POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#37: The mother and child open heart

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...... …… Naturally Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui cannot participate carelessly, otherwise brings to the Family Guard male servant is not the rising morale, but was terrified. 当然王守哲公孙蕙则是不能胡乱参与,否则给家将家丁带来的不是涨士气,而是惶恐不安了。 The entire transportation channel has started, Wang Shouzhe then no longer is involved. So huge quantity of grain transports, are not a short time can handle. 整条运输渠道都已经初步建立,王守哲便不再参与其中。如此数量庞大的粮食运输,可不是一时半会儿能搞定的。 This is not game world, the mouse 0.1 points can complete the grain to transport mission. 这又不是什么游戏世界,鼠标点一点就能完成粮食运送任务 In addition he is head of a clan, naturally should invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones, takes a broad view at the overall situation. If everything does it yourself, the entire journey participates from beginning to end, wants these clansmen and Family Guard what uses? 此外他是一族之长,自然应该抓大放小,放眼全局。若事事都亲力亲为,全程从头到尾都参与的话,要那些族人与家将何用? Then is even Aunt Gongsun Hui, was called together by him. Entire traffic line last, entrusts to the Wang Luotong management completely on the line, the clan girl must have the acting. 便是连大娘公孙蕙,都被他一起叫走。整条运输线最后一段,完全托付给王珞彤主持就行,家族里的女孩子也是要有担当的。 Chats while walking with Gongsun Hui together, entered the Wang Clan main house backyard across the big back garden, subsequently arrives in the Young Patriarch institute that he grew up since childhood slowly. 公孙蕙一起边走边聊,穿过偌大的后花园进入了王氏主宅后院,继而慢慢悠悠地走到了他从小长大的少族长院内。 Personal young male servant Wang Gui is leading the two male servant in the renovation courtyard, saw Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui go forward to salute immediately: Has seen Family Head, Eldest Lady.” 贴身小厮王贵正带着两个家丁在整修院子,一见到王守哲公孙蕙立即上前行礼:“见过家主,大娘子。” Wang Gui belongs to Wang Shouzhe servant, his well-born, is the Wang Clan collateral branch juniors family background. The most important thing is, he was in the collateral branch juniors the aptitude entered the low grade third grade talent youngster. 王贵属于王守哲伴当,他身家清白,原本就是王氏的旁系子弟出身。最重要的是,他是旁系子弟中资质入了下品丙等天赋少年。 Do not despise him to be personal the young male servant, but serves Young Patriarch since childhood, in the future will inevitably be the Wang Shouzhe trusted aide. Once he got married and began a career, after the heir who regenerates the enter the grades aptitude, has the opportunity to transfer the clan parallel veins sequence, will belong to the genealogy including the name. 别小看他只是贴身小厮,但是从小侍奉少族长,未来必然是王守哲的心腹。一旦等他成家立业,再生出入品资质的子嗣后,就有机会划拨进家族直脉序列,连名字都会归入族谱。 Wang Gui, this is Shanyang small spirit seed, gives me and Aunt steeps a pot.” spirit tea that Wang Shouzhe will bring back to along gave the young male servant Wang Gui. 王贵,这是山阳灵种,给我与大娘沏一壶。”王守哲将随身带回的灵茶给了小厮王贵 spirit tea?” Wang Gui follows the Wang Shouzhe ten years, has not seen twice spirit tea, immediately is somewhat in a daze. 灵茶?”王贵伴随王守哲十年,也没见过两次灵茶,当即有些发愣。 Zhe'er does not may, this is your maternal grandfather drinks to your one person.” Gongsun Hui declines to say immediately, this several years is you grows the most critical moment, must rush to Qi Refining Boundary eight layers as soon as possible, even is nine layers, this compares to conform to your Patriarch strength!” 哲儿万万不可,这是你外祖父给你一个人喝的。”公孙蕙立即拒绝道,“这数年是你成长最关键时刻,要尽快冲到炼气境八层,甚至是九层,这才比较符合你族长的实力!” Aunt do not decline, where you do not come in the curious this batch of old grains? Drinks to select spirit tea together, I told you slowly.” Wang Shouzhe strengthens to invite, reprimanded the sound said to Wang Gui, what did you also stare are making? Makes the tea quickly.” 大娘你勿要推辞,你不是在好奇这批陈粮从哪里来的吗?一起喝点灵茶,我慢慢告诉你。”王守哲坚定相邀,对王贵斥声道,“你还愣着做什么?快去煮茶。” „Is is.” The Wang Gui whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, hurried retreat. “是是是。”王贵浑身一激灵,急忙退去。 The son of first wife is so firm, Gongsun Hui was not good to decline. On his courtyard the square table in side hall, two people sits facing each other, not many moments, young male servant Wang Gui offered pot spirit tea, as well as some fruits and melons dry fruit and other between-meal snacks, bow immediately the retreat. 嫡子如此坚定,公孙蕙也不好推辞了。就在他这院子的偏厅内的方桌上,两人相对而坐,不多片刻,小厮王贵奉上了一壶灵茶,以及一些瓜果蜜饯等零嘴,随即躬身退去。 Zhe'er, your courtyard does not conform to your Patriarch status.” Gongsun Hui looks all around about a say/way, „after and other Aunt defended the full first year filial piety, then moves out the Lord institute, sets aside the courtyard to you, when the time comes also facilitates you to marry the Liu Clan thousand gold (daughter) to come back.” 哲儿,你这院子已经不符合你族长的身份了。”公孙蕙环顾左右一番道,“等大娘守满第一年孝后,便搬出主院,给你腾出院子,到时候也方便你娶柳氏千金回来。” Aunt, without this necessity.” Wang Shouzhe smiles indifferently, lifts the hand to pour out one cup of tea to two people respectively, „my courtyard is good, got used to living. You bring Younger Sister Luomiao to live well, do not toss about randomly.” 大娘,没这必要。”王守哲无所谓地笑了笑,抬手给两人各斟一杯茶,“我这院子挺好的,也住惯了。你就带着珞淼妹妹好好住着,别乱折腾了。” How this can call to toss about randomly, you now is a household head, should live in the Lord institute.” Gongsun Hui said, said again, you can get used to living here, the Liu Clan thousand gold (daughter) not necessarily can get used to living. When she entered the Wang Clan gate, my account finance must give her, this is the aristocratic family custom.” “这怎么能叫乱折腾呢,你现在是一家之主,理应住在主院。”公孙蕙说道,“再说了,你住得惯这里,柳氏千金未必住得惯。等她入了王氏的门,我这账目财务也都要交给她的,这都是世家的规矩。” Wang Shouzhe actually shakes the head saying: Liu Clan marries, that is also your daughter-in-law, where can so overstep one's authority? First did not mention this matter, Aunt you first drank tea, I harvested the trip say carefully, then also some lot need to discuss with you.” 王守哲却摇头道:“柳氏嫁进来,那也是您的儿媳妇,哪能如此僭越?先不提这事了,大娘您先喝口茶,我把此行收获细细说道一下,接下来还有很多事情需要和您商量。” To Wang Shouzhe, Aunt Gongsun Hui is mature, in adding on her status, in clan the prestige is high. Even several Clan Elder prestige, are inferior compared with her. 王守哲来说,大娘公孙蕙成熟稳重,在加上她的身份,以至于家族中威望非常高。就算是几个族老的威望,都是比她不如的。 If light/only depends on cultivation then to promote clan daily, he did not mind that does this. However his vision and goal, are not these Clan Elder clansmen can compare. By his young Patriarch status, if wants resolute the improvement in clan, then definitely will encounter the resistance of old liners. 若是光靠天天修炼便能振兴家族,他倒不介意如此做。然而他的眼界和目标,已经远不是那些族老族人们可以比拟。以他一个年轻族长的身份,若想在家族中大刀阔斧的改进,则必然会遇到守旧派的阻力。 But Aunt Gongsun Hui, must be he most powerful and firm ally, she is the Shanyang Gongsun Clan daughter of first wife! 大娘公孙蕙,应当是他最强大而坚定的盟友,她可是山阳公孙氏的嫡女! Gongsun Hui drank spirit tea according to the word, in the look also filled curiously, since this son of first wife has managed a household, suddenly changes is getting more and more mature, many methods cannot understand her. 公孙蕙依言喝了一口灵茶,眼神中也是充满了好奇,自从这嫡子当家以来,忽而变的越来越成熟,很多手段连她都看不懂。 Stops slightly, how Wang Shouzhe to come the cause and effect of big fund and grain from Lane Qian Clan Trading Company, told. Naturally, he concealed and secret ally relations of Qian Xue'an. 略微停顿一下,王守哲将如何从钱氏商行来大笔资金和粮食的前因后果,娓娓道来了一下。当然,他隐瞒了和钱学安的秘密盟友关系。 The mouth of Gongsun Hui opens wide unceasingly, the eye gradually stared straight. This, this was too simply inconceivable, was too bold. Depends upon ahead of time knows in advance the information that some insect plagues are erupting, so acts resolute, plays with Qian Clan in the stock palms. 公孙蕙的嘴巴不断地张大,眼睛都逐渐瞪直了。这,这简直太不可思议了,也太胆大包天了。依靠着一些虫灾爆发的提前预知信息,就如此果决地出手,将钱氏都玩弄于股掌之间。 So the operation, is Gongsun Hui wants unable to think. Moreover her also lingering fear, Shouzhe mortgaged 4200 hundred Qian gold with the clan prestige after all! If he once forecasts the failure, perhaps will become in the Ping'an Wang Clan clan history the first black sheep of the family! 如此操作,是公孙蕙想都想不到的。而且她还一阵后怕,毕竟守哲是用家族信誉抵押了四千两百乾金!若是他一旦预测失败,恐怕会成为平安王氏家族史上第一败家子! Even if this matter has succeeded, but Gongsun Hui is the mind surges as before, is unassuageable. Brave, was really brave! 哪怕此事已经成功了,可公孙蕙依旧是心神激荡,难以平静。胆大,实在是太胆大了! Aunt do not blame Zhe'er not to discuss with you beforehand, this matter time is fleeting, not being able to allow clan to discuss slowly.” Wang Shouzhe is drinking tea to say tranquilly, this fund can inject the clan account, but that side internal several Elder announced, is I the fund of Shanyang Gongsun Clan and Yingxiu Lu Clan loaning, so as to avoid several Elderly Gentleman could not digest such news, depending on causing trouble end.” 大娘勿怪哲儿事先不与你商量,此事时机稍纵即逝,容不得家族慢慢商量。”王守哲平静地喝着茶说,“这笔资金可以注入家族账目,但是对内几个长老那边只是宣布,是我从山阳公孙氏映秀卢氏筹借来的资金,免得几个老太爷消化不了此等消息,凭生事端。” Knew for mother.” Gongsun Hui drinks two cups of spirit tea continually, smooths the state of mind, pursued the chaotic distracting thoughts. She understands now finally why oneself this son of first wife must make her drink spirit tea hear of news. This news impulse is too big, fears her. “为娘晓得了。”公孙蕙连喝两杯灵茶,才抚平心绪,驱逐了纷乱杂念。她现在总算明白,自家这嫡子为何要让她喝灵茶听消息了。此消息冲击力太大,怕她遭不住。 Calms down the god, Gongsun Hui said slowly: „The Zhe'er invitation drinks spirit tea for mother, perhaps solely isn't considers the news is so simple?” 定了定心神,公孙蕙才缓缓道:“哲儿邀请为娘喝灵茶,恐怕不单单是告之消息如此简单吧?” Hehe, the Aunt mental perception like the torch, Shouzhe this wishful thinking cannot conceal the truth seriously.” Wang Shouzhe said, looks at clan some system slightly drawbacks, particularly in the sequence rank, looks at bloodline merely, the aptitude, and sex is not very good. And lacks the competitive system, excessively breeds wait/etc to young one generation of training.” “呵呵,大娘慧眼如炬,守哲这点点小心思当真瞒不住。”王守哲笑着说,“就是看家族的体制略有些弊端,尤其是在序列排位上,仅仅是看血脉,资质,以及性别等很不好。其中缺乏竞争机制,对年轻一代的培养过度放养等等。” A Gongsun Hui brow wrinkle, said: „Do you refer to Zongwei that child? His matter I had heard, now had been sent people to detain by Shouyi, it is said after Shouxin/keep one's word heard is angry, hurries back from the silkworm village personally, almost discounted the leg of Wang Zongwei, heard that now the person also closes in the firewood room.” 公孙蕙眉头一皱,说道:“你指的是宗卫那孩子吧?他的事情我已听说了,现在已经被守义派人押了回来,据说守信听说后大怒,亲自从蚕庄赶了回来,差点把王宗卫的腿都打折了,听说现在人还关在柴房里呢。” „Does Aunt have what view?” Wang Shouzhe is drinking spirit tea, as if careless saying. 大娘对此有何看法?”王守哲喝着灵茶,仿佛漫不经心的说道。 Gongsun Hui slightly hesitates, considers saying: „The child indeed quite scoundrel, how you teach him should be, then to wrest away his cultivation resources as the Patriarch and elder to take the disciplinary punishment not to have the issue temporarily. However, you must consider that eventually Second Elderly Gentleman and Uncle Dingchuan, as well as your Big Brother Shouxin face, they operated for clan after all laboriously for a lifetime. You not possible his proper treatment, forever forwards to Luotong to use?” 公孙蕙略一沉吟,斟酌道:“那孩子的确颇为混账,你身为族长兼长辈怎么教训他都是应该的,便是临时褫夺他的修炼资源作为惩戒也没问题。但是,你终究要考虑二老太爷定川大伯,以及你守信大哥的面子,他们毕竟都是为家族辛辛苦苦经营了一辈子。你不可能将他应有的待遇,永远转给珞彤用吧?” Aunt you have a look, why Zhe'er must ask you to drink tea the truth of discussion.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile self-confidently, even you think that let alone others?” 大娘您看看,这就是哲儿为什么要找您喝茶商议的道理了。”王守哲自信地笑道,“连您都是这么想的,何况乎其他人了?” Is it possible that do you really want to eliminate the Wang Zongwei resources forever?” Gongsun Hui said surprised, like this you did want wickedly your Big Brother Shouxin lineage?” “莫非你真要永远剥夺王宗卫的资源?”公孙蕙吃惊道,“这样你岂不是要恶了你守信大哥一脉?” Forever eliminates is naturally far, but wants to bring back his, who said does not calculate, including me.” Wang Shouzhe is calm and composed even in press of work to say. “永远剥夺自然谈不上,但是想拿回他的那一份,谁说了都不算,包括我在内。”王守哲好整以暇道。 Gongsun Hui slightly one stunned: You said that does not calculate, who decides?” 公孙蕙略一错愕:“连你说都不算,那谁说了算?” When he just wants to talk, out of the door actually broadcasts a voice of middle-aged female: Fourth Uncle, Fourth Uncle Shouzhe at home?” 他刚想搭话时,门外却传来一个中年女子的声音:“四叔,守哲四叔在家吗?” The Gongsun Hui complexion slightly changes: Is Zongwei mother Xu Clan, this female comes Changning Xu Clan, is always supercilious is not good to cope, Shouzhe you must deal carefully.” 公孙蕙脸色微微一变:“是宗卫母亲徐氏,此女出身长宁徐氏,向来心高气傲可不好对付,守哲你须得小心应对。” Wang Shouzhe is actually smiles self-confidently: Aunt chatted, Xu Clan is my sister-in-law, that is a whole family, discussed that what copes?” 王守哲却是自信地笑了笑:“大娘说笑了,徐氏是我大嫂,那都是一家人,谈什么对付不对付的?” Immediately, he pushed the door to welcome personally, the smile bathed in fresh air cups the hands saying: Sister-in-law, you pay a visit personally do not inform one ahead of time, I quite go out take you to go.” 当即,他亲自推门迎了出去,笑容如沐春风地拱手道:“大嫂,您亲自登门拜访也不提前通知一声,我好出门接您去。” The attitude of such smoothly turning hostile, is even the Gongsun Hui also expression somewhat is then stunned. Own this son of first wife, somewhat is seriously fierce. Then not only felt own Elder Brother Gongsun Qiang by far cannot compare he, is even/including late husband Wang Dingyue is far with him. 此等圆滑变脸的作风,便是连公孙蕙也表情有些错愕。自家这嫡子,当真有些厉害啊。这下不但觉得自家哥哥公孙锵远远比不上他,便是连亡夫王定岳都和他相差甚远。 ...... ……
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