POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#36: clan cohesive force

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...... …… However this type is the systematic big project, in one single day cannot complete, even if worries still anxiously. Wang Shouzhe boarded the inland river that slightly big point ship simply, steps in the high meter/rice bag, returns to Wang Clan main house following the Fenggu Village waterway. 不过这种都是系统性的大工程,绝非一朝一夕能够完成,就算是着急也急不来。王守哲索性登上了内河那艘稍微大一点的船,踩在高高的米袋上面,一路顺着丰谷农庄的水路回王氏主宅 The ship of inland river is very small, this maximum ship six zhang (3.33 m) are long, carried 400-500 buckets of grain then to reach the limit merely, the load-bearing capacity far inferior river boat. Moreover it is not the sail power, is depends on the boatman to row merely supports the punting pole the line. 内河的船都很小,这艘最大的船不过六丈来长,仅仅载了400-500担粮食便达到了极限,承载量远不及江船。而且它还不是风帆动力,仅仅是靠着船工划桨撑篙而行。 Is good is steady because of the inland river water current, the oar supports the punting pole on together , can take a walk finally reluctantly, but winds curving two Shilihe saying that walked more than double-hour. About to the speed of Earth, is equivalent per hour merely more than two kilometers. 好在内河水流平稳,船桨撑篙一起上,总算还能勉强走得动,只是蜿蜒弯曲的二十里河道,足足走了一个多时辰。合到地球的速度,仅仅相当于每小时两公里多。 The fleet across the river course trumpet-shaped object, entered Zhuwei Lake. 船队穿过河道喇叭口,进入到了珠薇湖 In does not calculate that on broad Zhuwei Lake, has been able to see steep mountain wall below Wang Clan main house architectural complex. However Wang Shouzhe has not worried, but continues to watch the Zhuwei Lake terrain on the ship. 在不算宽阔的珠薇湖上,已经能看到陡峭山壁下方的王氏主宅建筑群了。不过王守哲没有着急回去,而是继续在船上观看珠薇湖的地形。 She assumes the oval-shape slightly, is about 67 miles, the ample 45 li (0.5 km), the total waters area has exceeded ten thousand mu. The lake surface is clean, the surroundings are completely the shallow seas and tidelands and reed marsh, appears the scenery to pass the primitive beauty. “她”微微呈椭圆形,长约67里,宽余四五里,总水域面积已经超过了万亩。湖面干净瑰丽,周围全部都是滩涂和芦苇荡,显得风光透着原始的美。 Perhaps indigenous will feel bleak, but sees the big city and everywhere is human trace Wang Shouzhe, this primitive scenery makes him especially comfortable, was even the state of mind was then better. 也许“土著们”会觉得荒凉,但是见惯大城市和到处都是人类痕迹的王守哲来说,这种原始风光让他格外舒服,便是连心境都好了许多。 If such big waters are used to raise spirit fish, pouring is also excellent, Wang Shouzhe ponders over secretly. 如果这么大一片水域用来豢养灵鱼,倒也是极好的,王守哲暗暗琢磨。 However the Zhuwei Lake big shortcomings, that is her lake water is also too shallow, generally less than one zhang (3.33 m) depth . Moreover the bottom saves too much silt. Let alone raised spirit fish, even if bred the ordinary large-scale fish to dislike the water level is too low. 不过珠薇湖也有一个较大的缺点,那就是她的湖水太浅,普遍不足一丈深,而且底部积攒太多淤泥。别说养灵鱼了,就算是养殖普通的大型鱼类都嫌水位太低。 Moreover in this fantasy world, the formalization cultivation of fish is not a mainstream. After is caught some small fish, throws into the pond at most, no matter what its free growth. 而且在这玄幻世界里,鱼类的规模化养殖并非主流。至多就是捕获到了一些小鱼后丢进池塘,任其自由生长。 The reason for this is that first open country fish are many, even if the fishing technology is crude so long as goes out to fish has the good fishing to attain. Secondly, similarly because of the limit of fishing for technology, invests the fund and manpower in the broad great lakes breeds, but fishes for is also very difficult, might as well conducts in productive and abundant An River catches wildly. 之所以如此,一来是野外鱼类较多,哪怕捕鱼技术简陋但只要出去捕鱼就有不错的渔获。二来,同样还是因为捕捞技术的限制,在宽阔的大湖中间投入资金和人力进行养殖,但是捕捞同样十分困难,还不如在物产富饶的安江中进行野捕。 With Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai, makes 20 weaver two months to weave a small-scale drag net to come reluctantly......, if in the great lake the difficulty of large surface area circle net can be imagined. 就拿六叔王定海来说,弄二十个织工两个月才能勉强织出一口小型拖网来……若是大湖中大面积围网的难度可想而知。 The maximum difficulty of cultivation fish, but also lies in the water quality management, the density management, the sickness management science throws feeds wait/etc technically. Slightly incautiously, the cultivation fish large surface area death, will create complete wipe-out. 养殖鱼的最大难度,还在于水质管理,密度管理,病患管理科学投喂等等技术上。略微一不小心,养殖鱼就会大面积死亡,造成血本无归。 However this world is so big, profound warrior aristocratic family is innumerable, the nature has clan to have a result on the fish culture industry. Like Yingxiu Lu Clan, has mastered a fish culture technology, displayed the industry concurrently. 然而这世界那么大,玄武世家数不胜数,自然已经有家族在鱼类养殖业上已经有所成效了。就像映秀卢氏,已经掌握了一点鱼类养殖技术,并发展出了产业。 profound warrior aristocratic family to the production technology always value the broom as one's own, the security time does very well. In some core industries, the clan females do not even can participate, after fearing they marry, the technology passes on. 只是玄武世家对生产技术向来敝帚自珍,保密功夫做得非常好。一些核心产业中,连家族女子都不得参与,就怕她们嫁出去后,将技术传出去。 Even if the relations of Wang Shouzhe and Lu Clan, want to get so far as their cultured fish technology are still not possible. 即便是王守哲卢氏的关系,想弄到他们的养殖鱼类技术也是不可能的。 The seal blockades of various clan technologies, also created the backwardness of entire profound warrior / black tortoise world overall production technology. Although the patented technology strategy on Earth denounces extremely numerous, but truly caused the technical storm, in the short time various technical inventions all flowers bloom together. 家族技术的封闭封锁,同样也造成了整个玄武世界总体生产技术的落后。地球上的专利技术策略虽然诟病极多,但确确实实引起了技术风暴,短短时间内各种科技发明百花齐放。 Be that as it may, but Wang Shouzhe thought that profound warrior / black tortoise world do not all flowers bloom together well, he now the biggest advantage is experienced, has surpasses this world foresightedness vision. 话虽如此,但是王守哲却觉得玄武世界还是不要百花齐放来得好,他现在最大的优势就是“见多识广”,拥有超过这个世界的“前瞻性”眼光。 Many technologies his fuzzy only knows probably, but actually knows that has such a thing, as well as general direction. For example famous msg monosodium glutamate, this excellent product that changed the human sense of taste system. 很多技术他模模糊糊的只知道大概,但是却知道有这么一个东西,以及大概的方向。例如大名鼎鼎的味精谷氨酸钠,这种改变了人类味觉系统的绝妙产品。 You must make Wang Shouzhe do, his ten years eight years cannot do. 你要让王守哲去搞,他十年八年也搞不出来。 But if finds one group of intelligent clever people to study this aspect specially, is engaged in similar research, because the direction is quite clear, the luck is good for 20-30 years to make. 但若是找一帮聪明伶俐的人专门学习这方面,从事类似的研究,因为方向比较明确,运气好的话20-30年就能弄出来。 Even the luck is not good, so long as the related technology constantly accumulates, 100 years can always make? 就算运气再不好,只要相关技术不断积累,一百年总能弄出来吧? Equipment of reeling thread or weaving, for example reputation outstanding transmigrator necessary Spinning Jenny, Even if kills unable to draw the blueprint Wang Shouzhe, but he actually knows that similarly has such a thing, knows slightly some principles the fuzzy directions, ask one group of artisans to do slowly, sooner or later one day can toss about probably. 还有纺纱或织布的设备,例如声名卓著的穿越者必备珍妮纺织机】,就算把王守哲打死也画不出图纸来,但是他却同样知道有这么一个东西,也略微知道一些原理的模糊方向,找一帮工匠慢慢搞,迟早有一天能折腾出大概来。 If this thing makes, lethality absolutely compared with Wang Luojing this Spirit Insect Master Come. 若是这东西弄出来,杀伤力绝对比王珞静这个【灵虫师】来的强。 Naturally, these are only a tentative plan, strength that before clan cannot support, once these things push out bring about own destruction purely. Side did not say, said that takes the textile industry as Changning Xu Clan of principal work, will divide minute to get angry with Wang Clan, because Spinning Jenny Touched the Xu Clan survival foundation absolutely. 当然,这些都只是一个设想而已,在家族没有能吃得住的实力前,这些东西一旦推出去就纯粹是自寻死路。不说旁的,就说以纺织业为主业的长宁徐氏,就会分分钟与王氏翻脸,因为【珍妮纺织机】绝对触动到了徐氏的生存根基。 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 The fleet that Wang Shouzhe is, gradually picked up the speed in Zhuwei Lake, half double-hour, then arrived in the Wang Clan main house backyard wharf. 王守哲所在的船队,在珠薇湖中逐渐加快了速度,不出半个时辰,便抵达了王氏主宅的后院码头。 This wharf with this waterway, although is not commonly used, but several villages walk grain crops and other commodities toward clan, many pass this waterway. Travelling by water although is slow, but the carrying capacity is quite big, moreover can little raise some horse-drawn vehicles, the horse breeding may raising the person is more expensive. 这码头与这条水路虽然不常用,但是几个农庄往家族走粮食作物等物资,多数都是通过这条水路。走水路虽然较慢,但是运载量比较大,而且还可以少养一些马车,养马可比养人贵多了。 In the ordinary unvisited Wang Clan main house backyard wharf, is bustling and filled with people at this time, what is the head is the two female. And Wang Shouzhe Aunt Gongsun Hui, in her behind not far away, is standing young female Wang Luotong. 平常人迹罕至的王氏主宅后院码头上,此时人头攒动,为首的是两位女子。其中一名正是王守哲大娘公孙蕙,在她身后不远处,则是站着一位妙龄女子王珞彤 In later, is four Family Guard, three female Family Guard. What is worth mentioning is, now in Wang Clan nine Family Guard, three are female Family Guard. 在之后,便是四名家将,其中三名女性家将。值得一提的是,如今王氏九名家将中,有三名是女性家将 When the ships will soon anchor the wharf, when 78 zhang (3.33 m) distance, a Wang Shouzhe under foot point, the body flies high to pull up, looks like a big bird across to the wharf, is two breathes merely, he then fell in the wharf steadily. 当船舶即将停靠码头,还有七八丈距离时,王守哲脚下一点,身躯凌空拔起,就像是一只大鸟般横掠向码头,仅仅是两个呼吸间,他便稳稳地落在了码头上。 This is the Wang Shouzhe current jumping leap ability, on complete steamroll Earth any long jump high jump champion, but is not in some high martial fantasy frequently the sky hovers similarly, existence of fist landslide cracks in the earth. 这便是王守哲当前的纵身飞跃能力,完全碾压地球上任何跳远跳高冠军,但同样也不是一些高武玄幻中动辄天空翱翔,一拳山崩地裂的存在。 Aunt, how did you come back? Doesn't accompany the maternal grandfather in the maternal home they?” Wang Shouzhe said to Gongsun Hui cups the hands. 大娘,您怎么回来了?不在娘家多陪陪外祖父他们吗?”王守哲公孙蕙拱手道。 Previously your writing a letter made my Elder Brother Gongsun Qiang handle matters for you, I had asked Wang Zhong probably, knows the Dao Lord dwelling also to need some people to assist you.” Gongsun Hui said that „, although does not know the specific matter, is actually thinking hurries back to the clan help as soon as possible. Before your letter said that must set aside the backyard storehouse, at present also sets aside part.” “先前你写信让我哥哥公孙锵替你办事,我问过王忠大概,知道主宅也需要有人协助你。”公孙蕙说道,“虽不知道具体事宜,却想着还是尽快赶回家族帮忙。之前你信件中说要腾出后院库房,目前还只是腾出了一部分。” That was laborious Aunt, temporarily part was sufficient.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands, in the heart is also somewhat warm and affected, Aunt Gongsun Hui also is really stands in the Wang Clan standpoint wholeheartedly considers the issue, puts one's heart and soul to assist his Wang Shouzhe to wield clan. “那就辛苦大娘了,暂时一部分够用了。”王守哲拱手不已,心中也是有些温暖和感动,大娘公孙蕙还真是一心一意地站在王氏立场上考虑问题,也尽心竭力地辅助他王守哲执掌家族 Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luotong salutes to Wang Shouzhe, in her pupil light also somewhat surges slightly, before Fourth Elder Brother entrusted some mission to give her in the letter. 四哥哥。”王珞彤王守哲行礼,她眸光中也微微有些涌动,之前四哥哥可是在信件中嘱托了一些任务给她。 This on behalf of what? That is Fourth Elder Brother to her thinking highly. She also imagines Younger Sister Wang Luojing to be common, is clan is a Fourth Elder Brother completely mental effort. 这代表什么?那是四哥哥对她的器重。她也想像妹妹王珞静一般,为家族四哥哥尽一份心力。 Luotong was laborious you, well, did you break through to Qi Refining Boundary three layers?” The Wang Shouzhe eye narrows the eyes slightly, under Qi Viewing Technique, the Wang Luotong aura compared with original powerful one big planned, moreover some are unable to control the aura overflow the phenomenon, congratulations.” 珞彤辛苦你了,咦,你突破到炼气境三层了?”王守哲眼睛微微一眯,观气术下,王珞彤的气息比原来强大了一大筹,而且有些无法控制住气息外溢的现象,“恭喜恭喜。” Wants many thanks Fourth Elder Brother.” Wang Luotong cheeks slightly red happy say/way, „, if not you assign/life the clan storehouse to send one to me Little Origin Cultivating Pill, I am impossible that to break through quickly.” “还是要多谢四哥哥。”王珞彤脸颊微红地开心道,“若非您命族库给我送来一枚【小培元丹】,我也不可能那么快突破。” That is also you suffices diligently, has polished one in the Qi Refining Boundary two layers peak.” The Wang Shouzhe appreciation said, later makes persistent efforts, in Younger Brother Younger Sister and later generations to the family/home is a model.” “那也是你够努力,已在炼气境二层巅峰打磨一阵了。”王守哲赞赏地说道,“以后再接再厉,给家里弟弟妹妹和后辈们做个表率。” Before understood her situation, naturally cannot sit looked she polished in the Qi Refining Boundary two layers peak slowly, therefore before leaving, adjusted Little Origin Cultivating Pill to give Wang Luotong from the clan storehouse. 之前了解了她的情况,自然不会坐看她在炼气境二层巅峰慢慢打磨,因此临行之前从族库中调了枚小培元丹王珞彤 She pours also very makes every effort to succeed, broke through all of a sudden. Was at least stronger compared with Wang Zongwei that young brat, 20 years old still rubbed gently in Qi Refining Boundary two layers high stage. 她倒也是挺争气,一下子突破了。至少比起王宗卫那小兔崽子强许多,都二十岁了还在炼气境二层高段磨蹭。 Un un, Fourth Elder Brother, Luotong will certainly try hard.” Wang Luotong beams from ear to ear nods again and again, to her, can the approval of Fourth Elder Brother be a very happy matter. “嗯嗯,四哥哥,珞彤一定会努力的。”王珞彤笑逐颜开连连点头,对她来说,能够得到四哥哥的认可是一件非常开心的事情。 During the people speeches, the provisions ship had anchored the wharf one after another. 众人说话间,运粮船已经陆陆续续停靠了码头。 Aunt Gongsun Hui is directing the Family Guard male servant and servant, sends the grain to leaping together in vacant room. Then was even Wang Luotong participated, took on with several female Family Guard main force that transported the grain. 大娘公孙蕙指挥着家将家丁和奴仆,一起运送粮食到腾出来的空房中。便是连王珞彤都参与了进去,和几个女性家将一起担当了运粮食的主力。 She is Qi Refining Boundary three layers, regardless of the physical strength or the strength are not the ordinary male servant house slave can compare, shoulders is 45 bags of meter/rice, but also walk as if flying. Aunt Gongsun Hui wants to prevent, was actually hinted to block by Wang Shouzhe, since Luotong wants to be clan makes the contribution with this way, then goes by her. 她已经是炼气境三层,无论体力还是力量都远不是普通家丁家奴能比,一扛就是四五袋米,还健步如飞。大娘公孙蕙本想阻止,却被王守哲示意拦下,既然珞彤想用这种方式为家族做贡献,便由得她去。 Moreover even clan luo generation Fourth Young Lady participated transported the grain, but also made sweat profusely. The Family Guard male servants are go all out, does not dare the weary, an appearance of morale bursting. 而且连家族珞字辈四小姐都参与了运粮,还弄得香汗淋漓。家将家丁们更是卖力起来,丝毫不敢惫懒,一副士气爆棚的模样。 The clan cohesive force centripetal force, the itself/Ben establishes bit by bit in this. 家族的凝聚力向心力,本就是在这一点一滴中建立起来。 ...... ……
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