POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#44: Relations by marriage faction( sought recommendation)

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...... …… However is careful thinks, pouring is also very fairly. If Flood Dragon Trading Company is not very powerful, how could to put in order An River business along the way to embrace? 不过仔细一想,倒也是挺合情合理的。蛟龙商行若是不够强大,岂能将整条安江沿途的生意都揽下来? So every year income, inevitably is the astronomical figures. 如此每年的收益,必然是个天文数字。 But had the huge income, gathers or fosters the talent, is the matters of successing when conditions are ripe. 而有了庞大的收益,无论是招揽还是培养人才,都是水到渠成之事。 This is so-called powerful is richer, richly is more powerful. This truth, placing any world is the general principle. 这就是所谓的越强大越有钱,越有钱就越强大。这个道理,放在任何一个世界都是通用法则。 Ship along river, but the good speed is quick, under Wang Shouzhe and Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai chatted, quick had/left the Wang Clan exclusive waters domain, river left was big piece of Rocky Shoal, river right is the steep cliff wall. 船顺江而行的速度很快,在王守哲六叔王定海闲聊下,很快就出了王氏的专属水域地盘,江左是大一片乱石滩,江右则是陡峭的崖壁。 Then this waters, are the Ping'an Town Zhao Clan domain, understood with the Wang Shouzhe thought that is various influences in the special economic zone that under the long-term test of strength divides. 接下来这一段水域,便是平安镇赵氏的地盘,用王守哲的思想去理解,那便是各势力在长期角力下划分出来的经济专属区。 Crossed more than ten li (0.5 km) waterway again, the right bank is the Shanyang area, the Gongsun Clan den location. Compares in small the Ping'an Town area then to push three aristocratic family, in Shanyang Town only has two aristocratic family, the Shanyang Gongsun Clan all-round strength in a big way wants Yuanqiang Shanyang Cao Clan one to plan. 再过了十多里水路,右岸便是山阳地区,公孙氏的老巢所在地。相比于小小的平安镇地区便挤着三个世家,山阳镇内仅有两个世家,其中山阳公孙氏的综合实力要远强山阳曹氏一大筹。 Marrying of profound warrior aristocratic family is tasteful, must guarantee that each other bloodline can multiply, had the method of alliance and diplomacy. As a rule, is aristocratic family of area each other not to marry. 玄武世家的联姻非常讲究,即要保证彼此的血脉都能繁衍下去,同时也具备了联盟与外交的手段。通常而言,同属一个地区的世家彼此不联姻。 On Wang Clan and Liú Clan like Ping'an Town also has Zhao Clan, does not marry. This on behalf is being an obvious metaphor, a mountain does not accommodate two tigers, must annex sooner or later mutually. 就像平安镇上的王氏刘氏还有赵氏,彼此之间都不联姻。这代表着是一种心照不宣的暗喻,一山不容二虎,彼此之间迟早是要互相吞并的。 Similarly marries outward, cannot choose two aristocratic family to marry in the same area. Like Wang Clan and relations of Shanyang Gongsun Clan at marrying, cannot go to marry with Shanyang absolutely, that is the huge taboo. But in return, Shanyang Gongsun Clan naturally cannot marries with Ping'an Zhao Clan or Liú Clan. 同样对外联姻,也不能在同一地区内选择两个世家去联姻。就像王氏山阳公孙氏处在联姻关系,就绝对不能去和山阳联姻,那可是天大的忌讳。而作为回报,山阳公孙氏自然不会和平安赵氏刘氏联姻。 Therefore entire Changning Garrison every large or small dozens aristocratic family, are seemingly intriguing, but in fact was also divided into 56 relations by marriage factions. 因此整个长宁卫大大小小数十个世家,看起来错综复杂,但实际上也就是分成了五六个姻亲派系。 Wang Shouzhe is appreciating along the way that partly visible scenery, is reorganizing some trains of thought. The clan future development, relations by marriage faction is one has no alternative but the factor that considers to go. 王守哲边是欣赏着沿途那若隐若现的风光,边是整理着一些思绪。家族未来的发展,姻亲派系方面是一个不能不考虑进去的因素。 With Changning Xu Clan, Changning Xu Clan three Spirit Platform, most powerful Old Ancestor has achieved Spirit Platform Boundary late stage now, has no time to let compared with the Wang Clan most powerful period. 就拿长宁徐氏来说,如今长宁徐氏一门三灵台,最强大的老祖已经达到了灵台境后期,比起王氏最强盛时期也不遑多让。 However as the relations by marriage, both sides is also maintaining marrying of parallel veins as before. The Xinmao Silkworm Village Lord type of industry mulberry raises silkworms, depends on the Xu Clan survival. Side did not say, said the purchase price of fresh cocoon wants on high compared with others 20%, can see that Changning Xu Clan is reading the fragrant state to Wang Clan as before. 但是作为姻亲,双方依旧还保持着直脉的联姻。欣茂蚕庄的主业种桑养蚕,也是依托于徐氏生存。旁的不说,就说生茧的收购价比旁人要高上20%,就可以看出长宁徐氏王氏依旧念着香火情。 If some day his Wang Shouzhe achievement Spirit Platform Boundary, how can also not read Gongsun Clan, Lu Clan wait/etc fragrant state? Everyone may have going down in the world time, wants Wang Clan to become such initially, wasn't a dynasty goes down in the world? 若是有朝一日他王守哲成就灵台境,又岂会不念着公孙氏,卢氏等等的香火情?谁都可能会有落魄的时候,想当初王氏强成那样,不也是一朝落魄了? Shouzhe, looks quickly, that is the Zhao Clan fishing fleet.” Wang Dinghai has the sound said suddenly. 守哲,快看,那是赵氏的捕鱼船队。”王定海忽然出声道。 The Wang Shouzhe vision sweeps on the surface of the river, discovered work of fishing fleet a several li (0.5 km) away on surface of the river, including two medium fishing trawlers. Several fishing boats lay out, actually seems enormous and powerful. Obviously they in the scale of fishing trawler, plan compared with Wang Clan. 王守哲目光在江面上一扫,就发现了数里外的一支捕鱼船队正在江面上作业,其中有两艘还是中型捕鱼船。十几艘渔船铺陈开来,倒是显得浩浩荡荡。可见他们在捕鱼船的规模上,要比王氏强上一筹。 This also no wonder, three aristocratic family of small Ping'an Town area, are Wang Clan most deterioration at present. First Wang Clan the destiny much was erroneous, secondly also wants giving credit in Zhao Clan and Liú Clan plan of the extrusion jointly. 这也难怪,小小平安镇地区的三个世家,目前就属王氏最为积弱。一来是王氏本就命运多舛,二来也要“归功”于赵氏刘氏的联手挤压之策。 However Zhao Clan and Liú Clan everyone knows, once the Wang Clan collapse perishes, Ping'an Town was among them the battlefield. Does not marry from Zhao Clan and Liú Clan, then can see among them having a tacit understanding. 不过赵氏刘氏谁都知道,一旦王氏倒塌灭亡,平安镇便是他们之间的战场了。从赵氏刘氏彼此之间不联姻,便能看出他们之间的心照不宣。 Hehe, they also with the backwardness fishing for technology that the fleet casts a net.” Near Wang Dinghai held the rudder, the corners of the mouth was revealing the taunt, the superiority feeling in heart spontaneously. “呵呵,他们还用船队撒网的落后捕捞技术啊。”王定海边掌着舵,嘴角露出了嘲讽,心中的优越感油然而起。 Also is no wonder, since Wang Shouzhe taught moved the net technology, fixedly. Wang Dinghai in various cross-strait covert places, has put up 30 fixed banzheng covertly, these banzheng not far away hiding also built the specially crude thatched hut, may be for two fishing industry worker one after another work and rests. 也是难怪,自从王守哲传授了固定搬网技术后。王定海已经在两岸各种隐蔽地点,偷偷摸摸架出了30架固定搬筝了,那些搬筝不远处隐蔽点还搭了特别简陋的茅草屋,可供两名渔工轮番作业与休息。 Moreover fixed banzheng of these use seesaw principles, fish extremely simply facile, even if an ordinary minor can grasp with ease, is not strenuous. 而且那些利用跷跷板原理的固定搬筝,捕鱼极为简单轻便,哪怕是一个普通的未成年人都能轻松掌握,还不怎么费力。 The fishing boat fishes for the risk to be big on the surface of the river at night, only if particularly needs, otherwise is the day dawn has the ship generally, before the darkness, will return to port. But banzheng can conduct the misfiring light fishing operation at night, on the shore comparison surface of the river is safer. 渔船夜间在江面上捕捞危险性较大,除非特别需要,否则一般都是天蒙蒙亮出船,天黑前都会回港。而搬筝可以在夜间进行无火光捕捞作业,岸边比较江面上安全许多。 The plan of action of fish, is after the evening at nightfall, will gradually approach shore, because the shore has more food opportunities, but the dim light of night will also take to them the security sense. 鱼类的活动规律,也是傍晚入夜后会逐渐靠岸,因为岸边才有更多的食物机会,而夜色也会带给它们安全感。 Now during the fishing season, the light is fixed banzheng in one night, in the luck excellent situation can fish for 1,000-2,000 jin (0.5 kg), even if the luck is worse can also have 400-500 jin (0.5 kg). 现在鱼汛期间,光是一口固定搬筝在一夜之间,运气极好的情况下能捕捞1,000-2,000斤,哪怕运气差些也能有个400-500斤。 30 banzheng fished, the average must fish for 20,000 jin (0.5 kg) over the two days every day! Various an enough 200 buckets of fishing attain...... 三十个搬筝捕鱼点,这两天平均每天都要捕捞两万斤!足足两百担各种渔获…… Therefore to be safe, Wang Dinghai has stopped the banzheng daytime operation, the net has torn down, the support flattens with the grass covers. When to evening day dusk, the speed assembles again, by starlight fishes for an evening. 因此为了保密起见,王定海已经停掉了搬筝白天的运作,网拆掉,支架铺平用草盖上。到了傍晚天擦黑时,再速度组装起来,趁着夜色捕捞一晚。 Daytime catching wants to be worse compared with the evening in any case, might as well increase some security coefficients. 反正白天的渔获量比起晚上来要差许多,不如多增加一些保密系数。 As for daytime, to cover their ears and eyes. Without other anything matter, the fishing boat team should go out also to go out. Fishing season period brace a celestial region area dozens buckets of fishing attained, makes Wang Dinghai take a look really gradually does not glance, is filled with ponder over is making some banzheng. 至于白天,为了掩人耳目。若没有其它什么事情,渔船队该出去还得出去。只是鱼汛时期这撑死了一天区区数十担的渔获,着实让王定海渐渐地瞅不上眼了,满心琢磨着多弄些搬筝 When Wang Dinghai reports these with Wang Shouzhe in a low voice, the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings are also filled with emotion, this world natural resources, were really rich. Trades to make on Earth, European and US country that even if these are famous for the natural waters rich resources, distant cannot compare this world. 王定海低声与王守哲汇报这些时,王守哲的内心也是感慨万千,这世界的自然资源,果然是太丰富了。换做地球上,哪怕那些以自然水域资源丰富著称的欧美国家,也远远比不上世界 Sixth Uncle, must pay attention to maintain the resources as far as possible.” Wang Shouzhe is gratified, somewhat worries saying that „the small fish in later homogeneous fish, sets free.” 六叔,要尽可能注意维护资源。”王守哲即欣慰,又有些担忧道,“以后同种鱼类中的小鱼,就放生吧。” That which line? These may be the money, every day also has ten several buckets.” The Wang Dinghai eye stares, said again, our family/home does not fish, other families/home will also fish.” paused, he somewhat cannot bear the Wang Shouzhe look, has to say embarrasedly, Shouzhe you really must have the opinion, that makes the boatman concentrate the small fish, throws into the ample flow river, was we breeds. I add several banzheng at the worst again, catches some big fish to come back.” “那哪行?这些可都是钱啊,每天也有十好几担呢。”王定海眼睛一瞪,“再说了,咱们家不捞,其他家也会捞的。”顿了一下,他有些受不了王守哲的眼神,只得讪讪地说,“守哲你真要有意见,那位就让船工将小鱼集中起来,统统都丢进丰水河,算是咱自家放养了。我大不了再多添几架搬筝,多捞些大鱼回来。” Also ok.” Wang Shouzhe knows that a thought of family/home Clan Elder generation of person, was too poor, can make a money is a money. As for the protection natural resources anything's advanced ideas, turns unable to turn around suddenly. “也行吧。”王守哲知道家族老一辈人的思想,太穷了,能多捞一个钱是一个钱。至于保护自然资源什么的先进思想,一时间也扭转不过来。 In the ship's speed quick situation, was away from two li (0.5 km) to brush past with Zhao Clan these fishing boats quickly, and was increasingly estranged with them. 船速较快的情况下,很快与赵氏的那些渔船隔着两里擦肩而过,并与他们渐行渐远。 From Fenggu Floodgate that side set off to Donggang, roughly 120 li (0.5 km) waterways, in smooth situation, only two half double-hour , will then arrive. 丰谷闸口那边出发东港,约莫有一百二十里水路,顺风顺水的情况下,仅两个半时辰便即将抵达。 Here, the surface of the river is more open, assumes the large-scale trumpet-shaped object shape, the appearance of the water slows down. Left side of the great river trumpet-shaped object, extends the unceasing Liuping Mountain mountain range vast. 此处,江面更为开阔,呈大型喇叭口形态,水势减缓。大江喇叭口左侧,是一望无际延绵不绝的六平山山脉。 Liuping Mountain Range as well as its rear area territory are very dangerous regions, belongs without opening up wasteland one of the Outer Territory dangerous situations. more toward various deep place ferocious beast is fierce, even if Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor bursts at will may fall from the sky. 六平山脉以及它后方地区域是非常危险的地带,属于未经开荒地外域险境之一。越往深处各种凶兽便越是厉害,即使灵台境老祖随意乱闯都有可能陨落。 But right side great river, is a down country of big length and breadth. According to Wang Shouzhe at the map and observation, judged that this should be a bulk alluvial plain. 而大江右侧,则是一大片广袤的平原地带。据王守哲在地图和现场的观察,判断出这应该是一大块冲积平原。 This big bountiful lands, are the Longzuo Commandery famous Eastern Sea Garrison areas. 这一大片富饶的土地,便是陇左郡大名鼎鼎的东海卫所在地区。 But Donggang Town, is the Changning Garrison area a farthest plate that extends to east, it adjoins with the Eastern Sea Garrison area. 东港镇,便是长宁卫地区向东延伸的最远的一个板块,它与东海卫地区毗邻。 The Donggang geographical position is liberal, natural deep water take shelter from wind curved. Gradually, here then became the freight transportation to be developed, commercial trade centralized bountiful port. 东港地理位置非常优渥,有一个天然的深水避风弯。久而久之,此处便成了货运发达,商业贸易集中的富饶之港。 But Wang Clan relations by marriage Donggang Chen Clan, is one of the here aristocratic family. 王氏的姻亲东港陈氏,便是此处的世家之一。 Chen Clan is clan of generation main operation ship transport business, from the establishment also less than hundred years, compares young clan. Moreover its development undertaking Old Ancestor had also passed away, sounds like the background not strong appearance, but in fact this clan has enough two Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor now. 陈氏是一个世代主要经营船运生意的家族,从成立至今还不足百年,算是比较年轻家族。而且其开拓创业老祖也早就已经过世,听起来好像底蕴不强的样子,但实际上这个家族现在拥有足足两名灵台境老祖 Old Old Ancestor 100 years old over, young that Old Ancestor over 70 years old. 年龄大的老祖一百岁出头,年轻的那位老祖才七十多岁。 In addition Chen Clan present age Patriarch Chen Dewei, 42 years old has then reached the Qi Refining Boundary peak. He is making the final polish time, as well as resources collection preparation, then quickly half a year one year, in the slow two years will then attempt to attack Spirit Platform Boundary. 除此之外陈氏当代族长陈德威,年仅四十二岁便已经达到炼气境巅峰。他正在做最后的打磨功夫,以及资源筹集准备,快则半载一年,慢则两年内便会尝试冲击灵台境 Once success Patriarch Chen Dewei enters the step to be successful, Donggang Chen Clan then can leap a three Spirit Platform pattern, the clan foundation will be stabler. 一旦成功陈德威族长进阶成功,东港陈氏便会一跃成一门三灵台的格局,家族的根基会更加稳固。 Then has Spirit Platform Boundary every 30 years! 每隔30年便出一位灵台境 Obviously Donggang Chen Clan the financial resource originate, the destiny is quite good. 可见东港陈氏无论是财力来源,还是气运都是相当不俗。 Wang Shouzhe looks at the full of vitality Donggang architectural complex from afar, the heart somewhat is also having endless emotion, comparatively speaking the Ping'an Wang Clan beforehand destiny some were too bad. 王守哲远远望着生机勃勃的东港建筑群,心头也是有些感慨不已,相较之下平安王氏的之前的气运有些太差了。 Was good had his Wang Shouzhe because of the present. 好在现在有了他王守哲 Unexpectedly! 蓦地! A ship drives out of in curved harbor, what is quite unique, it raised the giant clan flag, the clan flag is one soars the golden flag bird above sea. 一艘船从内弯港口驶出,比较独特的是,它升起了巨大的族旗,族旗是一只飞翔在大海之上的金色旗鸟。 In the observation post, flag indicator is wielding the flag. 瞭望台上,还有一名旗语手在挥动旗帜。 Shouzhe.” The Wang Dinghai joyful say/way, that is the Donggang Chen Clan ship, in the flag indicator was inquiring whether we are the Wang Clan guests. Should be the opposite party sends people to greet.” 守哲。”王定海欣喜道,“那是东港陈氏的船,用旗语在询问我们是否是王氏来客。应该是对方派人迎接了。” Un.” Wang Shouzhe nods, had previously dispatched Family Guard to go to the Chen Clan circular the traveling schedule, Chen Clan goes out greets is the etiquette of two normal contacts. “嗯。”王守哲点了点头,先前已派遣家将陈氏通告了行程,陈氏出门迎接是两家正常交往的礼仪。 Wang Shouzhe conjectures is Young Patriarch Chen Fangjie, because the fellow must become the Wang Shouzhe blood relative brother-in-law immediately...... 王守哲估猜是少族长陈方杰,因为那家伙马上要成为王守哲的嫡亲姐夫了…… ...... ……
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