POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#39: I listen your! Fourth Uncle

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...... …… Big brother, you also sit down.” Wang Shouzhe sets out cups the hands to invite. “大哥,你也坐下吧。”王守哲起身拱手相邀。 Fourth Brother.” Wang Shouxin that slightly reveals on the face of vicissitudes the expression to be complex, what are more is somewhat ashamed, after opening mouth to start to speak but hesitate, sat. 四弟。”王守信那略显沧桑的脸上表情复杂,更多的是有些羞愧,张嘴欲言又止后坐了下来。 Rare and big brother sister-in-law eats a meal together.” Wang Shouzhe is greeting slick, everyone tastes Qingshui Hotpot.” “难得和大哥大嫂一起用膳。”王守哲八面玲珑地招呼着,“大家尝一尝清水火锅。” The superior fine carbon brazier added the brass basin to heat the boiling water, in the water is scattering some salts, to go to the fishy smell cooking wine and ginger, the light Spirit Horned Yak sliced meat put, several seconds were ripe. 上等精碳火盆加铜盆烧着开水,水里就撒了些盐、去腥的料酒与姜,薄薄的灵角牦牛肉片放进去,不出数秒钟就熟了。 This?” “这?” Everyone somewhat is surprised uncertain, so crude cooking way, can the thing be delicious? don't must spoil spirit food to be good. 大家都有些惊疑不定,如此简陋的烹饪方式,东西能好吃?莫要糟蹋了灵食才好。 However a light sliced meat entrance, then felt the neat ball tooth, fresh and tender smooth, in the abdominal cavity was strength of the fiery vitality rushes to the whole body. 然而薄薄的肉片一入口,便感受到了清爽弹牙,鲜嫩滑爽,腹腔内更是一股火热的气血之力涌向全身。 „The best food, must use the simplest cooking way.” Wang Shouzhe pours out spirit wine to the people, at a moderate pace say/way, so can taste to the flavor of food most source. Big brother, when you were 18 years old then started to work in the silkworm village, this in a flash already 25 years. For you are conscientious for clan so many years, pays thanklessly, Fourth Brother respects your one cup.” “最好的食材,要用最简单的烹饪方式。”王守哲给众人斟上灵酒,不紧不慢道,“如此方能品尝到食物最本源的味道。大哥,你18岁时便开始在蚕庄做事,这一晃已经二十五年了。为了你为家族这么多年都兢兢业业,任劳任怨地付出,四弟敬你一杯。” spirit wine is eating spirit meat, even if Wang Shouxin lived 43 years old, such experience was still few. Especially the Wang Shouzhe words, are make his heart have a warm feeling to well up, quickly carried the wine glass saying: Should, this should be.” 就着灵酒灵肉,即便是王守信活到了四十三岁,此等经历也是寥寥无几。尤其是王守哲的话,更是让他内心有股暖意涌过,急忙端起酒杯说:“应该的,这都是应该的。” After two people tosses down, Wang Shouzhe proposes a toast to say to Xu Clan seriously: Sister-in-law, you marry our Wang Clan 21 years, added two sons and two daughters for our Ping'an Wang Clan eighth generation, performs high service through hard work, is our Wang Clan big hero, Shouzhe respects your one cup.” 两人一饮而尽后,王守哲又对徐氏郑重敬酒道:“大嫂,你嫁到咱们王氏二十一载,为咱平安王氏第八代添了两儿两女,着实劳苦功高,是咱们王氏的大功臣,守哲敬您一杯。” Xu Clan unexpectedly heart acid, yes, in which who is laborious to know? But raised this matter except for Shouzhe, no one has praised her, immediately held up the wine glass to sob slightly the response: Many thanks Fourth Uncle shows solicitude.” 徐氏蓦地心头一酸,是啊,其中的辛苦谁又知道?可除了守哲提起此事,谁都没有如此夸赞过她,当即举起酒杯微微哽咽回应:“多谢四叔叔体恤。” This spirit wine, is really quite sweet, the body fluttered. 灵酒,真是好生甘甜,身子骨都飘了起来。 Aunt, you marry in the excellent time passage with my father, not only need manage the family property laboriously, but also regards as to leave to my sister and brother, the attendance fosters everywhere devotedly.” Wang Shouzhe respects the third glass of liquor to say again, this graciousness virtue, Shouzhe keeps in mind eternally in the heart.” 大娘,你在大好年华嫁与我父,非但要辛苦操持家业,还对我姐弟视作己出,处处照顾悉心抚养。”王守哲再敬第三杯酒道,“此恩此德,守哲永铭在心。” Gongsun Hui stagnates, some tip of the nose faint acids, stare the apricot pupil to be angry: Luoyi is my daughter of first wife, you are my son of first wife, looked after to foster you should be, to say for no reason these did do really?” 公孙蕙一滞,鼻尖隐隐有些酸酸的,瞪着杏眸嗔:“珞伊是我嫡女,你是我嫡子,照顾抚养你们都是应该的,凭白说这些作甚?” However although the words so, she actually drank this cup of spirit wine joyfully, Shouzhe can have such gratitude, proved sufficiently her these years the labor has not wasted. 不过话虽如此,她却满心欢喜地喝下了这杯灵酒,守哲能有此等感恩之心,足以证明她这些年来的辛苦没有白费。 Under the words, people heart Divine Capital lets loose gradually, the liquor over three patrol, pot spirit wine drank 7788. spirit wine this thing, is intoxicant, everyone has several points of feeling of being drunk. 一番话下,众人心神都渐渐放开,酒过三巡,一壶灵酒喝得七七八八了。灵酒此物,最是醉人,大家已经有了几分醉意。 Fourth Uncle.” Xu Clan also started to be strong the courage saying that I also knew, Zongwei that little animal should hit to punish. However, can Fourth Uncle read in the sister-in-law and in your big brother’s share, forgave his. You could rest assured that turn head the sister-in-law will certainly educate him well.” 四叔叔。”徐氏也开始壮起胆子说,“我也知晓,宗卫那小畜生该打该罚。不过,四叔叔能不能念在嫂子和你大哥的份上,就饶了他这一回。您放心,回头嫂子一定会好好教育他。” Such remarks, was even Wang Shouxin stops the wine glass, the look also anticipated slightly. Although he wishes one could to kill that little animal, but that after all is his son. 此言一出,便是连王守信都停下了酒杯,眼神也微微期待。虽然他恨不得打死那个小畜生,可那终归是他儿子啊。 the world where has the parents not to hope that a son will grow up to be successful? 天下哪有父母不望子成龙的? Sister-in-law, Big brother, we are the whole families.” Wang Shouzhe puts down the wine glass, sincere said, Zongwei is my nephew, will be our Ping'an Wang Clan young one generation of future hopes. Your couples hope that a son will grow up to be successful, is it possible that my makes Fourth Uncle, will have the reason to look at the nephew prosopon?” “嫂子,大哥,咱们是一家人。”王守哲放下酒杯,正色地说道,“宗卫是我侄子,也是咱们平安王氏年轻一代未来的希望。你们夫妇望子成龙,莫非我这做四叔的,会有理由望侄成虫吗?” „Is, Fourth Uncle said right.” Xu Clan beams with joy saying that how you said teach, we listen your.” “是是,四叔说得对。”徐氏眉开眼笑道,“您说怎么管教,我们都听您的。” „Very simple, youngster under 30 years old from next clan, will discuss the hero by the personal character and result.” Wang Shouzhe said the ultimate goal saying that I in the first sequence, second sequence and other ways will discharge five sequences, the clan salary and resources that each sequence can enjoy were various, and I will list all sorts of standards, every year conducted an inspection to order.” “很简单,从今后家族中30岁以下的年轻人,都将以品德与成绩论英雄。”王守哲说出了最终的目的道,“我会以第一序列,第二序列等方式排出五个序列,每个序列能享用的家族俸禄与资源各不相同,并且我会列出种种标准,每年进行一次考核定序。” What?” “什么?” These was even Gongsun Hui somewhat is then surprised. 这一下便是连公孙蕙都有些吃惊了。 In clan indeed to young generation of ordering rows, but usually by bloodline, the potential, after age and other factors set the sequence, was invariable. 家族中的确会给年轻一代定序列,但是通常都是以血脉,潜力,年龄等因素定下序列后就不变了。 Not only, I will also so promote the comprehensive merit system to the entire clan. So long as is clan makes the contribution, can obtain contribution points continuously, had contribution points, can exchange various cultivation resources to clan, even is spirit tea, spirit wine, cultivation technique, in all sorts of clan treasure houses has, can exchange.” Wang Shouzhe earnest say/way, „, so long as has the skill, can gain more cultivation resources.” “非但如此,我还将对全族推出全面功劳制度。只要为家族作贡献,就能源源不断获得贡献点,有了贡献点,就能向家族兑换各种修炼资源,甚至是灵茶,灵酒,功法,种种家族宝库中有的,都能兑换。”王守哲认真道,“只要有本事,就能获取更多的修炼资源。” Wang Shouzhe this set of thing, from the novel, the setting in game, avoided clan everyone having the mess to put it bluntly the aspect. Although many clan members bear the burden of responsibility now, but this eventually is not the long-term plan. 王守哲这一套东西,说穿了就是来自于小说中,游戏中的设定,避免了家族所有人吃大锅饭的局面。虽说现在有不少家族成员任劳任怨,但这终究不是长久之计。 Because everyone poor time fortunately, suppresses one share vigor to work, later after clan gets rich, the will of the people will change. 因为大家都穷的时候还好,都憋着一股子劲做事,以后家族富起来后,人心就会变了。 But, but this......” Xu Clan opening mouth said, „, what relations has with Zongwei that matter?” “可,可这……”徐氏张大嘴巴说,“和,和宗卫那件事有什么关系?” Sister-in-law, you are muddled.” Wang Shouzhe said, „the Zongwei talent difference, is not good, actually doesn't miss? But he why is 20 years old, but also merely is Qi Refining Boundary two layers high stage? Even some Younger Brother Younger Sister cannot compare? That is because he receives various favoring to drown since childhood, has from Second Elderly Gentleman, Uncle, there are big brother from the sister-in-law. This made him lack the competitive spirit, is not willing to endure hardship, fostered various bad usual practices gradually.” “大嫂啊,你这是糊涂啊。”王守哲说道,“宗卫天赋差吗,不算非常好,却也不差是吧?但他为何都二十岁了,还仅仅是炼气境二层高阶?连一些弟弟妹妹们都比不过?那是因为他从小受到各种宠溺,有来自二老太爷的,大伯的,也有来自大嫂和大哥的。这让他缺乏了竞争意识,不肯吃苦,渐渐养成了各种不良习惯。” That, that does Zongwei have to be saved?” Xu Clan is asking weakly, to be honest her actions to the son is also very disappointed. But is disappointed, that always oneself son. “那,那宗卫还有得救吗?”徐氏弱弱地问着,老实说她对儿子的所作所为也是十分失望。可再失望,那总是自己儿子。 Has!” Wang Shouzhe said earnestly, that wrests away his all resources, making him fight for the cultivation resources by oneself both hands, bravery comes out of the feeling of shame. Advances into by oneself in the clan first sequence, goes to takes carry back the oneself wrested away cultivation resources. When he depends on oneself every little bit effort to grow, progresses, he will be mature.” “有!”王守哲认真地说道,“那就是褫夺他所有资源,让他靠自己双手去争取修炼资源,知耻而后勇。靠自己去跻身于家族第一序列,去把自己被褫夺的修炼资源拿回来。当他靠着自己一点一滴的努力去成长,去进步,他才会成熟起来。” Fourth Brother said right.” Wang Shouxin pounds on the table, said to this time approval, that little animal was the condition was good, how didn't make him eat to grow up painstakingly?” 四弟说得对。”王守信一拍桌子,对此时赞同不已道,“那小畜生是条件太好了,不让他吃点苦怎么长大?” „But if Zongwei...... Xu Clan did not say as before diligently hesitant, that he will miss the best cultivation time?” “可若是宗卫依旧不努力……”徐氏犹犹豫豫地说,“那他岂不是会错过最好的修炼时机?” Hehe, if in this situation is not willing to try hard.” Wang Shouzhe sneered saying that sister-in-law you can also count on his this lifetime will have prospects? All right, although our Wang Clan was poorer, but raises the meter/rice insect to achieve. The sister-in-law you are not only then this son, I looked that Zongchang is good, remembers that he this year is only 13 years old? Then is Qi Refining Boundary two layers. If such potential can train well, in the future must be the pillar of the state of our Wang Clan.” “呵呵,若是这种情况下都不肯努力。”王守哲冷笑说,“大嫂你还能指望他这辈子会有出息?没事,咱们王氏虽然穷了些,但是养个米虫还是能做到。大嫂你也不是只有这一个儿子,我看宗昌就挺好的,记得他今年才十三岁吧?便已经是炼气境二层了。此等潜力若是能好好培养,未来必是咱们王氏之栋梁。” Mentioned Wang Zongchang, Xu Clan and Wang Shouxin revealed the gratified color. No matter how said, this youngest son very makes every effort to succeed, compared with his Elder Brother. 一提到王宗昌,徐氏王守信都露出了欣慰之色。不管怎么说,这小儿子还是挺争气的,比他哥哥强多了。 Shouzhe you said right.” Wang Shouxin seems also determined saying that that gives that little animal last time opportunity. If not good, that then makes him run its own course, when my Wang Shouxin has not had this son.” 守哲你说得对。”王守信仿佛也下定了决心道,“那就给那小畜生最后一次机会。若是再不行,那便让他自生自灭,我王守信就当没生过这个儿子。” Xu Clan is somewhat anxious, just wants to say anything time, Wang Shouzhe actually comforts saying: Sister-in-law you must first worry not, how I and will the big brother harm Zongwei? If not good, that I arrange, I have really not believed unable to straighten up that boy.” 徐氏有些焦急,刚想说些什么的时候,王守哲却安慰道:“大嫂你先莫要着急,我与大哥岂会害宗卫?若是再不行,那就我来安排,我还真不信拾掇不了那小子。” Such remarks, Xu Clan received the anxious feeling, felt grateful about Wang Shouzhe: Fourth Uncle, that all listen your.” In her look were many many awes to Wang Shouzhe and trusts. 此言一出,徐氏收起了焦虑之心,对王守哲感激道:“四叔叔,那一切都听你的。”不知不觉间,她眼神中对王守哲多了许多敬畏和信任。 This matter has decided, the people stopped this topic. Wang Shouzhe and Wang Shouxin Brother two, each other lively banquet scene, only chatted about the brothers sentiment, pot spirit wine drank cleanly. 此事既已商定,众人就打住了这个话题。王守哲王守信两个兄弟,彼此觥筹交错,只叙兄弟感情,一壶灵酒喝得干干净净。 The feast is loose, has feeling of being drunk Wang Shouxin to go back under supporting by the arm of Xu Clan. 宴散,颇有醉意的王守信徐氏的搀扶下回去。 But witnessed all these Gongsun Hui, looking at Wang Shouzhe is gratified is sigh with emotion. If it is not dealt with properly the Zongwei matter, is then very likely to make their brothers have the barrier. 而目睹了这一切的公孙蕙,看着王守哲即是欣慰又是感慨。宗卫的事情若是处理不好,便极有可能让他们兄弟产生隔阂。 But he not only processes very well, but also drew on Xu Clan and Wang Shouxin the same strip ship. Suppose, Wang Zongwei that even in clan most does not make every effort to succeed must take the road of sequence, do others have the reason that what opposes? 可他不但处理得非常好,还将徐氏王守信拉到了同一条船上。试想,连家族中最不争气的王宗卫都要走序列之路,其他人还有什么反对的理由? Aunt, about clan meritorious service value system, but also wants laborious Aunt to construct the book management.” Wang Shouzhe felt, this matter is made by Gongsun Hui is the optiman. 大娘,关于家族功勋值体系,还要辛苦大娘来建册管理。”王守哲觉得,此事由公孙蕙来做是最佳人选。 Also, they start to discuss the meritorious value system all sorts. 随之,他们开始讨论起功勋值体系的种种来。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Wang Shouxin also goes home under supporting by the arm of Xu Clan, Xu Clan also had several points of feeling of being drunk, glowing with health say/way: Shouxin/keep one's word, I look at Fourth Uncle really am not a simple character.” 王守信徐氏的搀扶下也回到了家里,徐氏也有了几分醉意,红光满面道:“守信,我看四叔叔真不是个简单的人物。” That is, whose brothers you do not have a look are.” The Wang Shouxin surface has the cocky say/way, „, if not must take on the family property, Fourth Brother now perhaps is the Purple Mansion Academy scholar.” Today Wang Shouzhe all sorts, making him feel that has the face, making him have a head high, chest out feeling in front of Xu Clan. “那是,你也不看看是谁的兄弟。”王守信面有得瑟道,“若非要担当家业,四弟现在说不定已是紫府学宫学子了。”今天王守哲的种种,让他觉得倍有面子,让他在徐氏面前有种昂首挺胸的感觉。 Looked that your cow...... your old thing can do really?” The Xu Clan words saying the half, was grasped by Wang Shouxin, immediately the brow in any case, the violent temper rubs. “看你牛……你这老东西要做甚?”徐氏话才说了半截,就被王守信抱住,当即眉头横竖,暴脾气蹭蹭蹭起来。 „Didn't Fourth Brother praise you are the big hero?” Wang Shouxin lifts up Xu Clan then to go toward the bedroom, our couples cannot disappoint Fourth Brother, but must give birth to several, many are clan makes the contribution.” 四弟不是夸你是大功臣吗?”王守信扛起徐氏便往卧房而去,“咱们夫妇不能让四弟失望,还得多生养几个,多为家族做贡献。” Wang Shouxin your son of a bitch, when the old lady is...... ~ 王守信你这狗东西,当老娘是……啊~ ...... ……
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