POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#46: Hundred Islands Golden Sand

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...... …… So the deserve a beating expression, looks at the Wang Shouzhe corners of the mouth to twitch two, deeply after attracting several tones, stood firm the mood, waved saying: Good was good, you have not made the mistake anything, sits down the speech.” 如此欠揍的表情,看得王守哲嘴角抽搐两下,深吸了几口气后才稳住了情绪,挥手说:“行了行了,你也没做错什么事,坐下说话吧。” Wang Lici looked for a stool to sit down, the buttocks only made contact with a little, exhibited one to listen respectfully to the appearance of Fourth Uncle instruction cleverly. 王璃慈顿即找了张凳子坐下,屁股只搭上了一点儿,摆出了一副乖巧聆听四叔教诲的模样。 Can look, Old Ancestor also very likes you.” Wang Shouzhe said, „the time on ship, you accompanies Old Ancestor to speak, making her happy.” “看得出来,老祖还挺喜欢你。”王守哲说道,“在船上的时间,你多陪老祖说说话,让她多开心开心。” Originally is this matter? Does not get a bawling out well. 原来是这事啊?不是挨训就好。 Wang Lici from tight condition lax, nods to comply again and again. The buttocks moved to sit at the back correct toward the stool, routinely pulled out a dry fruit to help get over a shock, then eats self-possessedly very happily. 王璃慈从紧绷状态松懈了下来,连连点头答应。屁股朝凳子后半拉挪了挪坐得更正了些,习惯性地掏了块蜜饯压压惊,然后坦然自若地美滋滋吃将起来。 The so mindless appearance, making the Wang Shouzhe eye hide jumps. 如此没心没肺的模样,让王守哲眼皮子直跳。 From this, he pulls out two books to lose from the bosom calmly to her: This is «Longzuo All Ages Poetry Selection» as well as «Essays of the Recluse of Jadeite House Mountain», was Fourth Uncle bought in Donggang a moment ago, it is said very had the literary connotation.” 由此,他不动声色地从怀里掏出两本书丢给她:“这是《陇左历代诗词精选》以及《翠居山隐士笔谈》,是四叔刚才在东港买的,据说挺有文学内涵。” paused also said: „In the morning I listen you recited «Publish the Tianlan (Heavenly Mist) Night View Vault of heaven» masterpiece, singing in good voice and with feeling, but the rhythm was full, you very excelled at the literature evidently. You use the quickest time to be familiar with these two books simply, however the back finds relief to the Old Ancestor hear. Old Ancestor most liked studying the studious child, she will be very certainly happy.” 顿了一下又说:“早上我听你背诵《登天岚夜观苍穹》名篇时,声情并茂而韵律十足,看样子你挺擅长文学的。索性你用最快的时间将这两本书熟读一番,然而背给老祖听解解闷儿。老祖最喜欢读书用功的孩子了,想必她老人家一定会很开心的。” Frightens?” “吓?” Wang Lici stares the circle the eye, the dry fruit of mouth does not chew, on some baby fat cheeks of full was the panic-stricken color, four, four four Fourth Uncle...... your you, were you a devil? 王璃慈瞪圆了眼睛,嘴里的蜜饯也不嚼了,有些婴儿肥的脸蛋上满是惊骇之色,四,四四四叔……你你你,你是魔鬼吗? Un, expression that you so happen simultaneously pleasantly surprised, Fourth Uncle is very gratified.” Wang Shouzhe said benignly, likes?” “嗯,你如此惊喜交加的表情,四叔很是欣慰。”王守哲和颜悦色地说,“喜不喜欢?” The Wang Lici teardrops tumble following the cheeks, actually can only suppress the grievance, pulls joyfully the smile, choked: Many, many thanks Fourth Uncle, I liked......” 王璃慈泪珠顺着脸颊滚落,却只能强忍着委屈,扯出“欣喜”的笑容,哽咽说:“多,多谢四叔,我太喜欢了……” Lici, looks at the appearance that you weep, explained that the Fourth Uncle painstaking efforts has not wasted.” Wang Shouzhe touches her head to say apologetically, said is Fourth Uncle is not good, this time the traveling schedule is too hurried, bought two books with enough time. Then after Hundred Islands Garrison, are certainly many for you buy several, perhaps our family/home must have a literary giant in the future.” 璃慈啊,看你喜极而泣的模样,说明四叔的良苦用心没有白费。”王守哲摸了摸她脑袋歉然说,“说起来都是四叔不好,此番行程太匆忙,就来得及买了两本。回头到了百岛卫后一定多给你买几本,说不定咱们家未来也要出个文豪呢。” Wang Lici mourns in one's heart, if dies, suddenly feels the color of life to go far away from oneself, at present is full is the gloomy piece. 王璃慈心丧若死,顿觉人生的色彩远离自己而去,眼前满是灰暗一片。 Luckily, dry fruit. 幸好,还有蜜饯。 Mouth that happy taste, as if becomes her in the future in the grayish white life the only gorgeous color, hope the place of source. 嘴里那甜蜜的滋味,仿佛成为了她未来灰白人生中唯一一抹艳丽色彩,希望的源泉之地。 Right.” Wang Shouzhe knit the brows saying that dry fruit type of between-meal snack eats occasionally also good, ate the wound tooth, but also was easy to put on weight, you had a look at your face to be round. With, Fourth Uncle takes care for you.” “对了。”王守哲又皱眉说,“蜜饯这种零嘴偶尔吃吃还行,吃多了伤牙,还容易发胖,你看看你的脸都圆了。都拿出来吧,四叔替你保管。” Bang! 轰! This saying looked like the heavenly thunder bang on Wang Lici, the tears could not control again turbulently, the buckle the suo suo pulled out one package of dry fruit. 这话就像是天雷般轰在了王璃慈头上,眼泪再也控制不住地汹涌而出,扣扣索索地掏出一包蜜饯。 Continues?” “不止吧?” Then she pulls out one package. 然后她又掏出一包。 Hehe ~ “呵呵~ Then another package. 然后又一包。 From all sides after pulls out five packages, Wang Lici holds that two books, the tears is collapsing: Did not have, really did not have. Fourth Uncle, the time, I, I did not study early......” 前前后后足足掏出五包后,王璃慈捧着那两本书,泪崩而出:“没有了,真的没有了。四叔,时间不早了,我,我去读书了……” Then she ran speedily, seeming to flee tremendous dangers and difficulties to be the same. 然后她一溜烟的跑了,好似逃离刀山火海一般。 After she ran, Wang Shouzhe hehe smiled, is filled with happily to steep the pot tea to drink, the little girl, couldn't Fourth Uncle have governed you? 等她跑了之后,王守哲才呵呵一笑,满心欣慰地沏了壶茶喝了起来,小丫头片子,四叔还治不了你? Training the big niece is a small interlude. 调教大侄女不过是个小插曲。 After Wang Shouzhe slightly does the rest calms down, then puts out the booklet that in the future brother-in-law Chen Fangjie will give, slowly reads. Wang Clan to Hundred Islands Garrison, although heard, but the relevant information record in clan are quite few . Moreover the information is quite obsolete. 王守哲略作休息定神后,便拿出未来姐夫陈方杰给出的小册子,慢慢翻看起来。王氏百岛卫虽然有所耳闻,但是族内的相关情报记载比较少,而且信息比较陈旧。 Donggang Chen Clan and Hundred Islands Garrison contact quite many, the information nature is exhaustive. This booklet, then records Hundred Islands Garrison some influences, clan, the situation, object characteristics that as well as do not provoke at will wait/etc. 东港陈氏百岛卫接触比较多,情报方面自然详尽。这本小册子,便是记载着百岛卫的一些势力,家族,形势,以及不要随意招惹的对象特征等等。 This booklet more looks more makes the Wang Shouzhe heart startled, the Hundred Islands Garrison influence is really much more intriguing than Changning Garrison, first is that dozens every large or small aristocratic family. 这小册子越看越让王守哲心惊不已,百岛卫的势力果然比长宁卫错综复杂得多,首先便是那几十个大大小小的世家 These aristocratic family, some strengths are quite weak and occupy an island alone. Some are the strength are tyrannical, stretches across several even ten several islands. 那些世家,有些实力比较弱而单独占据一个岛。有些却是实力强横,横跨数个甚至十数个岛。 And the Lord island called Golden Sand Island, it is said millenniums ago this island was rich in Golden Sand, initiating some profound warrior aristocratic family to compete bloody. The Great Qian government authorities dispatch the expert powerful suppression, and constructs Hundred Islands Garrison , after here the aspect stabilizes. In several hundred years, Golden Sand is mined, profound warrior aristocratic family that keeps separates Hundred Islands, gradually derives the present pattern. 其中主岛叫金沙岛,据说千年前此岛盛产金沙,引发了一些玄武世家血腥争夺。大乾官府派遣高手强力镇压,并在此建百岛卫后局面才稳定下来。再过数百年,金沙已被开采一空,一些留下来的玄武世家百岛割据,逐渐衍生出了如今的格局。 Is complex because of the Hundred Islands Garrison geographical environment, now also does not have Golden Sand, the Great Qian government authorities are gradually weak here control. Therefore, will have committing a crime wanted wandering cultivator many, the aristocratic family pursuit juniors, or some want to wash the white pirate gangster and others, will come Hundred Islands Garrison to rush. 百岛卫地理环境复杂偏远,如今又没了金沙,大乾官府在此处的掌控力是渐渐偏弱。因此,不乏会有一些犯了事被通缉的散修,世家驱逐子弟,或是一些想洗白的海盗匪徒等,也都会来百岛卫闯一闯。 Is good operates for many years on Hundred Islands Garrison Golden Sand Main Island because of Donggang Chen Clan, the personal connection broad foundation is stable, has words that and other idlers Chen Clan looks after not to dare to provoke at will. 好在东港陈氏百岛卫金沙主岛上经营多年,人脉宽广根基稳固,有陈氏照拂的话等闲人也不敢随意招惹。 So long as does not cause trouble carelessly, the security problem is not very big. Otherwise, Chen Fangjie does not dare to put Wang Shouzhe to go to Hundred Islands Garrison decisively, if were the big deal, how could Chen Fangjie did ask for well? 只要不胡乱惹事生非,安全问题不是很大。否则的话,陈方杰断然是不敢放王守哲百岛卫的,若是出了大事,陈方杰岂能讨得了好? However Hundred Islands Garrison turns over to the confusion chaotic, actually also multiplied other place no characteristics industries. 不过百岛卫混乱归混乱,却也滋生出了一些其它地方没有的特色产业。 For example black market! 例如黑市! The Golden Sand black market is the industries of Hundred Islands Garrison only two Celestial clan, with a history of 200 years. In the black market, all status can camouflage and hide, so long as you have money, you can buy the thing that you want with the most secret way, can the optional secret sell out your thing, even is some contraband goods, or stolen goods! 金沙黑市是百岛卫唯二的天人家族的产业,已有200年历史了。在黑市中,一切身份都可以伪装和隐藏,只要你有钱,你可以用最秘密的方式买到你想要的东西,也可以随意秘密卖掉你的东西,甚至是一些违禁品,亦或是赃物! Who the black market will not manage you are, where will not manage your money and thing comes, they are only responsible for defending the order prestige and pull out. 黑市不会管你是谁,更不会管你的钱与东西哪里来的,他们只负责维护秩序信誉和抽成。 The order and prestige are the bases that a black market can survive. 秩序与信誉正是一个黑市能够存活下来的根本。 Person who because goes to the black market, will be very often sensitive to the exposition of status origin, if there is any slightest sign of trouble to make them shrink back at the sight. Thus it can be seen, the Golden Sand black market can stand erect for 200 years, moreover scale of development bigger and bigger, pays great attention to the prestige and order inevitably extremely. 因为去黑市的人,往往都会对身份来历的暴露十分敏感,若有任何风吹草动都会让他们望而却步。由此可见,金沙黑市能屹立两百年,而且发展规模越来越大,必然是极为注重信誉和秩序。 Sees this black market the news. 一见到这个黑市的消息。 The Wang Shouzhe heart had several points to guess indistinctly, Old Ancestor Longyan should come to the black market, but the purpose in coming of her trip, by the Wang Shouzhe wisdom, guessed correctly the general idea mostly. 王守哲心头就隐约有了几分猜测,珑烟老祖应该是冲着黑市来的,而她此行的来意,以王守哲的智慧,也多半猜出了大概。 Immediately his brow wrinkled, this matter is he is not willing to see. When disembarks, needs to discuss with Old Ancestor Longyan, something, do not absolutely need to achieve that step. 当即他的眉头皱了起来,这种事情是他不愿意看到的。等下了船,需要和珑烟老祖谈一谈了,有些事情,根本没有必要做到那一步。 However she after all is Old Ancestor, once matter that is determined to handle, perhaps has thought to ferment for a long time, how should be able to convince her? 不过她毕竟是老祖,一旦下定决心要做的事情,恐怕早就思酿许久,该如何才能劝得动她? The Wang Shouzhe complexion is getting more and more dignified, the finger knocks the table to ponder rapidly. 王守哲的脸色越来越凝重,手指头敲着桌子飞速思考着。 Time, little in the past. 时间,一点点过去。 More than 20 double-hour flash by, the giant sea boat anchored in the Hundred Islands Garrison Golden Sand Island deepwater port. 二十多个时辰一晃而过,巨大的海船停靠在了百岛卫金沙岛的深水港中。 Wang Shouzhe one group of since The Junyao Went out, smelled the thick sea breeze flavor. The words saying this The Junyao The sea merchant ship, in the sea also is really very safe, An'an entire, not startled does not have the danger then to arrive in Hundred Islands Garrison. 王守哲一行人从【君耀号】中走出,嗅到了浓浓的海风味道。话说这【君耀号】海商船,在海中还真是挺稳当,安安全全,无惊无险便抵达百岛卫 At this time, Chen Clan clansman Chen Fanghua welcomed, respectful cups the hands said: Young Master Wang, before Young Patriarch just before leaving told, comes to arrange the lodgings by me for Your group with the guide.” 此时,陈氏族人陈方华迎了上来,恭敬拱手道:“王少爷,根据少族长临行前吩咐,由我来为您一行人安排住宿与向导。” Under the Wang Shouzhe heart smiles, was supposing will be the future brother-in-law feared he will burst to have the danger on the island, arranged the clansman arranges especially his lodging and traveling schedule. 王守哲心下莞尔,估摸着是未来姐夫怕他在岛上乱闯有危险,特地安排族人连他的住宿与行程都安排好了。 „, Then had work Brother Chen.” Wang Shouzhe is unfamiliar with the people and place to this Golden Sand Island, some people arrange that are best. Moreover Chen Fangjie in the future brother-in-law's intention, must lead. “如此,便有劳陈兄了。”王守哲对这金沙岛人生地不熟,有人安排那是最好不过。而且陈方杰未来姐夫的这份心意,还是得领。 Chen Fanghua knows that Young Master Wang has the female family members, arranged a carriage to come especially, Old Ancestor Longyan and Fourth Aunt and big girls rode the carriage. Wang Shouzhe and Wang Zhong Wang Yong two Family Guard, is assigned three steeds temporarily. 陈方华知道“王少爷”有女眷,特地安排了一辆马车过来,珑烟老祖四婶和大丫头都坐上了马车。王守哲王忠王勇两位家将,则是被临时分配了三匹骏马。 Afterward, Chen Fanghua brings Family Guard, leading Wang Shouzhe one line to walk toward the Golden Sand Island inner city. 随后,陈方华带着一位家将,领着王守哲一行往金沙岛内城走去。 At the same time walking, Chen Fanghua is also chatting some Golden Sand Island local conditions and social customs with Wang Shouzhe, for example this Golden Sand main island is in Hundred Islands Garrison the biggest islands, because in the land the rock are many with other impurities, good farmland that can open are extremely few. 一边走着,陈方华还与王守哲闲聊着一些金沙岛的风土人情,例如这金沙本岛是百岛卫中最大的岛屿,但是因为土地中岩石与其余各种杂质很多,能开辟出来的良田极少。 Therefore, in our that cargo, half is the grain crops as well as various meat poultries, but also at one's convenience is some living necessities. These common goods, are instead good in the Hundred Islands Garrison profit.” Chen Fanghua does not evade these well-known business knowledge, obviously also wants to pull closer the relations with Wang Shouzhe. “所以,我们那一船货物中,有一半是粮食作物以及各种肉食肉禽,还有便是一些生活用具。这些寻常物品,在百岛卫反而利润还行。”陈方华并不避讳这些众所周知的商业知识,显然也是想和王守哲拉近关系。 „The Great Qian regulation stipulated that the grain cannot hype?” Wang Shouzhe slightly strange say/way. 大乾律法规定粮食不得炒作吧?”王守哲微微奇怪道。 Young Master Wang, the Great Qian regulation is not very high in the Hundred Islands Garrison binding force.” Chen Fanghua said that „, let alone we do not hype the grain, but trades the thing by the thing. Although Hundred Islands Garrison the grain yield are few, is rich in various seafood and oyster ash, transports/fortunes the words that goes to the inland to gain a gross profit.” 王少爷,大乾律法在百岛卫的约束力并非很高。”陈方华笑着说,“何况我们并非炒作粮食,而是以物换物。百岛卫虽然粮食产量少,却盛产各种海珍、蛎灰,运到内陆去的话还是能赚点毛利的。” Wang Shouzhe also knows, is the profit is very inevitably high in this time marine transportation, but also is the difficulty and risk is high. Building a sea merchant ship is not only expensive, but also needs very deep expertise. 王守哲也知道,在这种时代海运这一块必然是利润很高,但同时也是难度和风险性非常高。打造一艘海商船不但昂贵,还需要很深厚的专业知识。 In addition, the navigation boatman, training of specialized navigation person is also very difficult. Even the slightest misstep, words of sea boat accident, that is a complete wipe-out loss. 此外,航海船工,专业航海人士的培养也都是非常困难。甚至稍有不慎,一艘海船失事的话,那就会是一场血本无归的亏损。 Therefore common clan wants to straddle zones to enter the marine trader domain, is almost a not possible matter. Also is no wonder Donggang Chen Clan in just hundred years, is unexpectedly getting more and more powerful. 因此寻常家族想要跨界进入海商领域,几乎是一件不可能的事情。也是难怪东港陈氏在短短百年间,竟然越来越强盛起来。 ...... ……
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