POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#48: Old Ancestor Longyan state

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...... …… However, Old Ancestor Longyan lived after all for more than 100 years, has experienced the person of major rises. 不过,珑烟老祖毕竟是活了一百多年,经历过大起大落之人。 During the short several breath, she then adjusted the mood, the vision became calm: Shouzhe, I acknowledged that you are very outstanding, can use in the insect plague fire to take the chestnut unexpectedly, fishes one greatly. However this money, wants to cure my injury without doubt is futile attempt.” 短短几个呼吸间,她便调整好了情绪,目光变得冷静起来:“守哲,我承认你很优秀,竟能利用虫灾火中取栗,从中大捞一笔。但是这点点钱,想治好我的伤势无疑是杯水车薪。” One hear of this words, Wang Shouzhe, not only does not have disappointedly instead pleasantly surprised: Listens to the Old Ancestor tone, does your injury have governs?” 一听此言,王守哲非但没有失望反而惊喜:“听老祖的口气,您的伤势还有得治?” Difficult, difficult such as to ascend to heaven.” Old Ancestor Longyan tranquil say/way, „, even if my Wang Clan loses everything, is still by far insufficient. Therefore, Shouzhe you must indulge in flights of fancy not, your money, remaining are most appropriate to the oneself acceleration sprint Qi Refining Boundary peak.” “难,难如登天。”珑烟老祖平静道,“即便是我王氏倾家荡产,也是远远不够。因此,守哲你还是莫要胡思乱想了,你那些钱,留着给自己加速冲刺炼气境巅峰最为妥当。” The difficulty naturally has, otherwise Wang Clan clan is impossible to look on the Old Ancestor injury, no matter, that price is Wang Clan sell farmland and properties is also incapable of bearing inevitably. 难度自然是有,否则王氏家族也不可能坐视老祖伤势不管,那代价必然是王氏卖田卖产也无力负担。 The Wang Shouzhe complexion is very serious, retreats in order to advance saying: That Old Ancestor you whether can introduce the difficulty carefully, quite made Shouzhe thorough this heart.” 王守哲的脸色很郑重,以退为进道:“那老祖您是否能仔细介绍一下其中的难度,也好让守哲彻底死了这份心。” „, If not talk clearly with you, feared that will be you will not lose heart.” The Old Ancestor Longyan look was softer, she can look, Shouzhe that really loves dearly this Old Ancestor, she said on and on, „the past and that Spirit Platform Boundary of Zhao Clan Liú Clan plot, was not the simple generation. That person carries the strength of pure Yin Fiend, feared that has involved with Extreme Western Land Yin Fiend Sect, by me guessed that he violated the matter to avoid to chase down mostly, therefore concealed identity to pretend that wandering cultivator mixed in Liú Clan Zhao Clan.” “也罢,若不与你说清楚,怕是你不会死心。”珑烟老祖的眼神柔软了许多,她看得出来,守哲那是真的心疼她这个老祖,她娓娓说道,“当年与赵氏刘氏合谋的那个灵台境,并非是简单之辈。那人身负精纯阴煞之力,怕是与极西之地阴煞宗有所牵连,以我猜测他多半是犯了事情躲避追杀,因此才隐姓埋名假装散修混入了刘氏赵氏之中。” Yin Fiend Sect?” With the Wang Shouzhe experience, has not naturally heard this name. 阴煞宗?”以王守哲的见识,自然没听说过这个名字。 That is an evil sect, the overall strength is not weak in Purple Mansion Academy.” Old Ancestor Longyan star pupil slightly dignified several points, „others only know the Zhao Clan Liú Clan wild ambition, when may wait for me with its battle, discovered that this person may be pulls strings secretly. Therefore when fierce combat, I ignore the bad risk, depends higher cultivation base strength with two spirit treasure, cuts to kill it hardly at the scene. Actually does not think that the Yin Fiend Sect disciple indeed, first counter-attack made me pay the huge price at the point of death.” “那是个邪宗,总体实力不弱于紫府学宫。”珑烟老祖星眸微微凝重了几分,“旁人只知赵氏刘氏狼子野心,可等我与其交战时,才发现此人极有可能是幕后指使。因此激战之时,我不顾凶险,仗着更高的修为实力与两件灵宝,硬将其斩杀当场。却不想阴煞宗弟子的确了得,临死前的反扑让我付出了巨大代价。” Even if this life and death fight happened 50 years ago, even so, Old Ancestor Longyan mentioned this matter to come clearly into view as before. 即使是这场生死战斗发生在了五十年前,但即便如此,珑烟老祖说起此事来依旧历历在目。 But Wang Shouzhe is also the secret heart startled, this fantasy world is huger than and complex the oneself imagination, some of his completely reasons believe, Old Ancestor Longyan exposes is this world corner/horn. 王守哲也是暗暗心惊,这个玄幻世界自己想象中更为庞大和复杂,他完全有理由相信,珑烟老祖揭露地不过是这世界的一角。 At that time the Turtle Scaled Shield shield seal had broken, Yin Fiend Palm that in me he struck full power.” The Old Ancestor Longyan look sends slightly coldly, this palm is extremely sinister and ruthless, not only makes me experience personally very heavy internal injury, the strength of Yin Fiend corroded my five internal organs bottom of one's heart. Regardless how I expel, if attaches the maggot of bone unable to scatter, caused my injury to be extremely difficult to restore.” “当时龟鳞甲盾的盾印已破,我中了他全力一击的阴煞掌。”珑烟老祖眼神微微发寒,“此掌极其阴毒,非但让我身受很重的内伤,阴煞之力更是侵蚀了我的五脏肺腑。无论我如何驱逐,都如附骨之蛆般驱散不掉,也导致了我的伤势极难恢复。” Wang Shouzhe, somewhat looked down on this fantasy world imposingly before, but in fact this world is so the bad risk, moreover fights also not like is previous life looks at these fantasy novel to be the same, the lead has the rare book left and right probably, has dozens lives to spend freely, for the struggles of several spirit can wrestle at risk of life, life-and-death fight like potluck, what is more exaggerating becomes a daily life. 王守哲凛然不已,之前还有些小瞧这个玄幻世界,可实际上这个世界是如此凶险,而且战斗起来也不像上辈子看得那些玄幻小说一样,主角像是有上上下下左左右右的秘籍,有个几十条命可以挥霍,为了几句意气之争都会“拼死相搏”,生死之战更是如同“家常便饭”,更夸张的是成为了一种日常生活。 Seriously is laughable. 当真是可笑至极。 Any fight has to have the accidental/surprised possibility, 50 years ago that life-and-death fight, to that mysterious Yin Fiend Sect, accidental/surprised pays the life price. 任何一场战斗都有发生意外的可能性,五十年前那一场生死之战,对那个神秘的阴煞宗来说,意外就是付出生命代价。 But to Old Ancestor Longyan, paid the half one's life grief with suffering. 而对珑烟老祖来说,更是付出了半世伤痛与折磨。 Meanwhile, let Liú Clan and Zhao Clan two Old Ancestor cast the huge trauma to Old Ancestor Longyan henceforth, until now does not dare to force Ping'an Wang Clan excessively, feared Old Ancestor to be in a rage, ignored the life and death to carry off their one! 同时,也让刘氏赵氏两位老祖从此对珑烟老祖留下了巨大的心理阴影,迄今为止都不敢过份逼迫平安王氏,就怕老祖一怒之下,不顾生死带走他们其中一位! Every one a decision that concerns the fight is prudent, must consider whether will have all sorts of unexpected occurrences, can oneself be able to withstand the accident/surprise! 每一场关乎到战斗的决定都要慎重,也要考虑到是否会有种种意外的发生,自己能不能承受得起意外! Old Ancestor Longyan has to spell in the past, if she does not spell, Wang Clan did not have. 珑烟老祖当年是不得不拼,她若不拼,王氏就没了。 Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe deeply inspires saying that said how to treat.” Listened to that war, Wang Shouzhe to strengthen initially must help the determination of Old Ancestor Longyan, the price of even if paying was very huge. 老祖。”王守哲深吸一口气道,“还是说说如何治疗吧。”听完当初那一战,王守哲更是坚定了要帮珑烟老祖的决心了,哪怕付出的代价无比巨大。 My injury has the two huge trouble.” Old Ancestor Longyan said,its one, developed 50 years of Yin Fiend Poison in my within the body corrosion, under the sinister and vicious is more and more hard to deal with, is in inverse proportion I unable to suppress gradually. Second, are my five internal organs bottom of one's heart is then damaged seriously, and because of the entanglement of Yin Fiend Poison, but cannot recover, gradually damages even more badly. “我的伤势有两个巨大的麻烦。”珑烟老祖说道,“其一,在我体内侵蚀发展了五十年的阴煞之毒,已经越来越阴鸷难缠,此消彼长下我已渐渐压制不住。其二,便是我的五脏肺腑受损严重,且因为阴煞之毒的纠缠而一直未能痊愈,久而久之损伤愈发恶劣。 paused she also said: If reduces and solves so serious Yin Fiend Poison, must depends upon third stage medicinal pill Fire Yang Pill, Yin Fiend Poison suppression wiping out.” 顿了一下她又道:“若要化解如此严重的阴煞之毒,须得依靠一种三阶丹药火阳丹】,将阴煞之毒镇压拔除。” If third stage medicinal pill, if not for quite rare third stage medicinal pill, although expensive actually can also find the way to get so far as?” Wang Shouzhe knits the brows, always thought is not simple. “若是三阶丹药的话,若不是比较稀有的三阶丹药,虽然昂贵却也能想办法弄到吧?”王守哲皱眉不已,总觉得没有那么简单。 Usually the first stage medicinal pill price is more than ten two ten Qian gold, second stage medicinal pill is dozens to more than 100 Qian gold, third stage medicinal pill from several hundreds to over a thousand Qian gold. 通常一阶丹药的价格都是十几二十乾金,二阶丹药是数十到一百多乾金,三阶丹药从数百到上千乾金 Fire Yang Pill Is conventional third stage medicinal pill, many Pill Refining Great Master will produce, does not calculate to be difficult to seek, about three hundred Qian gold can buy one.” In the Old Ancestor Longyan look flashes through suddenly wipes reluctantly, „, but, needs to take one every month, then the suppression polishes Yin Fiend Poison slowly. Moreover this medicine takes for a long time, in ten years can thoroughly eradicate Yin Fiend Poison are lucky.” “【火阳丹】是一种常规的三阶丹药,很多炼丹大师都会出产,并不算难寻,大约三百乾金就能买到一枚。”珑烟老祖眼神中忽而闪过一抹无奈,“怎奈,需要每月服用一颗,然后慢慢镇压打磨阴煞之毒。而且此药得长期服用,十年内能彻底根除阴煞之毒便已是万幸。” Every month? That year cannot 3600 Qian gold? 每月一颗?那一年不得3600乾金 Even Wang Shouzhe, could not bear hold breath a cold air/Qi. In fact before Wang Shouzhe passes through, the book profit that various clan industries add completely, cannot achieve this digit! 即便是王守哲,也是忍不住倒吸了一口冷气。事实上在王守哲穿越前,家族各项产业全部加起来的账面盈利,都达不到这个数字! Moreover some book profits, can only withstand the entire clan expenses reluctantly hard, including has created surplus cannot achieve. 而且这部分账面盈利,只能勉强紧巴巴地顶住整个家族的开销而已,连有所结余都做不到。 In fact, any clan accounting income is big, but the clan expenses are also huge. Even if quite powerful Shanyang Gongsun Clan, under the normal year's harvest, after digging the clan huge expenditure, Qian gold that clan can create surplus also is very over difficult 1000 Qian gold. 事实上,任何一个家族账面收益都不小,但是家族开销也都非常巨大。哪怕是比较强盛的山阳公孙氏,在正常年景下,刨开家族庞大的开支后,家族能结余下来的乾金也很难超过1000乾金 Incessantly so, to resist the strength of Yin Fiend, I must stay the body condition, each month spirit rice spirit food must supply abundantly, but also needs to take for a long time Origin Cultivating Pill Expands itself.” Old Ancestor Longyan said that this expense, every year at least 600 Qian gold.” “不止如此,为了对抗阴煞之力,我必须保持好身体状态,每月的灵米灵食都得充沛供应,还需要长期服用【培元丹】来壮大自身。”珑烟老祖说道,“这一笔费用,每年至少600乾金。” In addition, starting from the second year, but must need the third stage therapy wondrous medicines Creation Pill, Treats the five internal organs bottom of one's heart of being damaged, Creation Pill May compare Fire Yang Pill Difficult to make many, the price is also expensive, calculates 1000 Qian gold one, one year gets down is 12,000 thousand Qian gold.” Old Ancestor Longyan tranquil saying, most if lucky, ten years about 11 my injuries can good similar, if the estimate contains errors, but must continue again for 2-3 years.” “此外,在第二年开始,还得需要三阶疗伤圣药【造化丹】,来治疗受损的五脏肺腑,【造化丹】可比【火阳丹】难弄得多,价格也昂贵,算1000乾金一枚,一年下来就是一万两千乾金。”珑烟老祖平静的说道,“最幸运的话,十年十一左右我这伤势就能好的差不多,若是估算有误的话,还得再延续2-3年。” The one breath said these, the Old Ancestor Longyan look instead somewhat felt relaxed, she understands that the clansman to his sentiment, initial xiao generation does want to help her treat? 一口气说完这些,珑烟老祖的眼神反而有些释然了,她明白族人对他的感情,当初的宵字辈何尝不想帮她治疗? Cannot govern , the words that insists on governing, burn out Wang Clan inevitably, could not actually have cured. Let alone Wang Clan, even if Shanyang Gongsun Clan, Shanyin Liu Clan runs into this matter, perhaps cannot govern by far. 着实是治不起啊,硬要治的话,必然是把王氏拖垮,却还治不好。别说王氏了,就算是山阳公孙氏,山阴柳氏碰到这种事情,恐怕也远远治不起。 Perhaps Changning Xu Clan can govern reluctantly, but the entire treatment process, will also make the Changning Xu Clan vitality damage severely inevitably. 也许长宁徐氏勉强治得起,但是整个治疗过程,必然也会让长宁徐氏元气大伤。 Initially she also saw the despair and helplessness in clansmen look, as well as pain. If not Shouzhe compels tightly, she really does not want to make him also experience this time. 当初她也是看到了族人们眼神中的绝望和无奈,以及痛苦。若非守哲逼得紧,她真不想让他也经历这一遭。 In other words, the Old Ancestor injury does not need to invest the giant resources one time, but can invest by stages treats slowly.” Wang Shouzhe actually shines the eye to calculate to say rapidly, first year considering everything, is 4100 hundred Qian gold invests, but will increase the consumptions of 10,000 two Qian gold since the second year additionally! Entire journey treatment cost, roughly in hundreds of thousands Qian gold. Good, good, good!” “也就是说,老祖的伤势无需一次性投入巨大的资源,而可以分期投入慢慢治疗。”王守哲却是亮着眼睛飞速盘算道,“第一年满打满算,也就是四千一百乾金投入,只是从第二年起会额外增加一万二乾金的消耗!全程治疗费用,约莫在十几万乾金。好,好,好!” Good, good, good!?” The Old Ancestor Longyan look is somewhat inexplicable, the situation hence, the burden sufficiently is badly desperate and helpless, is Shouzhe applauding unexpectedly? “好,好,好!?”珑烟老祖眼神有些莫名,情况恶劣至此,负担足以让人绝望和无奈,守哲竟然在叫好? Old Ancestor you must misunderstand not.” Wang Shouzhe returned to normal under emotionalism, I reach an agreement , because the actual situation estimates me wants to be simpler.” 老祖你莫要误会。”王守哲平复了下情绪说,“我之所以说好,是因为实际情况比我预估的要简单一些。” However his heart is also somewhat sigh with emotion, which world no matter, cannot get sick. On Earth, many family circumstances also calculate the good family, because one of the family member gets sick greatly is tossed about damages severely to the vitality. 不过他内心也是有些感慨,不管在哪个世界,都是病不起啊。在地球上,多少家境还算不错的家庭,因为家人的一场大病被折腾到元气大伤。 Cannot think of fantasy world similarly so! 想不到玄幻世界同样如此! Simple?” The Old Ancestor Longyan tender body trembles gently, shouldn't despair? “简单?”珑烟老祖娇躯轻轻一颤,不是应该绝望吗? ...... ……
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