POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#40: About golden finger obsession

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...... …… Following, passed in quiet on the 56 th. 接下来的五六日,都是在平静无波中度过。 That side the grain transport line, Gongsun Qiang and Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai took the lead to complete their mission. In return, Wang Shouzhe promises Gongsun Qiang, the last wave of old grain can ship back Gongsun Clan. Naturally that is must receive money, sold to Gongsun Clan at the fair price. 粮食运输线那边,公孙锵六叔王定海率先完成了他们的任务。作为回报,王守哲许诺公孙锵,最后一波陈粮可以运回公孙氏。当然那是要收钱的,以平价卖给公孙氏 Finally that cheap uncle is also ruthless person, shoulders including the carriage overload belt/bring ore slave shoulder, made 3000 buckets to go back. Next day sends people to deliver two hundred Qian gold buying grain impatiently, appearance that for fear that Wang Shouzhe reneges on a promise. 结果那“便宜大舅”也是个“狠人”,连马车超载带矿奴肩膀扛,足足弄了三千担回去。次日就迫不及待派人送过来两百乾金的购粮款,一副生怕王守哲反悔的模样。 Also he suppresses no wonder, the entire Changning Garrison disaster situation was more and more violent. Can have the skill welcome to Spirit Insect Master, or has the method to spend high price purchase massive Insect Exterminating Powder profound warrior aristocratic family also to be able to stand firm. 也难怪他狠,整个长宁卫的灾情是越来越猛烈了。能有本事请到灵虫师,或是有门路花大价钱购买大量灭虫散玄武世家还能稳得住。 However most inferior aristocratic family did not have good luck that in the paddies the insect plague was in flood. Only can come the insect disinfestation by a lot of vegetation lixiviums, but is limited facing more and more honey insect function, the large surface area production cut is bureau inevitably. 但是多数末流世家却是没有那么好命了,田地里虫灾泛滥。只能靠大量的草木灰汁来杀虫,但是面对越来越多的蜜虫作用有限,大面积减产已是必然之局。 But Wang Shouzhe also heard some not better news, this disaster was very likely to proliferate outside Longzuo Commandery. Then, the grain took in the hand valuable. 王守哲也听到了些更不好的消息,这场灾难极有可能扩散到了陇左郡外。那么接下来,粮食拿在手里就更为“值钱”了。 Meanwhile, Wang Shouzhe has not been idling. 与此同时,王守哲也没闲着。 Every day cultivation that is essential, because of ate recently too well, within the body vitality is exuberant, his daily cultivation base obviously can feel, is making great strides forward to Qi Refining Boundary seven layers step by step firmly. 每日修炼那是必不可少,因最近吃得太好,体内气血旺盛,他每天的修为明显能感受到,正在一步一步坚定地向炼气境七层迈进。 Naturally, the road of cultivation is not easy, that is a process that the body gradually transforms strengthens, must flowered patient and persistent work lead the way bit by bit. 当然,修炼之路并不容易,那是身体逐渐蜕变强化的一个过程,须得花水磨工夫一点一滴前行。 He pours also wants in these fantasy world leads like novel to be the same, every day knocks the medicine, casual one after another boundary explodes upwardly. With kills a chicken slaughter dog the sword, the empirical value rubs the wind. 他倒也想如同小说中的那些玄幻世界主角一样,每天磕磕药,随随便便一个一个境界向上爆。或者拿把剑去杀个鸡屠个狗,经验值就蹭蹭蹭地飙。 However in his world, these is fantasy story. Whose cultivation base boundary is oneself depends on the time of little strokes fell great oak, unceasingly cultivation. 但是在他这个世界里,这些都是天方夜谭。无论是谁的修为境界都是自己靠着水滴石穿的功夫,不断地修炼而来。 Besides cultivation, Wang Shouzhe is still changing his system panel. 除了修炼之外,王守哲还在捣腾他那个系统面板。 Since passes through does not have the system, can only begin to make some Earth Department series panels by oneself. 既然穿越不带系统,就只能靠自己动手制造一些土系统面板了。 First was the clan expenses. 首先便是家族开销了。 Before stroking clear panel, Wang Shouzhe to clan expenses that is quite fuzzy, but after an account book checkup of Aunt, is startled seriously, the original clan expenses are so huge. 在没有捋清面板前,王守哲家族开销那是颇为模糊,但是和大娘的账本一核对后,当真是大吃一惊,原来一个家族的开销是如此庞大。 With Wang Shouzhe when now Patriarch, enjoyed Consecrate and resources calculate. 就拿王守哲现在当族长时,享用的供奉与资源来计算。 Ordinary commodity that every year assigns: 每年分配的普通物资: Polished rice 300 jin (0.5 kg)( 24 big copper), fine surface 150 jin (0.5 kg)( 15 big copper), various vegetables 200 jin (0.5 kg)( 8 big copper), fruits and melons 400 jin (0.5 kg)( 48 big copper), dry fruit 20 jin (0.5 kg)( 20 big copper), swine meat 250 jin (0.5 kg)( 75 big copper), ordinary beef and lamb 150 jin (0.5 kg)( 60 big copper), 100 chicken ducks( 60 big copper), 30 geese( 45 big copper), egg class 100 jin (0.5 kg)( 20 big copper), lard 20 jin (0.5 kg)( 8 big copper), fine soybean oil 20 jin (0.5 kg)( 12 big copper), superior soy sauce 10 jin (0.5 kg).( 20 big copper), the superior refined salt 5 jin (0.5 kg)( 20 big copper), the snow crystallized salt 1 jin (0.5 kg)( 10 big copper), the snow sweets offered to the god of the hearth on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month 10 jin (0.5 kg)( 20 big copper), the aromatic flavoring 1 jin (0.5 kg)( 10 big copper), fumigate with incense 5 jin (0.5 kg)( 25 big copper), the fine wooden carbon 500 jin (0.5 kg)( 15 big copper), the fuel amortization 30 buckets( 6 big copper), to buy clothing bedding and other amortizations( 100 big copper), other living materials amortizations( 20 big copper) 精米300斤(24大铜)、精面150斤(15大铜)、各种蔬菜200斤(八大铜)、瓜果400斤(48大铜)、蜜饯20斤(20大铜)、猪猡肉250斤(75大铜)、普通牛羊肉150斤(60大铜)、100只鸡鸭(60大铜)、30头鹅(45大铜)、蛋类100斤(20大铜)、猪油20斤(八大铜)、精豆油20斤(12大铜)、上等酱油十斤(20大铜)、上等精盐五斤(20大铜)、雪花盐一斤(十大铜)、雪花糖十斤(20大铜)、调味香料一斤(十个大铜)、熏香五斤(25大铜)、精木碳500斤(15大铜)、柴火摊销30担(六大铜)、置办衣物被褥等摊销(100大铜)、其余生活物资摊销(20大铜) Only is Wang Shouzhe part of ordinary commodities, every year consumption achieved enough 6 Qian gold 51 big copper. He looked at the list, always thought that some can eat, but ponders thin, he also is really can eat. 光是王守哲一部分普通物资,每年的消耗就达到了足足六乾金51大铜。他看了看列表,总觉得有些太能吃,不过细细想来,他还真是很能吃。 He soon Qi Refining Boundary seven layers, the appetite is not the average person can compare. Moreover cultivation also not only sits in meditation Qi Refining, but also needs cultivation profound warrior / black tortoise battle skill, movement and sword technique, to draw a bow and equestrian skill, these are also enormous regarding the consumption of physical ability. 他已经即将炼气境七层了,食量远不是普通人能比的。而且修炼也不仅仅只是打坐炼气,还需要修炼玄武战技、身法、剑法、控弦以及骑术等,那些对于体能的消耗也极大。 These ordinary food, can satisfy present him reluctantly. Aunt Gongsun Hui, will divert some of her salaries to raise frequently to Wang Shouzhe. 这些普通食物,也就是能勉强满足现在的他而已。大娘公孙蕙,经常会挪用一些她的俸养给王守哲 Naturally, this is also only the capitellum, the big end is Wang Shouzhe cultivation kind of resources every year assignment. 当然,这还只是小头,大头是王守哲修炼类资源每年的分配。 spirit rice kind of 60 jin (0.5 kg)( 12 Qian gold) spirit fish kind of 60 jin (0.5 kg)( 20 Qian gold), spirit meat food class 60 jin (0.5 kg)( 20 Qian gold), Little Origin Cultivating Pill 12( 120 Qian gold). 灵米类60斤(12乾金)灵鱼类60斤(20乾金)、灵肉食类60斤(20乾金)、小培元丹12枚(120乾金)。 Enough 172 Qian gold cultivation kind of resources, only supply him every year. As his cultivation base boundary comes up, this part must continue to increase. Otherwise, cannot keep up with his consumption from the start. 足足172乾金修炼类资源,每年就仅供他一人。而且随着他修为境界上去,这部分还得继续增加。否则,压根就跟不上他的消耗。 Why this is Wang Shouzhe is also young, will then achieve the Qi Refining Boundary seven layers reason, absolutely is not only because his cultivation aptitude is extra, but is clan piles toward him on with the resources. 这也是为何王守哲年纪轻轻,便即将达到炼气境七层的原因,绝对不仅仅是因为他的修炼资质额外出众,而是家族用资源往他身上堆。 Considers, although the clan spirit fish kind is the oneself fishing brigade delivers, but the average every year is also about 400 jin (0.5 kg), his Wang Shouzhe person must occupy 60 jin (0.5 kg). 试想一下,家族灵鱼类虽然是自己捕鱼大队产出,但是平均每年也不过是400斤左右,他王守哲一个人就得占据60斤。 Quite were many as for the spirit meat food class origin, usually is hunts or the purchase, because Wang Clan has not raised the Spirit Horned Yak financial resource and ability. Hunting words, after clan every year fall harvest, one month, will organize Autumn-Winter Hunt time, is mainly trains the ability of clan juniors to supplement some meat while convenient. 至于灵肉食类来源就比较多了,通常都是狩猎或是购买,因为王氏并没有豢养灵角牦牛的财力与能力。狩猎的话,家族每年秋收后一个月,都会组织一次秋冬猎,主要是培养家族子弟的能力顺便补充些肉食。 Because does not dare to go down to the Outer Territory open land, thus rarely can hunt for ferocious beast, Wang Clan five years of Autumn-Winter Hunt has not at least hunted and killed ferocious beast. Therefore, a main spirit meat kind of origin of Wang Clan is the foreign purchase comes, this is also a huge expenditure. 但是因为不敢深入外域荒地,从而很少能捕猎到凶兽,至少王氏已经五年秋冬猎没有猎杀到凶兽了。因此,王氏的主要灵肉类来源都是对外采购而来,这也是一项巨大的开支。 In addition, Wang Shouzhe now is the position of Patriarch, every month also 5 Qian gold moon/month cases, one year are 60 Qian gold. This pin money, he can use at will. As Patriarch, the place that needs personal to spend money are also many. 除此之外,王守哲现在是族长之位,每月还有五乾金的月例,一年又是60乾金。这笔私房钱,他可以随意使用。身为族长,需要私人用钱的地方也很多。 Therefore, merely is Wang Shouzhe now one year of direct consumption, must achieve approximately 240 Qian gold. This has not included in clan the house service amortization, the expenses of carriage and horse, ration the expenses of special young male servant, because these calculate in other clan expenditure items. 因此,仅仅是王守哲现在一年的直接消耗,就得达到约240乾金。这还不包括家族中屋舍维修摊销,马车与马的开销,配给的专门小厮的开销,因为那些都算在家族其它开支项目之中。 Therefore some accounts calculate, is astronomical figures. 所以一些账目一算,便是一笔天文数字。 If he married main wife, the cultivation resources definitely cannot to so many, approximately be have about 1/3. However the food and clothing consumption of Patriarch main wife and cares for compares Patriarch, is so the expenditures of 100 dozens Qian gold. 若是等他娶了正妻,修炼资源肯定不能给那么多,大约能有个三分之一左右。但是族长正妻的衣食消耗和奉养都是比照族长,如此又是一百几十乾金的开支。 In addition, in clan other expenditures are also very astonishing. 此外,家族中其余开支也是十分惊人。 All bloodline clansmen, including Wang Shouzhe, the expenses achieve 1800 Qian gold every year on average about. But nine Family Guard as well as their family members and other expenses disbursements and treatments add, achieved about 350 Qian gold. 所有血脉族人,包括王守哲在内,每年开销平均达到1800乾金左右。而九名家将以及他们的家人等开销支出和待遇加起来,也达到了将近350乾金 During seven underage or childhood Family Guard is training, some resources expenses in 80 Qian gold about. In addition, more than 100 male servant house slaves, is divided into certain ranks, years gross charge in 170 Qian gold about. 还有七位未成年或是幼年家将正在培养之中,这部分资源费用在80乾金左右。此外,还有一百多名家丁家奴,其中分成若干个等级,年总支出在170乾金左右。 Only is these personnel in aristocratic family main house, every year always consumed then achieved 2400 Qian gold. Naturally, these 2400 Qian gold are is not completely the Qian gold disbursements, a large number are the resources supplies, makes measuring by Qian gold. 光是世家主宅中的这些人员,每年总消耗便达到了2400乾金。当然,这2400乾金可不是全部是乾金的支出,其中相当一部分都是资源供给,以乾金去做一个度量而已。 For example clan Prosperous Village spirit field White Jade Spirit Rice that delivers, when this resources enter clan will enter the village income tent/account, assigns in the by resources form to somebody, finally will also manifest at the Qian gold value, 例如家族兴盛农庄】中【灵田】中产出的白玉灵米,在此笔资源进入家族时会入农庄收益帐,在以资源形式分配给某人时,最终也会以乾金的价值去体现, Similarly, when some live fish that the Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai fishing brigade delivers, the fresh fish, spirit fish wait/etc. entered clan, that side will also record the income tent/account, but clan will also record entering in the accounts. 同样,六叔王定海捕鱼大队产出的部分活鱼,鲜鱼,灵鱼等进入家族时,那边也会记收益帐,而家族也会记支出账。 Naturally this account only has the commodity to communicate, in the account will not have real Qian gold in the past. Therefore, that side fishing brigade so-called profit, usually says the book profit, did not refer to the really gold/metal silver gaining Qian gold. This some profits, have changed to the commodity supplies to give clan. 当然这种账目仅有物资来往,账面上不会有真的乾金过去。因此,捕鱼大队那边所谓的盈利,通常是说账面盈利,并非是指真金白银赚回来乾金。这部分盈利,已经化作物资供给给了家族 However big profound warrior aristocratic family, the huge material cost cannot avoid obviously. In fact, because Ping'an Wang Clan is too poor, the overall expenses have calculated few, Old Ancestor Longyan, as well as xiao generation these Clan Elder have lived simply and frugally, cut down on the expenditures as far as possible. 不过偌大的一个玄武世家,巨大的物资开支显然是免不了的。事实上,平安王氏因为太穷,总体开销已经算少的了,珑烟老祖,以及宵字辈的那些族老们都已经是节衣缩食,尽量节约开支了。 Is good in the clan industry, three big pillar industries. 好在家族产业中,还有三大支柱产业在。 And Fenggu Village of pure ordinary agriculture, is at present an accounting income lowest industry, other shapes Prosperous Village Because there is 20 mu spirit field, therefore the output value is bigger. 其中纯普通农业的丰谷农庄,是目前账面收益最低的一个产业,其余像【兴盛农庄】因为有20亩灵田,因此产值更大。 In addition Xinmao Silkworm Village, Was primarily producing the birth cocoon, the long-term stable goods supply to Changning Xu Clan, the overall was the Qian gold income is in the majority. 此外【欣茂蚕庄】,则以产出生茧为主,长期稳定供货给长宁徐氏,总体都是乾金收益居多。 Moreover two clan industry Ping'an Wang Clan fish stall, And Fishing brigade, Is the junior is handling, was well below three big pillar industries in the old times income. 而另外两个家族产业【平安王氏鱼档】,以及【捕鱼大队】,都是小辈在打理,在往年的收益上是远远不如三大支柱产业的。 However this year's fishing brigade and Wang Clan fish stall, after Wang Shouzhe one tosses about, inevitably is a launching rhythm, even if surpasses the pillar industry the income is not unusual. 不过今年的捕鱼大队和王氏鱼档,在王守哲的一番折腾后,必然是一个起飞的节奏,即便超过支柱产业的收益也不稀奇。 Moreover this year as biggest grain production village Fenggu Village, Also will welcome the magnificent time because of oncoming of insect plague. 而且今年作为最大产粮农庄的【丰谷农庄】,也会因为虫灾的来临而迎来辉煌的时刻。 What is more important, some information of Wang Shouzhe in insect plague, then intended to do one wave outrageously in a big way. That wave of more than 10,000 Qian gold net-income, sufficiently having a hard life Wang Clan brings about the qualitative change. 更重要的是,王守哲凭着虫灾中的些许情报,便悍然出手搞了一波大的。那一波一万多乾金的纯收益,足以给日子过得紧巴巴的王氏带来质的变化。 Thinks that big folds the Great Qian gold banknote, as well as piles up with the backyard the grain, in the heart of Wang Shouzhe some are proud! 一想到那一大叠大乾金票,以及堆满后院的粮食,王守哲的心中就有些豪情万丈! Ping'an Wang Clan, will certainly welcome the potential of soaring! 平安王氏,必将迎来腾飞之势! Restrained a mind, Wang Shouzhe focused on constructing on the Earth Department series panel. 收敛了一下心神,王守哲将注意力放在了自建土系统面板上。 First is the Lord contact surface. 首先是主界面。 clan name: Longzuo Changning Ping'an Wang Clan 家族名称】:陇左长宁平安王氏 clan rank: ninth grade 家族等级】:九品 clan prestige: Township looks at ( 75 ) reputation outstandingly County looks at ( 21 ) slightly to have fame Local notables ( 00 ) nameless 家族威望】:【乡望声名卓著】【县望略有名气】【郡望籍籍无名】 clan industry: 5( click examination details) 家族产业】:五项(点击查看详情) clan member: In clan ( 35 )】 Gets married and leave ( 10 )】( Click examination details) 家族成员】:【族内】【外嫁】(点击查看详情) clan relations by marriage: 6( click examination details) 家族姻亲】:六个(点击查看详情) clan Family Guard: Grown ( 9 )】 Underage ( 7 )】( Click examination details) 家族家将】:【成年】【未成年】(点击查看详情) clan domestic servant: Grown ( 112 )】 Underage ( 32 )】( Click examination details) 家族家仆】:【成年】【未成年】(点击查看详情) Revenue and expenditure list:( Click examination details) 【收支列表】:(点击查看详情) Makes this, Wang Shouzhe thought that the oneself previous life game played, the system novel looked too. This or tosses about system panel to come out, thought that the whole body is uncomfortable. 弄完这个,就连王守哲都觉得自己上辈子游戏玩多了,系统小说看太多了。这要不折腾出个“系统面板”出来,都觉得浑身不舒服。 However this system relatively is quite crude, is paper panel compositions, moreover many templates need to acquire slowly. 不过这个系统还是相对比较简陋的,就是一张张纸质面板组成,而且还有很多模板需要慢慢添置。 Click examination details.” Wang Shouzhe selected pretentiously in clan industry one, later jumped clan industry In details page. “点击查看详情。”王守哲装模作样地在家族产业一项上点了一下,随后跳到了【家族产业】详情页面上。 In fact, he turned out clan industry that small book...... oneself to perforate stitch binding...... 实际上,他就是翻出了家族产业那个小本本而已……还是自己穿孔线装的…… ...... ……
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