POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#49: For the Old Ancestor air vent

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...... …… Simplicity that Wang Shouzhe said that that relatively is also simple, always compares puts out hundreds of thousands Qian gold to come to be easier all of a sudden. 王守哲所说的简单,那也只是相对简单,总比一下子拿出十几万乾金来容易许多。 In fact, even if needs his second year additionally to gain 10,000-20,000 Qian gold to come, is not very easy matter. Needs to plan and use one's head well. However Old Ancestor must rescue, he does not want to notice that Old Ancestor is going all out to protect clan half a lifetime, the result died pitifully. 事实上,即便是要他第二年额外多赚出10,000-20,000乾金来,也并非是很容易的事情。需要好好规划与动脑筋。但是老祖必须救,他可不想看到老祖拼着命守护了家族半辈子,结果凄惨地死去。 Old Ancestor Longyan is battle efficiency very strong Old Ancestor, if she restored the strength, Liú Clan and Zhao Clan that two Old Ancestor what virtue and ability does have the qualifications to fight with her? 更况且珑烟老祖是个战斗力很强的老祖,若是等她恢复了实力,刘氏赵氏两个老祖何德何能有资格与她争锋? Read and here. 念及此处。 Wang Shouzhe cups the hands said: Old Ancestor please feel relieved, this matter gives Shouzhe processing.” 王守哲拱手说:“老祖请放心,此事交给守哲处理。” this time goes out, wants to buy a thing in Hundred Islands Garrison. Therefore he brought fully ten thousand Qian gold gold banknotes, the belt-bag naturally was bulging. Does not need to worry as for the security, has the Old Ancestor accompanying words is very safe. 这一次出门,本就想在百岛卫买点东西。因此他带足了一万乾金金票,腰包自然是鼓鼓囊囊。至于安全性不必担忧,有老祖随行的话还是很安全的。 If there is scene that Old Ancestor did not even blow, that also recognized. 若是出现了连老祖都镇不住的场面,那也认了。 Shouzhe......” the Old Ancestor Longyan anxiety, in her opinion, Wang Shouzhe can fish an advantage that greatly is the current political situation and transports/fortunes the potential to make it so. The opportunity, how could the time has. 守哲……”珑烟老祖疑虑不已,在她看来,王守哲能大捞一笔好处那是时局和运势使然。如此机会,岂能次次都有。 Old Ancestor represses the plan for the time being, and looked I one year later makes the decision. Gives me a certificate the opportunity, to a Old Ancestor oneself overturning opportunity.” Wang Shouzhe is very self-confident, by his transmigrator vision and thought that money-making naturally cannot be slow. 老祖暂且按捺计划,且看我一年后再做决定。给我一个证明的机会,也给老祖自己一个翻盘的机会。”王守哲很是自信,以他穿越者的眼界与思维,赚起钱来自然不会慢。 So long as one year later, Old Ancestor she can have profound understanding. 只要一年以后,老祖她就能深有体会了。 Facing Wang Shouzhe powerful self-confident, Old Ancestor Longyan nods finally slowly, was accepted: Turtle Scaled Precious Shield is useless with me, after selling, raises some resources to you.” 面对王守哲的强大自信,珑烟老祖终于缓缓点头,算是应承了下来:“不过龟鳞宝盾与我无用,卖了后给你筹措些资源。” This decision, Wang Shouzhe has not prevented actually. This is Old Ancestor oneself spirit item, she has the right to handle. Let alone, Wang Shouzhe does not believe, oneself will unable to afford spirit item in the future, buys better giving back Old Ancestor at most. 这个决定,王守哲倒是没有阻止。这是老祖自己灵器,她有权处置。何况,王守哲并不认为,自己未来会买不起灵器,至多买个更好的还给老祖 Since had convinced Old Ancestor, then asks to be excused temporarily in advance. 既然已经说服了老祖,便暂时先行告退。 The people rested a evening. 众人休息了一晚。 Next day very early in the morning, Wang Shouzhe then asked Chen Fanghua to come, asking him to lead everyone first to stroll in Golden Sand City. Everyone relaxes together, but Wang Shouzhe also happen to can inspect the Hundred Islands Garrison overall market, even if increases some stories is also good. 翌日一大早,王守哲便请了陈方华过来,请他带着大家在金沙城里先逛逛。大家一起散散心,而王守哲也正好可以考察一下百岛卫整体的市场,哪怕多增加些见闻也是好的。 Chen Fanghua is familiar with Golden Sand City . Moreover the eloquence is good, strips everyone to stroll, once for a while is introducing local conditions and social customs, makes Wang Shouzhe somewhat open mind actually, is happy, but also bought the sun-dried system fish to wait the small between-meal snack to eat to Wang Lici. 陈方华金沙城非常熟悉,而且口才不错,一路带着大家闲逛,时不时介绍着风土人情,倒是让王守哲有些开了眼界,心情不错,还买了点晒制鱼干等小零嘴给王璃慈吃。 The girl has eats, was what worry forgot, to the appearance that Wang Shouzhe was grateful. 那丫头一有得吃,便是什么烦恼都忘掉了,一副对王守哲感激涕零的模样。 Young Master Wang, goes from here is a wandering cultivator street.” A Chen Fanghua introduced, most cities, will open some streets, feeds specially wandering cultivator to set up a stall, can gain the stall fee/spent, can prevent wandering cultivator to set up a stall everywhere carelessly.” 王少爷,从这里进去便是散修一条街。”陈方华介绍道,“大部分城市,都会开辟一些一条街道,专供散修们摆摊,即能赚点摊位费,也能防止散修到处胡乱摆摊。” Wang Shouzhe understands clearly, similar place Changning Garrison also has, Wang Shouzhe had not taken advantage of a mistake carefully a honey-comb. However takes advantage of a mistake in the wandering cultivator stall, that is the small probability event, the big probability was deceived, or spent the high price to buy the thing of small value. 王守哲了然,类似地方长宁卫也有,王守哲还不小心捡漏了一件蜂巢。不过在散修摊位上捡漏,那是小概率事件,大概率是被骗,或是花大价钱买到了小价值的东西。 These so-called heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the marvelous ability rare book blows give an exaggerated account of things, each one more than the last awesome. Wang Shouzhe also has a look, to grow in experience at will. Depending on his current experience, thinks that is tightening takes advantage of a mistake is almost the not possible matter. 那些所谓的天材地宝,神功秘籍都吹得天花乱坠,一个比一个牛掰王守哲也就是随意看看,长长见识。凭他目前的见识,想正紧捡漏几乎是不可能的事情。 However this Golden Sand Island wandering cultivator, must be more than Changing Garrison Seat actually . Moreover the strength is quite generally high. Walks, Wang Shouzhe had seen 34 cannot completely understand the aura, obviously cultivation base wants his one section high. Should be Golden Sand Island nearby chance, be more than Changning Garrison, has powerful wandering cultivator to try one's luck. 不过这金沙岛散修,倒是比长宁卫城要多不少,而且实力普遍比较高。一路走来,王守哲已经见到了三四个看不透气息的,显然修为要高过他一截。应该是金沙岛附近的机缘,要比长宁卫多些,有更多实力强大的散修会来碰碰运气。 Like this strength strong his, only if erupts the aura, otherwise Wang Shouzhe is very ugly thoroughly. 像这种实力强过他的,除非爆发气息,否则王守哲很难看透。 Unexpectedly! 蓦地! Old Ancestor Longyan that has kept silent stops the footsteps suddenly, the vision, in sets up a stall on wandering cultivator one to sweep, the brow slightly wrinkle, the body unexpectedly is faint some controls to shiver freely. 一直默不作声的珑烟老祖突然停住脚步,目光在一个摆摊散修身上一扫,眉头微皱,身躯竟隐隐有些控制不住地颤抖。 Wang Shouzhe was perplexed, stretches across one step to keep off between Old Ancestor Longyan and wandering cultivator, prevented the wandering cultivator attention, said with a laugh: Your these pearls are good, how much money all buys?” 王守哲不明所以,横跨一步挡在了珑烟老祖散修之间,阻挡住了散修的注意力,笑呵呵地说:“你这些珍珠不错,全买下多少钱?” Big customer! 大主顾! That wandering cultivator attention was all attracted by Wang Shouzhe immediately, immediately introduced: This Young Master, these have the spirit qi spirit material pearl, is in the sea freshwater mussel that I go to sea to win by own draw extracts, is second stage spirit pill Face Nourishing Pill Good material. Here altogether is every large or small 13, even your 30 Qian gold were good.” 散修的注意力顿时全被王守哲吸引,当即介绍道:“这位少爷,这些带有灵气的灵材珍珠,都是我下海亲自摸的海蚌中起出的,都是二阶灵丹养颜丹】的上好材料。这里一共大大小小十三枚,就算您30乾金好了。” He sees Wang Shouzhe to put on outstanding, there are Family Guard and other accompanying, that wandering cultivator does not dare to neglect actually. 他见王守哲穿着出众,又有家将等随行,那散修倒是不敢怠慢。 10 Qian gold.” Wang Shouzhe starts to put on airs, bargains back and forth, the vendor bites the price not to relent, two people starts while in the price pesters, in Wang Shouzhe heart surprised uncertain, by the Old Ancestor state of mind, the mood changes such big unexpectedly, obviously she decided however came across the enormous matter. “十乾金。”王守哲开始装模作样,讨价还价,摊主咬着价格不肯松口,两人开始在价格上纠缠的同时,王守哲心中惊疑不定,以老祖的心境,竟然情绪变化如此之大,可见她定然是遇到了极大的事情。 Is it possible that discovered in this stall has the opportunity of big taking advantage of a mistake? 莫非是发现了这个摊位上有大捡漏的机会? Wang Shouzhe is helping covering at the same time, waited for the instruction or the action of Old Ancestor Longyan. 王守哲帮着打掩护的同时在等,等珑烟老祖的指示或行动。 Old Ancestor Longyan eventually is not a mortal, rapid tranquil, the lip under veil moves slightly, transmitted her meaning to Wang Shouzhe. 珑烟老祖终究不是凡人,迅速平静了下来,面纱下的嘴唇微微一动,将她的意思传递给了王守哲 Message that she gives, bountiful by the Wang Shouzhe transmigrator state of mind, stares slightly, but he controlled the change of mood, continued to pester the price at the same time, how started to ponder over to operate. 她传递来的消息,饶是以王守哲穿越者的心境,也是微微一愣,但是他控制住了情绪的变化,继续纠缠价格的同时,开始琢磨起如何操作了起来。 Bargaining is very normal matter, involves to wandering cultivator to dozens Qian gold, is a big number. 讨价还价是非常正常的事情,对散修来说涉及到数十乾金,已是不小数目了。 Quick, Wang Shouzhe set the strategy, set out to say disgruntledly: „, On other this Young Master places have a look again.” Afterward, how whatever the vendor detains, Wang Shouzhe got the people to go out of the wandering cultivator street. 很快,王守哲定下了计策,起身不悦地说:“罢了,本少爷再上其它地方看看。”随后,任凭那摊主如何挽留,王守哲领着众人走出了散修街。 Brother Chen.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands said, „my big niece and Fourth Aunt were somewhat tired, front is exhausted you to lead them to go to the restaurant to eat delicious. Wang Zhong Wang Yong, you protect Young Lady Lici and Madam Zhirou.” 陈兄。”王守哲拱手道,“我这大侄女和四婶有些累了,劳烦你带她们去前面酒楼吃点好吃的。王忠王勇,你们去保护一下璃慈小姐芷柔夫人。” Yes.” two Family Guard simultaneously receives an order. “是。”两位家将齐齐领命。 Chen Fanghua is also a worldly person, one hear of this words know that gets someone to leave them, is it possible that discovered what taking advantage of a mistake thing does not think him to see, immediately returned a courtesy said: Young Master Wang felt relieved, I will certainly look after good Young Lady Madam.” 陈方华也是人精,一听此言就知道是支走他们,莫非是发现了什么捡漏东西不想他见到,当即回礼说:“王少爷放心,我一定会照顾好小姐夫人。” The Xu Zhirou eye pupil surges slightly, has not spoken eventually. Instead is Wang Lici, heard must eat delicious, drooling with envy at the same time, immediately increases to the Wang Shouzhe favorable impression, wū wū ~ Lici misunderstood Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle he really hurt my...... 徐芷柔眼眸微微涌动,却终究没说话。反而是王璃慈,一听说要去吃好吃的,垂涎欲滴的同时,登时对王守哲好感大增,呜呜~璃慈误会四叔了,四叔他果然还是疼我的…… After treating people, was only left over Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan, after two people moves to the retreat, the Wang Shouzhe complexion is dignified, in a low voice said: Old Ancestor, can this matter you believe firmly?” 待人走后,仅剩下了王守哲珑烟老祖,两人移至僻静处后,王守哲的脸色凝重至极,低声说:“老祖,此事您能确信吗?” Mistakenly.” The Old Ancestor Longyan sound ice-cold is passing the indescribable hatred, I was suffered 50 years by this Fiend Poison day and night, the fine single Yin Fiend aura cannot hide the truth from me.” “错不了。”珑烟老祖的声音冰冷而透着难以言喻的仇恨,“我被此煞毒日日夜夜折磨了五十年,一丝一缕阴煞气息都瞒不过我。” Wang Shouzhe one cold, in the heart had determined. Immediately said in a low voice: Old Ancestor, Extreme Western Land that side influence, the antenna appears in our Changning Garrison one after another indistinctly, perhaps the matter is not simple. Perhaps behind has in a big way secretly...... we , to take revenge, perhaps......” 王守哲一凛,心中已经确定。当即低声说:“老祖,极西之地的那方势力,触角相继隐约出现在咱们长宁卫,恐怕事情没那么简单。也许后面有更大的幕后……我们若想复仇,恐怕……” Now Wang Clan is too small and weak, no matter the opposite party has anything to scheme, once is involved in inevitably is a meeting a cruel death aspect. 如今王氏太弱小了,不管对方有什么图谋,一旦卷入其中必然是个粉身碎骨的局面。 Old Ancestor Longyan is extremely deep to the clan sentiment, naturally was also calm, in the look disclosed that thick helplessness, the overall strength was too weak, revenged continually does not have the ability. 珑烟老祖家族感情极深,自然也是冷静了下来,眼神中透露出了浓浓的无奈,总体实力太弱,连报仇都没有能力。 Also asked Old Ancestor to endure patiently 12 slightly, when the Old Ancestor injury recovered, our Wang Clan strength will also be more powerful.” Wang Shouzhe incomparably said seriously, this enmity, we reported slowly! However, at present has a foul odor to Old Ancestor is feasible.” “还请老祖稍稍忍耐一二,等老祖伤势痊愈时,咱们王氏的实力也会强大许多。”王守哲郑重无比道,“这个仇,咱们慢慢报!不过,眼下给老祖出一口恶气还是可行的。” Originally Old Ancestor Longyan already somewhat disappointed, but one hear of this words actually at present one bright, said in a low voice: How Shouzhe do you prepare to do?” 原本珑烟老祖已经有些失望,但是一听此言却眼前一亮,低声说:“守哲你准备怎么做?” ...... …… At dusk, day quick dusk. Stall keepers on wandering cultivator street, start to quit work one after another. wandering cultivator that sells the seafood bead, is prepares to curl up the outdoor shop to remove the person, thing several days cannot sell normally. 傍晚时分,天已经快擦黑了。散修一条街上的摊贩们,开始陆陆续续地收摊。那个卖海珍珠的散修,也是准备卷起摊子撤人,东西几天卖不出去也正常。 At this time, one 30-40 years old, the beard Lazaro's rough guy appeared before the stall, imposing manner uncommonly hand stroke of: These beads, I all wanted.” 这时,一个30-40岁,胡子拉扎的粗犷大汉出现在摊位前,气势不凡地手一划拉:“这些珠子,我全要了。” During payment, was not careful reveals one slightly to fold the gold banknote, that gold banknote luster golden yellow was quite attractive, obviously each was 100 Qian gold big tickets, at first sight will not be lower than over a thousand Qian gold. 在付款的同时,“不小心”露出了一小叠金票,那金票色泽金黄极为诱人,显然每一张都是100乾金的大票,乍一看就不会低于上千乾金 At the same time that wandering cultivator was shocked, in the vision revealed the thick greedy color. Having profound warrior aristocratic family of base industry, over a thousand Qian gold is a huge number, Kuang view wandering cultivator. 散修被震慑住的同时,目光中露出了浓浓的贪婪之色。对有基业的玄武世家来说,上千乾金都是一笔巨大的数目,更匡论散修了。 Following plot, very naturally. That wandering cultivator stared at the rough man, asked him to eat meal to drink warmly, several glasses of liquor got into the stomach, fished out that rough man roughly origin, in other places getting rich of”, just travelled to Hundred Islands Garrison seeks asylum. 接下来的剧情,很自然而然了。那散修盯上了粗犷汉子,热情地请他吃饭喝酒,几杯酒下肚,就摸出了那粗犷汉子的大致“来历”,原来是在其它地方“发了些财”,刚跑路到百岛卫来避难的。 After a lively banquet scene, the two people each other warm feelings seemed like sworn brothers generally. After eating to the heart's content, the rough man proposed the hand to be itchy, had place to play? wandering cultivator strikes one's chest the guarantee to have the good place, after paying up, getting the rough man to pass through main street and small alley. 一番觥筹交错后,两人彼此热络地好像是结拜兄弟了一般。酒足饭饱后,粗犷汉子提出手痒,是否有地方“玩一玩”?散修拍胸脯保证有好地方,结账后,领着粗犷汉子穿过大街小巷。 Finally, naturally in an extremely remote dark lane corner, wandering cultivator revealed the fierce fang, Qi Refining Boundary seven layers peak he, to cope with small Qi Refining Boundary four layers, but also drew a Qi Refining Boundary six layers partner especially. 最终,自然是在一处极为偏僻的暗巷角落里,“散修”露出了狰狞的獠牙,炼气境七层巅峰的他,为了对付一个小小的炼气境四层,还特地拉了一个炼气境六层的同伙。 So, was naturally absolutely safe. 如此,自然是万无一失了。 Only pitifully the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. 只可惜螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 When they grin fiendishly greedily is smoking rough man who” start to the drunk air/Qi, together dim such as smoke sword light quietly appears, sneak attack way, cuts two people instantaneously continually. 在他们贪婪狞笑着对醉气熏熏的“粗犷汉子”下手时,一道朦胧如烟的剑光悄无声息地出现,以偷袭般地方式,瞬间连斩两人 That two fellow, where expects will have the Spirit Platform Boundary powerhouse to sneak attack with spirit item, even responds does not have, then passed away. Looks at that rough man, is cold sweat is dripping, the both legs hit the swayed slightly. 两个家伙,哪里料到会有灵台境强者用灵器偷袭,连反应都没有,便是一命呜呼。看得那个粗犷汉子,也是一头冷汗淋漓,双腿微微打摆。 Old Ancestor, are you all right?” Wang Shouzhe caught up from the distant place slightly, holds some aura slightly disorder Old Ancestor Longyan, concerned asking. His cultivation base weak first half plans compared with that wandering cultivator, does not dare with too nearly to fear the discovery. 老祖,您没事吧?”王守哲从稍远处赶了过来,扶着气息微微有些紊乱的珑烟老祖,关切的问道。他的修为比那散修弱上半筹,不敢跟太近怕发现。 However his also secretly heart startled, Spirit Platform Old Ancestor hits Qi Refining Boundary with the way of sneak attack, if no accident/surprise, perhaps Qi Refining Boundary really must die without doubt. 不过他也暗自心惊,灵台老祖用偷袭的方式打炼气境,若无意外,炼气境恐怕真的必死无疑。 Might as well, I am very good.” two breathes, Old Ancestor Longyan then suppressed backlash in within the body Fiend Poison temporarily, in the pupil light slightly flood red, obviously had/left a foul odor. “无妨,我很好。”一两个呼吸间,珑烟老祖便暂时压制住了体内煞毒的反噬,眸光中微微泛红,显然是出了一口恶气。 Wang Zhong, tidies up the spoils of war rapidly.” Wang Shouzhe orders Wang Zhong, tidies up the spoils of war with the quickest speed together, later with Old Ancestor together, three people vanished in the dark lane rapidly. 王忠,迅速收拾战利品。”王守哲命令王忠,一起用最快的速度收拾战利品,随后和老祖一道,三人迅速消失在了暗巷之中。 In the extremely short time, in that dark lane only left behind two corpses. 极短的时间内,那暗巷中仅留下了两具尸体。 ...... ……
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