POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#43: Legend! Flood Dragon Gang

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...... …… The Wang Shouzhe face quick was black, this big girl so feared that afraid this welldoing, is even Liri is not really surely studious, had a face with the courage unexpectedly before him said that every day in studied cultivation? 王守哲脸都快黑了,这大丫头如此心虚怕成这幅德行,必定是平里日不甚用功,竟然还有脸和胆子在他面前说每日里读书修炼 Shouzhe, do not frighten the big girl, you had a look at this child to be frightened to cry.” Sees her appearance, gentle Xu Zhirou embraced her in the bosom said, big girl feared not feared not, your Fourth Uncle is teasing you. You think to look, if he really tests the school schoolwork, how can light/only ask your one person to come?” 守哲,就别吓唬大丫头了,你看看这孩子都被吓哭了。”见她那副样子,性格温柔的徐芷柔把她揽在了怀里笑着说,“大丫头莫怕莫怕,你四叔是在逗你呢。你想想看,他要是真考校功课的话,怎会光叫你一个人来?” Originally is this. 原来是这样啊。 Wang Lici patted striking one's chest, immediately relaxed. Really scared to death me, hurried to eat a dry fruit to help get over a shock. Immediately, she twisted the dry fruit to eat together very happily. 王璃慈拍了拍胸脯,登时放松了下来。真是吓死我了,赶紧吃块蜜饯压压惊。当即,她捻起一块蜜饯美滋滋地吃了起来。 Sees that the face of Wang Shouzhe was blacker, was this broken girl too quick to the speed transformation of glutton from being survivor of disaster? Very mindless? 见状,王守哲的脸更黑了,这破丫头从劫后余生到吃货的速度转化太快了吧?忒没心没肺了些吧? Her such, what but also there is good to test the school? 就她那样,还有什么好考校的? He is thinking looks for the two clansman female family members from the family/home, accompanies to serve the Old Ancestor Longyan personal habits, should old mature steady, should be some young energy physical strengths is more exuberant. 他本来想着从家里找两个族人女眷,一路随行侍奉一下珑烟老祖的饮食起居,一个应该年龄大一点成熟稳重点,一个应该是年轻些精力体力旺盛一些的。 Wang Shouzhe to Fourth Aunt Xu Clan naturally is quite satisfied, is only Wang Lici this big girl...... 王守哲四婶徐氏自然是颇为满意的,只是王璃慈这大丫头…… Headache! 头疼! In younger clansman female family members, is his blood relative Elder Sister Wang Luoyi and four Younger Sister Wang Luotong, as well as big niece Wang Lici. Because the this time traveling schedule must pass by Donggang, but Elder Sister Wang Luoyi and Donggang Chen Clan Young Lord has the engagement in the body, at this time led her to go to Donggang not to appear in public well. 年龄较小的族人女眷中,也就是他嫡亲姐姐王珞伊、四妹妹王珞彤、以及大侄女王璃慈。因这一次的行程要路过东港,而姐姐王珞伊东港陈氏少主已有婚约在身,这时候带着她去东港抛头露面不好。 But Luotong is busy at the grain the matter of last traffic line, after she completes mission, Wang Shouzhe also wants to make her follow in Aunt Gongsun Hui to handle the following business behind, exercises much. 珞彤正在忙粮食的最后一道运输线的事情,等她完成任务后,王守哲也想让她跟在大娘公孙蕙身后处理后续事务,多多锻炼一下。 Therefore did not interrupt the original arranged plan of Wang Luotong. 因此就不去打断王珞彤的原有安排计划了。 Thinks it over, is idling only the safe/without matter, but the right candidate, only had Wang Lici. Looks at this iron gruff appearance, had wish to replace her, asks a smart maidservant. 思来想去,唯一闲着无事而合适的人选,就只有王璃慈了。看她这副铁憨憨的模样,都有种想要把她换掉,找个聪明伶俐的侍女去了。 However this thought also flashes to pass, since this girl is not willing the good easy to learn schoolwork, might as well the belt/bring to train in the side, gives her on well on the hoop-tightening incantation. 不过这个念头也只是一闪而逝,既然这丫头不肯好好学功课,还不如带在身边调教一番,给她好好上上紧箍咒。 Moreover presently at home the girl not good easy to learn schoolwork, is a general atmosphere, Luotong, Luojing and other girls are also so. Other small Miss, are also no better mostly. Boy many will be good, the pressure that the elder gives after all are many. 而且现在家里女孩子不好好学功课,已经是一种普遍风气了,珞彤,珞静等丫头也是如此。想必其他小姑娘,多半也好不到哪里去。男孩子多少会好一点,毕竟长辈给的压力多。 The so bad family tradition, is well certain reorganizes the reorganization. 如此不良家风,回头一定得好好整顿整顿。 thoughts reach here, Wang Shouzhe returns to the subject to say for the time being: Fourth Aunt. this time asks you to come, is needs you to go far, has about about ten days the traveling schedule. You first go back to prepare, the day after tomorrow 7 to 9 a.m we will then want set off, does not know that Fourth Aunt does have the issue?” 一念至此,王守哲暂且回归正题道:“四婶这一次找你们过来,是需要你们出远门一趟,大约有十日左右的行程。你们先回去准备准备,后日辰时我们便要出发,不知四婶有没有问题?” Although Xu Zhirou some anxieties, actually set out to nod saying: Does not have the issue, all depending on the Shouzhe arrangement.” 徐芷柔虽然有些疑虑,却还是起身点头道:“没有问题,全凭守哲安排。” In Wang Lici that small head fills to the brim is the doubts is curious, the exciting color, goes far, can Fourth Uncle lead her to go to Changning Garrison to play? In her brain, Changning Garrison is enough far, long has not gone greatly twice. 王璃慈那小脑袋里倒满是疑惑好奇,还有兴奋之色,出远门啊,四叔是要带她去长宁卫玩吗?在她脑子里,长宁卫已经是够远了,长这么大也没去过两次呢。 The time, crossed two days in a hurry. 时间,就这么匆匆过了两日。 Before dawn, when weather just dawn. 凌晨,天色刚蒙蒙亮时。 A 45 zhang (3.33 m) boat covered with black matting, drove into Zhuwei Lake from the wharf of Wang Clan main house backyard, later goes to Fenggu Village. 一艘四五丈长的乌篷船,从王氏主宅后院的码头驶入了珠薇湖中,随后一路向丰谷农庄而去。 This is the line of Wang Shouzhe arrangement, the Old Ancestor Longyan journey, he naturally wants the secret conduct. If the saddle horse car(riage) runs Dingpu Crossing to travel by boat, inevitably is extremely free. 这是王守哲安排的线路,珑烟老祖出行,他自然要秘密行事。若是坐马车跑去定蒲渡口坐船,必然是太过招摇。 Might as well with transporting grain line, rides the steamship across Fenggu Floodgate, there after all is the domain. 还不如和运粮线路一样,穿过丰谷闸口坐大船,那里毕竟是自家地盘。 This time follows Old Ancestor Longyan journey is not many, brought Wang Zhong Wang Yong two Family Guard on Wang Shouzhe, as well as Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou and big girl Wang Lici, including Old Ancestor altogether on six people. 此次伴随珑烟老祖出行者不多,就王守哲带了王忠王勇两位家将,以及四婶徐芷柔和大丫头王璃慈,连老祖在内一共就六个人。 Wang Zhong Wang Yong is responsible for harnessing the ship outside, although they are non-specialized, but controls this type of middle-and-small boat covered with black matting to be very simple in the profound warrior method, supporting the punting pole and sculls on the simultaneous/uniform speed is very quick. 王忠王勇在外负责驾船,他们虽不专业,但是以玄武者手段操控这种中小型乌篷船十分简单,撑篙和摇橹齐上速度还挺快。 In boat covered with black matting. 乌篷船内。 Wang Lici stares the eye, both hands is gripping the burden greatly stubbornly, does not dare to breathe half the atmosphere. Fourth Uncle actually does not consider it ahead of time, this is accompanies Old Ancestor Longyan to go on a journey together. 王璃慈瞪大着眼睛,双手死死地攥着包袱,连大气都不敢多喘半下。四叔竟然不提前告之,这是陪珑烟老祖一起出行。 That is family's Ancestor, compared with Fourth Uncle also fearful existence. 那可是家里的老祖宗啊,比四叔还可怕的存在。 The pleasant surprise that Fourth Uncle gives was too big, good stodginess. 四叔给的惊喜太大了,好难消化。 Old Ancestor, the traveling schedule line and arrangement are this, Fourth Aunt and Lici are responsible for considering your daily life.” Wang Shouzhe introduced various arrangements of this journey with Old Ancestor Longyan respectfully. 老祖,行程线路和安排就是这样,四婶璃慈负责照顾您生活起居。”王守哲恭敬地与珑烟老祖介绍完此次出行的各种安排。 Shouzhe works, I felt relieved.” The thoughtful arrangement of Old Ancestor Longyan to Wang Shouzhe is very satisfied, later said to Xu Zhirou, Zhirou, the trip needed to be laborious you.” 守哲做事,我放心。”珑烟老祖王守哲的周到安排还是很满意的,随后对徐芷柔说道,“芷柔,此行需辛苦你了。” Xu Zhirou said busily humbly: Taking care of Old Ancestor is the Zhirou duty and being honored.” 徐芷柔忙谦逊地说:“服侍老祖芷柔的本份和荣幸。” Later, Old Ancestor Longyan looked to Wang Lici, in the look revealed actually rarely some softened intent: Your this child, the actually two years has not summoned you to meet. This in an instant was big Miss, how recently did the schoolwork study?” 之后,珑烟老祖又看向了王璃慈,眼神中倒是难得地露出了些许柔意:“你这孩子,倒是有两年没召你见面了。这一转眼便是大姑娘了,最近功课学得怎么样?” In the opposite parties the junior, Old Ancestor Longyan usually is quite kind. Especially Old Ancestor Longyan she is the third-generation granddaughter who Old Ancestor Zhouxuan hands down, but Wang Lici is clan eighth generation of bloodline. 对家中小辈,珑烟老祖通常都是比较和蔼的。尤其珑烟老祖她是宙轩老祖传下的第三代孙女,而王璃慈已经是家族的第八代血脉了。 Frightens?” Wang Lici dazed, is asking the schoolwork? “吓?”王璃慈愣神,又是问功课? Had Fourth Uncle to test learning from another's mistakes of school schoolwork luckily, she is prepared. 幸好有了四叔考校功课的前车之鉴,她已有了准备。 A Wang Lici eye Gulu revolution, was busy at saying: Was recently studious, I carried some articles...... to say to the Old Ancestor hear, she recited article «To ascend Tianlan (Heavenly Mist) Night View Vault of heaven» impatiently, was millennium previous Celestial Boundary powerhouse and literature everyone Senior, this article literary flourishes magnificent and grand heroic, was liked by the later generation deeply. 王璃慈咕噜一转,忙说:“最近还是蛮用功的,我背些文章给老祖听……”说着,她迫不及待地背诵起了一篇文章《登天岚夜观苍穹》,是千年前一位天人境强者兼文学大家前辈所著,此文辞藻华丽且壮阔豪迈,深受后世喜爱。 Literary type of thing, in any civilization is extremely important one, has to mold the temperament to increase the function of profound culture foundation. If human only knows to kill, does not practice moral culture does not grow the soul, is broken to the world the life only to know the pursue strength with slaughtering, what difference that and wild does ferocious beast have? 文学这种东西,在任何文明中都是极为重要的一层,有着陶冶情操增加文化底蕴的作用。如果人类只知道打打杀杀,不修身不养性,穷极一生只知追求力量与杀戮,那与蛮荒凶兽又有什么差别? Wang Shouzhe hear of she recited fluently, but also some appearances of singing in good voice and with feeling, heart helpless was funny, did your so-called recent studying hard, refer to making a last-ditch effort recently about on the 2nd? Perhaps can carry this fluently? 王守哲听她背诵流利,还有些声情并茂的模样,心头无奈好笑,你这所谓的最近用功,最近就是指近两日临时抱佛脚了吧?恐怕就能流利背这一篇吧? However has not revealed her details, Old Ancestor evidently is very in any case gratified, praised to her encouraged several. 不过也没揭穿她的底细,反正老祖看样子挺欣慰的,对她夸赞鼓励了几句。 The boat covered with black matting winds to Fenggu Village the line, after arriving in the village, has not stayed, the shuttle went straight to the past Fenggu Floodgate, Everyone left the boat covered with black matting to cross the floodgate, that side had a medium river boat to wait. 乌篷船一路蜿蜒向丰谷农庄而行,抵达农庄后也未停留,穿梭过去直抵【丰谷闸口】,大家离开乌篷船翻过闸口,那边有一艘中型江船已在守候。 This river boat is the medium sailing ship, even if the idling carriage comes up also to be safe, does not know where Wang Dinghai borrows. 这艘江船是中型帆船,哪怕空载马车上去也能稳稳当当,也不知王定海从哪里借来的。 Shouzhe, according to your instruction.” Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai welcomed, cabin has slightly made the transformation, temporarily builds during rests. Your this mystical, is the preparation...... ?” 守哲,按照你的吩咐。”六叔王定海迎了上来,“船舱已经略作改造,临时搭出了个休息间。你这神神秘秘的,是准备……唔?” Wang Dinghai noticed suddenly Wang Shouzhe behind Old Ancestor Longyan, namely the eyeball almost stared, opens cracks a joke? Ancestor went on a journey unexpectedly...... 王定海忽然留意到了王守哲身后的珑烟老祖,顿即眼珠子都差点瞪了出来,开开开玩笑的吧?老祖宗竟然出行了…… He was frightened the cold sweat to be dripping, just when wants to salute was stopped by Wang Shouzhe: Sixth Uncle stops, you steer to leave for Donggang to be then good well.” 他被吓得冷汗淋漓,刚想行礼时被王守哲制止住:“六叔打住,你好好掌舵开往东港便行。” „Is, I will certainly steer well.” The Wang Dinghai complexion feels weak, first asked Wang Shouzhe and the others to enter during the momentary rests in cabin busily, then did not say a word to set sail. “是是,我一定会好好掌舵。”王定海脸色发虚,忙先请王守哲等人进入了舱内的临时休息间,然后便一言不发出去开船了。 The Old Ancestor journey, that certainly is the important matter. 老祖出行,那一定是大事。 However huge matter , the cannot compare Old Ancestor Longyan security comes importantly. Therefore, the ships under his control direction, left the profundal zone outside Fenggu Floodgate slowly, steadily to the An River middle. 但是天大的事情,也比不上珑烟老祖的安全来得重要。因此,船舶在他的掌控指挥下,缓缓驶离了丰谷闸口外的深水区,稳稳地到了安江江心。 Gradually increased to the middle storm, the sail opens in good order, the compact canvas drum drum rose within to wrap up the wind quickly, the ship's speed gradually. 到了江心风浪逐渐加大,风帆井然有序地张开,致密的帆布鼓鼓涨涨间兜住了风,船速渐渐快了起来。 On Earth, the speed of ship calculates by the festival. 在地球上,船的速度都是以节来计算。 However in this world Great Qian Country, calculates by each double-hour many li (0.5 km) as before. Today is the southeaster, the water current is also rapid to east, the speed arrived at a double-hour 50-60 li (0.5 km) appearance. 不过在这方世界大乾国,依旧以每个时辰多少里来计算。今日是东南风,水流向东又湍急,速度不知不觉间就到了一个时辰50-60里的样子。 Sounds quick, but also converts into speed more than ten kilometers, 2-3 times of normal person walk speed. 听起来很快,但是也就是折合时速十几公里而已,正常人步行速度的2-3倍。 Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai worthily is year to year in the expert who on An River seeks a livelihood, harnesses the ship steady like the passing clouds and flowing water. Wang Shouzhe and the others, in the cabin rests , the rocking uncomfortableness is small. 六叔王定海不愧是常年在安江上讨生活的高手,驾船稳健如行云流水。王守哲等人在船舱休息间内,晃动不适感较小。 However the Wang Shouzhe young strength is strong, treats unavoidably senselessly in the cabin. Then considered a crime with Old Ancestor, the running deck admired the scenery. Also sees Wang Dinghai to steer, immediately runs to have a look. 不过王守哲年轻力壮,在船舱内待得难免无趣。便与老祖告了个罪,跑甲板欣赏风景去了。又见王定海正在掌舵,当即跑去看看。 Sixth Uncle, this ship is probably good. A merchant ship, where do you borrow probably evidently?” Wang Shouzhe is sizing up this ship, on the ship these boatmen obviously are not Wang Family fishing boat team these. 六叔,这船好像不错。看样子像是一艘商船,你从哪里借来的?”王守哲打量着这艘船,船上那些船工显然不是王家渔船队那些。 Wang Dinghai steers while said: You sent people to tell me saying that looked for a good ship, I then borrowed one with the friends of Flood Dragon Trading Company Changning branch. That old boy has owed me the favor, the previous his responsible fleet had/left the accident in our family/home domain, was Sixth Uncle takes risk to save him.” 王定海边掌舵边说:“你派人告诉我说找一艘好一些的船,我便与蛟龙商行长宁分行的朋友借了一艘。那老小子欠过我人情,上次他负责的船队在咱们家地盘出了事故,是六叔冒险救了他。” Flood Dragon Trading Company? 蛟龙商行 Wang Shouzhe has certainly also listened to this firm, the way that they do business walks along entire An River, from west Great Wilderness Commandery to Longzuo Commandery, stretches across the number county, so long as in city along the river has their branch. 王守哲当然也是听过这个商行,他们做生意的方式是沿着整条安江走,从最西侧的大荒郡陇左郡,其中横跨数郡,只要沿江的城池中都有他们的分行。 This is an overall strength not the firm that Qian Clan Trading Company is more inferior, but they are only the riverside travel by water peddler, does not conflict with the various commanderies local influence surface, well water not interfering with river water. 这是一个整体实力并不比钱氏商行逊色的商行,只是他们只是沿江走水路行商,与各郡当地势力表面上互不冲突,井水不犯河水。 Shouzhe, do not move the waterway running business the thought.” Wang Dinghai reminded dignifiedly, Flood Dragon Trading Company was not affable, must know before them, called Flood Dragon Gang, was the gangs of several powerful clan in secret support. Recently dozens years of business got bigger and bigger, changed to the firm reputation. They with regional native clan, are sign the mutual non-aggression benefit the provision.” 守哲啊,你也别动水路跑商的念头。”王定海凝重地提醒说,“蛟龙商行可不好惹,要知道他们以前可是叫蛟龙帮,是几个强大家族暗中扶持的帮会。最近数十年生意越做越大,才改成商行名头。他们与各地本土家族,都是签订互不侵犯利益的条款。” ! Originally is underworld and evil forces washes the white firm, is no wonder, they have the strength to occupy An River this waterway important highway. 得了!原来是个黑恶势力洗白的商行啊,也是难怪,他们有实力占据安江这条水路要道。 However Wang Shouzhe does not know that this/should funny feels the tragedy, on Earth looks at fantasy novel, what Flood Dragon Gang the angry dragon is not the popular influence, brushes the place of experience to the lead early period. 不过王守哲也不知道该好笑还是觉得悲剧,在地球上看玄幻小说时,什么蛟龙帮啊怒龙会都是不入流的势力,都是给主角前期刷经验的地方。 How to his here, to turn into not the colossus that is good to provoke all of a sudden! 怎么着到了他这里,一下子变成了不好招惹的庞然大物! ...... ……
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