POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#32: Secret treaty of alliance

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...... …… His staring bead looks Wang Shouzhe good after long time, said: Is it possible that is brother coaxing me? Does the next wrap/sets drill to me again? What could I...... have to redeem the opportunity the merit like this?” 他瞪着眼珠子看着王守哲好半晌后才说:“老弟莫非是在哄我?还是再下一个套给我钻?我都已经这样了……还能有什么将功赎过机会?” „The principle that the reason of insect plague, why as well as Insect Exterminating Powder will gradually expire, in addition the enlightenment direction of new Insect Exterminating Powder research......” the Wang Shouzhe expression said indifferently, „, if these are insufficient Old Brother Qian to turn over/to stand up, that misread the Old Brother Qian ability below.” “虫灾的原因,以及灭虫散为何会逐渐失效的原理,再加上新灭虫散研究的启示方向……”王守哲表情淡然地说道,“若是这些都不够钱老哥翻身,那就是在下看错钱老哥的能耐了。” „Does this matter take seriously?” Manager Qian stands up fiercely, had the Qi Refining Boundary nine layers peak powerful imposing manner to erupt fully, in the eye pupil none eruption said that „, if really had this great merit, Brother Shouzhe you were my Qian Xue'an really brothers.” “此事当真?”钱主事猛地站起身来,一股足有炼气境九层巅峰的强大气势爆发了出来,眼眸中精光爆发道,“若真有此大功,守哲老弟你就是我钱学安真兄弟。” Very powerful big aura! 好强大的气息! Even Wang Shouzhe slightly somewhat is still surprised, this Manager Qian does not show one's self, cultivation base unexpectedly such high. Really worthily is Longzuo rich and powerful family Qian Clan, even if young chancellor in a branch, waits for cultivation base from this. 即便是王守哲也微微有些吃惊,这钱主事不显山不露水,修为竟然如此之高。真不愧是陇左豪门钱氏,哪怕是一个分行内的小小主事,也由此等修为 Peeps a spot to see the complete picture, Longzuo rich and powerful family Qian Clan is so powerful. 窥一斑而见全貌,陇左豪门钱氏是何等之强大。 Manager Qian wants to use such great merit, seeks to attack the Spirit Platform Boundary opportunity?” The Wang Shouzhe eye narrows the eyes slightly, he knows, the opposite party deflates the potential not to put blindly. But is telling Wang Shouzhe, his Qian Xue'an value and potential. 钱主事是想用此等大功,谋取冲击灵台境的机会吗?”王守哲眼睛微微眯起,他知道,对方放气势不是在瞎放。而是在告诉王守哲,他钱学安的价值和潜力。 Brother understands me.” Qian Xue'an after presented showed, immediately is restores the harmless maitreya buddha appearance saying that „and brother stated clearly, I in Qian Clan was some direct line bloodline born heir, it can be imagined in clan the position and treatment, I can arrive step by step feel sad today. If no special great merit, wants to seek the clan support to attack Spirit Platform Boundary, the opportunity is extremely uncertain. If the brother helps my helping hand, for what it's worth, my Qian Xue'an is deeply grateful.” “老弟懂我。”钱学安在“亮相展现”之后,立即又是恢复到了无害的弥勒佛模样说,“和老弟明说吧,我在钱氏是某位直系血脉的庶出子嗣,可想而知家族中地位与待遇,我能一步步走到今日何等心酸。若无特殊大功,想谋取到家族扶持冲击灵台境,机会太过渺茫。若老弟助我一臂之力,不管结果如何,我钱学安都是感激不尽。” Old Brother Qian may know, why my doesn't oneself give Purple Mansion Academy this merit contribution?” Wang Shouzhe smiles, seems testing the school Qian Xue'an wisdom. 钱老哥可知,为何我自己不将此功贡献给紫府学宫?”王守哲笑了笑,仿佛是在考校钱学安的智慧。 „The Insect Exterminating Powder this matter of great substance, your Ping'an Wang Clan is extremely small and weak.” Qian Xue'an smilingly said similarly, „, even if you will study the obtained contribution to give Academy, with the keeping aloof mentalities of Academy these people, is not necessarily have the grateful mentality to your Wang Clan. But our Longzuo Qian Clan is different, after having this material, then has the qualifications and Academy negotiates, even if in the future many 10% on gain sharing of new Insect Exterminating Powder, that is also very huge number! Therefore, the brother chooses this great merit gives me, before this called...... the brother you, has said that word......” 灭虫散兹事体大,你们平安王氏太过弱小。”钱学安同样笑眯眯地说道,“即便你将研究所得贡献给了学宫,以学宫那些人的高高在上心态,对你王氏未必会有感激心态。而我们陇左钱氏不同,有了这份资料后,便有资格与学宫谈判,哪怕未来在新灭虫散的利润分成上多10%,那也是非常巨大的数字!因此,老弟选择将这件大功给我,这叫……老弟你之前说过的那词……” Maximum benefit.” Wang Shouzhe is drinking tea, the connection said. “利益最大化。”王守哲喝着茶,接口说道。 Right, is this word.” Qian Xue'an treats a matter seriously saying that „, but this matter has a premise, that is my Qian must know the graciousness to understand the report to Brother Shouzhe. Can sign the secret treaty of alliance about this matter us, if my Qian has to violate the matter of treaty of alliance. The brother may make public to the world the treaty of alliance although, making Qian bring ruin and shame upon oneself. You also know, our Qian Clan always final prestige, once individual reputation/honorary completely destroys is what fate.” “没错,就是这个词。”钱学安郑重其事道,“但是此事有个前提,那就是我钱某人要对守哲老弟知恩懂报。关于此事咱们可以签订秘密盟约,若我钱某有违背盟约之事。老弟尽管可将盟约公诸于众,让钱某身败名裂。你也知道,我们钱氏向来最终信誉,一旦个人名誉尽毁是个什么下场。” This Manager Qian is really a carrying clear friend. 钱主事果然是个拎的清朋友。 In the Wang Shouzhe heart decides, this year feared that you lavish praise to look to the blind person, with all one's heart the support actually discovery is the supercilious look wolf. 王守哲心中微定,这年头就怕你抛媚眼给瞎子看,尽心扶持却发现是个白眼狼。 Before depending on the contact of his Qian Xue'an, discovered that this is a conduct thorough innermost feelings exquisite person, otherwise can arrive at today this step by his direct line born bloodline what virtue and ability? 之前凭他钱学安的接触,就发现这是一个行事周到内心细腻之人,否则以他直系庶出血脉何德何能可以走到今天这一步 Old Brother Qian, if signs the secret treaty, we may be person on a ship.” Wang Shouzhe asked finally said that you may , to be clear?” 钱老哥,若是签订密约,咱们可就是一条船上的人了。”王守哲最后问了一句道,“你可要想清楚了?” Qian Xue'an slightly hesitates saying: If trades to make other allies, Qian naturally also needs to consider.” paused, he looked seriously to Wang Shouzhe, sincere said seriously: ‚ But ties the secret treaty with Brother Shouzhe, good deed that Qian wishes for earnestly. The brother you are careful and brave, turn the hand for the cloud turning over the palm make me admire for the method of rain extremely. I believe that stands with the brother on the same strip ship, is the luck of my Qian lifetime. ” 钱学安略一沉吟道:“若是换作其它盟友,钱某自然还需要斟酌一番。”顿了一下,又他郑重地看向了王守哲,正色严肃地说:‘但是与守哲老弟结密约,正是钱某求之不得的好事。老弟你心细而胆大,翻手为云覆手为雨的手段让我敬佩万分。我坚信与老弟站在同一条船上,是我钱某毕生的幸运。” Although words saying exaggeratingly, but Wang Shouzhe can also feel his real intention, immediately was determined to start to plan the secret treaty of alliance. 话虽然说得夸张了些,但是王守哲也能感受到他真实的心意,当即下定决心开始拟起秘密盟约来。 Receives is doing the evil person in the front thought that the treaty of alliance provision that Wang Shouzhe draws up meticulously and not obvious loophole, in each other responsibility and duty the treaty of alliance writes clearly. 秉承着将恶人做在前面的思想,王守哲拟定的盟约条款缜密而无明显漏洞,将盟约中彼此的责任与义务都写得清清楚楚。 When Qian Xue'an looks at the treaty of alliance, was actually at the scene, was not because the provision was too complex or harsh, but was extremely simple and equal. To come in him, now the oneself future ends or soars drearily, all pinches in his Wang Shouzhe hand. 待得钱学安将盟约看完,却是愣在了当场,不是因为条款太复杂或苛刻,而是太过简单和平等。在他想来,如今自己的前途是惨淡收场或是一飞冲天,全都捏在他王守哲手中。 Even if also draws up the harsh point to be normal the condition, his oneself has at least completed the psychological construction. 哪怕将条件拟定得苛刻一点也正常,至少他自己已经做好了心理建设。 Brother Shouzhe, this treaty of alliance......” Qian Xue'an knits the brows to say slightly, whether needs to add the qualifying clause to Qian to go in again?” 守哲老弟,这个盟约……”钱学安微微皱眉道,“是否需要再加点对钱某的限制条款进去?” Old Brother Qian, I am look for the ally not to receive the little brother.” Wang Shouzhe was calm and composed even in press of work is drinking tea saying that „, since were the ally, naturally must receive fairly fair, each other respect, the principle of mutual attention. If some day brother thought that each other treaty of alliance is insignificant, performing to refer to last, after compensating ally ten thousand Qian gold , the treaty of alliance becomes invalid.” 钱老哥,我是找盟友不是收小弟。”王守哲好整以暇地喝着茶说,“既然是盟友,自然应当秉承公平公正,彼此尊重,守望相助的原则。若是有朝一日老哥觉得彼此盟约已无意义,尽可以参照最后一条,赔偿盟友一万乾金后盟约作废。” Qian Xue'an deeply inspires, in two contracts the signature presses the hand imprint, the long body salutes saying: Broad of Shouzhe heart, is the Qian entire life only sees. Qian swore, so long as Shouzhe you do not lose me, I then do not lose you, otherwise called the Qian day to hit to be struck by lightning dead.” 钱学安深深地吸了一口气,在两份契约上签字摁手印后,长身行礼道:“守哲心胸之宽阔,是钱某生平仅见。钱某立誓,只要守哲你不负我,我便不负你,否则叫钱某天打雷劈而死。” Brother spoke discreetly, after this your I am the brothers, one prospers then all prosper one suffers then all suffer.” Wang Shouzhe is satisfied regarding this result big feeling, after receiving the contract, will previously prepare the good reference to give Qian Xue'an, how then to operate, Elderly Xin Elder Brother I understands.” “老哥言重了,从此之后你我就是兄弟,一荣俱荣一损俱损。”王守哲对于这个结果大感满意,收起契约后,将先前准备好的文书资料给了钱学安,“接下来如何运作,相信老哥比我更懂。” Qian Xue'an concentrates on is reading that reference, more looks at the complexion is splendid: Unbelievable, unbelievable, is fair. Brother Shouzhe, your material is extremely valuable, can problem that in the future new Insect Exterminating Powder will expire again.” 钱学安专注着看那文书资料,越看脸色越是精彩:“难以置信,难以置信,却又合情合理。守哲老弟,你这份资料极其珍贵,可以防止未来新的灭虫散再度失效的问题。” This material is Wang Shouzhe oneself writes, how an antibiotic nature of honey insect to come with the simple simple language as far as possible, to kill the existing antibiotic honey insect, must adjust ancient recipe Insect Exterminating Powder. 这份资料是王守哲自己写的,尽量用通俗简单的语言表达了一下蜜虫的抗药性是如何来的,若是想杀死现有抗药性蜜虫,就得对古方灭虫散进行调整。 How as to adjust, how to test. Wang Shouzhe has not offered the suggestion, making Academy try to find out. 至于如何调整,如何实验。王守哲则是没有给出建议,让学宫自行摸索去吧。 In addition, Wang Shouzhe has not thought slightly must research and develop new Insect Exterminating Powder, this involving benefit was too big. This is equal to entire Longzuo Commandery all good farmland, taxed a deinsectization tax, the benefit of astronomical figures is run over and dies Wang Clan sufficiently. 此外,王守哲也是丝毫没有想过要去研发新灭虫散,这一块牵扯的利益太大了。这等于是在整个陇左郡所有良田上,均是抽了一遍灭虫税,其中天文数字的利益足以把王氏碾死。 Okay good, had this great merit.” In the Qian Xue'an eye shines the brilliance greatly, „, if my Qian operation is not again good, lived white/in vain for 38 years.” “好好好,有了这份大功。”钱学安眼睛里大放光彩,“若是我钱某再运作不好,就是白活三十八载了。” He receives the contract seriously, smilingly said to Wang Shouzhe: Brother Shouzhe, has to acknowledge. Without this great merit, I will really have a mortal hatred of you, your played really certainly. However now, hehe, I can only say that the brother you do attractively.” 他郑重其事地收好契约,对王守哲笑眯眯地说道:“守哲老弟,不得不承认。若是没有这份大功,我真的会恨死你,你这一手玩得着实太绝了。但是现在嘛,呵呵,我只能说老弟你干得漂亮。” Taking advantage of opportunity, but is.” Wang Shouzhe smiles, how much money does your Storekeeper this wave prepare to redeem the contract?” “顺势而为而已。”王守哲笑了笑,“你们掌柜这一波准备出多少钱赎回契约?” Originally, the Storekeeper psychology bottom line is the double prices of contract. Naturally is best is to make you give way before difficulties, settles with thousand Qian gold.” The Qian Xue'an fat eye narrows the eyes, „the this time insect plague oncoming force is very fierce, if various aristocratic family estimates do not have the effective measure, will reduce production 60-70%, being equivalent to the yield per mu must lose about ten big copper. If can use the double dosage the Insect Exterminating Powder disaster relief to be prompt, loses a two big copper at most.” “本来嘛,掌柜心理底线是契约的双倍价格。当然最好是让你知难而退,拿个千把乾金了事。”钱学安胖眼眯起,“不过这一次虫灾来势很凶猛,各世家预估若没有有效的措施,将减产60-70%,相当于亩产要损失十个大铜左右。若是能用双倍剂量的灭虫散救灾及时,至多就是损失一两个大铜。” According to brother's meaning is, investment psychology bottom line of these are aristocratic family on each mu place Insect Exterminating Powder about six big copper?” Wang Shouzhe also plans early, said with a laugh, that Qian Clan Trading Company, if by two times of price recycling contracts, not only won't owe will also gain?” “依照老哥的意思是,那些世家在每亩地灭虫散上的投入心理底线是六大铜左右?”王守哲对此也早有算计,笑呵呵道,“那钱氏商行若是以两倍价格回收契约,非但不会亏还会赚?” Wrong.” Qian Xue'an narrows the eye to say with a smile, these aristocratic family psychological bottom lines invest in 12 big copper at least, will be more. Also must ask our Qian Clan to sell to them, because the Insect Exterminating Powder stock is not enough to rescue all aristocratic family by far.” “错。”钱学安眯眼笑道,“那些世家的心理底线起码在十二个大铜投入,甚至会更多。还得求着我们钱氏卖给他们,因为灭虫散的存量是远远不足以救所有世家。” Owes with it, might as well does not throw, whatever the grain production cut were then OK.” Wang Shouzhe knits the brows, slightly some too did not understand. “与其亏更多,还不如不投了,任由粮食减产便可以了。”王守哲皱眉,略有些不太理解。 Brother must know, the Great Qian regulation forbids to use the good harvest year famine year the hype grain price, this superficially is the plan of outstanding An Min.” Qian Xue'an sneers to shake the head saying that may in the famine year, instead be in fact very harmful. The merchants not cannot benefit early, if the grain price does not rise, how many merchants are willing to transport the grain to Longzuo far away come?” “老弟应当知道,大乾律法禁止利用丰年灾年炒作粮价,这表面上看是优秀的安民之策。”钱学安冷笑摇头道,“可实际上在灾年中,反而是害人不浅。商人无利不起早,若是粮价不涨,有多少商人愿意大老远将粮食运到陇左来?” Therefore, the Longzuo whole lacks the grain to be a foregone conclusion. aristocratic family many have the old grain to store up can deal with the disaster situation, but definitely will have a large number of civilians even is rich is still difficult to buy the grain. With our Changning Garrison entire area, the total population quantity achieves 500,000, but the total good farmland quantity is about 1.5 million mu.” “因此,陇左整体缺粮已成定局。世家多数还有陈粮囤积能应付灾情,但是必然会有相当一部分平民即便有钱也难买到粮食。就拿我们长宁卫整个地区来说,总人口数量达到五十万,但是总良田数量不过一百五十万亩。” ...... ……
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