POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#30: Old Ancestor Mingsheng( asked recommendation ticket)

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...... …… Quick, Wang Shouzhe under the direction of maidservant, to the Lu Clan main house backyard, the place of Old Ancestor Mingsheng cultivation living in seclusion. 很快,王守哲就在侍女的指引下,到了卢氏主宅的后院,明升老祖修炼隐居之地。 Here borders on the Yingxiu Lake bank, stands tall and erect the grand garret to be able the less than half lake scenery to get a panoramic view, the lake breeze, the roaring, the fish dive, the bird cry, made here building integrate in the nature. 此处濒临映秀湖畔,高耸壮阔的阁楼能将小半湖景尽收眼底,湖风,涛声,鱼跃,鸟鸣,都让此处建筑融入到了自然之中。 Stands in named Yingxiu rise bright moonlight Before the garret, Wang Shouzhe cups the hands said: Ping'an Wang Clan Wang Shouzhe, seeks an interview Old Ancestor Mingsheng.” 站在名为【映秀升明月】的阁楼前,王守哲拱手道:“平安王氏王守哲,求见明升老祖。” Comes.” “进来。” A moderate sound, resounds in the Wang Shouzhe ear directly. 一个温和的声音,直接在王守哲耳边响起。 Wang Shouzhe entered according to the word, is stepping on the thick wooden table step the garret high level. Outside the garret window, a grey robe old man is turning away from Wang Shouzhe, he sits in the large round-backed wooden armchair, the correct use long fish line fishes in Yingxiu Lake. 王守哲依言而进,踩着厚实木台阶上了阁楼高层。阁楼窗户外,一位灰袍老者正背对着王守哲,他坐在太师椅中,正用长长的鱼线在映秀湖中钓鱼。 His stance is very optional, but with the Wang Shouzhe vision, actually cannot completely understand him, that seems like an unattainable mountain range, seems like lake that a woof is too deep to see the bottom. 他的姿态十分随意,但是以王守哲的眼光,却是丝毫看不透他,那就好像是一座高不可攀的山峦,又像是一汪深不见底的湖泊。 But side him, is actually a 12 or 13-year-old little girl who wears the red clothes, that Wang Shouzhe cousin Lu Xiaoxiao. She is staring Wang Shouzhe by appearance angrily, obviously also in vitality/angry. 而在他身旁,却是一个身穿红衣服的十二三岁小女孩儿,那正是王守哲的表妹卢笑笑。她正以气鼓鼓的模样瞪着王守哲,显然还在生气。 Great Grandfather, you said that Cousin Shouzhe is exasperating.” Lu Xiaoxiao honk the mouth was saying, why that surnamed Wang Younger Sister has the Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb, Xiaoxiao/smile does not have.” 曾爷爷,你说守哲表哥多气人。”卢笑笑嘟着嘴说,“凭什么那个姓王妹妹就有紫晶灵蜂蜂巢,笑笑却没有。” „......” Wang Shouzhe touches the nose not to know whether to laugh or cry, Xiaoxiao/smile this girl, but also really runs Old Ancestor here to consider Diao Zhuang. “呃……”王守哲摸了摸鼻子哭笑不得,笑笑这丫头,还真跑来老祖这里告刁状。 You said how I should teach your cousin? Your previous time added, you most liked Cousin Shouzhe.” The old man said spookily, now doesn't like?” “那你说我该怎么教训你表哥?你上次还说,你最喜欢守哲表哥了。”那老者幽幽地说道,“现在不喜欢了?” Likes, but mother said that Wang Family now the situation is not good, is short of money everywhere.” Lu Xiaoxiao is tilting the head said seriously, I think the cousin is certainly short of money very much, was inferior that Great Grandfather you give the cousin five hundred Qian gold, making him buy the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest to give to me to be good? Such Xiaoxiao/smile was not mad Cousin Shouzhe.” “喜欢啊,可母亲说王家现在情况不好,处处都缺钱。”卢笑笑歪着头一本正经地说,“我想表哥一定很缺钱,不如曾爷爷你给表哥五百乾金,让他买个紫晶灵蜂巢送给我好不好?这样笑笑就不生守哲表哥气了。” Why wants five hundred Qian gold?” The old men asked stunned, Great Grandfather remembered the ordinary Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb, on 200-300 Qian gold. Is it possible that now does the price soar unexpectedly hence?” “为什么要五百乾金?”老者错愕地问道,“曾爷爷记得普通的紫晶灵蜂蜂巢,也就200-300乾金。莫非,现在物价竟飞涨至此?” Cousin Shouzhe buys the honey-comb is very laborious.” 守哲表哥去买蜂巢也很辛苦的。” ! 噗! This saying makes Wang Shouzhe almost spurt the blood, this Lu Family cousin's logic also is really very powerful. In order to want a honey-comb, but also prepares to make Old Ancestor Mingsheng pay out of money. This saying could not listen again, immediately coughed two saying: Shouzhe has seen Old Ancestor Mingsheng.” 这话让王守哲差点喷血,这卢家表妹的逻辑还真是很强大。为了要个蜂巢,还准备让明升老祖倒贴钱。这话是再也听不下去了,当即咳嗽两声说:“守哲见过明升老祖。” Who would imagine, Old Ancestor Mingsheng has not responded Wang Shouzhe from the start, but continues to say with Lu Xiaoxiao: Your Cousin Shouzhe bought the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest for you, can you good Great Grandfather words of pleasant to hear?” 岂料,明升老祖压根就没搭理王守哲,而是继续和卢笑笑说道:“那你守哲表哥给你买了紫晶灵蜂巢,你能好好听曾爷爷话了吗?” Can!” Lu Xiaoxiao nods firmly. “能!”卢笑笑坚定地点了点头。 The Old Ancestor Mingsheng slight nod, turns around to smile to Wang Shouzhe, loses conveniently, several gold banknotes fly to him. 明升老祖微微点头,转身过来对王守哲笑了笑,随手一丢,几张金票向他飞来。 Wang Shouzhe quickly catches, fixes the eyes on looks, unexpectedly is five hundred Qian gold gold banknotes, is the whole face is stunned, this what happened? Is it possible that...... 王守哲急忙接住,定睛一看,竟然是五张一百乾金的金票,顿即是满脸错愕,这发生了什么事情?莫非…… Shouzhe, did you hear?” Old Ancestor Mingsheng that seems like only seems like on the faces of over 50 -year-old ages, revealed one to laugh happily, turn head gave you Cousin Xiaoxiao to buy the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest, surplus even your running about fee/spent.” 守哲,你听到了吗?”明升老祖那张看起来仅像是五十多岁年纪的脸上,露出了一丝戏笑,“回头给你笑笑表妹买个紫晶灵蜂巢,剩余的就算是你跑腿费了。” This, Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe drop of cold sweat, was busy at saying, this was not applicable absolutely, Cousin Xiaoxiao really liked the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest, I found the way to buy one am.” “这个,老祖。”王守哲一滴冷汗,忙说,“这个万万使不得,笑笑表妹真喜欢紫晶灵蜂巢,我想办法去买一个就是。” Ok, what scene now your Wang Clan is, your wasn't oneself clear?” Old Ancestor Mingsheng does not beckon with the hand to say patiently, these Qian gold first take, arranged some cultivation resources, the Amethyst Spirit Bee nest you facilitates on hand said again.” “行了,现在你们王氏是个什么光景,你自己不清楚吗?”明升老祖不耐烦地摆手道,“这些乾金先拿着,多筹备些修炼资源,紫晶灵蜂巢等你手头方便了再说。” In Wang Shouzhe heart slightly one warm, cups the hands said: Many thanks Old Ancestor support.” Was Old Ancestor Mingsheng intends to support his Great Grandson evidently, naturally was not immediately artificial, money Shou said again. 王守哲心中微微一暖,拱手说:“多谢老祖支援。”看样子是明升老祖有意扶持他这个曾外孙了,当即自然也不矫情,钱收了再说。 Thanked your Cousin Xiaoxiao.” Old Ancestor Mingsheng said with a smile, could not withstand her to pester, the old man did not give up this Qian gold.” To Lu Clan, entire five hundred Qian gold are not a small number, after removing various huge expenses, one year is also not necessarily able to accumulate this number. “谢你笑笑表妹吧。”明升老祖笑道,“要不是顶不住她纠缠,老夫也舍不得这乾金。”对卢氏来说,整整五百乾金也不是个小数目,除掉各种庞大的开销后,一年也未必能攒下这个数字。 Many thanks Cousin Xiaoxiao.” Wang Shouzhe is also cups the hands said. “多谢笑笑表妹。”王守哲也是拱手道。 Snort.” Lu Xiaoxiao do not go excessively, tender snort/hum, seems not willing to manage him. “哼。”卢笑笑别过头去,娇哼一声,仿佛不肯理他。 Xiaoxiao/smile, you may probably make every effort to succeed, must by that Spirit Insect Master small Miss being inferior none who does not.” Nearby Old Ancestor Mingsheng instigation said that „, if you can learn/study together successfully Array Master, becomes first stage Array Master, takes care of your Cousin Shouzhe to hold in high esteem to you.” 笑笑啊,你可要争气,莫不要被那个灵虫师姑娘给比下去。”一旁的明升老祖“挑拨”说,“若是你能将阵法师一道学习成功,成为一阶阵法师的话,保管你守哲表哥对你刮目相看。” Array Master?” 阵法师?” Wang Shouzhe said surprised: Old Ancestor, is it possible that does Cousin Xiaoxiao have to study array talent?” 王守哲吃惊道:“老祖,莫非笑笑表妹有学阵法天赋?” What's wrong, your Wang Clan has Spirit Insect Master on permits, actually doesn't permit our Lu Clan to have Array Master?” The Old Ancestor Mingsheng faint smile said. “怎么,就许你王氏出个灵虫师,却不准我们卢氏出个阵法师?”明升老祖似笑非笑地说。 Wang Shouzhe forehead drop of cold sweat: Old Ancestor I am not this meaning, is a little surprised, congratulates Old Ancestor, congratulates Cousin Xiaoxiao.” 王守哲额头一滴冷汗:“老祖我不是这个意思,就是有点儿惊讶,恭喜老祖,恭喜笑笑表妹。” In the heart is actually sighing with emotion, this talent was really is very together difficult saying that he remembers vaguely Lu Xiaoxiao «Nine Chapters Calculate after» studied pulpy, can have array talent unexpectedly...... 心中却是在感慨,这天赋一道还真是很难说得准,他依稀记得卢笑笑的《九章算经》都学得稀烂,竟然还能有阵法天赋…… Great Grandfather, I will certainly try hard from now on, was no longer loaf.” Lu Xiaoxiao said obediently, turn head waits for me to become first stage Array Master, irritates that what Spirit Insect Master small girl, did not make Cousin Shouzhe look down on absolutely.” 曾爷爷,从今往后我一定会努力的,不再偷懒了。”卢笑笑乖乖地说道,“回头等我成为一阶阵法师,气死那个什么灵虫师小丫头,也绝对不让守哲表哥小瞧了。” Has lofty ideals, this looks like my Lu Mingsheng great-granddaughter, comes, we first build the foundation, turn head Great Grandfather leads you to acknowledge as teacher.” Old Ancestor Mingsheng is benign to Lu Xiaoxiao, actually waves to Wang Shouzhe at will, Shouzhe, you should be busy at anything being busy at anything.” “有志气,这才像我卢明升的曾孙女,来来,咱们先打好基础,回头曾爷爷带你去拜师。”明升老祖卢笑笑和颜悦色,却对王守哲随意地挥了挥手,“守哲,你该忙什么去忙什么吧。” Was this sentiment treated as the tool person? 这感情是被当作工具人了啊? Wang Shouzhe is secretly speechless, when a tool person has five hundred Qian gold, when many time he wants. Moreover Lu Xiaoxiao has array talent, that is a big good deed, that is his double closely related blood relation cousin, the both sides blood relationship is intimate. 王守哲暗自无语,不过当一下工具人就有五百乾金,当多少次他都愿意。而且卢笑笑阵法天赋,那可是一桩大好事,那可是他的双嫡血亲表妹,双方血缘关系非常亲近。 However sees Old Ancestor Mingsheng rarely time, Wang Shouzhe does not want easily to waste the opportunity, immediately cups the hands asked: Old Ancestor, Shouzhe has several obscure places on cultivation, hopes that you can direct.” 不过难得见一次明升老祖,王守哲也不想就这么轻易浪费机会,当即拱手问道:“老祖,守哲修炼上有几个晦涩的地方,希望您能指点一下。” Brat, do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch.” Old Ancestor Mingsheng foamed with rage saying that your family Old Ancestor Longyan was experienced, did you have a need for me instructing?” “臭小子,你别得寸进尺。”明升老祖吹胡子瞪眼说,“你家珑烟老祖见多识广,你还用得着我来指导?” Is enlightened from listening to both sides.” Wang Shouzhe laughed foolishly said, had the opportunity to verify in every way, to boy the road of Spirit Platform was quite good. I looked that Old Ancestor here environment is good, cultivation decides however ten thousand li in a day......” “兼听则明嘛。”王守哲憨笑说,“有机会多方印证一下,对小子的灵台之路颇有好处。我看老祖这里环境不错,修炼起来定然一日千里……” He exhibited Old Ancestor Mingsheng , if not willing to direct, the rascal stance of not walking. As the junior, played the rascal absolutely not to have the issue to once the maternal grandfather. 他摆出了一幅明升老祖若是不肯指点,就不走了的无赖架势。身为小辈,对曾外祖父耍一下无赖完全没有问题。 okay okay, you have what issue to hurry to ask, asked hurried, do not disturb old man quiet cultivation.” Helpless Old Ancestor Mingsheng said. 行行行,你有什么问题赶紧问,问完了赶紧走,别打扰老夫清修。”明升老祖无奈道。 Wang Shouzhe is too busy to prepare good issue one after another to throw. 王守哲忙不迭将准备好的问题一个个抛出来。 Old Ancestor Mingsheng in fact is also the surface shuts out, regarding the cultivation issue that Wang Shouzhe asked not possible careless, after was one by one considers, replied. Who would imagine, was asking is asking, the Wang Shouzhe issue gradually is cunning, even after even Old Ancestor Mingsheng still needs to ponder over carefully, can answer. 明升老祖实际上也就是表面嫌弃而已,对于王守哲提出的修炼问题自不可能马虎,均是一一思量后回答。岂料,问着问着,王守哲的问题就逐渐刁钻起来,即便连明升老祖也需要仔细琢磨后才能答出。 Before passing through Wang Shouzhe, that is a puzzle, only knows voluntarily cultivation, sometimes suppressed many issues not to dare to go to ask for advice with Old Ancestor Longyan. However present Wang Shouzhe is actually under completely different, modern earthman's thought influences, saved many cultivation issues from various different angles. 被穿越前的王守哲,那是一个闷葫芦,只知道自行修炼,有时候憋了很多问题都不敢去和珑烟老祖讨教。但是现在的王守哲却是完全不同,现代地球人的思维影响下,从各种不同角度积攒了不少修炼问题。 This is the aristocratic family juniors and wandering cultivator difference in it one, having clan senior can dispel doubt the direction. 这就是世家子弟和散修的区别所在之一,有家族长辈可以解惑指点。 Brat, similar, Old Ancestor I also want cultivation.” After first even/including two multi- double-hour, Old Ancestor Mingsheng was the big feeling cannot endure. Where this boy comes so many strange issues, if were asked again by him, feared must unable to answer. “臭小子,差不多了啊,老祖我也是要修炼的。”一连两个多时辰后,明升老祖也是大感吃不消了。这小子哪来那么多稀奇古怪的问题,要是再被他这么问下去,怕是要答不上来了。 Thing that does not understand, he cannot make up wild stories one, if had problems to harm the later generation? 对于不了解的东西,他总不能胡诌一番吧,要是出问题岂不是害了后辈? Could not withstand really! 着实顶不住了! Lu Xiaoxiao still puts on airs to listen in side from the beginning, may more hear more did not understand with afterward bored, listened to listen to lie in the one side falls asleep. 卢笑笑一开始还在旁边装模作样听着,可越听到后来越是不懂和无聊,听着听着就趴在一旁睡着了。 Many thanks Old Ancestor dispels doubt, Shouzhe is really universality of contradictions.” Wang Shouzhe also quits when you're ahead, sets out cups the hands saying that boy will wish Old Ancestor soon profound art great accomplishment, will be promoted with all attendant honor Celestial/heaven and man.” “多谢老祖解惑,守哲真是茅塞顿开。”王守哲也是见好就收,起身拱手道,“小子祝老祖早日玄功大成,荣升天人。” This saying very said Old Ancestor Mingsheng is happy, although he still on going to the Spirit Platform intermediate stage path limping vanguard, but builds Spirit Platform Boundary generally, which also there is not to go a step further? 这话说得明升老祖还是挺开心的,虽说他还在前往灵台中期的道路上蹒跚前行,但是大凡修成灵台境的,又有哪一个不想更进一步的? Must know that under Spirit Platform Boundary is a mortal, the life at most is about hundred years. After building Spirit Platform Boundary, then can prolong life one time, the life limit is 200 years old. This also why Spirit Platform Boundary is called Old Ancestor, because they live are living, will discover that oneself heir juniors one after another died in front of oneself. 要知道灵台境下皆是凡人,寿元至多不过百载。修成灵台境后,便能延寿一倍,寿元极限达到两百岁。这也是为何灵台境被称作为老祖,因为他们活着活着,就会发现自己的子嗣小辈们一个个都是死在了自己前面。 ...... ……
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