POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#42: Old Ancestor wants to go on a journey

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...... …… When facing Old Ancestor Longyan, when unlike seeing Old Ancestor Mingsheng feels completely. Although Old Ancestor Mingsheng the semblance is somewhat old, fierce Yang air/Qi that may give people a maturity. 在面对珑烟老祖之时,与看见明升老祖时感觉完全不同。明升老祖虽然外表有些老相,可给予人一种正当壮年的烈阳之气。 But Old Ancestor Longyan not only the stature is thin, but also as if brings depressed being depressed. This no wonder, the Old Ancestor Longyan recent years condition is not good day by day, she already the consumption that reduces massively to spirit food, saves to supply in the family/home by this young younger generation. 珑烟老祖非但身材消瘦,还仿佛带着一丝消沉的暮气。这也难怪,珑烟老祖近些年来的状况日益不好,她已经大量减少对灵食的消耗,以此节约来供给家里年轻的晚辈。 As Spirit Platform Boundary cultivator, the body function powerful goes far beyond Qi Refining Boundary cultivator. However according to the universe law of conservation of energy, the energy originates will not produce baseless, is the powerful body consumption naturally is bigger. 身为灵台境修士,身体机能之强大是远远超过炼气境修士的。然而根据宇宙能量守恒法则,能量来源并不会凭空产生,越是强大的身体消耗自然越大。 Ordinary food to Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, the vitality transfer efficiency is too low. Therefore as long as Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, usually needs to supplement spirit food for a long time, maintains body function great strength, even with expand itself. 普通的食物对灵台境老祖来说,气血转化效率实在太低。因此但凡灵台境老祖,通常都需要长期补充灵食,来维持身体机能的强大,甚至用以壮大自身。 As Sixth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaohan attacks the Spirit Platform Boundary failure, in the family/home the resources are even more limited, Old Ancestor Longyan gradually reduces to the consumption of spirit food, now she consumes every year merely, the spirit rice 80 jin (0.5 kg), spirit fish spirit meat eats 100 jin (0.5 kg), as well as second stage spirit medicine Origin Strengthening Pill 2. 但是随着六老太爷王宵翰冲击灵台境失败,家中资源愈发紧张,珑烟老祖逐渐减少对灵食的消耗,如今她每年仅仅是消耗,灵米80斤,灵鱼灵肉食100斤,以及二阶灵药固元丹二枚。 And spirit food adds is also 36 Qian gold, 2 Origin Strengthening Pill also 60 Qian gold. 其中灵食加起来也就是36乾金,二枚固元丹也不过60乾金 Resources that solemn Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, consumes every year less than 100 Qian gold! Perhaps this enough she maintains merely calmly cultivates the condition...... 堂堂灵台境老祖,每年消耗的资源不足100枚乾金!这恐怕仅仅够她维持静修状态而已…… In fact, solely is not she is doing that. 事实上,不单单是她在这么做。 These Clan Elder in clan, receives to maintain body the spirit food and other resources of merely, cultivation base many years bogged down. They gave young the opportunity, more potential later generation. 家族中的那些个族老,也都是仅仅领取维持身体的灵食等资源而已,修为多少年都停滞不前了。他们把机会都让给了更年轻,更有潜力的后辈。 Shouzhe, you in sad?” Old Ancestor Longyan has not turned head, in the sound passes some are being indistinct and light and lively, does not have the ordinary female to get old hoarse like that. 守哲,你在难过?”珑烟老祖没有回头,声音中透着些飘渺和轻灵,丝毫没有普通女子上了年纪那般的沙哑。 Somewhat loves dearly Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe is telling the facts. “就是有些心疼老祖。”王守哲实话实说着。 Actually Old Ancestor Longyan is about 115 years old, compared with Lu Clan Old Ancestor Mingsheng several years old, is very at the worst far from the Spirit Platform Boundary limit. 其实珑烟老祖才不过一百一十五岁而已,比卢氏明升老祖大不了几岁,距离灵台境的大限还很远。 Years ago Old Ancestor Longyan then promoted Spirit Platform Boundary at age 30, at age 60 then achieved Spirit Platform Boundary intermediate stage, the body function has maintained at young pretty, under most peak condition. 话说当年珑烟老祖30岁时便晋升了灵台境,60岁时便达到了灵台境中期,身体机能一直都维持在年轻貌美,最为巅峰的状态下。 That time she, was high-spirited, the lifelong goal pointed to a higher level Celestial Boundary! 那时候的她,是何等意气风发,人生目标直指更高层次的天人境 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Changlong Era in 3095 that beast disaster, pressed from the clouds Ping'an Wang Clan the muddy land forcefully, broke off the wing of Old Ancestor Longyan. 昌隆历三千零九十五年那场兽灾,硬生生地将平安王氏从云端摁到了泥地里,同时也折断了珑烟老祖的翅膀。 Tide has the ebb tide, the flower bloom and fade, the itself/Ben is the world's most ordinary matter.” Old Ancestor Longyan is saying calmly, turns around slowly, your recent experience, I have listened to Hui'er saying that does well.” “潮起潮落,花开花谢,本就是世上最平常不过的事情。”珑烟老祖平静地说着,缓缓转过身来,“你最近的经历,我已听蕙儿说了,做得不错。” Although her stature is slightly thin, but is coordinating a common cotton reeling thread clothes, the cloth shoes, instead have to plant have the dust lightly immortal qi, a two stars pupil imitates, if hundred chi (0.33 m) cold deep pool, definitely is unable to completely understand. 她的身材虽然略显消瘦,但是配合着一身寻常棉纺纱衣,布鞋,却反而有种翩然出尘的仙气,一双星眸仿若百尺寒潭,完全无法看透。 Only the one who makes Wang Shouzhe regrettable is, on the Old Ancestor Longyan face wears the veil, cannot see clearly the facial features. 唯一让王守哲遗憾的是,珑烟老祖脸上戴着面纱,看不清面容。 However the Old Ancestor veil is not wears today, since Wang Shouzhe has the memory she is this appearance, has never seen the Old Ancestor Longyan appearance/portrait. 不过老祖的面纱也不是今天才戴的,自王守哲有记忆起她便是这幅打扮,也从未见过珑烟老祖的真容。 Thanked the Old Ancestor praise.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands said that „, so long as the Old Ancestor not strange Shouzhe rash is then good.” paused, he also said curiously, Old Ancestor seeks Shouzhe to come, what has to instruct?” “谢老祖夸赞。”王守哲拱手说,“只要老祖不怪守哲孟浪便好。”顿了一下,他又略带好奇地说,“老祖守哲过来,是否有什么指示?” In his heart somewhat is slightly disturbed, feared that Old Ancestor Longyan did not agree he promotes the sequence competitive system, because the older generation clansmen are fastidious about the clansman stick together. Possibly will suspect, if each other competes for the sequence position, can cause brothers quarrel at home and sisters to get angry and other drawbacks. 他心中略微有些忐忑,就怕珑烟老祖不同意他推行序列竞争机制,因为老一辈族人都讲究族人团结友爱。可能会怀疑若是彼此争夺序列位置,会否引起兄弟阋墙、姐妹翻脸等弊端。 Shouzhe you are Patriarch.” Old Ancestor Longyan said quiet, I will not gesticulate to you.” 守哲你才是族长。”珑烟老祖平静无波地说道,“我自不会对你指手画脚。” That Old Ancestor your time......” Wang Shouzhe somewhat could not feel the mind, Old Ancestor Longyan was not that type is all right to ask him to chat, speaks thoughtlessly to praise two people. “那老祖您这次……”王守哲有些摸不着头脑了,珑烟老祖不是那种没事找他来聊聊天,随口夸两句的人。 I need you to arrange, and accompanies me to go to Hundred Islands Garrison.” Old Ancestor Longyan said. “我需要你安排一下,并且陪我去一趟百岛卫。”珑烟老祖说道。 Hundred Islands City? 百岛城 Wang Shouzhe stares, good after long time, remembers that is Eastern Sea nearby garrison seat. Responded that slow also normal, he does not have from infancy to maturity Changning Garrison, brain where can want is so far. 王守哲一愣,好半晌后才想起那是一个东海附近的卫城。反应慢也正常,他从小到大连长宁卫都没出过,脑子哪里会想那么远。 Since that plague, Old Ancestor Longyan has also never left in the Changning Garrison range. 而且自从那一场大灾后,珑烟老祖也从未离开过长宁卫范围内。 He suppressed the curiosity, cups the hands said: Shouzhe received an order on the 2nd, asking Old Ancestor to wait a bit, my arranged.” No matter the Old Ancestor Longyan intention, Wang Shouzhe is how impossible to reject this request. 他压制住了好奇心,拱手道:“守哲领命,请老祖稍待两日,我这就去安排。”不管珑烟老祖意图如何,王守哲都不可能拒绝她这个要求。 Receives an order after Old Ancestor Longyan, Wang Shouzhe returned to the oneself courtyard, puts out the province county map to start to examine, and considers the journey plan. 珑烟老祖这边领命之后,王守哲就回了自己院子,拿出州郡地图开始查看,并盘算出行方案。 The Old Ancestor Longyan journey, the first essential factor is the secret. 珑烟老祖出行,第一要素便是隐秘。 Now the insect plague erupts the most serious period, Liú Clan and Zhao Clan in badly battered, but so cannot relax even vigilantly. 如今正是虫灾爆发最严重的时期,刘氏赵氏正在焦头烂额之中,但即便如此也不能放松警惕。 Next, must considering the Old Ancestor Longyan physical condition, be able is not as far as possible bumpy does not make her jolt, moreover needs some people to serve her. Serves her candidate personal, must consider. 其次,要考虑到珑烟老祖的身体状况,能尽量不颠簸就不让她颠簸,而且还需要有人一路侍奉她。贴身侍奉她的人选,也必须要斟酌一番。 Not many moments, he then drew up the line and plan of trip. 不多片刻,他便拟定出了此行的线路与方案。 Wang Gui.” Wang Shouzhe called the young male servant, invited my Fourth Aunt Xu Clan, Wang Lici came.” 王贵。”王守哲把小厮叫进来,“去请我四婶徐氏,还有王璃慈过来。” Wang Gui stares: Fourth Aunt Xu Clan? Which Xu Clan?” 王贵一愣:“四婶徐氏?哪个徐氏?” Your this boy, naturally is my Fourth Uncle, in the family/home can't both olds and youngs, clansman family such dozens people remember?” A Wang Shouzhe brow wrinkle, almost tramples. “你这小子,当然是我四伯家的,家里老老少少,族人家眷就那么几十号人都记不住吗?”王守哲眉头一皱,差点就一脚踹过去。 Is it possible that Family Head must summon Eldest Lady Rou.” Wang Gui quickly ran obsequiously, „my goes, this goes.” 家主莫非是要召见柔大娘子。”王贵急忙点头哈腰地跑了出去,“我这就去,这就去。” However also no wonder Wang Gui, first in family/home Xu Clan incessantly. Secondly, Wang Shouzhe Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou is always low-key, five years ago after Fourth Uncle Wang Dingbang passed away, the front door two do not step. 不过也难怪王贵,一来是家里徐氏远不止一个。二来,王守哲四婶徐芷柔向来低调,五年前四伯王定邦过世后,就更加大门不出二门不迈了。 However in the Wang Shouzhe memory the impression to Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou is quite profound, she comes the Golden Sand Xu Clan parallel veins, in childhood the Wang Shouzhe birth mother passed away that time, is Xu Zhirou is taking care of him. 但是王守哲的记忆中对四婶徐芷柔的印象却比较深刻,她出身金沙徐氏直脉,小时候王守哲生母过世那段时间,都是徐芷柔在照顾他。 Even if Aunt Gongsun Hui remarried to marry after afterward, Xu Zhirou also helped look after well some time, after all past Gongsun Hui was a pretty daughter, all was Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou teaches hand in hand. 哪怕后来大娘公孙蕙续弦嫁过来后,徐芷柔也帮着照顾了好一段时间,毕竟当年的公孙蕙还是个娇滴滴的小娘子呢,全都是四婶徐芷柔手把手地教。 In he remembers that the Xu Zhirou individuality is gentle, is clever and deft. Excels at the small kitchen cooking, but also understands the manufacture to tease his happy small gadget very much. 在他记忆中徐芷柔个性温柔细致,却又非常心灵手巧。擅长小厨烹饪,还很懂制作一些逗他开心的小玩意儿。 Initially was ignorant and sad he, Fourth Aunt took care of him to pass the saddest day. Only pitifully, on the Fourth Aunt bosom Fifth Younger Sister Wang Luojing, will go back nourishing fetus afterward again six months later. 当初懵懂又伤心的他,正是四婶照顾他度过了最难过的日子。只可惜,后来四婶怀上了五妹妹王珞静,再半年后就回去养胎了。 After that Wang Shouzhe was follows Aunt Gongsun Hui to live, moves to this Young Patriarch courtyard to live until 14 years old now alone. 从那之后,王守哲就是跟着大娘公孙蕙过日子了,直到十四岁才搬到现在这个少族长的院子里单独住。 Chooses Fourth Aunt Xu Clan, Wang Shouzhe regards as important her gentleness carefully, a words side need experienced mature female of Old Ancestor journey looks, thinking it over Fourth Aunt is appropriate. 选择四婶徐氏,王守哲就是看重她的温柔细致,老祖出行的话身边需要一个有经验的成熟女子照料,思来想去四婶非常合适。 Temporarily regardless the distracting thoughts, Wang Shouzhe continues to improve the journey plan. 暂时抛开杂念,王守哲继续完善着出行计划。 Not many moments, Fourth Aunt Xu Zhirou and Wang Lici, were introduced in his side hall by young male servant Wang Gui. 不多片刻,四婶徐芷柔王璃慈,被小厮王贵引进了他的偏厅中。 Wang Shouzhe previous time sees Fourth Aunt is during my late father funeral rite, in the female family members as the family/home, she naturally is various types juggles to manage various types of things. At that time Wang Shouzhe was blurry, how also without and her to speak. 王守哲上次见四婶是在亡父丧礼期间,作为家中女眷,她自然是各种忙里忙外操持各种事物。只是那时候王守哲迷迷糊糊的,也没和她怎么说话。 Now fixes the eyes on looked, actually sees Xu Zhirou to wear a luster simple thin lines cotton skirt, body also does not have any extra jewelry, simple clean, what in only and memory are not quite same, she already slightly the middle-aged female appearances of some vicissitudes. 现在定睛一看,却见徐芷柔穿着一身色泽朴素的细纹棉裙,身上也没有什么多余的首饰,简简单单干干净净,唯一和记忆中不太相同的是,她已微微有些沧桑的中年女子模样了。 Also is no wonder, she had three children, Fourth Uncle passed away five years ago, matter she who manages that several children was laborious enough. 也是难怪,她前后生了三个孩子,四伯又在五年前过世了,操持那几个孩子的事情就够她辛苦了。 Xu Clan has seen Family Head.” Xu Zhirou collects a ritual. 徐氏见过家主。”徐芷柔敛敛一礼。 Nearby Wang Lici, is quickly salutes saying: Lici has seen Fourth Uncle.” 一旁的王璃慈,也是急忙行礼道:“璃慈见过四叔。” Fourth Aunt was polite, you called me Shouzhe as before.” Wang Shouzhe also hurried returns salute to say to Xu Zhirou, comes, you first sit down the speech.” Afterward beckoned to say to Wang Lici with a smile, big girl you also sat down.” 四婶客气了,您还是和以前一样叫我守哲吧。”王守哲也急忙对徐芷柔还礼道,“来来来,您先坐下说话。”随后又对王璃慈笑着招手说,“大丫头你也坐下吧。” two people thanked, takes a seat respectively. 两人谢过,各自落座。 After Wang Gui is busy preparing to carry the tea and fruits and melons, retreats. 王贵忙前忙后端上茶水和瓜果后就退去。 Wang Shouzhe first narrated the little while words with Xu Zhirou, this will focus in Wang Lici, sees that girl to hold in the mouth together the dry fruit, then said: What was big girl busy at recently?” 王守哲先与徐芷柔叙了会儿话,这才将注意力放到王璃慈身上,见那丫头正叼着一块蜜饯呢,便笑着说:“大丫头最近在忙什么呢?” Wang Lici quickly swallowed the belly half dry fruit, set out in a terrified way to answer: Returns to Fourth Uncle, without being busy at anything, is in every day studies to cultivate/repair cultivation.” 王璃慈急忙将半块蜜饯吞咽下了肚子,起身惶恐地回话:“回四叔,也没忙啥,就是每日里读读书修修炼。” This girl is the big brother Wang Shouxin daughter, this year is 16 years old, are the eldest children in clan bloodline eighth generation of li generation dolls, therefore Shouzhe this generation of person likes calling her the big girl. 这丫头就是大哥王守信的女儿,今年十六岁,是家族血脉第八代璃字辈女娃中的老大,因此守哲这一辈人都喜欢叫她大丫头。 Un, sounds very studious appearance. Good, very good.” Wang Shouzhe is filled with happily, in the family/home in the doll the good and evil also has to know that studies studiously, immediately said, that Fourth Uncle tests a school your schoolwork, if will be qualified will certainly have the reward.” “嗯,听起来很用功的样子。好,很好。”王守哲满心欣慰,家里女娃中好歹还有个要知道用功读书的,当即笑着说,“那四叔来考校一下你的功课,要是合格的话一定会有奖励。” What?” “啥?” Wang Lici is attractive, but some baby fat cheeks of were frightened pallidly pallidly, the small calf started to tremble, Fourth Uncle compared with her father Wang Shouxin fearful ten times of Great Demon King, having a look at her biological big brother Wang Zongwei incomparably pitiful fate to know. 王璃慈漂亮而有些婴儿肥的脸蛋都被吓得煞白煞白,小腿肚子都开始打颤儿了,四叔可是比她父亲王守信可怕十倍的大魔王,看看她亲大哥王宗卫无比凄惨的下场就知道了。 In her heart full was the regret, the eye socket is moist. If we had known will be called to test the school schoolwork by Fourth Uncle today, she should go all out to hold the Buddha foot for several days to study hard temporarily. 她心中满是懊悔,眼眶都湿润了。早知道今天会被四叔叫过来考校功课,她这些天应该拼命临时抱一下佛脚多用功一下的。 But who knows that will have this matter? 可谁知道会发生这种事情呢? In her head a piece buzz humming sound...... 她的脑袋里一片嗡嗡嗡的…… Seriously yes. 当真是。 Calamity! From! Day! Fall! 祸!从!天!降! ...... ……
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