POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#41: Pay a visit! Old Ancestor Longyan( Monday asked recommendation ticket)

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

...... …… *** clan industry *** ***【家族产业】*** Fishing brigade 【捕鱼大队】 Changning fish stall 长宁鱼档】 Fenggu Village 丰谷农庄 Prosperous Village 兴盛农庄 Xinmao Silkworm Village 欣茂蚕庄 Altogether five, behind each are( click examination details). Very naturally, flour dim sum of Wang Shouzhe after fishing brigade. 一共五项,每一项后面都是(点击查看详情)。很自然而然的,王守哲在捕鱼大队后面点了一下。 Page jumping to fishing brigade details page. 页面“跳”到捕鱼大队详情页。 *** Fishing brigade *** ***【捕鱼大队】*** Small fishing trawler: 9 小型捕鱼船:九艘 Medium fishing trawler: 1 中型捕鱼船:一艘 Boatman fishing industry worker: 46 船工渔工:46名 clan head: Wang Dinghai 家族负责人:王定海 First five years of yearly average income: 606 Qian gold 前五年年均收益:606乾金 First five years of yearly average disbursement: 385 Qian gold 前五年年均支出:385乾金 First five years of yearly average net profit: 221 Qian gold 前五年年均纯利:221乾金 First five years of yearly average catches spirit fish: 400 jin (0.5 kg) 前五年年均捕获灵鱼:400斤 ...... …… Improvement direction: Develops many fishing equipment mix fishing work 改进方向:开发多种渔具混合捕鱼作业 ...... …… This year goal: 今年目标: Net profit goal: 1000 Qian gold 纯利目标:1000乾金 spirit fish goal: 1000 jin (0.5 kg) 灵鱼目标:1000斤 This is the simple panel of fishing brigade, before recording Wang Shouzhe to take office the financial data, has the improvement direction, as well as this year's profit objective. 这就是捕鱼大队的简易面板,记录着王守哲上任前的财务数据,同时也有改进的方向,以及今年的盈利目标。 According to Wang Shouzhe estimated, this goal is very easy to achieve. After all right now at busy season, moreover this year causes food to be insufficient because of the insect plague, the fish meat as some substitutes of principal grains, the price rises inevitably. 按照王守哲估计,这个目标很容易达成。毕竟现正处在旺季,而且今年因为虫灾而导致食物不足,鱼肉作为主粮的部分替代品,价格必然上涨。 Regarding the fishing brigades and fish stall two industries, the Wang Shouzhe general profit objective is 2000 Qian gold. 对于捕鱼大队和鱼档两项产业,王守哲的总盈利目标是2000乾金 However, the only issue is, after the fishing brigade increased the catch, will be very likely gradually to disrupt the ecological equilibrium, although will not have the too major problem in several years. 不过,唯一的问题就是,捕鱼大队加大了捕获量后,极有可能会逐渐破坏生态平衡,虽然在几年之内不会有太大问题。 However this eventually is not the long-term plan. 然而这终究不是长久之计。 To profound warrior aristocratic family, the long-term and stable income originates, is the true pillar industry. The sudden and huge profits in a short time, can only be the supplement of clan industry merely. 对一个玄武世家来说,长期且稳定的收益来源,才是真正的支柱产业。短期内的暴利,仅仅只能作为家族产业的补充。 Like Fenggu Village This industry, is the true hundred years of base industry, even it can several hundred years of place be profound warrior / black tortoise clan provides the resources continuously. 就像【丰谷农庄】这种产业,便是真正的百年基业,甚至它能数百年地为一个玄武家族源源不断提供资源。 This point is important. 这一点非常重要。 profound warrior / black tortoise world does not lack the sudden and huge profits, walked dumb luck to pick the treasure, or bumped into some Senior blessings left by predecessors, or was bumps into two high stage ferocious beast to perish together again, waited miracle, these will make you get huge windfall wealth. 玄武世界不缺暴利,走狗屎运捡了宝贝,或是碰到了某个前辈的遗泽,再或者是碰到两只高阶凶兽同归于尽,等等等等的奇迹,这些都会让你一夜暴富。 However after the sudden wealth ? Many resources can exhaust, only then the base industry can ever green not fade. 但是暴富之后呢?再多的资源都会用尽,只有基业才能长青不衰。 With Wang Shouzhe oneself, 18 years old, Qi Refining Boundary six layers high stage, consumes the resources for about 200 Qian gold now annually. According to clan estimates, so long as about 20 years he can reach the Qi Refining Boundary nine layers peak, that time he was only 38 years old, belonged, when the year of hitting. 就拿王守哲自己来说,如今十八岁,炼气境六层高段,现在每年耗费资源为将近200乾金。按照家族估算,只要二十年左右他就能达到炼气境九层巅峰,那时候的他才三十八岁,属于当打之年。 Even if these 200 Qian gold resources are invariable, enough 20 years also needs to consume 4000 Qian gold. 哪怕这200乾金的资源不变,足足二十年的时间也需要耗费4000乾金 Naturally invariable is the not possible matter, when he arrived at Qi Refining Boundary seven layers, the resources that Qi Refining Boundary eight layers, consumes every year will rapidly grow. Also his present degree cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary nine layers, must consume 8000 Qian gold above resources at least. 当然不变是不可能的事情,等他到了炼气境七层,炼气境八层,每年耗费的资源会飞速增长。也他现在的程度修炼炼气境九层,起码得消耗8000乾金以上的资源。 Where do these resources come? Is the clan major industries delivers every year, pushes bit by bit. These can deliver the family property that profits for a long time continuously, is the true clan base industry. 这些资源从哪里来?都是家族各大产业每年产出中,一点一滴挤出来的。那些能够长期源源不断产出受益的族产,才是真正的家族基业。 Similarly therefore, by the Wang Clan clan current condition, does not have the strength to train second Wang Shouzhe. Otherwise, even if the aptitude is slightly poor, so long as gives up the resource, similarly can create a youth expert. 同样也正是因此,以王氏家族目前的状况,是没有力量培养第二个王守哲的。否则的话,哪怕是资质略差一点,只要舍得投入资源,同样能造就出一个青年高手来。 In fact, if increases 1-2 times on Wang Shouzhe again, even does not count the resources investment of cost. He has more than enough for 20 years to arrive at the Qi Refining Boundary peak from the start, perhaps wants 15 years, even ten years or are shorter. 事实上,若是在王守哲身上再加大1-2,甚至不计成本的资源投入。他压根就用不了二十年才到炼气境巅峰,也许只要十五年,甚至十年或更短。 This is why wandering cultivator is also very difficult the reason of achievement to be, wandering cultivator does not have the mark without the root, perhaps the luck good to get so far as resources, if the luck will not be good even to have an empty stomach. 这也就是为何散修很难有所成就的原因所在,散修都是无根无迹,也许运气好能弄到一笔资源,如果运气不好甚至会饿肚子。 Can cultivation to Spirit Platform Boundary wandering cultivator, be aptitude counter Beyond Heaven adds the luck either, either was the luck bursting to the pinnacle. 修炼灵台境散修,要么是资质逆天外加运气,要么就是运气爆棚到了极致。 Therefore, do not look that the Wang Shouzhe that more than 10,000 Qian gold resources are probably a lot, actually is also present clan day excessively hard situation next several years total expenses. If not plan, was makes Wang Clan burn a fire at most, actually lacked the stamina. 因此,别看王守哲那一万多乾金的资源好像很多,却也不过是现在家族日子过紧巴巴情况下数年的总开销而已。若是不加以规划,顶多就是让王氏烧了一把火,却乏了后劲。 Wang Shouzhe looks oneself manufacture crude system panel brain is also revolving rapidly, how money spends on the blade, is recent several days he continuously at the matter of pondering over. 王守哲看着自己制作的“简陋系统面板”脑子也在飞速地运转着,钱如何花在刀刃上,是最近数日他一直在琢磨的事情。 What now does clan most lack? Naturally lacks a Spirit Platform Boundary powerhouse. So, then can substitute the Old Ancestor Longyan position, becomes the clan protective umbrella for a long time. The Old Ancestor Longyan injury had not recovered after all, the situation was getting more and more bad. 如今家族最缺什么?当然是缺一个灵台境强者。如此,便能替代珑烟老祖的位置,长期成为家族的保护伞。珑烟老祖毕竟伤势一直未曾痊愈,情况越来越糟糕了。 However more than 10,000 Qian gold resources enough do support Spirit Platform Boundary to come? That naturally cannot by far. If the Spirit Platform Boundary powerhouse is so inexpensive, has solved the problem by the Ping'an Wang Clan overall financial resource easily. 但是一万多乾金资源够扶持出一个灵台境来吗?那自然是远远不能的。若是灵台境强者如此廉价,以平安王氏的总体财力早就轻而易举解决问题了。 Even, all profound warrior aristocratic family Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor will be in flood. Therefore this option has been able to cross out, does not need to consider. 甚至乎,所有玄武世家灵台境老祖都会泛滥。因此这个选项已经可以划掉,无需考虑。 This sum of money, is used to develop the family property completely...... 将这笔钱,全部用来开拓族产…… This issue Wang Shouzhe has also pondered over carefully, how many family properties but more than 10,000 can Qian gold develop? Was called the pillar/backbone family property the industry, to be large-scale, the development cycle is long, the input-output is quite low to be famous. 这个问题王守哲也仔细琢磨过,但是一万多乾金能开拓多少族产呢?要知道,一些被称之为支柱族产的产业,都是以规模大,开发周期长,投入产出比较低而著称。 Like Wang Clan Fenggu Village, how many Senior painstaking care and funding? However how many does he normal every year interest have? Year's harvest many words, had 700-800 Qian gold net profit to be good. 就像王氏丰谷农庄,多少前辈们的心血和资金投入在内?但是他正常每年的利益有多少?年景好些的话,有个700-800乾金的纯利已经不错了。 In the long run, expands the investment to the pillar industry is potential inevitably. However slow aid will not help in an emergency, therefore in this point idea Wang Shouzhe draws a circle temporarily, has a look undetermined. 长期来看,对支柱产业加大投入是必然之势。但是远水解不了近渴,因此这一点想法上王守哲暂时画了个圈,待定看看。 Again or, purchases the large amounts of cultivation resources to supply oneself, supplies the potential clansman? 再或者,购买大量的修炼资源供应自己,供应有潜力的族人? This point, Wang Shouzhe had naturally also once considered. 这一点,王守哲自然也曾考虑过。 However in this has a more and more tight edge effect, you make his Wang Shouzhe crack with the teeth daily Little Origin Cultivating Pill, How many years cracks with the teeth to be able continually cultivation to Spirit Platform Boundary? 但是这里面还是存在着一个越来越紧的边际效应,你让他王守哲天天嗑【小培元丹】,连嗑个几年能修炼灵台境吗? Obviously cannot......, let alone Spirit Platform Boundary, Qi Refining Boundary nine layers was even uncertain. 显然不能……别说灵台境了,就算是炼气境九层都不一定。 Even he can consume the resources ferociously, in just several years cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary nine layers, how can also? Solved the issue of fundamental of clan survival? 就算他能穷凶极恶地耗费资源,在短短几年内修炼炼气境九层,又能如何?解决得了家族生存的根本性问题吗? Even best youngster of his aptitude in clan cannot achieve, let alone other clansmen? 连他这种资质在家族中最好的年轻人都做不到,何况乎其它族人? Sixth Grandfather Wang Xiaohan once attacked the Spirit Platform Boundary failure in the past, although at present with the age grows, but the condition slides, only stays on Qi Refining Boundary nine layers, was only like that was no longer in peak condition in the past. If gives him the abundant resources and confidence, has the opportunity to return to the Qi Refining peak, attacks Spirit Platform Boundary again time, this is Wang Shouzhe can think that increases the Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor quickest means to clan. 六爷爷王宵翰当年曾经冲击灵台境失败,目前虽然随着年龄增长而状态下滑,仅停留在炼气境九层上,只是不复当年那般巅峰状态。若是给他充沛资源和信心,也是有机会回到炼气巅峰,再冲击一次灵台境,这是王守哲能想到给家族增添灵台境老祖最快的办法。 But this resources compared with collecting to attack the Spirit Platform Boundary resources, is insufficient. Let alone Sixth Grandfather Wang Xiaohan state of mind and body condition, to adjust to attack the Spirit Platform Boundary condition, in one single day cannot achieve. 可这笔资源比起凑齐冲击灵台境的资源来,还是远远不足。更何况六爷爷王宵翰精神状态和身体状态,要想调整到能冲击灵台境的状态,也绝非是一朝一夕能做到。 Wang Shouzhe thinks it over, if this sum of money can find the way to cure a wound for Old Ancestor Longyan , to continue life anything, instead should most solve the matter of urgent matter. 王守哲思来想去,若是这笔钱能够想办法替珑烟老祖疗个伤,续个命什么的,反而应该是最解燃眉之急的事情。 However is very obvious, only depending on this sum of money , to cure Old Ancestor Longyan completely, is the absolutely impossible matter. If flowered more than 10,000 Qian gold can cure her, clan has lost everything does that. 但是十分显然,仅凭这笔钱要想将珑烟老祖完全治好,是绝无可能的事情。若是花一万多乾金就能治好她,家族早就砸锅卖铁这么做了。 Even if therefore she really can cure, the price that but must cure her, goes far beyond to support even many Spirit Platform Boundary powerhouses inevitably. 因此哪怕她真能治好,但是要将她治好的代价,必然是远远超过扶持出一个甚至多个灵台境强者的。 Perhaps the big money invest, alleviates her injury , to continue her some lives. 也许大笔钱投入下去,就是缓解一下她的伤势,多延续她些寿命。 First includes the spare option, Wang Shouzhe is knitting the brows the thinking. 先列入备用选项吧,王守哲皱着眉思索不已。 Really envies these to have transmigrator of true golden finger system, what difficulty can depend on the golden finger solution, all day only needs to play laughing noisily, keeps off murder Buddha to keep off to kill Buddha on the capable person, can willful willful spend freely at will. 真是羡慕那些拥有真正金手指系统的穿越者啊,什么困难都能靠金手指解决,整天只需要嘻嘻哈哈闹闹玩玩,就能人挡杀人佛挡杀佛,可以恣意任性随意挥霍。 Where looks like him, has the two money also to think it over slightly to use on the blade. From Qi Refining Boundary six layers high stage cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary seven layers, a some stage in such small boundary, must consume for several months goes to slowly the cultivation polish, this is because his resources are quite rich, speed far ultra others. 哪像他啊,略微有两个钱还得思来想去用在刀刃上。从炼气境六层高段修炼炼气境七层,就这么一个小境界中的某个阶段,就得耗费几个月的时间去慢慢修炼打磨,这还是因为他资源比较丰富,速度远超旁人了。 However thinks carefully, thought this world is very real, the road of powerhouse always needs to walk carefully. 但是仔细想想,却又觉得这世界挺真实的,强者之路向来是需要一步一个脚印走上去的。 In he indulges in flights of fancy, Aunt Gongsun Hui dispatched side maidservant Xia He to come, said that was Old Ancestor Longyan summons him to meet. 就在他胡思乱想间,大娘公孙蕙派遣了身边的侍女夏荷前来,说是珑烟老祖召见他去相见。 Did Old Ancestor Longyan summon? 珑烟老祖召见? Among Wang Shouzhe dazed, raised the vigor immediately. Old Ancestor will close up in recent years frequently, year to year did not summon the clan juniors. Then is the Wang Dingyue funeral rite has not even made an appearance, obviously her physical condition some are not quite good. 王守哲愣神间,当即提起了精气神。老祖最近几年经常都会闭关,常年不怎么召见家族子弟了。便是连王定岳的丧礼都没有露面,可见她的身体状况有些不太好。 Wang Shouzhe that in the seventh generation most is favored , more than one year have not seen Old Ancestor. Usually, is Aunt Gongsun Hui looks after Old Ancestor. 就连第七代中最受宠的王守哲,也是有一年多未曾见到老祖了。平日里,都是大娘公孙蕙去照顾老祖 Had work Miss Xia He.” Wang Shouzhe is quite polite to Xia He. “有劳夏荷姑娘了。”王守哲夏荷颇为客气。 Xia He quickly collects a ritual: Family Head was polite, if Family Head does not have the really important matter, then along with me sees Old Ancestor.” 夏荷急忙敛敛一礼:“家主客气了,若是家主无甚要紧事情,便随我去见老祖吧。” She is the Gongsun Hui nearby person, trained the present from nine years old 19 years old. Although does not have the cultivation aptitude, is actually quite intelligent clever, understands the article to be literate, and is skilled in nine chapters of arithmetics. 她是公孙蕙的身边人,从九岁起培养到现在已经十九岁了。虽然没有修炼资质,却是相当聪慧伶俐,懂文识字,且精通九章算术。 Aunt many accounts, are she help calculate the induction together. 大娘的很多账目,都是她帮着一起计算归纳。 Afterward. 随后。 Wang Shouzhe follows Xia He to go toward the leaning institute, that leaning institute that Old Ancestor Longyan lives in seclusion, compared with approaching Zhuwei Lake. Not many moments, Wang Shouzhe arrived at that named Longyan House Leaning institute. 王守哲跟着夏荷一路往偏院而去,珑烟老祖隐居的那座偏院,比较靠近珠薇湖。不多片刻,王守哲就到了那座名为【珑烟居】的偏院。 In order to prevent to disturb Old Ancestor Longyan quiet cultivation, area this nearby is the clan restricted area, no Old Ancestor summon can not excel at rushing. 为了防止打扰珑烟老祖清修,这附近一带属于家族禁地,无老祖召唤不得擅闯。 Gongsun Hui has been waiting in the Longyan House entrance, after two people meets, she said with the clear sound: Old Ancestor, Shouzhe has come.” 公孙蕙已在珑烟居门口候着,两人碰面后,她就用清脆的声音说道:“老祖,守哲已经来了。” Shouzhe, comes.” 守哲,进来吧。” A quiet sound, resounds in the entrance gently. 一个平静无波的声音,在门口轻轻响起。 Yes, Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe deeply inspires, returned to normal slightly a mood, pushed the door to step into Longyan House. “是,老祖。”王守哲深吸了一口气,略微平复了一下心情,推门踏入了珑烟居内。 This is a plain courtyard, decorates brief and not luxurious. In the courtyard, is planting finding at everywhere some ordinary flowers and plants simply, as the cool breeze swings slightly. 这是一座古朴的院落,装饰简约而毫无奢华。院落之中,简简单单地种植着一些随处可见的平凡花草,随着清风微微摇摆。 In the pavilion, a thin female leans against a railing to stand is watching the garden scenery, she is turning away from Wang Shouzhe, a white long hair hangs loose at will on the shoulder. 凉亭内,一位身材消瘦的女子凭栏而立观看着花园景色,她背对着王守哲,一头白色长发随意地披散在肩膀上。 Sees this snow white long hair, the heart of Wang Shouzhe on the inexplicable pain. That is the profound memory from predecessor, when Wang Shouzhe is small, remembered the hair of Old Ancestor Longyan clearly white only half. 一见到这雪白长发,王守哲的心就莫名一痛。那是来自前身的深刻记忆,在王守哲小的时候,清楚记得珑烟老祖的头发只白了一半。 The short ten years of scene, then entire is then white. 这才短短十来年光景,便已经全白了。 The Wang Shouzhe throat mouth somewhat choked slightly, walked up to salute saying: Shouzhe pays a visit Old Ancestor.” 王守哲喉咙口微微有些哽咽,走上前去行礼道:“守哲拜见老祖。” ...... ……
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