POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#45: Donggang Chen Clan

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...... …… Only if Chen Fangjie not in Donggang, if otherwise he does not greet, then despised Wang Clan thoroughly. 除非陈方杰不在东港,否则若是他不来迎接,便是彻底藐视王氏了。 By both so deep relations by marriage relations, this impolite matter will not happen decisively. 以双方如此深厚的姻亲关系,这种无礼之事断然不会发生。 Sure enough, in Wang Dinghai after the flag indicator responded, the ship of opposite party rapidly depended. Stands in the bow place, is one wears sturdy clothes, martial-looking handsome youth. 果不其然,在王定海用旗语回应后,对方的船迅速靠了过来。站在船首处的,是一位身穿劲装,英武俊朗的青年。 By the Wang Shouzhe eyesight, was away from recognized that youth far away, was Donggang Chen Clan Young Patriarch Chen Fangjie. Last year after he and Wang Shouzhe blood relative Elder Sister Wang Luoyi set the marriage, came Wang Clan to visit. 王守哲的目力,隔着老远就认出了那名青年,正是东港陈氏少族长陈方杰。去岁他与王守哲的嫡亲姐姐王珞伊定下亲事后,前来王氏拜访过。 But when Wang Dingyue grieves for the dead, he also offered condolences on behalf of Chen Clan. However because both sides have not gotten married officially, according to the courtesy he cannot throw over the hemp to wear mourning clothes to mourn by the side of the coffin. 王定岳伤逝时,他也代表陈氏过来吊唁。不过因为双方还未正式成亲,依据礼数他也不能披麻戴孝守灵。 Chen Fangjie also saw Wang Shouzhe obviously, on his face showed the happy expression, on the list full broad side a tread, the body such as to the arrow of leap string, but also from the sky turned carried forward falls in the deck steadily. 陈方杰显然也见到了王守哲,他脸上露出了笑意,单足船舷上一蹬,身如离弦之矢般飞跃过来,还在空中翻了滚后稳稳落在甲板上。 Said to the Wang Shouzhe cups the hands complaint with a smile: Shouzhe you must come Chen Port, did not inform unexpectedly early on several th, I was also good to send the ship to take you to come directly.” 笑着向王守哲拱手埋怨说:“守哲你要来陈港,竟不早几日通知,我也好直接派船去接你过来。” Has seen Brother Chen.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands returns a courtesy said that traveling schedule decision extremely hurried, but also asked Brother Chen to excuse me.” “见过陈兄。”王守哲拱手回礼道,“行程决定地太过匆忙,还请陈兄见谅。” Right, this Chen Fangjie is the future brother-in-law. However one day has not gotten married officially, then cannot call carelessly. 没错,这位陈方杰是未来姐夫。但是一日未曾正式成亲,便不能胡乱称呼。 During the speeches, Wang Shouzhe is taking a look at him secretly, compared last year, grew one -year-old Chen Fangjie heroic spirit more abundant several points. Then is the Wang Shouzhe strength, does not see clearly his cultivation base faintly. 说话间,王守哲暗暗打量着他,相比于去年,长了一岁的陈方杰英气更盛了几分。便是王守哲的实力,也隐隐看不清楚他的修为 Obviously, Chen Fangjie has then achieved Qi Refining Boundary seven layers young, has not entered seven layers that initially. This could have been very outstanding youth talent, superficially is also has no time to let compared with Wang Shouzhe. 十分显然,陈方杰年纪轻轻便已经达到炼气境七层了,还不是初入七层的那种。这已经算得上是非常优秀的青年才俊了,表面上看比起王守哲也是不遑多让。 However, the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings are very self-confidently confident, before the Chen Fangjie overall degree is passed through Wang Shouzhe is equivalent at most. As for present Wang Shouzhe, will have enough confidence to Chen Fangjie this age, cultivation base will surpass his big truncation. 不过,王守哲内心却十分坦然自信,陈方杰总体程度至多是和被穿越前的王守哲相当。至于现在的王守哲,有足够的信心到陈方杰这个年龄,修为将超过他一大截。 Meanwhile, Chen Fangjie is also sizing up Wang Shouzhe secretly, the innermost feelings are also surprised. Before looked at Wang Shouzhe, felt his talent very good cultivation very diligently, but the overall makings somewhat were immature need to polish. 与此同时,陈方杰也在暗暗打量王守哲,内心也是惊讶不已。之前看王守哲时,就是觉得他天赋很好修炼非常努力,但是整体气质还有些稚嫩需要打磨。 How long actually does not want then to cross, actually discovered him regardless of the makings or the bearing transformed. What made his surprised was, the Wang Shouzhe aura became the pressure on other party faintly, this is the distance breaks through to Qi Refining Boundary seven layers is not far. 却不想这才过了多久,却发现他举手投足间无论气质还是气度都蜕变了。更令他惊奇的是,王守哲的气息隐隐给他造成压力,这是距离突破至炼气境七层不远了吧。 18-year-old Qi Refining Boundary seven layers! 18岁的炼气境七层 Places in the entire Changning Garrison area, is among the best is very rare. Wants initially, he also to be 19 years old arrived at Qi Refining Boundary seven layers. This future wife's younger brother, feared that is not simple. 放在整个长宁卫地区中,已算是名列前茅十分难得了。想当初,他也是十九岁了才到炼气境七层。这未来的小舅子,怕是不简单啊。 thoughts reach here, Chen Fangjie the meaning of being intimate with was stronger: What words Shouzhe you are, between you and me so to be why must estranged? After having met with my father, I lead you in Chen Port good fun one, using temporarily as to relax.” 一念及此,陈方杰的亲近之意更为浓烈了:“守哲你这是什么话,你我之间何须如此生分?一会见过我父后,我带你在陈港好好玩一阵,权当是散散心。” Brother Chen, trades to be usually me to pour does not decline.” Wang Shouzhe said that „after this time has visited the uncle, then must hurry to Hundred Islands Garrison.” 陈兄,换作平常我倒也不推辞了。”王守哲笑着说,“此次拜会过伯父后,便要赶去百岛卫一趟。” Although he is also the Patriarch status, but Chen Clan Patriarch Chen Dewei will be his Elder Sister future father-in-law, will be the elder, in emotion when passing by must visit one in the principle. 虽然他也是族长身份,但是陈氏族长陈德威是他姐姐未来的公公,属于长辈,在路过时于情于理都要去拜会一番的。 Hundred Islands Garrison.” The Chen Fangjie expression somewhat is slightly dignified, previously you dispatched in the letter that the person sends to raise this matter actually, but Shouzhe, I must remind your one, Hundred Islands Garrison belongs to remote Sea Isle City, Longzuo Commandery is weak to that side influence, the mixing of good and bad people anything people have, but not like our Changning Garrison is so orderly.” 百岛卫。”陈方杰的表情略微有些凝重,“先前你遣人送来的信件中倒是提过此事,不过守哲啊,我得提醒你一句,百岛卫属于偏远海岛城,陇左郡对那边的影响力偏弱,其中龙蛇混杂什么人都有,可不像咱们长宁卫这般有秩序。” Brother Chen, this matter our province.” Wang Shouzhe also responded seriously, was only the trip needs exhausted Chen Clan to arrange the line.” 陈兄,此事我省得。”王守哲也是郑重地回应,“只是此行需要劳烦陈氏来安排线路了。” Proceeds again along An River, having the trumpet-shaped object is the Eastern Sea sea area. 沿着安江再往前走,出了喇叭口便是东海海域了。 That ship that Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai borrows, navigates to have no too major problem in An River. Words that however must enter the sea, were too many on the difference. The sea boat not only wants to be big and steady, but must have the splendid resistance storm ability and experienced boatman in the navigation. 六叔王定海借来的那艘船,在安江中航行没有什么太大问题。但是要入海的话,那就差太多了。海船不但要大而稳,还得拥有出色的抵抗风暴能力和在航海上有经验的船工。 In brief, the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity sea is not so good, particularly this fantasy world sea. 总之,神秘莫测的大海不是那么好去的,尤其是这种玄幻世界的大海。 Pouring is not troublesome.” Chen Fangjie hesitates to say slightly, thinks you are also know, our Chen Clan merchant ship can be open every month one time with Hundred Islands Garrison, the most of transportation is various types of goods. Besides setting sail workshop, but also is left over more than ten guest rooms to feed specially the guest to use, is only the overall condition is quite crude. Words that you really must go, I force out some quotas, today the afternoon can set off, then be able to arrive in Hundred Islands Garrison the day after tomorrow, our ships can anchor for five days in Hundred Islands Garrison.” “倒也不算麻烦。”陈方杰略微踌躇道,“想必你也是知道的,我们陈氏的商船每个月都会与百岛卫通航一次,不过运输的多半都是各种货品。除开船工房外,还剩下十几个客房专供客人使用,只是总体条件比较简陋。你真要去的话,我挤掉些名额,今日午后就能出发,后天上午便能抵达百岛卫,不过我们的船只能在百岛卫停靠五天。” A sea boat that is very huge investment, goes to sea to navigate a consumption is also high, back and forth the route, the tide and weather must undergo the computation and estimate. 一艘海船那是非常巨大的投资,出海航行一次的耗费也非常高,来回路线,潮水和天气都是要经过计算以及估算的。 Wang Shouzhe naturally impolitely to not requesting Chen Clan drives a ship to oneself alone, immediately expressed can definitely accept, asking Chen Fangjie to arrange three guest rooms. 王守哲当然不会无礼到要求陈氏自己单独开一趟船,当即表示完全能接受,请陈方杰安排三间客房。 Since were clear about the traveling schedule, Chen Fangjie naturally cannot be meddlesome, accepted. 既然明确了行程,陈方杰自然不会多事,应承了下来。 Afterward, under receiving and instructing the guidance of ship, the Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai ship approaches shore, Old Ancestor Longyan wait/etc. continued to keep on the ship temporarily. But Wang Shouzhe accompanies Chen Fangjie, according to the courtesy visited Chen Clan present age Patriarch Chen Dewei. 随后,在接引船的引导下,六叔王定海的船靠了岸,珑烟老祖等暂时继续留在船上。而王守哲则随同陈方杰,按照礼数去拜访了陈氏当代族长陈德威 Chen Dewei naturally is to a Wang Shouzhe corresponding courtesy reception, and erupts on the honey insect insect plague to Wang Clan informs to express gratitude for a while ahead of time. By Chen Clan, the principal work in the agriculture, clan does not only have a two small-scale village altogether 3,000-4,000 mu place, had ahead of time under the early warning, the overall loss cannot be too big. 陈德威自然是对王守哲一番相应的礼数接待,并对王氏就蜜虫虫灾爆发一时提前通知而表示感谢。以陈氏而言,主业并非在农业上,家族仅有两个小型农庄拢共3,000-4,000亩地,有了提前预警下,总体损失不会太大。 But Chen Fangjie helps Wang Shouzhe arrange the going to sea matters concerned rapidly, and several Chen Clan clansmen of trip introduced that to Wang Shouzhe, entrusting the opposite party to consider Wang Shouzhe one line well. 陈方杰则是迅速去帮王守哲安排出海事宜,并将此行的几名陈氏族人介绍给了王守哲,嘱托对方好好照顾王守哲一行。 Because Wang Shouzhe refused him to deliver to embark, therefore before he just before leaving , the stopper gave a Wang Shouzhe booklet, above records Hundred Islands Garrison various influences and information. 王守哲拒绝了他送上船,因此他临行前塞给了王守哲一个小册子,上面记载着百岛卫的各种势力与情报。 Shortly after, the Donggang deep-water port, Wang Shouzhe one line of low keys mount that named The Junyao Sea boat. This ship by Chen Clan Old Ancestor Junyao the name name, can shock some ganefs the distracting thoughts. 没多久后,东港深水港口,王守哲一行低调地登上那艘名为【君耀号】的海船。此船以陈氏君耀老祖”的名字命名,可以震慑住一些宵小的杂念。 After going on board, is getting the guest room by a Chen Clan clansman named Chen Fanghua politely. 登船后,便由一名叫陈方华陈氏族人客气地领着去了客房。 Chen Fanghua is the Young Patriarch Chen Fangjie clansman, 25 years old were Qi Refining Boundary five layers high stage, belonged to Chen Clan young elite in one generation. 陈方华少族长陈方杰的族兄,年仅二十五岁便是炼气境五层高段了,属于陈氏年轻一代中的精英。 That three guest rooms are connected in the same place, feeds specially the best room of honored guest. 那三间客房相连在一起,其中一间还是专供贵客的上房。 So can set aside a best room in a hurry, obviously Chen Fangjie regards as important to Wang Shouzhe , the management spares no effort. 如此匆匆能腾出个上房,显然陈方杰王守哲十分看重,办事不遗余力。 Brother Chen, many thanks.” Chen Fanghua cups the hands of Wang Shouzhe to showing the way said that then all the way, but also asked Brother Chen to look after much.” 陈兄,多谢了。”王守哲对领路的陈方华拱手说道,“接下来一路上,还请陈兄多多照拂。” Should should.” Chen Fanghua quickly returns a courtesy, your Young Patriarch honored guest, is our Chen Clan honored guest. You first please as one likes, if there is any need to call me momentarily.” “应该的应该的。”陈方华急忙回礼,“你们少族长的贵客,便是我们陈氏的贵客。你们先请自便,若有什么需要随时叫我。” Then, then said goodbye to depart. The sea boat must start immediately, this time was the busiest time. 说罢,便告辞离去。海船马上要开了,这时候是最忙的时间。 For does not want to make it is well known, Wang Shouzhe asked Chen Fangjie his status security, therefore the Chen Clan clansman on ship only said that is the Young Patriarch honored guest. 为了不想弄得人尽皆知,王守哲还是拜托了陈方杰将他身份保密,因此船上的陈氏族人只道那是少族长的贵客。 After four no one . 等四下无人后。 Wang Shouzhe said to Old Ancestor Longyan cups the hands: Old Ancestor, making you travel by the transporting freight merchant ship, put in great inconvenience to you.” If let a package ship in the past, first did not raise consumes how much money the things, matter so will not be simple directly. 王守哲才对珑烟老祖拱手道:“老祖,让您搭乘运货商船,委屈您了。”若要让包一艘船过去,先不提耗费多少钱的事情,事情也不会如此简单直接。 Might as well, Shouzhe arranges very appropriately.” The Old Ancestor Longyan without joy or sorrow tranquil say/way, Hundred Islands Garrison one line, quick returns quietly quickly safely.” “无妨,守哲安排得很妥当。”珑烟老祖无喜无悲地平静道,“百岛卫一行,悄无声息地快去快回最为稳妥。” Fourth Aunt, troubles you to look after Old Ancestor first to rest.” Wang Shouzhe also said to Xu Zhirou, „the this time traveling schedule needs more than 20 double-hour, wanted Old Ancestor to be tired not.” 四婶,麻烦您照顾老祖先休息。”王守哲又对徐芷柔说道,“这一次行程需要二十多个时辰,莫要老祖累着了。” Shouzhe you could rest assured that I will certainly look after good Old Ancestor.” The Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou serious say/way, held Old Ancestor Longyan to enter the best room later. 守哲你放心,我一定会照顾好老祖。”四婶徐芷柔郑重道,随后扶着珑烟老祖进了上房。 Inside and outside the best room minute/share two, may rests for the honored guests and entourage separatedly. 上房分内外两间,可供贵客以及随行人员分开休息。 When Wang Lici just prepared with, was stopped by calling out by Wang Shouzhe: Big girl first comes with me, some words must say with you.” 王璃慈刚准备屁颠屁颠地跟进去时,却被王守哲叫住:“大丫头先跟我来,有些话要与你说。” Yes, Fourth Uncle.” “是,四叔。” The Wang Lici heart and liver trembles, this made mistakes, immediately looked grief-stricken followed up the next room. 王璃慈心肝一颤,这又是犯错了吗,当即如丧考妣地跟进了隔壁房间。 Wang Shouzhe looks at her expression, shot her forehead ill-humoredly: What expression are you? I am your Fourth Uncle, does not eat the demon of person.” 王守哲看着她那副表情,没好气地弹了一下她额头:“你这是什么表情?我是你四叔,又不是吃人的魔头。” Wang Lici quickly trades the face, squeezes out hollow laugh that flattered afraid. 王璃慈急忙换脸,挤出了一丝心虚而讨好的干笑。 ...... ……
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