POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#33: The turning point of destiny

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...... …… Wang Shouzhe drop of cold sweat, he thought of the civilians of these hungry bellies, in Qian gold is unable to buy the grain in the situation, to go on living will do? selling sons and daughters? Sells the room to sell to produce? 王守哲一滴冷汗,他想到了那些饿肚皮的平民们,在乾金都无法买到粮食的情况下,为了活下去会干什么?卖儿卖女?卖屋卖产? This means in the aristocratic family hand this time to grasp the grain more, more can control the situation. They can through other methods, lose to make up, and makes clan grows even stronger.” Qian Xue'an is really an outstanding merchant, few, then following said clearly the this time disaster situation. “这意味着世家手中这一次握着粮越多,就越能掌控局势。他们能通过其他手段,将损失弥补回来,并且让家族变得更加壮大。”钱学安果然是个优秀的商人,寥寥几句,便将这一次的灾情后续说得清清楚楚。 „Will the Great Qian government authorities and Purple Mansion Academy transport the grain to come from other province counties?” Wang Shouzhe is the earthman passes through eventually, does not endure to see the civilians to suffer a natural disaster. 大乾官府和紫府学宫会从其他州郡调运粮食过来吧?”王守哲终究是地球人穿越过来,还是不忍见到平民遭灾。 Meeting. However the grain needs to go to various commanderies to raise, the transportation and fair price sell and other processes.” Qian Xue'an sincere said, actually starting today, Purple Mansion Academy and government authorities have started the disaster relief, but wants to rescue entire Longzuo Commandery in a short time, almost not possibly. Especially our Changning Garrison in remote......” “会。但是粮食需要去各郡筹措,运输以及平价售卖等过程。”钱学安正色地说道,“其实从今天开始,紫府学宫与官府已经开始启动救灾,但是想要在短时间内救助整个陇左郡,几乎没有可能。尤其是咱们长宁卫地处偏远……” He sees the Wang Shouzhe brow straight wrinkle, then persuaded: Brother, the brother knows that your heart is friendly, actually the brother does not endure to see this scene. However our thin arm thin leg, can attend to oneself being good in this moment.” 他看到王守哲眉头直皱,便劝说道:“老弟啊,老哥知道你心善,其实老哥也不忍见到这一幕。但是咱们细胳膊细腿的,在这种关头能顾好自己就不错了。” Old Brother Qian said right, was I am somewhat artificial.” Wang Shouzhe naturally is also knows that this truth, feels relaxed saying that that defers to brother's meaning is, should I make the firm compensate my three times of contract prices?” 钱老哥说得对,是我有些矫情了。”王守哲自然也是知道这个道理,释然道,“那按照老哥的意思是,我就应该让商行赔我三倍契约价格?” Brother, you are clear. Even pays compensation three times, that was still the Qian Clan Trading Company violation. If unnecessary, the firm is not willing to spoil the violation absolutely the prestige.” Qian Xue'an is blinking saying that I give you a digit, stated categorically that ten thousand Qian gold and value three thousand Qian gold grain are willing to abolish the contract.” “老弟,你要明白。即便赔款三倍,那也是钱氏商行违约了。若无必要,商行绝对不愿意糟蹋违约的信誉。”钱学安眨着眼睛说,“我给你一个数字,一口咬定一万乾金以及价值三千乾金的粮食才肯撤销契约。” What?” “啥?” The Wang Shouzhe eye hides pulls out, Qian Xue'an suppresses compared with him. Under his initial estimate, the opposite party can two times of recycling contracts even be according to the set price well satisfied. 王守哲眼皮子一抽,钱学安可是比他狠啊。在他最初的估算下,对方能照价两倍回收契约就算是心满意足了。 This price has surpassed three times of indemnities, has three thousand Qian gold grain more valuable. 这价格已经超出了三倍赔款,其中更有三千乾金的粮食更有价值。 You had offended Qian Clan Trading Company current Storekeeper in any case, that might as well steps on the line to offend simply ruthlessly.” Qian Xue'an hehe said with a smile, „, furthermore, even under this price Qian Clan will not owe, but can also gain one.” “反正你已经得罪了钱氏商行的现任掌柜,那还不如索性踩着线得罪狠一点。”钱学安呵呵笑道,“再者说,即便这种价格下钱氏也不会亏,还能赚上一笔。” This Qian Xue'an said well is reasonable, but like this oneself clan toward dying pit really? 钱学安说得好有道理,不过这样把自己家族往死了坑真的好吗? As if saw through the Wang Shouzhe thoughts, Qian Xue'an explained properly: First, Qian Clan greatly was too too big, the only 10,000-20,000 Qian gold indemnities is a drop in the bucket. Second, I am concubine's son, without you helps my this lifetime be also difficult to crawl, even gives you to return a benevolence. Third, I hope that Brother Shouzhe you can become stronger, you powerful were favorable for the treaty of alliance.” 仿佛看穿了王守哲的心思,钱学安却是正经地解释道:“第一,钱氏太大太大了,区区10,000-20,000乾金赔款就是九牛一毛。第二,我就是个庶子,若没有你帮助我这辈子也难爬上去,就算是给你回报一点恩情。第三,我非常希望守哲老弟你能变得更强,你强大了对盟约更有利。” Good, that did.” So huge benefit, cannot allow Wang Shouzhe to reject. Wang Clan clan now is too poor, if there is a huge fund to pour into, will be a turning point of rise. “好,那就干了。”如此巨大的利益,也容不得王守哲拒绝。王氏家族现在太穷了,若是有如此巨大的一笔资金注入,将会是一个崛起的契机。 In view of this, that Qian comes to operate this matter for the brother.” Qian Xue'an as if the heart has to decide the idea, I and Storekeeper reported report time, raised 30% the price again, later offered a very low price to give his heart to comfort. In addition, Brother Shouzhe also needs not to pledge that publicizes outward, Qian Clan Trading Company may be unable to lose this person.” “既如此,那钱某来替老弟来运作此事吧。”钱学安似乎已经心有定计,“我与掌柜禀报时,把价格再提高30%,随后杀杀价给点他内心安慰。此外,守哲老弟还需要发誓不得向外宣扬,钱氏商行可丢不起这人。” Naturally does not publicize, remaining silent to get rich is the optimization. 当然不宣扬了,闷声发大财才是最佳选择。 Wang Shouzhe sets out cups the hands saying: „, That had Brother Lao. Also needs to add a condition, Insect Exterminating Powder can not sell to Ping'an Zhao Clan and Ping'an Liú Clan two aristocratic family.” To Wang Shouzhe, expanding oneself no doubt is the good matter, but can weaken the enemy, that was good. 王守哲起身拱手道:“如此,那就有劳老哥了。还需要加一个条件,灭虫散不得卖给平安赵氏平安刘氏两个世家。”对王守哲来说,壮大自身固然是好事情,但同时能削弱敌人,那就是再好不过了。 This condition, even if not raise, I will still consider to go.” Qian Xue'an smilingly replied, let alone, under this disaster Insect Exterminating Powder was not enougher to go around. Ping'an Zhao Clan and Ping'an Liú Clan are only inferior aristocratic family, originally is extremely difficult to strive for the Insect Exterminating Powder share. Brother, congratulations!” “这个条件即便不提,我也会考虑进去的。”钱学安笑眯眯地回答说,“更何况,此灾下灭虫散僧多粥少。平安赵氏平安刘氏仅是末流世家,本来就极难争取到灭虫散份额。老弟啊,恭喜恭喜!” In the Ping'an Wang Clan eye, Liú Clan and Zhao Clan are very hard to deal with and powerful. However in the Qian Clan Trading Company eye, that is two ordinary small clan. 平安王氏眼里,刘氏赵氏都十分难缠和强大。但是在钱氏商行眼里,那不过是两个普通的小家族而已。 Same to you.” “同喜同喜。” two people smiled, the discussion has decided. 两人都笑了起来,商议已定。 Immediately, Qian Xue'an falls toward the ground the cup fiercely, is roaring to the field: Wang Shouzhe, you went too far, when really our Qian Clan Trading Company is a vegetarian? You are waiting to me......” 当即,钱学安将杯子猛地往地上一摔,咆哮着离场:“王守哲,你太过份了,真当我们钱氏商行是吃素的?你给我等着……” Afterward, the guard stride that his region two is keeping silent angrily leaves. 随后,他气鼓鼓地带着门外两个噤若寒蝉的护卫大步离开。 Regarding the response and method of Qian Xue'an, Wang Shouzhe is also quite satisfied, this ally does not have the select error evidently. 对于钱学安的反应和手段,王守哲也是颇为满意,看样子这个盟友没有选择错误。 In this time, Second Elder Brother Wang Shouyi is walking heavyheartedly: Shouzhe, that Manager Qian had looked for your several times over the two days. Is it possible that what matter has?” 正在此时,二哥王守义忧心忡忡地走了进来:“守哲,这两天那钱主事来找过你几次。莫非,是出什么事情了?” Present Wang Clan, could not have withstood the too big storm. 如今的王氏,已经经不起太大风浪了。 Second Elder Brother you felt relieved that to clan is the good deed.” Wang Shouzhe replied with a smile, later shifts the topic saying that right, how these two days live fish equipment did study?” 二哥你放心吧,对家族来说算是好事。”王守哲笑着回答,随后转移话题道,“对了,这两日活鱼设备研究得怎么样了?” Mentioned this issue, Wang Shouyi came the spirit immediately: Let alone, Shouzhe your idea is really unique and marvelous, is only sprays increases the liveliness, the pump changes the water to increase air/Qi and other methods, let change aquatic product storing and transportation industry sufficiently, under my attempt the effect was initially good, was transforms the carriage bucket, the raising pond in shop.” 一提到这个问题,王守义登时来了精神:“还别说,守哲你的想法真是独特而奇妙,光是喷淋增加活气,唧筒换水增气等手段,就足以让改变水产贮存和运输产业了,我初步尝试下效果非常不错,接下来就是改造马车水桶,店铺内的豢养池了。” That Second Elder Brother you must grasp the progress, as well as constructs in this backyard raises the pond.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, „, otherwise Sixth Uncle can punch you.” “那二哥你一定要抓紧进度,以及在这后院里多建造些豢养池。”王守哲笑道,“否则六叔一定会来揍你。” Right, these two days Sixth Uncle that side live fish were getting more and more......” Wang Shouyi cups the hands saying that Fourth Brother, I first I must say good bye now.” Then, Wang Shouyi ran hurriedly. “没错,这两日六叔那边的活鱼越来越多了……”王守义拱手道,“四弟,我先失陪了。”说罢,王守义风风火火地跑了出去。 Hehe, this Wang Shouyi initiative was stronger and stronger, this was the good matter. Also is no wonder, the clan momentum improves, will stimulate the morale of clansman. 呵呵,这王守义的主动性是越来越强了,这可是好事情。也是难怪,家族势头变好,会激发出族人的士气。 To the fishing brigades and fish stall these two family properties, Wang Shouzhe regards as important. These two added that every year account net profit also 400-500 Qian gold appearances. However after his suggestion and adjustment, net profit over thousand that is the easy matter. 对捕鱼大队和鱼档这两处族产,王守哲可是十分看重。原本这两处加起来,每年账面纯利也不过400-500乾金的样子。但是经过他一番建议与调整后,纯利过千那是轻而易举的事情。 He even has the confidence to after next year, profit that the fishing brigades and fish stall over three big villages will add. 他甚至有信心到明年后,捕鱼大队与鱼档会超过三大农庄加起来的盈利。 Seizes the opportunity to hype Insect Exterminating Powder to gain one greatly, no doubt is worth the happy matter. However the development of clan industry, is a clan truly powerful foundation. 抓住机会炒作灭虫散大赚一笔,固然是值得高兴的事情。然而家族产业的发展,才是一个家族真正强大的根基。 In addition, that value three thousand Qian gold grain in storage that Qian Xue'an mentioned, was makes Wang Shouzhe feel some headaches slightly. Grasps the grain in the famine year, that grasped situation this point right. 此外,钱学安提及的那价值三千乾金的存粮,也是让王守哲略微觉得有些头疼。在灾年中掌握粮食,那就是掌握了先机这一点没错。 However are three thousand Qian gold grain in storage that what kind of concepts? According to the current grain price calculates, roughly has enough 50,000-60,000 buckets of appearances, suffices 20,000 people to stutter for a year! 但是三千乾金存粮那是何等概念?按照当前粮价来计算,约莫有足足50,000-60,000担的样子,够两万人口吃一年! Entire Ping'an Town total population quantity also less than 30,000. 要知道,整个平安镇的总人口数量还不足三万。 The grain of so huge quantity, is only transports and stores up is a major problem. In Ping'an Wang Clan major villages, naturally also constructs the granary. However these granaries stored up some last year old grains, the reservation space that in addition this time delivers, 7788, have then supported again in stopper 10,000-20,000 buckets. 如此庞大数量的粮食,光是运输和囤积就是一个大问题。平安王氏各大农庄中,自然也是建有粮仓。但是那些粮仓囤积了些去岁的陈粮,加上这一次产出的预留空间,便已经七七八八了,撑死了再塞个上10,000-20,000担。 However the means are the person want to come out. 不过办法都是人想出来的。 Old Ancestor Zhouxuan at the beginning of establishing main house, considering the clan future development, light/only has 50 sets to the courtyard that the important clansman lives, other houses add not under several hundred. 宙轩老祖在建立主宅之初,就考虑到家族未来的发展,光是给重要族人住的院子就有五十套,其余各种屋舍加起来不下于数百间。 And majority is emptying, tidies up grain bin several tens of thousands of buckets of grain that slightly is easy. In the famine year, the safest place was aristocratic family main house. 其中大部分都是空着,略微收拾收拾囤个数万担粮食那是轻而易举。在灾年中,最安全的地方莫过于世家主宅了。 Each aristocratic family main house, is the construction in the topography easily defensible place . Moreover the defensive strength is strongest, the grain places that side to feel at ease. 每一个世家主宅,都是修建在地势易守难攻之处,而且防守力量最为强大,粮食放在那边让人安心。 In addition, previously also raised Wang Clan main house to be situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream to construct. 此外,先前也提过王氏主宅依山傍水而建。 mountain Yi naturally is Liuping Mountain branch lineage, what the water approaches is a small-scale lake that called Zhuwei Lake, this lake was Old Ancestor Zhouxuan names personally, used was the boudoir of name that daughter of first wife Wang Zhuwei Old Ancestor Zhouxuan most loved. 山依的自然是六平山支脉,水傍的是一片叫珠薇湖的小型湖泊,此湖泊是宙轩老祖亲自命名,用的就是宙轩老祖最疼爱的嫡女王珠薇之闺名。 Zhuwei Lake is not very big, occupies a land area of ten thousand mu waters, but she is actually the Wang Clan main house natural screen and back garden. 珠薇湖不是很大,占地不过万亩水域,但是她却是王氏主宅的天然屏障和后花园。 The most important thing is, her also underwent the artificial repair naturally afterward the river course, before the river course, in the number of lines has the furcation, can lead to another two big villages excluding silkworm village. 最重要的是,她还有一条原本天然后来经过人工修葺的河道,河道前行数里就有分叉,可以通往除蚕庄之外的另外两大农庄。 And the Fenggu Village main river channel and Zhuwei Lake wind to collude interlinked, curving is always away from is roughly more than 20 li (0.5 km). 其中丰谷农庄的主河道与珠薇湖蜿蜒勾连相通,弯弯曲曲的总距离约莫有二十多里。 But the upstream of Fenggu Village river course, is the branch floodgate that Old Ancestor Zhouxuan repaired in the past, named Fenggu Floodgate. This floodgate belongs to the water conservancy facilities, is mainly used to adjust the water level height of river course, what because with is the capstan single floodgate pattern, therefore the ships do not have the means to pass through. 丰谷农庄河道的上游,便是宙轩老祖当年修葺的支流闸口,名为丰谷闸。此闸属于水利设施,主要用来调节内河道的水位高低,但是因为采用的是绞盘式单闸模式,因此船舶是没有办法通行的。 However this is little significance, inside and outside Fenggu Floodgate to maintain unobstructedly needs regularly desilting the maintenance, therefore the water level is very deep...... 但是这并没有太大关系,丰谷闸内外为了保持通畅都是需要定期清淤维护的,因此水位都很深…… Wang Shouzhe stroked along the mentality quickly, immediately, after writing two letters, called Wang Zhong Wang Yong. 王守哲很快捋顺了思路,当即,写了两封信后,将王忠王勇唤进来。 Family Head.” The two Family Guard energetic morale is good, obviously they will hold a favorable view on the clan future development. 家主。”两位家将精神士气都不错,显然他们对家族未来的发展看好。 Wang Shouzhe the letter, hands over by Wang Zhong Wang Yong two Family Guard transmits, the injunction said: „After you deliver a letter, temporarily does not use, stays in that place to help.” 王守哲将信件,交由王忠王勇两名家将去传递,嘱咐说:“你们送信之后,暂时也不用回来,留在那处帮忙。” After Family Guard receives an order goes, a Wang Shouzhe alone person slowly is drinking tea, under the eye pupil surges appears the innermost feelings is not tranquil, if all are smooth, this insect plague instead is the turning point of Wang Clan deterioration destiny. 家将领命而去后,王守哲独自一个人慢慢地喝着茶,眼眸涌动下显得内心并不平静,若是一切都顺利的话,这一场虫灾反而是王氏衰败命运的转折点。 ...... ……
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