……Time, incalmtwodays.
时间,在波澜不惊中过了两日。Wang Shouzhetheseself-cultivationinChangningseparate compound on the 2nd, drinksspirit tea, cultivationcultivation, the easy lifecrossesrarelyquitesatisfied.王守哲这两日就在长宁别院中修身养性,喝喝灵茶,修炼修炼,小日子难得过得比较惬意。However the outside worldthese, was actually on the 2nd the wind and cloudchanges suddenly, as the wheatgroutingintensified, the firstwave of insect plagueeruptedquickly, spread the entireChangning Garrisonarea, variousaristocratic familywere flurried.
但是外界这两日,却是风云骤变,随着小麦灌浆加剧,第一波虫灾爆发以迅雷不及掩耳之势,蔓延遍了整个长宁卫地区,各世家都慌乱了。Is inevitablebecause of the production cut, besides the principal grains of Great Qiangovernment authoritiesseverecontrol, otheragricultural and subsidiary productspricesstartsto increase, waseven the salt fishsmoked fishbusiness of Wang Clanfish stallsuddenlywas then better, the pricealsohad the large scalepromotion. Lacking principal grainsin the situation, salt fishsmoked fish that canpreservefor a long time, canmaintainextension of life.
因减产已不可避免,除了大乾官府严厉管控的主粮外,其余农副产品地价格开始攀升,便是连王氏鱼档的咸鱼熏鱼生意都突然好了许多,价格也有大幅度提升。缺乏主粮的情况下,能够长期保存的咸鱼熏鱼,也能维持生命的延续。Variousfirmmeter/ricelines, have stopped the foreignsalesgrain. Butmeter/riceline of Great QianGuanying, is startsto conduct sellswith limited quantity, before Guanyingmeter/riceline, formed the longline, City Guard Armyhad involvedto keep the order.
各商行米行,已经停止对外销售粮食。而大乾官营的米行,则是开始进行限量销售,官营米行前,排起了长长的队伍,城卫军已经介入维持秩序。Wang Shouzheis drinking tea, listening tovariousroadsto compile, buttonews, innermost feelingsmighty waves. If not forclanhad/leftWang Luojingthisgrade of treasure, has also startedin a terrible fix?王守哲喝着茶,听着各路汇总而至的消息,内心波澜不已。若不是家族出了个王珞静这等宝贝疙瘩,想必也已经开始焦头烂额了吧?Wherecanlook likenowso, the leisurely and carefree moodregardsblustery.
哪能像现在这般,闲情逸致地看待风起云涌。„Fourth Brother, Qian Clan Trading Companysends peopleto deliver a letter.”Wang Shouyiarrives at the backyardto deliver a letterpersonally, the salt fish and smoked fishstock that simultaneouslyhisdeeply frowning, „in addition, Sixth Unclesends peopleto deliver, had sold outhalfover the two daysunexpectedly. Ilook atotherclanseveralfish stalls, has startedto limit the purchaseorrose in pricessignificantly, can ourfish stallalsoriseto rise in prices?”
Can the salt fishalsolimitto sell?
After Wang Shouzhehas taken the letter , the browstraightwrinkle, it seems like that the news of grainlarge surface areaproduction cut, has generated the panic. this sceneheis not strange, hehas experienced the toomultipleordinary peopleonEarth, whenfacingdisasterorrumor, communalityscaredrushing to purchasetide.王守哲拿过信件后眉头直皱,看来粮食大面积减产的消息,已经引发了恐慌情绪。这一幕他并不陌生,在地球上他见识过太多次普通老百姓在面对灾难或谣言的时候,集体性恐慌的抢购潮。Moreover the salt fishsmoked fishsells was also too quick? The stock that thesetransport/fortunetimesone after another, musthave about 800-900buckets. Before price hike, the salt fishsmoked fishbasisfishqualityis different, pricein20to30silver coinonejin (0.5 kg), onebucket of pricesusuallyin20bigcopperto30bigcopper.
而且咸鱼熏鱼卖的也太快了吧?这几次陆陆续续运过来的库存,得有800-900担左右。在没有涨价前,咸鱼熏鱼根据鱼类品质不同,价格在20至30角子一斤,一担价格通常在20大铜到30大铜之间。Now the pricehas risento30to40bigcopperonebuckets, insteadalsosoldquickly.
如今价格已经涨到30至40大铜一担了,反而还卖得更快了。„Live fishandfresh fish?”Wang Shouzheasked.
“活鱼和鲜鱼呢?”王守哲问道。„Live fishhas not risen, but the fresh fishgenerallyrose20%.”Wang Shouyireport/givereportsaid,„manypeoplebought the fresh fishto go back the oneselfsouseorbarbecuing, orreduced the Young Lordfoodto loseeats the fish, therefore the salt and fuelalsorose in prices.”
“活鱼没涨,但是鲜鱼普遍涨了20%。”王守义禀报说,“很多人买了鲜鱼回去自己腌制或熏烤,或是减少主食损耗多吃鱼,因此盐和柴火也涨价了。”Really, a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation.
The eruption of antibioticophid, affected the aspectsinstantaneously, the salt, the fuel, carbonand otherfoundationcommoditiesrose in prices, thatanythingthingcanfollowto rise.
抗药性蚜虫的爆发,瞬间影响到了方方面面,盐,柴火,碳等基础物资一涨价,那什么东西都会跟着涨。„Second Elder Brother, youare determined by the marketto rise in priceson the line.”Wang Shouzhesaid,„as for the words that limitingto sell, the salt fishsmoked fishaccording toshoutedevery dayto the outside20bucketslimitto sell, the interiorsellsaccording to50bucketsactually.”
“二哥,你随行就市涨价就行。”王守哲说道,“至于限售的话,咸鱼熏鱼每天按照对外喊二十担限售,实则内部按照五十担去卖。”„50buckets? Thatisenough5000jin (0.5 kg)......”Wang Shouyisaidsurprised,„that sideSixth Unclecan't follow? EvenSixth Uncle, that side the Dingpustorehousestillfumigateswith the sousewithout enough time.”
The presentwas the fishing seasonbusy season, Wang Dinghaithat sidefishingbrigadedefers to the past the operationwords, tenshipswere more laboriousfishing forwordsseveral thousandjin (0.5 kg)thataresteadily, an averagefishing boat was also several hundredjin (0.5 kg)ordinaryfishingattains.
现在是鱼汛旺季,王定海那边的捕鱼大队按照往年运作的话,十艘船辛苦一些捕捞的话几千斤那是稳稳的,平均一艘渔船也就是数百斤普通渔获而已。And the mostbranch'ssouseorfumigationthat side the Dingpustorehouse, undernormalscene, that sideexposing to the sunfishandsmoked fishworkshoponemonth of limitalsoin800buckets.
其中大部分会在定蒲库房那边腌制或是熏制,正常光景下,那边的晒鱼和熏鱼工坊一个月极限也就在八百担。Howeverthat sideWang Dinghaihas duplicatedfixedbanzhengcomprehensively, butthattype of thingcanoperate the average people. The dailyoutputwill riseunceasingly, duringthisfishing seasonbusy season, the entirefishingbrigadeaddsto makeover ten thousandjin (0.5 kg) is not unusual.
但是王定海那边已经全面复制固定搬筝,而那种东西连普通人都能操作。每天的产量都会不断上涨,在这种鱼汛旺季期间,整个捕鱼大队加起来弄上万斤都不稀奇。„Increases the fishingto attainto process the manpower and location, canuse the Fenggu VillageProsperous Villageair-to-surfacevacant room. Also, family'shouse slavedomestic servant, the idleclansmanallgivesonme, mustguarantee that this month the smoked fishsalt fishoutputexceeds2000buckets.”Wang Shouzhetold, „thiswork, Second Elder Brotheryoumanagedon the linecomprehensively.”
“加大渔获加工人手和场地,可以利用丰谷农庄兴盛农庄的空地空房。还有,家里的家奴家仆,空闲的族人全都给我上,要保证这个月熏鱼咸鱼产量超过两千担。”王守哲吩咐道,“这项工作,二哥你全面主持就行。”„So long asSixth Uncle can follow, Idid not fear.”In a twinkling, Wang Shouyi was also burns the fighting spirit, onemonth2000buckets of smoked fishsalt fish. At leastwants3,000-4,000buckets of fresh fish to manufacture, after the fishslaughters and smokingsun-dried system , the weightwill reduce the weightsignificantly.
“只要六叔能跟得上,我就不怕。”霎时间,王守义也是燃烧起了斗志,一个月两千担熏鱼咸鱼啊。起码要有3,000-4,000担鲜鱼才能制作,鱼类宰杀和烟熏晒制后重量会大幅度减轻重量。IfSixth Unclereallycan the outputsupply, thisis the golden opportunity of money-making, how couldhis does Wang Shouyihold back?
若是六叔真能将产量供应上,这是赚钱的大好时机,他王守义岂能拖后腿?In the past during the fishing seasonfishingattainedischeapest, thereforemassiveordinaryfishingattainto make the smoked fishsalt fish, thenremainedis sellingslowly. In the past a all year roundsmoked fishsalt fishoutput and sales volume added that was also 2000several hundredbuckets of appearances. But the totalsales volume of fresh fishandlive fish, oneyear of sales volume is also about 2000buckets.
The overallturnover is very over difficultonethousandQian gold, these have abouthalfto dividein the account of fishingbrigade.
总体营业额很难超过一千乾金,这其中还有一半左右得划分到捕鱼大队的账面上。Howeveris now different.
但是现在不一样了。Ifreallycandeliverover2000bucketsthis month, sells1500buckets of smoked fishsalted fish, according toprice hikelatter40bigcopperonebuckets, mustsixhundredQian goldturnovers.
若是这个月真能产出超过两千担,卖一千五百担熏鱼腌鱼的话,按涨价后四十大铜一担,就得有六百乾金的营业额。Thishas not includedto sell the fresh fish and live fish...... thismonthis very likelyto beordinaryoneyear of turnover.
这还不包括卖鲜鱼和活鱼……这一个月极有可能达到平常一年的营业额。Therefore, Wang Shouyifelt that the bloodis burning! At this timedoes not spell, whengoes all out?
因此,王守义才感觉到鲜血都在燃烧了!此时不拼,何时拼命?„Good, thatallhadbyworkSecond Elder Brotherto rush about.”Wang ShouzhewrotePatriarchto order, to sign, covered the Patriarchcopy, gavehim saying that „depending onthis, youcantransfer the Family Guarddomestic servant, drew outQian goldfrom the clanaccountant.”
“好,那就一切有劳二哥两边奔波了。”王守哲写了一份族长命令,签了字,盖了族长印鉴,交给他道,“凭此,你可以调动家将家仆,从家族账房中支取乾金。”„Qian golddoes not usetemporarily.”Wang Shouyihas taken the orderletter, the excitedsay/way, „this timestocksalt fishsellstooquickly, in my accountalsohassmalltwohundredQian gold, enoughoperation.”
“乾金暂时不用。”王守义拿过命令信件,激动道,“这一次库存咸鱼卖得太快,我这账面上还有小两百乾金,足够运作了。”„Second Elder Brother, is busy atturning over tobusily, but should not be busy atmaking a mistake, has an oversightin the account.”Wang Shouzhewarnedonecareless.
The Wang Shouyibodyshakes, the lookenforcedgot upquickly saying: „Fourth Brotheryoucould rest assured that I an memberasclan, will not be contrary to the clan regulationsabsolutely. Every monthIcanconnect with the accountwith the accountant who Fifth Auntmanages, does not dareto have the oversight.”王守义身躯一震,眼神严肃了起来急忙说道:“四弟你放心,我身为家族的一份子,绝对不会有违族规。每个月我都会与五婶主持的账房交接账目,不敢有疏漏。”„Second Elder Brotherwas laborious.”Wang Shouzhesalutestohimseriously, „suchgood opportunityis once in a thousand years, whethermyWang Clancanget rid of the deterioration the destiny, must the entireclando utmostup and down.”
“二哥辛苦了。”王守哲郑重地对他行了个礼,“此等良机千载难逢,我王氏是否能摆脱衰败的命运,须得全族上下竭尽全力。”Wang Shouzhehe is very satisfied, although his Second Elder Brothercultivationtalentordinary, howeverdoes one's bestat the clanenterprise. Compared with Sixth UncleWang Dinghaithatbiguneducated person, hewascarefulandsteady.王守哲他还是很满意的,他这个二哥虽然修炼天赋平平无奇,但是在家族事业上非常尽心尽力。和六叔王定海那个大老粗比,他更是心细与稳重了许多。„Fourth Brotherspoke discreetly, thesearemyduty.”Wang Shouyihurriedcups the handsreturns salute, said,„in view of this, Iasked to be excusedin advance, processvariousthings.”
After hewalks, Wang Shouzhecalms down, thisdisassembled the Qian Xue'anletter, makeshimto go tooutsideChanging Garrison Seat【Wealth Gathering Village】Meeting. Throughsecret marks that on the letter paperleaves behind , indicating Qian Xue'anhas completed the agreement.
等他走后,王守哲定了定神,这才拆开了钱学安的来信,约他去长宁卫城外的【聚财庄】碰面。通过信笺上留下的暗记,表明了钱学安已经完成了约定。However, althoughhebelievesQian Xue'an, butthis timeactuallydoes not dareadventure, everythingis primarilyis safe.
不过,他虽然相信钱学安,但是这一次却也不敢冒险,凡事以稳妥为主。Immediately, heslightlymakes the appearance, goes out of towndirectly. Has not first gone toWealth Gathering Village, butrides the blacksteedto goin the Shanyangdirection. The linenon-moment, outside the small-scalemanor in severalli (0.5 km)placeoutside the citysawWang Zhong.
当即,他略作打扮,直接出了城。没有先去聚财庄,而是骑着黑色骏马往山阳方向而去。行不片刻,就在城外数里处的一座小型庄园外见到了王忠。„Wang Zhong, how did mattermanage?”Wang Shouzheinquired.
“王忠,事情办得如何了?”王守哲询问道。„reportingFamily Head, the good fortunedoes not fail in one's mission, Young Patriarch Gongsunhas comeas agreed that waits forin the manor.” The Wang Zhongexcitedsay/way, hehad waited for78double-houroutside the manorslightly.
The Wang Claninfluenceare manysouth bank ofAn River, wantsto discovermanytransportationhorse-drawn vehiclesin the north bank, thenonly thendepends uponShanyangGongsun Clan. NowheandGongsun Clanrelations, are at the honeymoon, his requestis insufficientto be opposed so as to injure somebody's reputation.王氏的势力多在安江南岸,在北岸想找出多辆运输马车,便只有依靠山阳公孙氏。如今他和公孙氏的关系,正处在蜜月期,他这点点要求不至于会被驳面子。Enteredthisto subordinateinShanyangGongsun Clanin the casualsmallmanor outside Changningcity, met with Gongsun Qiang, cups the handssaid: „Shouzhehas seen the uncle, the tiredunclewaited for a long time.”
进了这座隶属于山阳公孙氏在长宁城外的休闲小庄园,与公孙锵会面,拱手道:“守哲见过大舅,累大舅久等了。”„How longhas not waited, isShouzhe your mysticalrequesttransfers20horse-drawn vehicles, is the heavy loadcarriage of transportationore, actuallyto intend, butis?”Gongsun Qiangis the lowemotional quotientimpatient person, meetscuriously.
“等是没等多久,就是守哲你这次神神秘秘的要求调用二十辆马车,还是运输矿石的重载马车,究竟意欲而为?”公孙锵是个低情商急性子,一见面就好奇不已。„It is not whatspeciallymatter.”Wang Shouzhesaidcalm,„transports/fortunes50,000-60,000buckets of agingoldgrains.”Sinceallowshimto participate, naturallycannot hide the truth from the quantity.
“……”Inthisflash, the eyeball of Gongsun Qiangwas aboutto stare, „cheapnephew”, you know none who does notnowgrainonebucketis difficultto ask? Youralsoone breath50,000-60,000buckets......
而已?Hehasto plant the impulsion that explodes the swearing, comparesinthisthennephewPatriarch, hefelt that oneselfthis38-year-old„Young Patriarch”, on an ageentire jobdog.
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