POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#50: The choice of Longyan

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...... …… Not many moments. 不多片刻。 In liquor multistoried house compound that Wang Shouzhe they move in side hall, already rapid replacement Wang Zhong on halfway, the spoils of war that will tidy up with acting as bait Qian gold wait/etc. placed on the table, the sound shivers to say slightly: Family Head, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” 王守哲他们入住的酒楼院内偏厅,已经在半路上迅速换装的王忠,将收拾来的战利品与充当诱饵的乾金等都放在了桌子上,声音微微颤抖道:“家主,幸不辱命。” Obviously today this time, some excessively stimulates to Family Guard Wang Zhong thrillingly. 显然今日这一遭,对家将王忠来说有些过度惊险刺激了。 Good that Wang Zhong, you make.” Wang Shouzhe praised one, later sincere say/way, „, but this matter you must record the security sincerely, is the partner of this group of pandemonium evildoers, initially injured Old Ancestor Longyan, our is avenging a grievance.” 王忠,你做的不错。”王守哲夸赞了一句,随后又正色道,“但是此事你要谨记保密,正是这群鬼域贼子的同伙,当初伤了珑烟老祖,我们这是在报仇雪恨。” He carries out the effect that mission gets down to be very satisfied to the Wang Zhong whole. With in two Family Guard, Wang Yong talent and strength, but this difficulty mission, is Wang Zhong is more intelligent calmly. 他对王忠整体执行任务下来的效果十分满意。跟来的两名家将中,王勇天赋和实力都更强一些,但是这种难度的任务,还是王忠更加聪明沉着。 Wang Zhong also hears the Old Ancestor Longyan legend with the contribution to clan to grow up since childhood, worshipped, in the look to Old Ancestor revealed the color of hatred immediately: This group of evildoers die pity insufficient, Family Head you could rest assured that under this matter will die also rottenly in the belly.” 王忠也是从小听着珑烟老祖的传说与对家族的贡献长大,对老祖崇拜不已,当即眼神中露出了仇恨之色:“这群贼子死不足惜,家主您放心,这件事情属下死也会烂在肚子里。” Afterward, the Wang Shouzhe big hand wielded, enjoyed his 20 Qian gold. Wang Zhong happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised, after thanking politely, leaves. 随后,王守哲大手一挥,赏了他20乾金王忠惊喜交加,拜谢后离开。 When is only left over Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan two people, Wang Shouzhe placed on another wave of spoils of war the table, started to inspect carefully. 等只剩下王守哲珑烟老祖两人时,王守哲将另外一波战利品放在了桌子上,开始仔细检查了起来。 Said that action of this time, to Wang Shouzhe, the overall action somewhat is hasty and rash, but the wave must do again. This concerns after all is Old Ancestor Longyan has matter of the foul odor, was she suffered enough 50 years by Yin Fiend Poison, who in which painful can imagine? 说起来这一次的行动,对王守哲来说,整体行动有些仓促和孟浪,但是再浪也得做。这毕竟关乎到为珑烟老祖出一口恶气之事,她可是被阴煞之毒折磨了足足五十年,其中的痛苦谁人能想像? Regarding wandering cultivator stresses that pressed for an answer secret of opposite party to pull strings and so on, Wang Shouzhe has naturally also pondered over this matter. However first operates this matter difficulty is too big, the risk is too high, extremely easy to bring the total destruction to clan. Secondly, how even pressed for an answer? This wandering cultivator obviously is only an unimportant person, refers to Envoy being probable to be Spirit Platform Boundary secretly. 至于说把那个“散修”抓起来,逼问一下对方的幕后指使之类,王守哲自然也是琢磨过此事。然而一来是操作此事难度太大,风险过高,极其容易给家族带来灭顶之灾。二来,就算是逼问出来了又如何?这个“散修”明显只是个小人物,幕后指使者必是灵台境 Such matter, does not do well to be then with one's family broken up and decimated slightly, does not mess with. 此等事情,稍微弄不好便是家破人亡,沾惹不得。 Old Ancestor Longyan expressed that also understood, can root out an opposite party lackey, is the foul odor dispersed much, was well satisfied. Very deep with her sentiment to the clan, oneself does not want Wang Shouzhe to be excessively risky. 珑烟老祖表示也对此理解,能斩除对方一个爪牙,已是恶气散了不少,心满意足了。以她对家族的感情很深,自己也不愿意王守哲过度冒险。 Is some common thing, scattered Qian gold, pearl, grain of Little Origin Cultivating Pill, as well as fragmentary thing, without correspondence and status copy and so on.” Wang Shouzhe reorganization spoils of war, will have the thing of value to put out, besides the fragmentary thing, most noteworthy is a plain stitch binding itself/Ben, and thing of jade bottle gourd appearance. “都是一些寻常之物,零散的乾金,珍珠,一粒小培元丹,以及零零碎碎之物,没有书信和身份印鉴之类。”王守哲整理战利品,将其中有价值之物拿出,除了零碎之物外,最值得注意的就是一本古朴的线装本,以及一个玉葫芦般模样之物。 That thread-bound book does not have the name, after opening, actually discovered how that is strength about a refining heaven and earth Yin Fiend, integrates within the body it, and gradually the profound qi transformation is the Yin Fiend attribute profound qi method. 那本线装书没有名字,翻开后却发现,那是一本关于如何炼化天地阴煞之力,将其融入体内,并逐渐将玄气转化为阴煞属性玄气的法门。 In addition, in this book also records a unique method knack, how that hidden the Yin Fiend aura in within the body, making others seem like ordinary profound warrior to be the same. 除此之外,这本书内还记载着一个独特的法门诀窍,那就是如何隐藏体内的阴煞气息,让旁人看起来像是普通玄武者一般。 Thus it can be seen, Old Ancestor Longyan is really keen to the Yin Fiend Qi sense of smell enough, perhaps is not these ordinary Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor can compare. 由此可见,珑烟老祖阴煞之气的嗅觉果然够敏锐,恐怕远不是那些普通灵台境老祖可以比拟的。 After seeing this book, among Wang Shouzhe dazed the heart pit-a-pat, the innermost feelings had an idea, is only this idea eventually...... 只是看到这本书后,王守哲愣神间心头突突突了起来,内心产生了一个想法,只是这个想法终究…… Shouzhe, your expression Yin clear uncertain, hesitant, what has to discover?” After Old Ancestor Longyan slightly does controls one's breathing, opens the elegant pupil to say. 守哲,你表情阴晴不定,犹犹豫豫,是否有什么发现?”珑烟老祖略作调息后,睁开俏眸说道。 Although she only killed the two Qi Refining Boundary unimportant person, to prevent accident/surprise, she sneak attack is whole-heartedly. To her, slightly some do not feel better. 虽说她仅是杀死了两个炼气境小人物,但是为了防止意外,她即偷袭又是全力以赴。对她来说,还是略有些不好受的。 Old Ancestor, you look at this book.” Wang Shouzhe gives Old Ancestor that book respectfully. 老祖,您看一下这本书。”王守哲恭敬地将那本书交给老祖 Old Ancestor Longyan first was looked tranquilly, later, her look also became somewhat Yin clear uncertain, after long time, she closed that book, closed eyes to ponder, obviously this matter was very big to her touching. 珑烟老祖先是平静地看了看,随后,她的眼神也变得有些阴晴不定了起来,半晌后她合上了那本书,闭目思考起来,显然这件事情对她的触动很大。 But Wang Shouzhe does not disturb her, but relaxes the hands the one side, waits for patiently. 王守哲也不打扰她,而是垂手一旁,耐心地等待。 Also is the good after long time, Old Ancestor Longyan opened the eye to look at Wang Shouzhe to say slowly: Shouzhe, how do this matter you see?” Under performance time and time again, she regarded as important to Wang Shouzhe more and more, the so essential matter, she also wants to listen to the suggestions of Wang Shouzhe unexpectedly. 又是好半晌后,珑烟老祖缓缓睁开眼睛看着王守哲说:“守哲,此事你怎么看?”一次一次的表现下,她对王守哲越来越看重了,如此关键事情,她竟然也想听取王守哲的意见。 After Wang Shouzhe slightly considers, said: Before making decision, we first stroke the situation. This book judged initially, should be Yin Fiend Sect to some temporary recruitment quenching Yin Fiend Qi of outer sect disciple, transforms the Yin Fiend profound qi method, is used to train cultivation technique of outer sect lackey mostly, is not considered as that Yin Fiend Sect core cultivation cultivation technique.” 王守哲略一斟酌后说:“在做决定之前,咱们先来捋一捋情况。这本书初步判断,应该是阴煞宗给一些临时招收的外门弟子的淬炼阴煞之气,转化阴煞玄气的法门,多半是用来培养外门爪牙的功法,并不算是阴煞宗的核心修炼功法。” This saying said Old Ancestor Longyan repeatedly to nod to approve, if in fact the Yin Fiend Sect core cultivation method, how will so easily divulge. 这话说得珑烟老祖频频点头表示认可,事实上若是阴煞宗的核心修炼法门,岂会如此轻易泄露出来。 paused, Wang Shouzhe also said: So primary quenching method, actually does Old Ancestor somewhat grasp?” 顿了一下,王守哲又说道:“只是如此初级的淬炼法门,老祖究竟有几分把握?” Old Ancestor Longyan slightly certain Shintoism/Divine Dao: This Yin Fiend quenchings the method, although initial stage , is used to cultivate outer sect wandering cultivator. But eventually is also the outlet inheritance of Yin Fiend Sect, is not the work of child's play. Regarding ordinary wandering cultivator, strength the understanding to Yin Fiend is not very deep, the revolutions will cultivate is not quick. However I...... should be quick!” 珑烟老祖略一定神道:“此阴煞淬炼法门虽然初阶,又是用来培植外门散修之用。但终究也是阴煞宗的外道传承,并非儿戏之作。对于普通散修来说,对阴煞之力的理解不够深厚,转修起来并不会太快。但是我……应该会很快!” Wang Shouzhe understood. 王守哲明白了。 Old Ancestor Longyan experienced personally Yin Fiend Poison to suffer the entire 50 years, day and night is resisting with it, now Yin Fiend Poison has proliferated the five main internal organs (entrails), even was whole body. 珑烟老祖身受阴煞之毒折磨了整整五十载,日日夜夜都在与之抗争,如今阴煞之毒已经遍布五脏六腑,甚至是全身上下。 She understanding of Yin Fiend Poison, let alone these Yin Fiend Sect outer sect disciples, are the inner sect disciples, core disciple cannot compare she. 她对阴煞之毒的理解,别说那些阴煞宗外门弟子,便是内门弟子,核心弟子比不过她。 Old Ancestor hesitates, that had the drawback.” Wang Shouzhe pondered was saying, „, if Old Ancestor transformed the strength of Yin Fiend, perhaps cultivation base boundary was hard to promote.” 老祖犹豫,那就是有弊端了。”王守哲思考着说,“若是老祖转化了阴煞之力,恐怕修为境界难以提升了。” That is true.” Old Ancestor Longyan said, this secret technique eventually is not the Yin Fiend Sect core cultivation method, it is impossible to support me to walk Celestial Road. If after only so, can restore Spirit Platform Boundary intermediate stage I to satisfy but actually. Then, then betrays sect thoroughly, disappointed the master graciousness. Moreover when making a move must hide, avoids being mistaken as the Yin Fiend Sect spy.” “的确如此。”珑烟老祖说道,“此秘法终究不是阴煞宗的核心修炼法门,它不可能支撑我走天人之路。若经仅如此倒也罢了,能恢复灵台境中期我已满足。只是如此一来,便是彻底背叛师门,辜负师恩了。而且出手时也必须隐蔽,避免被误认为是阴煞宗间谍。” These are all sorts of drawbacks, particularly Old Ancestor Longyan also is very in fact strong to the Purple Mansion Academy sense of belonging, her 18 years old join Academy, at age 60 are Spirit Platform Boundary intermediate stage, Teacher dark blue billows Superior Master also granted her spirit item Turtle Scaled Precious Shield, Obviously her training and expectation of Purple Mansion Academy. 这些都是种种弊端,尤其是珑烟老祖实际上对紫府学宫的归属感也很强,她十八岁加入学宫,60岁时便已经是灵台境中期,师尊沧澜上人还赐予了她灵器龟鳞宝盾】,可见紫府学宫对她的培养与期望。 If no 50 years ago that matter, by the Old Ancestor Longyan talent talent, probably now is the Purple Mansion Academy important personage. 若无五十年前那档子事情,以珑烟老祖天赋才情,保不齐现在已经是紫府学宫的重要人物了。 In view of this, that did not repair this method.” Wang Shouzhe considered after the moment said, we also had the solution in any case, so long as the Old Ancestor state can recover, under is well-prepared, further not necessarily not possibly.” “既如此,那就不修此法门了。”王守哲思虑片刻后说道,“反正我们也有了解决方案,只要老祖的伤情能痊愈,厚积薄发下,更进一步未必没有可能。” No, I must cultivate/repair the strength of Yin Fiend.” After Old Ancestor Longyan hesitant moment, finally is determined saying that „the beforehand solution, is extremely long and consumption is huge. If changes into oneself to use the strength in within the body these Yin Fiend, can save the magnanimous resources.” “不,我还是要修阴煞之力。”珑烟老祖犹豫了片刻后,最终还是下定了决心道,“之前的解决方案,太过冗长和消耗巨大。若是将体内那些阴煞之力化为己用,能省下海量的资源。” Another consideration point(s) her not saying that she does not think that Wang Shouzhe shoulders the so tremendous pressure, even if he can achieve, might as well uses these resources in clan. 另外一个考虑点她没有说出,她并不想王守哲背负如此巨大的压力,哪怕他能做到,还不如将那些资源用在家族之中。 Teacher Teacher, Longyan was again willful. Your kindness, Longyan, only then next life reports again.” In the eye pupil of Old Ancestor Longyan, passed over gently and swiftly the guilt that wipes to remember with eternal gratitude. 师尊师尊,珑烟再次任性了。您的恩德,珑烟只有来生再报。”珑烟老祖的眼眸中,掠过一抹刻骨铭心的愧疚。 Oh!” “唉!” In the Wang Shouzhe heart also sighed slightly, by him understanding Old Ancestor Longyan, the matter that once set firm resolve, supposed that the Old Ancestor Zhouxuan rebirth may be unable to calm down. 王守哲心中也是微微一叹,以他对珑烟老祖的了解,一旦下定决心的事情,估摸宙轩老祖重生都不一定能劝得住。 However, passes through the mentality of numerous by Wang Shouzhe, no matter Yin Fiend profound qi or Purple Mansion profound qi, are one of the strength. The strength itself/Ben does not have orthodox and evil, must look at the mentality of user eventually. 不过,以王守哲穿越众的心态来说,不管是阴煞玄气还是紫府玄气,都是力量的一种。力量本没有正邪,终究还是要看使用者的心态。 This jade bottle gourd bottle.” Old Ancestor Longyan takes up that thing, slightly looks at carefully after said, this thing must be the vessel of storage Yin Fiend Qi, inside is also storing up the strength of some Yin Fiend, is exactly useful in me. Shouzhe, I estimate the Yin Fiend transformation method with hiding the Yin Fiend Qi method, you go back to rest well.” “这玉葫芦瓶。”珑烟老祖拿起那物,略一端详后说,“此物应当是储存阴煞之气之容器,里面还储存着一些阴煞之力,于我恰好有用。守哲,我去揣摩一下阴煞转化法门与隐藏阴煞之气的法门,你回去好好休息。” Then, she abandoned Wang Shouzhe directly, returned to Room oneself. 说罢,她就径直撇下了王守哲,回了自己 Wang Shouzhe stares slightly, mentioning from family/home Old Ancestor Longyan also is really a hero. Once matter that is determined to handle, opens without delay immediately does. 王守哲微微一愣,说起来自家珑烟老祖还真是个女中豪杰。一旦下定决心要做的事情,二话不说立马开干。 He received other gold banknote also spoils of war junks silently, the train of thought also fluttered, Old Ancestor Longyan did that although some all sorts of drawbacks, but the advantage was also distinct. 他默默地收起了金票也其它战利品杂物,思绪也飘飞了起来,珑烟老祖这么做虽说有种种弊端,但是优势也非常明显。 First can save the large amounts of resources, she does that to restore to be inevitably quicker than the original plan. Once her sinking sickness completely goes, perhaps was the Zhao Clan Liú Clan end. 一来是可以省下大量的资源,二来,她这么做恢复起来必然比原方案快许多。一旦她沉疴尽去,恐怕就是赵氏刘氏的末日了。 Perhaps this is also Old Ancestor Longyan makes one of this choice important reasons, she must avenge a grievance impatiently. 这恐怕也是珑烟老祖做此抉择的重要原因之一,她已经迫不及待要报仇雪恨了。 ...... ……
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