POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#38: What evil technique did Fourth Brother display?

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...... …… Stands in front of Wang Shouzhe, is a clothes very investigate middle age female, her inserts bead ornamental hairpin to wear the jade bracelet, the foot steps on tall Tayun the boots, a magnificent and expensive multi- color cloud pattern silk skirt, seems like prestigious family woman of quality in a city. 站在王守哲面前的,是一位穿着打扮非常考究的中年女子,她头插珠钗手戴玉镯,脚踩高踏云靴,一身华贵的多彩云纹丝裙,看上去就像是一个城里的名门贵妇。 In addition, before she comes, has dressed and applied makeup carefully, on the face is wiping the powder, a lip deep red. Seeming like from the start not like is the 40-year-old person, seem like the 27 or 28-year-old mature beautiful woman, obviously usually is also the careful maintenance. Moreover big brother Wang Shouxin should favor her very much, compared with. 此外,她来之前也精心梳妆过了,脸上抹着脂粉,嘴唇一点绛红。看上去压根不像是40岁的人,倒像是二十七八岁的成熟美妇,可见平常也是精心保养的。而且大哥王守信应该很宠她,比较惯着。 Is some eye red strings, obviously had cried some time ago. 就是眼睛有些红丝,显然是不久前才哭过。 What is quite rare, she is also pulling a Dazhu basket, above covered the thing with the scarlet cloth. 极为难得的是,她还挽着一个大竹篮子,上面用红布盖住了东西。 Xu Clan sees Wang Shouzhe is so polite, originally hostility in the nervousness and heart dissipated several points, immediately collects to return salute honestly: Xu Clan pays a visit Fourth Uncle.” 徐氏一见王守哲如此客气,原本紧张的情绪和心中的敌意顿即消散了几分,当即老老实实地敛敛还礼:“徐氏拜见四叔叔。” Sister-in-law was polite.” Wang Shouzhe smiles very sincerely, sister-in-law, please enter side hall to rest, happen to my Aunt also.” Saying, he directed Xu Clan to enter side hall politely. “大嫂客气了。”王守哲笑得非常真诚,“大嫂来来来,请进偏厅歇息歇息,正好我大娘也在。”说着,他客气地引着徐氏进了偏厅 Xu Clan expression one tight, saw after Gongsun Hui, quickly salutes respectfully: Xu Clan pays a visit Eldest Lady Hui.” She is always supercilious, as the Changning Xu Clan parallel veins female, marries Wang Shouxin that to have the mentality of marrying. However depends on her air/Qi again arrogantly, actually does not dare to keep up appearances before the Shanyang Gongsun Clan daughter of first wife. 徐氏表情一紧,见到公孙蕙后急忙恭敬地行礼:“徐氏拜见蕙大娘子。”她向来心高气傲,身为长宁徐氏的直脉女子,嫁给王守信那是有下嫁的心态。但是恁凭她再气傲,却也是不敢在山阳公孙氏嫡女面前摆谱。 Let alone Gongsun Clan is first wife of Patriarch, the father's wife of current Patriarch, is her elder! 更何况公孙氏还是先族长之妻,现任族长之嫡母,还是她的长辈! Yo, originally is Shouxin/keep one's word came, which gust was this gives to blow you?” In the Gongsun Hui expression the pressure, is actually all smiles saying that comes, sits down quickly the speech, happen to tastes Shanyang small spirit seed that the Shouzhe maternal grandfather plants personally.” “哟,原来是守信家的来了,这是哪阵风把你给吹来了?”公孙蕙言辞中略带着威压,却是笑容满面道,“来来来,快坐下说话,正好尝尝守哲外祖父亲自种的山阳灵种。” She exhibited the elder tune, with one Shouxin/keep one's word, emphasized directly Xu Clan is the Wang Shouxin wife's status, obviously has meaning of warning. 她摆出了长辈腔调,用一句“守信家的”,直接强调了徐氏王守信媳妇的身份,显然有种警告的意味。 no no no, in front of Eldest Lady Hui, where I dare to sit.” Xu Clan smiles awkwardly, she has not thought of Eldest Lady Gongsun also, otherwise killed her not to dare to look for Wang Shouzhe at this time. 不不不,蕙大娘子面前,我哪敢坐。”徐氏尴尬地笑了笑,她是没想到公孙大娘子也在,否则打死她都不敢这时候来找王守哲 Moreover tea that their mother and child drink, one hear is spirit seed spirit tea, how could to drink spirit tea by her in the Changning Xu Clan position sequence? After marrying Wang Shouxin, that not to mention...... 而且他们母子喝的茶,一听就是灵种灵茶,以她在长宁徐氏的地位序列岂能喝到灵茶?至于嫁给王守信后,那就更加别提了…… Fourth Uncle, you are family's backbone.” Xu Clan shows the smile of slightly flattering, dispatched the basket in hand saying that elder brother's wife was looked your ordinary cultivation was too laborious, delivered some fresh food to build up one's health to you, my did not disturb your mother and child to chat......” 四叔叔,你是家里的顶梁柱。”徐氏露出了略微讨好的笑容,递出了手中的篮子说,“嫂嫂就是看你平常修炼太辛苦,给你送些新鲜的食材补补身子,我这就不打扰你们母子叙话了……” Then, she puts down the basket to prepare to leave. 说罢,她放下篮子就准备走人。 Sister-in-law holds on a minute.” Wang Shouzhe prevented to say with a smile, you came rarely my here, first drank cup of tea to say again. Moreover I and Big Brother Shouxin had not seen for a long time, heard him happen to have the matter to return to main house, my then made the young male servant ask him to come, narrated the light talk with the meals together.” “大嫂且慢。”王守哲笑着阻止说,“你难得来我这边一趟,先喝杯茶再说。而且我与守信大哥也好久没见了,听闻他正好有事回了主宅,我这便让小厮去请他过来,一起用个膳叙叙话。” This......” Xu Clan quite somewhat feels extremely flattered, actually quite somewhat in a terrified way looks to Gongsun Hui. “这……”徐氏颇有些受宠若惊,却颇有些惶恐地看向公孙蕙 Shouzhe is Wang Clan Family Head, he makes you sit you then to sit.” The Gongsun Hui stance was slightly kind. 守哲王氏家主,他让你坐你便坐吧。”公孙蕙的姿态略微和蔼了些。 Xu Clan then sits down coyly, although she puts on magnificent and expensive, however in front of attire quite simple Gongsun Hui, actually cannot demonstrate the noble air. 徐氏这才扭扭捏捏地坐下,虽然她穿得一身华贵,但是在衣着比较朴素的公孙蕙面前,却丝毫显示不出贵气。 Wang Shouzhe called Wang Gui, the injunction said: Told the big kitchen, boils a bulk the swine meat that Fourth Elderly Gentleman sent, the meat do not cook too rottenly. In addition, asks the craftsmanship good female cook to come to our courtyard to give a private lesson again, cuts two jin (0.5 kg) Spirit Horned Yak meat. That pot spirit wine does not bring, other fresh fruits and melons vegetables you look at the office.” 王守哲王贵叫了进来,嘱咐道:“吩咐大厨房,将四老太爷送来的猪猡肉煮上一大块,肉别炖太烂。此外,再找个手艺好的厨娘来咱们院子里开个小灶,切两斤灵角牦牛肉。唔,还有那壶灵酒也拿来,其余新鲜的瓜果蔬菜你看着办。” Yes, Family Head. Right, Sixth Master sends people to feed in the clan icehouse fresh Scarlet Scaled Eel, the most precious spirit ricefield eel blood also turned into the blood bean curd, said that was Family Head you seizes personally, was your private storehouse food, only permitted you to eat.” Wang Gui reminded one in the one side. “是,家主。对了,六老爷派人送进家族冰窖内一条新鲜赤鳞鳝,最珍贵的灵鳝血也处理成了血豆腐,说是家主您亲自捕到的,属于您私库食材,只准您一个人吃。”王贵在一旁提醒了一句。 Hehe, pays no attention to his words.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, cut best Scarlet Scaled Eel intermediate stage, even the blood bean curd also brought. Other belong to the public treasury, the distribution according to need, tastes foods newly in season to everyone. After you arrange, goes to invite my Big Brother Shouxin.” “呵呵,不理他的话。”王守哲笑道,“切一段最好的赤鳞鳝中段,连血豆腐也拿来。其余都归入公库,按需分配,给大家都尝尝鲜。你安排好后,去把我守信大哥请来。” Yes, Family Head.” Wang Gui receives an order to draw back. “是,家主。”王贵领命退下。 Fourth Uncle, this, this too sumptuous...... also made you go to the expense.” The body of Xu Clan was shivering, said weakly, makes to be simpler, is simpler.” 四叔叔,这,这太丰盛了……也太让您破费了。”徐氏的身体都在颤抖了,弱弱地说,“弄简单一些,简单一些。” What words is sister-in-law this? Wang Shouxin is my big brother, you are my sister-in-law. Our whole families gather together rarely eats a meal, how could at will?” Wang Shouzhe took a teacup personally, got up one cup of spirit tea to Xu Clan but actually, sister-in-law first tastes this Shanyang small spirit seed, drinks the effect good before it's too late.” “大嫂这是什么话?王守信是我大哥,您是我大嫂。咱们一家人难得聚在一起用膳,岂能随意?”王守哲亲自拿了个茶杯,给徐氏倒上了一杯灵茶,“大嫂先尝尝这山阳灵种,趁热喝效果好。” Xu Clan trembled to sip tea, the spirit tea bitter and astringent and unique flavor, raided her heart. In a twinkling, her some want to cry. 徐氏颤颤地抿了一口茶,灵茶的苦涩和独特的韵味,袭上了她的心头。霎时间,她有些想哭。 Makes the Miss 19 years in Changning Xu Clan, marries the Ping'an Wang Clan 21 years, never has that good fortune to drink one cup of spirit tea. This life's first cup of spirit tea, are actually Wang Shouzhe asks her to drink. 长宁徐氏姑娘十九年,嫁到平安王氏二十一年,却从未有那福分喝上一杯灵茶。这人生第一杯灵茶,竟然是王守哲请她喝的。 She came to here, has completed to entreat his plan. If not really good, then prepares line of that to be unruly the matter of shouting abuse in public to be noisy the matter, alarms all clansmen. 原本她来这里,已经做好哀求他的打算。若是实在不行,便准备行那撒泼骂街之事把事儿闹大,惊动所有的族人。 For the son, her anything could not attend, also what facial skin can be ready for any sacrifice. 为了儿子,她什么都顾不上了,也什么脸皮都豁得出去。 But she has not thought that as clan honored orthodox lineage, is Patriarch Wang Shouzhe, actually so respects her, receives cordially this sister-in-law. 可她万万没想到身为家族的尊贵嫡脉,又是族长王守哲,竟然如此尊敬她,款待她这个大嫂。 Fourth Uncle, that matter......” in a twinkling, Xu Clan felt that oneself somewhat could not open the mouth. Wang Shouzhe so waits her couple to be friendly, perhaps the matter will have the favorable turn. 四叔叔,那,那事……”霎时间,徐氏感觉自己有些开不了口了。王守哲如此待她夫妇友善,也许事情会有转机。 Sister-in-law, you say the Zongwei that child's matter?” Wang Shouzhe has not avoided the plan of this issue slightly, but said with a smile, this matter I have haggled over, a while and other big brothers came, said while chatted. Sister-in-law, you first eat between -meal snack pad pad belly.” “大嫂,你是说宗卫那孩子的事情吧?”王守哲丝毫没有回避这个问题的打算,而是笑着说道,“此事我已有计较,一会儿等大哥来了,边说边聊吧。大嫂,您先吃点零嘴垫垫肚子。” Yes.” Xu Clan quickly swallows back the thread of conversation, looks at the Wang Shouzhe attitude, seems meaning that not like must grab does not put, is only in the heart still somewhat is on nettles. “是。”徐氏急忙把话茬咽了回去,看王守哲的态度,好似不像是要抓着不放的意思,只是心中依旧有些忐忑不安。 Not many moments, the clan female cook came, after paying a visit Wang Shouzhe, when she is preparing the kitchenette in institute lights a fire, by Wang Shouzhe is actually stopped: Does not need to be busy at work too, cuts the fresh food, the spirit yak beef and Scarlet Scaled Eel cut the thin slice to suspend the plate, thinly is better. Moreover, with the superior charcoal lighting a fire basin, prepares a clean brass basin and clear water in addition, as well as some salts.” 不多片刻,家族厨娘来了,在拜见过王守哲后,她正准备在院里的小厨房生火时,却被王守哲制止:“不用忙活太多,就把新鲜食材切一下,灵牦牛肉和赤鳞鳝切薄片摆盘,越薄越好。另外,用上等木炭生个火盆,另准备一个干净铜盆和清水,以及一些盐。” Although the female cooks are bewildered, how dare however the order of Family Head she violates, manages according to the word. 厨娘虽然莫名其妙,但是家主的命令她岂敢违背,自是依言去操持起来。 What thing Zhe'er do you make?” The Gongsun Hui strange say/way, what brazier this big hot days do you live?” 哲儿你弄什么东西?”公孙蕙奇怪道,“这大热天你生什么火盆?” Aunt your a while knew.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, this was I in the one ingredients way in the old book seeing, entirely new, was delicious.” 大娘你一会儿就知道了。”王守哲笑道,“这是我在古籍上看到的一种料理方式,别开生面,非常美味。” You, touched more and more are airtight you, do not spoil precious spirit food on the line.” Gongsun Hui suppressed the curiosity, held the hand of Xu Clan to inquire after the well being. Her very surprised Wang Shouzhe processes the method of matter of Wang Zongwei, at least he with the prestige of Patriarch, does not restrain by force with the arbitrary method. “你呀,越来越摸不透你了,别糟蹋珍贵灵食就行。”公孙蕙压制住了好奇心,拉着徐氏的手嘘寒问暖了起来。她非常惊讶王守哲处理王宗卫之事的手段,至少他不是凭着族长之威,用蛮横的手段强压。 However by her the understanding Xu Clan, should not give up casually. Therefore Gongsun Hui is curious, how the son will handle the following matter. 不过以她对徐氏的了解,应该不会随便罢手的。因此公孙蕙更是好奇,儿子将如何处理接下来的事情。 Also passes the little while, Wang Shouxin catches up in a hurry under the leadership of Wang Gui, as soon as he enters the room, is complexion cold anger lives, reprimanded the sound said to Xu Clan: Your this ignorant women, how you dare, how dares to look for Shouzhe......” 又过得会儿,王守信王贵的带领下匆匆赶来,他一进屋子,便是脸色一寒怒意生起,对徐氏斥声道:“你这无知妇道人家,你怎么敢,怎么敢来找守哲……” Wang Shouxin 43 years old, has been growing square face this year, have the beard, quite some do not get angry from the appearance of prestige. 王守信今年已经四十三岁了,长着一副国字脸,留着胡须,颇有些不怒自威的模样。 Who would imagine, Xu Clan does not eat his set from the start, is exploded by the temperament that Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui press all of a sudden: Wang Shouxin! You said that are what bullshit. Zongwei such, can I not ask your brothers to put his horse? Zongwei is my son, I look helplessly he was killed by you? Perhaps looks helplessly his future was compensated by that...... is robbed by Wang Luotong?” 岂料,徐氏压根就不吃他那一套,被王守哲公孙蕙压下去的脾气一下子爆了起来:“王守信!你说得那是什么屁话。宗卫都那样了,我能不来求你兄弟放他一马吗?宗卫是我的儿子,我难道眼睁睁地看着他被你打死?或是眼睁睁地看着他的前途被那个赔……被王珞彤抢走?” Trades to do ordinarily, it is estimated that her losing money goods have blurted out. However is working as Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui surface, these words she does not dare saying that desperate under swallows back. 换作平常,估计她那个赔钱货已经脱口而出了。但是当着王守哲公孙蕙的面,这句话她是万万不敢说出,情急之下咽了回去。 „Your you...... Shouzhe is Patriarch, let alone that little animal should hit, should punish.” Wang Shouxin rises to blush to get angry the sound said, you are protecting him...... I already......” “你你你……守哲族长,何况那小畜生该打,该罚。”王守信涨红着脸怒声道,“要不是你护着他……我早就……” However his set, cannot suppress Xu Clan obviously. 不过他这一套,显然是镇压不住徐氏的。 Sister-in-law, Big brother.” Wang Shouzhe avoids them noisily being more ominous, immediately waves to prevent saying that is the whole families, doesn't make sense noisily? First sits down to eat a meal, ate said slowly.” “大嫂,大哥。”王守哲避免他们越吵越凶,当即挥手阻止道,“都是一家人,吵吵闹闹像什么话?都先坐下用膳,边吃慢慢说。” Yes, Uncle.” Xu Clan receives the fierce woman imposing manner immediately cleverly, after sits down honestly, the warm Judo, I listen to the uncle, is the whole families, is not noisy, we reasonable.” “是,叔叔。”徐氏立即乖巧地收起悍妇气势,老老实实地坐下后,温柔道,“我听叔叔的,都是一家人,不吵,咱们讲道理。” Hiss!” “嘶!” Nearby Wang Shouxin held breath a cold air/Qi, the heart is surprised, what spell did Fourth Brother display? He lived this whole life to see for the first time Xu Clan was so obedient clever, suppressed the violent temper instantaneously, but also spoke the truth to come? 一旁的王守信倒吸了一口冷气,心头惊疑不定,四弟是施展了什么术法吗?他活了这辈子还是第一次见到徐氏如此乖巧听话,瞬间压制住暴脾气,还讲起道理来了? ...... ……
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