POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#25: Shanyang is small spirit seed( asked PP)

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...... …… What good does Shanyin Liu Clan have?” The Chen Clan whisper said, one after another eyes on the top of one's head, the schemes and tricks are unceasing. According to me said......” 山阴柳氏有什么好?”陈氏嘀咕不已道,“一个个眼高于顶,阴谋诡计不断。按我说……” Shanyin Liu Clan and Shanyang Gongsun Clan, is only separated by Dragon Spine Mountain, but in Dragon Spine Mountain the rich resources have the minerals, two ordinary friction are many, the relations naturally are far harmoniously. 山阴柳氏山阳公孙氏,仅相隔一座龙脊山,而龙脊山内资源丰富又有矿产,两家平常摩擦还是较多的,关系自然谈不上融洽。 Sufficed! Did your old woman, marrying of Wang Clan and Liu Clan, how could you discuss carelessly?” Gongsun Mo could not sit still again, quickly sets out to exclaim, Gongsun Qiang, holds your mother to go back to rest, I and some Shouzhe also words must say.” “够了!你这老太,王氏柳氏的联姻,你岂能胡乱议论?”公孙墨再也坐不住了,急忙起身吼道,“公孙锵,扶你母亲回去休息,我与守哲还有些话要说。” Gongsun Qiang rushes still to hold in the verbose old woman, but Gongsun Hui also said: Zhe'er, you accompany the maternal grandfather to chat well, I first went to and mother speak the little while words.” 公孙锵赶忙将还在絮絮叨叨的老太扶着走,而公孙蕙也说:“哲儿,你陪外祖父好好聊一聊,我先去和母亲说会儿话。” The goal that Gongsun Hui is an intermediary today has been achieved, participates in the talk of Gongsun Mo and Wang Shouzhe by her status is instead improper, then she pulls the Wang Luojing small hand to leave together. 公孙蕙今天穿针引线的目的已经达到,以她的身份参与公孙墨王守哲的谈话反而不妥,然后她就牵着王珞静的小手一同离开。 After the person walk, Wang Shouzhe salutes to say to Gongsun Mo cups the hands: Shouzhe pays a visit the maternal grandfather.” 等人都走后,王守哲才对公孙墨拱手行礼道:“守哲拜见外祖父。” Zhe'er is overly courteous, comes, tastes your maternal grandfather personally planter spirit tea.” The arrival of Gongsun Mo to Wang Shouzhe is prepared early, immediately assigns/life the person to offer spirit tea spirit fruit. 哲儿无需多礼,来来,尝一尝你外祖父亲手种植的灵茶。”公孙墨王守哲的到来早有准备,当即命人奉上灵茶灵果 spirit tea spirit fruit in profound warrior aristocratic family is the luxury goods, must depend upon spirit field to plant, but spirit field is each clan important strategic resource. Gongsun Mo also planted several mu spirit field spirit tea spirit fruit respectively, specifically is used to entertain the honored guest. 灵茶灵果玄武世家都是奢侈品,必须依靠灵田才能种植,而灵田又是每个家族重要的战略性资源。公孙墨也不过是各种了数亩灵田灵茶灵果,专门用来招待贵客。 As for Ping'an Wang Clan, is only left over these spirit field to plant White Jade Spirit Rice at present, the insufficient clansman consumes, naturally cannot bring to plant the economic efficiency ratio, quite bad spirit tea spirit fruit. 至于平安王氏,目前仅剩下那些灵田种植白玉灵米,都不够族人消耗的,自然不会拿来种植经济效益比,比较差的灵茶灵果 Many thanks maternal grandfather.” Has spirit tea and spirit fruit enjoys, Wang Shouzhe naturally cannot be polite, immediately after sitting down, starts to enjoy. “多谢外祖父。”有灵茶灵果享用,王守哲自然不会客气,当即坐下后开始享用起来。 In teacup that the spirit jade carves, the dark brown is ruddy, the delicate fragrance greets the nostrils, heard that makes people completely relaxed. Sipped one to get down, flooded the tooth cavity slightly bitterly and astringently, however among next instant, a cool meaning straight sufficient forehead, making Wang Shouzhe suddenly feel refreshing, some obscure gloomy mood thoughts swept away. 灵玉雕琢的茶杯内,茶色红润,幽香扑鼻,闻之就让人心旷神怡。抿了一口下去,微微苦涩充斥齿腔,然而下一瞬间,一股清凉之意直充脑门,让王守哲顿觉神清气爽,些许晦涩阴郁的情绪念头一扫而空。 Good tea.” Wang Shouzhe could not bear approve one, this spirit tea was mellow, tastes long. And is helpful to calmly, washes actually in the heart the distracting thoughts.” “好茶。”王守哲忍不住赞了一声,“此灵茶醇厚芬芳,回味悠长。且有助于静气凝神,洗却心中杂念。” Haha, never expected that Zhe'er also understands the person of tea.” The Gongsun Mo old bosom comforts, suddenly feels the pearl not to throw secretly, happily said that „when this tea named Shanyang small spirit seed, was my young plants in the open country spirit tea tea that the Dragon Spine Mountain deep place discovered accidentally, after dozens years of devoted cultivation, every year can stabilize now delivers more than one jin (0.5 kg), was including the family two Ancestor also quite likes. Like this, I am uniform every year you 12.” “哈哈,没想到哲儿也是懂茶之人。”公孙墨老怀宽慰,顿觉明珠没有暗投,得意地介绍说,“此茶名为山阳灵种,是我年轻之时在龙脊山深处无意中发现的野外灵茶茶种,经过数十年的悉心栽培,如今每年能够稳定产出一斤多了,便是连家里两位老祖宗也颇为喜欢。这样吧,我每年匀你一两。” When mentioned uniform 12, the Gongsun Mo corners of the mouth cannot perceive that pulled out pulling out, obviously somewhat loved dearly. Also is no wonder, plants spirit tea not compared with White Jade Spirit Rice, on the tea with Earth does not plant general, can plant densely and numerously. 说起匀一两时,公孙墨嘴角不可觉察地抽了抽,显然有些心疼。也是难怪,种灵茶可不比白玉灵米,更不是和地球上的茶种一般,能够种得密密麻麻。 Often in one mu spirit field, can cultivate several spirit tea merely, moreover in the draw the careful and intensive cultivation of day and maintained essentially. It picks, kneading, fermentation and other crafts are also quite tasteful. 往往一亩灵田中,仅仅能栽培数棵灵茶,而且平里日的精耕细作和维护必不可少。其采摘,揉捻,发酵等工艺也极为讲究。 Therefore, even if one or two spirit tea costs is high. 因此,哪怕是一两灵茶的成本非常高。 Many thanks the maternal grandfather, Zhe'er was actually disrespectful.” Wang Shouzhe knows that Gongsun Mo intends to support him, naturally cannot refuse. “多谢外祖父,哲儿就却之不恭了。”王守哲知道公孙墨有意在扶持他,自然不会推却。 In present Wang Clan, only then his Wang Shouzhe was worth Gongsun Mo investing, married Wang Dingyue to do to remarry initially general the daughter like Gongsun Mo. If some day, Wang Shouzhe can promote Spirit Platform Boundary, definitely will be reading this fragrant state. 如今的王氏中,也就只有他王守哲值得公孙墨投资了,就像公孙墨当初将女儿嫁给王定岳做续弦一般。若是有朝一日,王守哲能晋升到灵台境,必然会念着这份香火情。 What is more important, Mr. and Mrs. Gongsun Mo love Gongsun Hui. But Wang Shouzhe is the Gongsun Hui son of first wife, it can be said that she in the Wang Clan future dependence, therefore looks in the daughter face, Gongsun Mo will also find the way to squeeze out resources, supports cheap grandchild Wang Shouzhe. 更重要的是,公孙墨夫妇都十分疼爱公孙蕙。而王守哲又是公孙蕙的嫡子,可以说是她在王氏未来的依靠,因此看在女儿面子上,公孙墨也会想办法挤出点资源,去扶持一下便宜外孙王守哲 Naturally, all these establish in the Wang Shouzhe potential are good, in addition relates in the mother loving and son filial share with Gongsun Hui. 当然,这一切都建立在王守哲本身潜力不错,加上与公孙蕙关系母慈子孝的份上。 If Wang Shouzhe is not not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth supercilious look wolf, Gongsun Mo is naturally disinclined to respond. If the Wang Clan thorough deterioration, at the worst meets Gongsun Clan the daughter and granddaughter. 倘若王守哲是个不知天高地厚的白眼狼,公孙墨自然懒得搭理。若是王氏彻底衰败,大不了将女儿和外孙女接回公孙氏 After two people one exchanged greetings, this entered the subject. 两人一番寒暄后,这才进入正题。 After Gongsun Mo drank tea, the expression enforced gradually: Zhe'er, after this morning receives you letter that sends people to send, I originally still some anxieties. Afterward kisses/intimate the village to inspect, as well as in the agriculture and sericulture expert after the clan exchanges finally determined. This time as you said that indeed may have the honey insect plague, feared reduces production over 60% compared with last year. Zhe'er, in this old man representative Gongsun Clan......” 公孙墨喝了一盏茶后,表情渐渐严肃了起来:“哲儿,今早收到你派人送来的信件后,我原本尚有一些疑虑。随后亲上农庄去查验,以及与族内农桑老手交流后才最终确定。此番如你所说,的确有可能发生蜜虫灾,恐比去岁减产六成以上。哲儿,在此老夫代表公孙氏……” Maternal grandfather, the words of such looking on as an outsider let alone.” Wang Shouzhe hits to block the way, „, even if I do not sound the early warning, at the eruption speed of two days honey insect, various clan was short , then today, then late bright the day after tomorrow, will have a vigilance inevitably.” “外祖父,此等见外之话就别说了。”王守哲打断道,“即便我不发出预警,以这两天蜜虫的爆发速度,各家族短则今天,迟则明后日,必然都会有所警觉。” Ophid indication from the beginning is not obvious, every year will more or less come under the ophid influence on reduce production. Therefore from the beginning presents some ophids, the peasant household will become accustomed. But once erupts, will bury the aphis ovum in earth will crawl extremely in a short time, will hit person one to be caught off guard. 蚜虫一开始的征兆并不明显,每年或多或少都会受到蚜虫影响而减产。因此一开始出现些蚜虫,农户都会习以为常。可一旦爆发起来,埋在土里的蚜虫卵会在极短时间内爬出,打得人一个措手不及。 This word erroneous.” Gongsun Mo shook the head saying that my Shanyang Gongsun Clan altogether had 16,000 mu good farmland, this season winter wheat crop by each mu 15 big copper computations, was 240,000 big copper, converting Qian gold was 2400 hundred Qian gold. Now the honey insect erupts initial stage, even little reduces production 20%, that still recalled the losses of 400-500 Qian gold. Let alone, I also listen to you to arrange, ahead of schedule sent the clansman and Family Guard walks into the mountain to seize Lacewing Insect and Nine Stars Insect.” “此言谬矣。”公孙墨摇头说,“我山阳公孙氏自身共有一万六千亩良田,此季冬麦收成以每亩十五个大铜计算,便是二十四万大铜,换算成乾金为两千四百乾金。如今正是蜜虫爆发初期,即便少减产20%,那也是挽回了400-500乾金的损失。更何况,我还听你安排,提早派遣族人和家将进山抓捕草蛉虫九星虫了。” Lacewing Insect, Nine Stars Insect, even if Insect King eventually is also only every thing, even first stage spirit insect is far from, ordinary basic no one will pay attention. In the Shanyang remote mountain, can collect some at least. 草蛉虫,九星虫,哪怕是虫王终究还只是凡物,连一阶灵虫都谈不上,平常基本没有人会去关注。山阳一带的深山里,起码还是能搜罗到一些的。 two people is speaking, then before having Family Guard, your letter report, seizing first batch of Lacewing Insect and Nine Stars Insect have returned. 两人正说话间,便有家将前来禀报,抓捕的第一批草蛉虫九星虫已经送回。 In view of this, that matter cannot be delayed, asking the maternal grandfather to dispatch trusted aide Family Guard to travel together with us together.” Wang Shouzhe sets out saying that disaster relief like the fire fighting, the least bit cannot delay.” “既如此,那就事不宜迟,请外祖父派遣心腹家将与我们一道同行。”王守哲起身道,“救灾如救火,半点不能耽搁。” Quick, the maidservant went to Gongsun Hui and Wang Luojing called, is riding a horse goes to a Gongsun Clan biggest village together, that was a giant village, had 7000 mu good farmland. 很快,侍女就去把公孙蕙王珞静叫了回来,骑着马一同前往公孙氏最大的一个农庄,那是一个巨型农庄,足足有七千亩良田 Obviously now the Shanyang Gongsun Clan background, is ultra Ping'an Wang Clan. 可见如今山阳公孙氏的底蕴,是远超平安王氏 The tenant farmers in entire village have been operating crazily, they use the traditional vegetation lixivium, mixes in the double dosage again Insect Exterminating Powder in the deinsectization. So operation, effect actually also good, if they have enough many Insect Exterminating Powder, as if can also contain the eruption of this insect plague. 整个农庄的佃农们都已经疯狂运作着,他们用传统的草木灰汁,再掺入双倍剂量的灭虫散在灭虫。如此操作,效果倒是还不错,如果他们有足够多的灭虫散,似乎也能遏制住此次虫灾的爆发。 Pitifully only Gongsun Clan stored up few Insect Exterminating Powder merely, futile attempt was hard to control the general situation. 只可惜公孙氏仅仅囤积了少量的灭虫散,杯水车薪难以控制大局。 Fourth Elder Brother ~ Wang Luojing spent more than double-hour time, domesticated three Lacewing Insect King, Nine Stars Insect King, the spirit seems very exhausted, „, because the time is extremely tight, these Insect King can only tame simply, can direct them to act reluctantly, lets Family Guard releases wild Lacewing Insect and Nine Stars Insect.” 四哥哥~王珞静花了一个多时辰时间,驯化了三只草蛉虫王,一只九星虫王,精神显得非常疲惫,“因为时间太过仓促,这些虫王只能简单驯服一下,勉强可以指挥它们行动,让家将们把野生草蛉虫九星虫都释放出来。” Luojing, was really laborious you.” Wang Shouzhe somewhat loved dearly touched her head, pulled out spirit fruit that just took conveniently from the bosom, you first stimulated, the disaster relief could not delay eventually.” 珞静,真是辛苦你了。”王守哲有些心疼地抚摸了一下她的脑袋,从怀里掏出了刚顺手拿的灵果,“你先提提神,救灾终究耽搁不得。” Fourth Elder Brother you felt relieved.” Wang Luojing nodded cleverly, after eating spirit fruit , the physical strength restored much, „, so long as can control Insect King, these Lacewing Insect and Nine Stars Insect will not run all over the place. However wants to make them go to convene the bug, then flies is not good.” 四哥哥你放心。”王珞静乖巧地点头,吃了灵果后体力恢复了不少,“只要能控制住虫王,那些草蛉虫九星虫都不会乱跑的。但是想让它们去自行召集小虫,然后再飞回来就不行。” Afterward, Wang Luojing according to the bottle gourd picture wooden scoop, is directing Insect King and insect reluctantly, entered in that several thousand mu wheat field. One tosses about, the weather is black. 随后,王珞静依葫芦画瓢,勉强指挥着虫王与虫子,进入到了那数千亩的麦田之中。一番折腾下来,天色已经黑了。 At this time, Gongsun Mo arrives at the scene, but also brought the female cooks and many spirit food, the scene cooking coming out dinner, tidied up a room in this village, Patriarch and Young Patriarch, as well as a clansman and his wife Wang Liuyu named Gongsun Zhong was invited along. 此时,公孙墨亲临现场,还带来了厨娘和不少灵食,现场烹饪出来晚餐,就在这农庄内收拾出了一间房,族长少族长,以及一名叫公孙钟的族人和其妻子王琉玉作陪。 Wang Liuyu is the Wang Clan clansman, this time she must have 40 years old, because maintains well appears, only then 30 over appearances, seems like good that the day passes from her clothes. 王琉玉王氏族人,此时的她应当有四十岁了,但因为保养不错而显得只有三十出头的模样,从她的穿着打扮看起来日子过的不错。 Shouzhe has seen Third Aunt, Third Uncle.” Wang Shouzhe first is cups the hands salutes. 守哲见过三姑姑,三姑父。”王守哲先是拱手行礼。 This, this, Shouzhe was overly courteous.” Gongsun Zhong looks is quite rough and work-soiled, it is said works in Gongsun Clan in the mine host, in the parallel veins clansman the position is not low, is only the individuality is quite simple is simple-hearted unsocial. “这个,这个,守哲多礼了。”公孙钟长得比较粗黑,据说是在公孙家族的矿山里主持工作,直脉族人中地位不低,只是个性较为朴实木讷不善交际。 Wang Liuyu also returns salute again and again, appears respects to Wang Shouzhe. Although her rank is longer than a generation Wang Shouzhe, but Wang Shouzhe but orthodox lineage, Wang Clan Patriarch. 王琉玉也是连连还礼,显得对王守哲非常敬重。虽然她的辈分比王守哲长一辈,但是王守哲可是嫡脉,王氏族长 Wang Luojing threw the Wang Liuyu bosom actually all of a sudden, is calling sweetly: Aunt.” 倒是王珞静一下子扑到了王琉玉怀里,甜滋滋地叫着:“姑姑。” Compares in the blood relationship, the Wang Liuyu Fourth Elderly Gentleman Wang Xiaozhi second daughter. Also is Wang Luojing proper own Aunt, relating the nature is affectionate. 相比于血缘关系,王琉玉正是四老太爷王宵志的次女。也是王珞静正经的亲姑姑,关系自然亲昵。 ...... ……
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