灵台境老祖,往往顾首顾不了尾,无疑太吃亏了。 But Wang Shouzhe oneself, wants to speed up the cultivation progress, the attempt usually with Little Origin Cultivating Pill cultivation, the critical moment depends Origin Cultivating Pill Breaks through boundary. 王守哲自己,也想加快一下修炼进度,尝试平常用小培元丹修炼,关键时刻靠【培元丹】来突破境界 After all according to the original plan, was the preparation makes him reach the Qi Refining Boundary peak to prepare to attack Spirit Platform Boundary at age about 40. 毕竟按照原有计划,是准备让他在将近40岁时达到炼气境巅峰才准备冲击灵台境 Too slow! 太慢了! With the Wang Shouzhe transmigrator mentality, how possibly the so to endure snail speed. Even if luxurious, wastes resources, he must attack Spirit Platform Boundary as soon as possible. 王守哲穿越者的心态,怎么可能忍受得了如此蜗牛般的速度。哪怕是奢侈一些,浪费一点资源,他也要尽快冲击灵台境 Wraps Little Five Phases Array as for that naturally gives Lu Xiaoxiao. At that time took Old Ancestor Mingsheng five hundred Qian gold, buying the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest delivered her is the waste. However Lu Xiaoxiao has Array Master talent, this set of foundation array happen to be used to study. 至于那套小五行阵,自然是送给卢笑笑了。当时拿了明升老祖的五百乾金,买紫晶灵蜂巢送她那是浪费。但是卢笑笑拥有阵法师天赋,这套基础阵法正好可以用来学习。 When Manager Zhong returns to the theater box, sees the list that Wang Shouzhe gives, had a scare. Is it possible that this Wang Clan is what large-scale profound warrior aristocratic family, needs the resources so to be unexpectedly huge? 钟执事回到包厢,一瞅见王守哲给出的清单,也是被吓了一跳。这王氏莫非是什么大型玄武世家,所需资源竟然如此庞大? Senior Zhong, does not know that the expensive/noble city does collect the treasure sell of breath class? The price should not be too high, had better be able in the thousand gold (daughter).” The Wang Shouzhe inquiry said. 钟前辈,不知贵市有没有敛息类的宝物出售?价格不要太高,最好能在千金之内。”王守哲打探说。 Manager Zhong slightly pondered over saying: Small spirit treasure Aura Restraining Jade Pendant, but can only hide the non- eruption condition Qi Refining Boundary cultivation base, moreover cannot hide the truth from Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator. The price is not too actually expensive, on thousand Qian gold.” 钟执事略一琢磨说:“有一枚小灵宝敛息玉佩,不过仅能隐藏非爆发状态的炼气境修为,而且瞒不过灵台境修士。价格倒是不算太贵,也就一千乾金。” Enough use.” Wang Shouzhe is slightly joyful, in list adds on.” “足够使用了。”王守哲微微欣喜,“清单之内加上。” Then the time, Wang Shouzhe is the preparation erupts the cultivation speed. He does not think the oneself cultivation base condition, exposes in the assorted person eyes frequently. 接下来时间,王守哲是准备爆发一下修炼速度的。他可不想自己修为状态,时时刻刻暴露在杂七杂八人眼中。 „The thing that honored guest wants is a much less.” Manager Zhong looks the difficult color, needs 12 days time to raise 12 to me.” “贵客要的东西有点多。”钟执事面露难色道,“需要给我一两日时间筹措一二。” Might as well, our both sides sign the agreement to be then good.” “无妨无妨,咱们双方签下协议便行。” Wang Shouzhe is quick, was makes Manager Zhong understand initially the Manager Qian mood, this purchase agreement was meticulous enough, the oversight that can think of thought completely. 王守哲很快,便是让钟执事领略到了当初钱主事的心情,这购货协议够缜密的,能想到的疏漏全部想到了。 Had Manager Zhong to help handle matters, Wang Shouzhe and the others then do not need to wait here, at the same night returned to the restaurant. 有了钟执事帮忙办事,王守哲等人便无需在此等候了,连夜回到了酒楼之中。 He sits cross-legged to sit on the bed, cultivation sits in meditation, after several double-hour, opens the eye slowly, obviously also has the big progress. 他盘腿坐在床上,修炼打坐,数个时辰后缓缓睁开眼睛,明显又有较大的进步。 The matter to this time, the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings was tranquil. 事至此时,王守哲的内心才平静了下来。 The tour of this time Hundred Islands Garrison, but also is really the mighty waves rises from all directions, is not very peaceful. First discovered Yin Fiend Sect outlet disciple, was Old Ancestor Longyan bumped into initially Academy Junior Brother. 这一次百岛卫之行,还真是波澜四起,很不太平。先是发现了阴煞宗的外道弟子,紧接着便是珑烟老祖碰到了当初学宫学弟 Regardless of which matter does not do well, is a severe crisis. 无论哪一桩事弄不好,都是一个严峻的危机。 Is good is out of danger because of both things, from turned into the advantageous aspect disadvantageously. Especially Yin Fiend Sect to the Yin Fiend transformation method of outlet disciple, that thing others took also uselessly, but actually agrees with Old Ancestor extremely. 好在两件事情都是转危为安,从不利变成了有利局面。尤其是阴煞宗给外道弟子的阴煞转化法门,那东西旁人拿了也无用,但是对老祖却极为契合。 However the good deed turns over to the good deed, Wang Shouzhe to decide after this time goes back, is careless previous some time, develop the strength to well in secret well. 不过好事归好事,王守哲决定这次回去之后,还是苟上一段时间,好好暗中发展一下实力为好。 This fantasy world was too dangerous, burst not to be able to do well at will lost the life. 玄幻世界太危险了,随意乱闯搞不好就丢了性命。 ...... ……
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