POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#51: Celestial aristocratic family

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...... …… A night passes by. 一夜过去。 Next day, in Golden Sand City because of not dying two wandering cultivator, but makes noisily. Perhaps will have the government authorities related high level to trace, will not actually consume the energy excessively, was more chaotic than other places in Hundred Islands Garrison, dead two wandering cultivator also not important matter. 翌日,金沙城内并没有因为死了两个散修而闹得沸沸扬扬。也许会有官府相关高层会追查一番,却也不会过度耗费精力,在百岛卫本来就比其他地方混乱,死两个散修也并非什么大事。 As for that Yin Fiend outer sect the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of disciple, mostly surprised uncertain, perhaps but is unable to investigate on a grand scale. After all this Hundred Islands Garrison again badly is also the Longzuo Commandery sphere of influence, but also cannot allow the Yin Fiend Sect person to stir up trouble. 至于那个“阴煞外门”弟子的幕后黑手,多半会惊疑不定一阵,但是恐怕也无法大张旗鼓地调查。毕竟这百岛卫再不济也是陇左郡的势力范围,还容不得阴煞宗的人兴风作浪。 Wang Shouzhe one group, naturally are when crosses nothing happened, has what conspiracy to the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, is the least bit is not interested. 王守哲一行人,自然是当什么都没发生过,对幕后黑手到底有什么阴谋,也是半点不感兴趣。 Small Wang Clan, considers only the oneself life is quite appropriate now. 小小王氏,如今还是只顾好自己的死活比较妥当。 The transaction black market, often several days opens. 交易黑市,往往数日一开。 Today the day of black market opening. 今日正是黑市开市之日。 At dusk, Wang Shouzhe asked Lane Chen Fanghua a carriage, is carrying him and Old Ancestor Longyan goes to the black market together, this time, others have not accompanied, their two. 傍晚时分,王守哲拜托陈方华了一辆马车,载着他与珑烟老祖一起去黑市,这一次,其余人都没有随行,就他们两个 The black market borders on the place of cape east Golden Sand City, the average person enters not to let. Only then Qi Refining Boundary four layers above profound warrior, is qualified, moreover can only mostly in the hall. 黑市在金沙城城东濒临海角之处,普通人连进都不让进。只有炼气境四层以上的玄武者,才有资格进入,而且多半只能在大厅之中。 Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan have masqueraded today thoroughly, he dressed up an appearance rough man, but Old Ancestor Longyan was the whole body is covering the grey robe, only revealed an eye. 王守哲珑烟老祖今日已经彻底乔装打扮过了,他打扮成了一个模样粗犷的汉子,而珑烟老祖则是浑身罩着灰袍,只露出一双眼睛。 two people got down the carriage, gets to the black market entrance directly. 两人下了马车,径直走到黑市门口。 Old Ancestor Longyan slightly releases some Spirit Platform Boundary aura, was invited the nightfall city by the family household immediately respectfully, and invited to enter a second floor passenger compartment, in this period including asked an origin did not have. Old Ancestor indicated actually must sell spirit item, immediately brought to the attention of opposite party, expressed that please the managing Sir appraise. 珑烟老祖略一释放些许灵台境气息,便立即被门子恭敬地请入黑市,并邀请进入了二楼一间包间,期间连多问一句来历都没有。倒是老祖表示要卖一件灵器,当即又是引起了对方的重视,表示会请执事大人来鉴定。 This is the style of black market, can, whatever the customer masquerades, guaranteed the privacy of customer. 这就是黑市的风格,可以任由客户乔装打扮,保证了客户的隐私。 So the conduct, lets Hundred Islands Garrison Golden Sand City this black market actually the fame, is getting more and more resounding. Many peripheral garrison seat clan may find the way to participate in the off-the-books deal. 如此做派,倒是让百岛卫金沙城这座黑市的名气,越来越响亮。很多周边卫城家族都有可能想办法来参加黑市交易。 Immediately , after some maidservants come to offer fruits and melons tea and other thing, leaves respectfully. 随即,又有侍女进来奉上瓜果茶水等物后恭敬离开。 Not many moments, then the sound resounds outside the theater box: „Below black market deacon, surnamed Zhong.” 不多片刻,便有一个声音在包厢外响起:“在下黑市执事,姓钟。” Old Ancestor Longyan hinted to the Wang Shouzhe look. 珑烟老祖王守哲眼神示意了一下。 Wang Shouzhe was understanding immediately, goes to open the door, asking that to manage. He had looked at the information before, this black market is the joint industry of Zhong Clan and Ouyang Clan Hundred Islands Garrison two Celestial/heaven and man profound warrior aristocratic family. 王守哲当即会意,前去开门,请了那位执事进来。他之前看过情报,这个黑市就是百岛卫两个天人玄武世家之一钟氏欧阳氏的联合产业。 This person wears the black robe, on the face has a mask that does not have the expression. Since surnamed Zhong, must be the Zhong Clan juniors. 此人身穿黑袍,脸上带着一个没有表情的面具。既然姓钟,应当就是钟氏的子弟了。 Manager Zhong, the family ancestor is invited.” The rough man who Wang Shouzhe acts, salutes to that person of cups the hands. 钟执事,家祖有请。”王守哲扮演的粗犷汉子,对那人拱手行礼。 After Manager Zhong passing through the gate, politely to grey robe Old Ancestor Longyan cups the hands: Many thanks the fellow daoist trusts our black market, our black market had inherited for 200 years, is the tasteful prestige two characters, the fellow daoist does not need any scruples in our market transaction. The fellow daoist need to sell what spirit item, but also please put out a view.” 钟执事进门之后,客气地对灰袍珑烟老祖拱手:“多谢道友信任我们黑市,我们黑市迄今已传承两百年,最是讲究信誉两字,道友在我们市场交易无须有任何顾忌。道友需要卖出什么灵器,还请拿出一观。” This words saying actually open and aboveboard, representative is also the basis that the black market bases. Any makes the market, will treasure to the oneself feather prestige. 200 years of reputation, establishing is not easy. 此话倒是说得堂堂正正,代表的也是黑市立足的根本。任何做市场的,对自己的羽毛信誉都会非常爱惜。两百年的名声,建立起来可不容易。 Old Ancestor Longyan rubbish with him, but is the white hands turns, in the hand unexpectedly were of many a matter palm of the hand size. That thing like the carapace, above covered entirely the compact scale overlapping, above the scale, engraves some are being mysteriously difficult to be bright the exceptionally complex engraved inscription. 珑烟老祖也没有与他废话,而是玉手一翻,手中蓦地多了一个巴掌大小的物事。那东西如同龟甲,上面层层叠叠地布满了致密的鳞片,鳞片之上,又镌刻着一些玄奥难明异常复杂的铭文。 Then is this thing, the fellow daoist estimate how much?” Her sound is low and deep, concealed the vowel intentionally. “便是此物,道友估价几何?”她的声音低沉沙哑,故意掩饰了原音。 This thing?” Manager Zhong slightly examines carefully, the look changes immediately, drinks in a low voice severely, unexpectedly is Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, the fellow daoist, where this thing do you come?” Spirit Platform Boundary powerful aura, filled the air on him. “此物?”钟执事略一细看,眼神当即大变,低声厉喝,“竟然是龟鳞宝盾,道友,此物你从哪里来的?”一股灵台境的强大气息,在他身上弥漫了起来。 In Wang Shouzhe heart thump, this black market what's the matter? First flash, but also boasted the prestige there, among next instant started to interrogate this thing. Immediately, he ignores the Spirit Platform Boundary power and influence, kept off before the Manager Zhong body, cold sound said: Is it possible that can Senior Zhong break the black market rule?” 王守哲心中咯噔一下,这黑市是怎么回事?前一瞬间,还在那里吹嘘信誉,下一瞬间就开始质问此物了。当即,他不顾灵台境威势,挡在了钟执事身前,冷声说:“钟前辈莫非要破坏黑市规矩?” His words, made Manager Zhong rapid actually calm, was only somewhat is still dignified: „The Zhong rash, this Turtle Scaled Precious Shield was a relic of my sect important person, if you are willing to say the origin, Zhong is willing to increase price 10%, no, 20% purchases.” 他的话,倒是让钟执事迅速冷静了下来,只是依旧有些凝重:“钟某孟浪了,这件龟鳞宝盾是我师门一位重要之人的遗物,若是你们愿意说出来历,钟某愿意加价10%,不,20%收购。” Well?” “咦?” The Wang Shouzhe brow slightly wrinkle, Turtle Scaled Precious Shield as defensive spirit item, the overall value above offensive spirit item, the price perhaps will usually achieve several tens of thousands of Qian gold! Increasing price an achievement is several thousand Qian gold. 王守哲眉头微皱,龟鳞宝盾身为防御性灵器,总体价值通常在攻击性灵器之上,价格恐怕会达到数万乾金!加价一成就是好几千乾金 This does Manager Zhong so care about this treasure unexpectedly? Moreover his words...... 钟执事竟然如此在意此宝?而且他的话…… Does not sell, we walk.” Old Ancestor Longyan turns conveniently, receives rapidly Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, sound low and deep say/way. “不卖了,我们走。”珑烟老祖随手一翻,迅速将龟鳞宝盾收起,声音低沉道。 Wait!” “等等!” That Manager Zhong blocks toward the entrance unexpectedly, later the look erratically is staring at Old Ancestor Longyan astonishedly, said in a low voice, Senior Sister, Senior Sister Longyan is you? Your you, you are actually also living.” 钟执事竟然往门口一拦,随后眼神惊异不定地盯着珑烟老祖,低声说,“师姐,珑烟学姐是你吗?你你你,你竟然还活着。” Senior Sister? 学姐 Wang Shouzhe held breath a cold air/Qi, this is Manager Zhong, unexpectedly Old Ancestor Longyan Junior Brother? Is it possible that he is also the Purple Mansion Academy family background...... among them, once...... he started to use the imagination to come. 王守哲倒吸了一口冷气,这位钟执事,竟然是珑烟老祖学弟?他也是紫府学宫出身……莫非他们之间,曾经……他开始发挥起想象力来了。 Who you are!” Old Ancestor Longyan stopped the movement, the look passed over gently and swiftly swift and fierce air/Qi, how you recognized me, why recognized Turtle Scaled Precious Shield?” “你是谁!”珑烟老祖停住了动作,眼神掠过了一丝凌厉之气,“你如何认得我,为何认得龟鳞宝盾?” I, I am Zhong Xingwang.” Manager Zhong hurried cups the hands said, Senior Sister Longyan still does remember me?” “我,我是钟兴旺啊。”钟执事急忙拱手说,“珑烟学姐还记得我吗?” During the speeches, he took off the mask on face on own initiative, revealed one slightly to reveal the senile, very ordinary old man face. 说话间,他主动摘下了脸上的面具,露出了一张略显老态,很平凡的老者脸。 Zhong Xingwang?” Old Ancestor Longyan thought deeply about the moment, in the look appeared wiped confusedly, did not know, perhaps forgot.” 钟兴旺?”珑烟老祖思索了片刻,眼神中浮现了一抹迷茫,“不认识,兴许是忘记了。” Manager Zhong also thinks little, but hehe laughed foolishly one, cups the hands said: Senior Sister Longyan does not remember that I am also normal, at that time the Senior Sister Longyan 60 years old then achieved Spirit Platform Boundary intermediate stage, are the man of the hour in Academy. But my Zhong Xingwang, but is the Academy later student end that clan goes through the motions enters enters, can only look up to the Senior Sister power and prestige.” 钟执事也不以为意,只是嘿嘿憨笑了一声,拱手说:“珑烟学姐不记得我也正常,当时珑烟学姐六十岁便达到灵台境中期,是学宫内的风云人物。而我钟兴旺,不过是家族走了后门才进的学宫后学末进,只能仰望学姐的威风。” During the speeches, on his face and look cannot contain revealed admiration, the respect, even is some colors of fear. 说话间,他脸上和眼神中不可遏制地露出了仰慕,崇敬,甚至是有些畏惧之色。 Hears here. 听到此处。 Wang Shouzhe was understood, before him these imagination were wrong. This Manager Zhong and Old Ancestor Longyan, are not the deity schoolmate of mutual admire relate from the start, but is the relations of loser and goddess...... 王守哲才算明白了过来,他之前的那些想象都是错的。这位钟执事珑烟老祖,压根就不是什么互相爱慕的神仙同学关系,而是一个吊丝与女神的关系…… Own Old Ancestor cannot remember his name...... 自家老祖连他的名字都记不得…… Moreover looks at his appearance already some vicissitudes seniles. But he also called Old Ancestor Longyan is Senior Sister, Purple Mansion Academy that went through the motions, must be in the old situation promotes Spirit Platform Boundary. 而且看他的模样已经有些沧桑老态。而他又称呼珑烟老祖学姐,还是走后门进的紫府学宫,必是年纪较大的情况下才晋升灵台境 He does not know that Old Ancestor Longyan family background clan is also normal, in Purple Mansion Academy is refuses to propagandize oneself clan at will, or inquired others clan situation casually. 他不知道珑烟老祖的出身家族也是正常,紫府学宫中是严禁随意宣传自己家族,或是随便打听别人家族的情况。 Only if each other relations are extremely good, otherwise everyone is one of the vast scholars, without the division of too many family background, this was Purple Mansion Academy the place of ruling by force. 除非彼此关系极佳,否则大家都是泱泱学子之一,没有太多的家世之分,这就是紫府学宫的霸道之处了。 You are so blocking me, how desires?” The Old Ancestor Longyan sound is passing indifferently, is it possible that is thinks the bad black market the custom?” “你如此拦着我,欲待如何?”珑烟老祖的声音透着冷漠,“莫非是想坏黑市的规矩?” Doesn't dare.” Manager Zhong quickly waved the hand saying that „, if the bad market custom, will be killed by Ancestor. Was they said that Senior Sister has died in Outer Territory, I sad many years. Therefore after I see Senior Sister Longyan, somewhat is for a while excited, but also looks at Senior Sister not to blame not to blame.” “不敢不敢。”钟执事急忙摇手说,“若坏市场规矩,会被老祖宗打死的。就是他们都说学姐已经死在了外域,我伤心了好些年。所以我见到珑烟学姐后,一时有些激动,还望学姐勿怪勿怪。” Saying, is again and again cups the hands, requested that Old Ancestor Longyan excuses me. 说着,便是连连拱手,请求珑烟老祖见谅。 That then makes way.” Old Ancestor Longyan cold say/way. “那便让开。”珑烟老祖冷然道。 Letting...... no no no.” Solemn Spirit Platform Boundary Manager Zhong, somewhat was unexpectedly flurried, asked Senior Sister Longyan to me a making reparations opportunity, does not know why Senior Sister can sell Turtle Scaled Precious Shield? I remember that is Superior Master Ice Wave grants your spirit item!” “让让让……不不不。”堂堂灵台境钟执事,竟然有些慌乱了起来,“求珑烟学姐给我一个赎罪的机会,不知学姐为何要卖龟鳞宝盾?我记得那是冰澜上人赐予您的灵器!” Is short of money.” Old Ancestor Longyan ice-cold say/way. “缺钱。”珑烟老祖冰冷道。 Is short of money, did not say early.” Manager Zhong relaxes, later shows the expression that some flattered and flattered, Xingwang/prosper as the Zhong Clan direct descendant juniors, many accumulated some privately-owned houses, the personal connection also saved. Senior Sister Longyan needs many, I can raise 12 actually.” “缺钱,不早说嘛。”钟执事松了一口气,随后露出了些许谄媚和讨好的表情,“兴旺身为钟氏嫡系子弟,多少还是攒了些私房,人脉也积攒了一些。珑烟学姐需要多少,我倒是可以筹措一二。” Zhong Clan direct descendant? 钟氏嫡系? Celestial/heaven and man bloodline aristocratic family that but Zhong Clan Hundred Islands Garrison keeps aloof, solemn will direct descendant, how mix so the situation? Also must by going through the motions to be able unexpectedly to enter Academy. Moreover that appearance, just like looks like only licks the dog. 钟氏可是百岛卫高高在上的天人血脉世家,堂堂一个嫡系,怎么会混到如此地步?竟然还要靠走后门才能进学宫。而且那模样,活脱脱的就像是只舔狗。 One does not distinguish between right and wrong, completely does not have any skill, coming up is always licks the dog that licks crazily. 还是一只不分青红皂白,完全没有任何技巧,上去便是一通狂舔的老舔狗。 Wang Shouzhe is speechless, Senior Zhong Senior Zhong, pursues the goddess so not to pursue law. You have not heard, licks the dog to lick the dog, licks not to have a thing in the world finally? 王守哲是一阵无语,钟前辈钟前辈,追女神可不是这般追法的。你难道没听说过,舔狗舔狗,舔到最后一无所有吗? Sure enough, Old Ancestor Longyan ice-cold aura gradually fills the air, the mood arises spontaneously angrily, sneers saying: Surnamed Zhong, are you preparation buy my Wang Longyan?” 果不其然,珑烟老祖身上冰冷的气息逐渐弥漫而起,愤怒地情绪油然而生,冷笑道:“姓钟的,你是准备买下我王珑烟吗?” Manager Zhong unexpectedly leg one soft, said flurriedly: Senior Sister Longyan do not misunderstand, I repay a debt of gratitude, repay a debt of gratitude. Did you forget? In once Academy trial mission, you have helped my one time, although you do not remember......” 钟执事蓦地腿一软,慌乱道:“珑烟学姐您别误会,我就是报恩,报恩。您忘记了吗?有一次学宫的试炼任务中,您可是帮过我一次的,虽然您不记得了……” Ended! 完了! In the Wang Shouzhe heart shakes the head, in front of the goddess in the heart, the leg does not even stand, how can the back straighten up? 王守哲心中直摇头,在心中女神面前,连腿都站不直,腰杆子怎么挺得直? Perhaps this appearance, was the least bit opportunity does not even have. Mediocre bearing old fogy, let alone Old Ancestor Longyan cannot have a liking, even Wang Shouzhe cannot have a liking. 这模样,恐怕是连半点机会都没了。不过如此气度的老家伙,别说珑烟老祖看不上,连王守哲也是看不上的。 ...... ……
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