POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#29: Ice Crystal Dew Drink

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...... …… Who are you?” Lu Xiaoxiao is hugging the Wang Shouzhe arm, is staring to say to Wang Luojing, has not let loose the hand of my Cousin Shouzhe a bit faster, girl each family are not bashful.” “你是谁?”卢笑笑搂着王守哲胳膊,对王珞静瞪着眼睛说,“还不快点放开我守哲表哥的手,女孩子家家也不害臊。” The Changning Garrison area, most aristocratic family females, the named words do not set the generation, compared with having one's wish. Because Ping'an Wang Clan is well-established, Old Ancestor Zhouxuan set the female character generation personally, such custom naturally also continued. 长宁卫地区,大部分世家的女子,取名的话都不怎么排字辈,比较随心所欲。平安王氏因为源远流长,宙轩老祖亲自定下了女子字辈,此等规矩自然也延续了下来。 I was Fourth Elder Brother Younger Sister, Fourth Elder Brother most favor me.” Wang Luojing did not make concessions to pull another side, the taunt said, I thought you were not bashful, met throws toward the Fourth Elder Brother bosom.” “我是四哥哥妹妹,四哥哥最宠我了。”王珞静丝毫不退让地挽住了另外一边,嘲讽说,“我看你才不害臊,一见面就往四哥哥怀里扑。” You deceived people, Cousin Shouzhe most favored me.” Lu Xiaoxiao said angrily, meets each time, Cousin Shouzhe will give me to bring the gift.” “你骗人,守哲表哥最宠我。”卢笑笑气鼓鼓地说,“每次见面,守哲表哥都会给我带礼物。” Fourth Elder Brother to me is best, the day before yesterday also delivered a Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb to play to me, value more than 200 Qian gold.” Wang Luojing is holding up the head, a showing off appearance. 四哥哥对我才是最好的,前天还送了一个紫晶灵蜂蜂巢给我玩,值两百多乾金呢。”王珞静昂着头,一副炫耀的模样。 Cousin Shouzhe, I also want the Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb.” Lu Xiaoxiao has to plant all of a sudden by the feeling of being inferior, starts to hold on Wang Shouzhe to act like a spoiled brat. She is usually pampered since childhood, it is estimated that does not understand anything from the start is Amethyst Spirit Bee. 守哲表哥,我也要紫晶灵蜂蜂巢。”卢笑笑有种一下子被比下去的感觉,开始拉住王守哲撒娇起来。她平常娇生惯养,估计压根就不懂什么是紫晶灵蜂 „......” Wang Shouzhe somewhat is speechless, how just to meet, because the two small girl he did give to pinch? Especially Luojing, in fact be smaller than one year old Lu Xiaoxiao by the age, is usually very clever, at this time actually struggled for favor. “呃……”王守哲顿即有些无语,怎么刚一见面,两个小丫头就因为他给掐起来了?尤其是珞静,论年龄实际上要比卢笑笑小一岁呢,平常挺乖巧的,这时候却争宠起来。 Shouzhe, did you really buy the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest to play to the child?” The one side is accompanying wife's younger brother Lu Zhengjie is also startled, also the too luxury and waste, I then looked how you cross your cousin.” 守哲,你真买了个紫晶灵蜂巢给孩子玩?”一旁陪着的小舅卢正杰也是吃惊不已,“也太奢侈浪费了,我这下看你怎么过你表妹这一关。” More than 200 Qian gold, to Wang Clan or Lu Clan, is a great sum of money. Like the Sixth Uncle Wang Dinghai fishing brigade, ten ship one year goes through rain and wind, can gain laboriously roughly two hundred Qian gold. 两百多乾金,无论是对王氏还是卢氏,都已经是一笔巨款了。就像六叔王定海的捕鱼大队,十艘船一年风里来雨里去,辛辛苦苦才能盈利约莫两百乾金 Fenggu Village as Wang Clan pillar industry, 200 households of tenant farmers, several thousand mu farmland, so the scale operates for a year to profit 600-700 Qian gold, this is the account benefit. 身为王氏支柱产业之一丰谷农庄,两百户佃农,数千亩农田,如此规模运作一年得利不过600-700乾金,这还是账面利益。 this time came Lu Clan, the gift also to prepare, but truly was some small gadget. 这一次卢氏,礼物也是准备了一些,但确实都是些小玩意儿。 Wife's younger brother, this matter has the secret facts.” Wang Shouzhe forced smile, „, did you urge the cousin? Now sold me, I cannot buy the Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb.” “小舅,这事别有隐情。”王守哲苦笑不已,“要不,你来劝劝表妹?现在把我卖了,我也买不到紫晶灵蜂蜂巢啊。” I may not have the skill to urge her.” Lu Zhengjie quickly shook the head saying that this girl usually in most was favored, Old Ancestor favored her, the big brother did not have the means with her. Shouzhe, you strove for fortunately.” “我可没本事劝她。”卢正杰急忙摇头说,“这丫头平日里最受宠了,就连老祖都宠她,大哥拿她都没办法。守哲,你还是自求多福吧。” Does Old Ancestor favor her? 老祖都宠她? Wang Shouzhe is somewhat dumbstruck, Lu Clan Old Ancestor Lu Mingsheng, that is Lu Clan ming generation direct descendant, now already hundred years old? On rank bloodline, is the Wang Shouzhe outside paternal great-grandfather. 王守哲有些发懵,卢氏老祖卢明升,那是卢氏明字辈的嫡系,如今已经过百岁了吧?辈分血脉上,是王守哲的外曾祖父。 Major profound warrior aristocratic family Old Ancestor, majority does not like making an appearance. Ordinary one after another closes up closed-door cultivation, was thinking completely goes a step further again, only then some big events coming out town/subdues field. 各大玄武世家老祖,大部分都不怎么喜欢露面。平常一个个都是闭关潜修,满心想着再进一步,只有一些大事件才会出来镇场。 Wang Shouzhe lived for 18 years, remembers vaguely sees the Old Ancestor Mingsheng number of times to be few, on own initiative summoned number of times only then one time, when that is he seven years old detects the aptitude to be good, was summoned by Old Ancestor Mingsheng, praises several to reward some resources. 王守哲活了十八年,依稀记得见过明升老祖的次数屈指可数,被主动召见的次数只有一次,那就是他七岁时测出资质不错,被明升老祖召见,夸赞了几句赏赐了些资源。 The Wang Shouzhe aptitude about intermediate grade, only has such treatment. Lu Xiaoxiao this small girl, what virtue and ability, can make the paternal great-grandfather favor her unexpectedly...... 要知道,王守哲资质已经将近中品了,却仅有此等待遇。卢笑笑这小丫头,何德何能,竟然能让曾祖宠她…… However things have gotten to this point, he may be unable to put out the value two hundred Qian gold gifts, even if with obtaining does not hate to deliver, has to be perfunctory one about Lu Xiaoxiao: Xiaoxiao/smile, that honey-comb is the cousin takes advantage of a mistake......” 不过事已至此,他可拿不出价值两百乾金的礼物,就算拿得出也舍不得送,只得对卢笑笑敷衍了一句:“笑笑啊,那蜂巢是表哥捡漏来的……” „! Cousin Shouzhe did not like me, wū wū, the cousin bullied the person.” One hear of oneself do not have, Lu Xiaoxiao thought immediately was inferior thoroughly, cried to run back the room. “哇!守哲表哥不喜欢我了,呜呜,表哥欺负人。”一听自己没有,卢笑笑顿时觉得被彻底比下去了,哭着就跑回了屋子。 But Wang Luojing is actually pulling the arm of Wang Shouzhe, defeats unprincipled person the self-satisfied appearance, stirred up Wang Shouzhe to turn a supercilious look, but also was really the little girl, even this type of vinegar ate. 王珞静却是挽着王守哲的胳膊,一副战胜“坏人”的得意模样,惹得王守哲翻了一下白眼,还真是个小丫头片子,连这种醋都吃。 However this matter is the small interlude, Wang Shouzhe does not care. 不过这种事情就是小插曲,王守哲也不在意。 Afterward, under the leadership of wife's younger brother Lu Zhengjie, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Luojing two people plays the Lu Clan main house main hall. 随后,在小舅卢正杰的带领下,王守哲王珞静两人一起到了卢氏主宅的正厅。 But at the same time, Lu Clan clan Patriarch Lu Zhengxiong, as well as its main wife Wang Clan, has worn the formal dress to wait for in this period. 而与此同时,卢氏家族族长卢正雄,以及其正妻王氏,已经穿上正装在其间守候。 Lu Zhengxiong fifty years old, had been growing square face, have three wisps of beards, appearing are quite impressive. 卢正雄已经五十几岁了,长着国字脸,留着三缕胡子,显得颇为气度不凡。 But its main wife Lu Wang Clan, is Wang Shouzhe blood relative aunt Wang Liuling, her actual age already over 50 years old, but maintains under good and appearance, above sitting well is the middle-aged beautiful woman. 而其正妻王氏,正是王守哲的嫡亲大姑王琉灵,她的实际岁数已经五十多岁了,但是保养不错和打扮下,端坐其上就是个中年美妇。 In Shouzhe belt/bring Fifth Younger Sister Wang Luojing, has seen the uncle and Aunt.” Wang Shouzhe goes forward, according to the younger generation sees the formality of elder to salute. Previously he has dispatched Family Guard to come to notify, this traveling schedule is to pay a visit the elder, rather than came to meet by the clan Patriarch status. 守哲带家中五妹王珞静,见过大舅、姑姑。”王守哲上前,按照晚辈见长辈的礼节行礼。先前他已遣家将前来通报,此次行程是拜见长辈,而不是以家族族长身份前来会晤。 Shouzhe in a big hurry dispense with ceremony.” Lu Zhengxiong went forward to support Wang Shouzhe, high and low is taking a look at him, many times did not see, Shouzhe you have grown to so the situation unexpectedly.” 守哲快快免礼。”卢正雄上前扶住了王守哲,上下打量着他,“好些时候不见,守哲你竟已成长到如此地步。” Zhe'er, Zhe'er.” Wang Liuling was also goes forward to hold on the hand of Wang Shouzhe, was very affectionate, you just now become Patriarch, so rushed about, was really painstakingly you.” 哲儿,哲儿。”王琉灵也是上前拉住了王守哲的手,十分亲昵,“你才刚当上族长,就如此奔波,真是苦了你了。” Aunt Wang Liuling previously kissed Wang Clan to rush home for a relative's funeral, own Younger Brother death should cry to cry, the deceased is over, now what she cares is Wang Shouzhe this biological nephew. 大姑王琉灵先前亲去王氏奔丧,亲弟弟的死该哭已经哭过,逝者已矣,她现在更关心的是王守哲这个亲侄儿。 Uncle, Aunt, this matter is far from what labor.” Wang Shouzhe said, our Wang Clan Lu Clan bloodline is connected, the mutual attention is the proper duty.” “大舅,姑姑,此事谈不上什么辛苦。”王守哲说道,“咱们王氏卢氏血脉相连,守望相助是应有的本份。” Because the birth mother is the Lu Clan daughter of first wife, from the sentiment of small Wang Shouzhe to Lu Clan is very deep. Direct descendant marrying daughters of each other's family of both previous generation, makes two bloodline quite intimate. 因为生母就是卢氏嫡女,从小王守哲卢氏的感情是很深厚的。双方上一代的嫡系换亲,也使得两家的血脉极为亲近。 After slightly one exchanged greetings, Aunt Wang Liuling drew Wang Luojing to speak to the one side. 随后略一番寒暄后,姑姑王琉灵拉着王珞静到一旁说话。 But Lu Zhengxiong sits facing each other to discuss with Wang Shouzhe, but he takes the entertainment is not conventional spirit tea, but is Yingxiu Lu Clan special product Ice Crystal Dew Drink. 卢正雄则是与王守哲对坐相谈,不过他拿出来招待的并非是常规的灵茶,而是映秀卢氏的特产冰晶露饮 Lu Clan occupies Yingxiu Lake to anchor benefits, not only some achievements in aquaculture, but also irised out one spirit water, planted underwater spirit plant Crystal Dew Grass specially, Crystal Dew Grass will have a thumb size spirit fruit, its taking the form of grape, but transparent like Cicada Wing, inside cream takes to ice, is the excellent good drinks. 卢氏占据映秀湖泊地利,非但在水产养殖上有些建树,还圈出了一块“灵水”,专门种植了一种水下灵植晶露草,晶露草会结出一种拇指大小的灵果,它形似葡萄,但是透明如蝉翼,里面的浆液取出来冰镇一番,便是极好的佳饮。 Drinks, the icy cold limpid feeling enters in the stomach following the throat mouth, immediately the cool meaning spreads the whole body, the whole person startles trembles spirit, after suddenly feeling to plant is washed the marrow cuts down the wool all over the body the happy feeling. 一口喝下去,冰凉清澈的感觉顺着喉咙口进入胃里,随即清凉之意扩散全身,整个人激灵灵地一颤,顿觉有种被洗髓伐毛后的通体舒畅感。 Then, Wang Shouzhe drinks Ice Crystal Dew Drink for the third time, because this is an output drinks scarcely spirit, is only this cup gets down on several Qian gold, is Lu Clan direct descendant also little can drink extremely. 说起来,王守哲还是第三次喝到冰晶露饮,因为这是一种产量稀少灵饮,光是这一杯下去就得好几个乾金,便是卢氏的嫡系也极少能喝到。 Yingxiu Lu Clan is not very powerful clan, in the family/home also only then Old Ancestor assumes personal command. However their Ice Crystal Dew Drink is a big special product, at present delivers mostly feeds specially to Purple Mansion Academy, few parts by some powerful clan direct descendant shares. 映秀卢氏并非是很强大的家族,家中也只有一位老祖坐镇。但是他们的冰晶露饮是一大特产,目前大部分产出都是专供给了紫府学宫,少部分被一些强大的家族嫡系分享。 The one year of net profit income many, Wang Shouzhe is unknown, actually the estimate cannot be lower than 800-900 Qian gold. 其一年净利收益多少,王守哲不得而知,却估算不太会低于800-900乾金 Besides Wang Shouzhe this cup, that side Wang Luojing also divided one cup. She drinks so to drink for the first time good, the eye was straight. 除了王守哲这一杯外,王珞静那边也分到了一杯。她还是第一次喝到如此佳饮,眼睛都直了。 After drinking good, is a spirit food entertainment, eats the Wang Shouzhe brother and sister two whole body vitality exuberantly. 佳饮之后,便又是一顿灵食招待,吃得王守哲兄妹两个浑身气血旺盛不已。 Afterward, naturally enters the subject. Is coordinated the Lu Clan clansman by Wang Luojing, conducts the deinsectization action. The pattern is also simple, copies Shanyang Gongsun Clan that side handling way on the line. Moreover the Yingxiu Lu Clan paddies do not calculate too, only 6,000-7,000 mu, handling too to be not difficult. 随后,自然进入正题。由王珞静配合卢氏族人,进行灭虫行动。模式也简单,照搬山阳公孙氏那边的处置方式就行。而且映秀卢氏的田地不算太多,仅有6,000-7,000亩,处置起来不算太难。 Originally Wang Shouzhe also wants to help, is only before leaving, actually received the pass on message of Old Ancestor Mingsheng, summoning his Wang Shouzhe to meet. 本来王守哲也是想去帮忙的,只是在临行之前,却收到了明升老祖的传讯,召他王守哲去相见。 Stirring up the Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings is surprised, will not be Lu Xiaoxiao will run that side Old Ancestor Mingsheng to consider Diao Zhuang, stirred up Old Ancestor Mingsheng to have the opinion to him? 惹得王守哲内心惊疑不定,不会是卢笑笑跑去明升老祖那边告刁状,惹得明升老祖对他有意见了? However this absurd thought also flashes to pass, Old Ancestor Mingsheng that is Yingxiu Lu Clan Sea Calming Divine Needle, where will participate in the small contradiction between little children. 不过这个荒唐念头也只是一闪而逝,明升老祖那可是映秀卢氏定海神针,哪会参与小儿女之间的小矛盾。 ...... ……
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