POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#28: Yingxiu Lu Clan

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...... …… Response of this wandering cultivator, but also is really somewhat stems from Wang Shouzhe to expect, immediately his complexion gloomy: Evidently, you may be big at the matter that Yingxiu violates.” 这个散修的反应,还真是有些出乎王守哲预料,当即他的脸色都阴沉了起来:“看样子,你在映秀犯的事可不小啊。” Sir, is I am not good, was I am greedy.” That wandering cultivator sheds bitter tears confesses, several of us go hand in hand traveling merchant, when passed by Yingxiu, sees in a rich business to take a wife. Originally after several of us ask for glass of inferior wine, must walk, unexpectedly discovery that dowry is really rich, is only Qian gold has over a hundred, two value not poor hundred years of old ginseng/partake. I and others moved the evil thought for a while, in the evening submerged that rich business to steal......” “大人,是我不好,是我贪婪了。”那散修痛哭流涕地忏悔道,“我们几个都是结伴而行的行脚商,路过映秀时,见一家富商家里正在娶媳妇。本来我们几个讨杯水酒后就要走的,不料发现那家嫁妆甚是丰厚,光是乾金就有上百,还有两株价值不菲的百年老参。我等一时动了邪念,晚上潜入了那富商家偷盗……” One confessed, the face of Wang Shouzhe was more and more black, this crowd of wandering cultivator were also too bold. After stealing was discovered, unexpectedly also dares to silence a witness of crime the plundering wealth. 一番供述下来,王守哲的脸是越来越黑,这群散修也太胆大包天了。偷盗被发现后,竟然还敢杀人灭口掠夺财富。 Is good because of that several wandering cultivator because of greedily, but had the internal strife, finally this wandering cultivator smiled finally. His luck is not very good, the processing wound in the sparsely inhabited jungle, was bumped into by Wang Shouzhe one line unexpectedly. 好在那几个散修因为贪婪而起了内讧,最终这个散修笑到了最后。只是他运气很不好,在人烟稀少的密林里处理伤口,竟然被王守哲一行撞见。 Sir, so long as you swore that lets off my dog's life.” wandering cultivator begs for mercy to say with hardship, I am willing to confess hides the stolen goods the place, all Consecrate gives you.” “大人,只要您立誓放过我一条狗命。”散修苦苦求饶道,“我愿意供出藏匿赃物的地点,一切都供奉给你。” This wandering cultivator understands some profound warrior aristocratic family styles probably very much, if Wang Shouzhe works as in front of his subordinate several Family Guard to pledge, will then not renege on a promise inevitably. 散修好像很了解一些玄武世家的行事风格,若是王守哲当着他麾下几个家将面前发誓,则必然不会出尔反尔。 Otherwise is solemn Family Head, the words that the pledge that launches in salvos can abandon at will, will these Family Guard innermost feelings make what feelings? Later Family Head words, but can also believe? 否则堂堂一个家主,连发出的誓言都可以随意背弃的话,这些家将内心会作何感想?以后家主的话,还能不能信了? Wang Zhong and other Family Guard, cast on the vision Wang Shouzhe, in look also some hopes. That stolen goods value is big, if can take aspect that can alleviate Wang Clan to be short of money. 王忠等几个家将,也都将目光投到了王守哲身上,眼神中也有一些希冀。那笔赃物价值不小,若能弄到手可以缓解一下王氏缺钱的局面。 A Wang Shouzhe slightly thinking, turns over/stands up to start: Takes him, gives Yingxiu Lu Clan handling.” 王守哲只是略一思索,就翻身上了马:“把他带上,交给映秀卢氏处置。” Yes, Family Head.” Wang Zhong slightly stares, then faithfully fulfills the mission, has wandering cultivator mouth Busser, how whatever he cried out to struggle to throw on the horseback. “是,家主。”王忠只是略一愣,便忠诚地履行使命,将散修嘴巴塞起,任凭他怎么叫唤挣扎都丢到了马背上。 Harnesses!” “驾!” The cart driver king flung under the sound whip honestly, two nag Ramallah's horse-drawn vehicles, slowly line on the road of rugged mud. 车夫王老实甩了下响鞭,两匹驽马拉的马车,在崎岖泥泞的路上缓缓而行。 After walking the small moment, Wang Zhong progressed Wang Shouzhe behind, asked in a low voice: Family Head, can we really give up that batch of stolen goods? If you feared that the hand, was urged to go faster processing by the subordinate dirty, so long as gives me to select the time, takes care of him to put out the hiding place.” 走得小片刻后,王忠才策马到了王守哲身后,低声问:“家主,难道我们真的要放弃那批赃物?您要是怕脏了手,由属下去去处理,只要给我点时间,保管他吐出藏匿地点。” Our time are very precious, have no free time to accompany only wandering cultivator to play the concealed treasure game.” Wang Shouzhe said indifferently, also has Wang Zhong, as profound warrior aristocratic family, the vision must put long-term. In the world does not have the wall that does not ventilate, if therefore wicked Lu Clan, the loss that we suffer will be ten times of this ill-gotten money, hundred times! The most important thing is, if we accept bribes the stolen goods against one's conscience, letting go the thief is ominous, how to do right by to open up territory to ward off the earth to establish clan Old Ancestor Zhouxuan? How also to do right by one's effort protects clan dozens years of Old Ancestor Longyan?” “我们的时间很宝贵,没空陪区区一个散修玩藏宝游戏。”王守哲淡然地说道,“还有王忠,身为玄武世家,眼光要放长远一点。世上没有不透风的墙,若是因此恶了卢氏,我们蒙受的损失将是这笔赃款的十倍,百倍!最重要的是,若我们昧着良心贪墨赃物,放走贼凶,何以对得起开疆辟土建立家族宙轩老祖?又何以对得起以一己之力守护家族数十载的珑烟老祖?” This is the clan belief issue, most clan biggest beliefs are to open clan Ancestor. 这就是家族信仰问题,大部分家族最大的信仰就是开辟家族老祖宗 The Wang Zhong body shakes, shamefacedly said: Subordinate understood, was the subordinate is hoodwinked the heart by the benefit.” 王忠身躯一震,羞愧不已道:“属下明白了,是属下被利益蒙蔽了心。” Human nature is greedy, but how to restrain the greed to be important.” Wang Shouzhe said indifferently, like that crowd of wandering cultivator, could not control the greed, but committed a crime jointly, later could not control the greed, but each other internal strife. So lacks the self-made autonomy, can escape this time by luck, can escape the second time, third time?” “人性都是贪婪的,但是如何克制贪欲非常重要。”王守哲淡然地说道,“就像那群散修,控制不了贪欲而联手作案,随后又控制不了贪欲而彼此内讧。如此缺乏自制自律,侥幸逃得过这一次,难道能逃得过第二次,第三次吗?” Family Head, if after these wandering cultivator go well to escape one time, from now on won't commit a crime to be all right?” Wang Yong is riding a horse to collect to say. 家主,若是那些散修得手一次逃脱后,今后再不犯案岂不是没事了?”王勇骑着马凑了上来说道。 This person will perhaps have, but inevitably is few.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, considered the first seduction unable to resist continually, let alone the gotten to know the benefits of second seduction? That greed, will make them destroy sooner or later. I not do not want these ill-gotten money, does not dare to want purely, because I feared that oneself cannot control the oneself greed, gradually the clan belt/bring to perishing.” “这种人也许会有,但必然是极少数。”王守哲笑道,“试想连第一次诱惑都没能抵抗住,何况已经尝到了甜头的第二次诱惑?那种贪欲,迟早会让他们毁灭。我并非不想要那些赃款,就是单纯地不敢要,因为我怕自己控制不住自己的贪欲,渐渐把家族带向沦丧。” Several Family Guard were deep during the thought that revealed the color of respect to the eye pupil of Wang Shouzhe. 几个家将们都陷入到了沉思之中,对王守哲的眼眸中露出了崇敬之色。 The Wang Zhong feeling said: Family Head, the subordinate has a premonition, our Ping'an Wang Clan will definitely rise in Family Head.” 王忠感慨说:“家主,属下有种预感,咱们平安王氏家主手里必然会崛起。” Hehe, your horse buttocks, although is rough, but this Patriarch enjoys very much.” “呵呵,你这马屁虽然粗糙,但是本族长很受用。” Family Head, I am not flattering, is the sincerity thinks.” 家主,我不是在拍马屁,是真心这么认为。” Yes, Family Head, we also think.” Several other Family Guard, echo the approval. “是啊是啊,家主,我们也是这么认为的。”其余几个家将,纷纷附和赞同。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In the carriage, has waked up to witness to hear all these Wang Luojing, the look shines is also looking pensive. With Fourth Elder Brother in the same place, always feels relieved, is quite steadfast. 马车内,早已经醒来而目睹听闻了这一切的王珞静,眼神放光的同时也是若有所思。和四哥哥在一起,总觉得好安心,好踏实。 Not for other, even if for Fourth Elder Brother, Luojing Luojing, you must try hard, is Fourth Elder Brother shares the heavy burden on shoulder. 不为别的,哪怕只是为了四哥哥,珞静珞静,你一定要努力,为四哥哥分担肩膀上的重担。 ...... …… Does not have the less than half double-hour. 不出小半个时辰。 Wang Shouzhe one group of came out from the woods, arrived on broad Grand Dao. 王守哲一行人从树林中出来,走到了宽阔的大道上。 First heaves in sight, is Yingxiu Lake that stretches to the horizon vastly, the Dragon Spine Mountain inverted image of standing tall and erect falls in the water, dyed the dark green the lake water. The lake breeze mixes with the water vapor to head on intermittently, the cool feeling in this first month of summer season is intermittent. 首先映入眼帘的,便是辽阔而一望无垠的映秀湖,高耸的龙脊山倒影落在水中,将湖水染成了墨绿色。湖风阵阵夹杂着水汽扑面而至,在这初夏的季节里凉意阵阵。 In the broad lake surface, the big fish dives got up once for a while, explode a big water splash. In the reed marsh of cover, the roaming is towing various aquatic birds. 宽阔的湖面上,时不时就有一条大鱼跃起,炸出了一大片水花。茂密的芦苇荡中,游曳着各种水禽。 Without a doubt, Yingxiu Lake not only the scenery is gorgeous, the natural resources are also quite rich. Compared with An River that turbulent current restless grand, what Yingxiu Lake are more is magnificent and beautiful. 毫无疑问,映秀湖非但风光艳丽,自然资源也是颇为丰富。与安江那激流不息的壮阔相比,映秀湖更多的是瑰丽而娟秀。 At this time, a distant place knight team progresses to gallop, but, stops in Wang Shouzhe one line of front Le Mas. 此时,远处一支骑士队伍策马奔腾而至,在王守哲一行人面前勒马停下。 Implored!” “吁!” The leader is 30 over sturdy clothes men, he carries to conduct the arm the bending at the waist floating treasured sword, the imposing manner is uncommon. Sees Wang Shouzhe, first stares, at once laughs to say happily: Zhe'er, some trivial days does not see, you were also much martial-looking. After becoming Patriarch evidently, the makings were different.” 为首者是一位三十出头的劲装男子,他背挎强弓腰悬宝刀,气势不凡。一见到王守哲,先是一愣,旋即开心地大笑道:“哲儿,才区区些许日子不见,你又英武了不少。看样子当上族长后,气质都不一样了。” Wife's younger brother, how was exhausted you to meet personally.” Wang Shouzhe hurried cups the hands said. “小舅,怎么劳烦您亲自来接了。”王守哲急忙拱手道。 This man is Wang Shouzhe birth mother Lu Mengxue blood relative Younger Brother Lu Zhengjie, the Yingxiu Lu Clan young adults backbone in one generation. 30 over, have then achieved the Qi Refining Boundary eight layers strength, is existence that is likely to break through to Spirit Platform Boundary. 这位男子便是王守哲生母卢梦雪的嫡亲弟弟卢正杰,映秀卢氏青壮年一代中的顶梁柱。才不过三十出头,便已经达到炼气境八层的实力,是个有望突破至灵台境的存在。 Some time past also hurried to Ping'an Town especially, attended the Wang Dingyue funeral, the nature and Wang Shouzhe respectively shortly. 前些时候还特地赶去平安镇,参加了王定岳的丧事,自然和王守哲才分别不久。 Which to meet you specially.” The Lu Zhengjie happy expression abundant complexion solidified, the gangster who other day one group of traveling merchant disguised as, extinguished household of rich business seven people, we following the clue discovered that they escaped to the Shanyang direction, is tracing this matter. You come the Yingxiu matter, I have listened to Family Guard report/give report, you see your uncle, I have no free time to accompany you to go back now.” “哪是为了专程接你。”卢正杰的笑意盎然的脸色凝固了起来,“日前有一伙行脚商假扮的匪徒,灭了一户富商家七口人,我们循着线索发现他们逃向了山阳方向,正在追查此事呢。你来映秀的事情,我已听家将禀报,你自行去见你大舅吧,我现在没空陪你回去。” This was skillful.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, I just came from Shanyang, in the journey held a criminal exactly, what under the preliminary interrogation must be the wife's younger brother says was the same partner criminal.” “这就巧了。”王守哲笑道,“我刚从山阳过来,路途中恰好抓住了一名罪犯,初步审讯下应当是和小舅说的是同一伙罪犯。” What?” Lu Zhengjie is startled slightly. “什么?”卢正杰微微吃惊。 Afterward, Wang Shouzhe gave Lu Zhengjie that criminal, and narrated with it the long and short of the story: Criminal I gave the wife's younger brother, but he had hidden the stolen goods, this matter I was unsuitable to meddle, the wife's younger brother you sent people to interrogate.” 随后,王守哲将那名罪犯交给了卢正杰,并将事情的来龙去脉与之叙述了一遍:“人犯我就交给小舅了,不过他已经把赃物藏匿了起来,此事我不便插手,小舅你自行派人审讯吧。” So that was convenient, Lu Yi, the following matter gave you to handle, recovered the property as far as possible, to the survivor confession of that rich business.” Instruction that Lu Zhengjie happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised. “如此那就省事了,卢义,接下来的事情就交给你处置了,尽量追回财物,给那富商家的幸存者一个交代。”卢正杰惊喜交加的吩咐了一句。 profound warrior aristocratic family has all sorts of privileges in the area, actually also shoulders the protection to manage the responsibility of civilians. 玄武世家在当地有种种特权,却也肩负着守护下辖平民的职责。 Yes, Second Leader.” Facial color some Yin offense aggressive men leave ranks, grinned fiendishly cruelly, „this evildoer big courage, dares to commit a crime in our Lu Clan domain. Falls to my hand, I take care of him not to seek livehood to ask unable.” “是,二当家的。”一名面色有些阴戾凶悍的男子出列,残忍地狞笑了一声,“这贼子好大的胆子,竟敢在我们卢氏地盘上犯事。落到我手里,我保管他求生不得求死不能。” Such aggressive statement, made Wang Shouzhe look at his one eyes actually much. 此等狠话,倒是让王守哲都多看了他一眼。 Lu Yi has the attainment in inquisition by torture.” Lu Zhengjie said with a smile, you can send an a little aptitude Family Guard to study.” 卢义在刑讯方面颇有心得。”卢正杰笑着说道,“你可以派个有点资质的家将去学习一下。” Regarding this, Wang Shouzhe shows neither approval nor disapproval. 对此,王守哲不置可否。 If purely inquisition by torture, Wang Shouzhe knowledge surface is very rich, this direction assorted aspect of knowledge precipitation are many, after all the modern criminal investigation play, the spy play...... similar bridge section were too many . Moreover the method also very makes scientific. 若是纯粹将刑讯方面,王守哲的“知识”面还是很丰富的,这个方向杂七杂八的知识面沉淀较多,毕竟现代刑侦剧啊,间谍剧……类似的桥段太多了,而且手段还挺科学化的。 Does not have in this matter to be again puzzled, since seizes mission of fleeing criminal to complete, Lu Zhengjie led Wang Shouzhe to return to Yingxiu Lu Clan main house personally together. 也没再此事上多纠结,既然抓捕逃犯的任务已经完成,卢正杰亲自领着王守哲一起回了映秀卢氏主宅 Compared constructs main house in Shanyang Gongsun Clan in the halfway up the mountainside, quite had the impregnable potential. Yingxiu Lu Clan main house, then established on the Yingxiu Lake Zhongbandao, three surrounded by water and one man guards the pass. 相较于山阳公孙氏主宅建在了半山腰上,颇有固若金汤之势。映秀卢氏主宅,则是建立在了映秀湖中半岛上,三面环水而一夫当关。 Purely by the blood relationship, the relation of Wang Shouzhe and Lu Clan is very deep, will naturally obtain the entertainment of high specification in this him. 纯以血缘关系而言,王守哲卢氏的联系很深,在此他自然将得到了高规格的招待。 Has not passed through the gate, the wear red clothes young girl flushed, threw into the Wang Shouzhe bosom: Cousin Shouzhe, Xiaoxiao/smile is good to think you.” 还未进门,就有一个穿着红衣裳少女冲了出来,一头扎进了王守哲的怀里:“守哲表哥,笑笑好想你。” Lu Xiaoxiao! 卢笑笑 present age Patriarch Lu Zhengxiong in old age female, most is in favor. 当代族长卢正雄老来得女,最受宠爱。 But Wang Shouzhe has not spoken with enough time, hides in his behind Wang Luojing, suddenly held on his hand: Fourth Elder Brother, Jing'er is a little uncomfortable.” 王守哲还没来得及说话呢,躲在他身后的王珞静,突然拉住了他的手:“四哥哥,静儿有点不舒服。” Is uncomfortable? 不舒服? Wang Shouzhe stares, quickly draws her small hand concern saying: Luojing where is uncomfortable, is it possible that sleeps when the carriage......” 王守哲一愣,急忙拉着她小手关切道:“珞静哪里不舒服,莫非是在马车里睡觉时着……” The words saying half, actually discovered that the eyes of two young girl to, each other hostility not covered up slightly, sparks flying in all directions. 话才说了一半,却发现两个少女的眼睛对上了,彼此的敌意丝毫不加掩饰,火花四溅。 ...... ……
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